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青藏高原冻土沼泽湿地是中国三大沼泽湿地之一,但近年来,随着全球气候变暖和人类活动的共同影响,发育在该区的沼泽湿地由于冻土的融化而正在逐渐萎缩和消失,“中华水塔”三江源区的水平衡正在被打破。作者在分析了长江源区沼泽湿地退化的地质原因的基础上,预测了长江源区沼泽湿地在未来的发展演化趋势,提出了保护的措施和建议,以期为长江源区生态环境建设和国民经济可持续发展提供决策依据。  相似文献   

在RS和GIS技术支持下,以2013年Landsat-8和2014年GF-1卫星遥感影像为信息源,结合野外调查,辅以收集的研究区2007年全国生态地质环境调查成果相关资料(2000年ETM为数据源),开展青海省湿地资源遥感调查与动态监测对比分析。结果表明:青海省分布有湖泊、河流、沼泽和人工湿地4大类型,以沼泽湿地面积最大;2014年湿地总面积较2000年有大幅增加,湿地生态系统得到整体恢复并趋于良好。扩张原因主要是由于降水量的增加和人为干扰。  相似文献   

通过土地专题遥感信息提取方法的研究,采用分层剔除手段和掩膜技术实现了黄河源区土地覆盖/土地利用变化的多时相信息自动提取与高精度定量化。结果表明,源区20多年来沼泽湿地急剧减少,重度荒漠化土地以6.03%的年速率递增,至2000年时已增至1976年的4.44倍,沙漠面积由1976年的约60km~2扩展至2000年的140km~2。  相似文献   

河道湿地是流域生态系统中,位于水陆交错地带,关联陆地生态系统和水生生态系统的桥梁和纽带,对蓄水滞洪、净化水质和水土保持,以下维持生物多样性和生态平衡起重要的作用。本文采用1986、1996、2000、2006和2015年5期Landsat遥感影像数据对刘家峡以下黄河上游湿地进行湿地解译提取,并利用空间统计分析法、转移矩阵法和质心位置变化法对刘家峡以下黄河上游河段河道湿地演变规律以及驱动力因素进行研究。结果表明,1986-2015年,黄河上游河道湿地面积从17.3万hm2逐渐减少到12.2万hm2,减少了29.0%。研究区土地利用类型的转移主要发生在河流、裸滩、草本湿地与耕地的相互转化上。过去30年嫩滩湿地的变化幅度远大于老滩湿地,嫩滩湿地面积从1986年的15.46万hm2减少到2015年的10.41万hm2,减少了32.7%,嫩滩湿地演变规律为天生湿地型之间的相互演变,即河流-裸滩-沼泽湿地。而老滩湿地面积基本处在稳定状态,面积范围在1.84~2.28万hm2之间,具有天然湿地-人工湿地与天然湿地-农业用地的演变规律特征。水渠湿地、坑塘湿地和森林湿地质心位置变化较为突出,由单一类型动态度分析可知,研究区自然湿地萎缩、城镇化加速、河流水面面积减少加快。以上分析结果与研究区气温、水利水电工程、灌溉用水、凌汛期冰情以及城镇化程度均有关,与降雨量无明确关系。  相似文献   

山东省湿地类型及湿地环境地质问题分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
山东省湿地资源丰富,可分为自然湿地和人工湿地2类,自然湿地包括湖泊、海岸、沼泽、河口湾湿地,人工湿地主要为水稻田、水库、池塘湿地等,湿地面积约为1.71万km^2。该文分析研究了山东省的湿地环境地质问题,并提出了工程措施和非工程措施2种防治措施。  相似文献   

近50年来富锦湿地景观遥感与GIS的时空动态分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
湿地是重要的自然资源,但是由于自然和人为影响,湿地正在大面积的萎缩,导致功能和效益下降,并危及到区域的持续发展。本文以三江平原挠力河流域富锦(市)作为研究区域,以RS、GIS和Fragstats为技术手段,分析了自1954年以来沼泽湿地的空间和时间退缩过程及其驱动力,重建了自1954年以来的土地利用/土地覆被变化过程。结果表明,湿地面积由1954年的519.917.96hm2下降到105.008hm2,由占总面积的61.27%下降到12.39%,仅是原来面积的17.74%;而耕地面积由223 173.54hm2增加到597 156.25hm2,由占总面积的25.31%增加到70.45%。同时指,出人类的农垦活动是富锦沼泽湿地面积退缩的主要原因。  相似文献   

