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We present the results of thermal-infrared observations of 20 near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) obtained in the period March 2000-February 2002 with the 10-m Keck-I telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. The measured fluxes have been fitted with thermal-model emission continua to determine sizes and albedos. This work increases the number of NEAs having measured albedos by 35%. The spread of albedos derived is very large (pv=0.02−0.55); the mean value is 0.25, which is much higher than that of observed main-belt asteroids. In most cases the albedos are in the ranges expected for the spectral types, although some exceptions are evident. Our results are consistent with a trend of increasing albedo with decreasing size for S-type asteroids with diameters below 20 km. A number of objects are found to have unexpectedly low apparent color temperatures, which may reflect unusual thermal properties. However, the results from our limited sample suggest that high thermal-inertia, regolith-free objects may be uncommon, even amongst NEAs with diameters of less than 1 km. We discuss the significance of our results in the light of information on these NEAs taken from the literature and the uncertainties inherent in applying thermal models to near-Earth asteroids.  相似文献   

The distribution of near‐Earth asteroid (NEA) rotation rates differs considerably from the similar distribution of Main Belt asteroids (MBAs) by the presence of excesses of fast and slow rotators, which are not observed or not so prominent in the distribution for MBAs. Among possible reasons for the difference, there can be influence of solar radiation on spin rate of small NEAs, the so‐called “YORP effect,” which appears due to reflection, absorption, and IR re‐emission of the sunlight by an irregularly shaped rotating asteroid. It is known that the YORP‐effect action strongly depends on the amount of solar energy obtained by the body (insolation), its size, and albedo. The analysis of observation data has shown that: (1) the mean diameter of NEAs decreases from the middle of the distribution to its ends, that is, the excesses of slow rotators (ω ≤ 2 rev day?1) and fast rotators (ω ≥ 8 rev day?1) are composed of smaller NEAs than in the middle of the distribution; (2) NEAs of both excesses are in the orbits where their insolation is about 8–10% larger than that of NEAs in the middle of the distribution; and (3) the objects in both excesses have a little lower albedo on average than that of objects in the middle of the distribution. All these results qualitatively agree well with the YORP‐effect action and may be considered as independent arguments in favor of it.  相似文献   

We present thermal infrared photometry and spectrophotometry of six Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs) using the 3.8 m United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) together with quasi-simultaneous optical observations of five NEAs taken at the 1.0 m Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope (JKT). For Asteroid (6455) 1992 HE we derive a rotational period P=2.736±0.002 h, and an absolute visual magnitude H=14.32±0.24. For Asteroid 2002 HK12 we derive . The Standard Thermal Model (STM), the Fast Rotating Model (FRM) and the Near-Earth Asteroid Thermal Model (NEATM) have been fitted to the measured fluxes to derive albedos and effective diameters. The derived geometric albedos and effective diameters are (6455) 1992 HE: pv=0.26±0.08, Deff=3.55±0.5 km; 1999 HF1: pv=0.18±0.07, ; 2000 ED104: pv=0.18±0.05, Deff=1.21±0.2 km; 2002 HK12: , Deff=0.62±0.2 km; 2002 NX18: pv=0.031±0.009, Deff=2.24±0.3 km; 2002 QE15: , Deff=1.94±0.4 km. The limitations of using the NEATM to observe NEAs at high phase angles are discussed.  相似文献   

