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Abstract— Micrometeorites (MMs) currently represent the largest steady‐state mass flux of extraterrestrial matter to Earth and may have delivered a significant fraction of volatile elements and organics to the Earth's surface. Nitrogen and noble gases contents and isotopic ratios have been measured in a suite of 17 micrometeorites recovered in Antarctica (sampled in blue ice at Cap Prudhomme) and Greenland (separated from cryoconite) that have experienced variable thermal metamorphism during atmospheric entry. MMs were pyrolized using a CO2 laser and the released gases were analyzed for nitrogen and noble gas abundances and isotopic ratios by static mass spectrometry after specific purification. Noble gases are a mixture of cosmogenic, solar, atmospheric, and possibly chondritic components, with atmospheric being predominant in severely heated MMs. δ15N values vary between ?240 ± 62‰ and +206 ± 12‰, with most values being within the range of terrestrial and chondritic signatures, given the uncertainties. Crystalline MMs present very high noble gas contents up to two orders of magnitude higher than carbonaceous chondrite concentrations. In contrast, nitrogen contents between 4 ppm and 165 ppm are much lower than those of carbonaceous chondrites, evidencing either initially low N content in MMs and/or degradation of phases hosting nitrogen during atmospheric entry heating and terrestrial weathering. Assuming that the original N content of MMs was comparable to that of carbonaceous chondrites, the contribution of nitrogen delivery by these objects to the terrestrial environment would have been probably marginal from 3.8 Gyr ago to present but could have been significant (?10%) in the Hadean, and even predominant during the latest stages of terrestrial accretion.  相似文献   

Abstract Solar noble gases He, Ne, Ar and Kr implanted in the H3–6 meteorite regolith breccia Acfer 111 agree in their elemental composition with that in present-day solar wind and, except for a 25% deficit of 4He, also with adopted solar abundances. The presence of such unfractionated solar gases makes Acfer 111 unique (until now). Closed system stepped etching releases noble gases that can be explained as mixtures of two distinct types of He, Ne, and Kr of isotopic compositions as they have been derived previously from meteorites and lunar samples that contain heavily fractionated solar gases. Since the same putative end members, ascribed to the solar wind (SW) and supra-thermal solar energetic particles (SEP), are also present in Acfer 111, we argue that these end members represent two truly independent components. We discount the possibility that one isotopic composition derived from the other by diffusion of the gases within, or upon their release from, their host phases. The isotopic signatures of noble gases in Acfer 111 agree with those in a lunar ilmenite of young antiquity ?100 Ma) but are in disagreement with the noble gases in lunar ilmenite 79035 of 1–2 Ga antiquity. Systematic changes are discussed of the nuclide abundance ratios as etching proceeds; they are ascribed to differences in trapping efficiency and in penetration depth of the different noble gas ion species upon their implantation.  相似文献   

We have searched for and estimated the possible gravitational influence of dark matter in the Solar system based on the EPM2011 planetary ephemerides using about 677 thousand positional observations of planets and spacecraft. Most of the observations belong to present-day ranging measurements. Our estimates of the dark matter density and mass at various distances from the Sun are generally overridden by their errors (σ). This suggests that the density of dark matter ρ dm, if present, is very low and is much less than the currently achieved error of these parameters. We have found that ρ dm is less than 1.1 × 10?20 g cm?3 at the orbital distance of Saturn, ρ dm < 1.4 × 10?20 g cm?3 at the orbital distance of Mars, and ρ dm < 1.4 × 10?19 g cm?3 at the orbital distance of the Earth. We also have considered the case of a possible concentration of dark matter to the Solar system center. The dark matter mass in the sphere within Saturn’s orbit should be less than 1.7 × 10?10 M even if its possible concentration is taken into account.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have measured Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe in Si2O3 “smokes” that were condensed on Al substrates, vapor-deposited with various mixtures of CH4, NH3, H2O and noble gases at 10 K and subsequently irradiated with 1 MeV protons to simulate conditions during grain mantle formation in interstellar clouds. The noble gases were analyzed using conventional stepwise heating and static noble gas mass spectrometry. Neither Ne nor Ar is retained by the samples upon warming to room temperature, but Xe is very efficiently trapped and retained. Kr is somewhat less effectively retained, typically depleted by factors of about 10–20 relative to Xe. Isotopic fractionation favoring the heavy isotopes of Xe and Kr of about 5–10‰/amu is observed. Correlations between the specific chemistry of the vapor deposition and heavy noble gas retention are most likely the result of competition by the various species for irradiation-produced trapping sites. The concentration of Xe retained by some of these smokes exceeds that observed in phase Q of meteorites and, like phase Q, they do not seem to be carriers of the light noble gases. Such artificially prepared material may, therefore, offer clues concerning the incorporation of the heavy planetary noble gases in meteoritic material and the nature of phase Q.  相似文献   

