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Mineral magnetic methods of characterising glacial diamicts and their associated sediments are applied to deposits within the Manx Quaternary sequence. The possible advantages of these techniques over more traditional methods of sediment characterisation are outlined, and the results obtained in a pilot study are examined. Results show that both distinctions and similarities exist within the magnetic mineral assemblages of the four diamict units studied. The possible implications of these results for interpreting the Late Quaternary history of the Isle of Man and the future potential of the techniques are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

利用X射线衍射仪对28种国产香烟烟灰及其中的两种香烟(绿南京和云烟)的卷烟纸灰烬、烟丝以及过滤嘴中的矿物成分进行了研究.初步研究结果表明,香烟烟丝中含有一水草酸钙石,过滤嘴中不含任何矿物,烟灰中的矿物主要是方解石,此外还含有少量石英、钾盐、钾矾、石膏等矿物.这些矿物具有不同的来源:方解石来自卷烟纸,一水草酸钙石是烟叶生长期间自身合成的矿物,石膏是香烟燃烧过程中新形成的矿物.这些研究结果有可能为全面认识香烟致病机理提供一定的科学依据.  相似文献   

A suite of 6 m long Mackereth cores collected from Lough Catherine, Northern Ireland, form the basis of a study of sediment accumulation rates throughout the Holocene. A data set produced by measuring the magnetic susceptibility, artificially induced remanent magnetisations and density of the sediment was used to correlate the cores by means of a sequence slotting algorithm. The resulting sediment accumulation pattern was dated by reference to previous14C and palynological studies. The interpretation of the magnetic logs was complicated by the authigenic formation of the magnetic mineral greigite (Fe3S4) and by magnetite dissolution discovered during a period of low sediment accumulation between the end of the Lateglacial period (10,10014C years B.P.) and the elm decline (5,200 B.P.). More traditional methods of core analysis based on sediment density and also new palynological studies were used to correlate sections of the cores where the magnetic results were least amenable to core matching on account of low downcore variability and low accumulation rate. The accumulation rate, a direct indication of catchment denudation, has accelerated fivefold during the Holocene. The sediment accumulation rate has increased most dramatically since the elm decline at 5,200 B.P., reflecting the increasing degree of human disturbance.  相似文献   

Employing an average vertical sampling interval of 20 cm, oriented samples were collected from 26 m of the loess section at Liujiapo, near Xian, China in order to refine the existing magnetostratigraphic record. Palaeomagnetic results reveal two short reversed-polarity subzones within a profile of predominantly normally magnetised sediments, an interpretation that is at variance with previous results from this section and from other studies of Chinese loess. Investigation of sediment mineral-magnetic properties indicates a close correspondence between down-section variations in intensity of magnetisation, susceptibility and saturation isothermal Journal of Quaternary Science remanence (SIRM), and lithology. The ratios IRM-100mT/SIRM and SIRM/ susceptibility appear to be particularly sensitive indicators of the degree of soil development and hence of palaeoclimate.  相似文献   

The kinetics of iodide (I) and molecular iodine (I2) oxidation by the manganese oxide mineral birnessite (δ-MnO2) was investigated over the pH range 4.5-6.25. I oxidation to iodate proceeded as a two-step reaction through an I2 intermediate. The rate of the reaction varied with both pH and birnessite concentration, with faster oxidation occurring at lower pH and higher birnessite concentration. The disappearance of I from solution was first order with respect to I concentration, pH, and birnessite concentration, such that −d[I]/dt = k[I][H+][MnO2], where k, the third order rate constant, is equal to 1.08 ± 0.06 × 107 M−2 h−1. The data are consistent with the formation of an inner sphere I surface complex as the first step of the reaction, and the adsorption of I exhibited significant pH dependence. Both I2, and to a lesser extent, sorbed to birnessite. The results indicate that iodine transport in mildly acidic groundwater systems may not be conservative. Because of the higher adsorption of the oxidized I species I2 and , as well as the biophilic nature of I2, redox transformations of iodine must be taken into account when predicting I transport in aquifers and watersheds.  相似文献   

