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Aimed to clarify the shower of Campo del Cielo with respect to the presence of a large number of hexahedrites in the shower of Campo del Cielo, we have studied a piece that belongs to the Campo del Cielo meteorite Fall by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), chemical analysis, Mössbauer spectroscopy (MS), and optical metallography. The studies showed that it is an HIIA iron hexahedrite meteorite of 94.6 wt% Fe, 5.4 wt% Ni and 370 ppm of C, consisting of a kamacite matrix with small inclusions of iron-nickel phosphides. We have found Neumann bands differentiated from scarce taenite streaks and found that taenite is a path walk for corrosion. We also mention the approximate present localization of some of the principal pieces of the fall.  相似文献   

A sample of Campo del Cielo with any other name would have the same composition. During the last three decades, our instrumental neutron activation analyses (INAA) of many supposedly new iron meteorites have shown an anomalously large fraction to have compositions within the compositional field of the IAB‐MG iron Campo del Cielo. A plot of Ir versus Au provides the best discrimination; only two independent‐fall irons found after 1980 with good recovery documentation fall within the 90% contour ellipse around the centroid of this Campo field, and one of these is from Antarctica. Now (early 2018) a total of 36 other irons attributed to other geographical locations have compositions that cannot be resolved from the Campo compositional field. Because it is possible that some of these are actually independent falls, the Meteoritical Society Nomenclature Committee has chosen to assign about half these meteorites Nova XXX names used for meteorites whose discovery localities are not adequately documented. However, for Campo‐like irons with too little information (e.g., total weight not known) or for which no adequately large type specimens are available, the decision is to call them Campos with the working name used during the UCLA analysis. In the UCLA Meteorite Collection, they are cataloged together with the documented Campos.  相似文献   

Abstract The Campo del Cielo meteorite crater field in Argentina contains at least 20 small meteorite craters, but a recent review of the field data and a remote sensing study suggest that there may be more. The fall occurred ~4000 years ago into a uniform loessy soil, and the craters are well enough preserved so that some of their parameters of impact can be determined after excavation. The craters were formed by multi-ton fragments of a type IA meteoroid with abundant silicate inclusions. Relative to the horizontal, the angle of infall was ~9°. Reflecting the low angle of infall, the crater field is elongated with apparent dimensions of 3 × 18.5 km. The largest craters are near the center of this ellipse. This suggests that when the parent meteoroid broke apart, the resulting fragments diverged from the original trajectory in inverse relation to their masses and did not undergo size sorting due to atmospheric deceleration. The major axis of the crater field as we know it extends along N63°E, but the azimuths of infall determined by excavation of Craters 9 and 10 are N83.5°E and N75.5°E, respectively. This suggests that the major axis of the crater field is not yet well determined. The three or four largest craters appear to have been formed by impacts that disrupted the projectiles, scattering fragments around the outsides of the craters and leaving no large masses within them; these are relatively symmetrical in shape. Other craters are elongated features with multi-ton masses preserved within them and no fragmentation products outside. There are two ways in which field research on the Campo del Cielo crater field is found to be useful. (1) Studies exist that have been used to interpret impact craters on planetary surfaces other than the Earth. This occurrence of a swarm of projectiles impacting at known angles and similar velocities into a uniform target material provides an excellent field site at which to test the applicability of those studies. (2) Individual craters at Campo del Cielo can yield the masses of the projectiles that formed them and their velocities, angles and azimuths of impact. From these data, there is a possibility to estimate parameters for the parent meteoroid at entry and, thus, learn enough about its orbit to judge whether or not it was compatible with an asteroidal origin. Preliminary indications are that it was. Campo del Cielo is a IA iron meteorite and Sikhote-Alin, an observed fall, is a IIB iron meteorite in Wasson's classification. The Sterlitamak iron, also an observed fall, is a medium octahedrite in the Prior-Hey classification. It would be interesting to compare their orbital parameters.  相似文献   

Abstract– More craters may be discovered in the future, but as it is currently known, the Campo del Cielo crater field is 18 km long by 4 km at its widest point. Such a distribution of craters suggests that the parent meteoroid entered and traversed the atmosphere at a very low angle relative to horizontal. The crater field contains at least 20 small craters produced by the larger fragments of the parent meteoroid. Four of these are explosion analog craters and the rest are penetration funnels. During four field seasons, we have constructed topographic and magnetic maps of four of the penetration funnels as found, and then dug trenches across them to learn their original structures and recover meteorites preserved within them. Structures of these penetration funnels indicate very low angles of impact, i.e., 9–16° relative to horizontal. This supports the idea that the parent meteoroid traversed the atmosphere at a low angle. Data given here for the four penetration funnels include projectile masses, lengths, widths, depths, and estimates of impact angles and azimuths. One of the penetration funnels described here (No. 6) can almost be classified as an explosion analog crater.  相似文献   

