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A multi-scale study on land use and land cover quality change: The case of the Yellow River Delta in China 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
This paper presents a case study of the Yellow River Delta in China, to trace land use and land cover changes during the past
20 years, with an emphasis on land quality changes. Three sets of data are used in this case study: remote sensing data derived
from satellite images; crop yield data from statistics; and soil data collected by the researchers in the field. Our study
reveals that at the regional scale, LUCC has taken place in a positive direction: vegetation cover has been expanding and
crop yields per hectare have been on rise. However, while the overall eco-environment has improved, the improvement is uneven
across the Delta region. At local levels, some areas show signs of increased salinization and declining organic content. Both
natural forces and human activities are responsible for the LUCC, but human activities play a more important role. While some
impacts of human activities are positive, the damages are often long-lasting and irreversible. We also conclude that it is
necessary to use both macro data (such as remote sensing data) and micro data (data collected in the field) to study land
quality change. The former are efficient in examining land quality changes at the regional scale, the latter can serve to
verify ground patterns revealed from macro data and help to identify local variations, so as to get a comprehensive understanding
of LUCC and promote sustainable land use and land management.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Richard H. Kesel 《Environmental Geology》1989,13(3):183-193
The suspended load of the Lower Mississippi River has decreased almost 80 percent since 1850. The long-term suspended sediment record can be loosely subdivided into three phases: a historic interval prior to 1900, a predam period (1930–1952) and a postdam period (1963–1982). The suspended load decreased 43 percent from the historic to the predam period and 51 percent from the predam to the postdam period. The decreases in suspended load after 1952 coincide with the construction of reservoirs and dams on the Missouri and Arkansas rivers. Earlier decreases may be the result of changes in land use measurement practices. The decrease in suspended load and the elimination of overbank flow by the construction of artificial levees are considered to be major causes of coastal wetland loss in southeastern Louisiana. During the historic period sediment accumulation of the marsh surface was greater than the rate of water level rise. During the pre and postdam periods, the rate of water level rise exceeded sediment accretion on the marsh surface. Although the elimination of overbank sediment clearly exacerbated the wetlands loss, an accelerated rate of water level rise during the past 25 years has been a dominant factor. Based on estimates of available overbank sediment, it is suggested that the most viable management strategy for the wetlands would be the diversion of sediment into selected areas where the land loss is most critical. 相似文献
Human-environment interactions in agricultural land use in a South China's wetland region: A study on the Zhujiang Delta in the Holocene 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Qihao Weng 《GeoJournal》2000,51(3):191-202
The formation and evolution of agricultural land uses in the Zhujiang Delta of South China are examined in the light of the dynamics of people and the environment and their interplay. The origin and propagation of agriculture are found to have a close relationship with the climate and sea level changes in the Holocene era. The development of rice cultivation, horticulture, and dike-pond system exemplifies human-environment interactions in a specified geographical and social context, which are manifested by the impact of environmental changes and population growth on agricultural innovations. The technologies of dike building and land reclamation, which represent local farmers effort to build a new and harmonious relationship with the changed environment, were critical to the agricultural success and sustainability. Imprudent use of a new agricultural technology could damage the environment, as evidenced by a frequent flooding that followed inappropriate dike building and premature reclamation. Diverse agricultural land uses are as a result of the adaptation of agricultural technology innovations to the environmental conditions. 相似文献
The relationship between water pollution and economic development, its regional differentiation and its temporal trend is analyzed. With the uneven distribution of water resources, the regional differentiation of water pollution in China is very obvious. Based on the index RSR (the ratio of sewage to runoff), water pollution can be divided into five grades across the whole country. Overall, water pollution is more serious in north and northeast China. On the other hand, economic development level is not the only factor associated with water pollution. As for temporal change, with current economic growth and urbanization, it is impossible that water quality in China will be improved in the near future. 相似文献
