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Understanding the forces that influence the distribution of land use and land-use change (LUC) is an essential step in developing effective strategies for managing these issues. We examined the influence of landscape position on spatial patterns in land-use distribution within the Little Tennessee River Basin (LTRB) of the southern Appalachian Mountains. We show that landscape position, defined with respect to both natural and anthropogenic spatial variables, provides for the identification of statistically significant differences in the distribution of common forms of land use in the study region. Using the same variables, significant differences in the landscape positions subject to land-use change in the LTRB are also examined. These results suggest landscape position exerts a strong influence on the distribution of different forms of land use and the likeliness of given area undergoing LUC. The approach presented here, of considering land use as a function of landscape position that responds to both natural and anthropogenic forces, may prove useful in aiding the development of future strategies to address the consequences of land use in many regions. 相似文献
基于西方学界中移民产业的相关文献,系统梳理了移民产业概念的形成、发展与应用。研究发现:首先,移民产业概念在分析尺度上将宏观与微观相结合,并引入多主体分析的视角,因此其在解释跨国人口迁移在不同阶段的特征与机制方面显现出相对的灵活性;其次,移民产业概念主要被应用于解释流动性机制、跨国移民治理、跨国移民的在地化3个方面。通过对移民产业概念的渊源、发展和相关实证研究的梳理,以期为中国的移民研究提供新的视角、为移民管制及移民政策的制订提供参考与借鉴。 相似文献
The influence of river training on mountain channel changes (Polish Carpathian Mountains) 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The purpose of this paper is to explain the influence of river training on channel changes in mountain rivers. Also considered are the causes of failure of different training schemes. The research was conducted on the regulated Mszanka and Porębianka Rivers, belonging to the Raba River drainage basin in the Polish Flysh Carpathian Mountains. Channel mapping carried out in 2004 drew attention to the contemporary morphology of the channels and the development of their dynamic typology. General changes in channel morphometry and land cover were identified by comparing cartographic sources from various years. Archive material from Cracow's Regional Water Management Authority (RZGW) was used to analyse the detailed channel changes caused by each regulation structure. The material consisted of technical designs of individual training works, as well as plans, longitudinal profiles and cross-sections of trained channel reaches. A series of minimum annual water stages at the Mszana Dolna gauging station was used to determine the tendency of channel bed degradation over 53 years. During the first half of the 20th century, the middle and lower courses of the Mszanka and Porębianka Rivers had braided patterns. The slopes, mostly covered with crops, were an important source of sediment delivery to the river channels. Today, both channels are single-threaded, narrow and sinuous. Downcutting is the leading process transforming the channels. They cut down to bedrock along about 60% of their lengths. The main type of channel is an erosion channel, which occurs also in the middle and lower courses of the rivers. The channel sediment deficit is an important cause for river incision. Sediment supply to the channels was reduced after a replacement of crops on the slopes by meadows or forests. Gravel mining has also caused channel downcutting. The rapid channel changes began after 1959, as systematic training was introduced. Channel regulation seems therefore to be a major factor determining channel adjustment. Debris dams and groynes were built before 1980 and these caused the greatest change of channel pattern, increase of channel gradient and magnitude of river incision. After that date the measures mostly involved drop structures. From then on, the rate of downcutting decreased considerably, but has not ceased. The rivers continued to incise until bedrock was exposed or training structures were destroyed. After