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From ongoing research examining weathering rates and mechanisms in the Paleozoic sandstones of Petra, Jordan, two possible thresholds have been identified. From a carved Roman Theater built under Vitruvian standards during the first century A.D., a two-meter sampling scheme was used to measure the presently weathered surfaces from a hypothetical false datum determined through originally documented Roman engineering and construction canon. Some 526 depth measurements were made on vertical and horizontal surfaces and correlated to the intrinsic variables of sandstone matrix-to-clast ratios, overall densities, matrix chemistry (Si, Ca, Fe, Al concentrations), and to the extrinsic accumulated annual insolation receipt (mega-joules/m2).

When matrix iron concentrations exceeded 2%, an abrupt decrease in overall weatherability is indicated until weathering is found to have decreased below measurable limits at 4%. It is speculated that matrix iron acts as a sandstone-clast binding agent, reducing clast disaggregation. In sandstone strata with matrix calcium concentrations exceeding 10%, weathering was accelerated with insolation >5200–5300 megajoules/m2. It is speculated that the increased heating from insolation is responsible for irregular calcite crystal expansion and contraction causing matrix/clast interface microfracturing, clast disaggregation, and subsequent weathering.

Mean recession rates ranged from 13 to 66 mm/millennium on horizontal surfaces and from 7 to 18 mm/millennium on vertical surfaces. Gross differences in recession rates were attributed to the extrinsic influences of moisture availability (slope) and insolation (aspect), while minor differences were attributed to intrinsic characteristics of matrix chemistry (Fe, Ca), sandstone density, and clast/matrix ratios. [Key words: sandstone, weathering, erosion, Petra, Jordan.]  相似文献   

中国热带的小冰期及其环境效应   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
张伟强  黄镇国 《地理学报》2000,55(6):744-750
中国热带小冰期的年代和阶段划分,前人至少有6种不同意见。文中选取87个冷冬年份的雪、霜、冻害的史籍资料,并按照灾害出现地点的3个地带(亚热带南部、热带北部、热带中部),认为小冰期为1485~1897年,并可分为3个寒期即1485~1527年、1606~1767年、1835~1897年,其间为2个冷期。3个寒期从老到新越来越强。小冰期年温比现今的降幅小于0.6℃,但极端温曾降至-1℃以下。小冰期的环  相似文献   

A chronosequence of surface and buried soils in moraines and outwash, ranging in age from Middle to Late Holocene, i.e., Little Ice Age, and forming under alpine and subalpine vegetation in the Okstindan Mountains of central‐north Norway (66o N) (Oksskolten) was studied to determine if topographic/stratigraphic setting, weathering characteristics, soil/paleosol properties, SEM/EDS analysis, and extractable Fe and Al could be used to elucidate information on paleoenvironment and age. The geochemical data previously published and geological mapping by the Norwegian Geological Survey indicate a uniform parent material in these profiles. Slight geochemical anomalies of higher U, Th and Br in organic‐rich horizons are related to vegetation and/or higher water content at various times, confirmed by extractable Fe evidence. The data interpretation also shows that extractable Fe, principally Feo, is useful in identifying previous perched water tables, possibly generated by permafrost. The activity ratio of Feo/Fed (oxalate to dithionite) and the ratio Fed/Fet (dithionite to total Fe) appear useful in distinguishing older from younger soils on the basis of the conversion of ferrihydrite to goethite+hematite. Pyrophosphate extracts, proved useful in determining movement of organically bound Al, and showed a pronounced difference between the alpine and subalpine environments. Oxalate‐extractable and dithionite‐extractable Al proved of little value in relative age determination, presumably because sodium dithionite does not extract all crystalline Al.  相似文献   

