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Using a single drop experiment, the uptake of NO3 radicals on aqueous solutions of the dye Alizarin Red S and NaCl was measured at 293 K. Uptake coefficients in the range (1.7–3.1) ⋅ 10− 3 were measured on Alizarin Red S solutions. The uptake coefficients measured on NaCl solutions were in the range of (1.1–2.0) ⋅ 10−3 depending on the salt concentration. Both experiments lead to a consistent result for the mass accommodation coefficient of αNO3 = (4.2− 1.7+2.2)⋅ 10−3. The product H(Dl kClII)0.5 for the NO3 radical was determined to be (1.9 ± 0.2) M atm− 1 cm s−0.5 M−0.5 s−0.5 by fitting the uptake data for the NaCl solutions to the so-called resistance model. The yield of the chemical NO3 radical source was characterized using UV-VIS and FT-IR spectroscopy. The amount of gas-phase NO3 radicals measured at elevated humidities was less than expected. Instead, a rise of the gas-phase HNO3 concentration was found indicating a conversion of gas-phase NO3 radicals to gas-phase HNO3 on the moist reactor walls.  相似文献   

A simple kinetic mechanism of nitrate radicals uptake on dry sea-salt NaCl, NaBr surfaces is proposed. The mechanism includes adsorption/desorption equilibrium and unimolecular decomposition of the adsorbed complex: NO3(g) + NaX(s) (NO3-NaX)(s); (NO3-NaX)(s) NaNO3 + X(s) Two techniques were used: the matrix isolation ESR and mass spectrometry. The uptake coefficient () is found to be dependent on exposure time of salt to NO3 for raw coating. The initial (t0) is higher than the observable steady-state obs. At room temperature obs is independent of [NO3] at low [NO3] = 3 × 109 - 1011 cm-3, but it is inversely proportional to [NO3] at concentrations higher than 1012 cm-3. At temperatures above 100 °C, obs becomes independent of [NO3] in a wider range of [NO3]. An increased number of dislocations is supposed to exist in the case of raw coating. Due to a wide spread of the surface sites binding energy with the ionic lattice near dislocations, the part of surface complexes has lower binding energy and "burns" more rapidly. That burning determines the transition from (t0) down to obs.The kinetic parameters and elementary rate coefficients are obtained. The recommended for low atmospheric NO3 concentration are in the range of 0.002 ± 0.04 for NaCl and 0.1-0.3 for NaBr depending on a mechanism of the (t) relaxation.  相似文献   

A multi-layer deposited ice film was prepared through water vapor deposition on a Ni plate in a vacuum chamber at 90 K, and was used as it was or after annealing at 140 K. NO2 was adsorbed as N2O4 approximately 90 K on the ice film prepared as above, and irradiated by 193 nm excimer laser light. The time-of-flight (TOF) spectra of the desorbed species, i.e., NO2, NO, O2 and O, were measured by a quadrupole mass spectrometer. The photochemical process obeyed an one-photon process. The relative yields of the products and their TOF spectra were dependent on the preparation condition of the ice film and also varied with the continuation of the laser irradiation. From the ice film annealed at 140 K, NO2, NO and O2 were desorbed with an approximate ratio of 1:1:0.01. From the non-annealed film, the relative yield of NO2 was much smaller than that of NO. The TOF spectrum of NO from the non-annealed ice film consisted of distinctly different two components corresponding to the 1700 and 100 K translational temperature, respectively. The fast component was lost when additional ice was deposited on the adsorbed N2O4. NO was supposed to be a predissociation product from the electronically excited NO2 prepared through the photodissociation of N2O4.  相似文献   

