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风暴潮灾害是制约我国海洋开发和海洋经济发展的重要因素,也是海洋预防的重点难点问题.在风暴潮灾害损失评估这一领域,对组合评估模型的研究较少.以浙江省为例,整理收集了1990—2020年间记录完整的29个风暴潮历史灾情数据,利用麻雀搜索算法(Sparrow Search Algorithm,SSA)分别对支持向量回归(Su...  相似文献   

均一化迭代是基于栅格数据的洪水演进模拟常采用的迭代策略,存在设定迭代步长与栅格单元实际所需时间不一致的问题,直接影响到栅格单元水位、流量的计算精度。针对该问题,提出了一种双层异步迭代策略。外层迭代控制洪水演进时刻,内层迭代则通过分析不同栅格单元洪水的流速特征,实现迭代步长及迭代次数的自适应设定。采用商用FloodArea软件、均一化迭代算法及双层异步迭代算法,分别对福建省万安流域暴雨洪水历史数据进行模拟。该算法模拟结果的平均误差比FloodArea小0.361 m,比均一化迭代算法小0.654 m,说明该算法能有效提高洪水演进模拟的整体精度。  相似文献   

There is considerable interest in understanding the distribution patterns of different types of retail space, over time, and doing so at a national scale. Yet a lack of suitable data, coupled with poor classification schemas, has stymied efforts to create such a national perspective. This research reports on metrics and classification methodologies that have been applied to large scale topographic data, that afford a systematic classification of certain retail spaces potentially at the national coverage. By analysing the form, composition, extent and patterns of buildings within retail spaces, together with their degree of centrality and levels of access, we demonstrate that it is possible to classify different types of retail space. The research illustrates the utility of fine scale topographic data beyond mere mapping. The article compares three methodologies used for classification (Boolean, fuzzy logic and Bayesian modelling) and evaluates them through comparison with known locations of various retail types as a way of assessing the validity of these approaches. The quality of the results are good, though the work highlights the inconsistency in definitions that currently exist – reflecting, as much as anything, the shifting sands of definitions of various retail spaces that ebb and flow according to consumer needs, and the ambitions of urban planners.  相似文献   

In epidemiology research, a list of residences a person has occupied as well as a history of tenants for a residence are useful pieces of information for investigating geographically localized risk factors, environmental exposures, and for analyzing disease clusters. This article reports on a methodology for constructing residential and tenure histories using multi‐year white page phone listings. Residential histories associate a person with a list of addresses of residence and the length of occupancy at each address. Tenure histories document the list of persons occupying a residence along with length of occupancy. These histories were created using fuzzy matching on name address pairs between sequential years. Simulated annual phone listing data were used to develop and test the methodology which was then applied to an actual white page phone listing for a study town in Maine. The approach is applied locally and generates partial local residential and tenure histories that capture local migrations. We see these local history sets as building blocks for constructing more geographically extensive histories over time. Geocoded results were compared against numbers of housing units reported in the 2000 and 2010 US Census to assess the proportion of local residences captured by phone listings.  相似文献   

彭富清  张瑞华 《测绘学报》2003,32(2):108-113
卫星重力技术的进步为建立高精度的全球重力场模型提供了可能,该技术包括卫星测高、卫星重力梯度和卫星跟踪卫星等。而在建立扰动场模型的过程中一般要采用移去—恢复技术,该技术的核心是从已知的重力数据中减去根据参考重力场模型计算的扰动场元,并在最后的成果中加入移去部分对应的扰动场元。但在移去、恢复的过程中往往利用扰动场元在格网中心点的值乘以菜平滑因子代替扰动场元在该格网上的平均值,不可避免地引入了系统误差。从勒让德微分方程和勒让德函数的定义出发,详细研究了利用重力场模型计算扰动场元在格网上的平均值的方法,该方法在利用卫星测高资料反演海域重力异常中的应用表明,重力异常的精度得到了进一步提高。  相似文献   

旋转和平移不变纹理特征的遥感影像居民地提取   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王番  芮杰  金飞  杨娜 《测绘科学》2010,35(5):202-204
本文利用Radon变换的小波系数直方图对遥感影像居民地进行提取。首先,通过Radon变换将纹理影像的旋转和平移转化为平移,然后对Radon变换后的影像进行小波变换,最后利用小波系数直方图作为旋转和平移不变特征进行纹理分割。实验结果表明:基于Radon变换的小波系数直方图方法对遥感影像居民地有较好的提取结果。  相似文献   

