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俯冲带中的流体作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张泽明 《地学前缘》1996,3(3):104-104
俯冲带中的流体作用张泽明(中国地质大学,武汉,430074)俯冲大洋岩石圈主要由洋壳和上覆的沉积岩组成,这两种岩石都不同程度地含有大量流体。但经历了高压变质作用形成的高压蓝片岩或榴辉岩中所含流体极少。这说明在大洋岩石圈的俯冲过程中大量的流体被释放。...  相似文献   

俯冲带是地球上构造活动最复杂、最强烈的区域,也是地球物质循环系统的重要组成部分,对俯冲带的深入研究有助于加深我们对地球系统科学的认识。通过系统地梳理分析国内外相关文献,大洋岩石圈通过在汇聚板块边界的俯冲将大量水带入到地幔中,并对俯冲带地震的发生、地幔的熔融、岩浆的产生、陆壳的形成乃至矿产资源富集都起到了重要的控制作用。弧前隆起区的岩石圈地幔在顺断层渗透的深海水作用下发生强烈水化作用并形成水化地幔,是水富集在岩石圈的主要方式之一。随着俯冲板片深度的增加,在一定的温压条件下,水化地幔(蛇纹岩)发生脱水相变,引发俯冲带中源地震。脱出的水则由于运移的差异,既可以产生板内的水压致裂,也会影响俯冲界面的耦合,进而导致慢滑移地震区的形成。由此可见,俯冲带地区深海-岩石圈流体交换及其在深部的效应是一个包含化学反应-温度-流体流动-应力变形/破坏的多物理场耦合的复杂动力学系统。然而,目前的相关研究工作主要侧重于对其中某个因素、现象或者某个特定条件下具体过程的探索性观测分析研究。因此,我们需要从地球系统科学的角度出发,将流体运移、化学反应与传统的固体地球研究相结合,着眼于多学科交叉的多场耦合动力学综合研究,对俯冲带地区深海-岩石圈流体交换及其效应进行多时空尺度定量化表征和分析。  相似文献   

俯冲带的流体地质作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于在平 《地学前缘》1995,2(2):175-182
俯冲带是地球上流体活动最活跃的地区之一,也是流体由表层进入深部岩石圈的主要通道。流体活动对岩石成分、成岩作用、构造变形、变质作用、部分熔融和岩浆-火山作用,以及海洋生物-化学环境都有重要的控制和影响。本文回顾和总结了俯冲带流体地质作用研究的现状和进展,对古俯冲带流体地质作用的若干问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

流体不混溶性和流体包裹体   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:12  
卢焕章 《岩石学报》2011,27(5):1253-1261
大多数流体包裹体是捕获于均匀体系,但有一部分包裹体捕获自非均匀体系(不混溶体系)。在自然界存在着许多不混溶的过程,这包括基性岩浆和酸性岩浆之间,岩浆与热液,岩浆与CO2,盐水溶液与CO2等。液体的不混溶性对于成矿作用十分重要,这方面有3个典型的例子,第一个是金矿的成矿作用与NaCl-H2O-CO2体系流体的不混溶有着重大的关系;第二个例子是斑岩铜矿;第三个例子是伟晶岩,发现在伟晶岩演化和成矿作用中存在着岩浆和热液的不混溶作用。实际上不混溶的大部分证据是从流体包裹体的研究中获得的。现在的问题是如何来确定哪些包裹体是从不混溶过程中捕获的。这种捕获于不混溶过程中的流体包裹体怎么来确定他的Th和成分。这种捕获于不混溶过程中的流体包裹体怎么与"卡脖子""拉伸作用"中捕获的包裹体和捕获自均匀体系的流体包裹体相区分。  相似文献   

俯冲带的热结构研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文介绍了近年来俯冲带热结构的最新研究成果,包括研究方法、与消减有关的参数、流体对热结构的影响,及其在研究俯冲带流体的产生、变质作用及演化和岛弧岩浆成因上的应用。  相似文献   

俯冲带热结构的影响因素及其研究意义宋茂双,谢鸿森,徐有生(中国科学院地球化学研究所,贵阳550002)关键词俯冲带,热结构,消减参数,挥发性流体俯冲带是冷的洋壳向上覆大洋板块或大陆板块之下消减的区域,在火山活动、地震活动性、变质作用、大地热流、地震波...  相似文献   

古俯冲带的流体作用综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过扼要介绍南加州Catalina片岩和西阿尔卑斯Monviso基性榴辉岩的变质流体作用研究方面的新成果,认识到古俯冲带的大规模流体运移主要发生在前弧下深度为10 ̄50km处,来自俯冲板片的富LILE,LREE,B等元素的流体向上运移,并与上覆地幔楔发生大规模交代作用。并向下运移,流体的流动和交代都是有限的,小规模的。  相似文献   