This article describes a citizen‐science project conducted by the Spanish Virtual Observatory (SVO) to improve the orbits of near‐Earth asteroids (NEAs) using data from astronomical archives. The list of NEAs maintained at the Minor Planet Center (MPC) is checked daily to identify new objects or changes in the orbital parameters of already catalogued objects. Using NEODyS we compute the position and magnitude of these objects at the observing epochs of the 938 046 images comprising the Eigth Data Release of the Sloan Digitised Sky Survey (SDSS). If the object lies within the image bound‐aries and the magnitude is brighter than the limiting magnitude, then the associated image is visually inspected by the project's collaborators (the citizens) to confirm or discard the presence of the NEA. If confirmed, accurate coordinates and, sometimes, magnitudes are submitted to the MPC. Using this methodology, 3226 registered users have made during the first fifteen months of the project more than 167 000 measurements which have improved the orbital elements of 551 NEAs (6% of the total number of this type of asteroids). Even more remarkable is the fact that these results have been obtained at zero cost to telescope time as NEAs were serendipitously observed while the survey was being carried out. This demonstrates the enormous scientific potential hidden in astronomical archives. The great reception of the project as well as the results obtained makes it a valuable and reliable tool for improving the orbital parameters of near‐Earth asteroids. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Abstract— Visual photometry, which measures reflected solar radiation, can be combined with infrared radiometry, which measures absorbed and re‐radiated solar energy, to determine key properties of small solar system objects. This method can be applied via thermophysical model concepts not only for albedo and diameter determination, but also for studies of thermal parameters like thermal inertia, surface roughness or emissivity. Hence, a detailed analysis of the asteroid surface is possible and topics like surface mineralogy, the density of the regolith or the presence of a rocky surface, lightcurve influences due to shape or albedo, porosity of the surface material, etc. can be addressed. The “radiometric technique” based on a recently developed thermophysical model is presented. The model was extensively tested against observations from the infrared space observatory, including spectroscopic and photometric measurements at infrared wavelengths between 2 and 200 μm of more than 40 asteroids. The possible model applications are discussed in terms of the different levels of knowledge for individual asteroids. The effects of the thermal parameters are illustrated and methods are presented as to how to separate different aspects. Possibilities and limitations are evaluated for the possible transfer of this model to near‐Earth asteroids. In the long run, this kind of study of near‐Earth asteroids may provide answers to questions about their surface properties which are crucial to develop mitigation scenarios.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have calculated pyroxene mineralogies of seven near‐Earth asteroids (NEAs) with reflectance spectra similar to HEDs (howardites, eucrites, and diogenites). Two different sets of formulas (Gaffey et al. 2002; Burbine et al. 2007) are used to calculate the pyroxene mineralogies of the NEAs from their Band I and II centers. The band centers have been adjusted to compensate for the low temperatures on the asteroid surfaces. All of the derived mineralogies from the Gaffey et al. (2002) formulas and the Burbine et al. (2007) formulas overlap. The derived wollastonite (Wo) contents are very similar with differences being only approximately 1 mol%. The derived ferrosilite (Fs) contents differ by only 3 to 8 mol%. The determined pyroxene mineralogies for all seven near‐Earth vestoids are consistent with eucrites or howardites. None of the objects have pyroxene mineralogies consistent with diogenites. The absence of near‐Earth vestoids with pyroxene mineralogies similar to diogenites may indicate that it is difficult to produce sizeable (km‐sized or larger) bodies that are predominantly composed of diogenitic material, suggesting these objects are rubble piles of mixed ejecta.  相似文献   

The Coudé feed of the vacuum telescope (aperture D = 65 cm) at the Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) is currently completely remodelled to accommodate a correlation tracker and a high‐order Adaptive Optics (AO) system. The AO system serves two imaging magnetograph systems located at a new optical laboratory on the observatory's 2nd floor. The InfraRed Imaging Magnetograph (IRIM) is an innovative magnetograph system for near‐infrared (NIR) observations in the wavelength region from 1.0 μm to 1.6 μm. The Visible‐light Imaging Magnetograph (VIM) is basically a twin of IRIM for observations in the wavelength range from 550 nm to 700 nm. Both instruments were designed for high spatial and high temporal observations of the solar photosphere and chromosphere. Real‐time data processing is an integral part of the instruments and will enhance BBSO's capabilities in monitoring solar activity and predicting and forecasting space weather.  相似文献   