Rapid accretion of matter takes place while the solar system resides in a dark cloud of high density. The mass thus accreted may be comparable to the mass of the planetary system. Since the elemental abundances in a dark cloud are considered to be heterogeneous due to matter processed inside stars and then ejected, the continual accretion causes elemental heterogeneities in the solar system.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 30 May 1978.  相似文献   

Abstract— We measured the noble gas isotopic abundances in lunar meteorite QUE 94269 and in bulk-, glass-, and crystal-phases of lunar meteorite QUE 94281. Our results confirm that QUE 94269 originated from the same meteorite fall as QUE 93069: both specimens yield the same signature of solar-particle irradiation and also the cosmogenic noble gases are in agreement within their uncertainities. Queen Alexandra Range 93069/94269 was exposed to cosmic rays in the lunar regolith for ~1000 Ma, and it trapped 3.5 × 10?4 cm3STP/g solar 36Ar, the other solar noble gases being present in proportions typical for the solar-particle irradiation. The bulk material of QUE 94281 contains about three times less cosmogenic and trapped noble gases than QUE 93069/94269 and the lunar regolith residence time corresponds to 400 ± 60 Ma. We show that in lunar meteorites the trapped solar 20Ne/22Ne ratio is correlated with the trapped ratio 40Ar/36Ar, that is, trapped 20Ne/22Ne may also serve as an antiquity indicator. The upper limits of the breccia compaction ages, as derived from the trapped ratio 40Ar/36Ar for QUE 93069/94269 and QUE 94281 are ~400 Ma and 800 Ma, respectively. We found very different regolith histories for the glass phase and the crystals separated from QUE 94281. The glass phase contains much less cosmogenic and solar noble gases than the crystals, in contrast to the glasses of lunar meteorite EET 87521, that were enriched in noble gases relative to the crystalline material. The QUE 94281 phases yield a 40K-40Ar gas retention age of 3770 Ma, which is in the range of that for lunar mare rocks.  相似文献   

Abstract– We report concentrations and isotopic compositions of He, Ne, and Ar measured with high spatial resolution along a radial traverse of a silicon carbide (SiC) quadrant of the Genesis mission concentrator target. The Ne isotopic composition maps instrumental fractionation as a function of radial position in the target: the maximum observed isotopic fractionation is approximately 33‰ per mass unit between the center and periphery. The Ne fluence is enhanced by a factor of 43 at the target center and decreases to 5.5 times at the periphery relative to the bulk solar wind fluence. Neon isotopic profiles measured along all four arms of the “gold cross” mount which held the quadrants in the concentrator target demonstrate that the concentrator target was symmetrically irradiated during operation as designed. We used implantation experiments of Ne into SiC and gold to quantify backscatter loss and isotopic fractionation and compared measurements with numerical simulations from the code “stopping and range of ions in matter.” The 20Ne fluence curve as a function of radial distance on the target may be used to construct concentration factors relative to bulk solar wind for accurate corrections for solar wind fluences of other light elements to be measured in the concentrator target. The Ne isotopic composition as a function of the radial distance in the SiC quadrant provides a correction for the instrumental mass‐dependent isotopic fractionation by the concentrator and can be used to correct measured solar wind oxygen and nitrogen isotopic compositions to obtain bulk solar wind isotopic compositions.  相似文献   