We use a global atmospheric chemistry transport model to study the possible influence of aqueous phase reactions of peroxynitric acid (HNO4) on the concentrations and budgets of NOx, SOx, O3 and H2O2. Laboratory studies have shown that the aqueous reaction of HNO4aq withHSO 3aq, and the uni-molecular decomposition of the NO4 anion to form NO2 (nitrite) occur on a time scale of about a second. Despite a substantial contribution of the reaction of HSO 3aq with HNO4aq to the overall in-cloud conversion of SO2 to SO4 2–, a simultaneous decrease of other oxidants (most notably H2O2) more than compensated the increase in SO4 2– production. The strongest influence of heterogeneous HNO4 chemistry was found in the boundary layer, where calculated monthly average ozone concentrations were reduced between 2% to 10% andchanges of H2O2 between –20% to +10%compared to a simulation which ignores this reaction. Furthermore, SO2 was increased by 10% to 20% and SO4 2–depleted by up to 10%. Since the resolution of our global model does not enable a detailed comparison with measurements in polluted regions, it is not possible to verify whether considering heterogeneous HNO4 reactions results in a substantial improvement of atmospheric chemistry transport models. However, the conversion of HNO4 in the aqueous phase seems to be efficient enough to warrant further laboratory investigations and more detailed model studies on this topic.  相似文献   

We present here experimental determinations of mass accommodation coefficients using a low pressure tube reactor in which monodispersed droplets, generated by a vibrating orifice, are brought into contact with known amounts of trace gases. The uptake of the gases and the accommodation coefficient are determined by chemical analysis of the aqueous phase.We report in this article measurements of exp=(6.0±0.8)×10–2 at 298 K and with a total pressure of 38 Torr for SO2, (5.0±1.0)×10–2 at 297 K and total pressure of 52 Torr for HNO3, (1.5±0.6)×10–3 at 298 K and total pressure of 50 Torr for NO2, (2.4±1.0)×10–2 at 290 K and total pressure of 70 Torr for NH3.These values are corrected for mass transport limitations in the gas phase leading to =(1.3±0.1)×10–1 (298 K) for SO2, (1.1±0.1)×10–1 (298 K) for HNO3, (9.7±0.9)×10–2 (290 K) for NH3, (1.5±0.8)×10–3 (298 K) for NO2 but this last value should not be considered as the true value of for NO2 because of possible chemical interferences.Results are discussed in terms of experimental conditions which determine the presence of limitations on the mass transport rates of gaseous species into an aqueous phase, which permits the correction of the experimental values.  相似文献   

The pK 1 * and pK 2 * of H2SO3 have been determined in NaCl solutions as a function of ionic strength (0.1 to 6 m) and temperature (5 and 25 °C). The extrapolated values in water were found to be in good agreement with literature data. The experimental results have been used to determine the Pitzer interaction parameters for SO2, HSO 3 - and SO 3 - in NaCl solutions. The resultant parameters for NaHSO3 and Na2SO3 were found to be in reasonable agreement with the values for NaHSO4 and Na2SO4. It, thus, seems reasonable to assume that the interactions of Mg2+ and Ca2+ with HSO 3 - and SO 3 - can be estimated from the values with HSO 4 - and SO 4 - until experimental values are available. Measurements of pK 1 * and pK 2 * in artificial seawater were found to be in good agreement with the calculated values using the derived Pitzer parameters. It is, thus, possible to make reasonable estimates of the activity coefficients of HSO 3 - and SO 3 - ions and pK 1 * and pK 2 * for the ionization of H2SO3 in marine aerosols.  相似文献   