As part of the international cooperative Baikal Drilling Project, siliceous microfossil assemblage succession was analyzed in two short ( 30-cm) sediment cores from Lake Baikal. One core was recovered from the north basin (Core 324, 55°15N, 109°30E), a second from between the central and southern basins (Core 316, 52°28N, 106°5E). The northern core had higher amounts of biogenic silica (40 g SiO2 per 100 g dry weight sediment) compared to the southern core, and increased deposition in the more recent sediments. Weight percent biogenic silica was lower in the southern core, ranging from approximately 20–30 g SiO2 per 100 g dry weight sediment throughout the entire core. Trends in absolute microfossil abundance mirror those of biogenic silica, with generally greater abundance in the northern core (86–275×106 microfossils g–1 dry sediment) compared to the southern core (94–163×106 microfossils g–1 dry sediment).Cluster analyses using relative abundance of the dominant diatom and chrysophyte taxa revealed four zones of microfossil succession in each core. Microfossil assemblage succession in the north basin may be reflecting shifts in nutrient supply and cycling driven by climatic changes. The most recent sediments in the northern basin (Zone 1,c. 1890's–1991 A.D.) were characterized by an increased abundance ofAulacoseira baicalensis andAulacoseira spore. Zone 3 (c. 1630's–1830's A.D.) was dominated by the endemicCyclotella spp. and reduced abundance of theAulacoseira spp. Zone 3 corresponds approximately to the Little Ice Age, a cooler climatic period. The microfossil assemblages between Zones 1 and 3 (Zone 2,c. 1830's–1890's A.D.) and below Zone 3 (Zone 4,c. 830's–1430's A.D.) are similar to one another suggesting they represent transitional intervals between warm and cold periods. Southern basin sediments record similar changes in the endemic taxa. However, the increased abundance of non-endemic planktonic taxa (e.g.Stephanodiscus binderanus, Synedra acus, Cyclostephanos dubius) during two periods in recent history (post World War II and late 1700's) suggests evidence for anthropogenic induced changes in southern Lake Baikal.  相似文献   

Two sediment cores obtained from the continental shelf of the northern South Shetland Islands, West Antarctica, consist of: an upper unit of silty mud, bioturbated by a sluggish current, and a lower unit of well-sorted, laminated silty mud, attributed to an intensified Polar Slope Current. Geochemical and accelerator mass spectrometry 14C analyses yielded evidence for a late Holocene increase in sea-ice extent and a decrease in phytoplankton productivity, inferred from a reduction in the total organic carbon content and higher C : N ratios, at approximately 330 years B.P., corresponding to the Little Ice Age. Prior to this, the shelf experienced warmer marine conditions, with greater phytoplankton productivity, inferred from a higher organic carbon content and C : N ratios in the lower unit. The reduced abundance of Weddell Sea ice-edge bloom species ( Chaetoceros resting spores, Fragilariopsis curta and Fragilariopsis cylindrus ) and stratified cold-water species ( Rhizosolenia antennata ) in the upper unit was largely caused by the colder climate. During the cold period, the glacial restriction between the Weddell Sea and the shelf of the northern South Shetland Islands apparently hindered the influx of ice-edge bloom species from the Weddell Sea into the core site. The relative increases in the abundance of Actinocyclus actinochilus and Navicula glaciei , indigenous to the coastal zone of the South Shetland Islands, probably reflects a reduction in the dilution of native species, resulting from the diminished influx of the ice-edge species from the Weddell Sea. We also document the recent reduction of sea-ice cover in the study area in response to recent warming along the Antarctic Peninsula.  相似文献   

以青藏高原南部的羊卓雍错(简称羊湖)沉积岩芯为研究对象,以较可靠的年代数据( 210Pb和AMS 14C交叉定年)为框架,基于高分辨率的元素地球化学记录,通过数理统计分析方法提取环境信息,结合粒度和磁化率,重建该地区过去2000年来的环境变化。结果显示,该区黑暗时代冷期(DCAP)和小冰期(LIA)气候较为寒冷,降水量较高;而中世纪暖期(MWP)和现代暖期(CWP)气候较为温暖,降水量较低,气候具有冷湿—暖干的特征。其中,重建的温度显示,中世纪暖期的温暖程度似乎持平甚至超过20世纪暖期;小冰期期间可能存在一次百年尺度的温暖事件,而17世纪和18世纪可能是过去2000中最寒冷的一段时期。分析发现,过去2000年以来青藏高原南部存在着冷湿—暖干的气候模式;过去2000年青藏高原南部地区温度的变化可能主要受到太阳辐射的影响,而小冰期期间西风环流的南移和增强可能是导致区域降水增加的重要因素。另外,该时期羊湖的湖泊水位的变化受温度和降水共同控制:当温度降低,降水增加时,湖泊水位上升,反之亦然。  相似文献   

气候带边界的变化是大尺度地理特征对气候变化的响应方式之一,半干旱区的边界变化对其响应尤为敏感。我们整合了中国东北地区50年(1961—2010年)的气象数据,以降水量和温度所计算的干燥度指数作为干湿气候带划分的指标,在ArcGIS中采用Kriging空间插值法,在不同时间尺度上分析了近50年来中国东北半干旱区东界的波动趋势。结果表明:中国东北半干旱区界限变化呈整体向东、向南扩展的趋势,其变化受时间累积效应的影响,在50年(1961—2010年)尺度上范围最大,面积为285 648.4km2。数据分析表明,降水量减少是导致半干旱区边界变化的主要因素,气温的影响次之。  相似文献   

