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《Urban geography》2013,34(3):197-225
The "political economy of place" has emerged as an important theme in urban research in recent years. Within this theme, scholars have highlighted the role of so-called urban growth coalitions in the creation of conditions favorable for urban economic development. Among their activities, growth coalitions may be interested in jurisdictional organization and, in particular, municipal annexation. This paper examines the conditions that have facilitated annexation as a postwar growth policy in metropolitan Columbus, Ohio, and the role of urban growth coalitions in shaping the policy. The policy has been effective to the extent that annexation to Columbus for municipal purposes has not included decisions on the transfer of school district territory.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(5):422-449
This study presents a quantitative assessment of the environmental consequences of urbanization in general and city bigness in particular in the context of the process of economic development. We focus attention on the relationship between ambient air quality and city size, and how it might differ between urban areas of developed and developing countries. First, the air pollution-city size relationship is characterized theoretically and explored empirically using ambient air quality data for various urban zones across an international sample of cities. While we find statistically significant relationships between pollution and city size, interesting developed-developing country differences emerge. Next, the relationship is re-estimated using contextual development covariates. Results show that the positive association between poor air quality and city size is not inevitable and tends to diminish with economic growth and the capacity for undertaking pollution abatement measures. It follows that restricting urban growth in developing countries may be neither necessary nor sufficient for achieving environmental gains.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(6):521-541
The degree to which urban resources are distributed equitably is a research question that continues to be debated. While research dealing with urban service delivery has proliferated during the last 20 years, few studies have directly linked the spatial distribution of facilities (in the form of accessibility measures) with the spatial distribution of population subgroups in an effort to assess equity issues. In part, this may be caused by the methodological difficulties involved in trying to link these distributions. In this paper, I offer a methodological as well as an empirical contribution to the assessment of equitability in facility distribution. Utilizing data on parks in Pueblo, Colorado, and Macon, Georgia, I analyze the equitability of park distribution by comparing the spatial clustering of park access scores with the spatial clustering of selected socioeconomic variables. There is some empirical evidence that the spatial pattern of low access for Macon corresponds in certain areas to spatial clusters of high housing value and low percentages of non-White residents, while the reverse situation is true for Pueblo (i.e., low access corresponds with low housing value and high percentages of Hispanics). Thus, the results of the analysis do not support the notion of “unpatterned inequality” in urban service distribution. The paper is an application of ideas from exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) and represents a new approach to the investigation of equity in the distribution of urban park facilities.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(8):680-707
The study of suburban downtowns in the past has emphasized the emergence of multinucleation in urban structure and the growing independence of multiple urban realms. The purpose of this study is to develop a framework to identify and compare the employment profiles of each downtown in a metropolitan area, including the CBD. Using data on retail employment, services, and finance, insurance, and real estate (FIRE), the four downtowns that exist in the Atlanta region are examined, together with scattered-site employment. This study suggests that downtowns, rather than existing as independent urban realms, are mutually interdependent based on work-trip commuting patterns, shopping behavior, and traffic flows in general, all of which increasingly are automobile based. Mass transit ridership suffers from its primary focus on radial services to and from the CBD and poor service levels to other downtowns and to scattered employment sites.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(1):55-79
Relatively few factorial ecologies have explored either the consistency of the social dimensionality of urban areas in more than a few cities or the separation of city-specific from general effects. This study of almost 3,000 census tracts in all 24 Canadian metropolitan areas (CMAs) used 35 variables from 198 1 census data to solve these problems. It shows there is a persistent similarity in six of the seven to nine dimensions found in separate analyses of three city size categories: over 1 million; 0.5-1 million; 100-500 thousand people. From this basis a combined study of all the centers shows that 85% of the variability can be summarized by nine dimensions called Economic Status, Impoverishment, Ethnicity, Early and Late Family, Family/Age, Pre-Family, Non-Family, Housing, and Migrant Status. The evidence for several different family-related axes illustrates the increasing complexity of the social dimensionality of modern cities based on family differentiation. F-ratio values and Eta coefficients are used to show that all the first-order axes, except Migration and Ethnicity, have much greater variability within, rather than between the cities, demonstrating the general rather than the city-specific nature of these dimensions. An analysis of the highest scoring tracts on the axes demonstrates the way in which some CMAs have relatively high incidences of some of the characteristics, thereby identifying the particular characteristics of many centers.  相似文献   

