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对一基础隔震钢筋混凝土框架结构在无填充墙情况下进行了环境激励下的动力测试,重点利用Hilbert-Huang变换与随机减量技术相结合的方法识别了其模态参数,并与随机子空间识别法、有理分式多项式法识别的结果进行了对比.识别结果表明在环境激励下,基础隔震结构的基本周期远小于多遇和罕遇地震工况下设计计算的基本周期;等效黏滞阻尼比很小,近乎于基础固定模型.对隔震层阻尼特性的分析表明,环境激励下可以将基础隔震结构视为经典的比例阻尼系统.进一步以识别的模态参数为基准,采用优化的方法数值反演了环境激励下该结构隔震层的实际水平等效刚度,结果表明其值为多遇地震下计算刚度取值的10.75倍.  相似文献   

结构参数识别是结构抗震安全性能鉴定和健康诊断的基础,利用地震观测记录来识别结构模态参数,是地震工程领域备受关注的研究课题之一。本文利用实际结构的地震观测记录,对一维、多维和整体ARX模型三种模态参数识别方法进行了对比分析。结果表明:整体ARX模型对多自由度结构的模态参数识别较为稳定且精度较高;实际应用中多维ARX模型有时会导致丢失模态和虚假模态现象。  相似文献   

基于复模态的有限元模型修正算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对地下结构地震响应分析中无限地基辐射阻尼问题,引入复模态情况下的具有非简化的堆积阻尼矩阵的阻尼模型,并针对具有集中质量阵的阻尼模型提出了合并与质量有关的阻尼和堆积阻尼的思想,并据此提出了一种修正此类有限元模型的两步法,首先从复模态参数中提取实模态参数,采用基于模态残余力的识别算法修正刚度矩阵,然后根据复模态参数和已得的刚度矩阵来识别阻尼模型中的刚度参与系数和质量阻尼堆积阻尼联合矩阵。  相似文献   

阻尼连体结构地震响应影响参数研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
针对阻尼连体结构,采用串并联质点系层模型,沿连体设置方向施加El Centro1940地震波,讨论了毗邻结构自振周期比与连接体阻尼刚度变化对阻尼连体结构地震响应的影响。研究结果表明:毗邻结构自振周期比与连体阻尼刚度对结构的地震响应影响较大,存在一个使结构地震响应为最优的周期比与阻尼刚度值,为实际工程应用和研究提供一些参考。  相似文献   

To identify the model structure parameters in shaking table tests from seismic response, especially from timevarying response records, this paper presents a new methodology by combining the online recursive Adaptive Forgetting through Multiple Models(AFMM) and offline Auto-Regression with eXogenous variables(ARX) model. First, the AFMM is employed to detect whether the response of model structure is time-invariant or time-varying when subjected to strong motions. Second, if the response is time-invariant, the modal parameters are identifi ed from the entire response record, such as the acceleration time-history using the ARX model. If the response is time-varying, the acceleration record is divided into three segments according to the accurate time-varying points detected by AFMM, and parameters are identifi ed by only using the tail segment data, which is time-invariant and suited for analysis by the ARX model. Finally, the changes in dynamic properties due to various strong motions are obtained using the presented methodology. The feasibility and advantages of the method are demonstrated by identifying the modal parameters of a 12-story reinforced concrete(RC) frame structure in a shaking table test.  相似文献   

Many reinforced‐concrete frames collapse via a soft‐story mechanism during severe earthquakes. Such collapses are mainly attributed to concentrated deformation in a soft story. Deformation control is thus important in preventing collapse. The frame pin‐supported wall structure is a type of rocking structure that releases constraints at the bottom of the wall. Previous research has obtained good results for the deformation control of this type of structure. However, the interior forces and strength demands of the pin‐supported wall have not been systematically explored. In this paper, a distributed parameter model is developed to investigate the strength demand of the wall in a frame pin‐supported wall structure. In the model, the pin‐supported wall is simplified as a bending beam and the frame is simplified as a shear beam. The two beams are joined by distributed shear connectors, so that the shear force can be transferred at any location on the interface. The model can be solved using differential equations based on equilibrium and compatibility. The accuracy of the model is verified using SAP2000 (Computers and Structures Inc., Berkeley, CA, USA). Displacement distribution of the structure and distributions of the moment and shear force within the pin‐supported wall are obtained for two typical external force profiles. It is found that the pin‐supported wall can effectively reduce the drift concentration factor. Distributions of the displacement, moment, and shear force are closely correlated with the relative stiffness of the wall and frame. Finally, recommendations on the stiffness and strength of a pin‐supported wall are made. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper presents a model describing the evolution of the effective stiffness of a ‘mode’ of a structure subjected to an earthquake engaging it in its non-linear phase of behaviour. Such models are available in the literature; however, the proposed one allows the estimation of the effective stiffnesses both of the virgin state of the structure and of its ultimate state, even when the excitation considered does not act on an undamaged system nor leads it to ultimate conditions. Only the base input and the response at a significant location of the structure need to be known to apply the procedure. This is satisfactorily checked against the results of shaking table tests performed on masonry buildings.  相似文献   