In a nighttime system and under relatively dry conditions (about 15 ppm H2O), the reaction mixture of NO2, O3, and NH3 in purified air turns out to result in the formation of nitrous oxide (N2O). The experiments were performed in a continuous stirred flow reactor, in the concentration region of 0.02–2 ppm.N2O is thought to arise through the heterogeneous reaction of gaseous N2O5 and absorbed NH3 at the wall of the reaction vessel % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafeart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqaqpepeea0xe9qqVa0l% b9peea0lb9sq-JfrVkFHe9peea0dXdarVe0Fb9pgea0xa9pue9Fve9% Ffc8meGabaqaciGacaGaaeqabaWaaeaaeaaakeaatCvAUfKttLeary% qr1ngBPrgaiuaacqWFOaakcqWFobGtcqWFibasdaWgaaWcbaGae83m% amdabeaakiab-LcaPmaaBaaaleaacqWFHbqyaeqaaOGaey4kaSIaai% ikaiab-5eaonaaBaaaleaacqWFYaGmaeqaaOGae83ta80aaSbaaSqa% aiab-vda1aqabaGccaGGPaWaaSbaaSqaaiaadEgaaeqaaOGaeyOKH4% Qae8Nta40aaSbaaSqaaiab-jdaYaqabaGccqWFpbWtcqGHRaWkcqWF% ibascqWFobGtcqWFpbWtdaWgaaWcbaGae83mamdabeaakiabgUcaRi% ab-HeainaaBaaaleaacqWFYaGmaeqaaOGae83ta8eaaa!59AC!\[(NH_3 )_a + (N_2 O_5 )_g \to N_2 O + HNO_3 + H_2 O\]In principle, there is competition between this reaction and that of adsorbed H2O with N2O5, resulting in the formation of HNO3. At high water concentrations (RH>75%), no formation of N2O was found. Although the rate constant of adsorbed NH3 with gaseous N2O5 is much larger than that of the reaction of adsorbed H2O with gaseous N2O5, the significance of the observed N2O formation for the outside atmosphere is thought to be dependent on the adsorption properties of H2O and NH3 on a surface. A number of NH3 and H2O adsorption measurements on several materials are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous experiments in the 400–500 nm region (Coquart et al., 1995) have been extended to the 200–400 nm region to determine the absorption cross-sections of NO2 at 220 K. The NO2 and N2O4 cross-sections are obtained simultaneously from a calculation applied to the data resulting from measurements at low pressures. A comparison between the NO2 cross-sections at 220 K and at ambient temperature shows that the low temperature cross-sections are generally lower, except in the region of the absorption peaks. Comparisons are also made with previous data at temperature close to 220 K.  相似文献   

A basin-wide ocean general circulation model(OGCM) of the Pacific Ocean is employed to estimate the uptake and storage of anthropogenic CO 2 using two different simulation approaches.The simulation(named BIO) makes use of a carbon model with biological processes and full thermodynamic equations to calculate surface water partial pressure of CO 2,whereas the other simulation(named PTB) makes use of a perturbation approach to calculate surface water partial pressure of anthropogenic CO 2.The results from the two simulations agree well with the estimates based on observation data in most important aspects of the vertical distribution as well as the total inventory of anthropogenic carbon.The storage of anthropogenic carbon from BIO is closer to the observation-based estimate than that from PTB.The Revelle factor in 1994 obtained in BIO is generally larger than that obtained in PTB in the whole Pacific,except for the subtropical South Pacific.This,to large extent,leads to the difference in the surface anthropogenic CO 2 concentration between the two runs.The relative difference in the annual uptake between the two runs is almost constant during the integration processes after 1850.This is probably not caused by dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC),but rather by a factor independent of time.In both runs,the rate of change in anthropogenic CO 2 fluxes with time is consistent with the rate of change in the growth rate of atmospheric partial pressure of CO 2.  相似文献   

The photochemical oxidation of SO2 in the presence of NO and C3H6 was studied in a 18.2 liter pyrex reactor. When light intensity, irradiation time and SO2 concentration were constant, SO4 2- concentration, derived from the total volume of aerosol produced, peaked when [C3H6]/[NO] was approximately 6.0. Another increase im SO4 2- formation was reached at very high ratios (>50). The experimental observations are consistent with the two SO2 oxidation mechanisms. At low [C3H6]/[NO] ratios, the processes proceed via the HO–SO2 reaction, while at high ratios the O3–C3H6 adduct is assumed to oxidize SO2 to produce SO4 2- aerosols.  相似文献   

反硝化过程是维系闭合氮循环所必需的氮素形态转化环节。土壤反硝化过程速率及产物比的直接测定是研究氮循环过程机理的基础,但却是一个难题。为解决此难题,德国卡尔斯鲁厄技术研究所与中国科学院大气物理研究所最近合作新建了一套通过氦环境培养-气体同步直接测定土壤反硝化气体--氮气(N2)、氧化亚氮(N2O)、一氧化氮(NO)和二氧化碳(CO2)排放的系统和与之配套的三阶段培养方法。为检验该新建系统和配套方法测定土壤反硝化过程的准确性和可靠性,以华北地区广泛分布的盐碱地农田土壤(采自山西运城)为研究对象开展实验室培养试验,在初始可溶性有机碳(DOC)供应比较充足约300 mgC kg–1干土(d.s.)的条件下,测试了不同初始土壤硝态氮含量水平(10、100 mgN kg–1d.s.左右,分别表示为10N和100N)的反硝化气体和CO2排放过程。结果显示:100N的反硝化速率(定义为N2、N2O 和NO 排放速率之和)显著高于10N 处理(统计检验显著水平p<0.01);两个处理的反硝化产物均以N2为主(质量比分别占77%和75%),产物的NO/N2O摩尔比分别为1.2和1.5,N2O/N2摩尔比均为0.19;土壤反硝化气体动态排放速率及相关指标的测定结果表明,培养土壤中消失的硝态氮被回收81%~87%,培养前后的氮平衡率达92%~95%。因此,该新建方法测定土壤反硝化速率和产物比的结果具有很好的可靠性,为定量研究土壤反硝化过程提供了有效的直接测定手段。研究中检测到的土壤反硝化产物NO/N2O摩尔比大于1,不同于以往用液体培养基纯培养反硝化细菌得出的NO/N2O摩尔比远小于1的结论。这意味着,不能用NO/N2O摩尔比小于1与否来推断土壤排放的N2O和NO是主要来源于反硝化作用还是硝化作用。  相似文献   

