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Many factors impinge on local involvement in transnational corporation (TNC) networks. Two factors have not been explored, the previous economic strength of local partners and the large domestic market. This study employs site interviews and survey data in Shanghai to demonstrate that these two factors do affect the local involvement in management, industrial linkages, and technology transfer. The paper discusses China's cultural and political background, TNC's market‐capture motive, and equity joint ventures as the most common entry modes. The influence appears more evident when the two factors come together in joint ventures. Evidence also suggests that the overall localization level in Shanghai is lower than in some other developing countries because of the novelty of TNC investment in the city. On this account, as joint ventures constitute the main mode of TNC investment, increasing localization is anticipated in the years ahead.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(8):1212-1248
For some two millennia Istanbul has been one of the world's greatest cities, and is today classified as an "Alpha-" world city in the Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) group's 2010 rankings. Istanbul is an emerging global city that is facilitating Turkey's transnational integration into the global economy, and as of June 2009 the city had the second largest office stock among all Southeast European countries. This paper investigates the determinants of office rent levels in the city's Central Business District (CBD) and the spatial variation of rents in a polycentric metropolis. The paper uses a stepwise regression and a Mamdani-type fuzzy rule-based model to estimate office space rents, and compares empirical results with those of a conventional OLS regression analysis. Rents are driven not only by physical characteristics and locational services, but also the terms of lease contracts. New CBD locations that command the highest rents on spacious, high-rise office spaces with comparatively few employees conform well with contemporary accounts of world-city financial districts, and confirm the significance of urban office infrastructures for globally oriented financial elites beyond the familiar roster of Global North world cities. The traditional center retains the core purpose identified nearly a century ago, in Marshall's analysis of centralization during the most vibrant period of the industrial age. Despite all the transformations of transnational urbanist polycentricity, the traditional CBD is still the place with the most diverse mix of activities, and the greatest variation in rents.  相似文献   

Since their post-war inception, Sydney's metropolitan plans have tended to be overtaken by the social, economic and environmental conditions they have had to confront. The depth and scope of Sydney's recent urban transformation threatens again to overtake metropolitan planning capacity creating, in the context of competitive globalisation, a potentially significant market disadvantage for the city, not to mention poor urban development outcomes. This paper reviews Sydney's post-war metropolitan planning strategies, examining the social and economic contexts and the policy paradigms in which they have been framed, in order to draw out the lessons to be learned from their successes and failures. We argue that future success in planning urban development will rely on richly informed and fine-grained understanding of the complex spatial outcomes of Sydney's ever-deeper global integration. Only such fine-grained understanding can empower metropolitan planning to be responsive to the evolving challenges of managing development in the contemporary urban context.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(8):1141-1147
Shenzhen, China's first special economic zone (SEZ), not only heralds the essence and evolution of the PRC's earlier domestic reform and global integration, but also demonstrates how urban spaces are rapidly produced in a socialist economy undergoing market transformation. This note identifies three such spaces: an economic space of globalization; a social space of exclusion and contestation; and a political space of governance.  相似文献   

基于百度POI和美团网评分数据,分析上海市商业型健身休闲场所空间格局及影响机理.结果 显示:①上海市商业型健身休闲场所整体呈现核心-边缘格局,黄浦区、静安区、徐汇区、长宁区、普陀区和虹口区的交界处形成了核心集聚分布区.②上海市商业型健身休闲场所分布与高人口密度区、高房价地区、交通网络发达区、住宅小区、写字楼和购物中心等...  相似文献   

中国石化产业空间组织的演进历程与机制   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
刘鹤  金凤君  刘毅 《地理研究》2012,31(11):2031-2043
本文研究了中国石化产业空间组织的演进及格局,探讨了其影响因子及作用机制。研究认为,中国石化产业空间组织经历了内陆分散布局、沿海局部快速集聚及沿海全面加速扩张三个阶段。经过60年发展,中国已形成了“十大石化产业基地”.原材料、市场和政策因素是影响中国石化产业空间组织的三大主导因素,各因素在不同阶段的作用强度存在差异。在石化产业发展的早期,原材料是影响石化产业布局的主要因素,在此因素的影响下,中国石化产业主要布局在原油丰富的东北和西北地区。改革开放以来,随着工业化和城市化进程的加快,市场成为影响石化产业空间布局的主导因素,中国石化产业开始向沿海局部地区布局。2000年以来,在原材料、市场、政策等多种因素驱动下,石化产业加速向沿海地区集聚,沿海石化产业带初步形成,无序扩张态势初现端倪。  相似文献   

