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We analyze recently published nitrogen and hydrogen isotopic data to constrain the initial volatile abundances on Saturn's giant moon Titan. The nitrogen data are interpreted in terms of a model of non-thermal escape processes that lead to enhancement in the heavier isotope. We show that these data do not, in fact, strongly constrain the abundance of nitrogen present in Titan's early atmosphere, and that a wide range of initial atmospheric masses (all larger than the present value) can yield the measured enhancement. The enrichment in deuterated methane is now much better determined than it was when Pinto et al. (1986. Nature 319, 388-390) first proposed a photochemical mechanism to preferentially retain the deuterium. We develop a simple linear theory to provide a more reliable estimate of the relative dissociation rates of normal and deuterated methane. We utilize the improved data and models to compute initial methane reservoirs consistent with the observed enhancement. The result of this analysis agrees with an independent estimate for the initial methane abundance based solely on the present-day rate of photolysis and an assumption of steady state. This consistency in reservoir size is necessary but not sufficient to infer that methane photolysis has proceeded steadily over the age of the solar system to produce large quantities of less volatile organics. Our analysis indicates an epoch of early atmospheric escape of nitrogen, followed by a later addition of methane by outgassing from the interior. The results also suggest that Titan's volatile inventory came in part or largely from a circum-Saturnian disk of material more reducing than the surrounding solar nebula. Many of the ambiguities inherent in the present analysis can be resolved through Cassini-Huygens data and a program of laboratory studies on isotopic and molecular exchange processes. The value of, and interest in, the Cassini-Huygens data can be greatly enhanced if such a program were undertaken prior to the prime phase of the mission.  相似文献   

We have developed a new 3-dimensional climate model for Titan’s atmosphere, using the physics of the IPSL Titan 2-dimensional climate model with the current version of the LMDZ General Circulation Model dynamical core. Microphysics and photochemistry are still computed as zonal averages. This GCM covers altitudes from surface to 500 km altitude, with barotropic waves now being resolved and the diurnal cycle included. The boundary layer scheme has been changed, yielding a strong improvement in the tropospheric zonal wind profile modeled at Huygens descent position and season. The potential temperature profile is fairly consistent with Huygens observations in the lowest 10 km. The latitudinal profile of the near-surface temperature is close to observed values. The minimum of zonal wind observed by the Huygens probe just above the tropopause is also present in these simulations, and its origin is discussed by comparing solar heating and dynamical transport of energy. The stratospheric temperature and wind fields are consistent with our previous works. Compared to observations, the zonal wind peak is too weak (around 120 m/s) and too low (around 200 km). The temperature structures appear to be compressed in altitude, and depart strongly from observations in the upper stratosphere. These discrepancies are correlated, and most probably related to the altitude of the haze production. The model produces a detached haze layer located more than 150 km lower than observed by the Cassini instruments. This low production altitude is due to the current position of the GCM upper boundary. However, the temporal behaviour of the detached haze layer in the model may explain the seasonal differences observed between Cassini and Voyager 1. The waves present in the GCM are analyzed, together with their respective roles in the angular momentum budget. Though the role of the mean meridional circulation in momentum transport is similar to previous work, and the transport by barotropic waves is clearly seen in the stratosphere, a significant part of the transport at high latitudes is done all year long through low-frequency tropospheric waves that may be baroclinic waves.  相似文献   

