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塔里木河中游植物群落与环境因子的关系   总被引:40,自引:2,他引:40  
应用数量分类和排序方法,对新疆塔里木河中游地区植被进行了多元统计分析。结果表明,该地区共有植物23种,隶属于11科21属。其中,多数植物种类在样方中的出现频次较低,说明该地区植物物种丰富度较低。TWINSPAN结果表明,该地区3个断面19个样地可分为3个主要类型,与实际调查结果一致。CCA排序结果同TWINSPAN分类结果基本一致,反映出植物群落分布格局的一般规律及其随环境因子梯度变化的趋势。分析了不同环境因子间的关系,并从定量的角度,以CCA排序图直观地揭示了决定塔里木河中游地区植物群落分布的环境因子主要是地下水位和土壤含水量,其回归模型分别为:X1=-9.5991L 100.86(R^2=0.6459);X2=1.65W 43.011(R^2=0.7646)。  相似文献   

为分析不同高寒植物群落优势种的光合特性,探究影响光合作用的主要环境因子,选择若尔盖高原同纬度同海拔的沼泽湿地、湿草甸和干草甸样地,对比研究典型植物群落优势种木里苔草(Carex muliensis)、四川嵩草(Kobresia setchwanensis)和垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)光合日变化。结果表明:(1)由于水分条件差异显著(P<0.05),沼泽湿地优势种木里苔草的净光合速率(Pn)日变化呈单峰趋势,而湿草甸和干草甸优势种Pn则为双峰曲线,存在光合"午休"现象。(2)水分利用效率(WUE)日均值表现为干草甸优势种>湿草甸优势种>沼泽湿地优势种;各群落优势种光能利用效率(LUE)日均值无显著差异。(3)沼泽湿地优势种Pn主要受光合有效辐射(PAR)、气温(Ta)和空气相对湿度(RH)的影响;干草甸Ta和PAR为主要环境因子,湿草甸影响优势种Pn的主导因素为PAR。  相似文献   

Snow cover influences the thermal regime and stability of frozen rock walls. In this study, we investigate and model the impact of the spatially variable snow cover on the thermal regime of steep permafrost rock walls. This is necessary for a more detailed understanding of the thermal and mechanical processes causing changes in rock temperature and in the ice and water contents of frozen rock, which possibly lead to rock wall instability. To assess the temporal and spatial evolution and influence of the snow, detailed measurements have been carried out at two selected points in steep north‐ and southfacing rock walls since 2012. In parallel, the one‐dimensional energy balance model SNOWPACK is used to simulate the effects of snow cover on the thermal regime of the rock walls. For this, a multi‐method approach with high temporal resolution is applied, combining meteorological, borehole rock temperature and terrain parameter measurements. To validate the results obtained for the ground thermal regime and the seasonally varying snowpack, the model output is compared with near‐surface rock temperature measurements and remote snow cover observations. No decrease of snow depth at slope angles up to 70° was observed in rough terrain due to micro‐topographic structures. Strong contrasts in rock temperatures between north‐ and south‐facing slopes are due to differences in solar radiation, slope angle and the timing and depth of the snow cover. SNOWPACK proved to be useful for modelling snow cover–rock interactions in smooth, homogenous rock slopes.  相似文献   

分析农村居民点时空变迁及其影响因素,有利于了解农村居民点变化的内在机理,加快新农村建设、改造和乡村振兴的步伐。本文基于象山县1990—2015年6期土地利用数据,利用土地利用动态度、景观格局指数、平均最邻近指数、核密度分析等模型方法,探析象山县农村居民点的时空变化特征和驱动因子。结果表明:(1)农村居民点面积不断增长,其速度先下降后增加,农村居民点扩展以块状扩展为主,其次为分散扩展、条带状扩展。(2)农村居民点向耕地和其他建设用地转移,耕地作为主要补充来源。农村居民点形态趋于规则,其平均斑块形状指数和分维数值呈波动下降趋势,聚集度值增加了2.62%。(3)农村居民点集聚趋势明显,其核密度最高值上升,高值区域靠近城镇。核密度空间分布随时间变化较小,都呈现中部高南北低的特征,且南部地区核密度略高于北部地区。(4)农村居民点趋向于布局在高程和坡度较小、靠近城镇中心,并有相应道路联系的区域,其他影响农村居民点布局的因素还包括农村人口和农村政策等。  相似文献   

