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湖泊沉积物的矿物磁性测量及其环境应用 总被引:24,自引:7,他引:24
本文结合太湖沉积物的磁性研究,简要地阐述了湖泊沉积物磁性测量的方法与磁信息的环境应用,通过分析太湖沉积样芯的磁参数曲线所内含的环境信息,揭示了磁测方法在古湖沼学研究中的应用前景。 相似文献
呼伦湖湖泊沉积物磁化率变化的环境磁学机制 总被引:52,自引:1,他引:52
对内蒙古呼伦湖地区的研究表明当湖泊水深较大时 (对应于湿润气候 ) ,所沉积的泥质沉积物的磁性较高 ;反之 ,水位低时 (对应于干旱气候 ) ,所沉积的砂性沉积物的磁化率较低 .深入的岩石磁学研究证实 ,来自湖泊流域火山岩中的碎屑磁铁矿广泛地存在于泥质及砂性样品之中 .当湖泊水位较高时 ,在相对的还原条件下 ,在泥质沉积物中形成次生的铁磁性硫化铁矿物 .该磁性矿物叠加在少量的碎屑成因的磁铁矿上 ,主导了泥质沉积物的磁性 ,导致了磁化率的上升 相似文献
Yong在湖泊生态系统建模中的应用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
基于达尔文“适者生存”理论的热力学表述,本文把热力学概念“Yong”作为一些重要模型参数的目标函数引入湖泊生态动力学模型,应用Yong控制下的参数组合模拟程序实现了参数随时间的变化,并通过变化的模型参数来反映湖泊生态系统中物种组成和生态结构随时间的变化。这一改进克服了以往模型刚性较强,适应性差和生态系统特性考虑少的缺陷,该改进的湖泊生态动力学模型被成功用于滇池生态系统的模拟。 相似文献
当今在气候变化和人类活动等多重压力影响下,作为地表过程重要组成部分的湖泊生态系统正遭受着巨大威胁,其服务功能急剧退化.如何客观地评价湖泊生态系统服务的现状,并科学地预测其发展趋势,是当前亟待解决的问题.开展长期生态系统服务变化过程与机理的分析,有助于未来生态系统服务变化趋势的预测.然而,现有的观测数据往往时间较短(通常小于50年).连续的湖泊沉积记录为研究生态系统服务变化的长期过程提供了可能.本文结合前人研究成果,列举了可反映湖泊生态系统服务变化的一些古湖沼学指标,依据这些指标相对明确的生态和环境指示意义,将其与各项服务关联起来.最后,结合巢湖实例分析来说明这些指标在评估湖泊生态系统服务方面的具体应用,研究表明当今巢湖生态系统服务供应能力的持续增加是以调节服务的丧失为代价的.尽管目前的研究尚处于起步阶段,但古湖沼学手段无疑为今后湖泊生态系统服务历史状况的评估提供了途径,为古湖沼学的应用提供了一种新的思路,并为今后生态系统的保护和可持续利用提供重要的决策依据. 相似文献
不同时间尺度下的湖泊沉积物环境记录——以沉积物粒度为例 总被引:68,自引:2,他引:68
在湖泊沉积记录与古气候研究中, 沉积物粒度的环境意义常常解释为: 粗粒沉积物指示低水位时期的干旱气候, 细粒沉积物指示高水位时期的湿润气候. 本文通过对云南洱海和程海现代沉积物粒度的研究, 揭示了沉积物粒度在不同时间尺度、不同时间分辨率的研究中具有不同的环境指示意义. 在长时间尺度、低分辨率(百年、千年)研究中, 粗粒沉积物指示湖泊收缩、湖水较浅的干旱气候期; 细粒沉积物指示湖泊扩张、湖水较深的湿润气候期. 在短时间尺度、高分辨率(年际、10 a)研究中, 粗粒沉积物指示降雨量较大的湿润年份; 细粒沉积物指示降雨量相对较小的干旱年份. 由于不同时间尺度研究中沉积分辨率、采样分辨率和定年精度的不同, 湖泊沉积物记录所反映的环境信息在不同尺度下因此可能存在差异. 在由以往的长时间尺度、低分辨率研究转向短时间尺度、高分辨率研究的过程中, 不能简单套用各种指标在长尺度研究中的环境指示意义, 必须结合研究的时间尺度和分辨率, 综合分析各种因素对环境记录的影响方式和程度, 才能得出可靠结论. 相似文献
湖泊沉积物中S、C及其比值的环境意义 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
本文以浅淡水湖固城湖和微咸水湖岱海为例,研究沉积物中有面碳,总硫和其比值(OC/TS)的垂向分布规律及其沉积环境(沉积时期的气候冷暖及干湿变化等),古盐度及环境污染等方面的意义,固城湖沉积物的氧化还原交界面(5cm深处)上硫高碳低,OC/TS突然变小,岱海在高水位年代OC/TS增高,低水位年则降低,分别属于冷湿和冷干气候条件下的沉积特征,论证了OC/TS指标从海洋沉积研究移植到湖泊沉积研究的可用性及其应用前景。 相似文献
长江中下游典型湖泊营养盐历史变化模拟 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
湖泊营养盐变化在自然条件下受到气候水文因素控制,同时受到湖泊生态系统生物群落作用和反馈.作为动力机制探讨,本文试图基于水文和生态动力学方法,分别构建气候-流域水文作用于湖泊营养盐的外源模式和湖泊生物群落作用于湖泊营养盐的內源模式.针对长江中下游典型湖泊,经过控制实验和率定,发现营养盐模拟与观测数据在时间序列上达到90%百分位的正相关,因此用来模拟1640 1840 A.D.期间的营养盐演变历史.研究表明:(1)模拟的湖泊营养盐变化与沉积钻孔揭示的历史营养盐变化基本一致,沉积记录与模式模拟的7个湖泊的营养盐变化均显著相关;(2)气候因素是湖泊营养盐历史演变的主控因子,来自于湖泊生物群落的反馈作用贡献约占40%;(3)在温度和降水因子的驱动下,湖泊营养盐历史变化主要受降水控制,在极端干旱时期,60%的营养盐变化同步响应于降水变化.同时,面积在400 km2以下的湖泊营养盐对气候变化的响应比2000 km2以上的大湖更为敏感.研究结果对长江中下游湖泊营养状态的长期变化机理认识和趋势控制提供科学依据. 相似文献
2.5ka来新疆吉力湖湖泊沉积记录的气候环境变化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
选择位于西风区的吉力湖为研究对象,利用~(210)Pb、~(137)Cs和AMS~(14)C测年手段,建立了吉力湖沉积岩芯2.5ka以来的时间序列。对湖泊沉积物的粒度、总有机碳、总氮以及有机碳同位素等多环境指标的综合分析,重建了吉力湖2.5ka以来的气候环境演化特征。2.5ka以来吉力湖气候环境变化大致经历了5个阶段:500BC-50BC,暖干;50BC-650AD,冷湿,气候不稳定,冷暖波动较大;650-1350AD,暖干,对应于中世纪暖期(MWP),1350-1850AD,冷干,对应于小冰期(LIA);1850AD以来,温干,其中20世纪20年代后,尤其是70年代以来,气候变暖。吉力湖多环境指标记录的气候环境变化与其它地质记录以及历史文献记录均具有较好的一致性。 相似文献
湖泊沉积物是记录气候演化信息的重要载体之一,在探讨过去气候变化过程研究中发挥重要作用.然而,沉积物中的许多代用指标对气候的指示意义存在多解性,不同指标所反映的环境信息相互之间有时会存在矛盾.为了能够更准确地解读湖泊沉积物中指标所记录的环境变化信息,开展现代湖泊沉积物指标与环境之间的关系研究,深入探讨各指标对环境变化的响应机制尤为关键.本文选取青藏高原东南部巴松措湖泊表层沉积物作为研究对象,利用210Pb与137Cs比活度检测结果建立年代序列,对沉积物中粒度、磁化率、有机质含量等指标进行分析,揭示巴松措现代沉积过程.结合沉积物粒度端元组分分析结果,并将不同指标变化与林芝气象站所记录的数据资料进行对比,得出以下主要结论:该地区沉积物来源主要包括径流搬运的冰川碎屑物质和来自青藏高原南部、西南部上空悬浮于大气中的风成物质两部分;其中,通过风力搬运的物质输入主要集中在冬半年,受季节性风向及风速变化影响明显;径流受到冰雪融水与夏季降水的补给,因此通过径流搬运的物质输入量受到温度与降水综合影响;湖泊中磁性矿物碎屑的产生和输入主要受区域降水量影响的流域侵蚀速率变化控制,该湖泊沉积物磁化率波动可以有效的指示该地区降水量变化;沉积物中总有机碳含量和总氮含量变化主要反映湖泊自身初级生产力的变化,对区域温度变化的响应显著. 相似文献
