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建立中国城市的实体地域概念   总被引:91,自引:2,他引:91  
周一星  史育龙 《地理学报》1995,50(4):289-301
本文总结了我国在城市的行政地域与景观地域严重背离的情况下,继续使用行政地域区分城乡的种种弊端,认为解决这一问题于关键在于建立适合中国特点又具有国际可比性的城市实体地域概念,以此作为城乡划分及统计的地域基础,文章提出以下限人口规模、非农化水平和人口密度三个指标定义城市实体地域,并在大量实证研究的基础上,通过对中国城市空间形态的分类,提出了一套完整的划分实体地域的方法和工作程序。  相似文献   

转型期广州市居住迁移影响因素于户籍之间的比较   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
刘望保  闫小培 《地理研究》2007,26(5):1055-1066
住房制度改革以来,中国城市居住迁移率大规模增加,成为城市重构和社会空间分异的基础动力。利用生命历程理论,通过家庭问卷调查,本文使用事件史模型动态地模拟了居住迁移,并比较外来人口与本地人口居住迁移影响因素的差异。整体来看,1980年以来年均居住迁移率呈上升趋势,外来人口的年均居住迁移率要比本地人口高。住房性质、婚姻变化、工作变动、居住区位和年份等变量都显著影响居住迁移,反映了住房制度改革、住房市场和分配环境、家庭生命周期等因素对居住迁移的影响;但影响程度户籍间的差异明显,工作地区位的变动导致通勤成本的变化是外来人口居住迁移的最显著影响因子,而家庭生命周期和住房特征变量是本地人口居住迁移的最显著影响变量,反映了两者之间的本质差别。居住区位对本地人口的居住迁移影响显著,内圈层居民的迁移率相对较低,而居住区位变量对外来人口的影响相对较弱。  相似文献   

促进城中村本地人口与外来人口之间的社区融合是广州市城市发展需要解决的重要任务之一,休闲空间为社区居民提供了社会交往场所,理应成为促进社区融合的重要工具。广州市外来人口集中分布在“城中村”里,本文以广州市典型的“城中村”石牌村为例,通过广泛而深入的社会调查,试图分析“城中村”休闲空间建设在促进本地人口和外来人口之间的社区融合方面所起的作用。调研结果显示,“城中村”休闲设施建设有效地促进了本地人口内部和外来人口内部的社会融合,但由于各种制度约束和本地人口与外来人口心理和行为的差异等因素的影响,这些设施建设在促进外来人口与本地人口之间的社会融合等方面并未起到多大作用。因此,地方政府应加大“城中村”社区休闲设施建设,营造和谐的社区环境,同时大力提倡多元文化的并存发展,消除外来人口和本地人口之间的隔阂,让休闲场所真正成为促进本地人口与外地人口社会交往与社区融合的重要手段。  相似文献   

"The island of Mauritius was facing a crisis by the 1950s as the relationship between its population and resources became unbalanced....A two-pronged strategy was set in place to change the relationship between population and resources. Firstly, an aggressive family-planning policy was established, reducing population growth. Secondly, the economy was diversified with tourism, financial services and, especially, manufacturing in the Mauritius Export Processing Zone, creating extra finance and resources. The changes have not been cost-free but Mauritius ends the century, not as a classic case of overpopulation, but more [as] a model micro-state that has overcome many population and resource problems, largely through its own efforts."  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a comparative spatial analysis of the regions of the Russian Federation in the context of the concept of a green economy with the use of two quantitative factors that characterize the well-being of the population: the payroll fund and the total wage fund and own revenues of the regional budgets per capita. The key environmental and economic indicators used in this study are the indicators of eco-intensity for regional economic systems. They show the particular negative impact on the environment “produced” by the regional economy per unit of economic result. The following characteristics of the region’s socio-ecological system are considered: the volume of atmospheric pollutant emissions in terms of 1000 rubles of the regional payroll fund and in terms of 1000 rubles of own income to regional budgets. The study revealed a high degree of heterogeneity of Russia’s regions in socio-environmental characteristics. It is shown that not only does the population of many natural resource and industrial regions live in conditions of increased anthropogenic pressure (both total and specific), but it also is not provided with additional resources of “collective well-being” through its own budget income, in spite of the unfavorable ecological and natural conditions. It is concluded that carbon regulation aimed at developing a low-carbon economy should not focus on identical quantitative indicators for the whole country.  相似文献   

Public passenger transport services receive relatively little space in the literatures on rural transport in developing economies, which mostly focus on the provision, or socioeconomic impacts, of roads. The implication is either that rural people are able to purchase or have access to motorized transport – or that they can walk on thoroughfares intended for vehicles. Statistics from Indonesia show that a low proportion of rural households own motor vehicles, but that rural bus services have seen a substantial expansion since the late 1970s; however, the coverage of the rural population is not complete. Based on survey data from villages ( desa ) in West Java, Indonesia, this paper explores several issues with respect to bus operations and motorcycle taxi ( ojek ) services in rural areas: the nature of public passenger services, the users of those services and the nature of trips made.  相似文献   