Using Voyager results, we have made crude estimates of the rate at which Io loses volatiles by a variety of processes to the surrounding magnetosphere for both the current SO2-dominated atmosphere as well as hypothetical paleoatmospheres in which other gases, such as N2, may have been the dominant constituent. Loss rates are strongly influenced by the surface pressure on the night side, the relationship between the exobase and the Jovian magnetospheric boundary, the exospheric temperature, and the peak altitudes reached by volcanic plumes. Several mechanisms make significant contributions to the prodigious rate at which Io is currently losing volatiles. These include: interaction of the magnetospheric plasma with volcanic plume particles and the background atmosphere; sputtering of ices on the surface, if the nightside atmospheric pressure is low enough; and Jeans' escape of O, a dissociation product of SO2 gas. For paleoatmospheres, only the first two of these mechanisms would have been effective. However, they are capable of eliminating large amounts of N2 and other volatiles from Io over the satellite's lifetime. Io could have also lost large amounts of water over its lifetime due to the extensive recycling of water between its upper and lower crust, with the partial dissociation of water vapor in silicate magma chambers initiating this loss process. Significant amounts of water may also have been lost as a result of the interaction of the magnetospheric plasma with water ice particles in volcanic plumes. Once an SO2-dominated atmosphere becomes established, much water may have also been lost through the sputtering of surface water ice.  相似文献   

Ralph D. Lorenz 《Icarus》2002,156(1):176-183
General constraints on geyser phenomena are developed and applied to speculative methane geysers on Titan. Variation of boiling point with depth of ethane-methane-nitrogen fluids is found to be of order 0.3 K m−1, in contrast with around 2 K m−1 for water on Earth. It is found that geysers are possible on Titan but require enhancements of ∼100 above global-average geothermal heat flux, a factor similar to that required on Earth. Eruption velocities of order 25 m s−1 appear to be typical for 10-m-deep geyser vents on both Earth and Titan. While eruption velocities on Earth are usually limited by the low sound speed in water-steam mixtures, sound speeds in Titan fluids are higher and the Titan limit is imposed by the available energy in the boiling fluid. Eruption intervals should be nearly the same for geysers with equivalent plumbing. There is an interesting symmetry between geysers on Titan and those on Earth: The volatility of the relevant fluid scales with the available heat flow.  相似文献   

Titan is the only body, other than the Earth where liquid is present on the surface. In the present work we consider behavior of methane in the pores of Titan's regolith. Using numerical model we investigate quantitative conditions necessary for the onset of convection. We have found that the methane convection in Titan's regolith is possible. It can be expected in regions where the regolith has sufficiently high porosity, independently of the geothermal heat flux.  相似文献   

Benzene has recently been observed in the atmosphere of Jupiter, Saturn and also Titan. This compound is required as a precursor for larger aromatic species (PAHs) that may be part of aerosol particles. Several photochemical models have tried to reproduce the observed quantities of benzene in the atmospheres of Jupiter (both low- and high-latitudes regions), Saturn and Titan. In this present work, we have conducted a sensitivity study of benzene and PAHs formation, using similar photochemical schemes both for Titan and Jupiter (low-latitudes conditions). Two different photochemical schemes are used, for which the modeled composition fairly agrees with observational constraints, both for Jupiter and Titan. Some disagreements are specific to each atmospheric case, which may point to needed improvements, especially in kinetic data involved in the corresponding chemical cycles. The observed benzene mole fraction in Titan's stratosphere is reproduced by the model, but in the case of Jupiter, low-latitudes benzene abundance is only 3% of the observed column density, which may indicate a possible influence of latitudinal transport, since abundance of benzene is much higher in auroral regions. Though, the photochemical scheme of C6 compounds at temperature and pressure conditions of planetary atmospheres is still very uncertain. Several variations are therefore done on key reactions in benzene production. These variations show that benzene abundance is mainly sensitive to reactions that may affect the propargyl radical. The effect of aerosol production on hydrocarbons composition is also tested, as well as possible heterogenous recombination of atomic hydrogen in the case of Titan. PAHs are a major pathway for aerosol production in both models. The mass production profiles for aerosols are discussed for both Titan and Jupiter. Total production mass fluxes are roughly three times the one expected by observational constraints in both cases. Such comparative studies are useful to bring more constraints on photochemical models.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use a statistical thermodynamic approach to quantify the efficiency with which clathrates on the surface of Titan trap noble gases. We consider different values of the Ar, Kr, Xe, CH4, C2H6 and N2 abundances in the gas phase that may be representative of Titan's early atmosphere. We discuss the effect of the various parameters that are chosen to represent the interactions between the guest species and the ice cage in our calculations. We also discuss the results of varying the size of the clathrate cages. We show that the trapping efficiency of clathrates is high enough to significantly decrease the atmospheric concentrations of Xe and, to a lesser extent, of Kr, irrespective of the initial gas phase composition, provided that these clathrates are abundant enough on the surface of Titan. In contrast, we find that Ar is poorly trapped in clathrates and, as a consequence, that the atmospheric abundance of argon should remain almost constant. We conclude that the mechanism of trapping noble gases via clathration can explain the deficiency in primordial Xe and Kr observed in Titan's atmosphere by Huygens, but that this mechanism is not sufficient to explain the deficiency in Ar.  相似文献   