We present thermal infrared photometry and spectrophotometry of four near-Earth asteroids (NEAs), namely (433) Eros, (66063) 1998 RO1, (137032) 1998 UO1, and (138258) 2000 GD2, using the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) in 2002. For two objects, i.e. (433) Eros and (137032) 1998 UO1, quasi-simultaneous optical observations were also obtained, using the Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope (JKT). For (127032) 1998 UO1, we obtain a rotation period P=3.0±0.1 h and an absolute visual magnitude HV=16.7±0.4. The Standard Thermal Model (STM), Fast Rotating Model (FRM) and near-Earth asteroid Thermal Model (NEATM) have been fitted to the IR fluxes to determine effective diameters Deff, geometric albedos pv, and beaming parameters η. The derived values are (433) Eros: Deff=23.3±3.5 km (at lightcurve maximum), pv=0.24±0.07, η=0.95±0.19; (66063) 1998 RO1: , ; (137032) 1998 UO1: Deff<1.13 km, pv>0.29; (138258) 2000 GD2: Deff=0.27±0.04 km, , η=0.74±0.15. (66063) 1998 RO1 is a binary asteroid from lightcurve characteristics [Pravec, P., and 56 colleagues, 2006. Icarus 181, 63-93] and we estimate the effective diameter of the primary (Dp) and secondary (Ds) components: and . The diameter and albedo of (138258) 2000 GD2 are consistent with the trend of decreasing diameter for S- and Q-type asteroids found by Delbó et al. [Delbó, M., Harris, A.W., Binzel, R.P., Pravec, P., Davies, J.K., 2003. Icarus 166, 116-130]. A possible trend of increasing beaming parameter with diameter for small (less than about 3 km) S- and Q-type asteroids is found.  相似文献   

Abstract— Using an H‐plot analysis, we identify 234 currently known near‐Earth objects that are accessible for rendezvous with a “best case” delta‐V of less than 7 km/s. We provide a preliminary compositional interpretation and assessment of these potential targets by summarizing the taxonomic properties for 44 objects. Results for one‐half (22) of this sample are based on new spectroscopic measurements presented here. Our approach provides an easy‐to‐update method for giving guidelines to both observers and mission analysts for focusing on objects for which actual mission opportunities are most likely to be found. Observing prospects are presented for categorizing the taxonomic properties of the most accessible targets that are not yet measured.  相似文献   

We obtained estimates of the Johnson V absolute magnitudes (H) and slope parameters (G) for 583 main-belt and near-Earth asteroids observed at Ond?ejov and Table Mountain Observatory from 1978 to 2011. Uncertainties of the absolute magnitudes in our sample are <0.21 mag, with a median value of 0.10 mag. We compared the H data with absolute magnitude values given in the MPCORB, Pisa AstDyS and JPL Horizons orbit catalogs. We found that while the catalog absolute magnitudes for large asteroids are relatively good on average, showing only little biases smaller than 0.1 mag, there is a systematic offset of the catalog values for smaller asteroids that becomes prominent in a range of H greater than ~10 and is particularly big above H  12. The mean (Hcatalog ? H) value is negative, i.e., the catalog H values are systematically too bright. This systematic negative offset of the catalog values reaches a maximum around H = 14 where the mean (Hcatalog ? H) is ?0.4 to ?0.5. We found also smaller correlations of the offset of the catalog H values with taxonomic types and with lightcurve amplitude, up to ~0.1 mag or less. We discuss a few possible observational causes for the observed correlations, but the reason for the large bias of the catalog absolute magnitudes peaking around H = 14 is unknown; we suspect that the problem lies in the magnitude estimates reported by asteroid surveys. With our photometric H and G data, we revised the preliminary WISE albedo estimates made by Masiero et al. (Masired, J.R. et al. [2011]. Astrophys. J. 741, 68–89) and Mainzer et al. (Mainzer, A. et al. [2011b]. Astrophys. J. 743, 156–172) for asteroids in our sample. We found that the mean geometric albedo of Tholen/Bus/DeMeo C/G/B/F/P/D types with sizes of 25–300 km is pV = 0.057 with the standard deviation (dispersion) of the sample of 0.013 and the mean albedo of S/A/L types with sizes 0.6–200 km is 0.197 with the standard deviation of the sample of 0.051. The standard errors of the mean albedos are 0.002 and 0.006, respectively; systematic observational or modeling errors can predominate over the quoted formal errors. There is apparent only a small, marginally significant difference of 0.031 ± 0.011 between the mean albedos of sub-samples of large and small (divided at diameter 25 km) S/A/L asteroids, with the smaller ones having a higher albedo. The difference will have to be confirmed and explained; we speculate that it may be either a real size dependence of surface properties of S type asteroids or a small size-dependent bias in the data (e.g., a bias towards higher albedos in the optically-selected sample of asteroids). A trend of the mean of the preliminary WISE albedo estimates increasing with asteroid size decreasing from D  30 down to ~5 km (for S types) showed in Mainzer et al. (Mainzer, A. et al. [2011a]. Astrophys. J. 741, 90–114) appears to be mainly due to the systematic bias in the MPCORB absolute magnitudes that progressively increases with H in the corresponding range H = 10–14.  相似文献   