结合蓟县地区矿产分布特征,应用1∶20万自然重砂和1∶5万水系沉积物地球化学找矿方法,在蓟县地区金矿、钨矿、钼矿中进行区域找矿方法效果研究。研究其异常分布特征,发掘出了新的找矿信息。研究发现,所圈出的自然重砂和地球化学异常能直接指示相应地质体的含矿性,特定矿物组合的自然重砂异常和区域地球化学异常在某些区域分布上比较吻合,二者均具有找矿指示作用。  相似文献   

The chemical equilibrium model of et al. (1984) has been extended to include borate species. The model is based upon the semi-empirical equations of (1973) and coworkers and is valid to high ionic strength (≈14 m) and high borate concentration. Excellent agreement with the existing emf, isopiestic and solubility data in the system (Na-K-Ca-Mg-H-Cl-SO4-CO2-B(OH)4-H2O) is obtained. Calculated mineral solubilities are in general within 10% of their experimental values, even at high ionic strengths.

The model was applied to the multicomponent, high ionic strength (I ˜ 10) and high borate concentration (BT ˜ 0.5 m) Searles Lake evaporite deposit. Utilizing the chemical composition of the interstitial brine, the model predicts equilibrium between the brine and only those minerals which are known to be in contact with the brine. These calculations clearly demonstrate the applicability of the model to high ionic strength, high borate concentration natural waters.

The model was also utilized to calculate the mineral sequences which should result from evaporation of the major source of water for Searles Lake, the Owens River. The geochemical conditions necessary for the formation of the most recent mud and saline units are examined. The final results indicate that the mineral sequences found in the most recent saline unit in Searles Lake can be produced by evaporation of a water close in composition to present Owens River water, provided primary dolomite formation is delayed and back reaction between the Parting Mud and the Upper Salt is inhibited.  相似文献   

A geophysical survey routine is proposed to detect underground cavities and dolines; it is based on the sequential application of magnetic, low-frequency ground penetrating radar (GPR) and microgravity techniques. A case study near Zaragoza (Ebro valley, Spain) demonstrates the applicability of these methods. The strong contrast of magnetic and electromagnetic properties (and to a lesser scale, of density) between the doline filling and the surrounding stratified Tertiary and Quaternary rocks allows the shape of filled cavities to be clearly outlined by these methods.  相似文献   

Geochemical, magnetic mineral analyses and microfossils (radiolarians) are used to characterise a Holocene laminated sequence from the Alfonso Basin, northern Bay of La Paz, southern Gulf of California. In most cases, dark and light laminae show similar bulk chemical compositions and magnetic mineral properties. However, dark laminae contain relatively more terrigenous elements (Al, Si, Fe, K and Mg) supporting a pluvial origin related to the volcanic siliceous tuffs around the Bay of La Paz. In light laminae, calcium content is higher, representing biogenic input. The magnetic signal is dominated by low coercivity, fine‐grained low‐titanium titanomagnetites and magnetite. Hysteresis ratio parameters in domain state plots show that samples fall in the pseudo‐single domain field, indicating mixtures of single‐ and multi‐domain particles. Variations in hysteresis saturation magnetisation parameters for dark and light laminae reflect changes in relative mineral concentration. Results indicate a dominant volcanic source for magnetic minerals into the basin, associated with variable pluvial and/or aeolian transport. Low radiolarian abundance in dark laminae seems to be associated with larger penetration and longer residence time of oligotrophic subtropical waters into the bay that occurred during El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events. Light laminae are the result of episodic pulses of high productivity. We suggest that dark/light laminae result from oceanographic and climatic cyclic processes, with main terrigenous input variation possibly associated with ENSO forcing of pluvial influx, and/or latitudinal migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. The laminated sequence of the Alfonso Basin formed a non‐annual depositional system, in contrast to the varved sediments characteristic of the central Gulf of California basins. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