中心地理论提供了研究城镇体系的空间布局和等级结构的方法,对农村地区集镇体系研究更具有指导意义。本文以中心地理论为基础,对江苏省赣榆县和灌云县集镇体系的基本结构、形成机制及现伏集镇体系的不合理性进行了分析,并提出了二县集镇体系布局的优化设计。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of commuting patterns and problems to workplaces in the urban periphery of Singapore. It is based on a case study of journey-to-work patterns of employees of Singapore Airlines Limited (SIA). The company's headquarters is in Airline House which is situated in the eastern comer of Singapore, a location which suffers from accessibility problems. The paper focuses on mode choice in the journey-to-work and, by means of a questionnaire survey, examines commuting patterns of a sample of Airline House workers in terms of first, the characteristics of the different modes of transportation used; and second, the socio-economic characteristics of workers including factors such as income, gender, occupational status and age. This is followed by a discussion of the problems faced in the daily commutes of workers. Many of these problems such as inconvenient public transport services, traffic congestion and long transit times are representative of those of other peripheral workplaces in Singapore. Based on the findings of the case study, the paper discusses some policy implications of the government's planning efforts to decentralise office activities from the CBD to suburban regions.  相似文献   

I.Intr0ducti0nl.Backgr0undWenzhouisoneofthemostraPidlydevelopingcitiesinsouthernpart0fChina.Theoldcity0fWenzhou,whichhasahistoryofl600years,islocatedinthenorthernpart0fthecityalongOujiangRjver.Itc0versanareaofabout892hectares,including1lneighbourhoodswitl1atotalPOpulation0f340,959(l988).ItisoneofthehighlypoPlatedareasinChinawithaPOpulationdensity0f38,220peOPlePersquarekilometre.TheoldcityofWenzhouistl1ecommercialcentreofthenewWenzhoucity.Allldndsofactivitiesarelocatedonthelimitedlandwi…  相似文献   

1.IntroductionEnvironmentalrisk'isamajorenvirotunedlthreattothesustainabilityoftheropon.ItsanalysishasbecomeafOcusofenvironmentalstudyinthepastl0years.0win8torapideconothecdeveloPmentinChina,manykindsOfpotatialriskshavegreatlyhamPeredtheroponalsustainable…  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(8):727-748
Discontent with the current definition of metropolitan areas and the lack of differentiation within nonmetropolitan territory provided the incentive for the research presented here. Census tracts rather than counties were used as the building blocks for assignment of tracts, not just to metropolitan areas, but also to larger towns (10,000 to 49,999) and to smaller urban places (2,500 to 9,999). The analysis used 1990 census-defined urbanized areas and tract-to-tract commuter flows. Results include a modest shift of population from metropolitan to nonmetropolitan, as well as a significant reduction in the areal size of metropolitan areas, disaggregation of many areas, and frequent reconfiguration to a more realistic settlement form. [Key words: metropolitan, urban-rural, commuting.]  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. More than 140 court cases filed in the United States between 1970 and 2003 argued that unacceptable and unconstitutional funding disparities exist among school districts in most states. In those arguments, stories, statistics, and maps are used to compare various school districts to prove that conditions are indeed unequal. Both sides—plaintiff and defendant—use such information to disprove each other's contentions. In so doing, each assumes that the political spaces of the school districts are absolute, timeless, and independent. Failure to recognize that these spaces—the school districts—are not objective but, in fact, constitutive of the class and race relations actually being argued and debated in court further legitimates local geographies of privilege and deprivation. I examine the formation of the school districts around San Antonio, Texas to illustrate that these districts are far from independent of one another and were formed to isolate privileged communities from the rest of the city. A relational view of space‐time allows such spaces as school districts to assume a political role, as opposed to the absolute, independent spaces they now represent.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(1):24-48
This paper investigates the spatial and hierarchical patterns of interstate banking, major interstate-banking command and control centers, and the spatial structure of the major interstate-banking organizations in the early 1990s. The research has identified a distinct geographical pattern of interstate banking, a spatially skewed and regionally focused pattern of interstate-banking command and control fields, 15 interstate-banking hierarchical systems, and dominance of regional and western centers over New York and Chicago in interstate banking. In addition, determination of major interstate-banking command and control centers is discussed and the 26 largest centers are identified. Finally, this paper demonstrates that spatial networks of major bank holding companies, especially those of regionals and super-regionals, are the foundation of the spatial structure of interstate banking.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):160-185
Informed by feminist debates about the distinction between public and private in western urban societies, this article examines some urban landscapes created or transformed in recent decades with a view to assessing the extent to which emancipatory conceptions of gender are apparent. Evidence drawn from the city of Edinburgh shows how divisions between public space and private space operate at different scales and take different forms in different neighborhoods. These forms illustrate how gender and class are interwoven in demarcations between and connotations of public and private spaces. In one of the neighborhoods examined, some breaking down of traditional gender connotations of public and private spaces is detected, a process that is closely associated with privileged middle-class lifestyles.  相似文献   

