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本地居民对居住地景观的审美感知水平对于区域大尺度景观的保护与持续利用具有重要影响,这在相对欠发达但具有较高审美价值景观资源的地区意义更为重大。本文以云南省怒江傈僳族自治州为例,基于620份针对当地居民的调查问卷与现场调研,通过构建Logistic回归模型,分析了怒江州本地居民对居住地景观的审美感知状况及相关影响因素。结果表明,怒江州本地居民对于居住地景观的审美感知水平较高,有75.81%的受访者认为居住地周边景观是美的。对这一审美感知具有影响的因素共有8项,在直接影响因素中,是否在保护区内、行政村周边高程标准差具有正向影响;行政村到最近县城距离、是否认为近年生态环境恶化、是否认为旅游开发存在不好的影响、是否希望进入城市生活具有负向影响。在间接影响因素中,包括住房类型和家中是否有电视都具有正向影响。本文据此尝试提出提高怒江州居民对居住地景观审美感知水平、促进当地景观保护与持续利用的相关政策建议。  相似文献   

Geographers have a long tradition of using photographs to investigate landscape meaning. I conducted photo‐elicitation research with community members residing in and around one of the National Park Service (nps ) “partnership parks” in order to obtain their conceptions of the park. The nps partners with myriad groups in order to manage the park, resulting in mostly privatized amenities at Michigan's Keweenaw National Historical Park. Participants in my study took photographs of landscapes and used them to discuss their conceptions of the park. Building upon recent scholarship on the perceptions of parks and place attachment in parks, the photo‐elicitation revealed a strikingly complex array of understandings. Social class, not whether one lived within or outside the park's boundaries, was the most important variable in categorizing perceptions of the park. These data help us understand how community members conceive of partnership parks and thus may help inform nps decision making.  相似文献   


Efficiency in agricultural food production has long been in focus and this has affected the spatial structure of agricultural land use. One outcome has been extensive criticism based on a wide range of negative consequences, such as for biodiversity, accessibility, cultural heritage, and aesthetics. In line with the European Landscape Convention (ELC), management of people’s everyday landscapes is important. In Norway, agricultural landscapes are the ‘everyday landscape’ for a large proportion of the population. The aim of the article is to contribute to the understanding of landscape changes perceived as positive or negative by the inhabitants. The authors focused on grain-crop dominated landscapes and the impact of smaller non-crop elements on people’s landscape preferences. They administered a photo-based questionnaire using manipulated photos to assess preferences for different agricultural landscapes. Additionally, people’s perceived objectives for the agricultural sector and agriculture’s primary functions were assessed. The results documented positive perceptions of added landscape elements and that people were both aware of and agreed on the multifunctional role of agriculture. The authors conclude that if the public’s preferences are to be taken into consideration, such as during policymaking, it is important to maintain various landscape elements in the large-scale grain field landscapes of Norway.  相似文献   

Human well-being is an important concept for human-nature interactions and affected by social, ecologic, and personal factors. There is increasing consensus about the importance of public perceptions of human well-being, but studies on this are still scarce. Here, we conducted 445 face-to-face interviews to assess subjective well-being across diverse respondents and landscapes in the Huailai mountain-basin system, China. The results suggest the actualization process of human well-being is similar to Maslow's hierarchy of needs. We found that mental health was disregarded by most respondents, while basic material for a good life was most valued. Moreover, our results show differences of well-being across different socio-demographic and landscapes characteristics. Apart from good social relations, elderly respondents had highest levels of human well-being in all other four dimensions; respondents from mountainous land with a high level of ecological conservation had the lowest level of well-being. We discuss the factors contribution to well-being and its implications for local management and policies. Understanding the implications of respondents and landscapes characteristics on human well-being can help managers to develop efficient and specific policies.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):187-193