Industrial, technological, and economic developments depend on the availability of metallic raw materials. As a greater fraction of the Earth’s population has become part of developed economies and as developed societies have become more affluent, the demand on metallic mineral resources has increased. Yet metallic minerals are non-renewable natural resources, the supply of which, even if unknown and potentially large, is finite. An analysis of historical extraction trends for eighteen metals, going back to the year 1900, demonstrates that demand of metallic raw materials has increased as a result of both increase in world population and increase in per-capita consumption. These eighteen metals can be arranged into four distinct groups, for each of which it is possible to identify a consistent pattern of per-capita demand as a function of time. These patterns can, in turn, be explained in terms of the industrial and technological applications, and in some cases conventional uses as well, of the metals in each group. Under the assumption that these patterns will continue into the future, and that world population will grow by no more than about 50% by the year 2100, one can estimate the amount of metallic raw materials that will be required to sustain the world’s economy throughout the twenty-first century. From the present until the year 2100, the world can be expected to require about one order of magnitude more metal than the total amount of metal that fueled technological and economic growth between the age of steam and the present day. For most of the metals considered here, this corresponds to 5–10 times the amount of metal contained in proven ore reserves. The two chief driving factors of this expected demand are growth in per-capita consumption and present-day absolute population numbers. World population is already so large that additional population growth makes only a small contribution to the expected future demand of metallic raw materials. It is not known whether or not the amount of metal required to sustain the world’s economy throughout this century exists in exploitable mineral resources. In the accompanying paper, I show that it is nevertheless possible to make statistical inferences about the size distribution of the mineral deposits that will need to be discovered and developed in order to satisfy the expected demand. Those results neither prove nor disprove that the needed resources exist but can be used to improve our understanding of the challenges facing future supply of metallic raw materials.  相似文献   

A consistent finding in the literature on Indigenous peoples is the importance of the sustainability of land, language and culture. All three are related, with the maintenance of one helping to protect the others. This paper uses a nationally representative, cross-sectional survey of the Indigenous Australian population to look at the factors associated with individual measures of sustainability. Geography matters for those in remote areas who are much more likely to have participated in hunting, fishing and gathering than those in non-remote areas and somewhat more likely to be learning an Indigenous language. However, those in remote areas are somewhat less likely to have participated in Indigenous cultural production. Participation in the mainstream economy is not necessarily a barrier to these aspects of wellbeing as those with high levels of formal education were more likely to speak, understand or be learning an Indigenous language. While important in their own right, such aspects of sustainability also have the potential to directly contribute to narrower measures of social and emotional wellbeing. A positive relationship was found between the sustainability of Indigenous land, language and culture and an Indigenous person's subjective emotional wellbeing.  相似文献   

林李月  朱宇  林坤 《地理研究》2022,41(7):1948-1962
在跨地区生计及其变迁的视角下,将流动人口在流入地和流出地城镇的住房状况有机结合,借助2016年中国流动人口动态监测调查数据和相匹配的城市特征数据,运用描述统计和多层次回归模型,探究流动人口城镇住房分层的特征及其影响因素。结果发现,流动人口的城镇住房已形成了一个从低到高依次由无城镇产权房、有城镇产权房(流出地或流入地城镇产权房)和多区域城镇产权房构成的“三阶四级式”的“金字塔型”结构。模型结果显示,流动人口个体及家庭的社会经济条件和流出地的区位禀赋是其实现城镇住房自有的重要基础和财务支撑,流入城市的经济发展水平、房价和城市规模仅对流入地和多区域城镇产权房有显著影响。因此,本文挑战了流动人口住房条件差的刻板印象,并吸引人们关注流动人口跨地区生计及其变迁对其城镇住房的影响,拓展了当代中国城镇住房分层研究的视角。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to explore the migration patterns during the transition period in Estonia. A structuration approach was used to analyze data from the Estonian Statistical Office collected in 1997. Findings show that for migration between urban and rural areas, work-related reasons have been the most important motivating factor in urban growth during the transition period. Also considered are the family and education. In relation to sociodemographic structure of the population, men cite work, while women count family-related reasons, as the main motive for migrating. As to nonregistration, the most significant reason relates to issues of ownership. Because migrants are living in rented housing, it is not possible for them to register even if they desire to do so. Other reasons include "temporary", associated with study and work; "juridical", bureaucratic matters; and "multiple places of residence". This analysis, however, is incomplete because the attitudes and patterns of behavior have only partially or perfunctorily been related to the dramatic changes that have occurred in Estonian society. Proper statistical data are needed to help examine trends at a more disaggregated spatial level.  相似文献   

