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地幔对流(讲座)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地幔对流(讲座)李荫亭(中国北京100081国家地震局地球物理研究所)引言板块构造学说的出现与发展一直同地幔对流的研究密切联系在一起,地幔对流研究已成为当代地球科学中的一个基础性课题。板块构造学说的驱动力问题是目前地球科学家最为关心的问题之一。国际地...  相似文献   

假定地幔为一个均匀的、粘滞系数为常数、同时均匀分布放射性热源的流体球层,其内部存在的对流则由流体力学3个基本方程:运动方程、能量方程和连续性方程确定.如果假定地幔处于低瑞利数的状态(临界瑞利数1.5倍左右),那么上述方程中的非线性项可以忽略不计.作为一类可能的模型,本文计算一组用6个边界条件确定6个未知数的线性方程组.这些条件包括板块绝对运动极型场、地球大地水准面异常和地震层析结果提供的地幔密度分布横向不均匀相应的“刚性地球”水准面异常等.模型计算表明:1.地幔中流体运动格局不仅受地幔热动力学参数(瑞利数)控制,而且强烈地受边界条件的影响.2.若不限定下边界为等温边界,则上、下地幔之间并不呈现出活动性明显差异;但是在模型瑞利数加大到一定值时,核-幔边界附近将出现一些局部的小尺度对流环.3.当模型瑞利数从很小增加时,对流格局将发生变化,这些格局可能反应由地幔热动力学参数决定的地幔固有特性.4.当瑞利数为50000和80000时,核-幔边界形变与PcP波得到的结果吻合较好.  相似文献   

利用多种地球物理观测资料直接反演地幔对流模型   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
假定地幔为一个均匀的、粘滞系数为常数、同时均匀分布放射性热源的流体球层,其内部存在的对流则由流体力学3个基本方程:运动方程、能量方程和连续性方程确定.如果假定地幔处于低瑞利数的状态(临界瑞利数1.5倍左右),那么上述方程中的非线性项可以忽略不计.作为一类可能的模型,本文计算一组用6个边界条件确定6个未知数的线性方程组.这些条件包括板块绝对运动极型场、地球大地水准面异常和地震层析结果提供的地幔密度分布横向不均匀相应的“刚性地球”水准面异常等.模型计算表明:1.地幔中流体运动格局不仅受地幔热动力学参数(瑞利数)控制,而且强烈地受边界条件的影响.2.若不限定下边界为等温边界,则上、下地幔之间并不呈现出活动性明显差异;但是在模型瑞利数加大到一定值时,核-幔边界附近将出现一些局部的小尺度对流环.3.当模型瑞利数从很小增加时,对流格局将发生变化,这些格局可能反应由地幔热动力学参数决定的地幔固有特性.4.当瑞利数为50000和80000时,核-幔边界形变与PcP波得到的结果吻合较好.  相似文献   

地震层析成像板块构造及地幔演化动力学   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
地震层析成像技术的飞速发展给人类提供了一个探测地球内部结构的强有力的工具,也给人类展示了一片新的天地,使人类更加清晰地在两个层次之上(地球的层圈构造和内部横向不均匀性)了解地球内部,特别是对幔内部非均匀结构,从全球和区域的尺度上揭示出地球内部特别是地壳和上地幔横向不均匀结构。呈现出全新的地球,特别是地幔结构的三维图像框架,很容易理解,这一基本框架正是地幔演化热动力学过程的现代表现,如此,我们可以利用该框架去追溯、探讨全球构造特别是地幔构造演化的历史,从而深化对于我们这个星球演化过程的理解。  相似文献   

利用地震层析成像数据计算地幔对流模型的方法。假设地幔地震层析成像数据对应的地幔横向不均匀结构是地幔热对流的结果,将地震层析成像数据转化为地幔温度不均匀分布。该方法考虑热流体动力学的3个基本方程,以及热输运方程中的非线性项,直接将上述地震层析成像转化的地幔温度不均匀分布作为内部荷载直接引入基本方程,进而反演计算地幔对流的基本格局。理论结果表明,对流格局不仅依赖地震层析成像数据,而且在很大程度上受地幔动力学框架和热动力参数(如Rayleigh数)以及边界条件和系统响应函数的影响。  相似文献   