Assessment of the impact of changes in climate and land use and land cover (LULC) on ecosystem services (ES) is important for planning regional-scale strategies for sustainability and restoration of ES. The Upper Narmada River Basin (UNRB) in peninsular India has undergone rapid LULC change due to recent agricultural expansion. The impact of future climate and LULC change on ES in the UNRB is quantified and mapped using the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST 3.3.0) tool. Our results show that water yield is projected to increase under climate change (about 43% for representative concentration pathway 4.5 for 2031–2040), whereas it is projected to decrease under the LULC change scenario. Sediment export is projected to increase (by 54.53%) under LULC change for 2031–2040. Under the combined effect of climate and LULC change, both water yield and sediment export are expected to increase. Climate change has a greater impact on projected water yield than LULC change, whereas LULC has greater impact on sediment export. Spatial analysis suggests a similar trend of variation in relative difference (RD) of ES in adjacent sub-basins. The quantified changes in ES provisioning will benefit future land management, particularly for operation of the Rani Avanti Bai Sagar Reservoir downstream of the UNRB. 相似文献
Lake sediment records on climate change and human activities since the Holocene in Erhai catchment,Yunnan Province,China 总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15
R. Matsumoto 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2005,48(3):353-363
Climate of Yunnan Plateau is mainly controlledby the system of southwest Asian monsoon, and alsoaffected by westerlies and local climate of the Qing-hai-Tibet Plateau. Since the Cenozoic, a large numberof structural lake basins have formed with the uplift ofthe Qinghai-Tibet Plateau[1]. As the information aboutthe climate and environment change was faithfullydocumented in lake sediments, which have the char-acteristics of continuity, high resolution, abundant in-formation, lake sediments p… 相似文献
Climate change threatens water resources in snowmelt‐dependent regions by altering the fraction of snow and rain and spurring an earlier snowmelt season. The bulk of hydrological research has focused on forecasting response in streamflow volumes and timing to a shrinking snowpack; however, the degree to which subsurface storage offsets the loss of snow storage in various alpine geologic settings, i.e. the hydrogeologic buffering capacity, is still largely unknown. We address this research need by assessing the affects of climate change on storage and runoff generation for two distinct hydrogeologic settings present in alpine systems: a low storage granitic and a greater storage volcanic hillslope. We use a physically based integrated hydrologic model fully coupled to a land surface model to run a base scenario and then three progressive warming scenarios, and account for the shifts in each component of the water budget. For hillslopes with greater water retention, the larger storage volcanic hillslope buffered streamflow volumes and timing, but at the cost of greater reductions in groundwater storage relative to the low storage granite hillslope. We found that the results were highly sensitive to the unsaturated zone retention