以参考历史文献、实地调查和访问当地居民的方法,研究了石羊河中下游流域的植被演替。结果表明,该流域2000多年前为湖泊、沼泽和平原景观,后来由于气候和水文演化、人类活动加强和干旱加剧,导致湖泊与河流逐渐消失、绿洲因水系的变迁而向东南移动、早期的绿洲农田逐渐沙漠化,也使植被从水生、沼泽、草甸植物向沙旱生、强旱生、超旱生方向演替,物种大量消失,已演化成现在的沙漠、戈壁与绿洲景观。目前, 该流域红崖山水库以南的一些河道中尚有常年流水,河漫滩和湿地中还有水生、沼泽、草甸和中生植物种类,物种相对丰富;而水库以北的古河床及广大荒漠区植被稀疏,且多为沙旱生和强旱生植物种类,生物多样性低,稳定性差,沙漠化过程加强。要恢复流域植被、遏制土地沙漠化,应当采用调水、引水和节约用水的方法,加强绿洲保护,使地下水位恢复至植物可吸收利用状态。  相似文献   

土地利用/土地覆被变化及其生态环境效应研究是当前地理学全球变化研究的核心内容,而生态系统服务功能则是生态学、生态经济学研究的热点问题。作者利用滇西北生态脆弱区--永胜县1988年、1994年和1999年的TM遥感影像,采用景观生态学的空间格局指数分析研究区近10年来的土地利用动态变化特征,并以生态系统服务功能衡量相应土地利用类型的相对生态价值,评价区域土地利用/土地覆被变化的生态效应,尝试将二者有机结合起来。研究表明,全县景观总体构成表现为景观破碎度较高,斑块数目较多;林地和未利用地一直占很大比重,林地的不断增加与未利用地的迅速减少是研究时段内土地利用变化的突出特征;研究时段内全县土地利用变化带来了较好的生态效应,土地利用生态效益持续提高,并表现出了较大的空间差异。  相似文献   

三北防护林工程区植被绿度对温度和降水的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探究三北防护林工程区植被绿度对温度和降水的响应可为该区植被建设提供科学依据。基于2000—2015年的MODIS NDVI数据和气象数据,采用通径分析法分析了不同生长阶段气温和降水对三北防护林工程区植被绿度的直接和间接影响。研究发现:生长季多年平均植被绿度整体上呈现东部高西部低的空间格局,且林地>耕地>草地;生长季植被绿度呈现增长趋势,植被覆盖状况得到改善,其中耕地植被增长趋势最大。生长季升温抑制植被生长,降水量增加促进植被生长,降水量是影响三北防护林工程区生长季植被生长的关键气候因子。在不考虑降水变化影响时,升温促进植被生长,但生长季温度升高带来的降水量减少使得升温对植被生长表现为抑制作用。生长季不同时期降水量增加对植被生长均是促进作用,表现为末期>中期>初期;而气温的影响则表现为生长季初期升温促进植被生长,中期和末期升温不利于植被生长。生长季末期升温对植被生长的负效应以直接作用为主,而中期主要通过降水量变化的间接作用体现。识别生长季不同时段气温和降水对植被绿度影响的差异性,有助于全面认识和评估植被对气候变化的响应。  相似文献   

The impact of recent natural and human-induced environmental change on chironomid faunas on Svalbard has been investigated. The modern chironomid fauna was studied from surface-sediment samples collected from 23 lakes in western Svalbard. A total of 18 taxa was found, of which three had not been recorded previously from Svalbard. The influence of water chemistry and physical variables on the distribution and abundance of the modern chironomid assemblages was investigated using correspondence analysis and multiple regression. The chironomid assemblages fall into four groups, which are primarily influenced by pH, nutrient concentrations, water temperature, and water depth. Sediment cores were taken from three lakes to investigate changes in chironomid assemblages over the last 700 years. At two of the sites there is evidence for a response to regional climatic change occurring about 200 years ago and may have been associated with the ‘Little Ice Age’. At the third site there is a response to local catchment changes, probably brought about, initially, by the establishment of a human settlement close to the lake 70 years ago, and subsequently, as a result of the abandonment of this settlement in 1988.  相似文献   

