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网络信息空间的城市地理学研究:综述与展望   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
20世纪90年代,互联网飞速发展,不仅深刻地影响了我们的社会系统和经济结构,同时也重构了全球城市的物理和虚拟空间结构形式。近几年,在西方发达国家,网络信息空间的相关研究已经成为多学科研究的热点,有关城市网络信息空间的地理学研究也不断涌现。从技术与经济的角度入手,在已有文献资料基础上,对西方地理学界关于网络信息空间与城市发展的研究进展进行了评述。首先界定网络信息空间的概念及其相对于物理空间的各种特征,然后总结城市学者研究网络信息空间的几种理论方法,并从三个空间层次分别评述现有的实证研究成果。在此基础上,对网络信息空间的测量方法和关于城市地理学的研究内容进行了进一步展望。  相似文献   

地理学学科15年发展回顾与展望   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
在过去的 15年中 ,把握科学目标与国家目标双重定位的前提下 ,国家自然科学基金委员会地理学学科不断拓展和深化研究领域 ,取得了一批瞩目的研究成果 ,培养了一批优秀人才 ,稳定了研究队伍 ,形成了学科发展特色。1 地理学学科发展状况从国家自然科学基金委员会学科管理的角度地理学学科 (包括土壤学和遥感 )分为以下 5个方向 :自然地理学、人文地理学、土壤学、遥感与地理信息系统及环境地理。地理学目前主要发展趋势是研究陆地表层各界面间的物理、化学、生物及人文过程 ,探讨多种过程的相互作用机理 ,探求人类活动与资源环境间相互协调、…  相似文献   

我国“人文地理学以信息为对象的研究”:15年发展回顾   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
以国内发表人文地理学论文的专业核心期刊为检索源,考察了15年来“人文地理学以信息为对象的研究”的相关成果。依据研究内容、研究对象和研究思维等的差异划分了问题研究阶段、专题研究阶段、时代性课题研究阶段和主题研究阶段4个发展时期。依据研究成果的影响力,归纳了新的空间形态及新的流、信息产业和信息化、互联网与区域经济差异、信息技术作用下的城市、旅游在线服务5个热点研究领域。最后结合国际地理联合会“信息社会的地理学委员会”提供的行动方案,对今后国内“人文地理学以信息为对象的研究”发展予以展望并提出若干研究议题。  相似文献   

王水 《地球科学进展》2001,16(5):664-670
空间物理学是一门重要的迅速发展的学科。回顾了过去百年中发生的重大空间物理学事件。空间物理学已成功地迈过了探索阶段,未来是要搞清一些基本的科学问题。这些问题的解决需要观测研究、理论分析、数值模拟和环境预报的紧密合作,才能促成空间物理学的飞跃发展。  相似文献   

我国地理学发展的回顾与展望--地理学:方向正在变化的科学   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:25  
我国地理学自新中国成立以来取得了辉煌的成就,在跨入21世纪之时面临着一系列挑战和重大任务。我国经济和社会的迅速发展,强烈地改变了我国自然结构和社会经济结构,我国及各地区的“人-地”关系协调和可持续发展是我们面临的重大任务,地理学是实现这些国家重大任务的重要支撑科学之一,肩负着责无旁贷的重任,有着广阔的发展空间。  相似文献   

空间物理学的回顾和展望   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
王水 《地球科学进展》2001,16(5):664-670
空间物理学是一门重要的迅速发展的学科。回顾了过去百年中发生的重大空间物理学事件。空间物理学已成功地迈过了探索阶段 ,未来是要搞清一些基本的科学问题。这些问题的解决需要观测研究、理论分析、数值模拟和环境预报的紧密合作 ,才能促成空间物理学的飞跃发展。  相似文献   

关于建立信息地理学的讨论   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
从信息地理学产生的时代背景入手,先后讨论了信息地理学的基本概念和特点,信息地理学的研究内容及方法,信息地理学的基础理论问题等,最后展望了信息地理学的发展前景及潜力。  相似文献   

中国南极冰川学研究10 a回顾与展望   总被引:13,自引:7,他引:6  
The study of Antarctic glaciology in China is reviewed with the emphasis on the past decade. Much progress has been achieved in the physical characteristics of the Antarctic ice sheet and caps and in the study of climatic and environmental records in Antarctic snow and ice. Through observations of snow profiles of numerous snow-pits and shallow cores in the Wilkes Land and Lambert Glacier basin and along the route of the 1990 International Trans-Antarctica Science Expedition (ITASE), the regional features of snow deposition and densification in Antarctica were revealed. The Nelson Island ice cap in South Shetland Islands was investigated in detail that greatly enriched the knowledge of glaciers under a sub-Antarctic maritime climate. From the analyses of shallow ice cores and surface snow samples, in particular those taken along the ITASE route, the systematic data of stable isotopes, soluble impurities and heavy metal Pb in present precipitation in Antarctica has been obtained. Some suggestions are proposed through discussing the present hot points in the above fields.  相似文献   