Sundarban, the largest single patch of mangrove forest of the world is shared by Bangladesh (~ 60 %) and India (~ 40 %). Loss of mangrove biomass and subsequent potential emission of carbon dioxide is reported from different parts of the world. We estimated the loss of above ground mangrove biomass and subsequent potential emission of carbon dioxide in the Indian part of the Sundarban during the last four decades. The loss of mangrove area has been estimated with the help of remotely sensed data and potential emission of carbon dioxide has been evaluated with the help of published above ground biomass data of Indian Sundarban. Total loss of mangrove area was found to be 107 km2 between the year 1975 and 2013. Amongst the total loss ~60 % was washed away in the water by erosion, ~ 23 % was converted into barren lands and the rest were anthropogenically transformed into other landforms. The potential carbon dioxide emission due to the degradation of above ground biomass was estimated to be 1567.98 ± 551.69 Gg during this period, which may account to 64.29 million $ in terms of the social cost of carbon. About three-forth of the total mangrove loss was found in the peripheral islands which are much more prone to erosion. Climate induced changes and anthropogenic land use change could be the major driving force behind this loss of ‘blue carbon’.  相似文献   

利用CHAMP卫星星历及加速度计数据推求地球重力场模型   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
讨论基于CHAMP卫星星历和加速度计数据推求地球重力场模型的数值微分算法.首先利用牛顿内插公式,根据CHAMP卫星星历观测值求解卫星运动加速度.在计算卫星加速度时,建议采用速度数据内插加速度.扣除其他非地球引力摄动加速度后,基于牛顿运动定律建立观测方程.利用GFZ数据中心提供的24天CHAMP星历数据和加速度计数据解算出50×50阶地球重力场模型,并与EGM96模型进行比较,结果表明两者在低阶位系数上有较好的一致性.  相似文献   

Certain complex processes are most effectively modeled not on the macro-scale, but from the bottom-up, by simulating the decisions of individual entities, or agents. This study uses an agent-based modeling (ABM) approach to simulate residential dynamics in an area of Boston that has increasingly experienced gentrification in the past decades. The model is instantiated using basic empirical data and uses simple decision-making rules, differentiated into four classes, to simulate the process of residential dynamics. The model employs the consumption explanation of the cause of gentrification, which emphasizes the choices of individuals drawn to urban amenities, while testing the production explanation, which suggests that major investments from the public and private sphere attract and explain gentrification. Verification shows that the processes in the model work according to its construction, simulates complexity and emergent phenomena, and may be a valuable explanatory tool for understanding and learning about some processes underlying gentrification.  相似文献   

以广州增城市为例,介绍了应用第二次土地调查成果联合开展农村宅基地权属调查及规范农民建房摸底调查的一种全新工作方法,通过实践应用,得出联合调查这一新方法可以极大地加快工作进度,提高成果质量,节约政府财政成本,减少扰民.  相似文献   

为应对陆地观测卫星数据及应用的多样性、存储数据规模的急速增长、数据处理与应用的高时效性、系统高可扩展性、系统资源整合的紧迫性等挑战,结合大数据技术,提出了一种基于Hadoop平台支持大数据处理与分析的陆地观测卫星数据中心架构解决方案,以提高陆地观测卫星数据利用水平与决策支持能力,提升国家空间信息资源应用水平,培育我国陆地观测卫星数据应用新的经济增长点。  相似文献   

本文介绍了全国1:1万主比例尺土地利用元数据库系统建设的意义、设计思想、数据库结构、内容以及系统功能,概括了元数据库建设现状和应用范围,提出了有待解决的问题和建议。  相似文献   

雍斌 《测绘学报》2008,37(3):0-402
本论文借助TOPMODEL的地形指数概念(TOP)和新安江模型的水量平衡思想(X),构建一个具有地形指数尺度转换机制的陆面水文过程模型TOPX,并将其与RIEMS区域气候模式紧密耦合,以提高气候模式对陆面水文过程的模拟能力.围绕这一研究目的,本论文比较深入细致地研究和探讨了构建TOPX模型并实现与RIEMS模式耦合工作中所需要解决的四个关键性核心问题.  相似文献   