Two sensitivity experiments, in which CO2 is instantaneously doubled, have been performed with a general circulation model to determine the influence of the convective parametrization on simulated climate change. We have examined the spatial structure of changes in the annual mean and annual cycle for surface temperature and precipitation for both experiments; similarly we have examined changes in the variance for these two fields. We have also computed a range of test statistics in order to obtain reliable measures of the signal-to-noise ratio in the climate change signal from each experiment. We have computed test statistics for the entire globe and for five different region and we contrast the global response with the response in the Australian region taken as a representative sample.We find that the highest signal-to-noise ratios in the change from 1 * CO2 to 2 * CO2 are for the change in surface temperature for both experiments with little difference in the global averages between the experiments. Globally averaged precipitation shows a greater noise level but perhaps the greatest contrast between experiments. There are generally significant increases in the temporal and spatial variability of precipitation in the change from the 1 * CO2 to 2 * CO2 and with some differences apparent between the two experiments. The temporal variability of surface temperature does not change significantly in any of the 2 * CO2 cases, and there is little difference between the experiments. There is a significant decrease in the spatial variability of surface temperature in all 2 * CO2 experiments in all cases and with significant differences in the seasonal variations between different experiments. The spatial variability of precipitation increases in all 2 * CO2 cases and also with substantial differences in the seasonal variations between the experiments. There are accompanying significantly different spatial pattern correlations for both surface temperature and precipitation. In general we find that the global changes are fairly robust with the differences associated with convective parametrization schemes being very small. However, at the regional level, there are marked differences between experiments with changes both in the means and in the spatial and temporal variances but often with low levels of significance.  相似文献   

The first two swaths collected by Cassini's Titan Radar Mapper were obtained in October of 2004 (Ta) and February of 2005 (T3). The Ta swath provides evidence for cryovolcanic processes, the possible occurrence of fluvial channels and lakes, and some tectonic activity. The T3 swath has extensive areas of dunes and two large impact craters. We interpret the brightness variations in much of the swaths to result from roughness variations caused by fracturing and erosion of Titan's icy surface, with additional contributions from a combination of volume scattering and compositional variations. Despite the small amount of Titan mapped to date, the significant differences between the terrains of the two swaths suggest that Titan is geologically complex. The overall scarcity of impact craters provides evidence that the surface imaged to date is relatively young, with resurfacing by cryovolcanism, fluvial erosion, aeolian erosion, and likely atmospheric deposition of materials. Future radar swaths will help to further define the nature of and extent to which internal and external processes have shaped Titan's surface.  相似文献   