Increased divorce, declining fertility and mortality, and changing lifestyles have resulted in a consistent decline in average household size in U.S. urban areas. The purpose of this paper is to show that decreases in household size between 1970 and 1975 were spatially variable in metropolitan Phoenix and that this affected the overall pattern of residential density. This is demonstrated by a series of maps depicting average household size in 1970, changes therein between 1970 and 1975, and the relationships between changes in population, numbers of dwelling units, and household size in the study area.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In an effort to provide a more complex and multifaceted understanding of the process of spatial assimilation, this article explores alternative paths in understanding racial/ ethnic minority residential patterns. It scrutinizes patterns of contemporary Asian Indian and Chinese settlement in two metropolitan areas: Austin, Texas and Phoenix, Arizona. Though not particularly evolved in terms of their Asian immigrant settlement or dynamics, Austin and Phoenix represent the growing number of newly emergent Asian centers throughout the nation that have developed with the rapid rise of immigration from these two countries in the past several decades. The analysis utilizes records from the 2000 census to document and map Asian Indian and Chinese settlement within each metropolitan area and to investigate whether‐and to what degree‐each group is clustered or dispersed. The article then raises important questions about the consequences of concentration and dispersal for the incorporation of Asian Indian and Chinese residents.  相似文献   

This paper highlights three major aspects of gender differences in employment in Haifa, Israel (1972 and 1983): commuting distance, place of residence, and employment location. In 1972 working womenaposs residences were more central-city-oriented, whereas in 1983 they were more suburbanized. Commuting distances increased between 1972 and 1983 for both sexes, but more for men than for women. This shorter “female'’distance is related to the location of employment and its occupational segregation. The lower commuting values in Haifa compared to other places relate to the size, housing patterns, and structure of the study area, and to its levels of suburbanization and automobile ownership.  相似文献   

研究了北极阿拉斯加巴罗 Elson泻湖 96- 7- 1沉积岩芯中稀土元素的地球化学及其沉积相特征 ,以重演区域气候、环境的变化并且与全球变化相比较。结果表明 ,稀土元素总量 ∑ REE低 ,表现出北极地区以寒冻物理风化为主 ,沉积环境稀土元素含量偏低 ,其分布模式为轻稀土富集 ,Eu弱亏损 ,受沉积母岩影响显著 ,表现出亲大陆的地球化学特征。约 1 740年以前 ,陆相特征明显 ,气候干燥、寒冷 ,但是 ,1 5 5 0年左右有一暖期。1 740年后 ,出现海侵 ,巴罗气候变暖 ,1 82 1年后 ,变暖较明显 ,1 890年左右为低谷。1 90 4年持续变暖 ,1 971年左右 ,有一变冷阶段  相似文献   

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