South India is one of the regions in the world that has the highest background radiation levels. In this region, river sediments are used in large quantities as building material. Therefore, the knowledge of the radionuclides distribution in such sediments is important for assessing their potential adverse effects on humans residing in buildings made of sediment material. For this goal, we focus on the determination of the natural radioactivity levels and magnetic properties in sediment samples collected from 33 locations along the southwestern Bharathapuzha river originating from the Anamalai hills. The sediment samples were subdivided into two categories according to particle size. It is observed that the average activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K in sediment samples varied greatly with granulometric and geological differences. The average values of 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K and its associated radiological hazard parameters for category II samples (particle size between 149 μm and 2 mm) were lower than category I sediment samples (bulk samples). Moreover, the average radionuclide activity concentrations (except for 40K) and the calculated radiation hazard parameters are higher in the lowland region compared to the highland and the midland regions. The mass-specific magnetic susceptibility values ranged widely along the river, as well as between physiographic regions, e.g., average values for category I sediment samples were 950.2 × 10?8, 351.1 × 10?8 and 131.8 × 10?8 m3 kg?1 (for high-, mid- and lowland regions, respectively). Differences between physiographic regions and sediment fractions from both radioactivity determinations and magnetic parameters were analyzed with statistical tests and multivariate analysis, which showed the advantages of using both independent techniques.  相似文献   

试论吉林省天然矿泉水资源及其价值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
滕继奎 《吉林地质》2001,20(3):50-53
吉林省天然矿泉水资源十分丰富 ,在全国占有重要地位。本文根据大量的实际资料 ,从理论上对矿泉水的形成机制和分布规律进行了探讨。同时从矿泉水的资源属性出发 ,对其价值问题提出了新的认识。  相似文献   

Mn2+(aq) oxidation as promoted by hematite in the presence of molecular oxygen has been studied as a function of hematite particle size. This system is a good candidate to serve as a test of the change of particle reactivity as a function of size due not only to its importance in Earth/environmental processes, but also because it involves electronic coupling between the hematite and adsorbed manganese. The properties of nanoscale hematite, including size quantization of the electronic structure and the relative proportions of terrace vs. edge/kink sites, are expected to change significantly with the particle size in this size range. Experimental results from this study suggest that the heterogeneous manganese oxidation rate is approximately one to one and a half orders of magnitude greater on hematite particles with an average diameter of 7.3 nm than with those having an average diameter of 37 nm, even when normalized to the surface areas of the particles. The acceleration of electron transfer rate for the reactions promoted by the smallest particles is rationalized in the framework of electron transfer theory. According to this theory, for a reaction such as heterogeneous Mn oxidation, the rate depends on three factors: the electronic coupling between initial and final electronic states, the substantial reorganization energy for solvent and coordinated ligands between initial and final states, and the free energy of reaction (corrected for work required to bring reactants together). The adsorbed Mn is electronically coupled with the solid during the electron transfer, and changes in the electronic structure of the solid would be expected to influence the rate. The Lewis base character of surface oxygen atoms increases as the electronic structure becomes quantized, which should allow increased coupling with adsorbed Mn. Finally, as demonstrated previously by in situ AFM observations, the reaction proceeds most readily at topographic features that distort the octahedral Mn2+ coordination environment. This has the effect of lowering the reorganization energy, which effectively controls the magnitude of the transition state barrier. Previous studies of <10 nm diameter hematite nanoparticles have demonstrated a decrease of symmetry in the average coordination environment of surface atoms, supporting the idea that smaller sizes should correspond to a decrease in reorganization energy.  相似文献   