Analysts of urbanization in socialist countries have often taken firm positions on the nature of urbanization under this particular social context, defending either universalistic or specific standpoints. It has been a remarkable contribution to the understanding of urbanization under central planning through formulating some of the key arguments. The issues at stake have not been resolved, however, and more empirical work would be welcome. An explorative approach is therefore taken in the current article, with a view to finding additional empirical evidence for or against the diverse set of arguments previously made. It focuses on the sources of urban and rural population growth in Estonia during the Soviet period (1945–1991). The analysis helps us to better understand how different causes intermingled to produce the process of urban and rural population change, which had some common features that hold true in cross–country comparisons and some specific ones that Estonia offers to the mosaic of world urbanization.  相似文献   

水松[Glyptostrobus pensilis(Stanunt.)K. Koch]为我国 I级重点保护野生植物之一,曾于珠江三角洲地区普遍生长。但由于近 50 a 来人类活动的强烈干扰,其野生种群和个体数量骤减,世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)已将水松评估为“极危”状态。文章以实测法进行野外调查,结果表明:广州市野生水松古树在近 5 a 间快速消亡,现仅存 8 个种群共 14 株个体,且半数处于生长不良或濒死状态;种群个体数量少,仅包括 1~4 株水松,无法进行自然更新;这些水松长期未得到科学合理的保护,如不采取有效保育措施,残酷的生存压力可能导致大部分种群的快速死亡。因此,在广州地区开展水松的就地和迁地保护、扩大种群的个体数量、开展水松的保护遗传学和监测人工林种群的遗传结构变化情况等研究,应成为目前保护和拯救本地区水松种群及其遗传多样性的必要策略。  相似文献   

In an increasingly urbanised and ageing world the spatial distribution of an older population is a matter of growing scholarly and policy interest. Much of the research on this topic has tended to draw on one of two key measures: structural ageing, or the ratio of older cohorts to the rest of the population, or numeric ageing, which simply counts the number of older people without reference to the rest of the population. This paper argues that, on their own, these measures have limitations, and that considerable value lies in assessing the interplay between numeric and structural ageing measures. The population ageing matrix, a theoretical framework that classifies the demographic dynamics of population ageing across metropolitan areas, is presented and examined through the case study of Perth, Western Australia. The value of the matrix to reveal patterns and trends missed by analyses of single measures is investigated and areas that are experiencing changes in the composition and size of the ageing demographic are identified. The paper also reflects on the implications of these findings for policy and planning.  相似文献   

长春市财产犯罪的空间分析   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:6  
基于长春市公安局提供的警区层面的犯罪数据,分析了长春市2008年财产犯罪率的空间分布特征。研究发现长春市财产犯罪率呈现出城市中心高而外围低的圈层式空间模式。通过对犯罪高发区域的用地性质和功能的分析发现,长春市主要商业区和主要客运交通枢纽所在警区均具有较高的财产犯罪率。利用空间分析的方法,判定出长春市财产犯罪的热点地区,从统计学意义上验证了犯罪活动的空间集聚性,进而推测这些区域可能存在犯罪扩散和溢出效应。借鉴国外相关理论及实证研究,结合长春市实际情况,通过回归建模分析,探讨了长春市财产犯罪率同人口、社会经济、土地利用等各因子可能存在的相互关系,发现长春市财产犯罪率受到人口密度、就业活跃度、商业区、服务业活跃度、客运枢纽和年轻人口比例的显著影响,在一定程度上支持了日常活动理论的基本观点,但需结合长春市实际情况做具体分析与解释。  相似文献   

随着城市产业转型升级和县域经济快速发展,人口回流已成为现阶段中国人口迁移与流动过程中的重要组成部分,回流劳动力是乡村振兴和新型城镇化的重要力量,对于区域协调发展意义重大。距离是人口流动空间选择的核心解释变量,在多维邻近性视角下探究多种距离对流动人口回流的影响,有利于深化对人口回流机制的理解。论文借鉴多维邻近性分析框架,基于2016年中国流动人口动态监测调查数据,采用二元Logistic回归模型探究地理、制度和社会邻近性对流动人口回流意愿的影响。研究表明:① 回流群体主要是受教育水平较低的大龄已婚流动人口,其在劳动力市场不占优势,但家庭对其情感需求与依赖较大,回流意愿明显。② 不同维度邻近性均对流动人口回流意愿有较强解释力,地理、制度和社会邻近性对回流意愿均有显著负向影响,长距离跨省或跨方言区迁移的劳动力回流意愿更为强烈。③ 不同邻近性对回流意愿的影响存在群体异质性。高学历群体回流意愿受其所在流入地参保情况的抑制,同时受到方言和地理距离的不同影响;新生代流动人口则较易受非正式制度邻近性影响而选择回流;长期外出劳动力的回流意愿会因其已熟悉流入地方言并在流入地积极参保而降低。  相似文献   