该文以沉积学、煤岩学和煤相学理论为指导,运用煤相划分参数分析煤相类型,结合宏观和微观煤岩特征,认为新疆准东煤田东部矿区成煤环境为相对干燥的森林沼泽,根据煤相参数的垂向变化,将研究区划分为3种煤相类型:干燥森林沼泽、湿地森林沼泽Ⅰ和湿地森林沼泽Ⅱ。单层煤沼泽类型一般下部为浅覆水森林沼泽或湿地森林沼泽,向上过渡为干燥森林沼泽,代表泥炭沼泽环境由潮湿逐渐变为干燥,覆水程度逐渐变浅,为全区的煤层对比、聚煤规律的认识等提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

2月2日,世界湿地日.今年的主题是"湿地与森林". 2010年8月25日至9月10日,炎陵县林业部门在开展全县湿地资源普查时,在桃源洞自然保护区内新发现了1.24万亩高山沼泽湿地.这也是湖南省第二次全省湿地调查的成果之一.  相似文献   

运用层次分析和全局主成分分析结合的综合统计评价模型(AHP-GPCA模型),以县域和流域为评价单元,以气温、降水、归一化差异植被指数(NDVI)、冰川密度、湿地密度、湖泊率、人口密度、荒漠化率等数据为评价指标基础,基于GS/GIS对20世纪70年代末期至2000年青藏高原生态环境变迁进行综合评价,并探讨了研究区生态环境...  相似文献   

本文选择黄河三角洲大汶流自然保护区为研究对象,以多时相遥感影像,对土地利用类型进行解译分析。同时,以平均低潮线作为分析基线,提取海岸线变化信息。结果表明:1996-2009年研究区面积净增13.35km2。各种土地利用类型中滩涂所占面积最大,养殖池所占比例最小,但增幅明显。芦苇地面积后期增长迅速,指示研究区生态环境趋向转好。自然因素(黄河来水来沙量)和人类活动(黄河调水调沙工程,湿地恢复工程,滩涂规模开发以及人类开垦造田)是研究区土地利用类型变化的直接驱动力。1976-2009年研究区海岸净造陆面积217.14km2,沙嘴变幅为29.2km。黄河入海水沙量和滨海区的海洋潮流条件共同影响着海岸线的变迁。  相似文献   

Large oilfields are often coincidentally located in major river deltas and wetlands, and potentially damage the structure, function and ecosystem service values of wetlands during oil exploration. In the present study, the effects of crude oil contamination during oil exploration on soil physical and chemical properties were investigated in marshes of the Momoge National Nature Reserve in Jilin Province, China. The concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbons in the marsh soil near the oil wells are significantly higher than those in the adjacent control marsh. Soil water contents in oil-contaminated marshes are negatively correlated with soil temperature and are significantly lower than those in the control area, especially in fall. Crude oil contamination significantly increases the soil pH up to 8.0, and reduces available phosphorus concentrations in the soil. The concentrations of total organic carbon are significantly different among sampling sites. Therefore, crude oil contamination could potentially alkalinize marsh soils, adversely affect soil fertility and physical properties, and cause deterioration of the marshes in the Momoge National Nature Reserve. Phyto-remediation by planting Calamagrostis angustifolia has the potential to simultaneously restore and remediate the petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated wetlands. Crude oil contamination affects the soil physical and chemical properties, so developing an effective restoration program in the Momoge wetland is neccesary.  相似文献   

极高海拔地区多为河流发源、冰川发育地,由于地形起伏强烈,且野外考察验证工作困难,传统的遥感信息提取方法很难保证该地区水体及冰川的提取精度。本文基于ASTER影像,运用面向对象的图像信息自动分析方法,对珠穆朗玛峰国家级自然保护区核心区的水体及冰川信息进行了提取研究。为保证信息提取的准确度,将数字高程模型(DEM)及其衍生数据(坡度、坡向),归一化植被指数(NDVI)数据,及有助于区分水体、冰川与其他地物的相关指数(冰雪指数NDSII)及波段运算结果(b1-b3)、(b3/b4)等,分别作为一个波段叠加到原始图像中,使之成为对目标地物光谱特征的有益补充。并对不同类型的水体及冰川进行多级、多尺度分割,以满足其对分割尺度的不同要求。分割完成后,综合考虑目标地物的光谱特征、纹理特征、空间结构特征,根据各特征指数的直方图信息,设定合适的阈值,建立了各水体及冰川类型信息提取的知识规则,并结合实地调查对信息提取的精度进行验证,改进了ASTER遥感影像自动快速提取极高海拔区水体及冰川信息的实用模型。  相似文献   

