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根据中国、原苏联等地区的地磁复测点和地磁台资料,利用勒让德多项式方法,计算出1980.0年东亚地区的地磁场模型,绘制出总强度(F)、磁偏角(D)和磁倾角(I)地磁图.地磁场模型的均方偏差分别为:总强度144.6nT,磁偏角19.1′,磁倾角8.5′.将勒让德多项式模型与DGRF1980进行了比较,并绘制出总强度的差值分布图.本文计算出来的地磁场勒让德多项式模型能较好地表示东亚地区地磁场的分布. 相似文献
本文利用1960.0—1965.0全球157个地磁台站的X、Y、Z三分量年均值资料,进行了地磁场长期变化的球谐分析。我们采用5种加权方案(从主要考虑法矩阵条件数的方案S过渡到仅考虑资料误差的方案D),并选择5种截断水平(球谐函数的截取级次从n=4到n=8),共作了25次分析,从获得的法矩阵条件数和拟合残差两者的分析中发现,对这一组资料球谐级数的截取级次取为n=6,而加权方案采用S3/4 D1/4可能是最有效的,其结果即为地磁场长期变化球谐模型SVSHM 1960—1965。 相似文献
本文利用1960.0-1965.0全球157个地磁台站的X、Y、Z三分量年均值资料,进行了地磁场长期变化的球谐分析。我们采用5种加权方案(从主要考虑法矩阵条件数的方案S过渡到仅考虑资料误差的方案D),并选择5种截断水平(球谐函数的截取级次从n=4到n=8),共作了25次分析,从获得的法矩阵条件数和拟合残差两者的分析中发现,对这一组资料球谐级数的截取级次取为n=6,而加权方案采用S3/4 D1/4可能是最有效的,其结果即为地磁场长期变化球谐模型SVSHM 1960-1965。 相似文献
本文从高斯位理论出发,得到了包含内源场和外源场的局部地区地磁场矩谐级数表达式,指出了局部地区地磁场内、外源部分分离的可能性。对中国及邻近地区1970.0年地磁场的矩谐分析结果表明:在北纬10°—45°之间有一个垂直分量的负异常带,异常中心在西藏高原和太平洋西部,最大异常值分别达到-330γ和-460γ;北向分量的正异常区从北纬23°一直伸展到北纬55°以北,极大值约在北纬40°附近,极值达300γ;东向分量在整个区域呈现微弱的正异常。本文对与矩谐分析有关的截断水平、光滑处理以及误差分析等问题也进行了讨论。 相似文献
本文从高斯位理论出发,得到了包含内源场和外源场的局部地区地磁场矩谐级数表达式,指出了局部地区地磁场内、外源部分分离的可能性。对中国及邻近地区1970.0年地磁场的矩谐分析结果表明:在北纬10°-45°之间有一个垂直分量的负异常带,异常中心在西藏高原和太平洋西部,最大异常值分别达到-330γ和-460γ;北向分量的正异常区从北纬23°一直伸展到北纬55°以北,极大值约在北纬40°附近,极值达300γ;东向分量在整个区域呈现微弱的正异常。本文对与矩谐分析有关的截断水平、光滑处理以及误差分析等问题也进行了讨论。 相似文献
正基于时-空高分辨率的地磁数据,分析其描述的地磁场的时间-空间分布形态,选取合适的区域地磁场分析方法,提取区域地磁场的时间-空间变化特征,并建立高精度的区域磁场模型,以期为地震研究、地质构造研究、地球深部研究、矿产勘探、航空航天、通信导航等诸多科学领域和民用领域提供基础的、准确的、可信的中国地区地磁数据,是本论文的主要研究目的及意义。本文通过对中国地区地磁场长期变化的自然正交分量分析和中国地区地磁场的球冠谐和 相似文献
吴一凡 《地震地磁观测与研究》2018,39(3):76-80
研究表明,同一区域地电暴记录与地磁场变化率在形态、幅度及周期成分上呈现出较强的相关性。采用磁暴期间电磁场观测数据,基于一维水平层状电性介质模型对地电暴波形进行拟合,反演地下介质电性结构。结果表明,地电暴拟合波形与观测记录一致性较好,利用反演确定的大地电性结构参数和其他磁暴事件,计算得到的理论感应地电场与观测结果相符合。 相似文献
L. F. Chernogor 《Geomagnetism and Aeronomy》2014,54(5):613-624
An analysis was conducted of time variations in geomagnetic field components on the day of the Chelyabinsk meteorite event (February 15, 2013) and on control days (February 12 and 16, 2013). The analysis uses the data collected by magnetic observatories in Novosibirsk, Almaty, Kyiv, and Lviv. The distance R from the explosion site to the observatories varies in the range 1200–2700 km. The flyby and explosion of the Chelyabinsk cosmic body is found to have been accompanied by variations mainly in the horizontal component of the geomagnetic field. The variations are quasi-periodic with a period of 30–40 min, an amplitude of 0.5–2 nT for R ≈ 2700?1200 km, respectively, and a duration of 2–3 h. The horizontal velocity of the geomagnetic field disturbances is close to 260–370 m/s. A theoretical model of wave disturbances is proposed. According to the model, wave disturbances in the geomagnetic field are caused (a) by the motion of the gravity wave generated in the atmosphere by the falling space body and (b) by traveling ionospheric disturbances, which modulate the ionospheric current at dynamo altitudes. The calculated amplitudes of the wave disturbances are 0.6–1.8 nT for R ≈ 2700?1200 km, respectively. The estimates are in good agreement with the observational data. Disturbances in the geomagnetic field level (geomagnetic pulsations) in the period range 1–1000 s are negligible (less than 1 nT). 相似文献