从跨国广告业看全球化和全球城市——以中国广告业为例   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
柏兰芝  陈诗宁 《地理研究》2004,23(5):582-592
本文从广告业的视角出发 ,分析了伴随全球生产者服务业空间布局的扩张而来的区域市场和空间结构的重塑。研究的主要发现为 :(1)在跨国公司的支配下 ,中国广告业在生产组织上逐渐向专业代理演化 ,在行业规范上也逐渐向 4A的主流靠拢 ;(2 )中国广告业在上海、北京、广州三大城市的集中 ,体现了在全球化过程中形成的“区域性服务业市场” ;(3)由于市场规模大 ,中国广告业有可能向“前端” (产品定位和沟通策略 )发展 ;(4 )由于中国幅员广大 ,进入区域市场需要不同的媒体计划 ,也使得广告的全球标准化产品产出更多的地方版本。在理论争论方面 ,本文认为全球城市是都市区域全球化制度和空间的中介。  相似文献   

上海市中心城社会区分析   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:14  
宣国富  徐建刚  赵静 《地理研究》2006,25(3):526-538
以第五次人口普查数据为基础,对上海市中心城社会区进行研究。结果表明,老年与外来人口、社会经济地位、居住条件、商服与农业人口和公房住宅是形成转型期上海中心城社会区的5个主要因子。城区社会区可划分成6种类型:老年人口集中的旧城区、高社会经济地位居住区、单位公房居住带、人口导入的新建住宅区、外来人口聚居区、农业人口散居区;城市社会空间在整体的同心圆结构基础上呈现出与扇形、多核心结构的综合。并从城市发展的历史、城市规划、土地使用制度改革与旧城改造、户籍管理制度、住房福利分配制度及市场化改革等方面探讨了其形成机制。  相似文献   

中国上市企业总部的区位分布和集聚特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
大企业总部是决策和控制中心,掌握着巨大的资源分配权,其决策将影响到地区甚至国家的发展。因此,大企业总部的数量关系到一个国家和地区的竞争力和影响力,研究大企业总部的分布和集聚有重要的理论和政策意义。本研究考察了截至2011年底中国2320家上市企业总部在城市的分布及集聚特征,有以下主要发现:①中国的上市企业总部分布和总体产业空间格局较为一致,即高度集聚在我国的东部沿海城市,尤其是长三角、珠三角和京津冀地区。②中国的企业总部高度集聚在高行政级别的城市,具体而言即大量集中在首都、直辖市、副省级和省会城市。③北京、上海和深圳是中国企业总部最为集聚的城市,不仅企业总部数量最多,而且企业的规模也最大,尤其是北京拥有超强的掌控力。而且,北京、上海和深圳几乎在所有产业领域都表现出绝对的领先优势。④和国际上发达国家比较,中国的企业总部在空间上的集聚程度较低,东部沿海发达地区的总部数量占全国比重仍在上升,北京、上海和深圳等大城市的上市企业总部数量增长要明显快于全国其他地区,其地位还在进一步强化。⑤企业总部的数量和城市的金融业发展水平、机场条件、经济规模、经济全球化水平、城市的规模等级、行政等级等呈现出高度的正向相关关系。  相似文献   

Since the first modern shopping centre was built in the United States in the 1920s, shopping centres have gradually become representative patterns of economic growth and consumerism in the United States, and these patterns are now trending globally. Shopping centres have demonstrated tremendous development potential since their initial entry into China in the 1990s. Shanghai is the most economically prosperous city in China, and the development and evolution of its shopping centres reflect the trend in China's commercial real estate development. Therefore, based on the central-place and agglomeration economy theory, this paper quantitatively measures and analyses the spatial gravity, extending direction, agglomeration characteristics and hierarchical structure of Shanghai's shopping centres using GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and spatial analysis. Moreover, this paper analyses the dynamic mechanism of urban development and its patterns of centripetal and centrifugal movement. The results demonstrate the following. (1) The spatial gravity points are located in the districts of Huangpu, Luwan and Xuhui in the city centre and within the inner ring. In addition, there is a trend to be gradually near the middle ring, exhibiting an obvious tendency from the northeast to the southwest. (2) Shopping centres in Shanghai exhibit a clustered distribution in the centres of urban areas, which form numerous business districts that extend in the same direction. (3) The hot spot analysis is a very effective method for identifying the hierarchy of business circles. (4) Planning by the government is the most important external impetus, and commercial agglomeration is the internal force determining the spatial expansion of shopping centres. Additionally, urban transportation patterns have an obvious influence on the spatial morphology of shopping centres. (5) Over the last two decades, the spatial development of Shanghai's shopping centres has reached a balance between the centripetal and centrifugal forces. In other words, we have not observed a tendency towards suburbanization, which indicates that Shanghai's shopping centres are still in the early stages of development. Therefore, future shopping centres may be primarily located in the stretch or peripheral zones of the city.  相似文献   