The mass accommodation coefficient of ammonia gas on water has been determined by measuring the absorption rate of 50–200 ppm NH3 in one atm of air or helium into a liquid jet of 97 µm diameter as function of the exposed jet length, and comparing the results with numerical simulations which treat as the only free parameter. The model considers in detail transport of NH3 by molecular diffusion, penetration of the gas/water interface, hydrolysis in the acidified water, and transport of the solutes from the surface into the jet. A correction is applied for the time evolution of the jet surface speed, using literature data on the fluid mechanics of liquid jets. The result of nine sets of independent measurements is

The photodissociation coefficient of NO2, J NO 2, has been measured from a balloon platform in the stratosphere. Results from two balloon flights are reported. High Sun values of J NO 2 measured were 10.5±0.3 and 10.3±0.3×10-3 s-1 at 24 and 32 km respectively. The decrease in J NO 2 at sunset was monitored in both flights. The measurements are found to be in good agreement with calculations of J NO 2 using a simplified isotropic multiple scattering computer routine.  相似文献   

New laboratory measurements of NO2 absorption cross-sections have been performed between 300 and 500 nm at ambient temperature with improved experimental conditions: low gas pressures, long absorption paths, suitable absorbance values, narrow spectral bandwidths. The data, stored at 0.01 nm intervals, have been compared to those of the more recent studies and some reasons of disagreement are discussed.In the photolysis region below 400 nm, our absorption cross-sections are larger than those previously published, suggesting that the photodissociation coefficient calculated from the current data sets is underestimated. In the structured region of the spectrum above 400 nm, improvement of the resolution gives more precise values useful for optical measurements in atmosphere.Unité de Recherche Associée au CNRS.  相似文献   

A liquid jet of 90 m diameter and variable length has been utilized to determine absorption rates and, hence, mass accommodation coefficients , of atmospheric trace gases. The compounds investigated are HCl (0.01), HNO3 (0.01), N2O5 (0.005), peroxyacetyl nitrate (>0.001), and HONO (0.005). It is concluded that the absorption of these trace gases by liquid atmospheric water is not significantly retarded by interfacial mass transport. The strengths and limitations of the liquid jet technique for measuring mass accommodation coefficients are explored.  相似文献   

对临安大气本底站2003-2004年冬、夏季二氧化氮(NO2)、二氧化硫(SO2)、臭氧(O3)进行了分析.结果表明:冬季NO2和SO2平均体积分数分别为19.48×10-9和35.74 x10-9,而夏季的平均体积分数分别为4.81×10-9和8.12×10-9,冬季高于夏季;O3在夏季的平均体积分数为33.55×10-9,略高于冬季的25.44×10-9;夜间NO2和SO2体积分数比白天高,并且NO2呈明显的单峰单谷型分布,O3也呈单峰型但峰值出现在白天.NO2、SO2体积分数存在着明显的“假日效应”,假日比非假日低,周五高于假日和非假日;但O3体积分数没有明显的假日效应.降水对SO2有明显的清除作用,但对NO2的清除作用不明显.与风向对比发现,夏季高体积分数的NO2、SO2都受到NW、WNW风的影响,冬季则分别受NE和SW、SSW风的影响;而O3受风向的影响较复杂,与局地光化学反应有关.  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of stratospheric HO2 and NO2 concentrations were determined using matrix isolation and ESR. Up to 10 different samples per flight were collected in situ by a balloon borne cryosampler. Free radicals and trace constituents which are condensable at 68 K are trapped in a polycristalline H2O or D2O matrix. After collection, the samples are stored at a temperature below 83 K until they are analysed in the laboratory by X-band ESR spectroscopy at 4 K. The HO2 and NO2 were identified and calibrated by comparison with standard samples collected in the laboratory under typical stratospheric sampling conditions. From several flights over Southern France (44°N) we obtained two profiles of the stratospheric NO2 mixing ratio. One, from 21 October 1982, agrees well with previous measurements. The other, from 8 October 1981, is lower by one order of magnitude. The few HO2 data obtained around 35 km altitude agree with previous measurements. An isolated measurement at 17 km altitude is one order of magnitude higher than the model predicted HO2 concentration.  相似文献   