地幔对流是地幔中.特别是地幔软流层中发生的热对流。地幔对流是一种自然对流.既是发生在地幔中的一种传热方式(通过物质运动传递热量).又是一种地幔物质的运动过程(由物质内部密度差或温度差所驱使的).是地球内部向地球表面输送能量、动量和质量的一种有效途径。地幔对流是一个复杂的系统.是在缓慢的进行的,对流活动的时间可达几千万年,甚至几亿年。地幔对流的流动形态可以不同。  相似文献   

地震层析成像-地幔对流新模型的研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
利用地震层析成像数据计算地幔对流模型的方法.假设地幔地震层析成像数据对应的地幔横向不均匀结构是地幔热对流的结果,将地震层析成像数据转化为地幔温度不均匀分布.该方法考虑热流体动力学的3个基本方程,以及热输运方程中的非线性项,直接将上述地震层析成像转化的地幔温度不均匀分布作为内部荷载直接引入基本方程,进而反演计算地幔对流的基本格局.理论结果表明,对流格局不仅依赖地震层析成像数据,而且在很大程度上受地幔动力学框架和热动力参数(如Rayleigh数)以及边界条件和系统响应函数的影响.  相似文献   

黏滞分层地幔中密度异常驱动对流模型的研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
在地震层析成像计算的地幔密度异常直接驱动地幔对流的新方法的基础上,发展了在上、下地幔不同黏性结构框架下,密度异常驱动地幔对流的物理模型.利用 Grands和S12-WM13等地震层析成像模型推得的地幔密度异常分布,设置板块绝对运动极型场为运动上边界,考虑深度660km地震波不连续面为界的上、下地幔之间存在黏滞性的差异,直接反演了不同黏滞系数的双层地幔结构下地幔对流的模式.研究中选取地幔平均密度为ρ=5500kg/m3, 上层地幔平均黏滞系数为μ=1021Pa·s,计算了上、下地幔黏滞系数之比为1∶1, 1∶10, 1∶100和1∶1000时地幔大圆剖面、以及区域剖面上的流场.结果表明,两种模型在球谐展开1~13阶的范围内其对流的基本格局相似.当下地幔黏滞性超过上地幔的100倍时,下地幔流场速度与上地幔的流场速度相比显著减小,但是对流仍然表现出单层对流环的基本格局.论文还用 240km深度球面上的对流格局讨论了对流和全球构造之间的关系.  相似文献   

利用地震层析成像数据计算地幔对流新模型的探讨   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
假设地幔地震层析成像数据对应的地幔横向不均匀结构是地幔热对流的结果. 将地震层析成像数据转化为地幔温度(或密度)不均匀分布,考虑热流体动力学的三个基本方程,顾及热输运方程中的非线性项,直接将地震层析成像转化的地幔温度不均匀分布作为内部荷载引入基本方程, 反演计算地幔对流. 本文在利用地震层析成像数据计算地幔对流模型的新理论和方法的基础上,用SH12WM13地震层析成像模型数据,计算了全球地幔对流格局. 结果表明,对流格局不仅依赖地震层析成像数据,而且在很大程度上受地幔动力学框架、热动力参数和边界条件的所确定的系统响应函数的影响. 显示了地幔中复杂的对流格局,特别是区域性层状对流以及多层对流环可能在地幔中存在的现象.  相似文献   