Environmental magnetic and grain size measurements were carried out on sand samples collected from nine sand pits along a 20-km coastal stretch of Arnala Beach, North Maharashtra, India. This study sets out to identify the potential heavy (magnetite) mineral-rich sites in a dynamic coastal system and decipher their enrichment processes. Combination of rock-magnetic and grain size data of the sand pits mirrors the differential heavy mineral fluxes along the coast. Two distinct and well-separated bands of magnetite enrichments were identified. The upper magnetite band (UMB) is more pronounced and shows uniform magnetite enrichment representing the present-day beach erosional state. A well-separated lower magnetite band (LMB) had highest magnetite concentration at Vaitarna River mouth and depicts a strong decrease in magnetite content and clastic (mean) grain size away from the river mouth. This suggests that the NW–SE-directed coast-parallel sediment transport in the past played a major role in the formation of magnetite-rich layers of LMB. A non-enriched zone (NEZ) between UMB and LMB is magnetically weak and showed large variations in clastic grain sizes and possibly represents a period of sediment accretion. A strong correlation between magnetite concentration and magnetic grain size was found for all the sand pit samples, with highest magnetic susceptibility values being dominated by coarser magnetic grains. This relationship needs to be further exploited as a potential fingerprint to identify the heavy mineral lag deposits in coastal environments. Our study explores the potential of using environmental magnetism and sedimentological methods to identify the potential areas enriched in heavy (magnetic) minerals and explains the mechanism of their formation.  相似文献   

Iron-bearing olivine grains naturally altered by oxidation were examined in the transmission electron microscope to determine the precipitate phases and their crystallographic and morphological relationships to the host. Precipitate complexes heterogeneously nucleated on dislocations were composed of Si-rich, Mg-rich/Si-rich, and Fe-rich regions corresponding to - tridymite, enstatite, and magnetite and/or hematite, respectively. The tridymite and magnetite (hematite) occurred as rod-like interleaved fingers, while the enstatite was more equidimensional. The crystal orientations of the precipitate phases with respect to the host structure, listed in Table 2, were well defined, but, in general, could not be simply related to the close packing of oxygen planes. Iron-rich (001) planar precipitates occasionally nucleated homogeneously in the host as well as heterogeneously on dislocations. Oxygen diffusion does not appear to be the rate-controlling process for precipitate nucleation and growth as precipitation kinetics in fresh olivine oxidized at 900 ° C would indicate an oxygen diffusivity of 10–8 cm2/sec, a value 10 orders of magnitude faster than determined previously.  相似文献   

作为近年来爆炸式发展的方法模型,机器学习为地质找矿提供了新的思维和研究方法.本文探讨矿产预测研究的理论方法体系,总结机器学习在矿产预测领域的特征信息提取和信息综合集成两个方面的应用现状,并讨论机器学习在矿产资源定量预测领域面临的训练样本稀少且不均衡、模型训练中缺乏不确定性评估、缺少反哺研究、方法选择等困难和挑战.进一步...  相似文献   

We determined the rock types, the authigenic minerals, the paragenetic sequence, and the origin of dawsonite in pyroclastic rocks from the Yimin Formation of Beier Sag in the Hailar Basin, China. Dawsonite, a diagenetic mineral, is thought to result from a large influx of CO2 and, therefore, this system represents a natural analogue for in-situ mineral carbon storage. The studied host rocks are mainly tuffs/tuffaceous sandstones which now contain up to 70 vol% authigenic carbonates, including dawsonite, ankerite, and siderite. The initial alteration of the tuffs yielded minor siderite. Kaolinite, illite and mixed illite/smectite then formed as product phases. Dawsonite and quartz subsequently precipitated in response to CO2 influx apparently coupled to feldspar and perhaps kaolinte dissolution. Dawsonite reaches a maximum 25 vol% of the bulk rock. Mass balance suggests that this CO2 influx was coupled to the external import of sodium and export of SiO2. Ankerite and additional siderite precipitated during the late-stage alkaline diagenesis. The carbon isotope values of the dawsonite are in the range −4.1‰ to −2.2‰, indicating the magmatic origin of the CO2. Vitrinite reflectance and thermal gradient constraints suggest that the dawsonite at this location formed at a temperature of ∼75 °C.  相似文献   

The Differential Global Positioning System technique (DGPS) and an echo-sounding gear, both managed by a portable computer, were used on a small boat with the aim to perform rapid bathymetric surveys in shallow water in the still active volcanic area of the Panarea island. Preplanned routes were driven by a real time navigation software that allowed to perform several sections of the sea floor across the caldera in short time and high accuracy. Planar coordinates and depths were obtained with average accuracies of ±30cm and ±10cm respectively. Finally a Marine Digital Elevation Model (MDTM) was produced which allowed a detailed picture of the seafloor and showed the spatial distribution of the active gas ventings of this submarine volcanic area, located in the volcanic arc of the Aeolian islands (Southern Italy).  相似文献   