基于空间分析方法的中国区域差异研究   总被引:126,自引:15,他引:111  
利用中国1952~2000年各省区的人口、土地利用和人均GDP等数据,采用空间分析方法对中国区域社会经济发展差异问题进行了实证研究。对中国大陆的几何中心、可利用土地、人口和GDP总量的空间中心计算表明,空间中心统计是一种简单有效刻画要素空间分布的方法。通过对中国各省区人均GDP的空间自相关系数Moran's I的计算,表明中国社会经济发展主要指标存在强烈的空间自相关,空间分析方法不失为一种深入理解区域经济格局及其变化的重要和有益的方法。对不同年度的Moran's I和Local Moran I的分析也揭示了中国区域经济格局的时空变化规律。  相似文献   

高超  金凤君  傅娟  刘鹤 《地理科学进展》2013,32(7):1167-1176
南非是中国在非洲的最大投资目的地与经贸合作伙伴, 特别在基础设施建设方面发展迅速。南非人口空间分布研究对开展中南合作具有重要意义。本文通过收集整理南非历年来的全国人口普查资料统计数据, 运用空间自相关模型、不均衡指数、人口重心模型和偏移—分享模型, 分析了南非人口的空间分布格局和演变特征。研究结果表明, 南非人口分布具有显著的“东高西低”的空间格局, 呈现出以工业化程度较高的大都市区和港口城市为中心的“多核心”集聚的分布特征;空间自相关分析得出人口高集聚区主要分布在大都市区和沿海港口城市, 低密度集聚区主要集中分布在中西部地区;从变化趋势上来看, 1996-2011 年间人口分布不平衡趋势不断加强, 人口重心向西北方向移动;偏移—分享分析表明, 南非人口增长速度先后经历了从1996-2001 年快速增长到2001-2007 年缓慢增长, 再到2007-2011 年高速增长的“高—低—高”增长阶段;省域层面上看, 豪登省和西开普省一直是南非人口集聚较强地区。  相似文献   

基于地理加权回归的中国灰水足迹人文驱动因素分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
孙克  徐中民 《地理研究》2016,35(1):37-48
根据Hoekstra和Chapgain提出的污染物吸纳理论,估算了2012年全国31个省(区、市)的灰水足迹,采用空间自相关分析方法探讨了2012年中国灰水足迹的空间分布特征,通过构建基于地理加权回归的STIRPAT模型,测算了人口和富裕等人文因素对灰水足迹的影响。结果表明:中国灰水足迹存在较强的空间正相关性和空间分布不均衡性;人文因素对水资源环境的威胁大小排序,依次为城市化率、人口数量、产业结构和富裕程度,其中,城市化率、人口数量、农业比重和人均GDP每提高1%,分别引起灰水足迹增加1.03%、0.85%、0.63%和0.52%;人文因素对灰水足迹的影响存在空间差异,人口对灰水足迹的影响由北向南逐步加大,富裕对灰水足迹的影响由西向东逐渐减小,农业和城市化对灰水足迹的影响由南向北逐步增大;在现有样本范围内,计算结果有条件地支持环境Kuznets曲线。  相似文献   

毛媛媛  李凤仪  殷玲  王德 《地理研究》2022,41(11):2866-2883
城市街道网络是承载人们日常行为的空间载体,街道网络及其中人的日常行为共同构成了主要的街道网络空间环境,并影响着犯罪行为的发生。既有研究表明街道空间中多发“两抢一盗”侵财类案件,并且街道网络形态和日常行为主体与犯罪存在联系,但对这一问题的深入探究较少。本文基于HS市原DP区的派出所辖区单元,使用路网数据、人口统计数据、手机信令数据等相关资料,采用空间分析和统计分析方法,对街道网络的几何形态和拓扑形态、动态人口和静态人口等因素与犯罪分布的关系展开分析,尝试探索街道网络空间环境对“两抢一盗”犯罪的影响。结果表明,街道网络空间环境中影响盗窃和两抢犯罪的要素存在较大差异。“X形单元”式街道网络、路网密度、低速交通的路网渗透性、静态人口密度和动态人口密度均对盗窃犯罪产生重要影响,与两抢犯罪相关的仅有“T形单元”式街道网络、静态人口中的实际居住户籍人员和外来人员密度,街道网络形态没有表现出与两抢犯罪的显著相关。最后提出,由于街道网络的通达性和危险性往往并存,如何通过调控或改善整体的街道网络空间环境来尽可能减少犯罪风险,是未来规划建设安全的街道网络空间需要思考的话题。  相似文献   

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