A three-year institute called “The Lodge Pole River Project” was designed to change educator perceptions of American Indian historical geography and encourage the creation of balanced and culturally sensitive American Indian K-12 curriculum. This project offered unique opportunities to assess a geography institute's impact upon teacher knowledge and perceptions towards Native people and pedagogical approaches to teaching about American Indians and their landscapes. The assessment suggests that three weeks of field work, archival research, and curriculum writing increased participant knowledge of American Indian history and culture, solidified sympathetic perceptions and attitudes towards Native people, and strengthened the ability of educators to offer different interpretations of American Indian geography and history to their students.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. As visible, material expression of human activities and goals, the landscape communicates as well as reflects. Specific landscapes communicate specific messages within the public sphere of which they are a part. In Honduras, many plaza landscapes have seen recent changes in form and in what they communicate. Once open, treeless spaces, many Honduran plazas are now filled with trees. These trees often support signs announcing the virtues of forests, linking the trees themselves to the official discourse on forest issues and illuminating the role of public‐space landscapes in influencing public perception. This article points out the links between such iconographic landscapes and the complex, multitiered environmental issues that are part of environmental conditions and their perception by local actors.  相似文献   

The landscapes of western Jameson Land bordering Hall Bredning fjord comprise upper river basins, glacial landscapes, lower river basins and a near‐shore zone. The upper river basins are incised into bedrock and display no cover of young sediments whilst the glacial landscapes, located closer to the coast, are dominated by Pleistocene deposits and an irregular topography with hills and ridges. The lower river basins, dissecting the glacial landscapes, are connected to the upper river basins and contain well‐defined Holocene delta terraces. The near‐shore zone, which includes the present coast, displays a few raised shorelines. Geomorphological observations combined with stratigraphic work and 14C dates provide a chronological framework for the development of landscape and shoreline, as presented by a four‐stage reconstruction. The first stage covers the deglaciation of western Jameson Land at the Weichselian‐Holocene transition after a collapse of the main fjord glacier in Hall Bredning. The sea inundated the low‐lying areas on Jameson Land forming small side‐entry fjord basins that possibly follow the track of older valleys. This was followed by a second stage, the paraglacial period, when large meltwater production and sediment transport resulted in a fast infilling of the side‐entry fjord basins by deltas. These are now exposed in terraces in the lower river basins at 70–80 m a.s.l. During a third stage, the relaxation period, fluvial activity decreased and the land surface was increasingly occupied by a cover of tundra vegetation. A glacio‐isostatic rebound resulted in a relative sea level fall and fluvial incision. During stages two and three the coast was exposed to shallow marine processes that aided the alignment of the coast. Stages one to three presumably lasted for less than 2000 years. During stage four, the stable period, lasting for several thousand years till the present, there were minor adjustments of shoreline and landscape. The four‐step reconstruction describes the sedimentary response of a lowland fjord margin to dramatic changes in climate and sea level. The distribution of erosion and sedimentation during this development was mainly controlled by topography. The reconstruction of the latest environmental development of Jameson Land puts new light on Jameson Land's long and complex Quaternary stratigraphic record. The reconstruction may also be used as a model for the interpretation of deposits in similar areas elsewhere.  相似文献   

Landscapes change in complex ways, creating surface patterns reminiscent of forms seen through a kaleidoscope. On the Earth's surface, those forms are linked to, and caused by, processes that originate with bedrock‐soil‐vegetation‐atmosphere interactions. Human‐caused alterations to landscapes are additionally tied to socioeconomic processes. Evaluation of landscape‐level processes can benefit from examining (1) the influence of disturbance regimes in altering landscape patterns, (2) the importance of considering surficial processes, (3) the subtle and cryptic spatial relations that may be present, (4) the reciprocal relationships among local processes and regional consequences, (5) the increased likelihood of some land cover transitions compared to others, and (6) the special case of landscapes with long histories of human use. These are all examples of potential fruitful arenas for interactions and represent a path for expansion of landscape ecology through accommodation of a broad range of content covered by the international GIScience community.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4-5):204-212

This article examines samples of southern literature from the first half of the twentieth century that can be used to understand geographically the rural landscapes of the Coastal Plain from North Carolina through Mississippi. The socioeconomic imprint upon the land, climatic perceptions, and the role of the forest are themes addressed. The advantages and significance of using a literary approach are also discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Landscape interpretation, or “reading” the landscape, is one of cultural geography's standard practices. Relatively little attention, however, has been paid to reading landscapes transformed by insurgency movements or civil wars. Those landscapes can tell us a great deal about past and present political and social relationships as well as continuing power struggles. Guatemala presents a complicated postwar landscape “text” in which the struggle for power continues by many means and media, including how the war is portrayed on memorials, and in which the Catholic Church and the military/state are the two main competing powers. This essay explores some of the images and the text presented in Guatemala's postconflict landscape through contrasting landmarks and memorials associated with the country's thirty‐six‐year‐long civil war that formally ended in 1996.  相似文献   

