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Measurements of the stratospheric contents of O3 and NO2 in the Moscow region were used to analyze the anomalies of these species related to the sudden stratospheric warming in the winter and the following deformation of the stratospheric circumpolar vortex in early February 2010 and the latitudinal displacement of the vortex towards the European sector in late March 2011 before the final warming in the spring. In the first case, an increase in the O3 and NO2 contents up to 85% and by two times, respectively, was recorded. In the second case, the O3 content decreased by one-fourth and the NO2 content dropped by two times as compared to the average values for the periods that preceded the beginning of the anomalies.  相似文献   

Data obtained using different methods: paleontological, sedimentological, event stratigraphy and C-isotope chemostratigraphy of a unique succession of the Upper Ordovician and lower Silurian, located on the western slope of the Subpolar Urals, are presented in this work. The data obtained made it possible to revise some existing ideas about the texture of the Upper Ordovician succession and clarify the position of the Ordovician-Silurian boundary in the region. In addition, the Upper Ordovician Yaptiknyrd Formation was correlated with the synchronous formations in Scotland and Estonia.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - Rocks of Early Precambrian age have been established in many polymetamorphic complexes of the Urals. However, there is no doubt that only two polymetamorphic complexes...  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - In the gold placers of the Subpolar Urals, silver nuggets have been found for the first time. Galena, cassiterite, wolframite, cosalite, tetradymite, ferberite, cobaltine,...  相似文献   

The paper presents the lithological, mineralogical, and geochemical characteristics of the composition, structure, and organic matter of siderite nodules and host mudstones in the Lower Carboniferous (Tournaisian–Visean) siderite-bearing sequence exposed along the Kozhym River on the western slope of the Subpolar Urals. The obtained results revealed that organic matter in the mudstones is dominated by C16 and C18 n-alkanes, suggesting a significant microbial activity in the sedimentation environment. The formation of nodules was promoted by the activity of diverse bacterial communities, the abundance of which was related to processes of methanogenesis in bottom sediments owing to gaseous fluid seepages that promote the saturation of sediments with methane and the flourishment of bacterial colonies. Such processes in a marine basin led to the local freshening or some salinization of water and the development of euxinic setting and specific bacteria. Consequently, siderite nodules therein are marked by bacteriomorphic textures and specific authigenic mineralization (framboidal pyrite, sphalerite, galena, sulfoselenides, and tellurides). Bacteria utilized the substrate of the redeposited weathered crust, resulting in a large-scale formation of the nodular siderite.  相似文献   

The major economic types of vein quartz and rock crystals from the Subpolar Urals were studied using electron paramagnetic resonance. Quartz is characterized by widely variable concentrations of aluminum and germanium paramagnetic centers. The average values and ranges of these concentrations increase from older to younger generations of quartz. The lowest content of aluminum and germanium paramagnetic centers is typical of granulated and primary fine-grained quartz; in coarse-grained quartz and rock crystals, the content is much higher. According to the data obtained, granulated and primary fine-grained quartz should be regarded as a potentially high-quality raw material for glass melting, because these quartz varieties are distinguished by the lowest contents of alien structural centers. Once mineral impurities eliminated, high-quality quartz concentrate can be produced from this quartz.  相似文献   

Diplochone kozhimica n. sp. is described from deposits of Ludlow age in the northern Urals. One of the described specimens grew on the surface of a colony of Squameofavosites sp. The morphologic effects on the rugose coral include basal processes that extend into the tabulate corallites, a broad, enlarged base, and stereoplasmic thickening of skeletal elements. — W. A. Oliver, Jr..  相似文献   

A detailed study of the florencite and xenotime assemblage from quartz veins of Au-REE occurrences in the Subpolar Urals allowed the REE fractionation and distribution of REE mixtures in the crystal structure to be characterized. In minerals of selective composition, isomorphic mixtures of LREE and HREE are divided into lanthanum Lasg (La-Pr) and samarium Smsg (Nd-Eu) subgroups in florencite and gadolinium Gdsg (Gd-Dy) and ytterbium Ybsg (Ho-Lu) subgroups in xenotime. Concentrations of elements from these subgroups are inversely proportional to each other. Each florencite or xenotime crystal is characterized by several mineral varieties: xenotime-(Y) and Gd-bearing xenotime-(Y), florencite-(Sm), -(Nd), and -(Ce); they are selectively distributed by growth zones and pyramids of the crystal with formation of direct and inverse zoning. In both cases, cores of the crystals are enriched in HREE. The correlation between REEs, Y, and such trace elements as As, S, Ca, Sr, U, and Sc is established. REE deportment is considered in minerals formed as products of primary crystallization and hydrothermal redeposition. The REE fractionation is interpreted in terms of quantum mechanics.  相似文献   