云南拱王山冰蚀湖相沉积剖面全新世孢粉记录与环境   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对云南小江流域拱王山老碳房冰蚀湖相沉积剖面进行孢粉分析,结果显示,研究区自全新世以来经历了5次较明显的气候波动,即9 455~8 635 a(cal.)B.P.气候凉湿;8 635~7 095 a(cal.)B.P.气候冷湿;7 095~5 041a(cal.)B.P.气候寒冷而干燥;5 041~2 529 a(cal.)B.P.气候以凉湿为主;2 529 a(cal.)B.P.以来气候温暖湿润。分析结果与目前中国全新世新冰期与高温期交替及其气温变化规律有一定的差异。  相似文献   

Worldwide examination of glacier change is based on detailed observations from only a small number of glaciers. The ground-based detailed individual glacier monitoring is of strong need and extremely important in both regional and global scales. A long-term integrated multi-level monitoring has been carried out on Urumqi Glacier No. 1 (UG1) at the headwaters of the Urumqi River in the eastern Tianshan Mountains of Central Asia since 1959 by the Tianshan Glaciological Station, Chinese Acamedey of Sciences (CAS), and the glaciological datasets promise to be the best in China. The boundaries of all glacier zones moved up, resulting in a shrunk accumulation area. The stratigraphy features of the snowpack on the glacier were found to be significantly altered by climate warming. Mass balances of UG1 show accelerated mass loss since 1960, which were attributed to three mechanisms. The glacier has been contracting at an accelerated rate since 1962, resulting in a total reduction of 0.37 km2 or 19.3% from 1962 to 2018. Glacier runoff measured at the UG1 hydrometeorological station demonstrates a significant increase from 1959 to 2018 with a large interannual fluctuation, which is inversely correlated with the glacier's mass balance. This study analyzes on the changes in glacier zones, mass balance, area and length, and streamflow in the nival glacial catchment over the past 60 years. It provides critical insight into the processes and mechanisms of glacier recession in response to climate change. The results are not only representative of those glaciers in the Tianshan mountains, but also for the continental-type throughout the world. The direct observation data form an essential basis for evaluating mountain glacier changes and the impact of glacier shrinkage on water resources in the interior drainage rivers within the vast arid and semi-arid land in northwestern China as well as Central Asia.  相似文献   

This research investigates whether abrupt changes indicative of a threshold response occurred in the spatial and temporal patterns of tree establishment within upper treeline ecotones in the Bighorn Mountains of north-central Wyoming, with a particular focus on assessing whether treeline advance occurred. Dendroecological techniques were used to reconstruct the spatiotemporal patterns of tree establishment at multiple spatial scales (local and landscape). Increases in the elevational extent of treeline and tree density above timberline were reconstructed for each decade of the 20th century. Regime-shift analysis was used to detect threshold changes in tree establishment. Marked increases in tree establishment and density occurred at local and landscape scales during the 20th century, particularly during the post-1970 period and in areas above timberline. Varying degrees of treeline advance occurred during this time, yet establishment upslope from timberline was often contingent on the availability of sheltered microsites in the lee of boulders. This highlights the importance of both broad-scale climate inputs and fine-scale site conditions in governing the rate and pattern of tree establishment in high-elevation treeline environments. Overall, the abrupt changes in tree establishment over time and space since 1970 suggest that bioclimatic thresholds can strongly influence ecotonal dynamics at upper treeline.  相似文献   

A pollen sequence spanning over 4000 years was recovered from a small (0.1 ha)Sphagnum-dominated peatland in the mountains near Sukhumi, Abkhasia, West Georgia. The peatland lies atc. 1650 m a.s.l. in denseFagus-Abies forest. The pollen record reveals totally forested surroundings throughout since at least 4000 years BP (90–95% AP). It begins with a complex forest dominated byFagus with large proportions ofCastanea, Acer andUlmus. ThenCastanea became dominant whileFagus was still prominent. This might indicate a warmer climate. Later development shows a dramatic decline ofCastanea. Its pollen drops down to 3–5%. RecentlyAbies has been experiencing an exponential growth. Now it comprises over 50% of the forest composition around the peatland. These changes have possibly been caused by human influence together with climatic change. The basin started as aPotamogeton-dominated shallow lake with ferns andAlisma along the margins. Later it developed into a sedge fen and finally aSphagnum andMenyanthes poor fen with scatteredCarex limosa. The record indicates a progression towards oligotrophy.This publication is the fifth paper in a series of papers presented at the session on Past Climatic Change and the Development of Peatlands at the ASLO and SWS Meetings in Edmonton, Canada, May 30–June 3, 1993. Dr. P. Kuhry and Dr S. C. Zoltai are serving as Guest Editors.  相似文献   