We model the thermal evolution of a subsurface ocean of aqueous ammonium sulfate inside Titan using a parameterized convection scheme. The cooling and crystallization of such an ocean depends on its heat flux balance, and is governed by the pressure-dependent melting temperatures at the top and bottom of the ocean. Using recent observations and previous experimental data, we present a nominal model which predicts the thickness of the ocean throughout the evolution of Titan; after 4.5 Ga we expect an aqueous ammonium sulfate ocean 56 km thick, overlain by a thick (176 km) heterogeneous crust of methane clathrate, ice I and ammonium sulfate. Underplating of the crust by ice I will give rise to compositional diapirs that are capable of rising through the crust and providing a mechanism for cryovolcanism at the surface. We have conducted a parameter space survey to account for possible variations in the nominal model, and find that for a wide range of plausible conditions, an ocean of aqueous ammonium sulfate can survive to the present day, which is consistent with the recent observations of Titan's spin state from Cassini radar data [Lorenz, R.D., Stiles, B.W., Kirk, R.L., Allison, M.D., del Marmo, P.P., Iess, L., Lunine, J.I., Ostro, S.J., Hensley, S., 2008. Science 319, 1649-1651].  相似文献   

The reaction of CN? with cyanoacetylene (HC3N), has been studied as a function of the HC3N pressure in a quadrupole tandem mass spectrometer. The mass spectra revealed the fast depletion of the CN? parent ion and formation of larger anions of rapidly growing size. Most of the ions observed were found to belong to two series of products: (HC3N)x·C2p+1N? and (HC3N)x·C2pN? resulting from the sequential additions of HC3N molecules and loss of HCN or HCCN molecules. The mechanism and energetics of the first two reaction steps are briefly discussed. The laboratory data are compared with those from the Cassini CAPS-ELS spectrometer. It is believed that the reactions observed could account for the growth of anions in Titan’s ionosphere.  相似文献   

The early evolution of Titan's atmosphere is expected to produce enrichment in the heavy isotopomers of CO, 13CO and C18O, relative to 12C16O. However, the original isotopic signatures may be altered by photochemical reactions. This paper explains why there is no isotopic enrichment in C in Titan's atmosphere, despite significant enrichment of heavy H, N, and O isotopes. We show that there is a rapid exchange of C atoms between the CH4 and CO reservoirs, mediated by the reaction 1CH2+*CO→1*CH2+CO, where *C is 13C. Based on recent laboratory measurements, we estimate the rate coefficient for this reaction to be 3.2×10−12 cm3 s−1 at the temperature appropriate for the upper atmosphere of Titan. We investigate the isotopic dilution of CO using the Caltech/JPL one-dimensional photochemical model of Titan. Our model suggests that the time constant for isotopic exchange through the above reaction is about 800 Myr, which is significantly shorter than the age of Titan, and therefore any original isotopic enhancement of 13C in CO may have been diluted by the exchange process. In addition, a plausible model for the evolution history of CO on Titan after the initial escape is proposed.  相似文献   

C. Sawyer 《Icarus》1984,57(1):135-139
The reciprocal of the surface-temperature gradient of the radiative imbalance, β, is a measure of stability, as well as sensitivity, of a global planetary model. Analysis in terms of β of M.H. Hart's ((1978), Icarus33, 23–29) evolutionary model shows how its insensitivity under present conditions and its near instability at earlier epochs are linked to the assumption of a highly reducing early atmosphere that absorbed strongly in the infrared.  相似文献   

Sediment transport by surficial flow likely occurs on Titan. Titan is thought to have a volatile cycle, such as on Earth and likely in the past on Mars, which would entail surficial liquid flow. And surficial flow is implied in interpretations of Cassini-Hyugens data as showing fluvial channels, which would require sediment transport by surficial flow to form the observable features. We present calculations from basic hydraulic formulae of sediment entrainment and transport by surficial flow. First, we describe the conditions for (non-cohesive) sediment entrainment by grain size through use of the Shields' threshold curve. We then calculate settling velocities by grain size to describe the type of sediment transport—washload, suspended load, or bedload—that would follow entrainment. These calculations allow derivation of required flow depths for sediment transport by grain size over a given slope. A technique to estimate required flow velocities and unit discharges is also presented. We show the results of these calculations for organic and water ice sediment movement by liquid methane flow under Titan gravity. For comparative purposes, plots for movement of quartz sediment by water on Earth and basalt sediment by water on Mars are also included. These results indicate that (non-cohesive) material would move more easily on Titan than on Earth or Mars. Terrestrial field observations suggest that coarse grain transport is enhanced by hyperconcentration of fine-grained sediment; and the apparent availability of organic (fine grained) sediment on Titan, in conjunction with the possibility of convection-driven rainstorms, may lead to hyperconcentrated flows. Thus, significant sediment transport may occur on Titan during individual overland flow events.  相似文献   