李活英 《广西地质》2000,13(3):57-60
文章论述了建设办公自动化网络系统的意义,介绍原广西地矿厅(局)自1996年建立办公自动化网络系统以来取得的成绩及存在问题,提出一些改进意见和建议。  相似文献   

现代港口地理学的研究进展及展望   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基于港口地理研究的时代背景变迁,分析了现代港口地理学的研究进展与研究内容,重点从港口地理的基本研究范畴、港口理论、港口体系、枢纽港、港口与腹地关系、航运网络、航运企业和码头企业等角度深入解析其重点历程与主要论点,对中国港口地理学的研究进展和国际学者的相关论点进行了阐述,然后从研究内容、研究范式、研究重点和研究地区等角度,总结和评价现代港口地理学的研究特征,梳理其发展规律与研究轨迹。同时基于以上研究,从研究范式、研究重点、研究单位等角度,对港口地理学的未来研究趋向进行了深入探讨。通过该研究,系统总结了港口地理学的研究进展,有助于该学科的理论和实证研究。  相似文献   

On the role of Geography in Earth System Science   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A.J. Pitman 《Geoforum》2005,36(2):137-148
Geography is fundamentally a non-reductionist and holistic discipline. While we tend to focus on particular areas (Physical, Human, etc.), or we focus on specific successes (Quaternary studies for example) this paper argues that selling Geography though emphasizing these specific areas or strengths misses a major potential contribution our discipline can make. While most sciences have become reductionist over the last two centuries, they have recently discovered that the Earth is a “complex system” with “emergent” properties that cannot be explained through understanding the components parts individually. Many of these sciences are now contributing to a major effort called Earth System Science, an integrative super-discipline that accepts that biophysical sciences and social sciences are equally important in any attempts to understand the state, and future of the Earth System. This paper argues that the development of Earth System Sciences is a risk for Geography since it is, in effect, Geography with few Geographers. While representing a threat, the development of Earth System Science is also an opportunity. I argue that Geography could be a lead discipline among the other biophysical and social sciences that are now building Earth System Science to address key problems within the Earth System. While I am optimistic about the potential of Geography to take this leadership role, I am pessimistic about the likelihood that we will. I provide suggestions on how we might take on the leadership of Earth System Science including individual engagement and a refinement of tertiary training of some Geography students.  相似文献   

Given that the fixed air traffic operation system and functions are difficult to adapt to the great changes of air route structure and airspace demand, the airspace resource allocation is undergoing an evolution from static to flexible and dynamic so as to effectively solve the contradiction between airspace capacity and actual demand. In this process, the dependence on spatiotemporal continuous data is gradually strengthened. This article reviewed the relevant national and international research, and found that from the multi-dimensional expression of basic elements to the feature analysis of specific airspace units, airspace resource allocation deepens and expands in a real-time direction and presents a new mechanism. A series of high density air traffic flow identification methods are developed by introducing time parameters and combined with the flight path model to form a distinct dynamic characteristic. Related applications and practice reflect the structural revolution of airspace resource allocation and promote the solution of practical problems such as airspace congestion and resource allocation. The research and practice of dynamic airspace resource allocation outside China have positive reference significance to our country. However, when simultaneously coping with the hoisting of airside capability and the change of multi-dimensional parameters, we still face the challenges of period-segment matching, micro-macro combination, terminal airspace-air route docking and airspace-land area integration. In the future, geography should further integrate the unique advantages of spatiotemporal interaction and construct a brand-new overall mobile chain of various airspace-land scales to carry out research work deeply.  相似文献   

Leslie W. Hepple 《Geoforum》2008,39(4):1530-1541
Geography has had only limited interchange with the American philosophical tradition of pragmatism. This paper claims that a closer engagement with pragmatism has much to offer to geography, not least in providing an arena within which very different types of geographical inquiry - qualitative and quantitative, human and physical - may find some common ground for useful conversation and debate. However, this will only be fully achieved if geography embarks on a threefold engagement with pragmatism: (1) studies that develop and deploy specific pragmatist ideas and concepts within particular geographical research; (2) studies that attempt to relate geographical research to the wider arena of the pragmatic tradition; (3) historical examination of early links between pragmatism, social science and geography. The history and contemporary revival of pragmatism is described, together with its impacts on social theory and social science. The existing literature on geographical engagement with pragmatism is then examined, and it is argued that there is a much broader relevance within both human and physical geography, not linked to particular styles of research. The question of the history of earlier influences of pragmatism on American geography is then raised, and some linkages charted. The philosopher Hilary Putnam has used the term ‘pragmatist enlightenment’ to describe what he sees as the promise of pragmatism, and the paper concludes by suggesting that this also promises an exciting and fruitful engagement for geography.  相似文献   