Sulfur K-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectra were recorded for experimental glasses of various compositions prepared at different oxygen fugacities (fO2) in one-atmosphere gas-mixing experiments at 1400 °C. This sample preparation method only results in measurable S concentrations under either relatively reduced (log fO2 < −9) or oxidised (log fO2 > −2) conditions. The XANES spectra of the reduced samples are characterised by an absorption edge crest at 2476.4 eV, typical of S2−. In addition, spectra of Fe-bearing compositions exhibit a pronounced absorption edge shoulder. Spectra for all the Fe-free samples are essentially identical, as are the spectra for the Fe-bearing compositions, despite significant compositional variability within each group. The presence of a sulfide phase, such as might exsolve on cooling, can be inferred from a pre-edge feature at 2470.5 eV.The XANES spectra of the oxidised samples are characterised by an intense transition at 2482.1 eV, typical of the sulfate anion SO42−. Sulfite (SO32−) has negligible solubility in silicate melts at low pressures. The previous identification of sulfite species in natural glass samples is attributed to an artefact of the analysis (photoreduction of S6+). S4+ does, however, occur unambiguously with S6+ in Fe-free and Fe-poor compositions prepared in equilibrium with CaSO4 at 4-16 kbar, and when buffered with Re/ReO2 at 10 kbar. Solubility of S4+ thus requires partial pressures of SO2 considerably in excess of 1 bar. A number of experiments were undertaken in an attempt to access intermediate fO2s more applicable to terrestrial volcanism. Although these were largely unsuccessful, S2− and S6+ were found to coexist in some samples that were not in equilibrium with the imposed fO2.The XANES spectra of natural olivine-hosted melt inclusions and submarine glasses representative of basalts at, or close to, sulfide saturation show mainly dissolved S2−, but with minor sulfate, and additionally a peak at 2469.5 eV, which, although presumably due to immiscible sulfide, is 1 eV lower than that typical of FeS. These sulfate and sulfide-related peaks disappear with homogenisation of the inclusions by heating to 1200 °C followed by rapid quenching, suggesting that both these features are a result of cooling under natural conditions. The presence of small amounts of sulfate in otherwise reduced basaltic magmas may be explained by the electron exchange reaction: S2− + 8Fe3+ = S6+ + 8Fe2+, which is expected to proceed strongly to the right with decreasing temperature. This reaction would explain why S2− and S6+ are frequently found together despite the very limited fO2 range over which they are thermodynamically predicted to coexist. The S XANES spectra of water-rich, highly oxidised, basaltic inclusions hosted in olivine from Etna and Stromboli confirm that nearly all S is dissolved as sulfate, explaining their relatively high S contents.  相似文献   

采用偏光显微镜薄片观察、电子探针及背散射图像、阴极发光等方法,分别对伟晶岩矿脉和顺层剪切带矿脉两种产出状态的云南麻栗坡祖母绿进行了系统的包裹体特征研究。结果表明,云南麻栗坡祖母绿具有产地特征的包裹体有黑色镁电气石、含钒的白云母、具有环带的钾长石、毒砂、镁质黑云母、白钨矿包裹体。伟晶岩脉和顺层剪切带中的祖母绿均含有钾长石、钠长石、电气石、萤石、祖母绿(绿柱石)、黑云母、榍石、磷灰石、黄铁矿、绿泥石、绿帘石包裹体。白云母、方解石、石英、锆石、毒砂、闪锌矿、方铅矿、透辉石仅出现在伟晶岩脉中的祖母绿包裹体中;而白钨矿仅出现在顺层剪切带中的祖母绿包裹体中。对云南不同产状祖母绿矿物包裹体的研究不仅对祖母绿的产地鉴定具有宝石学意义,也对揭示云南麻栗坡祖母绿的成因类型具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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