利用静态箱/气相色谱(GC)法,对华北平原冬小麦拔节-成熟期间麦田土壤CH4气体通量进行了测定,得出华北平原典型冬麦田土壤是大气CH4的弱吸收汇。试验期间土壤CH4通量存在明显的季节变化和日变化,麦田拔节-成熟期间土壤CH4通量日平均值为-18.3μg·m-2·h-1,波动范围为-4.3-24.4μg·m-2·h-1;在土壤CH4通量的日变化中,观测到麦田土壤在午间和夜间都有一个吸收峰,峰值出现的时间因生育期不同而有所不同。试验期间CH4通量日平均值与土壤温度关系不明显,而与土壤水分呈负相关(α=0.01);日变化中土壤CH4通量与地表温度的相关性较差,而与5cm地温相关密切。麦田拔节-成熟期间土壤CH4通量日平均值随NH4+-N施用量的增加呈递减规律,农田秸秆还田后不利于土壤对CH4的吸收。  相似文献   

A global ocean general circulation model (L30T63) is employed to study the uptake and distribution of anthropogenic CO2 in the ocean. A subgrid-scale mixing scheme called GM90 is used in the model. There are two main GM90 parameters including isopycnal diffusivity and skew (thickness) diffusivity. Sensitivities of the ocean circulation and the redistribution of dissolved anthropogenic CO2 to these two parameters are examined. Two runs estimate the global oceanic anthropogenic CO2 uptake to be 1.64 and 1.73 Pg C yr-1 for the 1990s, and that the global ocean contained 86.8 and 92.7 Pg C of anthropogenic CO2 at the end of 1994, respectively. Both the total inventory and uptake from our model are smaller than the data-based estimates. In this presentation, the vertical distributions of anthropogenic CO2 at three meridional sections are discussed and compared with the available data-based estimates. The inventory in the individual basins is also calculated. Use of large isopycnal diffusivity can generally improve the simulated results, including the exchange flux, the vertical distribution patterns, inventory, storage, etc. In terms of comparison of the vertical distributions and column inventory, we find that the total inventory in the Pacific Ocean obtained from our model is in good agreement with the data-based estimate, but a large difference exists in the Atlantic Ocean, particularly in the South Atlantic. The main reasons are weak vertical mixing and that our model generates small exchange fluxes of anthropogenic CO2 in the Southern Ocean. Improvement in the simulation of the vertical transport and sea ice in the Southern Ocean is important in future work.  相似文献   

基于典型城市站太原站2018年3月—2019年2月的大气CO2在线观测资料,利用筛分法(Meteorological filtering method, MET)和黑碳示踪法(Black Carbon tracer, BC)进行本底/非本底的筛分,得到了本底浓度的变化特征。结果表明,太原大气CO2浓度季均值冬季最高,夏季最低;不同季节呈“单峰型”日变化特征,日振幅均在26.0×10-6以上;4个季节CO2浓度与地面风速存在显著负相关关系;CO2浓度抬升区域主要受当地工业布局的影响,最大抬升幅度在秋季达17.4×10-6;使用气象筛分法(MET)得到年均本底浓度为(431.4±19.9)×10-6,人为排放等对其影响为23.5×10-6,年振幅比同纬度其它本底站大,为34.5×10-6;黑碳示踪法(BC)得到冬季季均本底浓度为(445.0±22.9)×10-6,比MET筛...  相似文献   

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