parameters, which in the case of alpine systems can be a mix of matrix or fracture flow. The presence of fractures and thus less retention in the unsaturated zone significantly decreased the reduction in recharge and runoff for the volcanic hillslope in climate warming scenarios. This approach highlights the importance of incorporating physically based subsurface flow in to alpine hydrology models, and our findings provide ways forward to arrive at a conceptual model that is both consistent with geology and hydrologic principles. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Hydrological response to expected future changes in land use and climate in the Samin catchment (278 km2) in Java, Indonesia, was simulated using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool model. We analysed changes between the baseline period 1983–2005 and the future period 2030–2050 under both land-use change and climate change. We used the outputs of a bias-corrected regional climate model and six global climate models to include climate model uncertainty. The results show that land-use change and climate change individually will cause changes in the water balance components, but that more pronounced changes are expected if the drivers are combined, in particular for changes in annual streamflow and surface runoff. The findings of this study will be useful for water resource managers to mitigate future risks associated with land-use and climate changes in the study catchment. 相似文献
The HIRHAM regional climate model suggests an increase in temperature in Denmark of about 3 °C and an increase in mean annual precipitation of 6–7%, with a larger increase during winter and a decrease during summer between a control period 1961–1990 and scenario period 2071–2100. This change of climate will affect the suspended sediment transport in rivers, directly through erosion processes and increased river discharges and indirectly through changes in land use and land cover. Climate‐change‐induced changes in suspended sediment transport are modelled for five scenarios on the basis of modelled changes in land use/land cover for two Danish river catchments: the alluvial River Ansager and the non‐alluvial River Odense. Mean annual suspended sediment transport is modelled to increase by 17% in the alluvial river and by 27% in the non‐alluvial for steady‐state scenarios. Increases by about 9% in the alluvial river and 24% in the non‐alluvial river were determined for scenarios incorporating a prolonged growing season for catchment vegetation. Shortening of the growing season is found to have little influence on mean annual sediment transport. Mean monthly changes in suspended sediment transport between ? 26% and + 68% are found for comparable suspended sediment transport scenarios between the control and the scenario periods. The suspended sediment transport increases during winter months as a result of the increase in river discharge caused by the increase in precipitation, and decreases during summer and early autumn months. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Jorge Feliciano Ontiveros-Cuadras Ana Carolina Ruiz-Fernández Joan-Albert Sanchez-Cabeza Libia Hascibe Pérez-Bernal Michel Preda Federico Páez-Osuna 《国际泥沙研究》2018,33(2):183-190
