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广州市未来居住区热点区位分析 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
本文在回顾建国以来广州市居住区建设状况的基础上,对广州市居民3个层次的居住环境现状进行了评价,分析了居民未来居住环境需求的变化对其住宅区位选择的影响,讨论广州市目前已经出现及将会出现的重要的城市社会发展趋势和城市建设趋势,以及它们对城市居住区区位的影响,指出了广州市未来居住区开发的热点区位及其开发过程中所要重点解决的几个问题。 相似文献
《Urban geography》2013,34(6):493-515
Most studies of the size, growth, and distribution of cities have been based on Western economies and have identified economic factors such as scale and agglomeration economies and level of economic development as major determinants of urban growth. It is unclear whether these generalizations are applicable in socialist economies. In this paper, I argue that institutional factors have played key roles in shaping China's city system, which is characterized by declining population concentration across cities and by tremendous vertical (population growth of cities) and horizontal (addition of new cities) expansions. The empirical analysis focuses on describing the size distribution of cities, estimating a multivariate model predicting the population growth of cities, and performing a logistic regression analysis of new and existing cities. The findings underscore the effects of urban and regional development policies, socialist institutions, changes in the urban administrative system, and state and local government interests, and suggest that they as a whole are more important than economic factors in explaining the attributes and changes of China's city system. [Key words: urban growth, city system, institutional factors, China.] 相似文献
北京北部山区的泥石流是降水、地貌、地质构造与固体堆积物及人类活动等因素长期共同作用的结果。其中,泥石流暴发前数月的累积降水量和当日降水量为主要的诱发因素。大力发展林业、果树业是灾后防灾和发展经济的重要途径。 相似文献
DAANISH MUSTAFA 《Geographical review》2005,95(3):328-347
ABSTRACT. Pakistan is home to some of the most widely admired examples of civil‐society‐based service‐delivery and advocacy groups. Pakistan has also spawned some much‐maligned nongovernmental actors with violent agendas. This article uses the social capital / civil society conceptual lens to view the modes of (anti)social capital mobilization that contribute to the civil and uncivil spaces of Pakistani society. The case examples of Jamaat‐e‐Islami, an Islamic revivalist organization, and the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan are used to understand the geography of social and antisocial forces in Pakistan. It is argued that the processes that mobilize social capital‐whether positive or perverse‐are multiscalar and that, in the Pakistani context, no compelling cultural or religious reason exists for the ascendance of one type of social capital over the other. Positive social capital can be mobilized to contribute to a more civil social discourse in Pakistan, given the right policy choices. 相似文献
北京社会极化与空间分异研究 总被引:95,自引:6,他引:95
本文论述了北京近年来经济体制改革和社会主义市场经济制度运行对城市社会结构的影响,尤其集中在:1.城市社会极化及其动力机制;2.新城市贫困现象及其原因;3城市社会空间分异及其人变化趋势等。 相似文献
武汉市城市社会空间结构演变过程分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
国外发达国家在城市社会空间结构研究上已经取得了丰富的成果,中国较之有很大的差距。通过对城市社会空间结构的相关概念进行辨析,以武汉市为研究对象,归纳了在不同历史时期武汉城市社会空间的形态、结构以及特征,并探讨了影响武汉社会空间结构演变的机制,揭示了城市社会空间结构演变的规律,希望能对武汉营造新的城市面貌提供一定的启示和借鉴。 相似文献
旅游业的发展对丽江古城社会文化的影响 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
刘燕 《云南地理环境研究》2005,17(Z1):29-32
旅游业的发展对旅游目的地的社会文化产生的影响是巨大的.丽江古城也遭受着同样的命运,这种影响集中表现在丽江古城功能的转变、社会网络的变迁和文化的涵化.这些影响都是由于旅游业的迅速发展引起的,而且还在加深.只有认识到以上的影响才能为下一步采取措施来控制这些影响提供前提保障. 相似文献
刘定惠 《云南地理环境研究》2011,23(3):20-25
