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The concentration of poor, service-dependent groups in aging central cities results both from suburbanization of the affluent and from the reliance of the service-dependent population upon place-specific human services provided by the public sector. Such concentration of services and their users in deteriorating inner-city sites may be functional for the larger society, but it has adverse impacts upon those who are service dependent. This paper argues that the implications of locational interdependence between such groups and their support services demand a paradigm for urban geography that centers upon the fundamental structure and impacts of population/service-provision linkages.  相似文献   

夏增禄 《地理研究》1984,3(3):44-52
本文讨论了岗、坡、洼地土壤水盐的集散。在坡地的水盐状况下,盐份处于强积盐过程中。岗地一般不发生盐渍化,但在高矿化地下水下,虽为薄膜毛管湿润的水盐动态类型,土壤也可能发生盐渍化。洼地虽然处于易积盐的土壤水份状况下,但由于地下弱矿化水带的存在或形成,槽状洼地和某些碟形洼地却常常没有发生盐渍化。本文还讨论了岗、坡、洼地盐份组成的变化。  相似文献   


Advances in Earth Science. P. M. Hurley (ed.).

Climates of the World aed their Agricultural Potentialities. J(uan) Papadakis.

Rebuilding Cities. Percy Johnson Marshall.

The Alliance for Progress: Key t o Latin America's Development. J. Warren Nystrom and Nathan A. Haverstock.

Market Potential and Economic Shadow. D. Michael Ray.

Soils, An Introduction to Soils and Plant Growth. Roy L. Donahue.

Guide to Russian Reference Books: Volume 11: History, Historical Sciences, Ethnography, Geography. Karol Maichel, (ed.) J. S. G. Simmons.

Middle America: Its Lands and Peoples. Robert C. West and John P. Augelli.

California's Many Climates. Ernest L. Felton.

The Soviet Union, People and Regions. David Hooson.

Planning in the Soviet Union. Philippe J. Bernard. Translated by I. Nove.

Human Nature in Geography. John K. Wright.

Military Geography. Louis C. Peltier and G. Etzel Pearcy.

The Philififiines: Nation of Islands. Alden Cutshall.

The Journals Of ZebuLon Montgomery Pibe with Letters and Related Documents. Donald Jackson (ed.).

The Sabi Valley Irrigation Projects. Wolf Roder.

How to Identify Old Maps and Globes. Raymond Lister.

The Seigneurial System in Early Canada: A Geographical Study. Richard Colebrook Harris.

North Atlantic Arena: Water Transport in the World Order. Charles C. Colby.

Continental Drift. G. B. Garland (ed.).

Land Use in Sudan. J. H. G. Lebon.

Uboma: A Socio-Economic and Nutritional Suruey of a Rural Community in Eastern Nigeria. H. A. Oluwasanmi, I. S. Dema, and others.

City and Region. R. E. Dickinson.

An Introduction to Geography. Rhoads Murphey.

A Reporter in Micronesia. Ely Jacques Kahn

Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives Water Management and Floods in the Fraser River Basin. W. R. Derrick Sewell.

Human Geografihy. Aime Vincent Perpillou (Tr. by E. D. Laborde).

Dictionary of Geography. Dudley Stamp (ed.).

The Roman City of London. Ralph Merrifield.

Land Behind Baghdad. Robert McC. Adams.

The Evolution of Urban Society: Early Mesopotamia and Prehispanic Mexico. Robert McC. Adams.

A Preface to Economic Geography. Harold H. McCarty and James B. Lindberg.

Scandinauian Lands, Roy Millward.

The Great American Desert. W. Eugene Hollon.

City and Regional Planning in Poland. Jack C. Fisher (ed.).

Luftbildatlas Schleswig-Holstein. Christian Degn and Uwe Muuss.  相似文献   

本文通过对北京东郊高碑店地区污染农田的调查研究,探讨了重金属在农田生态系统中的积累和循环,计算出重金属在区域环境中的输入输出量,说明本区仍处于重金属积累状态,为防治农田环境污染,提出了停止施用污水处理厂的晾干污泥,减少灌溉污水中的重金属含量等保护性措施。  相似文献   

A method is described for the automatic calculation and graphical reproduction of isochrones around emergency medical centers in large cities. The isochrones are set for different time standards and for varying traffic conditions. The technique is based on the concept of a velocity field. It permits a rapid evaluation of coverage standards under different operating conditions.  相似文献   


A method is described for the automatic calculation and graphical reproduction of isochrones around emergency medical centers in large cities. The isochrones are set for different time standards and for varying traffic conditions. The technique is based on the concept of a velocity field. It permits a rapid evaluation of coverage standards under different operating conditions.  相似文献   

福州市土地利用变化及其生态系统服务价值响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地利用变化会相应的导致区域生态系统环境发生变化。以福州市作为研究区域,利用福州市2002~2008年土地利用变更数据,分析这7年的土地利用变化状况;同时结合国内外生态服务价值研究成果,测算福州市7年来生态服务价值的变化。研究结论:(1)福州市2002~2008年间建设用地对农用地的侵占导致福州市生态系统服务价值由2002年的383.18亿元减少到2008年的380.05亿元,但总体变化幅度不大。(2)由于缺少系统的理论与方法,文中没有对福州市的海域生态系统服务价值进行计算。  相似文献   

