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A new mapping of the world for the new millennium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new mapping of the world derived from connections between cities is presented as a complement to the traditional world map of countries. Under conditions of contemporary globalization world cities have emerged as global service centres. These have been created by the location strategies of leading corporate service firms (e.g. in accountancy) in setting up their global office networks. Data on the offices of 46 global service firms in 55 world cities are used to define service connections between cities. Connections are converted into measures of network proximity and a multidimensional scaling is applied to these 'distances' to create a 'global service space' of cities. This new mapping of the world shows a distinctive centric structure with the major world cities (e.g. London) at the core. Investigation of this general structure reveals more subtle patterns of interacting regional and hierarchical tendencies.  相似文献   

从长三角城市群看上海全球城市建设   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
概观当代城市发展的趋势,全球化促进了全球城市发展,区域化正在形成巨型城市区域,地方化使城市集群各具特色.长江三角洲城镇群在我国具有特别重要的地位与作用,也是中国融入全球化进程的首要全球区.该区域城市群发展应该顺应这些潮流,发展全球城市,建设巨型城市区,组建网络城市,规划走廊城市.上海是长江三角洲乃至中国正在崛起的全球城市,从国际资本流、国际贸易、跨国公司总部、金融业及高级生产性服务业、国际交通通讯信息平台等方面看,上海的全球城市已具雏形,但与世界主要全球城市相比差距仍然较大.从长江三角洲城市群发展看,上海全球城市建设必须面临相应的城市转型,主要包括产业结构重构和转移、社会结构转型、城市空间扩展和城市功能的重塑.  相似文献   

全球化和地方化以及伴随的全球空间和地方空间是新经济时代城市发展的重要外部环境,即全球化过程中的全球体系优势源泉和地方化过程中的地方据点优势源泉。中国城市加速其全球化进程的同时,城市竞争以及城市一区域一体化也在不同地区、不同程度地加剧和加速,城市发展取决于其全球性的链接程度以及区域竞争力的高低和地方根植程度。该文分析新经济时代全球化和地方化过程中城市发展和城市竞争的基本特征,通过主成分分析等方法分析中国城市的全球化和地方化程度。结果表明,中国东部发达地区的全球化和地方化作用相对显著;中西部地区由于区域整体竞争力低、城市区域整合度差,影响了该区域的城市竞争优势。  相似文献   

季菲菲  陈雯  魏也华  袁丰 《地理学报》2014,69(6):823-837
金融资本是区域进行生产活动并进一步带动经济增长的原动力。结合新经济地理学与金融地理学的理论,将金融资源流动纳入市场化、全球化、分权化和一体化的研究框架之下,用网络分析的方法,构建区域金融流动的格局及机理的分析框架。基于长三角16 市金融发展状况和上市公司2002 年、2005 年、2008 年和2011 年的交易数据,构建了金融资源流动和联系的网络,并进一步测量了网络密度和中心度。结果显示,长三角金融发展与金融资源分布形成了差异显著但有缩小趋势的发展格局,除上海金融中心作用凸显之外,南京、杭州和宁波也成为金融流动网络中的重要空间节点;金融流动网络密度不断增强,跨省金融流动增多。分别选取表征市场化、全球化、分权化和一体化的指标,使用QAP网络分析方法揭示了长三角金融流动的动力机制。相关和回归分析结果表明,进出口总额、FDI、文化差异、外资金融法人数量和行政边界均对金融流动有显著的影响,相反金融业比重和地方财政收入自治率则并无显著作用。本文探讨了从地理学空间差异和空间相互作用的角度来解释金融差异与金融流动的方法,对于深入研究金融一体化问题有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

广东城市国际化发展的水平与过程研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
首先建立了衡量城市国际化水平的综合指标体系,对改革开放以来广东省21个地级(或以上)城市1985、1990、1995、2000、2003年等5个主要年份国际化水平进行了统计分析,探讨了城市国际化的变化过程,归纳出了城市国际化发展的三种类型。研究表明:近20年来广东省所有城市的国际化水平均在不断提高,可见国际化不是少数世界城市或全球城市的独有现象。国际化水平的提高不是一个线性过程,大部分城市会出现波动和反复。  相似文献   