In West Africa, accurate classification of land cover and land change remains a big challenge due to the patchy and heterogeneous nature of the landscape. Limited data availability, human resources and technical capacities, further exacerbate the challenge. The result is a region that is among the more understudied areas in the world, which in turn has resulted in a lack of appropriate information required for sustainable natural resources management. The objective of this paper is to explore open source software and easy-to-implement approaches to mapping and estimation of land change that are transferrable to local institutions to increase capacity in the region, and to provide updated information on the regional land surface dynamics. To achieve these objectives, stable land cover and land change between 2001 and 2013 in the Kara River Basin in Togo and Benin were mapped by direct multitemporal classification of Landsat data by parameterization and evaluation of two machine-learning algorithms. Areas of land cover and change were estimated by application of an unbiased estimator to sample data following international guidelines. A prerequisite for all tools and methods was implementation in an open source environment, and adherence to international guidelines for reporting land surface activities. Findings include a recommendation of the Random Forests algorithm as implemented in Orfeo Toolbox, and a stratified estimation protocol − all executed in the QGIS graphical use interface. It was found that despite an estimated reforestation of 10,0727 ± 3480 ha (95% confidence interval), the combined rate of forest and savannah loss amounted to 56,271 ± 9405 ha (representing a 16% loss of the forestlands present in 2001), resulting in a rather sharp net loss of forestlands in the study area. These dynamics had not been estimated prior to this study, and the results will provide useful information for decision making pertaining to natural resources management, land management planning, and the implementation of the United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (UN-REDD).  相似文献   

The present work accentuated the expediency of remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) applications in groundwater studies, especially in the identification of groundwater potential zones in Ithikkara River Basin (IRB), Kerala, India. The information on geology, geomorphology, lineaments, slope and land use/land cover was gathered from Landsat ETM + data and Survey of India (SOI) toposheets of scale 1:50,000 in addition, GIS platform was used for the integration of various themes. The composite map generated was further classified according to the spatial variation of the groundwater potential. Four categories of groundwater potential zones namely poor, moderate, good and very good were identified and delineated. The hydrogeomorphological units like valley fills and alluvial plain and are potential zones for groundwater exploration and development and valley fills associated with lineaments is highly promising area for groundwater extraction. The spatial variation of the potential indicates that groundwater occurrence is controlled by geology, structures, slope and landforms.  相似文献   

本文作者首次推导均质椭球体的内部和外部引力位的数学表达式 ,由此应用调和延拓的思想引入外大地水准面和外部位函数的概念 ;建立了关于外扰动位的边值问题 ,该问题的界面规则而且具有 O( T2 )的精度 ;作为一个整体 ,讨论了外正高的计算和将地面点的重力测量值在 O( T2 )精度下归算到外大地水准面的方法  相似文献   

Floating Car Data (FCD) refers to the trajectories of vehicles equipped with Global Positioning System-enabled devices that automatically record location-related data within a short time interval. As taxies in Chinese cities continually drive along the streets seeking passengers, FCD can easily traverse the entire street network in a city on a daily basis. Taking advantage of this situation, this study extracted passenger pickup and drop-off locations from FCD sourced from 6445 taxis over a 2-week period in Nanjing, China to discover human behavioral patterns and the dynamics behind them. In this study, road nodes are converted to the points, based on which Thiessen polygons are generated to divide the study area into small areas with the goal of exploring the spatial distribution of pickup and drop-off locations. Moran’s I index is used to calculate the spatial autocorrelation of the spatial distribution of pickup and drop-off locations, and hot spot analysis is used to identify statistically significant spatial clusters of hot and cold spots. The spatial and temporal patterns of FCD in the study area are investigated, and the results show that: (1) the temporal patterns show a strong daily rhythm, (2) the spatial patterns show that the number of pickup and drop-off locations gradually diminish from the downtown areas to the outer suburbs, (3) the spatiotemporal patterns exhibit large differences over time, and (4) the driving forces explored by regression models indicate that population density and transportation density are consistent with the population distribution, but per capita disposable income is not consistent with the population distribution.  相似文献   

Automatic detection and tracking of pedestrians from a moving stereo rig   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report on a stereo system for 3D detection and tracking of pedestrians in urban traffic scenes. The system is built around a probabilistic environment model which fuses evidence from dense 3D reconstruction and image-based pedestrian detection into a consistent interpretation of the observed scene, and a multi-hypothesis tracker to reconstruct the pedestrians’ trajectories in 3D coordinates over time. Experiments on real stereo sequences recorded in busy inner-city scenarios are presented, in which the system achieves promising results.  相似文献   

We discuss an approach for efficiently combining different types of geodetic data to estimate time-dependent motions of stations in a region of active deformation. The primary observations are analyzed separately to produce loosely constrained estimates of station positions and coordinate system parameters which are then combined with appropriate constraints to estimate velocities and coseismic displacements. We define noninteger degrees of freedom to handle the case of finite constraints and stochastic perturbation of parameters and develop statistical tests for determining compatibility between different data sets. With these developments, we show an example of combining space and terrestrial geodetic data to obtain the deformation field in southern California. Received: 23 January 1997 / Accepted: 30 September 1997  相似文献   

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