A list of volatile nitriles, not yet detected in the atmosphere of Titan, but likely to be present in this environment, has been selected: acetonitrile, propionitrile, acrylonitrile, crotononitrile, allyl cyanide, methacrylonitrile, and cyanopropyne. The spectra of these compounds in the gas phase have been systematically studied, in the mid- and far-infrared ranges. For each selected nitrile, the most intense vibration bands have been determined. Their strengths have been characterized by estimating the monochromatic absorption coefficient at the maximum(s) of the bands, and the integrated absorbance over the entire band. Then, in order to estimate the detectability of the selected compounds by infrared spectroscopy in the atmosphere of Titan, the data obtained have been extrapolated to the case of Titan.  相似文献   

D W Clarke  J P Ferris 《Icarus》1995,115(1):119-125
The quantum yield and reaction threshold for the photochemical dissociation of cyanoacetylene into a hydrogen atom and the cyanoethynyl radical have been determined. The quantum yield at 185 nm is approximately 0.09. The threshold is approximately 240 nm. Combination of this data with literature values shows that production of excited-state cyanoacetylene is the major primary process resulting from irradiation between 185 and 254 nm. Also determined are the relative rate constants for the abstraction of a hydrogen atom from hydrogen, methane, and ethane by the cyanoethynyl radical (k(H2):k(CH4):k(C2H6) = 1:9.3:63). Implications of these results for the proposal that hydrogen abstraction plays an important role in the conversion of methane to ethane and in the protection of unsaturated compounds from photoconsumption in the atmosphere of Titan are discussed.  相似文献   

Cassini radar images show a variety of fluvial channels on Titan's surface, often several hundreds of kilometers in length. Some (predominantly at low- and mid-latitude) are radar-bright and braided, resembling desert washes where fines have been removed by energetic surface liquid flow, presumably from methane rainstorms. Others (predominantly at high latitudes) are radar-dark and meandering and drain into or connect polar lakes, suggesting slower-moving flow depositing fine-grained sediments. A third type, seen predominantly at mid- and high latitudes, have radar brightness patterns indicating topographic incision, with valley widths of up to 3 km across and depth of several hundred meters. These observations show that fluvial activity occurs at least occasionally at all latitudes, not only at the Huygens landing site, and can produce channels much larger in scale than those observed there. The areas in which channels are prominent so far amount to about 1% of Titan's surface, of which only a fraction is actually occupied by channels. The corresponding global sediment volume inferred is not enough to account for the extensive sand seas. Channels observed so far have a consistent large-scale flow pattern, tending to flow polewards and eastwards.  相似文献   

Possible trajectories of passive balloons in Titan's troposphere are simulated with the instantaneous wind field predicted by a GCM (general circulation model). In most areas the basic motion of a balloon is a predominantly eastward or westward drift, depending on altitude, latitude and season of the balloon release point. Some meridional oscillation is always superposed on this basic motion, resulting in a wavy trajectory, with a maximum extent (of 40°) at high latitudes of the winter hemisphere. As a general rule, the meridional oscillation can be maximised if a balloon is deployed in altitudes and latitudes where the mean zonal wind is eastward and smaller than the phase speed of Saturn's gravitational tide on Titan. A balloon's groundtrack does not repeat as it makes successive circuits around Titan, but rather makes a spiral or braided pattern. The summer pole is rather difficult to access for a balloon not directly introduced there because of small meridional oscillation, while the winter pole can be readily accessed and left several times. A preferred zonal drift direction can be achieved by choosing a proper altitude and hemisphere, but choosing a preferred meridional direction is not possible.  相似文献   

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