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广州市人口空间分布特征及演变趋势分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文分析了广州市人口空间分布现状特征,历史上发展特点和建国后至改革开放前人口发展情况,并对改革开放以来人口空间分布的变化作了动态分析,发现改革开放以前广州市中心区和郊区人口密度都在增加,但市中心区增加较快,而改革开放以来在广州市总人口较速增长的情况下,内部人口变动日趋明显,中心区人口密度在减少,外围区人口密度在增加,认为广州市的人口分布正从年龄阶段转向成熟阶段。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(6):565-591
Sacramento’s Old City contains the CBD of a metropolitan area of 1.5 million people and adjacent residential neighborhoods housing 32,000 people. This essay reviews the evolving social character of the Old City, which has been the subject of substantial preservation efforts since 1960. Survey questionnaires sent to members of the Sacramento Old City Association (SOCA) in 1977 and 1992 reveal continuity in most characteristics and attitudes. Although SOCA is a largely white and upper-income organization, and although SOCA’s main policy thrust is to preserve the single-family housing stock of the Old City, the record of neighborhood social change over the past two decades shows limited gentrification and enduring economic, ethnic, and life-style diversity. Characteristics of the metropolitan area and of the locality-its inherited land-use patterns and building stock, traffic, and indistinct residential image-work against gentrification. The Old City continues as a physically and socially eclectic place, in contrast to more thoroughly gentrified central neighborhoods in other, larger and more globally oriented, American cities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Successful waterfront redevelopment requires an understanding of global processes and an appreciation of the distinctiveness of port‐city locations. Waterfront revitalization occurs at the problematic and controversial interface between port function and the broader urban environment. It reflects varied forces and trends, involves community attitudes and environmental sensitivities, and influences transport evolution and urban change. The revitalization phenomenon is examined using community attitudes in Canada and urban regeneration in East Africa to illustrate retrospective and prospective dimensions.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):165-176
In Amsterdam, a large number of rental units were converted to condominiums during the 1970s. Local housing officials observed this process with alarm and tried (in vain) to put an end to conversion. Given the tight housing market, they feared that a decrease in the number of available rental units would impede a fair distribution of housing. They also assumed that proper maintenance of the dwellings would not take place. But their arguments were not based on a solid evaluation. Recent research results demonstrate that sub-markets exist within the condominium sector, and that in each of these the effects of conversion are different. While this study identifies problems at the lower end of the market, the conversion of more expensive units coincides with an improved matching of households and dwellings and with an upgrading of the housing stock.  相似文献   

中国贫困地区类型划分及开发研究提要报告   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
从区域的角度,将我国贫困地区划分为6大类21个区,并对各类地区的特点,问题和发展方向进行了分析,为我国贫困地区的经济开发规划提供了依据。  相似文献   

人口生育政策变化会对区域未来人口发展产生直接影响,“全面二孩”政策是继“单独二孩”政策之后逐步放宽生育政策的又一重大举措。结合政策变动,筛选政策受众人群进行精准化预测:未来15年,曲靖市20~39岁育龄妇女将净减少3.7万人,其中符合“全面二孩”生育政策且在20~39岁育龄妇女人口规模将缩减近0.7万;结合“全面二孩”政策最终兑现人口的测算,从2016年至2020年间会产生一个“二孩”生育高峰期,过了高峰期之后将渐落并减少至2.23万,较高峰期缩减0.82万人。“全面二孩”政策进一步调整和完善了生育政策,但后期效果不明显,面对“后人口转变”时代的到来,低生育率、老龄化的人口发展新格局,要实现人口与社会经济的协调发展,仍需与时俱进做出入口政策相应调整。  相似文献   

中国贫困地区环境类型研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
本文指出贫困是困惑人类发展的世界性难题.中国存在592个重点扶贫县,按照环境特点可分为三大类型,即:(1)中部山地高原环境脆弱贫困带,包括蒙古高原东南边缘风蚀沙化贫困区、黄土高原沟壑水土严重流失贫困区、秦巴山地生态恶化贫困区、喀斯特高原丘陵环境危急贫困区、横断山脉高山峡谷封闭型贫困区等类型;(2)西部沙漠高寒山原环境恶劣贫困带,包括新疆、青海及西藏三省区的沙漠地区及青藏高原高寒区等类型;(3)东部平原山丘环境危急及革命根据地孤岛型贫困带,包括东北沿边地区、华北平原低洼盐碱地区;东部岛状分布的丘陵山区革命根据地贫困区.文中还论述了环境与贫困度的关系,即环境愈脆弱,贫困度愈高,脱贫难度愈大.但致贫因子又错综复杂,在某些特殊情况下,自然环境较好,而交通闭塞,信息不灵,技术落后,也阻碍致富.同一环境不同的政策机制,可以引发不同的结果.环境改造与脱贫,一定要有宏观战略规划和分类指导的方案,并有切实可行的操作办法.贫困地区即使解决了温饱,依然是低标准,向贫困开战仍将是21世纪中国的一项艰巨工程,只不过那时的贫困线划定标准有所变化而已.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):230-256
The relationship between inner-city gentrification and the restructuring of metropolitan economies toward employment in the advanced services is well established. In this context, the paper examines the effects of the 1982-1983 recession, the deepest in Canada in 50 years, upon the incidence of gentrification in six major Canadian cities. Contrary to expectation, the rate of gentrification through the 1981-1986 period accelerated over the rate through the economically more buoyant years of the 1970s, although regional variations were more pronounced. This finding is explained by the more resilient metropolitan labor market in advanced services, even in times of national recession. A second objective of the paper is to examine the spatial patterning of gentrification within the six inner cities. Census tracts that underwent social upgrading during 1981-1986 are far more diverse than the more conservative pattern of the 1970s, where upgrading expanded wave-like from established middle class areas in the inner city. Neighborhood attributes that were effective predictors of gentrification in the 1970s are far less significant in the 1980s. The geography of gentrification has become more complex because, as a social process, it has become more chaotic. The overall effect, however, is that in Canadian cities with rapidly growing employment in the advanced services there are relatively few areas of private housing in the inner city that are likely to be immune from the impact of gentrification in the future.  相似文献   