The Campo del Cielo impact structure exhibits several penetration funnels and impact craters. Here, we model the formation of these funnels with pre-impact conditions consistent with the results of meteoroid entry models. We study vertical impacts to find the dependence of funnel geometry (depth, diameter) on impact velocity and target porosity. At velocities above 1 km s−1, we observe strong deformation of the projectile and transformation of funnels into regular impact craters. We also use 3-D impact models to study oblique impacts and find that in the case of impact angles <25° to the horizon, the projectile bounces off the target. Instead of a funnel, an elongated groove forms, while the fragmented projectile escapes and moves farther downrange. At steeper impact angles, funnels form with the projectile at its tip. Early interpretations of the Campo del Cielo impact angle at 9–10° were based on (i) an oversimplified atmospheric model allowing “correct” strewn field elongation and (ii) the results of excavation in which the sloping boundary between breccia-like materials and infilling loess was interpreted as a true crater floor and its slope was equated to the impact angle. As our models show, the projectile trajectory within the target is not a straight line, and the angle to horizon changes from a steep one at the impact point to zero and then to a negative value (the projectile is moving upward). We also model two impact craters (Hoyo de la Cañada and Laguna Negra) created by high-velocity fragments to demonstrate the projectile remnants ricochet in the downrange direction.  相似文献   

Using in situ laser analyses of a polished thin section from the IAB iron meteorite Campo del Cielo, we identified two silicate grains rich in radiogenic 129*Xe, Cr‐diopside, and oligoclase, excavated them from the metal, and irradiated them with thermal neutrons for I‐Xe dating. The release profiles of 129*Xe and 128*Xe are consistent with these silicates being diopside and oligoclase, with activation energies, estimated using Arrhenius plots, of ~201 and ~171 kcal mole?1, respectively. The 4556.4 ± 0.4 Ma absolute I‐Xe age of the more refractory diopside is younger than the 4558.0 ± 0.7 Ma I‐Xe age of the less refractory oligoclase. We suggest that separate impact events at different locations and depths on a porous initial chondritic IAB parent body led to the removal of the melt and recrystallization of diopside and oligoclase at the times reflected by their respective I‐Xe ages. The diopside and oligoclase grains were later brought into the studied inclusion by a larger scale catastrophic collision that caused breakup and reassembly of the debris, but did not reset the I‐Xe ages dating the first events. The metal melt most probably was <1250 °C when it surrounded studied silicate grains. This reassembly could not have occurred earlier than the I‐Xe closure in diopside at 4556.4 ± 0.4 Ma.  相似文献   

Cosmogenic He, Ne, and Ar as well as the radionuclides 10Be, 26Al, 36Cl, 41Ca, 53Mn, and 60Fe have been determined on samples from the Gebel Kamil ungrouped Ni‐rich iron meteorite by noble gas mass spectrometry and accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), respectively. The meteorite is associated with the Kamil crater in southern Egypt, which is about 45 m in diameter. Samples originate from an individual large fragment (“Individual”) as well as from shrapnel. Concentrations of all cosmogenic nuclides—stable and radioactive—are lower by a factor 3–4 in the shrapnel samples than in the Individual. Assuming negligible 36Cl decay during terrestrial residence (indicated by the young crater age <5000 years; Folco et al. 2011 ), data are consistent with a simple exposure history and a 36Cl‐36Ar cosmic ray exposure age (CRE) of approximately (366 ± 18) Ma (systematic errors not included). Both noble gases and radionuclides point to a pre‐atmospheric radius >85 cm, i.e., a pre‐atmospheric mass >20 tons, with a preferred radius of 115–120 cm (50–60 tons). The analyzed samples came from a depth of approximately 20 cm (Individual) and approximately 50–80 cm (shrapnel). The size of the Gebel Kamil meteoroid determined in this work is close to estimates based on impact cratering models combined with expectations for ablation during passage through the atmosphere (Folco et al. 2010 , 2011 ).  相似文献   