基于深圳市龙岗区1996年与2006年土地利用数据,应用GIS技术和基于公里格网的多元统计方法定量探讨了龙岗区农村居住用地的布局特征、变化态势及影响因素。研究结果显示:在城镇空间快速扩张的同时,龙岗区农居用地减少有限,且用地地块逐渐破碎与分散化;农居变化是一个大量新建与消失并存的过程,在1996年农居用地消失42%的同时,亦有相近规模的农居新建而成;城镇化对龙岗区农居用地影响显著,消失农居多布局于邻近深圳主城、城镇化进程显著的西南地区;新建农居倾向避开高速城镇化区域,同时在租金利益下集聚于原有城镇空间附近地域;空间要素对农居布局的影响符合一般规律,其中坡度影响最为显著,陡坡地区农居用地显著减少,而交通干线与水系附近则明显增加。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes panel data from 2003-2012 to identify the factors driving the expansion of construction land in Ningbo city; it uses panel data, regional-level, and year-by-year regression models. The results indicate the following: (1) For each 1% increase in the size of the economy, urban population, and industrial structure adjustment coefficient, the amount of construction land increased by 0.35%, 0.52% and -1%, respectively. (2) The factors driving the expansion of urban construction land differed across regions. In more highly developed areas such as Yuyao, Cixi, Fenghua and the downtown area, population growth was the most obvious driving factor with coefficients of 4.880, 1.383, 3.036 and 0.583, respectively, in those areas. Here, the impact of industrial structure adjustment was lower than that of population growth (with coefficients of 1.235, 0.307, 0.145 and -0.242), while economic development was an increasingly insignificant factor (with coefficients of -0.302, 0.071, 0.037 and 0.297). On the other hand, economic development was the most important factor for the expansion of construction land in relatively less developed areas such as Xiangshan and Ninghai counties with coefficients of 0.413 and 0.195, respectively. Here, population growth (with coefficients of -0.538 and 0.132) and industrial structure adjustment (with coefficients of -0.097 and 0.067) were comparatively weaker driving factors. (3) The results of the year-by-year regression indicate the increased impact of economic development as a driving factor (from -1.531 in 2005 to 1.459 in 2012). The influence of the population growth factor slowly declined (from 1.249 in 2005 to 0.044 in 2012) and from 2009 on was less influential than the economic development factor. The industrial structure coefficient remained negative and its influence diminished from year to year (from -5.312 in 2004 to -0.589 in 2012).  相似文献   

 绿洲是干旱区独特的自然景观,是人们生产生活的载体。如何在保持经济发展、提高人民生活水平的基础上保护有限的耕地资源,是关系到干旱区绿洲和谐以及可持续发展的重要问题。选取干旱区典型绿洲——于田县1949\_2004年的自然与人文统计资料,首先分析了五十余年来该县耕地变化的情况。然后从自然与人文两个角度对影响耕地面积变化的因子进行分析,结果表明,自然因素往往构成一定区域绿洲发展的基本限制,人为因素在短时期内,对耕地的变化起着决定性作用,这种作用如果顺应自然因素的限制,则对绿洲发展有利,绿洲稳定性增强;反之,绿洲稳定性减弱,由于新疆绿洲外围多为戈壁及沙漠,因此,对绿洲的利用要遵循自然规律,以保护绿洲为前提,合理利用水等自然资源,否则绿洲的面积随时都有可能缩小。  相似文献   

陈世栋  袁奇峰 《地理科学》2015,35(7):852-859
在城市区域化下,基本农田保护区(农保)成为都市区生态保育的重要空间载体及划定城市增长边界依据。以广州市白云区为例,以镇和行政村为基本空间单元,研究了1997年以来基本农田保护区空间演变过程,并构建指标体系,建立不同产权主体农保转用的数理模型,揭示农保政策对不同主体管制的差异及其影响因素。研究发现:① 广州都市边缘区农保被大量转用,并以转为集体建设用地为主;② 农保政策对不同主体的空间管制效果差异较大,可分为管制有效型、集体转用失效型、国有转用失效型三种类型;③ 国有转用主要位于镇区周边,是城镇化所需代价,集体转用主要分布于靠近城市中心而远离镇区的村庄;④ 区位及村庄对非农经济收入的追求是农地集体转用的主要原因,而社会变迁因素影响并不显著。总之,基本农田制度对政府的管制有效,对集体则失效,说明了对基本农田的保护不仅需要划定刚性的物理边界,还需协调集体产权所有者的利益。  相似文献   

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