刘博  朱竑 《热带地理》2016,36(2):174-180
全球化使品牌与地方之间的联系日益密切。西方国家的快时尚品牌实行全球同价、全球同款和标准化的经营模式,被认为具有消极的品牌形象,然而却在异源文化背景的中国实现品牌升级。以ZARA为例,从时间和空间2个维度出发,描述其品牌空间发展史,分析品牌源地、空间发展、店铺选址等参与快时尚品牌的文化生产过程。结论如下:1)快时尚品牌与全球时尚城市建立积极联系,将全球时尚城市想象写入品牌发展史中,品牌空间发展史比品牌源地对品牌形象的影响更大;2)ZARA与全球时尚城市互动成功塑造全球时尚品牌形象,“全球”品牌头衔对于中国本土向往全球化的消费者来说具有很强的吸引力,对于其跨国升级有积极影响;3)ZARA在中国大陆的品牌空间发展依然延续“下沉式”模式,利用上海、北京、深圳、广州等地在全国时尚产业中的引领地位影响二级城市消费者的品牌选择,实现其跨国品牌升级;4)专卖店选址于高端消费街区,在跨国过程中重新定位于中高端消费群体,使得ZARA实现跨国品牌升级。  相似文献   

Geographies of the financial crisis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Manuel Aalbers 《Area》2009,41(1):34-42
Real estate is, by definition, local as it is spatially fixed. Mortgage lending, however, has developed from a local to a national market and is increasingly a global market today. An understanding of the financial crisis is ultimately a spatialised understanding of the linkages between local and global. This article looks at the geographies of the mortgage crisis and credit crunch and asks the question: how are different places affected by the crisis? The article looks at different states, different cities, different neighbourhoods and different financial centres. Investors in many places had invested in residential mortgage backed securities and have seen their value drop. Housing bubbles, faltering economies and regulation together have shaped the geography of the financial crisis on the state and city level in the US. Subprime and predatory lending have affected low-income and minority communities more than others and we therefore not only see a concentration of foreclosures in certain cities, but also in certain neighbourhoods. On an international level, the long-term economical and political consequences of this are still mostly unknown, but it is clear that some financial centres in Asia (including the Middle East) will become more important now that globalisation is coming full circle. This article does not present new empirical research, but brings together work from different literatures that all in some way have a specific angle on the financial crisis. The aim of this article is to make the geographical dimensions of the financial crisis understandable to geographers that are not specialists in all – or even any – of these literatures, so that they can comprehend the spatialisation of this crisis.  相似文献   

开发区与我国城市空间结构演进及其动力机制   总被引:41,自引:1,他引:40  
张晓平  刘卫东 《地理科学》2003,23(2):142-149
开发区是近20年来我国经济发展的重要空间载体。经济活动在开发区的集聚,对所在地区的空间结构产生了深刻的影响。结合对开发区的实地调研,提出我国开发区与城市空间结构演进的基本类型可分为双核结构、连片带状结构、多极触角结构等。并指出开发区与城市空间结构的演进主要是由跨国公司主导的外部作用力、城市与乡村的扩散力和开发区的集聚力共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

中国政府提出的“一带一路”倡议正在成为世界上越来越多国家共同探索国际经济治理新机制的一个平台。与此同时,以新自由主义为旗帜的经济全球化已经走到“十字路口”,逆全球化的声音不绝于耳,如何推动全球化进一步发展已成为世界性挑战。在此背景下,越来越多的政治精英和学者认为“一带一路”将引领新型全球化道路,其中一个重要的探索方向就是包容性全球化。本文在简要剖析经济全球扩张的历程及其机制并揭示新自由主义全球化局限性的基础上,结合“一带一路”的实践活动,提出了包容性全球化的核心内涵,包括国家应发挥好“调节者”的角色、解决资本市场“期限错配”的问题、选择适合国情的发展道路、保障各方平等地参与全球化,以及在经济全球化过程中保护文化多元性。尽管这些内涵还不足以精确地定量刻画包容性全球化,但可为后续研究提供一些借鉴的方向,也为“一带一路”建设提供了理论思考的方向。  相似文献   

This article explores the assembling and worlding of cities as both aspirational and evaluative processes in which cities are assembled, compared, and “positioned.” These practices involve the global circulation of expertise, best practices, models, and technologies related to how best to develop and govern cities. From specific examples from the authors' research, it is argued that the two distinct but overlapping notions of assembling and worlding help us conceptualize the contemporary urban–global condition. Building on the article's insights, we end this Urban Pulse with some questions for future global urban studies.  相似文献   

