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This article reconsiders the epistemic and geographic boundaries that have long separated scholarship on urban water poverty and politics in the Global North and South. We stage an encounter between the seemingly dissimilar cases of Tooleville outside of the city of Exeter in California’s Central Valley and Bommanahalli outside of Bangalore, India, to illuminate the geography of water marginalization at the fringes of urban areas, and to deepen cross-fertilization between two geographic literatures: environmental justice (EJ) and urban political ecology (UPE). We argue that there is scope for transnational learning in three arenas in particular: (1) water access, (2) state practice, and (3) political agency. In so doing, we aim to advance a genuinely post-colonial approach to theory and practice in the pressing arena of urban water politics.  相似文献   

金钟范 《地理研究》2010,29(9):1670-1682
从基于企业活动为城市经济活动的主要动因、企业组织联系为城市网络基础的认识出发,以企业跨国母子组织联系为根据,建立网络基本要素和联系密度等概念与指标。以中韩城市联系为例,分析了中国城市跨国网络结构特点。结果表明:跨国城市网络不断扩大的同时,网络基本要素分布呈现区位倾向性,集聚于环渤海和长三角;城市对和结点城市联系密度位序—规模分布显著,形成青岛、上海、北京、天津与首尔主导轴和青岛、天津、上海、北京等主导结点;城市对和结点城市的联系密度规模位序不断调整,同时在高位序群中保持相对稳定性;结点城市呈现专门性、综合性的分化,如北京和上海显示综合性,青岛和天津显示专门性等;受企业母子相互关系影响网络联系键具有矢量性,进而结点城市中形成源结点和受结点之分。  相似文献   

运用ArcGIS软件与DPS软件,结合世界银行数据库与《非洲统计年鉴》等,分析21世纪以来非洲跨国移民空间格局及其对FDI影响,结果表明:基于目的地国、原籍国的跨国移民分别集中于北非地区与撒哈拉以南的非洲,其中前者呈现以"摩洛哥-埃及-苏丹"为中心的集聚格局,而后者先以科特迪瓦最为集中,随后逐渐被南非所取代;北非地区F...  相似文献   

基于北京、深圳、成都和中山4个具有代表性的城市抽样调查监测数据,采用计量模型探讨了新生代流动人口的回流意愿与区位选择特征及影响因素。结果表明:1)新生代流动人口具有较强的回流意愿,且不同类型(智力型、投资型和劳力型)在回流意愿和区位选择上存在显著差异。2)其回流意愿受个体“客观属性”(人口学因素、经济因素)与“主观感知”(经济地位感知、社会心理感知)双重影响,特别是人口学因素和社会心理感知。3)就回流区位选择而言,人力资本是影响其回流至户籍地所在省会城市最显著的因素;主观感知中的城市社会适应、家庭“心理成本”和家乡生活方式认同与其选择回流至户籍地所在的地级市显著相关;客观属性中的人口学因素(性别和年龄)、在外务工时间主要影响其回流至户籍地所在的县(市、区)或乡镇;经济因素中的个人收入对各类回流地的选择均有显著的影响。不同回流区位的选择是综合“生存”与“发展”两方面需求的结果。建议未来精准施策,尤其要注意地级市的人口回流;在重视吸引人才的同时,要进一步关注流动人口的社会适应问题,完善公共服务设施尤其是医疗、养老、子女入学等,推进城镇化持续健康发展。  相似文献   

全球化语境主导的城市研究中,多样和异质的宗教既是文化流动的重要构成,也是表征移民身份和理解其日常行为实践的重要维度。论文回顾了近30 a来宗教地理视角下对于西方城市空间研究的主要成果,从宗教空间和宗教信仰群体的行为实践2个方面梳理宗教嵌入城市空间的主要方式、过程及其对城市空间的影响,总结出了以下4个方面的主要研究内容:① 多种宗教场所在城市中不断涌现,其空间特征发生多样化变迁;② 功能多样的宗教公共服务设施在公共空间中的作用日趋重要;③ 宗教信仰群体的居住社区显现出明显的空间特征;④宗教信仰群体通过具体的行为表征身份和认同。此外,多元文化共存的语境下的宗教更被视为引发空间争议的新来源,成为分析城市社会关系的重要依据。学者们认为在多元文化主义的西方社会,异质宗教的本地嵌入过程使原本“隐匿的”宗教场所逐渐浮现成为城市中“可见的”空间。这种异质宗教在城市中的视觉表征不仅改变了原有的城市空间秩序,也对社会关系提出新的挑战,成为了引发广泛争议的新来源。然而, 国内人文地理学研究目前对上述话题鲜有涉及,期望本文所提供的西方研究进展对社会文化视角下理解中国城市全球化进程及其中的多元文化治理有所启示。  相似文献   