R. Foot  S. Mitra   《Astroparticle Physics》2003,19(6):739-753
Mirror matter is an entirely new form of matter predicted to exist if mirror symmetry is a fundamental symmetry of nature. Mirror matter has the right broad properties to explain the inferred dark matter of the Universe and might also be responsible for a variety of other puzzles in particle physics, astrophysics, meteoritics and planetary science. It is known that mirror matter can interact with ordinary matter non-gravitationally via photon-mirror photon kinetic mixing. The strength of this possibly fundamental interaction depends on the (theoretically) free parameter ε. We consider various proposed manifestations of mirror matter in our solar system examining in particular how the physics changes for different possible values of ε. We find new evidence for mirror matter in the solar system coming from the observed sharp reduction in crater rates (for craters less than about 100 m in diameter) on the asteroid 433 Eros. We also re-examine various existing ideas including the mirror matter explanation for the anomalous meteorite events, anomalous slow-down of Pioneer spacecraft etc.  相似文献   

The Paris carbonaceous chondrite represents the most pristine carbonaceous chondrite, providing a unique opportunity to investigate the composition of early solar system materials prior to the onset of significant aqueous alteration. A dual origin (namely from the inner and outer solar system) has been demonstrated for water in the Paris meteorite parent body (Piani et al. 2018 ). Here, we aim to evaluate the contribution of outer solar system (cometary‐like) water ice to the inner solar system water ice using Xe isotopes. We report Ar, Kr, and high‐precision Xe isotopic measurements within bulk CM 2.9 and CM 2.7 fragments, as well as Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe isotope compositions of the insoluble organic matter (IOM). Noble gas signatures are similar to chondritic phase Q with no evidence for a cometary‐like Xe component. Small excesses in the heavy Xe isotopes relative to phase Q within bulk samples are attributed to contributions from presolar materials. CM 2.7 fragments have lower Ar/Xe relative to more pristine CM 2.9 fragments, with no systematic difference in Xe contents. We conclude that Kr and Xe were little affected by aqueous alteration, in agreement with (1) minor degrees of alteration and (2) no significant differences in the chemical signature of organic matter in CM 2.7 and CM 2.9 areas (Vinogradoff et al. 2017 ). Xenon contents in the IOM are larger than previously published data of Xe in chondritic IOM, in line with the Xe component in Paris being pristine and preserved from Xe loss during aqueous alteration/thermal metamorphism.  相似文献   

Chemical and isotopic anomalies in meteorites may be understandable in terms of the chemical fractionation routinely expected in the interstellar medium (ISM). Dust of distinct composition is idealized as being of three types: (1) thermal supernova condensates (SUNOCONS), (2) thermal condensation during other stellar mass-loss processes (STARDUST), and (3) nonthermal sticking processes in cold nebulae (NEBCONS). Great depletions in ISM of Ca Al Ti are due to SUNOCONS, although STARDUST is about twice as abundant. An abundance table of interstellar SUNOCONS is presented. Parent bodies in the solar system are accumulated directly from the ISM. No hot solar condensation sequence is assumed. Only relatively volatile elements within NEBOCONS are vaporized in the warm solar accretion disk. Variations in the relative amounts of these components during accumulation processes plus subsequent solid chemistry may have produced such chemical anomalies as the meteoritic fractionation patterns and the Ca Al-rich inclusions. Isotopic anomalies result from four processes that selectively site specific isotopes: (1) extinct radioactivities, (2) distinct supernova shells, (3) gas-dust separation, and (4) gas-dust age difference. Planetary accumulation will have been fingerprinted by the chemical state of the ISM if this picture is correct.Paper presented at the Conference on Protostars and Planets, held at the Planetary Science Institute, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, between January 3 and 7, 1978.  相似文献   