The Sun-to-Mercury mass ratio adopted by the International Astronomical Union (6023600 ± 250) was obtained in 1987 by analyzing Mariner 10 observations (Anderson et al. 1987) and since then has not been improved. The large number of asteroids in Mercury-approaching orbits and the ever-increasing accuracy of their observations allow the mass of Mercury to be estimated by a different method. We have improved the orbital parameters of 43 asteroids and obtained 6023440 ± 530 for the Sun-to-Mercury mass ratio through a simultaneous solution based on their optical and radar observations. A further improvement in this estimate is possible in the immediate future owing to the rapid increase in the number of known asteroids whose observations can be used to solve this problem.  相似文献   

All the Trojan asteroids orbit about the Sun at roughly the same heliocentric distance as Jupiter. Differences in the observed visible reflection spectra range from neutral to red, with no ultra-red objects found so far. Given that the Trojan asteroids are collisionally evolved, a certain degree of variability is expected. Additionally, cosmic radiation and sublimation are important factors in modifying icy surfaces even at those large heliocentric distances. We search for correlations between physical and dynamical properties, we explore relationships between the following four quantities; the normalised visible reflectivity indexes (S), the absolute magnitudes, the observed albedos and the orbital stability of the Trojans. We present here visible spectroscopic spectra of 25 Trojans. This new data increase by a factor of about 5 the size of the sample of visible spectra of Jupiter Trojans on unstable orbits. The observations were carried out at the ESO-NTT telescope (3.5 m) at La Silla, Chile, the ING-WHT (4.2 m) and NOT (2.5 m) at Roque de los Muchachos observatory, La Palma, Spain. We have found a correlation between the size distribution and the orbital stability. The absolute-magnitude distribution of the Trojans in stable orbits is found to be bimodal, while the one of the unstable orbits is unimodal, with a slope similar to that of the small stable Trojans. This supports the hypothesis that the unstable objects are mainly byproducts of physical collisions. The values of S of both the stable and the unstable Trojans are uniformly distributed over a wide range, from 0%/1000 Å to about 15%/1000 Å. The values for the stable Trojans tend to be slightly redder than the unstable ones, but no significant statistical difference is found.  相似文献   

The angular diameter of minor planets compared with best observation conditions of about one arcsec (seeing) at ground-based observatories, though situated at high sea levels with best climate conditions, usually is too small to be resolved for surface studies or diameter determinations with direct photographic or similar imaging methods.Nevertheless the rough geometry and/or small scale structures on the asteroid's surface can be studied with light-curve observations using high precision photoelectric photometry and the fact that the rotation of an asteroid during a spin period is now determined for slightly more than 200 minor planets.On only a few selected asteroids (63 Ausonia, 88 Thisbe, 92 Undina, 110 Lydia, 118 Peitho, 128 Nemesis, 139 Juewa, 337 Devosa and 599 Luisa) do we show, from details detected in the light-curves, how observations of this type were carried out successfully. From the small scale features we get the rough linear extensions on the asteroid surface from differences in magnitude and time. Such observations will be more useful and important in future with respect to an optimum selection of objects for a possible direct asteroid spacecraft mission.Paper presented at the European Workshop on Planetary Sciences, organised by the Laboratorio di Astrofisica Spaziale di Frascati, and held between April 23–27, 1979, at the Accademia Nazionale del Lincei in Rome, Italy.Visiting Astronomer, Kitt Peak National Observatory, USA, Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation. A part of the observations was carried out at the Observatoire de Haute Provence (OHP), France.  相似文献   