利川南坪泥炭形成的环境分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高凤岐 《地理研究》1988,7(2):59-66
根据钻孔、孢粉分析、粘土矿物X射线分析、14C测年等资料,本文讨论了鄂西南山原利川一带玉木亚间冰期以来气候波动的历史,分析了在亚热带高压带喀斯特作用和山地条件下,泥炭形成的环境特点。  相似文献   

Transhumance between the Afar lowlands and Tigray escarpments has been a common practice in northern Ethiopia. However, the impact of transhumance on landscape changes in the marginal grabens has not been significantly researched. Hence, this study aims to understand the process of transhumance and the linkages between social and biophysical aspects of the graben landscapes of northern Ethiopia. Google Earth (2010?2016) and Landsat Imageries (1995?2015) were used to analyse the spatio‐temporal landscape changes. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was applied to measure the change in vegetation cover. Interview and Focus Group Discussions were used to collect perceptions of communities on transhumance and landscape change. The findings reveal that transhumance caused conflicts between the lowlanders and highlanders, which in turn led to displacement of communities. Consequently, the NDVI value of the abandoned settlement increased over time. Conversely, the analysis of Google Earth Imageries and NDVI values show that vegetation cover of the new settlement has decreased. Moreover, the NDVI values of the transhumance areas showed little increase due to the establishments of exclosures in the escarpments. The findings of this study can, therefore, be used to develop targeted interventions aimed at solving transhumance‐induced conflicts, displacement of communities and conservation of natural resources.  相似文献   

While research into the formation of memorial landscapes in the American South has focused on those resulting from racial conflicts, a new landscape memorializing labor conflict and class consciousness is also emerging in the region's textile‐producing Piedmont. This memorialization poses significant challenges to dominant regional discourses of economic development and class mutuality in a region in which labor organizing and radical politics remain anathema. This paper examines this emerging landscape for what it can tell us about class relations in the region and the process by which memorial landscapes are formed.  相似文献   

A dendrochronological study was made on fossil tree trunks of Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris , preserved in a peat bog at Hanvedsmossen, 50 km SW of Stockholm, Sweden. Of 56 sampled pines, 48 were assembled in a 204-year long floating chro-nology. The chronology spans 1686-1483 BC ± 23 years. The trunks are found at the very bottom of the peat accumulation. Because the roots stand in underlying clay, the tree stand germinated before or simultaneously with bog growth and provides maximum age for bog vegetation development which started c . 1480 BC. The pine growth steadily decreased during the last 30 years of the chronology and most trees died during the same period. It is proposed that the drainage outlets from Hanvedsmossen overgrew with brushwood simultaneously with the succession of pines, resulting in a higher sensitivity of tree growth to small changes in water levels. The preservation of the logs is suggested to be a result of a raised water table providing anaerobic conditions and later the logs were enveloped by peat growth. It is suggested that this period was the initial phase of the ensuing climate deterioration. The climate shifted to wetter conditions, i.e. higher amounts of precipitation, lower temperature or both. This resulted in lower evaporation giving additional peat bog growth and a locally raised water table.  相似文献   