城市是一个动态发展系统,外生和内生的行动者通过互动促进城市发展。跨国机构作为重要的外生行动者,在一些城市的全球化发展过程中产生了重要的作用。案例城市波恩正是在联邦、州和地方政府的权力和政策安排下,创造了跨国行动者嵌入的制度环境和背景,以联合国机构为主的众多跨国机构通过与政府、企业和居民,以及非人类行动者在建立国际合作的共同诉求下积极转译,产生互动效应,为城市建构了稳固而“无缝”的行动者网络。行动者的不同目的和行为方式在塑造网络的同时,也重新建构了城市空间,空间成为检验网络构建是否成熟的一种重要的表现方式。波恩的城市空间实现了从外交政治功能向国际合作功能的转型;形成以联合国机构为轴心,其他机构点状辐射的轴辐式空间集聚;同时,由于资源、信息和所处地位的不同,波恩不同行动者在网络节点之间产生不均等的权力空间。行动者不断的排斥、冲突、协商和融合的过程,促进了城市空间功能不断完善,也致使以跨国机构为核心的行动者网络逐步成熟。通过引入行动者网络理论(ANT),本研究把跨国机构作为重要行动者与城市全球化发展相结合,更深入地解析了城市全球化过程中多重行动者的互动过程。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):224-227
As one of the largest South Asian business districts in North America, Chicago's Devon Avenue is reproduced through the transnational connections of South Asian migrants. These ties encompass the diaspora as well as the more commonly theorized links between "home" and "host" societies. Based on fieldwork consisting of interviews and participant observation on Devon Avenue, this study considers how Devon Avenue functions as a transnational site, and therefore suggests the ways in which it reconceptualizes national and urban spaces. An examination of the transnational linkages that produced Devon Avenue, alongside its promotion as an "international marketplace" and the daily interactions among merchants, laborers, and residents, also considers the ways in which expressions of difference are marked by multiplicity and contingency.  相似文献   

随着新文化地理学对流动研究的持续关注,家逐渐成为理解跨国移民日常生活实践的重要概念。本文回顾了家的地理学与跨国移民研究的文献,结果发现:首先,跨国移民家的研究开始吸收物质、情感地理学及政治经济学相关理论,文化地理学者可以结合物质、情感与权力创新“家”的理论;其次,跨国移民家的空间政治主要是基于女性、边缘化阶层以及形式上的公民权,有关男性、精英阶层、内容上的超公民权等研究不仅会成为跨国移民研究的趋势,也会为流动性背景下家的研究提供更多的视角。最后,本文提出跨国移民“家”的实践三要素(物质、情感与权力)概念框图,强调从住宅空间、城市空间与跨国空间尺度对家的实践及尺度互动机制进行探讨。  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, northern Thailand has experienced a massive influx of Shan ethnic nationals from Myanmar migrating to escape economic hardship and political conflicts at home. Myanmar's recent reforms raise the question of whether these migrants will return. The paper brings together the context of current changes in Myanmar with migrants' prospects of return and the impact of large‐scale migration on homeland politics. On the one hand, the paper explores the possibility that Shan migrants could remain forever transnational, for many of them will most likely never return. On the other hand, it considers the perspective of Shan elites in Myanmar on the fact a large portion of young Shan now spend their adult lives living and working in Thailand. While out‐migration of young Shan threatens the social fabric of Shan community in Myanmar, Shan ethnonationalists strive across the Myanmar border to regain loyalty among the Shan migrant population in Thailand. By examining the two aspects, this paper attempts to shed light on the impact of transnational migration on both migrants and their home country.  相似文献   

基于航空客流的中国城市对外联系网络结构与演化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
改革开放以来,经济全球化和快速城市化促进了中国城市外向型联系的发展,改变了中国城市对外联系的空间格局。越来越复杂化的城市空间分布和组织规律需要一个全新的、综合的网络视角来考察。航空运输是当前城市间相互联系的重要物质基础,体现了城市间的直接关系,是研究城市网络的合适工具。本文以中国城市对外的航空客运联系作为衡量城市关系的指标,借鉴社会网络分析中的2-模网络概念构建了中国城市对外联系网络,并对网络的结构特征和演化规律进行了分析。研究结果表明,中国城市对外联系网络存在北京-上海-广州的三中心结构。中心城市以外,西部城市上升势头迅猛,体现了网络多元化发展的趋势。此外,中国城市对外联系的主要对象逐渐从东南亚向东亚转移,并呈现出以首尔为核心的网络结构。同时,中国城市对外联系扩张以强化区域内部联系为主,洲际联系发展滞后。  相似文献   

