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This paper reviews current knowledge of the potential impacts of climate change on water resources in Africa and the possible limits, barriers or opportunities for adaptation to climate change in internationally-shared river basins. Africa faces significant challenges to water resources management in the form of high variability and regional scarcity, set within the context of generally weak institutional capacity. Management is further challenged by the transboundary nature of many of its river basins. Climate change, despite uncertainty about the detail of its impacts on water resources, is likely to exacerbate many of these challenges. River basins, and the riparian states that share them, differ in their capacities to adapt. Without appropriate cooperation adaptation may be limited and uneven. Further research to examine the factors and processes that are important for cooperation to lead to positive adaptation outcomes and the increased adaptive capacity of water management institutions is suggested.  相似文献   

Résumé L'eau de consommation délivrée actuellement à la population genevoise et d'une richesse en germes nettement plus élevée que celle délivrée en 1893. L'augmentation du nombre des microorganismes est due, avant tout, à la pollution des canalisations dans lesquelles le plancton mort sert de substrat nutritif aux bactéries et leur permet de se multiplier dans l'eau des conduites.
Zusammenfassung Das Trinkwasser der Stadt Genf weist heute eine auffallend h?here Keimzahl auf als im Jahr 1893. Dies ist auf die Verschmutzung der Kanalisationen zurückzuführen. In ihnen finden die Bakterien im abgestorbenen Plankton ein günstiges N?hrsubstrat, so da? sie sich in den Wasserleitungen vermehren.


The main objective of this study is to compare the seasonality of selected precipitation and runoff characteristics in Austria and Slovakia. Monthly seasonality indices are analysed to interpret the long-term climatic behaviour, while the seasonality of extremes is analysed to understand flood occurrence. The analysis is based on mean monthly precipitation data at 555 (Austria) and 202 (Slovakia) stations, annual maximum daily precipitation at 520 (Austria) and 56 (Slovakia) stations, and mean monthly runoff and annual maximum floods at 258 (Austria) and 85 (Slovakia) gauging stations. The results suggest that the seasonality of the selected hydrological characteristics is an important indicator of flood processes, but varies considerably in space. The seasonality of extreme flood events and, hence flood processes, tends to change with the flood magnitude. This change is more pronounced in the lowland and hilly regions than it is in the mountains. Both in Austria and Slovakia, decades of flood seasonality exist.  相似文献   


The transport of sediment load in rivers is important with respect to pollution, channel navigability, reservoir filling, longevity of hydroelectric equipment, fish habitat, river aesthetics and scientific interest. However, conventional sediment rating curves cannot estimate sediment load accurately. An adaptive neuro-fuzzy technique is investigated for its ability to improve the accuracy of the streamflow—suspended sediment rating curve for daily suspended sediment estimation. The daily streamflow and suspended sediment data for four stations in the Black Sea region of Turkey are used as case studies. A comparison is made between the estimates provided by the neuro-fuzzy model and those of the following models: radial basis neural network (RBNN), feed-forward neural network (FFNN), generalized regression neural network (GRNN), multi-linear regression (MLR) and sediment rating curve (SRC). Comparison of results reveals that the neuro-fuzzy model, in general, gives better estimates than the other techniques. Among the neural network techniques, the RBNN is found to perform better than the FFNN and GRNN.  相似文献   


A study was carried out to investigate the use of the chloride profile method in conjunction with the water balance method to estimate the annual groundwater recharge in both natural and irrigation sites in Luanjing Irrigation Area, Inner Mongolia. Groundwater recharge from precipitation, estimated by the chloride profile method, is less than 0.1 mm year?1 which accounts for just 0.06% of the long-term average annual rainfall, indicating that rainfall presently plays a minor role in the groundwater recharge. It appears that recharge events only occurred after heavy rain or sustained rainfall events. In the cropped area, the chloride profile method indicated that the average annual recharge is 268 mm year?1 with an infiltration rate of 32.5%, which is reasonably consistent with the 33.1% obtained by the water balance method in 2007. The study shows that about one third of that water is discharged back to the groundwater.  相似文献   

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