在参考大量文献资料和实地调研的基础上,从历史发展的角度,分为古代、近代和现代3个历史时期,研究成都市2300多年来居住空间结构的历史演变过程与规律。研究结果显示,在古代,整个居住空间结构严格遵循等级森严的礼制思想,表现出强烈的居住空间分异。近代,在剧烈的社会动荡背景下,新的社会阶层不断涌现,使居住空间结构呈现多元化分异,成都市居住空间格局逐渐由满汉分居演变为华洋分居。新中国成立后,在计划经济时期,城市内部形成以单位为基本单元的蜂巢式居住空间结构。改革开放以来,居住空间结构发生了巨大的变化。表现为居住空间沿公路环线呈同心圆向外扩展,并沿主要交通干线呈带状分布。另外,居住空间发展不平衡,居住分异明显,居住边缘化和郊化开始显现。 相似文献
Gary L. Peters 《The Professional geographer》1987,39(3):287-297
Centuries of evolution of viticultural patterns in Europe have established well-known associations between cultivars and viticultural regions. Though California's viticultural landscape is much younger than Europe's, scholars increasingly talk about cultivar specialization in California wine regions. This study uses data for recent years and location quotients to test the hypothesis of regional cultivar specialization in California. Support is found for the hypothesis, though not for each cultivar and region. Evidence suggests also that there are significant differences between California and Europe with respect to viticultural specialization. Two such differences are in physical geography and wine laws. 相似文献
《Urban geography》2013,34(4):355-373
Housing exchange data assess how residents of the largest Soviet cities perceived the differentiation in level of living among these cities. Equivalent data for 33 regions in Moscow evaluate their relative prestige or level of living. Comparison of the results of these investigations with those from previous analogous investigations permits analysis of changes in prestige and/or level of living during perestroyka. 相似文献
清末民初时期北京城市社会空间的初步研究 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
在北京城市近代化过程中,城市社会结构发生变革,经济地位成为空间分化过程的主导因子,导致社会空间出现了三方面的时代特征;(1)社会中上层倾向于居住在市政进步,活动便利的中心地带,贫民在房租地价的压力下被迫迁居边缘地带。(2)家庭规模与家庭经济条件正相关,户量由中心向边缘降低,(3)满汉轸域逐步化除,满族,回族呈现“大分散,小集聚”的分布。使馆区等西方事物成为影响城市空间形态的重要因素。 相似文献
本文根据1979年5—8月高原大气科学实验的梯度资料,对高原贴地层的理查逊数Ri进行了比较系统的分析,得到的结果对青藏高原大气贴地层的某些物理特点有了进一步的认识。 相似文献
城市内部居住环境评价的空间分析——以佳木斯市为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对城市内部居住环境质量进行定量研究是目前城市研究的热点之一。运用GIS、网格计算和空间数据自相关模型结合的方法对佳木斯市进行实证研究。利用ArcMap平台将研究区域划分成若干相同大小元胞(cell),以元胞为单位进行各种统计运算。以居住环境满意度调查问卷数据为基础建立属性数据库,并与元胞建立拓扑关系生成空间—属性一体化数据库,作为评价的基础,分别对居住环境的主要构成因子:利便环境、周边环境、文化环境进行了评价。通过空间自相关模型对评价单元之间的内在联系进行了探索性分析,发现居住环境是在空间分布形态上相应地表现出整体上的趋同性和局部的差异性。并从空间相关联的角度出发,对研究区域提出了空间布局和规划的方案。 相似文献
广州市社会空间的因子生态再分析 总被引:36,自引:10,他引:36
运用因子分析、聚类分析方法对广州市中心区1990年人口普查数据进行了研究.从9类47个变量中抽取出5个形成广州市社会区类型的主因子,根据各主因子的得分,把广州市中心区划分为七类社会区,并把形成广州市社会空间分异现象的原因归结为五类.通过与1985年类似研究结果的比较,发现广州市社会空间结构的分异现象更趋明显,具体反映在人口“外溢”、居住条件改善及新开发区的形成等方面.最后就如何引导广州市社会空间结构演变进行了讨论. 相似文献
《Urban geography》2013,34(3):270-280
Since 1979, when the new government came to power in Iran, there have been fundamental structural changes in Iranian society. The focus of this essay is on the pronounced redistribution of population, which has taken place largely as a result of the new Iranian government's policy favoring rural-urban migration. The government's justification for the redistribution has been that there is a need for the deprived lower classes in rural areas to receive a better deal within Iranian society. Mr. A. Khosrosphahi, government official in the area of Housing and Urban Development has publicly stated on many occasions that migrants who wish to live in the Tehran metropolitan area will be provided with housing facilities, including parcels of urban land and housing loans. This has caused a mass migration of rural settlers to the cities. In order to examine different aspects of how this redistribution has occurred, it will be useful to study in detail what has taken place in one city affected by the changes. The city of Kermanshah will be considered here as such a case study. 相似文献