世界跨国投资网络结构演化及复杂性研究   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:8  
基于复杂网络方法,运用GIS、Pajek、Matlab和数据库等技术手段,构建世界跨国投资网络,考察2001~2012年世界跨国投资网络结构及其复杂性的时序演化过程。根据研究可以得出以下主要结论:世界跨国投资网络整体遵循“核心-边缘”的圈层结构,结构内部不断变化和重组,呈现由双核主导向多核互联演变,形成资本从西欧、北美、东亚向北欧、南美、西亚、东南亚流动的格局;世界投资网络具有显著小世界性质和无标度特征,无标度特征伴随时间的推移趋于弱化;投资活动活跃的国家,对跨国投资网络拥有更强的控制力,但对强化投资的可达性作用不显著,其主要受市场等潜在因素的影响;跨国投资结构的复杂性由高到低依次为中枢型投资地、区域型投资地、一般型投资地、孤立型投资地,不同功能类型的空间分布具有显著的集聚性。  相似文献   

In a polycentric world, cities increasingly bear responsibility for implementing climate policies. To do so, they establish transnational city networks (TCNs), which produce ambitious imaginaries of the future of cities, such as ‘smart cities’ or ‘resilient cities’, based on ecological knowledge. This paper analyses Southeast Asian (SEA) cities’ participation in TCNs. First, this paper presents city networks operating in SEA. Then, drawing on a case study of Quezon City, this paper shows how SEA cities often position themselves in the network as knowledge consumers rather than (co)producers and prefer to learn from cities in the Global North. This research also shows how TCNs—with limited success—seek to counter this neo-colonial knowledge flow model. The paper contributes to the literature on TCNs, arguing that the ongoing North–South imbalance needs to be addressed if networks are to promote viable models of future SEA cities. Identifying the patterns of knowledge flows inside TCNs, this study argues that networks should assist cities in imagining possible city futures beyond the experiences of the select world and global cities. TCNs should pay more attention to supporting their SEA members in looking ‘outwards’ to comparable cities worldwide rather than merely ‘upwards’ to global and mega-cities.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(8):661-683
Since the beginning of the 1990s, the global expansion of gated communities has become an increasingly important part of the residential geography of many cities. The gated community phenomenon has not been researched in West African cities, and the extent of these communities' formation and convergence or divergence with global trends is unknown. This article provides the first-ever analysis of their formation in Greater Accra, Ghana. The analysis suggests that the globalization of real estate markets and Diaspora living are important aspects in the residential geography of Accra. The concept of "transnational houses" is employed to explain aspects of the local property market that are being globalized and differentiated from local housing. Transnational houses add another layer of diversity to the contemporary urban geography of Greater Accra.  相似文献   

运用问卷和半结构化访谈的方法,梳理了远景路从城中村到跨国移民社区的空间生产过程。研究显示,广州远景路已形成以韩商为主的贸易产业链和韩国人与本地村民、外来人口混居的跨国移民社区,其中白云区政府、投资开发商和韩商三者共同参与,推动了远景路韩国人聚居区的空间形成。  相似文献   

以产业转移和劳动力回流为主要特征的“双转移”是当前中国经济进入中速增长背景下一个新的发展趋势,是市场机制下产业和劳动力的理性选择。在此背景下,以河南周口市为案例地,通过实地调研和问卷访谈,分析了传统农区外出劳动力空间流向和回流意愿,重点对外出劳动力的回流动力、行为选择进行了调查分析,并从政府和制度层面提出回流地的规划响应。结果表明:①周口市外出劳动力回流意愿强烈,且有近期返乡的打算;②外出劳动力的回流动力呈现多元化,县城是除本村外回流劳动力居住和生活的重要空间选择;③就业机会、教育和医疗水平是外出劳动力回流最为关注的城镇吸引要素。最后,从地方政府和制度层面提出放权强县、促进“双转移”良性循环互动、公共服务设施均等化配置和推进土地户籍制度改革的规划响应措施。  相似文献   