The ‘era of interdisciplinarity’ heralds collaborative inquiry as effective for addressing complex issues at the nexus of disciplinary interests. Geographers have long argued that they are particularly well-suited to contribute to interdisciplinary endeavors because of the breadth and depth that the discipline enfolds. However, within the literature about geography and interdisciplinarity, we find only two rather limiting conversations. The first conversation is concerned with the role(s) and position of geography within academia and focuses on what geographers can do to distinguish themselves while also improving their interactions with scholars from other disciplines. The second conversation largely revolves around how best to conduct interdisciplinarity ‘in the lab and classroom’ and focuses on practical issues associated with making collaborative research operate smoothly for multiple, disciplinary participants. We propose opening up intellectual space for a third conversation about the benefits, challenges and contributions of individual disciplines in interdisciplinary environments. Using survey data, we analyze how geography was perceived by collaborators from various disciplines in an interdisciplinary Urban Ecology program at the University of Washington. We offer this pilot study as a heuristic for others wishing to perform similar small-scale reflexive exercises and advance this “third conversation”.  相似文献   

Geography (or geographers) and earth system science   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ron Johnston 《Geoforum》2006,37(1):7-11
A response to Pitman’s recent arguments regarding a perceived invasion of geographers’ territory within the academic division of labour by earth system science. Geography is not the grand synthesiser, the only discipline which can explain the big picture, and arrogant claims that it is are counter-productive, both within and outwith the discipline. Geographers should just get on with what they are doing—well.  相似文献   

Gunhild Setten   《Geoforum》2008,39(3):1097-1104
Since the turn of the millennium, human geography has witnessed the publishing of an increasing number encyclopaedias and dictionaries as well as books under the headings of “handbooks”, “readers” and “companions” to different fields within the discipline. In the present paper, I take as a point of departure this encyclopaedic “frenzy” in order to speculate on the works and values of a long-standing and authoritative geographical companion, The Dictionary of Human Geography (DHG) [Johnston, R.J., Gregory, D., Haggett, P., Smith, D.M., Stoddart, D.R. (Eds.), 1981. The Dictionary of Human Geography. Blackwell, Oxford; Johnston, R.J., Gregory, D., Smith, D.M. (Eds.), 1986a. The Dictionary of Human Geography, second ed. Blackwell, Oxford; Johnston, R.J., Gregory, D., Smith, D.M. (Eds.), 1994. The Dictionary of Human Geography, third ed. Blackwell, Oxford; Johnston, R.J., Gregory, D., Pratt, G., Watts, M. (Eds.), 2000a. The Dictionary of Human Geography, fourth ed. Blackwell, Oxford]. Apart from being subject to regular book reviews, the DHG has escaped attention from geographers critically engaged in debating the works of the discipline. It is argued here that this is due to the fact that the DHG appears to have established itself as an apparently objective recording of human geographers’ myriad of interests. The DHG is, however, a product of complex webs of subjective, situated concerns and thus a version of the discipline deserving of debate.  相似文献   

Owain Jones 《Geoforum》2008,39(4):1600-1612
This paper draws out linkages between non-representational theory (NRT) and pragmatism. In doing so it sets NRT in a much wider, historical anti-representational movement. This should add momentum to its progress, and open up the considerable pragmatist and neo-pragmatist heritage as a resource for dealing with questions about methods, politics and ethics that NRT raises. Firstly I outline pragmatism and NRT to ground the discussion. Secondly the convergences between pragmatism, poststructuralism and the later work of Wittgenstein are considered. After that I go through a series of working principles which can underpin what is being termed anti-representational theory. These include; the primacy of life and action, pluralism, materiality/spatiality/temporality/relationality, anti-essentialism, creativity, collectivity, fallibilism, and disorder in method. I conclude by considering anti-representational knowledge production through radical incrementalism underpinned by witness and narrative.  相似文献   

Interdisciplinarity is a notoriously difficult concept to define, and even harder to achieve in practice. All too often social approaches reduce science to an object of study, or conversely physical science approaches are invoked as a source of ‘higher’ truth. Drawing upon our experiences as ESRC-NERC PhD students within geography, we outline a paratactical approach that links disciplines by adjacency rather than hierarchy. Toppling the disciplinary hierarchy creates the potential for non-reductionistic dialogue between science and social science, but it also raises a series of practical difficulties. These are considered around the themes of polyvocality, breadth over depth and (im)permanence. We suggest that while this kind of approach is increasingly encouraged by research funding bodies, it is less easily sustained within the everyday mechanics of the academic world.  相似文献   

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