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Dans les régions semi-arides et arides, caractérisées par des précipitations relativement faibles et souvent à caractère torrentiel, les facteurs climatiques jouent un rôle primordial dans l'érosion des sols à l'échelle des versants. La majeure partie de l'exportation des matériaux solides est effectuée par les cours d'eau lors des crues. La présente étude traite de l'évaluation et de la quantification du transport solide dans le bassin versant de l'Oued El Hammam, un sous-bassin important de la Macta caractérisé par une forte érosion hydrique. La sensibilité des roches à l'érosion, l'intensité des précipitations et les perturbations du régime d'écoulement font que le flux des matières en suspension (MES) transportées par l'Oued El Hammam atteint des valeurs très importantes. L'analyse du bilan qui règle le processus pluie–ruissellement–transport solide montre de bonnes relations, notamment entre la lame d'eau écoulée et la quantité de charge solide transportée. Nous présentons des modèles statistiques permettant de reproduire les flux de MES. Après calage et validation des modèles sur les chroniques mesurées, ils sont utilisés afin de reconstituer des chroniques de flux de MES non mesurées, à partir de données historiques de débit et de pluie. L'étude de la relation CQ à l'échelle de la crue a été modélisée par une fonction puissance Y = aXb ; une analyse statistique de la constante a et de l'exposant b a été menée afin d'expliquer le comportement de ces deux paramètres et de mieux comprendre l'aspect aussi bien pratique que théorique des processus.

Citation El Mahi, A., Meddi, M., et Bravard, J.-P., 2012. Analyse du transport solide en suspension dans le bassin versant de l'Oued El Hammam (Algérie du Nord). Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (8), 1642–1661.  相似文献   


Abstract A complete regional analysis of daily precipitations is carried out in the southern half of the province of Quebec, Canada. The first step of the regional estimation procedure consists of delineating the homogeneous regions within the area of study and testing for homogeneity within each region. The delineation of homogeneous regions is based on using L-moment ratios. A simulation-based testing of statistical homogeneity allows one to verify the inter-site variability. The second step of the procedure deals with the identification of the regional distribution and the estimation of its parameters. The General Extreme Value (GEV) distribution was identified as an appropriate parent distribution. This distribution has already been recommended by several previous research studies for regional frequency analysis of precipitation extremes. The parameters of the GEV distribution are estimated based on the computation of the regional L-CV, L-CS and the mean of annual maximal daily precipitations. The third step consists of the estimation of precipitation quantiles corresponding to various return periods. The final procedure allows for the estimation of these quantiles at sites where no precipitation information is available. The use of a jack-knife resampling procedure with data from the province of Quebec allows one to demonstrate the robustness and efficiency of the regional estimation procedure. Values of the root mean square error were below 10% for a return period of 20 years, and 20% for a return period of 100 years.  相似文献   


Abstract The multifractal analysis of maximum annual flood discharges at 55 stations of the Tunisian gauging network allows one to associate the various statistical moments of surface discharges of the basins through a scale-invariant law. On this basis, a random cascades model is identified. The scale-invariant law obtained for extreme values represents a theoretical foundation for empirical models proposed since the 1960s which link extreme values, and their associated hazards, with surfaces of drainage areas.  相似文献   


Abstract The prediction and estimation of suspended sediment concentration are investigated by using multi-layer perceptrons (MLP). The fastest MLP training algorithm, that is the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, is used for optimization of the network weights for data from two stations on the Tongue River in Montana, USA. The first part of the study deals with prediction and estimation of upstream and down-stream station sediment data, separately, and the second part focuses on the estimation of downstream suspended sediment data by using data from both stations. In each case, the MLP test results are compared to those of generalized regression neural networks (GRNN), radial basis function (RBF) and multi-linear regression (MLR) for the best-input combinations. Based on the comparisons, it was found that the MLP generally gives better suspended sediment concentration estimates than the other neural network techniques and the conventional statistical method (MLR). However, for the estimation of maximum sediment peak, the RBF was mostly found to be better than the MLP and the other techniques. The results also indicate that the RBF and GRNN may provide better performance than the MLP in the estimation of the total sediment load.  相似文献   