Abstract— Based on reflectance spectroscopy and chemical/mineralogical remote sensing methods, it is generally assumed that asteroids are parent bodies for most meteorites reaching the Earth. However, more detailed observations indicate that differences exist in composition between asteroids and meteorites resulting in difficulties when searching for meteorite‐asteroid match. We show that among other physical parameters the magnetic susceptibility of an asteroid can be determined remotely from the magnetic induction by solar wind using an orbiting spacecraft or directly using the AC coil on the lander, or it can be measured in samples returned to the laboratory. The shape corrected value of the true magnetic susceptibility of an asteroid can be compared to those of meteorites in the existing database, allowing closer match between asteroids and meteorites. The database of physical properties contains over 700 samples and was recently enlarged with measurements of meteorites in European museums using mobile laboratory facility.  相似文献   

Abstract— High signal‐to‐noise near‐infrared spectrometer (NIS) spectra acquired during the low phase flyby of the near‐Earth asteroid rendezvous (NEAR) mission to 433 Eros are analyzed to determine mineral chemistry and proportions of mafic silicates across the asteroid's surface at 2.68 × 5.50 km spatial resolution. Spectral band parameters are derived, and compared with those of laboratory samples of known mineral composition, grain size distribution and terrestrial, meteoritic and lunar pyroxene spectral properties. The NIS derived band parameters are consistent with ordinary chondrite meteorites. We invoke the presence of a clinopyroxene component in the spectra, which is consistent with ordinary chondrite mineralogy and/or some degree of partial melting of ordinary chondritic material. Spectra measured across the surface of Eros can reveal small but real spectral variations. Most relative spectra are uniform to within 1–2%. Some areas suggest compositional variations of a few percent. Spectral slope variations of a few percent are seen indicating a non‐uniform distribution of materials affecting the slope parameter but with no resolved absorption bands. We find no correlation of slope with viewing geometry or compositional variation. The band parameter values do not consistently indicate a specific ordinary chondrite class but Eros is definitely undifferentiated with possible compositional variations of no more than 1–2%.  相似文献   

Five-color (λλ = 0.36?0.85 μm) and thermal infrared (λ = 22.5 μm) photometric observations of the unusual asteroid 2060 Chiron were made. Between 0.36 and 0.85 μm, Chiron's reflectance spectrum is similar to those of C-class asteroids as well as Saturn's satellite Phoebe. However, the thermal IR measurements imply an albedo≥0.05 (i.e., a diameter ≤250 kmat the level 2σ level) that is probably higher than those of C-class asteroids or Phoebe.  相似文献   

Abstract– To understand the nature of C asteroid surfaces, which are often related to phyllosilicates and C chondrites, we report near‐infrared spectra for a suite of phyllosilicates, heated to 100–1100 °C in 100 °C intervals, and compare the results for telescope IRTF spectra for 11 C asteroids. As C asteroids have relatively featureless spectra, we focus on “continuum plots” (1.0–1.75 μm slope against 1.8–2.5 μm slope). We compare the continuum plots of the 11 C asteroids and our heated phyllosilicates with literature data for C chondrites. The CI, CR, CK, and CV chondrite meteorites plot in the C asteroid field, whereas CM chondrites plot in a close but discrete field. All are well separated from the large phyllosilicate field. Heating kaolinite and montmorillonite to ≥700 °C moves their continua slopes into the C asteroid field, whereas chlorite and serpentine slopes move into the CM chondrite field. Water losses during heating are generally 10–15 wt% and were associated with a 20–70% albedo drop. Our data are consistent with surfaces of the C asteroids consisting of the dehydration products of montmorillonite whereas the CM chondrites are the dehydration products of serpentine and chlorite. The presence of opaque minerals and evaporites does not provide quantitative explanations for the difference in continua slopes of the phyllosilicates and C asteroids. The CM chondrites can also be linked to the C asteroids by heating. We suggest that the CM chondrites are interior samples, and the presence of a 3 μm feature in C asteroid spectra also indicates the excavation of material.  相似文献   