Residential mobility can be conceptualized as an outcome of a choice process exercised under complex institutional and personal constraints. China's rather unique pattern of housing market segmentation under market transition impinges directly on residential location and relocation. Drawing upon data from a sample survey, this paper analyzes the pattern of residential moves resulting from commodity housing construction in a major Chinese city, Guangzhou. Most moves are of short distance, although the general direction is towards the urban periphery. Danweis and the municipal housing bureau, rather than the market per se, are the primary driving forces behind suburbanization in China today.  相似文献   

Residential mobility can be conceptualized as an outcome of a choice process exercised under complex institutional and personal constraints. China's rather unique pattern of housing market segmentation under market transition impinges directly on residential location and relocation. Drawing upon data from a sample survey, this paper analyzes the pattern of residential moves resulting from commodity housing construction in a major Chinese city, Guangzhou. Most moves are of short distance, although the general direction is towards the urban periphery. Danweis and the municipal housing bureau, rather than the market per se, are the primary driving forces behind suburbanization in China today.  相似文献   

曹卫东 《地理研究》2012,31(6):1079-1088
港航企业的行为空间研究正成为现代港口地理学新的研究热点。以上海港口后勤区为例,建立港航企业空间属性数据库,收集各区县制造业、仓储业、商业、商务办公业的企业数据以及对应的建筑面积数据,综合运用空间基尼系数、GIS空间统计与插值以及地理联系率三种研究方法,从中微观尺度刻画上海港口后勤区主要港航企业的区位特征以及空间关联。研究表明:现阶段上海港口后勤区港航企业以广域(市域)分布为主,总体呈现明显的空间聚集特征;不同类型港航企业的区位选择具有明显的差异性,港航企业多以中心城区为核心、沿黄浦江空间集聚明显,而无船承运企业则呈现大分散小集聚布局;港航企业区位选择与制造业具有空间可分性,而国际集装箱运输企业地域依赖性明显。  相似文献   

低碳视角下城市空间形态紧凑度研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
吕斌  孙婷 《地理研究》2013,32(6):1057-1067
全球气候变化背景下,构建功能紧凑的低碳城市空间形态已成为世界各地城市实现低碳化可持续发展的主要途径之一。但目前的城市形态研究主要集中在城市外部空间,缺乏对城市内部功能空间紧凑度的量化。从实现低碳城市的视角,提出了城市内部功能空间形态紧凑度的量化指标,用以探讨实现低碳城市的城市空间形态特征;以商业、医疗、教育和文化娱乐等4种重要服务设施布局为基础,构建了城市功能空间紧凑度指数,对不同规模、不同地理条件类型的8个案例城市进行定量研究,实证了城市内部“功能空间紧凑度”指标较城市外部“形态紧凑度”指标能够更好的反映城市形态的紧凑性内涵,适用于评价各类城市空间形态的低碳发展模式。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Shanghai and Singapore are two economically vibrant Asian cities that have recently adopted creative/cultural economy strategies. In this article I examine new spatial expressions of cultural and economic interests in the two cities: state‐vaunted cultural edifices and organically evolved cultural spaces. I discuss the simultaneous precariousness and sustainability of these spaces, focusing on Shanghai's Grand Theatre and Moganshan Lu and on Singapore's Esplanade—Theatres by the Bay and Wessex Estate. Their cultural sustainability is understood as their ability to support the development of indigenous content and local idioms in artistic work. Their social sustainability is examined in terms of the social inclusion and community bonds they engender; environmental sustainability refers to the articulation with the language of existing urban forms and the preservation of or improvements to the landscape. Although both Shanghai and Singapore demonstrate simultaneous precariousness and sustainability, Singapore's city‐state status places greater pressure on it to ensure sustainability than does Shanghai, within a much larger China in which Beijing serves as the cultural hearth while Shanghai remains essentially a commercial center.  相似文献   