一种高层框架振动分析新方法——修正的Holzer迭代法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于框架侧移柔度系数和等效侧移刚度提出了一种高层框架结构自振频率与振型计算的新方法——修正的Holzer迭代法,使之推广于弯曲型框架,并适用于梁柱任意刚度比情况,可考虑梁柱节点转动和柱的轴向变形,计算简单,精度良好,可供实用。  相似文献   

超高层结构地震剪力响应由振型分解反应谱法得到的结果经常不能满足规定的最小剪力系数要求。为此,文章简述剪力系数的概念和调整方法,以具有不同剪力系数的两个模型对比分析结构弹性、弹塑性地震响应差异,探讨剪力系数对超高层结构地震响应的影响。以通过强度和刚度调整使最小剪力系数满足规范要求的两个模型,分析不同调整方法引起的结构响应的合理性。结果表明:满足最小剪力系数的结构的弹性基底剪力大、层间位移角较小,结构的弹塑性位移响应也较小,受力状态优于不满足最小剪力系数的结构,安全性得到了提高。结构弹性倾覆力矩需求和弹塑性基底剪力按刚度调整大于按强度调整;结构弹塑性最大顶点位移和层间位移角响应相差不大,但出现刚度大,层间位移角也大的与抗震理论相悖的情况;在满足抗震要求的情况下,构件的受力状态则是按强度调整更优,构件截面更加经济合理。  相似文献   

不等高基础嵌固的山地掉层结构在地震作用中存在难以避免的扭转效应,合理控制参数的选择在扭转效应研究中至关重要。文中对山地掉层结构扭转效应研究中的基本控制参数进行了总结,介绍了刚心的不同定义,对比了不同定义的刚心对应的偏心率与掉层结构扭转效应的关系,并通过对系列山地掉层结构模型的数值模拟,讨论了扭转控制指标在山地掉层结构中的适用性。建议以“单一楼层刚度中心”定义的刚心对应的偏心率表征掉层结构的扭转效应,耦联周期比已不能作为反映结构扭转效应程度的指标,位移比限值在掉层结构的适用性有待进一步探讨。  相似文献   

为体现时变结构动力特性,定义随机冲击荷载作为时变结构输入激励,提出了基于连续小波变换的时变结构瞬时模态参数识别方法。在短时时变假定条件下,建立基于模局部极大值的连续小波变换时变参数识别原理,利用结构的输出响应进行瞬时模态参数识别,采用三自由度的时变结构体系进行数值模拟,该方法能够准确识别时变结构的瞬时模态参数值。通过设计具有质量参数可变的两层钢框架模型进行测试,验证了方法的有效性与可行性。  相似文献   

基于两阶段稳定图的随机子空间识别结构模态参数   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
基于振动的结构健康监测的前提是从振动测试信号中提取结构模态参数。随机子空间方法是近年来发展起来的一种线性系统辨识方法,可以有效地从环境激励的结构响应信号中提取结构模态参数。在随机子空间识别方法中,确定系统的阶数是该方法的关键工作,稳定图方法是一种比较新颖的确定系统阶次的方法。但是随机子空间方法容易产生虚假模态,这也是随机子空间方法的一个主要缺陷。因此针对于这一缺陷提出了一种基于两阶段稳定图的随机子空间识别结构模态参数方法,该方法的基本思想是将在现场采集的结构的输出信号进行分段,将各段信号用随机子空间结合稳定图进行识别,然后将所有各段所识别的模态参数再一次用稳定图方法进行分析,得出结构的模态参数。最后用一三跨连续梁的数值模型对该方法进行验证,结果表明该方法具有良好的识别效果。  相似文献   