生物多样性是一个系统性、整体性的概念,存在跨界、多尺度的管理问题。一方面,城市生态系统不是孤立的,而是与相邻城市、行政区相连的生态系统。城市生物多样性研究需要考虑生态系统的连续性。另一方面,城市生物多样性的主动保护和被动恢复策略不应仅由研究人员或市政府机构制定。更重要的是,有必要考虑多级管理部门的真实的生态系统管理问题,并将其纳入压力–状态–响应(PSR)模型。本文以多尺度现场调研和部门座谈的形式,结合遥感数据、土地利用数据、规划文本和图则等,对比分析珠海市生态系统现状、面临压力和应对生态问题的解决方案进行分析并总结出珠海市生态系统恢复的关键指标,以形成完整和更有效的城市生物多样性战略。本文发现,城市生态系统保护的实施效果和不同尺度的管理问题、资金需求等是否得到回应和满足,是否鼓励各利益相关者参与密切相关。不同尺度、不同地区的生态系统是否采取相同的生物多样性战略取决于该地区在全球或区域生态系统中是否具有同等重要性,生态元素是否与其他城市、地区的生态系统相连或者相邻,以及不同尺度多方利益相关者的关切问题是否相同等。  相似文献   

从跨国广告业看全球化和全球城市——以中国广告业为例   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
柏兰芝  陈诗宁 《地理研究》2004,23(5):582-592
本文从广告业的视角出发 ,分析了伴随全球生产者服务业空间布局的扩张而来的区域市场和空间结构的重塑。研究的主要发现为 :(1)在跨国公司的支配下 ,中国广告业在生产组织上逐渐向专业代理演化 ,在行业规范上也逐渐向 4A的主流靠拢 ;(2 )中国广告业在上海、北京、广州三大城市的集中 ,体现了在全球化过程中形成的“区域性服务业市场” ;(3)由于市场规模大 ,中国广告业有可能向“前端” (产品定位和沟通策略 )发展 ;(4 )由于中国幅员广大 ,进入区域市场需要不同的媒体计划 ,也使得广告的全球标准化产品产出更多的地方版本。在理论争论方面 ,本文认为全球城市是都市区域全球化制度和空间的中介。  相似文献   

In addition to socio-economic factors,major landforms may affect the city structure and urban form. Here we show that landforms have significant effects on the city shape and street patterns of the fast-growing Iranian cities of Dezful (a river) and Khorramabad (mountains and valleys),but no clear effects on the cities of Yazd and Nain. Also,where the street orientation is peaked,the Gibbs/Shannon entropy (a measure of dispersion or spread) is low,but increases as the distribution becomes more uniform because of landform constraints. The streets in the old inner parts of all the cities are,on average,shorter and denser (more streets per unit area) than the streets of the newer outer parts. The entropies of the outer parts are also greater than those of the inner parts,implying that the street-length distribution gradually becomes more dispersed or spread as the city expands. All these cities have been fast growing in the past decades,with the newer outer parts expanding rapidly. As shown here,the rapidly formed outer parts (with greater dispersion in street patterns) have significantly different textures from those of the older inner parts,indicating different functionality and growth processes. These quantitative methods for street-network analysis can be used worldwide,particularly for analysing the effects of landforms on city shape and texture.  相似文献   

In addition to socio-economic factors, major landforms may affect the city structure and urban form. Here we show that landforms have significant effects on the city shape and street patterns of the fast-growing Iranian cities of Dezful(a river) and Khorramabad(mountains and valleys), but no clear effects on the cities of Yazd and Nain. Also, where the street orientation is peaked, the Gibbs/Shannon entropy(a measure of dispersion or spread) is low, but increases as the distribution becomes more uniform because of landform constraints. The streets in the old inner parts of all the cities are, on average, shorter and denser(more streets per unit area) than the streets of the newer outer parts. The entropies of the outer parts are also greater than those of the inner parts, implying that the street-length distribution gradually becomes more dispersed or spread as the city expands. All these cities have been fast growing in the past decades, with the newer outer parts expanding rapidly. As shown here, the rapidly formed outer parts(with greater dispersion in street patterns) have significantly different textures from those of the older inner parts, indicating different functionality and growth processes. These quantitative methods for street-network analysis can be used worldwide, particularly for analysing the effects of landforms on city shape and texture.  相似文献   