地幔对流,地球自转速度变化与板块运动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In the last decade, significant progress has been made toward understanding how plate tectonics is generated from mantle dynamics. A primary goal of plate-generation studies has been the development of models that allow the top cold thermal boundary layer of mantle convection, i.e. the lithosphere, to develop broad and strong plate-like segments separated by narrow, weak and rapidly deforming boundaries; ideally, such models also permit significant strike-slip (toroidal) motion, passive ridges (i.e. pulled rather than pried apart), and self-consistent initiation of subduction. A major outcome of work so far is that nearly all aspects of plate generation require lithospheric rheologies and shear-localizing feedback mechanisms that are considerably more exotic than rheologies typically used in simple fluid-dynamical models of mantle flow. The search for plate-generating behavior has taken us through investigations of the effects of shear weakening (‘stick-slip’) and viscoplastic rheologies, of melting at ridges and low-viscosity asthenospheres, and of grain-size dependent rheologies and damage mechanics. Many such mechanisms, either by themselves or in combination, have led to self-consistent fluid-mechanical models of mantle flow that are remarkably plate-like, which is in itself a major accomplishment. However, many other important problems remain unsolved, such as subduction intiation and asymmetry, temporal evolution of plate geometry, rapid changes in plate motion, and the Archaean initiation of the plate-tectonic mode of convection. This paper presents a brief review of progress made in the plate-generation problem over the last decade, and discusses unresolved issues and future directions of research in this important area.  相似文献   

A model is developed that unifies vigorous hotspots with global-scale mantle convection and plate tectonics. The convection dynamics are assumed to generate flow patterns that emerge as closely packed polygonal cells in approaching the asthenosphere, and whose geometry is completely determined by a defining set of vigorous hotspots. Overlying viscously coupled rigid plates are driven with unique velocities (Euler vectors) at which the area integral of the shear forces is zero; these velocities are dynamically stable. The computed plate velocities, resulting from convection based on 15 hotspots, are compared with the velocities of plate motion models AM1-2 (Minster andJordan, 1978) and HS-NUVEL1 (Gripp andGordon, 1990), which combine transform fault geometries, magnetic anomalies and seismic data. The comparison shows a striking agreement for a majority of the plates. Geophysical implications of this numerical exercise are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, from the travel time data recorded in the Tianshan passive seismic array experiment, we present the P-wave velocity structure of the upper mantle down to 660 km along the Kuqa-Kuitun pro-file in terms of seismic tomography technique. Based on the P-wave velocity model, we derive the corresponding 2D upper mantle density model. The 2D small-scale convection of the upper mantle underneath the Tianshan Mountains in China driven by the density anomalies is simulated using the hybrid finite element method combining with the marker-in-cell technique. The main features of the upper mantle convection and the reciprocation between the convection and mountain building are in-vestigated. The results manifest that (1) in the upper mantle underneath the Junggar basin and North Tianshan exists a counterclockwise convection, which scale is ~ 500 km; (2) underneath the Tarim ba-sin and South Tianshan exists a clockwise northward convection, which is relatively weak; (3) the convective velocity at the top of the upper mantle underneath the Tianshan Mountains in China should not be less than 20 mm/a, while considering the dependent of convective velocity on the viscosity; (4) the northward extrusion of the Tarim block plays a key role in the Cenozoic Tianshan mountain building and the present-day tectonic deformation of the Tianshan range is related closely to the upper mantle convection; and (5) the northward subduction of the Tarim block does not influence obviously the up-per mantle convection.  相似文献   

Attention has been paid to the deformations in the south and north foreland basins of the Tianshan Mountains and their relations to the tectonic movements of the mountains. Based on the seismic data interpretation and field work,the tectonic features,tectonic styles,controlling factors of deformation,deformation time,and their relationships in the three tectonic units were comparably studied. The Ce-nozoic deformations in the two foreland basins were characterized by zonation from south to north,segmentation from west to east,and layering from deep to shallow. The tectonic styles are compres-sive ones,including both basement-involved and cover-detaching. The two foreland basins underwent several times of deformation in Cenozoic and the deformations were transmitted from the Tianshan orogen to the inner basin. The deformation dynamics of the south and north foreland basins of the Tianshan Mountains can be represented by dynamics of orogenic wedges. In terms of the deformations of the wedges with wave-like features,the concept of a wave orogenic wedge was put forward,and a double wave orogenic wedge model was established.  相似文献   

The existence of nonhydrostatic high-degree harmonics in the gravitational field of the earth has recently been determined using satellite and gravity observations. In this paper, we have applied the Goddard Space Flight Center GEM-8 gravity field model to calculate the small-scale mantle flow system under the Pacific plate. The resulting tectonic forces or stresses exerted by the flow currents show tensional forces under the Hawaiian Island chain and a system of latitudinal convection rolls under the East Pacific plate and are in agreement with geophysical theories.  相似文献   