that, a tendency to lateral migration and local braiding were observed in the deepened channel. The channels displayed a tendency to return to their morphology and dynamic from before the training. The results demonstrate that river training distorts the equilibrium of channel systems. A channel becomes divided into artificial reaches, which later follow different evolutionary patterns. Most training schemes on mountain channels are ineffective in the long term, as river managers seem to consider a channel at a reach scale only. Individual channel reaches, however, are not independent but rather form a system that must be managed at the entire channel scale. 相似文献
The Nysa K
odzka river drainage basin in the Sudeten Mts., SW Poland, preserves a complex late Cainozoic succession that includes eight fluvial series or terraces and deposits from two glacial episodes as well as local volcanic rocks, slope deposits and loess. Fluvial sedimentation took place during the Late Pliocene and from the early Middle Pleistocene (Cromerian), with a long erosion phase (gap) during the Early Pleistocene. Fluvial series are dated to the Late Pliocene, Cromerian, Holsteinian, late Saalian/Eemian, Weichselian, and the Holocene. Glacial deposits represent the early Elsterian and early Saalian stages. Almost all these stratigraphic units have been observed in all geomorphic zones of the river: the mountainous K
odzko Basin, the Bardo Mts. (Bardo gorge) and in the mountain foreland. The main phase of tectonic uplift and strong erosion was during the Early Pleistocene. Minor uplift is documented also during the post-early Saalian and probably the post-Elsterian. The post-early Saalian and post-Elstrian uplift phases are probably due to glacio-isostatic rebound. The Quaternary terrace sequence was formed due to base-level changes, epigenetic erosion after glaciations and neotectonic movements. The Cromerian fluvial deposits/terraces do not indicate tectonic influence at all. All other Quaternary terraces indicate clear divergence, and the post-early Saalian terraces also show fault scarps. The fluvial pattern remained stable, once formed during the Pliocene, with only minor changes along the uplifted block along the Bardo gorge, inferring an antecedent origin for the Bardo gorge. Only during the post-glacial times, have epigenetic incisions slightly modified the valley. 相似文献
中国西北干旱区有大面积的戈壁地貌,但对其形成过程的研究不多。阿尔金山北缘的沉积物记录着临近戈壁地貌的发育过程。选择甘肃敦煌南湖绿洲附近的山水沟剖面作为研究对象,在独立的光释光测年基础上,通过对比分析粒度特征、磁化率和有机碳同位素值变化,探讨5 ka BP以来阿尔金山北缘戈壁沉积动力过程及其环境控制因素。结果表明:戈壁发育进程具有波动性,戈壁沉积动力在百(千)年时间尺度上受到环境因素制约,在2.67~3.57 ka BP和1.65~1.95 ka BP干热气候条件下,沉积物搬运动力较弱,戈壁发育受限;在4.27~4.84 ka BP时期水量较大,戈壁发育范围较广,属于扩张阶段。这一结果初步揭示了戈壁地貌演化与气候环境变化的联系。 相似文献
Jií Bruthans Michal Filippi Naser Asadi Mohammad Zare Stanislav lechta Zdenka Chur
kov 《Geomorphology》2009,107(3-4):195-209
The surfaces of salt diapirs in the Zagros Mountains are mostly covered by surficial deposits, which significantly affect erosion rates, salt karst evolution, land use and the density of the vegetation cover. Eleven salt diapirs were selected for the study of surficial deposits in order to cover variability in the geology, morphology and climate in a majority of the diapirs in the Zagros Mountains and Persian Gulf Platform. The chemical and mineralogical compositions of 80 selected samples were studied mainly by X-ray powder diffraction and X-ray fluorescence. Changes in salinity along selected vertical profiles were studied together with the halite and gypsum distribution. The subaerial residuum formed from minerals and rock detritus released from the dissolved rock salt is by far the most abundant material on the diapirs. Fluvial sediments derived from this type of residuum are the second most common deposits found, while submarine residuum and marine sediments have only local importance. The mineralogical/chemical composition of surficial deposits varies amongst the three end members: evaporite minerals (gypsum/anhydrite and minor halite), carbonates (dolomite and calcite) and