The Sutter's Mill (SM) CM chondrite fell in California in 2012. The CM chondrite group is one of the most primitive, consisting of unequilibrated minerals, but some of them have experienced complex processes occurring on their parent body, such as aqueous alteration, thermal metamorphism, brecciation, and solar wind implantation. We have determined noble gas concentrations and isotopic compositions for SM samples using a stepped heating gas extraction method, in addition to mineralogical observation of the specimens. The primordial noble gas abundances, especially the P3 component trapped in presolar diamonds, confirm the classification of SM as a CM chondrite. The mineralogical features of SM indicate that it experienced mild thermal alteration after aqueous alteration. The heating temperature is estimated to be <350 °C based on the release profile of primordial 36Ar. The presence of a Ni‐rich Fe‐Ni metal suggests that a minor part of SM has experienced heating at >500 °C. The variation in the heating temperature of thermal alteration is consistent with the texture as a breccia. The heterogeneous distribution of solar wind noble gases is also consistent with it. The cosmic‐ray exposure (CRE) age for SM is calculated to be 0.059 ± 0.023 Myr based on cosmogenic 21Ne by considering trapped noble gases as solar wind, the terrestrial atmosphere, P1 (or Q), P3, A2, and G components. The CRE age lies at the shorter end of the CRE age distribution of the CM chondrite group.  相似文献   

Ronen Jacovi 《Icarus》2008,196(1):302-304
Titan's haze, formed by photolysis of C2H2, C2H4 and HCN, was found experimentally to trap Ar, Kr and Xe with efficiencies of 3.5 × 10−4, 1.9 × 10−3 and 6.5 × 10−2 [noble gas atom]/[carbon atom] in the polymer, respectively. The rate of aerosol formation and settling down of 3 × 10−13 kg m−2 s−1, as inferred from our experiments on CH4 photolysis in the far UV [Podolak, M., Bar-Nun, A., 1979. Icarus 39, 272-276], is sufficient to reduce the mixing ratios of 36Ar and 40Ar to their low values of (2.8 ± 0.3) × 10−7 and (4.3 ± 0.1) × 10−3, respectively, and those of Kr and Xe to below the detection limit of 10−8.  相似文献   

A model for the selective loss of noble gases by thermal escape of the gases from planetesimals as they grow to form the terrestrial planets has been developed. The initial elemental and isotopic abundance ratios are assumed to be solar. Competition between gravitational binding and escape determines the degree of fractionation that occurs. Two classes of planetesimals can be formed on a time scale consistent with modern models of accretion. One class is depleted in neon and, in some cases, partly in 36Ar. The other class is neon rich. Subject to the validity of some assumptions regarding loss of planetary atmospheres following collisions between very large embryo planets and a strong radial dependence in the rate of accumulation of neon-rich planetesimals, the mechanism can account for all known properties of the noble gas volatiles on the terrestrial planets except one. This is the 36Ar/38Ar ratios for Earth and Mars which are predicted to be much lower than observed. This failure is probably fatal for the hypothesis.  相似文献   