为研究吉林西部湿地变化规律,解析生态地质环境因子对吉林西部湿地演化的影响,选取吉林西部典型区域,采用CBERS-2和Landsat-8 OL所揭示的两期湿地数据,通过地学信息图谱,结合湿地分布密集信息图、相对变化率量化分布现状和变化趋势,以高程、气候、人口等数据为参照,研究湿地动态变化与其环境之间关系。研究结果表明:2017年研究区内水稻田面积最多,研究区内北侧湿地分布密度等级普遍较高;2007年至2017年湿地总面积呈现增加趋势;新构造运动控制了湿地发育,降水成为影响近10年来湿地变化的主要因素。 相似文献
Colin C. Ferguson 《Mathematical Geology》1985,17(4):403-425
Little consensus exists on how best to analyze natural fracture spacings and their sequences. Field measurements and analyses published in geotechnical literature imply fracture processes radically different from those assumed by theoretical structural geologists. The approach adopted in this paper recognizes that disruption of rock layers by layer-parallel extension results in two spacing distributions, one representing layer-fragment lengths and another separation distances between fragments. These two distributions and their sequences reflect mechanics and history of fracture and separation. Such distributions and sequences, represented by a 2 × nmatrix of lengths
L,can be analyzed using a method that is history sensitive and which yields also a scalar estimate of bulk extension, e(L).The method is illustrated by a series of Monte Carlo experiments representing a variety of fracture-and-separation processes, each with distinct implications for extension history. Resulting distributions of e(L)
are process-specific, suggesting that the inverse problem of deducing fracture-and-separation history from final structure may be tractable. 相似文献
Spatial and seasonal distributions of soil phosphorus in a typical seasonal flooding wetland of the Yellow River Delta,China 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Xiaofei Ye Junhong Bai Qiongqiong Lu Qingqing Zhao Junjing Wang 《Environmental Earth Sciences》2014,71(11):4811-4820
Soil samples from 0 to 100 cm depth were collected in four sampling sites (Sites A, B, C and D) along a 250-m length of sampling zone from the Yellow River channel to a tidal creek in a seasonal flooding wetland of the Yellow River Delta of China in fall of 2007 and spring of 2008 to investigate spatial and seasonal distribution patterns of total phosphorous (TP) and available phosphorus (AP) and their influencing factors. Our results showed that TP contents in spring and AP contents in both seasons in surface soils increased with increasing distances away from the Yellow River channel. TP contents in surface soils (0–10 cm) followed the order Site A (698.6 mg/kg) > Site B (688.0 mg/kg) > Site C (638.8 mg/kg) > Site D (599.2 mg/kg) in fall, while Site C (699.6 mg/kg) > Site D (651.7 mg/kg) > Site B (593.6 mg/kg) > Site A (577.5 mg/kg) in spring. Generally, lower TP content (630.6 mg/kg) and higher AP level (6.2 mg/kg) in surface soils were observed in spring compared to fall (656.2 mg/kg for TP and 5.2 mg/kg for AP). Both TP and AP exhibited similar profile distribution patterns and decreased with depth along soil profiles with one or two accumulation peaks at the depth of 40–80 cm. Although the mean TP content in soil profiles was slightly higher in spring (635.7 mg/kg) than that in fall (628.0 mg/kg), the mean TP stock was obviously lower in spring (959.9 g/m2) with an obvious accumulation at the 60–80 cm soil depth compared to fall (1124.6 g/m2). Topsoil concentration factors also indicated that TP and AP had shallower distribution in soil profiles. Correlation analysis showed that AP had significant and positive correlation with these soil properties such as soil organic matter, salinity, total nitrogen and Al (p < 0.01), but TP was just significantly correlated with TN and Al (p < 0.05). 相似文献
通过定性与定量相结合,对比研究等分析方法研究宜君县近9年来耕地变化的主要因素及耕地变化驱动力。结果表明总人口、国民生产总值、二三产业增加值、固定资产投资是耕地变化的主要驱动力,利用回归分析方法预测宜君县今后一段时间内,在影响耕地的驱动力因子保持不变的情况下,耕地面积将持续减少,因此,为了宜君县的可持续发展,认为应该做好强化土地用途管制制度,建立耕地保护目标责任制,重视提高耕地质量的技术等措施。 相似文献
Spatial distributions of 0-20 cm soil carbon sources/sinks caused by land use changes from the year 1980 to 2000 in an area of 2.97 × 10~6 km~2 in eastern China were investigated using a land use dataset from a recent soil geochemical survey.A map of soil carbon sources/sinks has been prepared based on a spatial analysis scheme with GIS.Spatial statistics showed that land use changes had caused 30.7 ± 13.64 Tg of surface soil organic carbon loss,which accounts for 0.33%of the total carbon storage of 9.22 Pg.The net effect of the carbon source was estimated to be ~ 71.49 Tg soil carbon decrease and ~40.80 Tg increase.Land use changes in Northeast China(NE) have the largest impact on soil organic carbon storage compared with other regions.Paddy fields,which were mainly transformed into dry farmland in NE,and constructed land in other regions,were the largest carbon sources among the land use types.Swamp land in NE was also another large soil carbon source when it was transformed into dry farmland or paddy fields.Dry farmland in the NE region formed the largest soil organic carbon sink,as some were transformed into paddy fields,forested land,and other land use types with high SOCD. 相似文献
三江平原湿地时空演变探究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
借助遥感、GIS技术,利用1975年MSS、2000年TM和2015年ETM数据,采用人工目视解译方法,辅助野外调查验证,得到三江平原湿地空间分布数据,进而研究1975年至2015年三江平原湿地的分布特征,并结合研究区气温和降水量数据对湿地变化的影响因素进行分析。研究结果表明:2000年以前,湿地减少的面积为8 426.81 km~2,其中沼泽草甸湿地减少最为明显,人工湿地增加了6 939.87 km~2。2000年以后,沼泽湿地变化依然剧烈,面积减少了2 794.24 km~2。自然湿地破碎化程度加剧,人工湿地面积增加,受人类活动影响较大。 相似文献
Li Hongli Liu Sen Yin Meishan Zhu Li’ao Shen Enshuai Sun Baodi Wang San 《Natural Hazards》2022,111(3):2749-2786