Some unique coupled wind–water erosion processes exist in the desert-loess transitional zone in the middle Yellow River basin. Based on data from 40 stations on 29 rivers, a study was made on the influence of such processes on suspended sediment grain-size characteristics of the tributaries of the Yellow River. Results show that the percentage of >0.05-mm grain size decreases with the increased annual mean precipitation, but increases with the increase in the annual mean number of sand-dust storm days. The percentage of <0.01-mm grain size increases with the increase in the annual mean precipitation, but decreases with the increase in the annual number of sand-dust storm days. Based on annual mean data from 40 stations, multiple regression equations were established between the percentages of >0.05-mm grain size (r >0.05) and <0.01-mm grain size (r <0.01), annual mean precipitation (P m) and annual mean number of sand-dust storm days (D ss). On this basis, the relative contributions of the variations in D ss and P m to the variation in r >0.05 and r <0.01 were estimated. The results indicate that the variation in sand-dust storm frequency exerts greater influences on the variation in grain-size characteristics of suspended load than does the variation in annual mean precipitation. With the increase in the coupled wind–water processes index, expressed by P m/D ss, the percentage of >0.05-mm grain size in suspended sediment decreases and the percentage of <0.01-mm grain size increases. With the variation in P m/D ss, different combinations of r >0.05 with r <0.01 appear, which have some influence on the formation of hyperconcentrated flows. There exist some optimal ratios of coarse to fine fractions in suspended sediment that make sediment concentrations of hyperconcentrated flows the highest. The optimal r >0.05/r <0.01 value is related to some range of the index P m/D ss. When the P m/D ss index falls in this range, the optimum combination of relative coarse with fine sediments in the suspended load appears, and thus results in the peak values of sediment concentration.  相似文献   


The transport of sediment load in rivers is important with respect to pollution, channel navigability, reservoir filling, longevity of hydroelectric equipment, fish habitat, river aesthetics and scientific interest. However, conventional sediment rating curves cannot estimate sediment load accurately. An adaptive neuro-fuzzy technique is investigated for its ability to improve the accuracy of the streamflow—suspended sediment rating curve for daily suspended sediment estimation. The daily streamflow and suspended sediment data for four stations in the Black Sea region of Turkey are used as case studies. A comparison is made between the estimates provided by the neuro-fuzzy model and those of the following models: radial basis neural network (RBNN), feed-forward neural network (FFNN), generalized regression neural network (GRNN), multi-linear regression (MLR) and sediment rating curve (SRC). Comparison of results reveals that the neuro-fuzzy model, in general, gives better estimates than the other techniques. Among the neural network techniques, the RBNN is found to perform better than the FFNN and GRNN.  相似文献   


Abstract Monthly precipitation and temperature trends of 51 stations in the Yangtze basin from 1950–2002 were analysed and interpolated. The Mann-Kendall trend test was applied to examine the monthly precipitation and temperature data. Significant positive and negative trends at the 90, 95 and 99% significance levels were detected. The monthly mean temperature, precipitation, summer precipitation and monthly mean runoff at Yichang, Hankou and Datong stations were analysed. The results indicate that spatial distribution of precipitation and temperature trends is different. The middle and lower Yangtze basin is dominated by upward precipitation trend but by somewhat downward temperature trend; while downward precipitation trend and upward temperature trend occur in the upper Yangtze basin. This is because increasing precipitation leads to increasing cloud coverage and, hence, results in decreasing ground surface temperature. Average monthly precipitation and temperature analysis for the upper, middle and lower Yangtze basin, respectively, further corroborate this viewpoint. Analysis of precipitation trend for these three regions and of runoff trends for the Yichang, Hankou and Datong stations indicated that runoff trends respond well to the precipitation trends. Historical flood trend analysis also shows that floods in the middle and lower Yangtze basin are in upward trend. The above findings indicate that the middle and lower Yangtze basin is likely to face more serious flood disasters. The research results help in further understanding the influence of climatic changes on floods in the Yangtze basin, providing scientific background for the flood control activities in large catchments in Asia.  相似文献   

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