Abstract– Bunburra Rockhole is the first meteorite fall photographed and recovered by the Desert Fireball Network in Australia. It is classified as an ungrouped achondrite similar in mineralogical and chemical composition to eucrites, but it has a distinct oxygen isotope composition. The question is if achondrites like Bunburra Rockhole originate from the same parent body as the howardite‐eucrite‐diogenite (HED) meteorites or from several separate, differentiated parent bodies. To address this question, we measured cosmogenic radionuclides and noble gases in the Bunburra Rockhole achondrite. The short‐lived radionuclides 22Na and 54Mn confirm that Bunburra Rockhole is a recent fall. The concentrations of 10Be, 26Al and 36Cl as well as the 22Ne/21Ne ratio indicate that Bunburra Rockhole was a relatively small object (R approximately 15 cm) in space, consistent with the photographic fireball observations. The cosmogenic 38Ar concentration yields a cosmic‐ray exposure (CRE) age of 22 ± 3 Myr, whereas 21Ne and 3He yield approximately 30% and approximately 60% lower ages, respectively, due to loss of cosmogenic He and Ne, mainly from plagioclase. With a CRE age of 22 Myr, Bunburra Rockhole is the first anomalous eucrite that overlaps with the main CRE peak of the HED meteorites. The radiogenic K‐Ar age of 4.1 Gyr is consistent with the U‐Pb age, while the young U,Th‐He age of approximately 1.4 Gyr indicates that Bunburra Rockhole lost radiogenic 4He more recently.  相似文献   

Abstract— Sychevka is a relatively unweathered 65-kg iron meteorite that was found in Russia in 1988. The microstructure, mineralogy and bulk composition of Sychevka as revealed by optical microscopy, electron microprobe and instrumental neutron activation analysis indicate that this meteorite is a group-IIIAB medium octahedrite. Sychevka consists of (in vol%): kamacite (82.5), plessite (16), schreibersite (1.5), and rare grains of chromite and troilite.  相似文献   

Abstract— A compilation of the chemical analyses of 241 stony and 36 iron meteorites is presented; 196 analyses were published previously, 81 are new. This compilation includes analyses of new falls, new finds, previously analyzed meteorites, previously analyzed meteorites with suspect values, analyses of separates and inclusions, and analyses of 53 stony and 29 iron meteorites from Antarctica, including one of the “lunar” type. Mean compositions of chondrite falls, finds, and Antarctic chondrites are compared. References are listed for earlier published analyses and an appendix provides an outline of the sampling procedures, sample preparation, and the analytical methods.  相似文献   

Abstract– Tucson is an enigmatic ataxitic iron meteorite, an assemblage of reduced silicates embedded in Fe‐Ni metal with dissolved Si and Cr. Both, silicates and metal, contain a record of formation at high temperature (~1800 K) and fast cooling. The latter resulted in the preservation of abundant glasses, Al‐rich pyroxenes, brezinaite, and fine‐grained metal. Our chemical and petrographic studies of all phases (minerals and glasses) indicate that they have a nebular rather than an igneous origin and give support to a chondritic connection as suggested by Prinz et al. (1987) . All silicate phases in Tucson apparently grew from a liquid that had refractory trace elements at approximately 6–20 × CI abundances with nonfractionated (solar) pattern, except for Sc, which was depleted (~1 × CI). Metal seems to have precipitated before and throughout silicate aggregate formation, allowing preservation of all evolutionary steps of the silicates by separating them from the environment. In contrast to most chondrites, Tucson documents coprecipitation of metal and silicates from the solar nebula gas and precipitation of metal before silicates—in accordance with theoretical condensation calculations for high‐pressure solar nebula gas. We suggest that Tucson is the most metal‐rich and volatile‐element‐poor member of the CR chondrite clan.  相似文献   