Abstract— Isotopic abundances of the noble gases were measured in the following Martian meteorites: two shock glass inclusions from Elephant Moraine (EET) 79001, shock vein glass from Shergotty and Yamato (Y) 793605, and whole-rock samples of Allan Hills (ALH) 84001 and Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 94201. These glass samples, when combined with literature data on a separate single glass inclusion from EET 79001 and a glass vein from Zagami, permit examination in greater detail of the isotopic composition of Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe trapped from the Martian atmosphere. The isotopic composition of Martian Ne, if actually present in these glasses, remains poorly defined. The 40Ar/36Ar ratio of trapped Martian atmospheric Ar is probably considerably lower than the nominal ratio of 3000 measured by Viking, and data on impact glasses suggest a value of ~1900. The atmospheric 36Ar/38Ar ratio is ≤4.0. Martian atmospheric Kr may be enriched in lighter isotopes by ~0.5%/amu compared to both solar-wind Kr and to the Martian composition previously reported. The isotopic composition of Xe in these glasses agrees with that previously reported in the literature. The Martian atmospheric 36Ar/132Xe and 84Kr/132Xe elemental ratios are higher than those reported by Viking by factors of ~2.5–1.6 (depending on the 40Ar/36Ar ratio adopted) and ~1.8, respectively, and are discussed in a separate paper. Cosmogenic gases indicate space exposure ages of 2.7 ± 0.6 Ma for QUE 94201 and Shergotty and 14 ± 1 Ma for ALH 84001. Small amounts of 21Ne produced by energetic solar protons may be present in QUE 94201 but are not present in ALH 84001 or Y-793605. The space exposure age for Y-793605 is 4.9 ± 0.6 Ma and appears to be distinctly older than the ages for basaltic shergottites. However, uncertainties in cosmogenic production rates still makes somewhat uncertain the number of Martian impact events required to produce the exposure ages of Martian meteorites.  相似文献   

Abstract Noble gases and N were analyzed in handpicked metal separates from lunar soil 68501 by a combination of step-wise combustions and pyrolyses. Helium and Ne were found to be unfractionated with respect to one another when normalized to solar abundances, for both the bulk sample and for all but the highest temperature steps. However, they are depleted relative to Ar, Kr and Xe by at least a factor of 5. The heavier gases exhibit mass-dependent fractionation relative to solar system abundance ratios but appear unfractionated, both in the bulk metal and in early temperature steps, when compared to relative abundances derived from lunar ilmenite 71501 by chemical etching, recently put forward as representing the abundance ratios in solar wind. Estimates of the contribution of solar energetic particles (SEP) to the originally implanted solar gases, derived from a basic interpretation of He and Ne isotopes, yield values of about 10%. Analysis of the Ar isotopes requires a minimum of 20% SEP, and Kr isotopes, using our preferred composition for solar wind Kr, yield a result that overlaps both of these values. It is possible to reconcile the data from these gases if significant loss of solar wind Ar, Kr and presumably Xe has occurred relative to the SEP component, most likely by erosive processes that are mass independent, although mass-dependent losses (Ar > Kr > Xe) cannot be excluded. If such losses did occur, the SEP contribution to the solar implanted gases must have been no more than a few percent. Nitrogen is a mixture of indigenous meteoritic N, whose isotopic composition is inferred to be relatively light, and implanted solar N, which has probably undergone diffusive redistribution and fractionation. If the heavy noble gases have not undergone diffusive loss, then N/Ar in the solar wind can be inferred to be at least several times the accepted solar ratio. The solar wind N appears, even after correction for fractionation effects, to have a minimum δ15N value ≥+150‰ and a more probable value ≥+200‰.  相似文献   

Abstract— As the solar system formed, it inherited and perpetuated a rich organic chemistry, the molecular products of which are preserved in ancient extraterrestrial objects such as carbonaceous chondrites. These organic‐rich meteorites provide a valuable and tangible record of the chemical steps taken towards the origin of life in the early solar system. Chondritic organic matter is present in the inorganic meteorite matrix which, in the CM and CI chondrites, contains evidence of alteration by liquid water on the parent asteroid. An unanswered and fundamental question is to what extent did the organic matter and inorganic products of aqueous alteration interact or display interdependence? We have used an organic labelling technique to reveal that the meteoritic organic matter is strongly associated with clay minerals. This association suggests that clay minerals may have had an important trapping and possibly catalytic role in chemical evolution in the early solar system prior to the origin of life on the early Earth.  相似文献   