本文结合及结构控制理论,建立起框架结构刚度优化模型及控制力与刚度的联合优化模型,最后得到刚度的优化分布规律.  相似文献   

Building period formulas in seismic design code are evaluated with over 800 apparent building periods from 191 building stations and 67 earthquake events. The evaluation is carried out with the formulas in ASCE 7‐05 for steel and RC moment‐resisting frames, shear wall buildings, braced frames, and other structural types. Qualitative comparison of measured periods and periods calculated from the code formulas shows that the formula for steel moment‐resisting frames generally predicts well the lower bound of the measured periods for all building heights. But the differences between the periods from code formula and measured periods of low‐ to‐medium rise buildings are relatively high. In addition, the periods of essential buildings designed with the importance factor are about 40% shorter than the periods of non‐essential buildings. The code formula for RC moment‐resisting frames describes well the lower bound of measured periods. The formula for braced frames accurately predicts the lower bound periods of low‐to‐medium rise buildings. The formula for shear wall buildings overestimates periods for all building heights. For buildings that are classified as other structural types, the measured building periods can be much shorter than the periods calculated with the code formula. Based on these observations, it is suggested to use Cr factor of 0.015 for shear walls and other structural types. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

汶川地震高烈度区城镇房屋震害简介   总被引:19,自引:7,他引:19  
汶川8.0级大地震宏观震中地震烈度高达X I度,造成大量房屋结构破坏和倒塌,本文介绍了极震区以及周边高烈度区内部分城镇房屋的典型震害,并给出这些城镇中砖混和底框架多层结构主要破坏等级的比例,同时对某些震害特征和相应的抗震问题进行了简要讨论。  相似文献   

支撑刚度对磁摩擦耗能减振体系的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在已有磁摩擦耗能减振体系振动台试验基础上,讨论了两类磁摩擦耗能减振体系支撑刚度的影响,揭示了支撑刚度对磁摩擦耗能装置减振效果的影响规律,给出了两类磁摩擦耗能装置在结构中发挥最佳减振效果时支撑刚度的取值范围.  相似文献   

高层隔震建筑设计中隔震支座受拉问题分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
高层建筑由于高宽比相对较大,倾覆效应明显,当采用隔震技术时,有可能使隔震支座出现拉应力,而通常使用的叠层橡胶隔震支座抗拉能力不强.因此,隔震支座受拉问题成为隔震技术在高层建筑中推广应用的主要障碍之一.本文提出了避免隔震支座受拉的上部结构布置原则及隔震层优化设计方法,并对目前隔震支座拉应力计算方法提出了改进建议.本文的研究工作可为工程设计提供借鉴,为隔震设计相关规范的修订提供依据.  相似文献   

基础动力刚度的精确数值解及集中参数模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
土-结构相互作用分析的关键是建立以土-结构界面定义的无限半空间的动力刚度矩阵。本文介绍了一种求解半无限地基动力刚度的新方法,通过两个算例验证了该方法的精度,并给出了一种利用频域刚性基础动力刚度计算基础时域荷载响应的实用方法,该研究为刚性基础设计提供了一种新的,可靠的理论方法。  相似文献   

Generally, forest transpiration models contain model parameters that cannot be measured independently and therefore are tuned to fit the model results to measurements. Only unique parameter estimates with high accuracy can be used for extrapolation in time or space. However, parameter identification problems may occur as a result of the properties of the data set. Time‐series of environmental conditions, which control the forest transpiration, may contain periods with redundant or coupled information, so called collinearity, and other combinations of conditions may be measured only with difficulty or incompletely. The aim of this study is to select environmental conditions that yield a unique parameter set of a canopy conductance model. The parameter identification method based on localization of information (PIMLI) was used to calculate the information content of every individual artificial transpiration measurement. It is concluded that every measurement has its own information with respect to a parameter. Independent criteria were assessed to localize the environmental conditions, which contain measurements with most information. These measurements were used in separate subdata sets to identify the parameters. The selected measurements do not overlap and the accuracies of the parameter estimates are maximized. Measurements that were not selected do not contain additional information that can be used to further maximize the parameter accuracy. Thereupon, the independent criteria were used to select eddy correlation measurements and parameters were identified with only the selected measurements. It is concluded that, for this forest and data set, PIMLI identifies a unique parameter set with high accuracy, whereas conventional calibrations on subdata sets give non‐unique parameter estimates. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper a parameter estimation algorithm is developed to estimate uncertain parameters in two dimensional shallow water flow models. Since in practice the open boundary conditions of these models are usually not known accurately, the uncertainty of these boundary conditions has to be taken into account to prevent that boundary errors are interpreted by the estimation procedure as parameter fluctuations. Therefore the open boundary conditions are embedded into a stochastic environment and a constant gain extended Kalman filter is employed to identify the state of the system. Defining a error functional that measures the differences between the filtered state of the system and the measurements, a quasi Newton method is employed to determine the minimum of this functional. To reduce the computational burden, the gradient of the criterium that is required using the quasi Newton method is determined by solving the adjoint system.  相似文献   

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