Two lead-210 (210Pb) dated sediment cores from Chapala Lake were studied to identify the mineral composition of the sediments and to discuss its relation with trace metals. Minerals and trace metals reflected the domain of volcanic rocks (i.e. basalts, rhyolite and andesite) that characterize Chapala Lake and the Lerma River watershed. Redundancy analyses (RDA) were used to identify the sedimentary variables (magnetic susceptibility, organic matter, sand content, and mineral composition) that could be related to elemental composition. Despite the distance between the two cores (7.3 km) and hydrodynamic circulation the RDA showed that the main mechanism that controls the input of mineral species, and, therefore, element distributions in the lacustrine sediment of Chapala Lake, is related to the weathering of volcanic rocks in the Lerma-Chapala watershed, the consequent runoff and transport of fine grained catchment materials, and later in-lake processes. These findings highlight the importance of controlling watershed erosion to contribute to the improvement of the environmental quality of the lake. 相似文献
Changes in climate may significantly affect how sediment moves through watersheds into harbours and channels that are dredged for navigation or flood control. Here, we applied a hydrologic model driven by a large suite of climate change scenarios to simulate both historical and future sediment yield and transport in two large, adjacent watersheds in the Great Lakes region. Using historical dredging expenditure data from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, we then developed a pair of statistical models that link sediment discharge from each river to dredging costs at the watershed outlet. Although both watersheds show similar slight decreases in streamflow and sediment yield in the near‐term, by Mid‐Century, they diverge substantially. Dredging costs are projected to change in opposite directions for the two watersheds; we estimate that future dredging costs will decline in the St. Joseph River by 8–16% by Mid‐Century but increase by 1–6% in the Maumee River. Our results show that the impacts of climate change on sediment yield and dredging may vary significantly by watershed even within a region and that agricultural practices will play a large role in determining future streamflow and sediment loads. We also show that there are large variations in responses across climate projections that cause significant uncertainty in sediment and dredging projections. 相似文献
This study models climate change impacts on the natural flow regime of braided rivers and inflows to hydropower lakes in a New Zealand mountain basin. Flow metrics include the magnitude, frequency, timing and duration of unaltered flows. The TopNet hydrological model was used to simulate impacts in the Upper Waitaki Basin of the South Island for the 1990s, 2040s and 2090s. An average emissions scenario and results from 12 global circulation models were used as input. Indicators of hydrological alteration and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to evaluate flow differences. Modelled total inflows increase over time for all lakes, with most increases in winter/early spring and small decreases in summer/autumn. High flows generally increase, while low flows decrease. Although these changes may benefit hydropower and floodplain ecology, they may increase flood risk in winter and spring and drought risk in summer and autumn, causing additional challenges managing hydropower operations.