Coloradoapos;s 1992 vote on Amendment Two was the first meaningful, broad-based test of attitudes on gay rights within the United States. Analysis of voting results distinguishes places of tolerance from places of rejection. Social differences separating these places reflect typical contrasts between “traditionalists” and “modernizers” found in cultural conflicts at the national level. Places showing support for gay rights are recreational-based mountain communities, urban areas, and university communities. Those showing opposition are rural, agriculturally based communities. Suburban areas produced a more ambivalent vote.  相似文献   

In addition to socio-economic factors, major landforms may affect the city structure and urban form. Here we show that landforms have significant effects on the city shape and street patterns of the fast-growing Iranian cities of Dezful (a river) and Khorramabad (moun- tains and valleys), but no clear effects on the cities of Yazd and Nain. Also, where the street orientation is peaked, the Gibbs/Shannon entropy (a measure of dispersion or spread) is low, but increases as the distribution becomes more uniform because of landform constraints. The streets in the old inner parts of all the cities are, on average, shorter and denser (more streets per unit area) than the streets of the newer outer parts. The entropies of the outer parts are also greater than those of the inner parts, implying that the street-length distribution gradually becomes more dispersed or spread as the city expands. All these cities have been fast growing in the past decades, with the newer outer parts expanding rapidly. As shown here, the rapidly formed outer parts (with greater dispersion in street patterns) have significantly different textures from those of the older inner parts, indicating different functionality and growth processes. These quantitative methods for street-network analysis can be used worldwide, particularly for analysing the effects of landforms on city shape and texture.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Ethnic neighborhoods have long been used to facilitate urban revitalization in older, inner‐city neighborhoods in American cities, but this strategy is much less common in European cities. This is especially surprising because immigrants make up a significant percentage of the population in a large number of those cities. This article explores the role that a largely invented Little Italy has played in revitalizing a section of downtown San Diego in contrast to the difficulty of creating such districts in European cities. The question posed here is, Will this contrast in approaches and outcomes remain indefinitely, or will the use of ethnically themed revitalization strategies become more alike as globalization and the expansion of the European Union serve to lessen historic ethnic tensions and increase the number of distinctive immigrant districts in Europe?  相似文献   

中国三大都会经济区的演变及其发展战略   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:10  
薛凤旋  蔡建明 《地理研究》2003,22(5):531-540
我国沿海地区特别是主要入海河流的三角洲上的城市,乃近代发展最迅速的城市。1978年改革开放以来,全球经济一体化更为这些城市注入了新的动力。围绕着北京、上海和香港等核心城市,近年来已形成三个不同程度的外向型都会经济区。过往20年来,它们在外贸、外资、经济发展及城市化速度方面均领先全国。因此对这些都会经济区的功能特点和形成机制进行研究,是我国区域发展规划的重要前提。同时都会经济区亦是我国城市化二元体中有关大城市群或都市连绵带式的城市化的重要内容  相似文献   

Yu Ye  Dong Li 《Urban geography》2018,39(4):631-652
Recent urban transformations in China have led to critical reflections on the low-quality urban expansion in the previous decades and called for the making of vital and lively urban places. To date, limited research has been devoted to empirically testing the relationship between urban design, urban morphology, and urban vitality in Chinese cities. This paper employs new urban data and analytical methods and explores the relationship between urban morphology and urban vitality using regression models. Shenzhen, one of the largest and fastest growing cities in China, is selected as the case study. The regression analysis focuses on two morphological factors, density and typology, while controlling for the accessibility, functional mix, and size of individual blocks. The presence of small catering businesses is used as a proxy for urban vitality. The analysis suggests that both typology and density matter for urban vitality, with typology playing a more important role. More specifically, “block” and “strip” types tend to show significant positive effects on urban vitality. The implications for urban planning and design practices are discussed.  相似文献   

全球城市技术合作网络的拓扑结构特征与空间格局   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
采用2015年PCT专利数据,构建全球城市技术合作网络。利用复杂网络分析和空间分析方法研究全球城市技术合作网络的拓扑结构与空间分布。研究发现:拓扑结构上,全球城市技术合作网络的密度较低,城市节点对外联系强度极不均衡。网络为无标度网络,社团结构明显。空间格局上,全球技术合作网络中城市节点的专利总量和对外联系次数都呈一定区域性,城市节点主要通过全球知识网络获取知识。巴黎和东京无论是专利产出还是合作数量都具有领先优势,对外联系紧密,枢纽性强。网络中城市节点度中心性的空间分布上与专利产出的分布格局基本相同,而介数中心性的分布格局更为集中。  相似文献   

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