Complex modern micro- and spectroscopic methods for study of siderite concretions in the Lower Carboniferous terrigenous strata on the Kozhym River (Subpolar Urals) have shown that its formation was caused by destruction of clay minerals due to the activity of bacterial communities. The abundance of these bacteria was caused by gas–fluid seeps and bacterial methanogenesis processes in bottom deposits. In basins with normal marine fauna, this led to local desalination, hydrogen sulfide contamination, mass collapse of primary organisms, and the development of element-specific bacteria. The occurrence of these bacteria caused the formation of specific authigenic mineralization in the concretion of sideritic bacteriolites: the framboidal pyrite, sphalerite, galenite, barite, sulfoselenides, and tellurides.  相似文献   

At the Zhelannoe quartz deposit, the content of monazite attains 0.5 wt % in unaltered sericitolite and 18 wt % in hydrothermally altered sericitolite. Two monazite generations, including four varieties, characterize the sequence of formation and alteration of sericitolite bodies at the Zhelannoe deposit. Monazite of the first generation occurs in unaltered sericitolite as prismatic and tabular crystals characterized by (Nd,Ce) > La and enrichment in HREEs and ThO2 (5–16 wt %). Its formation is accompanied crystallization of milk white quartz. Monazite of the second generation occurs in altered sericitolite as the product of recrystallization of the first-generation monazite. The large drusy crystals of second-generation monazite were formed similarly with Alpine-type veins. Monazite of the second generation is characterized by Ce > (La,Nd), low contents of HREEs and ThO2 (0.5–7 wt %) and high contents of CaO and SO3 (up to 3–5 wt %). Monazite of the second generation appeared as a result of local superimposed processes and is a characteristic feature of the Zhelannoe deposit.  相似文献   

To estimate the behavior of Au, Pd, REE, and Y in magmatic and postmagmatic processes, a series of experimental studies on the solubility of noble metals and REE in magma, magmatic fluid, and hydrothermal solutions has been performed in wide temperature and pressure ranges (300–400°C, 860–1350°C; 1–14 kbar). The coefficients of Au and Pd partitioning (D F/L) between fluid and tholeiitic melt have been determined. Depending on P, T, and the composition of the system, they vary from 1 to 11 for Au and 0.02 to 1 for Pd. The phase solubility technique was used to determine Au and Pd solubility in hydrothermal fluid. The effects of temperature, composition, and fluid acidity on Au and Pd solubility have been estimated. The high solubility of these metals in aqueous chloride solutions has been established for both Au (28–803 mg/kg at T = 300°C, 305–1123 mg/kg at T = 350°C, and 330–1400 mg/kg at T = 400°C) and Pd (40–126 mg/kg at T = 300°C, 62–152 mg/kg at T = 350°C, and 20–210 mg/kg at T = 400°C). The coefficients of REE and Y partitioning (D F/L) between fluid and tholeiitic or alkaline melts have been determined. They vary from 0.00n to 2 depending on P, T, and fluid composition. The experimental data on Au and Pd solubility in solutions and magmatic fluids and the wide variation of REE D F/L between fluid and melt show that magmatic and hydrothermal fluids are efficient agents of Au, Pd, and REE transfer and fractionation. The obtained experimental data were used for elucidating sources of fluids and their role in the genesis of Au-Pd-REE occurrences in the Subpolar Urals.  相似文献   

It is established that the boundary between the Kozhim (P1) and Kozhim Rudnik (P2) formations in the Kozhim River section is drawn inside a member, about 100 m thick, composed of six lithocycles of similar structure. They reveal a general upsection coarsening of clastic material and incorporate six to ten layers. Based on the analysis of repeating combinations of genetic parameters (granulometric composition, structures, taphocoenoses, and others), we have recognized and described seven units of complete ideal lithocycles in the studied section. Evidently, each cycle was produced by processes related to the accumulation and burial of deltaic fans. The geohistorical rank of the boundary between the Kozhim (P1) and Kozhim Rudnik (P2) formations is very low and does not fit any significant boundary of the evolution of depositional environment in paleobasin. The revealed surfaces of intraformational washouts and hiatuses, as well as the wide range of facies changes, which significantly controls the composition of organic remains, do not support the proposition to establish here the global stratotype point for the lower boundary of the Upper Permian.  相似文献   