U.S. armed forces invaded Iraq in March 2003, claiming that the country had weapons of mass destruction (wmd ) which it intended to use against the United States Although evidence of the existence of these wmd was limited, President George W. Bush's administration faced little opposition in taking the United States to war. Using the concepts of “iconography” and “banal nationalism,” I argue that the events of 9/11 and the subsequent outpouring of nationalism dampened opposition to the invasion of Iraq. The increased display of the American flag in the aftermath of 9/11 was emblematic of this increase in nationalism and generated additional support for the Bush administration's decision to go to war. This nationalism further created a form of “collective amnesia” that limited the citizenry's receptivity to information contradicting the administration's narrative, which continues to linger.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(4):334-354
In metropolitan areas, firms trade-off land and information costs. Firms that gain the most from access to the knowledge and know-how of other firms in the same sector are willing and able to pay for expensive central city land. We found that legal services, advertising, and accounting and auditing services are the most centralized services in the 74 largest metropolitan areas of the United States. Maps of seven fast-growing business and professional services in Phoenix, Arizona, show that central city services are mainly located in the CBD. Using a logarithmic function, we found that service jobs are more decentralized in the larger metropolitan areas and in metropolitan areas outside the Northeast. Analysis of disaggregate service sectors shows significant intersectoral variation in this relationship.  相似文献   

秦岭-黄淮平原交界带土壤物质迁移与积累   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以横断秦岭-黄淮平原交界带中部的土壤断面为研究对象,应用土壤地球化学观点,讨论了交界带土壤物质迁移和积累规律。自西向东,随着海拔下降,土壤表层硅铝率逐渐增大,大部分土壤表层物质遵循迁移-积累-迁移-积累规律;“暖坡”地带是交界土壤地球化学活跃地段。并讨论了土壤物质迁移与土壤性质的关系.  相似文献   

Financial services are undergoing a major period of internationalization. National markets are interlinked by telecommunications, a process induced through deregulation and new communications technologies. This paper reviews the recent, intertwined trends in the finance and telecommunications industries in light of urban and regional restructuring theory, cites several company-specific examples, explores the impacts on the international urban hierarchy and the labor process (e.g., back offices), and assesses the role of teleports. Finally, it offers an agenda for further research.  相似文献   

本文研究了西南极不同地理环境沉积碘的地球化学迁移和富集机制 ,结果表明海湾和深海表层沉积物碘主要与有机质结合 ,但在陆架和半深海 ,与氧化物结合和吸附态碘可占相当大的比例。碘在表层沉积物中迁移的环境特征与铁类似 ,即在还原环境中迁移 ,在氧化环境中转入固相 ,然而碘在沉积物中主要并不是作为电子接受者 ,而是随有机质分解或氧化物还原后被释放进入液相。沉积物表层 I/Corg值高于浮游生物是由于吸附和氧化过程的参与。沉积物 I/Corg值随深度的降低代表了有机质分解 ,氧化物还原 ,粘粒物质解析及间隙水碘扩散的综合效应。沉积物碘的扩散通量与沉积通量在同一数量级水平解释了沉积岩贫碘的原因。根据计算和讨论结果重新提出了海洋沉积物碘迁移和富集的地球化学模式。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(5):406-427
This paper examines how computer services (CS) employment is spatially distributed among United States metropolitan counties in 174 metropolitan statistical areas in 1982 and 1993. The analysis assesses whether multiple counties within major MSAs have significant portions of a region's CS employment, and examines the stability of CS employment as a proportion of core and noncore county employment. CS employment is concentrated in core counties, and mean core county employment shares exceed mean noncore shares. More than 60% of MSA data processing (DP) employment is in core counties. The more counties in an MSA, the more relative CS dispersion to noncore counties. The more noncore counties, the smaller the average share of CS employment. Mean noncore CS shares are low and changed little from 1982 to 1993. The pattern is core county CS control. Programming employment has dispersed to noncore counties, but in small shares. Mean DP concentration in core counties exceeds that of programming and maintenance employment. Many noncore counties still have no DP or maintenance employment at all. [Key words: computer services (CS), metropolitan development, centralization, urban employment.]  相似文献   

塔里木河流域绿洲边缘土壤蒸发与积盐的初步分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本文通过对塔里木河流域土壤分的分析测定,视频研究了盐分积累的特点及其与蒸发的关系;盐分含量高,累积速度快、表聚性强。  相似文献   

四川雷波县黄琅崩滑堆积及其环境效应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王运生  陆彦 《山地学报》2000,18(Z1):44-47
通过1∶2.5万区域地质测绘,对四川雷波县黄琅一带崩滑堆积进行了系统的研究。研究表明,该崩滑堆积由古黄琅河左岸先后多次顺层崩滑堆积侧向叠置而成。论文还就崩滑堰塞成湖后的环境效应进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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