Although in the past Sri Lanka has had a higher number of women migrant workers, recent statistics show that the gap between the percentages of female and male migrants is decreasing. Since 2007, male migrants have outnumbered female migrants. The article explores how Sri Lankan men have responded to the increased economic needs of their families and lack of proper income-generating activities within the country by engaging in transnational livelihoods, as well as how their roles and identities are contested and negotiated through labour migration. The study is based on men's narratives on their reasons for migration and their experiences of transnational labour migration. The concepts of hope and life course are used to analyse the intertwined relationships of gender and mobility in transnational livelihoods. The author identifies that men's mobility is motivated by their hopes of fulfilling traditional gender norms as providers and protectors of their families in combination with their new identity as successful men. Further, the study provides evidence that men's mobility is not only gendered but also a repeated act during their life course. The study contributes to strengthen research on mobility and gender by adding men's perspectives on transnational labour migration.  相似文献   

梅琳  薛德升 《地理科学进展》2012,31(10):1264-1273
在全球化的冲击下, 超越或嵌入国家地理疆界范围的行动者改变着世界政治地理格局。国际组织、国际非政府组织、跨国政府组织和跨国非政府组织等跨国机构在全球地缘政治中的角色越来越重要。地理学视角的研究认为, 不同类型的跨国机构在全球尺度上创造了复杂而多样化的全球政治地理结构, 也形成具有政治特色的世界城市体系。不仅如此, 跨国机构通过地方尺度的行动, 深入城市的全球化发展过程, 成为与世界城市紧密关联的影响因子, 对城市制度和内部空间等方面的变化发挥着不可忽视的作用。对当代西方地理学中跨国机构研究进行梳理和评述, 在此基础上指出目前存在的不足, 不仅是从地理学视角对跨国机构研究进展的把握, 也希望对中国当代政治地理和城市地理中跨国机构的研究有一定的借鉴和启示意义。  相似文献   

陈慧  朱竑  刘云刚 《地理科学》2021,41(11):1925-1934
基于西方学界中移民产业的相关文献,系统梳理了移民产业概念的形成、发展与应用。研究发现:首先,移民产业概念在分析尺度上将宏观与微观相结合,并引入多主体分析的视角,因此其在解释跨国人口迁移在不同阶段的特征与机制方面显现出相对的灵活性;其次,移民产业概念主要被应用于解释流动性机制、跨国移民治理、跨国移民的在地化3个方面。通过对移民产业概念的渊源、发展和相关实证研究的梳理,以期为中国的移民研究提供新的视角、为移民管制及移民政策的制订提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

The migration of women engaged in transnational domestic work reveals how the uneven impacts of globalisation have intruded into the micro‐world of families and households. In this age of globalisation and migration, family membership has become multisited or transnational, with members dispersed in space. The migration of workers and the separation this entails has raised challenges to notions and ideals of “being family”. Unlike other workers on the move, the migration of domestic workers has some distinctive characteristics. It can be framed in terms of women moving between families and households; workers whose departure from their family of origin and insertion into their family of employment reconstitute the structure and content of family relationships in both material and imagined ways. Drawing on in‐depth interviews conducted in the Philippines and Singapore, we explore how migrant women and their family members define and negotiate family ideals, gender identities and family relationships, given the family's transnational configuration. Our findings provide some support to the notion that individual members in transnational families resort to “relativising” in fashioning responses to their situation.  相似文献   

尺度重构视角下的经济全球化研究   总被引:15,自引:7,他引:8  
全球化的“时空压缩”特征降低了要素流动的空间成本,而为组织和协调跨国经济活动而出现的跨国公司与国际组织,导致象征权利范畴的领土边界对经济、文化和政治的影响力不断削弱,进而引发了极端全球主义式的“地理终结”论调。人文地理学者结合全球化的特征,通过改变尺度结构,明确了全球尺度涉及的主体与内容,凸显出地域单元的意义,避免了全球尺度的抽象理解,从而反驳了地理终结论,形成了两个关键认识:①尺度建构不一定建立在相对性的基础上并构成垂直体系,基于关系建构的全球尺度更契合不同主体和空间联系日趋紧密的特征;②全球化与地方化过程是并存的。全球化并不意味着尺度的垂直叠加,而是全球与地方之间的复杂联系。这两个关键认识为人文地理学参与全球化研究形成了独特的视角:一方面,学者们运用立体网络思维,以关键主体与空间为节点、以关系为纽带,实现“超越边界”式的分析;另一方面,全球化与地方化并存的理念也促使城市与区域发展研究从单纯强调区域差异转向探讨区域内外相互作用,为城市与区域治理提供了新思路。  相似文献   

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