彭乃志  梁旭 《地理研究》1995,14(3):82-87
本文用较新的资料,研究了宁夏气温的空间变化规律、数学模拟以及气温的多年变化特征。结果表明:宁夏气温在地区分布上呈现南低北高的地域分异规律;用海拔高度、地理纬度、经度模拟当地气温的空间分布,具有很高的精度;宁夏气温多年变化普遍存在着10-12年及2.2-2.5年的变化周期。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(8):664-679
Brown v. Board of Education was conceived in a time of judicial activism and a demographic context that reflected two nations, one white and one black. Forty years after Brown, the legal climate and the demographic composition of the United States are quite different. The 1990s are judicially conservative and the cities in particular are more diverse demographically. The intersection of a restrained court and fundamental demographic shifts has changed the agenda and raised issues of how to proceed toward the continuing objective of societal integration. Recent court decisions about unitary status and the return to local control have directed attention to the clash between spatial demographic change and legal intervention. Geography and demography have modified the effect of Brown and the potential for future judicial intervention in school systems. Whatever our ideological perspective, the intersection of geography and demography, and individual responses to legal action, clearly have limited the possibilities of change through legal intervention.  相似文献   

以重庆市九龙坡区为例,分析了快速城市化区域耕地面积变化与经济发展之间的动态变化特征,并运用脱钩理论深入研究了耕地面积变化与经济发展之间的脱钩情况。结果表明:(1)随着人均GDP的直线增长,九龙坡区的耕地面积不断减少。(2)固定资产投资增长率与耕地面积减少率之间存在一定的同步性,而GDP增长率滞后于耕地面积减少率。(3)九龙坡区耕地面积变化和经济发展之间有类似的库兹涅茨曲线特征,但受耕地面积的自身波动变化影响,库兹涅茨曲线特征不是十分典型。(4)脱钩分析表明九龙坡区以绝对脱钩占主导地位,脱钩指数在波动变化中呈减小趋势。  相似文献   

在分析1996~2004年福州市城市化发展和土地利用动态变化的基础上,探求城市化与土地利用变化之间的内在关系,然后选取代表性指标对建设用地和耕地数量与各自的驱动变量进行相关性分析,最后构建了驱动模型。结果表明:(1)1996-2004年,福州市土地利用结构变化明显,土地利用空间变化较大;(2)地均GDP的提高、GDP总量和全社会固定资产投资额的增长是建设用地拓展的主要驱动力;(3)耕地变化的最主要驱动力则是建设用地占用、粮食播种面积和耕地保护政策强度。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The sustainability of creative producers‐businesses and individuals‐depends in part on the state of the urban environment, especially the one of the street. Relationships with the street differ among creative producers with different power positions and levels of embeddedness in street life. Thus an approach to the sustainability of the creative city needs to move beyond the simplistic ideals of “mixed use” and “vitality” to an understanding of the complexity and continuity inherent in the production of creative spaces with respect to the multiple transactions of both the strong and weak stakeholders involved‐the “wolves” and “lambs.” The example used in this article, which draws on evidence from interviews with producers, is the film and television industry in Camden Town, London, in relation to the “experience” economy.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(4):285-317
Applied design and creative services are central to the formation of metropolitan landscapes and urban culture (both in historical and contemporary contexts), as well as to the production of the full range of industrial and consumer goods. More specifically, applied design firms are essential to the development of advanced industrial systems, and facilitate the operation of flexible production regimes by (1) enabling production differentiation in segmented markets, (2) improving productivity, (3) promoting production synergies, (4) enhancing short-run customized production, and (5) contributing to the condensing of longer-run style cycles. A case study of design and creative services firms in Vancouver discloses that such firms exhibit important commonalities with other producer services industries (e.g., intermediate market orientation, clustering propensity, divisions of labor). At the same time, firms engaged in the production of design may be differentiated from “mainstream” business or corporate service firms in terms of (1) location and milieu, with a clear affinity for the CBD fringe and inner city, rather than the CBD proper; (2) function, with an emphasis on creativity as both raison d'etre and operating characteristic; and (3) services-goods interface (design services are not “arms length” from goods production, like most business services, but are directly concerned with the style, configuration, and identity of end products). Finally, the clustering of design and creative service firms exemplifies the “internal specialization of the production spaces of the large metropolis” (Scott, 1988), although empirical evidence from the Vancouver case asserts the significance of sociocultural, as well as economic, features of agglomeration. [Key words: design, production, inner city, clustering, agglomeration.]  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):247-254

南海市耕地数量变化及其可持续利用对策   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刘毅华 《热带地理》2002,22(2):102-106,111
同珠江三角洲的其它城镇一样,改革开放以来南海市的耕地数量变化虽然存在一定的时间与区域差异,但基本上是以耕地数量锐减为特征。南海市耕地数量的减少,形式上是农业结构调整、居民点与工帮建设占用等,但实际上有其更深层次、多方面的原因,分析表明耕地的减少是受到了多种自然、社会与经济因子共同作用的结果。在此基础上,以可持续发展理论为指导,提出了南海耕地可持续利用的对策。  相似文献   

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