Natural Hazards - Based on meteorological data from 20 meteorological stations in Shandong Province from 1984 to 2019, this paper analyses the spatial and temporal variability of climate elements... 相似文献
长江三角洲南部地面沉降与地裂缝 总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5
过量开采地下水导致长江三角洲南部产生严重的地面沉降和地裂缝,造成巨大的经济损失.地面沉降和地裂缝的发生和发展在时空上与地下水开采具有密切联系,在地下水开采高峰期,地面沉降速率明显增加,在地下水位稳定期和回升期,地面沉降速率显著减小,甚至出现少量回弹.平面上,地面沉降分布形态与主采层地下水位分布形态具有很强的关联性;垂向上,地面沉降分布形态与沉降层、主采层及土层的厚度、压缩性等有关,弱透水层和含水层都可能成为主要沉降层.开采地下水条件下土层的变形与其经历的地下水位变化过程有关,不仅弱透水层存在塑性和粘塑性变形,在一定水位变化条件下含水砂层也存在塑性和粘塑性变形.地面沉降是地表下所有受影响土层的变形之和,为了控制地面沉降和地裂缝的发展,应限制地下水的开采量,尤其是避免出现地下水位低于土层历史上曾经达到的最低水位. 相似文献
Climate change is identified as a major threat to wetlands. Altered hydrology and rising temperature can change the biogeochemistry and function of a wetland to the degree that some important services might be turned into disservices. This means that they will, for example, no longer provide a water purification service and adversely they may start to decompose and release nutrients to the surface water. Moreover, a higher rate of decomposition than primary production (photosynthesis) may lead to a shift of their function from being a sink of carbon to a source. This review paper assesses the potential response of natural wetlands (peatlands) and constructed wetlands to climate change in terms of gas emission and nutrients release. In addition, the impact of key climatic factors such as temperature and water availability on wetlands has been reviewed. The authors identified the methodological gaps and weaknesses in the literature and then introduced a new framework for conducting a comprehensive mesocosm experiment to address the existing gaps in literature to support future climate change research on wetland ecosystems. In the future, higher temperatures resulting in drought might shift the role of both constructed wetland and peatland from a sink to a source of carbon. However, higher temperatures accompanied by more precipitation can promote photosynthesis to a degree that might exceed the respiration and maintain the carbon sink role of the wetland. There might be a critical water level at which the wetland can preserve most of its services. In order to find that level, a study of the key factors of climate change and their interactions using an appropriate experimental method is necessary. Some contradictory results of past experiments can be associated with different methodologies, designs, time periods, climates, and natural variability. Hence a long-term simulation of climate change for wetlands according to the proposed framework is recommended. This framework provides relatively more accurate and realistic simulations, valid comparative results, comprehensive understanding and supports coordination between researchers. This can help to find a sustainable management strategy for wetlands to be resilient to climate change. 相似文献
Climate change is identified as a major threat to wetlands. Altered hydrology and rising temperature can change the biogeochemistry and function of a wetland to the degree that some important services might be turned into disservices. This means that they will, for example, no longer provide a water purification service and adversely they may start to decompose and release nutrients to the surface water. Moreover, a higher rate of decomposition than primary production (photosynthesis) may lead to a shift of their function from being a sink of carbon to a source. This review paper assesses the potential response of natural wetlands (peatlands) and constructed wetlands to climate change in terms of gas emission and nutrients release. In addition, the impact of key climatic factors such as temperature and water availability on wetlands has been reviewed. The authors identified the methodological gaps and weaknesses in the literature and then introduced a new framework for conducting a comprehensive mesocosm experiment to address the existing gaps in literature to support future climate change research on wetland ecosystems. In the future, higher temperatures resulting in drought might shift the role of both constructed wetland and peatland from a sink to a source of carbon. However, higher temperatures accompanied by more precipitation can promote photosynthesis to a degree that might exceed the respiration and maintain the carbon sink role of the wetland. There might be a critical water level at which the wetland can preserve most of its services. In order to find that level, a study of the key factors of climate change and their interactions using an appropriate experimental method is necessary. Some contradictory results of past experiments can be associated with different methodologies, designs, time periods, climates, and natural variability. Hence a long-term simulation of climate change for wetlands according to the proposed framework is recommended. This framework provides relatively more accurate and realistic simulations, valid comparative results, comprehensive understanding and supports coordination between researchers. This can help to find a sustainable management strategy for wetlands to be resilient to climate change. 相似文献
The temporal change of driving factors during the course of land desertification in arid region of North China: the case of Minqin County 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Yonghuan Ma Shengyue Fan Lihua Zhou Zhaoyang Dong Kecun Zhang Jianmin Feng 《Environmental Geology》2007,51(6):999-1008