Savchuk  Yu. S.  Volkov  A. V. 《Geotectonics》2020,54(6):771-784

The Central Ural uplift occupies the near-Vodorazdelnaya part of the Urals. It is composed of metaterrigenous and metavolcanogenic Riphean–Vendian formations. Distributed folds, which formed in several stages, and various tectonic faults are widespread. The study of these structures in the areas located in the Northern and Subpolar Urals showed their lateral and temporal variability, which was reflected in the difference in morphology and nature of faulting. In the Vodorazdelnaya area of the Northern Urals, as a result of thrust–fold deformations, a complex fold structure of the sequence was formed, subsequently broken by two submeridional subparallel faults into blocks. In the Khalmerya area of the Subpolar Urals, there are several tectonic blocks bounded by gently eastward dipping and overlapping tectonic blocks that form a duplex structure. This series of thrust structures created a complex cover structure contrasting in composition and degree of deformation. Later, a northeastern strike-slip fault zone arose. The orientation of early isoclinal folds in the rocks indicates pressure from the northeast, during the formation of tectonic scales and sheets in the Precambrian basement. Then this pressure occurred from the southeast and the Lower Paleozoic sediments were involved in the thrust process. Differences in the features of the formation of structures apparently depend on the morphology of the eastern margin of the East European platform and the change in the vector of displacement of the thrust sheet. The movement of the thrust sheets within the continental margin occurred along the main surface of the fault, with which the thrust structures are articulated at depth. At the final stages, extended strike-slip-upthrust zones were established, which affected the distribution of he gold mineralization.


To investigate the control on small-scale variation of He in soil gas exercised by minor fracturing, shallow surveys have been carried out over a cave system formed along an approximately orthogonal set of fractures in Devonian limestone in southwest England. The possibilities that He variation could be related to deep-seated, major fractures or hidden mineralisation, and that other soil gases may also be affected by minor fracturing were assessed by contemporary surveys for CO2 and O2. Comparisons of soil gas values with variations in electrical apparent resistivity were also carried out. Location of fractures with direct connection to the cave system was determined by spiking the cave atmosphere with He and then resurveying after equilibration.The results for CO2 and O2 show anomalies of low magnitude (with respect to atmospheric concentrations), and although they display an antithetic relationship, this is generally poor. There is also no strong correlation with the results of the He surveys either before or after spiking, or with the apparent resistivity values. Moreover, anomalies in CO2 + O2 do not support the pattern of variation shown by the individual gases. These negative results suggest the absence of deep-seated fractures or hidden mineralisation, and show that CO2 and O2 values are independent of minor fracturing. The origin of the variation is attributed to bacteriological productivity.He soil gas concentrations were obtained as disequilibrium values relative to Field Atmospheric Air (ΔHe/ppb-FAA). Positive ΔHe values were generally found to correlate with areas of thin, dry soil cover, enhancement occurring along fracture lines. Negative ΔHe values were also found to correlate with fracture lines, but in these areas the fractures are overlain by a thick soil cover with a high moisture content. It is considered that distinctions can be drawn between water-conducting and dry fractures, and that negative ΔHe values are likely only to be encountered with shallow soil gas samples. Results of spiking with He show a clear distribution of enhanced values along the set of orthogonal fractures, irrespective of the sign of the natural He anomaly. It is considered, therefore, that major deep-seated fractures may result in positive He anomalies superimposed upon negative ΔHe values. This implies that He anomalies must always be related to a local datum value. It is concluded that resolution of interacting variables in the interpretation of soil gas data is facilitated by integrated soil gas surveys.  相似文献   

Using satellite measurements from the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) and Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) version 8, this work presents the total column ozone (TCO) trends over Mexico and, in particular, over the state of Zacatecas. Interannual variations and their statistical dispersion show a surprisingly systematic behavior. Yearly low values occur during December and January, while high values between April and May. A significant depletion of about 2.5% in TCO between 1978 and 1994 is derived from their statistical analysis, which also shows stabilization from 1996 to 2013. Although the depletion is merely significant, it is a sign that the studied regions, crossed by the Tropic of Cancer, have not escaped to the depletion of the ozone layer. The characterization described herein is important in terms of the correlation of TCO and ultraviolet radiation levels.  相似文献   

K. Küppers  G. Klumpp 《GeoJournal》1988,17(2):271-275
Spruce clones were fumigated in greenhouses with ozone and sulfur dioxide singly and in combination for two growing seasons. At the end of the 15 months' experiment one-year-old needles showed decreased photosynthesis (70% of control) after single treatment with O3 and SO2, respectively, the combination O3/SO2 enhanced the effect (50% of control). Photosynthesis of current year needles was hardly influenced by fumigation, whereas respiration was stimulated especially by O3 alone and in combination with SO2. Exposure to O3 and O3/SO2 caused starch accumulation in one-year-old needles up to 200%, while levels of current year needles were nearly unaffected. Roots exhibited lowered starch contents in all the three fumigation treatments. A climatic chamber experiment with various combinations of O3, SO2, and NO2 revealed after 6 months reduction of photosynthesis, the three-component-application being most effective followed by O3/NO2. SO2/NO2 had little effect. The light compensation point was raised after fumigation with O3/NO2 and O3/SO2/NO2.  相似文献   

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