A study is made of the role of bogs in the formation of the annual runoff within the Middle Ob basin and its intra-annual distribution as well as making an assessment of the swampiness of the river catchments by using Landsat space images. It is shown that the overall swampiness of the catchments of almost all rivers under investigation(except for the Shegarka, Kargat, Chichka-Yul and Bol’shaya Yuksa rivers) as determined by analyzing the space images of the study territory exceeds, on the average, he previously obtained data by a factor of 1.5–2, while the influence of the bogs on the streamflow is different and depends on the occurrence of separate groups of bog microlandscapes, the structure of bog massifs, the character of location of the bogs on the catchment, and on the course and stage of their development. The area along the left bank of the Ob is dominated by raised bogs (49%) of the central-oligotrophic course of development and shows a regular alternation of definite groups of bog microlandscapes from the middle part to the margins of the bogs, and an almost total merging of elementary bog massifs to form major bog systems, such as the Vasyugan Swamp. As a result, the influence of the bogs on the streamflow is more clearly pronounced there. Along the right bank of the Ob, in conditions of the larger dissection of the terrain, the peripheral-oligotrophic course of development of the bog massifs is dominant, almost all bogs are in early stages of their development, with transition bogs predominating (49%) so that the bogs have a smaller influence on the streamflow. In conditions of an increase in swampiness of the catchments along the right bank of the Ob, it is found that the mean long-term layers of flow increase, whereas along the left bank the inverse situation is observed. The area along the right bank of the Ob shows an increase in evenness of the discharge within a year is observed with an increase in swampiness of the river catchments. The intra-annual runoff distribution of the rivers in the area along the left bank of the Ob is characterized by a larger irregularity, and by a decrease in the runoff at the low-water period with an increase in the area of the bogs.  相似文献   

Efforts to reverse declines in native grasslands benefit from agricultural policies that encourage private land conservation. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) improved conservation across landscapes but enrollment has declined. We used sequential exploratory mixed methods to compare landowner and conservation practitioners’ perceptions, evaluate perceived benefits, and identify potential improvements to CRP. Focus groups of practitioners informed a quantitative survey of landowners who had properties >160 total acres in Nebraska. Results suggest potential misalignment in perceptions between practitioners and landowners. Practitioners were concerned that conservation, especially of wildlife, was secondary to profit. But the majority of landowners valued CRP-related ecosystem services, including native pollinators. Practitioners posited that younger landowners were primarily profit motivated, but CRP enrollment did not differ by demographics. Practitioners and landowners identified rule complexity as a major challenge and practitioner–landowner relationships as critical to success. Findings suggest that practitioners may underestimate non-economic motivations and illuminate opportunities to encourage private land conservation.  相似文献   

Presented are the results from hydrochemical and microbiological investigations into Arangatui bog ecosystems on the isthmus of Svyatoi Nos Peninsula on the shores of Lake Baikal. The formation features of bog waters as a result of a rise in the lake’s water level.  相似文献   

A multifunctionality analysis of built environments within rural landscapes can deepen understanding of how contemporary rural places function. There is an urgent need for this knowledge as small towns in the United States lose socio‐economic infrastructure resulting from restructuring, demographic change, and the centralization of services. This qualitative and exploratory study of country stores in rural Vermont finds that stores operate as key socio‐spatial nodes within broader geographic networks. Analysis of the goods, functions, and services stores furnish reveals the reflexive relationships stores have with the physical and cultural geographies of their regions. In moments of community crisis and under certain conditions, stores exhibit hyper‐functionality. Built environments and their socio‐spatial roles in multifunctional landscapes should be included in analyses of rural community resilience.  相似文献   

The Andean lapwing (Vanellus resplendens Tschudi) prompts rethinking of ethnoecology in neotropical cloud forests and páramos and challenges notions about conservation in mountain protected areas. Using archaeological, historical, and current evidence, I argue that the role of humans in shaping viable high‐mountain bird populations is an important factor in the conservation priorities of tropandean landscapes, particularly in the mountains. The presence of the Andean lapwing demonstrates the intricate linkages between culture and nature in the Andean region. I highlight a paradox of conservation, using the Andean lapwing as the avian indicator of global environmental change as an example of the contest between landscape change, biodiversity, and ethnoecological insights. Landscape stewardship, conservation easements, and cultural landscapes are options for inclusion in the repertoire of scenarios for the survival of healthy avifaunal assemblages in high‐mountain environments that have evolved in synchrony with humans, such as in páramos, cultural landscapes worth protecting in the tropical Andes.  相似文献   

Comprehensive paleobotanical and geochemical methods have been used to study the relationship between the spatial scale of landscape development and values of pollen influx to take the bog sediments. The spatial-temporal history of the four lakes and a bog was established in NE Estonia and pollen analyses of thier sediment were made. It was found that the influx of total arboreal pollen directly corresponds with the sizes of the sites studied, and varies with thier expansion or reduction.  相似文献   

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