Abstract— We analyzed the Steinbach IVA stony‐iron meteorite using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron microprobe analysis (EMPA), laser ablation inductively‐coupled‐plasma mass spectroscopy (LA‐ICP‐MS), and modeling techniques. Different and sometimes adjacent low‐Ca pyroxene grains have distinct compositions and evidently crystallized at different stages in a chemically evolving system prior to the solidification of metal and troilite. Early crystallizing pyroxene shows evidence for disequilibrium and formation under conditions of rapid cooling, producing clinobronzite and type 1 pyroxene rich in troilite and other inclusions. Subsequently, type 2 pyroxene crystallized over an extensive fractionation interval. Steinbach probably formed as a cumulate produced by extensive crystal fractionation (?60–70% fractional crystallization) from a high‐temperature (?1450–1490 °C) silicate‐metallic magma. The inferred composition of the precursor magma is best modeled as having formed by ≥30–50% silicate partial melting of a chondritic protolith. If this protolith was similar to an LL chondrite (as implied by O‐isotopic data), then olivine must have separated from the partial melt, and a substantial amount (?53–56%) of FeO must have been reduced in the silicate magma. A model of simultaneous endogenic heating and collisional disruption appears best able to explain the data for Steinbach and other IVA meteorites. Impact disruption occurred while the parent body was substantially molten, causing liquids to separate from solids and oxygen‐bearing gas to vent to space, leading to a molten metal‐rich body that was smaller than the original parent body and that solidified from the outside in. This model can simultaneously explain the characteristics of both stony‐iron and iron IVA meteorites, including the apparent correlation between metal composition and metallographic cooling rate observed for metal.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Ulasitai iron was recently found about 130 km southeast to the find site of the Armanty (Xinjiang, IIIE) meteorite. It is a coarse octahedrite with a kamacite bandwidth of 1.2 ± 0.2 (0.9–1.8) mm. Plessite is abundant, as is taenite, kamacite, cohenite, and schreibersite with various microstructures. Schreibersite is Ni‐rich (30.5–55.5 wt%) in plessite or coexisting with troilite and daubreelite, in comparison with the coarse laths (20.6–21.2 wt%) between the Widmanstätten pattern plates. The correlation between the center Ni content and the half bandwidth of taenite suggest a cooling rate of ?20 °C/Myr based on simulations. The petrography and mineral chemistry of Ulasitai are similar to Armanty. The bulk samples of Ulasitai were measured, together with Armanty, Nandan (IIICD), and Mundrabilla (IIICD), by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP‐AES) and mass spectrometry (ICP‐MS). The results agree with literature data of the same meteorites, and our analyses of four samples of Armanty (L1, L12, L16, L17) confirm a homogeneous composition (Wasson et al. 1988). The bulk composition of Ulasitai is identical to that of Armanty, both plotting within the IIIE field. We classify Ulasitai as a new IIIE iron and suggest that it pairs with Armanty.  相似文献   

Abstract– The single‐piece iron meteorite Javorje, with a mass of 4920 g, is the heaviest and largest meteorite found in the territory of Slovenia. The meteorite Javorje is a medium octahedrite with kamacite bandwidth of 0.85 ± 0.26 mm. The bulk composition of Ni (7.83 wt%), Co (0.48 wt%) and trace elements Ga (25 μg/g), Ge (47 μg/g), Ir (7.6 μg/g), As (5.8 μg/g), Au (0.47 μg/g), and Pt (13.4 μg/g) indicates that the meteorite Javorje belongs to the chemical group IIIAB. Mineral and bulk chemical compositions are consistent with other reported group IIIAB meteorites. The presence of numerous rhabdites, carlsbergite, sparse troilite, and chromite and abundance of daubréelites are in accordance with low‐Ni and low‐P IIIAB iron meteorites. The severely weathered surface and secondary weathering products in the interior of the meteorite suggest its high terrestrial age.  相似文献   

Abstract– The 45 m in diameter Kamil impact crater was formed <5000 yr ago in the eastern Sahara, close to the southern border of modern Egypt. The original features of this structure, including thousands of fragments of the meteorite impactor, are extremely well preserved. With the exception of a single 83 kg regmaglypted individual, all specimens of Gebel Kamil (the iron meteorite that formed the Kamil crater) are explosion fragments weighing from <1 g to 34 kg. Gebel Kamil is an ungrouped Ni‐rich (about 20 wt% Ni) ataxite characterized by high Ge and Ga contents (approximately 120 μg g?1 and approximately 50 μg g?1, respectively) and by a very fine‐grained duplex plessite metal matrix. Accessory mineral phases in Gebel Kamil are schreibersite, troilite, daubréelite, and native copper. Meteorite fragments are cross‐cut by curvilinear shear bands formed during the explosive terrestrial impact. A systematic search around the crater revealed that meteorite fragments have a highly asymmetric distribution, with greater concentrations in the southeast sector and a broad maximum in meteorite concentration in the 125–160° N sector at about 200 m from the crater rim. The total mass of shrapnel specimens >10 g, inferred from the density map compiled in this study is 3400 kg. Field data indicate that the iron bolide approached the Earth’s crust from the northwest (305–340° N), travelling along a moderately oblique trajectory. Upon hypervelocity impact, the projectile was disrupted into thousands of fragments. Shattering was accompanied by some melting of the projectile and of the quartz‐arenite target rocks, which also suffered shock metamorphism.  相似文献   