Incorporating private and working lands into protected area networks could mitigate the isolation state of protected areas(PAs) and improve the efficiency of conservation.But how to select patches of land for conservation is still a troublesome issue.In this study, the MaxEnt model and irreplaceability index were applied to guide marsh conservation in the Nenjiang River Basin, Northeast China.According to the high accuracy of the MaxEnt model predictions(i.e., the average AUC value = 0.933), the Wuyuer River and Zhalong marshes in the downstream reaches of Wuyuer River are the optimal habitat for the Red-crowned crane and migratory waterfowls.There are 22 marsh patches selected by the patch irreplaceability index for conservation, of which 12 patches had been included in the current network of protected areas.The other 10 patches of marsh(amounting to 1096 km~2) far from human disturbances with high NDVI(up to 0.8) and close distance to water(less than 100 m), which are excluded from the existing network of PAs, should be implemented conservation easement programs to improve the protection efficiency of conservation.Specifically, the marshes at Taha, Tangchi, and Lamadian should be given priority for conservation and restoration to reintroduce migratory waterfowls, as this would lessen the current isolation state of the Zhalong National Nature Reserve.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖南矶湿地国家级自然保护区内时常有烧荒事件发生,这对保护区生物多样性和区域生态环境造成一定影响,快速、便捷、准确地获取烧荒地信息是该区域环境管理的紧迫需求。本文针对2012年1月初鄱阳湖南矶山湿地发生的烧荒事件,采用环境与灾害监测预报小卫星影像数据,以鄱阳湖南矶湿地国家级自然保护区所在的新建县为研究区。以面向对象的遥感影像分析方法,通过对影像的多尺度分割,根据影像的光谱信息、空间特征、纹理特征等,构建烧荒地提取的规则集,对影像中的烧荒地信息进行提取,并利用混淆矩阵对信息提取结果进行精度检验。精度检验结果表明,烧荒信息提取的总体精度为99.38%,Kappa系数为0.89,证明面向对象的遥感信息提取方法可以有效、快速地提取烧荒地信息,避免了传统方法中的椒盐状破碎图斑的现象。  相似文献   

多源生态环境数据的科学组织与集成方法,对开展区域生态环境研究意义重大。本文以西藏珠穆朗玛峰国家级自然保护区为例,研究典型高原生态环境系统的数据特征和组织分类、数据模型构建、编码和元数据等有关数据集成的关键问题。设计了生态环境数据集成概念模型框架,从数据集分层组织、属性编码和元数据标准制定等多层面描述其基本语义结构,建立了珠峰自然保护区多源生态环境数据库。通过CASE工具Microsoft Visio2003建模和数据预处理,无缝集成FGDB(File Geodatabase)数据库中的生态环境专题信息;结合空间认知规则,并叠加要素类所表现的语义特征,实现面向数据集成分析的基本信息提取,乃至产生新的知识和规律。本文提出的珠峰自然保护区生态环境数据组织和集成方案,形成了一套初步可行的"数据集成-信息提取-知识发现"生态信息流映射机制,为区域生态环境研究提供了实用、可靠的数据基础保障。  相似文献   

依据江苏盐城国家珍禽自然保护区淤泥质潮滩湿地影像特征,快速提取高精度潮滩湿地地物信息对湿地生态保护具有重要的意义。本研究以2010年TM影像为数据源,针对海滨湿地植物覆被类型复杂,以及湿地植物类型之间的生态交错带信息难以识别等问题,综合运用植被NDVI指数、波段反射率特征、环境特征和生态条件,逐级分层分类及人工选取阈值等方法,较好地解决了淤泥质潮滩湿地分类问题。结果表明,与同一时期的监督分类相比较,在识别植被交错带植被覆被类型和零星分布的植被斑块的类型方面更具优势,分类精度有明显提高。通过ROI训练区,选取了3126个包括所有类型的样本进行精度检验,分类精度达到95.87%。该方法弥补了单一分类方法的不足,对快速、高精度地提取淤泥质潮滩地物类型具有重要的参考价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