旅游规划设计的内涵本质与核心理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着旅游业在吸纳就业、调整产业结构、带动区域经济发展等诸多方面作用日益凸显,旅游规划市场呈现出蓬勃发展的趋势.然而,从学科来看旅游规划不仅缺乏独有的核心理论和关键技术作为支撑,而且其与其他规划设计在本质上的区别也尚未能予以清晰地界定.为此,在前人研究和多年规划实践基础上,就若干基础性问题进行探讨:一是提出了旅游规划设计的六大本质特征;二是提出了旅游规划设计师的四大看家本领;三是提出了旅游规划设计的“12345”核心理论框架;四是提出了旅游规划设计的综合诊断技术、创造体验技术、综合匹配技术、时空设计技术和综合集成技术五大关键技术方法;五是讨论了旅游规划设计的学科性质和地位.  相似文献   

中美航空客运网络层次结构和地域系统对比分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叶倩  吴殿廷  戴特奇  郭谦  鲍捷 《地理研究》2013,32(6):1084-1094
美国民航1978年彻底市场化以来已经历30多年的发展,航空网络趋于成熟。我国民航也在经历市场化改革,机场属地化完成至今已近10年,运量快速增长、高铁建设等因素正剧烈地影响着网络演变。对比中美两国航空网络有利于判断我国航线网络和机场体系的演变趋势,对于我国民航发展具有借鉴意义。以中国大陆地区和美国本土48个州作为研究区,运用交通地理信息系统和VBA等技术,从绝对联系和首位联系两个角度,对当前中美两国航空客运网络层次结构和地域系统进行分析与对比。研究发现:中国航空客运网络已表现出一定的轴辐体系,但一级枢纽较少、客运压力过大,且航空枢纽重东南、轻中西;美国航空客运网络的轴辐体系已趋向完善,各大枢纽和重要城市之间的内部空间联系非常密切。进而,提出了一些政策性建议,以期对我国航空客运网络未来的空间发展形式和方向提供借鉴。  相似文献   

基于多源大数据,构建了整合城市活动-移动系统、城市人口系统、城市运行系统、城市环境系统4个系统的城市体征诊断指数体系。该指数体系分解为底力、动力、压力、活力4个维度,具有4个层次和12个时空间尺度。底力指数表征土地、人口等空间单元基本属性,用以把握区域总体特征;动力指数通过企业发展状况、环境质量等反映了空间单元的发展状态;压力指数用以监测城市系统运行状况,起到风险评判与预警的作用;活力指数以活动和流的时空特征进行活动动态展现,反映空间单元的真实活力。最后以2016年4月6日为例,计算和展示了上海各街道的综合和各维度体征诊断指数,说明了体征诊断指数的可应用性和指数计算结果的稳健性。城市体征诊断指数可以辅助于城市网格化管理、压力预警等治理需求。  相似文献   

苏州与上海孪生城市模式的形成机理及其区域效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陆玉麒  董平  俞勇军 《地理科学》2004,24(3):305-313
在对美国进行大量实证分析的基础上,艾伦从理论上推导出的孪生城市模式丰富和发展了区域空间结构理论。1990年代以后,苏州在跨国公司投资作用下的快速崛起,已与上海初步构成了一种功能上互补的共生关系,即孪生城市模式。这一模式的形成主要导源于以下两方面的原因。从行政原因上看,苏州与上海由于分属两个省级行政单元,经营成本、产业政策自1980年代以来一直有着较为明显的差异;从经济原因上看,苏州与上海仅距不到90 km、位居上海都市圈的内圈层,且离虹桥机场约50 km。苏州的快速崛起以至于苏沪孪生城市的形成,产生了多方面的区域效应。苏州与无锡本是一对水平相当、产业性质类似的城市,现已出现了明显的差异化发展态势,从而为在此基础上城市合理分工的形成奠定了基础;苏州位居省级行政单元的交界,因此苏州与作为省会城市的南京构成了广义上的双核结构模式;上述因素的综合作用,使得我们可以构建起沪宁沿线城市合理分工的多重空间组合模式。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,随着工业化、市场化、经济全球化的不断深入,我国区域规划实践与理论不断发展。系统总结并提出了发展的3个时期:1 1978年至1990年代初实践起步与理论引入期,是注重效率的区域不均衡发展阶段,国土规划和城镇体系规划得到共同发展,区域规划理论开始引入、发展及应用;2 1990年代初至21世纪初实践增长与理论探索期,是注重效率兼顾公平的缩小区域差距发展阶段,区域规划工作受到重视并积极开展,区域理论研究进一步探索和发展;3 21世纪初以来实践深化与理论转向期,是注重公平的区域协调发展阶段,区域规划频繁出台并快速发展,区域规划理论多元化发展。在分析中国区域发展的新环境的基础上,提出了区域规划在实践总结与理论创新、体系构建、实施机制创新、新问题跟踪等需要进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

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