silicates-oxides (mainly quartz, phyllosilicates, and hematite). Based on infiltration tests on different types of surficial deposits, most of the rainwater will infiltrate, while overland flow predominates on rock salt exposures. Recharge concentration and thick accumulations of fine sediment support relatively rich vegetation cover in some places and even enable local agricultural activity. The source material, diapir relief, climatic conditions and vegetation cover were found to be the main factors affecting the development and erosion of surficial deposits. A difference was found in residuum type and landscape morphology between the relatively humid NW part of the studied area and the arid Persian Gulf coast: In the NW, the medium and thick residuum seems to be stable under current climatic conditions. Large sinkholes and blind valleys with sinking streams are common. On other diapirs, the original thick residuum is undergoing erosion and the new morphology is currently represented by salt exposures and badland-like landscapes or by fields of small sinkholes developed in the thin residuum. Models for evolution of the subaerial residuum and the diapir landscape/morphology are described in this paper. While the thick residuum with vegetation has very low erosion rates, the salt exposures and thin residuum are eroded rapidly. During wet periods (e.g. early Holocene), the diapirs rose and salt glaciers expanded as the influx of salt mass was much faster compared to erosion. After the onset of an arid climate, c. 6 ka BP, the rising of the some diapir surfaces decreased or even reversed due to acceleration of erosion thanks to vegetation degradation and changes in the residuum type and thickness. 相似文献
基于秦岭南北地区47个气象站1960-2011年的逐日气象数据,通过Angstrom方程和Penman-Monteith公式计算了各站点的光合有效辐射(PAR),并借助Spline空间插值、Pettitt突变点检验和相关分析等手段对PAR的空间分布、时空演变、突变特征及其可能成因进行了分析。结果表明:① 秦岭南北地区PAR的时间和空间分布特征明显,在空间上呈北高南低的分布格局;在季节分布上,夏季、春季、秋季、冬季依次减小。② 52年间,该地区年PAR整体呈显著下降趋势,下降速率由南向北,由东向西递减;时间变化方面,春季PAR呈现不显著的上升趋势,其余季节均呈下降趋势,夏季减小最快,其次为冬季,秋季最小。③ 该地区89%的站点年PAR存在突变,突变站点中的85%发生于1979-1983年间;夏季89%的站点发生突变,突变站点中的90%发生于1979-1983年间;冬季68%的站点发生突变,但突变时间同步性和一致性较差;春季和秋季突变现象不甚明显。④ 气候变化(风速下降)、城市化进程加快以及工业生产导致的气溶胶增多是导致PAR显著下降的主要原因,而火山爆发引发的气溶胶增加则是PAR波动的主要原因。 相似文献
本文从气候变化的角度出发, 研究黄河上游龙羊峡水库夏季流量与流域气候条件的响应关系及流量预估模型, 并根据区域气候模式输出数据降尺度生成的未来气候情景, 对未来龙羊峡夏季水库流量进行了预估。结果表明:近35 年来, 黄河上游夏季气温升高、蒸发增大, 降水略有减少;黄河上游龙羊峡水库平均入库流量呈递减趋势, 夏季流量对流域降水量、平均最高气温及最低气温的响应显著;未来两个时期(2020s、2030s)龙羊峡夏季流量均较基准期(1988-2010 年)减少, 但在不同气候变化情景下流量变化有所差异, 其中A2 情景下夏季平均流量分别减少23.9%(2020s)和19.8%(2030s), B2 情景下分别减少14.4%(2030s)和17.3%(2030s), 据此, 未来气候变化对黄河上游流域夏季流量的可能影响将弊大于利, 但仍具有较大不确定性。 相似文献
近60 年黄河入海水沙多尺度变化及其对河口的影响 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
基于1950-2008 年利津站月均径流量和输沙量的时间序列资料,采用小波分析的方法研究了黄河入海水沙多尺度变化,并结合不同年份的黄河口岸线和口门地形资料分析了水沙变化对河口演变的影响。结果表明:黄河入海水沙具有3 个不同时间尺度的显著周期变化,其与厄尔尼诺事件有关,不同尺度下的入海水沙丰枯变化不同;受流域降水和人类活动的影响,入海水沙长期呈减少趋势,并具有阶段变化的特征;入海水沙变化深刻影响着河口演变,不同时期行水河口的岸线延伸速率与河口来沙量有关,亿t 泥沙岸线延伸量与来沙系数显著相关,自1976 年清水沟流路入海以来,河口水下三角洲表现为淤积,淤积程度与入海水沙量密切相关。 相似文献
The Argualas rock glacier is located on the southern side of the Central Pyrenees (Argualas massif). Vertical electric sounding, debris surface analysis and a topographic survey were performed on this rock glacier between 1991 and 2000. High precision measurement records were obtained using a total station. Horizontal and vertical movements of the rock glacier were measured by means of sixteen steel rods. Horizontal and vertical angles and distances to each rod were measured from three stations on a bedrock ridge. Total and annual average displacements were derived from the emergence value and the horizontal displacement of each rod. Then the horizontal and vertical displacement rates in different sectors of the rock glacier were compared. The inferred surface deformation was characterized by both extensional and compressive flows as well as thinning of the frozen body. The displacement rates showed temporal variations related to atmospheric thermal changes, pointing to a high sensibility of the rock glacier. 相似文献