Abstract— A study in late 2006 was sponsored by the Advanced Projects Office within NASA's Constellation Program to examine the feasibility of sending the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) to a near‐Earth object (NEO). The ideal mission profile would involve two or three astronauts on a 90 to 180 day flight, which would include a 7 to 14 day stay for proximity operations at the target NEO. This mission would be the first human expedition to an interplanetary body beyond the Earth‐Moon system and would prove useful for testing technologies required for human missions to Mars and other solar system destinations. Piloted missions to NEOs using the CEV would undoubtedly provide a great deal of technical and engineering data on spacecraft operations for future human space exploration while conducting in‐depth scientific investigations of these primitive objects. The main scientific advantage of sending piloted missions to NEOs would be the flexibility of the crew to perform tasks and to adapt to situations in real time. A crewed vehicle would be able to test several different sample collection techniques and target specific areas of interest via extra‐vehicular activities (EVAs) more efficiently than robotic spacecraft. Such capabilities greatly enhance the scientific return from these missions to NEOs, destinations vital to understanding the evolution and thermal histories of primitive bodies during the formation of the early solar system. Data collected from these missions would help constrain the suite of materials possibly delivered to the early Earth, and would identify potential source regions from which NEOs originate. In addition, the resulting scientific investigations would refine designs for future extraterrestrial resource extraction and utilization, and assist in the development of hazard mitigation techniques for planetary defense.  相似文献   

We describe interferometric observations of the Asteroid (41) Daphne in the thermal infrared obtained with the Mid-Infrared Interferometric Instrument (MIDI) and the Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs) of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI). We derived the size and the surface thermal properties of (41) Daphne by means of a thermophysical model (TPM), which is used for the interpretation of interferometric data for the first time. From our TPM analysis, we derived a volume equivalent diameter for (41) Daphne of 189 km, using a non-convex 3-D shape model derived from optical lightcurves and adaptive optics images (B. Carry, private communication). On the other hand, when using the convex shape of Kaasalainen et al. (Kaasalainen, M., Mottola, S., Fulchignoni, M. [2002]. Icarus 159, 369-395) in our TPM analysis, the resulting volume equivalent diameter of (41) Daphne is between 194 and 209 km, depending on the surface roughness. The shape of the asteroid is used as an a priori information in our TPM analysis. No attempt is made to adjust the shape to the data. Only the size of the asteroid and its thermal parameters such as, albedo, thermal inertia and roughness are adjusted to the data. We estimated our model systematic uncertainty to be of 4% and of 7% on the determination of the asteroid volume equivalent diameter depending on whether the non-convex or the convex shape is used, respectively. In terms of thermal properties, we derived a value of the surface thermal inertia smaller than 50 J m−2 s−0.5 K−1 and preferably in the range between 0 and ∼30 J m−2 s−0.5 K−1. Our TPM analysis also shows that Daphne has a moderate macroscopic surface roughness.  相似文献   

Abstract— We present a numerical simulation technique for the retrieval of the electric properties relative permittivity and conductivity of planetary, asteroid, and cometary regolith. Our simulation techniques aim at accompanying hardware development and conducting virtual experiments, e.g., to assess the response of arbitrary heterogeneous conductivity and permittivity distributions or to scrutinize possibilities for spatial reconstruction methods using inverse schemes. In a first step, we have developed a finite element simulation code on the basis of unstructured, adaptive triangular grids for arbitrary two‐dimensional axisymmetric distributions of conductivity and permittivity. The code is able to take into account the spatial geometry of the probe and allows for possible inductive effects. In previous studies, the non‐inductive approach has been used to convert potential and phase data into apparent material properties. By our simulations, we have shown that this approach is valid for the frequency range from 102 Hz to 107 Hz and electric conductivities of 10?8 S/m that are typical for the near‐surface region of asteroids and comets composed of chondritic materials and/or frozen volatiles such as H2O and CO2 ice. We prove the accuracy of our code to be better than 10%, using mixed types of boundary conditions and present a simulated vertical log through a horizontally stratified subsurface layer as a representative example of a heterogeneous distribution of the electrical properties. Resolution studies for the given electrode separation reveal that the material parameters of layers having thicknesses of less than about half the electrode spread are not reconstructible if only apparent quantities are considered. Therefore, spatial distributions of the complex sensitivity are presented having in mind a future data inversion concept that will permit the multi‐dimensional reconstruction of material parameters in heterogeneous environments.  相似文献   

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