Abstract— Results are reported for documented samples from two drill cores and for specimens from the strewn field of the largest known stone meteorite, the H chondrite Jilin. Core B was found to have been parallel to the surface of Jilin during its first stage of irradiation, in 2π geometry. Core A was normal to the 2π surface; in it the mean attenuation length for the production by galactic cosmic rays of 38Ar from metal and of 21Ne from Mg, Al, Si in silicates was found to be the same. A numerical value for the mean attenuation length of (71 ± 4) cm or (246 ± 14) g × cm?2 follows if corrections for the contribution from the second stage of exposure are based on T2 = 0.32 Ma; agreement with the lower values of ~180 g × cm?2 obtained from lunar studies and target data requires T2 to be about twice as long. Previous results are confirmed that in specimens with high contents of stable spallogenic gases the ratio 21Nebulk/38Armetal is low. The suggestion had been, and is, mat this is a transition effect in near-surface samples where the secondary cascade of nuclear-active particles, and hence the production of 21Ne, was not yet fully developed. This suggestion is borne out by the present results on two samples that, based on cosmic-ray tracks and 60Co content, are certified near-surface samples (although, strictly speaking, this is true only for the depth of burial during the second stage of irradiation). Cosmic-ray produced 60Co is positively correlated with 4He content, indicating that significant losses of 4He occurred when the Jilin meteoroid had acquired already its final size and shape and that the losses were more severe for near-surface samples than for such from the 4π interior. Presumably, the losses were caused by a thermal spike associated with the excavation of Jilin from its parent body. The same event caused losses of part of the 3He produced during the first irradiation stage. From the systematics of the 3He/21Ne vs. 4He correlation, we derive for the second 4π irradiation a production ratio 3He/21Ne = 3.2 ± 0.4.  相似文献   

Abstract— We studied the elemental and isotopic abundances of noble gases (He, Ne, Ar in most cases, and Kr, Xe also in some cases) in individual chondrules separated from six ordinary, two enstatite, and two carbonaceous chondrites. Most chondrules show detectable amounts of trapped 20Ne and 36Ar, and the ratio (36Ar/20Ne)t (from ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites) suggests that HL and Q are the two major trapped components. A different trend between (36Ar/20Ne)t and trapped 36Ar is observed for chondrules in enstatite chondrites indicating a different environment and/or mechanism for their formation compared to chondrules in ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites. We found that a chondrule from Dhajala chondrite (DH‐11) shows the presence of solar‐type noble gases, as suggested by the (36Ar/20Ne)t ratio, Ne‐isotopic composition, and excess of 4He. Cosmic‐ray exposure (CRE) ages of most chondrules are similar to their host chondrites. A few chondrules show higher CRE age compared to their host, suggesting that some chondrules and/or precursors of chondrules have received cosmic ray irradiation before accreting to their parent body. Among these chondrules, DH‐11 (with solar trapped gases) and a chondrule from Murray chondrite (MRY‐1) also have lower values of (21Ne/22Ne)c, indicative of SCR contribution. However, such evidences are sporadic and indicate that chondrule formation event may have erased such excess irradiation records by solar wind and SCR in most chondrules. These results support the nebular environment for chondrule formation.  相似文献   

Abstract— A glass separate from the LEW88516 shergottite was analyzed by step-wise combustion for N and noble gases to determine whether it contained trapped gas similar in composition to the martian atmosphere-like component previously observed in lithology C of EETA79001. Excesses of 40Ar and 129Xe were in fact observed in this glass, although the amounts of these excesses are ≤20% of those seen in the latter meteorite, and are comparable to the amounts seen in whole-rock analyses of LEW88516. The isotopic composition of N in LEW88516 does not show an enrichment in 15N commensurate with the amount of isotopically-heavy N expected from the noble gases excesses. One must posit some extreme assumptions about the nature of the N components present in LEW88516 in order to allow the presence of the trapped nitrogen component. Alternatively, the N has somehow been decoupled from the noble gases, and was either never present or has been lost.  相似文献   

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