Taking a typical inland wetland of Honghe National Nature Reserve (HNNR), Northeast China, as the study area, this paper studied the application of L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image in extracting eco-hydrological information of inland wetland. Landsat-5 TM and ALOS PALSAR HH backscatter images were first fused by using the wavelet-IHS method. Based on the fused image data, the classification method of support vector machines was used to map the wetland in the study area. The overall mapping accuracy is 77.5%. Then, the wet and dry aboveground biomass estimation models, including statistical models and a Rice Cloudy model, were established. Optimal parameters for the Rice Cloudy model were calculated in MATLAB by using the least squares method. Based on the validation results, it was found that the Rice Cloudy model produced higher accuracy for both wet and dry aboveground biomass estimation compared to the statistical models. Finally, subcanopy water boundary information was extracted from the HH backscatter image by threshold method. Compared to the actual water borderline result, the extracted result from L-band SAR image is reliable. In this paper, the HH-HV phase difference was proved to be valueless for extracting subcanopy water boundary information.  相似文献   

Wetland research has become a hot spot linking multiple disciplines presently. Wetland classification and mapping is the basis for wetland research. It is difficult to generate wetland data sets using traditional methods because of the low accessibility of wetlands, hence remote sensing data have become one of the primary data sources in wetland research. This paper presents a case study conducted at the core area of Honghe National Nature Reserve in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. In this study, three images generated by airship, from Thematic Mapper and from SPOT 5 were selected to produce wetland maps at three different wetland landscape levels. After assessing classification accuracies of the three maps, we compared the different wetland mapping results of 11 plant communities to the airship image, 6 plant ecotypes to the TM image and 9 landscape classifications to the SPOT 5 image. We discussed the different characteristics of the hierarchical ecosystem classifications based on the spatial scales of the different images. The results indicate that spatial scales of remote sensing data have an important link to the hierarchies of wetland plant ecosystems displayed on the wetland landscape maps. The richness of wetland landscape information derived from an image closely relates to its spatial resolution. This study can enrich the ecological classification methods and mapping techniques dealing with the spatial scales of different remote sensing images. With a better understanding of classification accuracies in mapping wetlands by using different scales of remote sensing data, we can make an appropriate approach for dealing with the scale issue of remote sensing images.  相似文献   

Mangrove forests provide valuable societal and ecological services and goods. However, they have been experiencing high annual rates of loss in many parts of the world. In order to evaluate a long-term wetland conservation strategy that compromises urban development with comprehensive wetland ecosystem management, remote sensing techniques were used to analyze the changing mangrove distribution in the Zhanjiang Mangrove Forest National Nature Reserve. Between 1991 and 2000, the mangrove area within the study region declined from 2 264.9 to 2 085.9 ha consistent with an annual decrease of 0.79%. However, there was an overall 34.3% increase in mangrove coverage from 2 085.9 to 2 801.8 ha between 2000 and 2011. Major causes of forest loss include local human pressures in the form of deforestation, conversion to agriculture, and natural forces such as erosion. The recent gain in mangrove forest cover is attributed to eff ective conservation management in the nature reserve area, including intensive mangrove plantation eff orts and increased local awareness of wetland conservation.  相似文献   

Tidal marshes are an important habitat and nursery area for fish. In the past few decades, rapid economic development in the coastal areas of China has led to the interruption and destruction of an increasing number of tidal marshes. The growing interest in tidal marsh restoration has increased the need to understand the relationship between geomorphological features and fish assemblages in the design of marsh restoration projects. We studied temporal variations in, and the effects of creek geomorphological features on, the estuarine tidal creek fish community. Using modified channel nets, we sampled fish monthly from March 2007 to February 2008 from seven tidal creeks along an intertidal channel system in Chongming Dongtan National Nature Reserve. Fourteen creek geomorphological variables were measured or derived to characterize intertidal creek geomorphological features. The Gobiidae, with 10 species, was the most species- rich family. The most abundant fish species were Liza affinis, Chelon haematocheilus, and Lateolabrax maculatus. The fish community was dominated by juvenile marine transients, which comprised about 80% of the total catch. The highest abundance offish occurred in June and July, and the highest biomass occurred in December. Canonical redundancy analyses demonstrated that depth, steepness, cross-sectional area, and volume significantly affected the fish species assemblage. L. affinis favored small creeks with high elevations. Synechogobius ommaturus, Acanthogobius luridus, and Carassius auratus preferred deep, steep creeks with a large cross-sectional area and volume. These findings indicate that the geomorphological features of tidal creeks should be considered in the conservation and sustainable management of fish species and in the restoration of salt marshes.  相似文献   

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