Wang  Xiaolei  Liu  Fulai  Li  Junyong  Wang  Di 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2020,63(12):2068-2086
Science China Earth Sciences - The regime of plate tectonics on early Earth is one of the fundamental problems in Earth sciences. Precambrian era takes the majority (ca. 88%) of Earth’s...  相似文献   

地震波速度结构层析成像和地震各向异性分析,是推测现今地幔流动的主要观测依据.从已有研究结果看,全球尺度的地幔流动的两个主要边界驱动力是顶部的冷却和底部的加热,地幔的密度和粘度控制流动速率.沿海沟由消减板带动的地幔下沉,和沿热点下面幔柱及洋中脊的地幔上升,是地幔垂直向流动的表现.GPS等测量显示的全球板块运动在一定条件下反映地幔顶部的水平流动.地幔柱可能有不同的根源深度,沿幔柱上升的地幔流在200—350km深度转变为水平流动.消减带附近有复杂的地幔流动格局,表明局部构造条件对地幔流动的影响.大陆下一般出现两个地幔各向异性层,较深的可能反映地幔流动,并与大陆根的状态有关.在不同构造环境下,地幔流动与板块构造之间有不同形态的相互作用关系,它可能驱动板块运动,也可能对板块运动产生阻力。  相似文献   

强正阳  吴庆举 《地球物理学报》2015,58(10):3540-3552
中国东北地区广泛发育新生代板内火山,晚中生代以来岩石圈遭受过多期拉张作用.作为中国唯一的深震孕育区,中国东北地区受到太平洋板块的西向俯冲,使得其成为研究岩石圈变形、板块俯冲和板内火山成因及其相互作用关系的天然实验室.通过分析架设在中国东北地区北部的147个流动和固定台站的SKS波形数据,共计得到了377对各向异性参数和251个无效分裂结果.结果表明,中国东北地区东西两侧具有不同的各向异性分布:西部地区各向异性方向变化范围为N143-199°E,平均N169°E,与晚中生代岩石圈伸展方向一致;其各向异性延迟时间平均值约为0.8s,说明来自地幔的各向异性比较微弱,主要由残留在岩石圈中的古老变形所引起.同时,在松辽盆地和佳木斯地块部分区域,观测到延迟时间较小的各向异性(~0.4s),可能是由于岩石圈的拆沉和热地幔物质的上涌侵蚀了保留在岩石圈的古老形变所致.在研究区东部,NNW-SSE朝向的各向异性被观测到,并伴随较大的延迟时间(大于1.0s),可能与太平洋板块撕裂回撤而产生的地幔流动有关.此外,近W-E方向的各向异性只在佳木斯地块被观测到,而太平洋板块在地幔过渡带中的俯冲可能是其产生的主要成因.  相似文献   

The modern concepts of the rheology of viscous mantle and brittle lithosphere, as well as the results of the numerical experiments on the processes in a heated layer with a viscosity dependent on pressure, temperature, and shear stress, are reviewed. These dependences are inferred from the laboratory studies of olivine and measurements of postglacial rebound (glacial isostatic adjustment) and geoid anomalies. The numerical solution of classical conservation equations for mass, heat, and momentum shows that thermal convection with a highly viscous rigid lithosphere develops in the layer with the parameters of the mantle with the considered rheology under a temperature difference of 3500 K, without any special additional conditions due to the self-organization of the material. If the viscosity parameters of the lithosphere correspond to dry olivine, the lithosphere remains monolithic (unbroken). At a lower strength (probably due to the effects of water), the lithosphere splits into a set of separate rigid plates divided by the ridges and subduction zones. The plates submerge into the mantle, and their material is involved in the convective circulation. The results of the numerical experiment may serve as direct empirical evidence to validate the basic concepts of the theory of plate tectonics; these experiments also reveal some new features of the mantle convection. The probable structure of the flows in the upper and lower mantle (including the asthenosphere), which shows the primary role of the lithospheric plates, is demonstrated for the first time.  相似文献   

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