Abstract— The measured Cu and Cr contents in magmatic iron meteorites appear to contradict the behavior predicted by experimental fractional crystallization studies currently available. To investigate the origin of Cu and Cr concentrations observed in these meteorites, a thorough set of solid metal/liquid metal experiments were conducted in the Fe‐Ni‐S system. In addition to Cu and Cr, partitioning values were also determined for As, Au, Bi, Co, Mo, Ni, Pb, Rh, Ru, Sb, Sn, V, and Zn from the experiments. Experimental results for Cu and Cr showed similar chalcophile partitioning behavior, whereas these elements have differently sloped trends within magmatic iron meteorite groups. Thus, fractional crystallization alone cannot control both the Cu and Cr concentrations in these iron meteorite groups. A simple fractional crystallization model based on our experimental Cu partitioning results was able to match the Cu versus Au trend observed in the S‐poor IVB iron meteorite group but not the decreasing Cu versus Au trends in the IIAB and IIIAB groups or the unique S‐shaped Cu versus Au trend in the IVA group. However, the crystallization model calculations were found to be very sensitive to the specific choice for the mathematical expression of D(Cu), suggesting that any future refinement of the parameterization of D(Cu) should include a reassessment of the Cu fractional crystallization trends. The Cr versus Au trends in magmatic iron meteorite groups are steeper than those of Cu and not explained by fractional crystallization. Other influences, such as the removal of chromite from the crystallizing system or sampling biases during iron meteorite compositional analyses, are likely responsible for the Cr trends in magmatic iron meteorite groups.  相似文献   

The last two decades have witnessed a continually expanding programme of investigation concerned with the discovery of terrestrial impact craters or astroblemes as Dietz has called them. These are the wounds produced on the Earth's surface by the high speed collisions with giant meteorites which have taken place throughout geological time. With the exception of a few comparatively recent craters, most of the large scars originated tens or hundreds of millions of years ago and have been preserved as fossils in rocks which have since undergone considerable erosion and alteration.Although various workers have now gathered an impressive array of evidence appertaining to the topographical, petrological and mineralogical changes wrought by the sudden release of enormous quantities of energy when collisions occur, it still remains true that most discoveries of craters are made as a result of their quasi-circular appearance on maps or aerial photographs.A search of maps of the British Isles has revealed several possible impact sites, of which the most convincing is the feature known as St. Magnus Bay in the Shetland Islands. No explanation other than massive impact seems able to account for the peculiar shape of the bay and its resemblance to certain ancient Canadian impact crater residuals.In size it ranks among the dozen or so largest terrestrial impact features and is thus an important object for further study; in its own right and in the context of the currently enhanced speculation concerning the origin of craters on such bodies as the Moon and Mars.  相似文献   

Abstract— The concentrations of cosmogenic radionuclides and noble gases in Pitts (IAB) and Horse Creek (ungrouped) provide unambiguous evidence that both irons have a complex exposure history with a first‐stage irradiation of 100–600 Myr under high shielding, followed by a second‐stage exposure of ?1 Myr as small objects. The first‐stage exposure ages of ?100 Myr for Horse Creek and ?600 Myr for Pitts are similar to cosmic‐ray exposure ages of other iron meteorites, and most likely represent the Yarkovsky orbital drift times of irons from their parent bodies in the main asteroid belt to one of the nearby chaotic resonance zones. The short second‐stage exposure ages indicate that collisional debris from recent impact events on their precursor objects was quickly delivered to Earth. The short delivery times suggests that the recent collision events occurred while the precursor objects of Horse Creek and Pitts were either very close to the chaotic resonance zones or already in Earth‐crossing orbits. Since the cosmogenic noble gas records of Horse Creek and Pitts indicate a minimum radius of a few meters for the precursor objects, but do not exclude km‐sized objects, we conclude that these irons may represent fragments of two near‐Earth asteroids, 3103 Eger and 1986 DA, respectively. Finally, we used the cosmogenic nuclide concentrations in Horse Creek, which contains 2.5 wt% Si, to test current model calculations for the production of cosmogenic 10Be, 26Al, and neonisotopes from iron, nickel, and silicon.  相似文献   

Tube‐shaped beads excavated from grave pits at the prehistoric Gerzeh cemetery, approximately 3300 BCE, represent the earliest known use of iron in Egypt. Using a combination of scanning electron microscopy and micro X‐ray microcomputer tomography, we show that microstructural and chemical analysis of a Gerzeh iron bead is consistent with a cold‐worked iron meteorite. Thin fragments of parallel bands of taenite within a meteoritic Widmanstätten pattern are present, with structural distortion caused by cold‐working. The metal fragments retain their original chemistry of approximately 30 wt% nickel. The bulk of the bead is highly oxidized, with only approximately 2.4% of the total bead volume remaining as metal. Our results show that the first known example of the use of iron in Egypt was produced from a meteorite, its celestial origin having implications for both the perception of meteorite iron by ancient Egyptians and the development of metallurgical knowledge in the Nile Valley.  相似文献   

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