赵昕奕  蔡运龙 《地理学报》2003,58(4):584-590
由于气候变化的不确定性,尤其由于区域对气候变化响应评价工作直接关系到区域气候变化对策的制定和区域发展,进行针对气候变化的响应研究比气候变化的影响评价研究更具现实意义。气候变化对区域土地利用会产生一系列的影响,这种影响作用下的区域的反应-相应的变化、必要的适应性调整和适应能力-即是对气候变化的响应。以敏感度和适应能力度量的脆弱性作为衡量区域对气候变化响应的指标,增强了不同研究工作的比较性,正在日益为有关学者接受,并在全球开始研究工作。本文对应用脆弱性理论进行区域气候变化响应研究做了有益的探索。选择气候变化的时间、空间变化明显的中国北方农牧业交错带的中段作为研究案例,分别对农牧业土地生产潜力相对气候变化的敏感度和区域对气候变化的适应能力进行了定量和半定量的计算与评价,从这两个方面给出脆弱性的表述作为对研究区域土地生产潜力对全球气候变化的响应评价。  相似文献   

针对林下水土流失缺乏有效判别方法的问题,提出了一种遥感判别方法。该方法以植被覆盖度、植被健康度、土壤裸露度和坡度为判别因子,采用规则法来建立林下水土流失遥感判别模型,并将其应用于福建省长汀县。结果发现,长汀县有311.66 km2的林地发生不同程度的林下水土流失,其中有13.35%的土壤侵蚀强度达到中度。通过遥感方法识别出的林下水土流失区的空间分布位置可为该县今后深入治理水土流失提供目标靶区。  相似文献   

方利  王文杰  蒋卫国  陈民  王永  贾凯  李延森 《地理科学》2017,37(11):1745-1754
采用MODIS/NDVI数据,利用Theil-Sen Median 趋势分析、Mann-Kendall 以及Hurst指数方法分析2000~2014年黑龙江流域(中国)植被的时空变化特征、植被变化发展趋势及可持续性特征;应用相关分析法研究了气候变化对植被生长的影响。结果表明,2000~2014年黑龙江流域(中国)植被NDVI指数呈缓慢增加趋势,山区植被覆盖增加显著,东北部平原区植被覆盖持续退化,总体上植被覆盖持续改善能力较弱。植被NDVI对气候响应的季节差异显著,且不同类型植被对气候因子的响应不一致:春季植被NDVI主要受温度影响,夏季植被NDVI主要受降水量影响,秋季林地NDVI与温度正相关、草地NDVI与降雨量正相关。  相似文献   

The relationship between surface sediment diatom assemblages and measured limnological variables in thirty-three coastal Antarctic lakes from the Vestfold Hills was examined by constructing a diatom-water chemistry dataset. Previous analysis of this dataset by canonical correspondence analysis revealed that salinity accounted for a significant amount of the variation in the distribution of the diatom assemblages. Weighted-averaging regression and calibration of this diatom-salinity relationship was used to establish a transfer function for the reconstruction of past lakewater salinity from fossil diatom assemblages. Weighted-averaging regression and calibration with classical deshrinking provided the best model for salinity reconstructions and this was applied to the fossil diatom assemblages from one of the saline lakes in the Vestfold Hills in order to assess its potential for palaeosalinity and palaeoclimate reconstruction.  相似文献   

谢花林  李波 《地理研究》2008,27(2):294-304
本文以农牧交错带的典型区域——内蒙古翁牛特旗为例,考虑土地利用变化过程的空间变量,建立了不同土地利用变化过程的logistic回归模型。结果表明:模型中转为耕地的主要解释变量是到农村居民点的距离和农业气候区;转为草地的主要解释变量是到农村居民点的距离、土壤表层有机质含量和到乡镇中心的距离;转为林地的主要解释变量是到农村居民点的距离和海拔;空间异质性和土地利用变化过程的时间变量共同影响着使用logistic回归模型来解释土地利用变化驱动力的能力;通过对草地logistic回归模型的检验,得出空间统计模型能较好地揭示不同土地利用变化过程的主要驱动力及其作用机理。  相似文献   

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