随着气候的变化以及人类活动的加剧,世界上一些河流的径流和输沙量发生了明显的改变。查明流域的水沙特征、变化趋势及驱动因素是流域治理和管理中面临的重要问题。以黄河上游的十大孔兑为研究对象,利用1958-2015年的实测资料,采用线性趋势法、非参数Mann-Kendall趋势检验法对典型孔兑毛不拉、西柳沟、罕台川的年降雨、径流、泥沙、洪水过程进行了系统分析。结果表明:毛不拉和西柳沟年水沙序列下降趋势显著,罕台川下降趋势不显著,但近10 a比之前水沙明显减少;三个孔兑21世纪和20世纪观测到的2次洪水过程相比,产生洪水的降雨差别不大,但后一次洪峰流量和含沙量都显著降低;与1990年之前相比,1991-2015年各孔兑高强度降雨变化程度相对水沙变化不大。通过遥感影像解译,发现自20世纪90年代以来,随着退耕还林还草、封禁、休牧等水土保持工程陆续实施,十大孔兑土地利用变化显著,植被盖度明显增加,由此改变了该区域降雨-产流-产沙过程,引起1990年以后产水产沙的剧烈减少。 相似文献
科学评估“一带一路”建设对沿线国家经济增长的影响效果与中介路径,对理解国际合作模式、推动“一带一路”建设向高质量发展转变具有重要意义。基于2003—2017年“一带一路”沿线64个国家的相关数据,采用固定效应面板模型和中介效应检验程序,实证检验了“一带一路”建设对沿线国家经济增长的总体性影响效果,并分析对外直接投资、进出口贸易、交通运输、就业等中介因素之间的作用关系。研究结果表明:2013—2017年间“一带一路”建设能够显著地促进沿线国家的经济增长,但新建交通基础设施线路长度、中国对外直接投资等对沿线国家GDP增长的直接促进作用并不显著。它主要通过推动中国与沿线国家之间的贸易增长,对沿线国家内部的货物资源流动、人口就业率、就业结构等产生积极影响,进而促进沿线国家的GDP增长。 相似文献
China’s Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) is an important area for bird conservation, with many endemic and Threatened species. Colonial burrowing mammals play an important role in structuring bird communities in arid grasslands around the world. On the QTP, the plateau pika Ocho tona curzoniae builds colonies which provide a dense source of resources for many bird species. However, pikas are regarded as a pest by local pastoralists, and they are the target of a population reduction campaign which could have a significant impact on the bird communities. We surveyed bird communities at Gansu Yanchiwan National Nature Reserve to investigate the differences in community structure between sites with pika colonies (on colony) and sites without them (off colony), and between pika colonies which had been poisoned and those which had not. Using non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) combined with permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) and Wilcoxon rank-sum tests, we found that there was no significant difference in bird community composition or abundance between the poisoned and untreated colonies. However, there was a very large and statistically significant difference in bird community structures between on- and off-colony sites. Only horned lark Eremophila alpestris was consistently observed at sites without pika colonies, while ten bird species were observed on colonies. Six species were significantly more abundant on colony than off. While we could not claim that the poisoning campaign at Yanchiwan is altering bird communities, the presence of pika colonies seems to be an indispensable resource for the resident birds. 相似文献
Marco Benvenuti Marco Bonini Giovanna Moratti Marianna Ricci Chiara Tanini 《Geomorphology》2008,100(3-4):269-284
Integration of geomorphology, stratigraphy, sedimentology and morphotectonics in the analysis of the lower Cecina River reach, coastal Tuscany, reveals an undocumented historical channel avulsion. Geomorphological evidence and radiocarbon dating support that, from the Last Glacial Maximum until the end of the 16th century, the Cecina River flowed north of the present course and formed a well-developed cuspate delta. Two concurrent factors, active tectonics as a preparing factor and discharge regime as an activation factor, are thus inferred to have favored the avulsion of Cecina River. Fragmentary archaeological and historical records indicate that the late Holocene Cecina River plain was virtually unpopulated until the latest 16th century. This seems the main reason why high-magnitude hydrological events and prominent river channel avulsions were not reported in historical chronicles. From this perspective, geomorphological data may provide important knowledge and understanding of recent dynamics of environmental change when historical record is lacking or missing. 相似文献
“一带一路”倡议对于引领经济全球化进程、深化改革开放、实现全面转型有重大意义。西部地区及其城市政府据此制定了相关的政策,不同程度地推动了地方经济转型及其开放度。以西北五省51个地级市(含自治州、地区)为研究对象,运用城市职能分类法等方法,对其响应“一带一路”倡议的地方政策进行分析。研究表明:1)2013~2017年,城市政府的平均政策响应累计得分持续增加,应答率由3.92%增加至100%。进行政策响应的产业种类逐年增多,且产业政策重心有多极化趋势。2)2017年,综合性、过渡性、单一性产业政策地级市分别为38个、6个、7个。突出产业政策主要分布在陕、甘两省,以第二、第三产业为主。产业政策类型可详细划分为6类,具有突出产业政策的综合性地级市数目最多,为25个,占比49.02%。 相似文献