The archaeomagnetic determinations obtained from the collections of archaeological materials, dated in the last 2000 years are summarized. The review describes the materials used, the methodology applied, the local database organization, the principles of data processing and smoothing procedures. Errors evaluation at different levels of analysis of the experimental results are described. Special attention is paid to the archaeointensity determinations. Some rock magnetic properties studied in connection with the difficulties in the Thellier method are summarised. The curves of geomagnetic field elements variations for the last 2000 years for Bulgaria are shown. The Bauer plots, VGP path and VDM curve are also discussed, the latter confirming the general decrease in the strength of the geomagnetic field from the beginning of this era to the present. Westward drift of the geomagnetic field non-dipole part cannot be considered proved yet for the time interval 7th to 13th Centuries AD from the Bulgarian directional data. 相似文献
V. V. Shcherbakova B. Z. Asanidze V. P. Shcherbakov G. V. Zhidkov 《Izvestiya Physics of the Solid Earth》2007,43(11):951-959
A representative collection of Upper Cretaceous rocks of Georgia (530 samples from 24 sites) is used for the study of magnetic properties of the rocks and the determination of the paleodirection and paleointensity (H an) of the geomagnetic field. Titanomagnetites with Curie points of 200–350°C are shown to be carriers of natural remanent magnetization (NRM) preserving primary paleomagnetic information during heatings to 300–350°C. The characteristic NRM component of the samples is identified in the interval 120–350°C. The Thellier and Thellier-Coe methods are used for the determination of H an meeting modern requirements on the reliability of such results. New paleointensity determinations are obtained and virtual dipole magnetic moment (VDM) values are calculated for four sites whose stratigraphic age is the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Campanian). It is shown that, in the interval 99.6–70.6 Ma, the VDM value was two or more times smaller than the present value, which agrees with the majority of H an data available for this time period. According to our results, the H an value did not change at the boundary of the Cretaceous normal superchron. 相似文献
张振国 《地震地磁观测与研究》1999,20(3):60-61
1软件介绍软件的设计和技术指标的编写以1986年国家地震局《地震地磁野外测量规范》为依据,并从地磁野外工作的特点和实用性出发。为便于软件的使用更加方便,根据野外工作特点,一些命令操作分段进行设计编写。软件使用一人操作PC1500A同时输入F的主副测... 相似文献
—Maximum entropy spectral analysis (MESA) has been applied to 24 series of hourly daily data and only one daily mean series for the horizontal (H) and vertical (Z) components of the geomagnetic field for the year 1983 as observed at Narssarssuaq, Greenland (71.2°N, 36.7°E) (gm coordinate). The method has isolated some prominent medium frequency signal components. The maximum peaks for H are at 06 hr (0.174 cycles per day (cpd), 3.2 × 104 db) and 08 hr (0.09 cpd, 3.5 × 104 db). Similarly, the maximum peak in Z is observed at 04 hr (0.114 cpd, 5.7 × 104 db). The spectral results for the daily-mean data indicate periods are greater than two days, with 178.5 days (nearly semiannual) being common to both H and Z. Other harmonics have been found for all the series of H and Z components which are mainly caused by the "Effective Period", i.e., the period produced by the combined effect of the sunspot numbers and the sun’s rotation period. Such frequencies correspond very well with those found in the geomagnetic indices A p ?, C p and AE. This suggests that the disturbance transient variations are caused by viscous interaction of the solar energies emanating from sunspot regions with the outermost magnetospheric boundary which, in turn, influences the magnetosphere-iono sphere coupling and produces the medium intensity long-duration continuous auroral activities (MILD CAAs) over high latitude regions. Thus, the higher latitude geomagnetic activities are nothing but the "effective period driven MILDCAAs" having a recurrence tendency of 27/n, where n is an integer. 相似文献