Taking the key research area in the arid region of North China—Minqin County—as a case, this paper analyzes the main factors
impacting land desertification. Based on factor analysis method and the collection of data in the last 50 years, this paper
researches the spatial changes of driving factors during the course of land desertification in Minqin, Gansu Province. The
results of factor analysis indicate that the driving force of human factor on land desertification accounted for 56.33% in
1956–2004 and for 66.19% in 1981–2004, the driving force of nature factor on land desertification accounted for 11.29% in
1956–2004 and 8.11% in 1981–2004, and the synthesis of driving forces of human and natural factors accounted for 11.19% in
1956–2004 and for 14.88% in 1981–2004. This indicated that human driving force on land desertification was increasing in Minqin
County gradually. 相似文献
Climate change is identified as a major threat to wetlands. Altered hydrology and rising temperature can change the biogeochemistry and function of a wetland to the degree that some important services might be turned into disservices. This means that they will, for example, no longer provide a water purification service and adversely they may start to decompose and release nutrients to the surface water. Moreover, a higher rate of decomposition than primary production (photosynthesis) may lead to a shift of their function from being a sink of carbon to a source. This review paper assesses the potential response of natural wetlands (peatlands) and constructed wetlands to climate change in terms of gas emission and nutrients release. In addition, the impact of key climatic factors such as temperature and water availability on wetlands has been reviewed. The authors identified the methodological gaps and weaknesses in the literature and then introduced a new framework for conducting a comprehensive mesocosm experiment to address the existing gaps in literature to support future climate change research on wetland ecosystems. In the future, higher temperatures resulting in drought might shift the role of both constructed wetland and peatland from a sink to a source of carbon. However, higher temperatures accompanied by more precipitation can promote photosynthesis to a degree that might exceed the respiration and maintain the carbon sink role of the wetland. There might be a critical water level at which the wetland can preserve most of its services. In order to find that level, a study of the key factors of climate change and their interactions using an appropriate experimental method is necessary. Some contradictory results of past experiments can be associated with different methodologies, designs, time periods, climates, and natural variability. Hence a long-term simulation of climate change for wetlands according to the proposed framework is recommended. This framework provides relatively more accurate and realistic simulations, valid comparative results, comprehensive understanding and supports coordination between researchers. This can help to find a sustainable management strategy for wetlands to be resilient to climate change. 相似文献
Climate change is identified as a major threat to wetlands. Altered hydrology and rising temperature can change the biogeochemistry and function of a wetland to the degree that some important services might be turned into disservices. This means that they will, for example, no longer provide a water purification service and adversely they may start to decompose and release nutrients to the surface water. Moreover, a higher rate of decomposition than primary production (photosynthesis) may lead to a shift of their function from being a sink of carbon to a source. This review paper assesses the potential response of natural wetlands (peatlands) and constructed wetlands to climate change in terms of gas emission and nutrients release. In addition, the impact of key climatic factors such as temperature and water availability on wetlands has been reviewed. The authors identified the methodological gaps and weaknesses in the literature and then introduced a new framework for conducting a comprehensive mesocosm experiment to address the existing gaps in literature to support future climate change research on wetland ecosystems. In the future, higher temperatures resulting in drought might shift the role of both constructed wetland and peatland from a sink to a source of carbon. However, higher temperatures accompanied by more precipitation can promote photosynthesis to a degree that might exceed the respiration and maintain the carbon sink role of the wetland. There might be a critical water level at which the wetland can preserve most of its services. In order to find that level, a study of the key factors of climate change and their interactions using an appropriate experimental method is necessary. Some contradictory results of past experiments can be associated with different methodologies, designs, time periods, climates, and natural variability. Hence a long-term simulation of climate change for wetlands according to the proposed framework is recommended. This framework provides relatively more accurate and realistic simulations, valid comparative results, comprehensive understanding and supports coordination between researchers. This can help to find a sustainable management strategy for wetlands to be resilient to climate change. 相似文献