陈晨  李葆华  许龙 《贵州地质》2018,35(2):125-130,137
木里耳泽金矿床矿体位于上二叠统岗达概组,矿体形态受断裂构造和层间破碎带控制,大多数呈透镜状或脉状。成矿阶段划分为菱铁矿阶段与石英—硫化物—金阶段。矿床中流体包裹体类型分为H_2O包裹体、CO_2包裹体、H_2O-CO_2包裹体,主要分布于石英—硫化物—金阶段。本文主要运用包裹体均一测温法探讨了成矿流体不混溶的热力学条件。H_2O包裹体均一温度为124.6℃247.6℃,盐度为5.86%3.06%。H_2O-CO_2包裹体的完全均一温度为179.6℃296.6℃,部分均一温度为15.6℃30.6℃,水合物最后融化温度范围为7.5℃9.1℃,相应的盐度约为1.83%4.87%。计算的成矿压力为1 010 bar。测试过程中,富H_2O相的H_2O-CO_2包裹体和富CO_2相的H_2O-CO_2包裹体的完全均一温度和压力非常接近,可以证明它们是同一时期捕获的CO_2与NaCl-H_2O不混溶流体包裹体组合。  相似文献   

俯冲带中的水在壳幔演化和物质交换中起重要作用。本文就俯冲带中水的物理化学性质、溶液中的离子缔合、混溶、主量元素与微量元素组成等方面进行了阐述。重点剖析:1)超临界态下温度压力条件的改变导致水微观结构与性质的变化,扩散系数、粘度等性质随之改变,进而对水岩反应产生影响;2)富水流体中离子缔合影响着金属配合物数量,很大程度制约流体中矿物的溶解行为;3)低Cl流体中微量元素配分模式与岛弧玄武岩类似,意味着富水贫氯碱性硅酸盐成分的流体在地幔楔元素运移中起关键作用。并展望了俯冲带中流体化学性质研究的新手段。  相似文献   

贵州太平洞金矿床流体包裹体特征及流体不混溶机制   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
太平洞金矿床是兴仁-安龙金矿带灰家堡金矿区的重要卡林型金矿之一。流体包裹体研究证明,石英-黄铁矿阶段(Ⅰ)、石英-黄铁矿-毒砂阶段(Ⅱ)、石英-方解石-雄黄阶段(Ⅲ)的包裹体类型丰富,以气液水两相包裹体、CO2-H2O包裹体和纯液相水包裹体为主,CO2两相包裹体、纯气相有机质包裹体和有机质-H2O包裹体次之,偶见气液有机质包裹体。由Ⅰ→Ⅱ→Ⅲ阶段,气液水包裹体均一温度(200~260℃→180~240℃→100~160℃)呈现逐渐降低的趋势。在Ⅰ阶段的石英中,只在局部偶见到CO2-H2O包裹体和气液两相水包裹体共生;在Ⅱ阶段的石英中,纯液相水包裹体、气液两相盐水包裹体、CO2-H2O包裹体、CO2包裹体及纯气相有机质包裹体共存,它们共生在同一平面中且气液两相盐水包裹体和CO2-H2O包裹体测温数据相差不大,说明当时捕获的是不均匀成矿流体,它是由含有机质的成矿流体经历了CO2-低盐度水的不混溶作用形成的。因而认为,太平洞金矿床中成矿早期流体不混溶作用不明显,主成矿阶段流体的不混溶作用是导致金矿质沉淀的重要原因。  相似文献   

Magmatism at convergent plate boundaries is related to processes associated with subduction, where H2O brought into the mantle is thought to play an essential role in producing the melts. One of the important aspects of the melting of hydrous systems is that the rock packet can melt during compression corresponding to a gentle or negative dT/dP slope of the solidus curve at relatively low temperatures. Here, the effects of compression on batch and fractional melting of hydrous peridotites in the mantle wedge of subduction zones are estimated, taking account of the flow pattern, energy balance and phase equilibrium constraints. The results show that a significant amount of melt, comparable to the eruption rate on volcanic arcs, can be produced in the downward flow along the plate. Further studies on distribution and transportation of H2O in the mantle wedge and melt segregation processes are required to estimate the importance of compression melting.  相似文献   

Deep fluids in subduction zones   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
The fluid inclusions preserved in high and ultrahigh pressure rocks provide direct information on the compositions of fluid phases evolved during subduction zone metamorphism, and on fluid–rock interactions occurring in such deep environments. Recent experiments and petrologic studies of eclogite–facies rocks demonstrate that stability of a number of hydrous phases in all rock systems allows fluid transport into the mantle sources of arc magmas, as well as into much deeper levels of the Earth's mantle. In eclogite–facies rocks, the presence of large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and light rare earths (LREE)-bearing hydrous phases such as epidote and lawsonite, together with HFSE repositories as rutile and other Ti-rich minerals, controls the trace element budget of evolved fluids and fluid-mediated cycling of slab components into the overlying mantle.

Studies of fluid inclusions in eclogite–facies terrains suggest that subduction mainly evolves aqueous solutions, melts being produced only locally. Eclogite-facies rocks diffusely record processes of fluid–melt–rock interactions that exerted considerable control on the element and volatile budget of subduction fluids. Trace element fractionation during such interactions needs to be tested and quantified in more detail to achieve the ultimate compositions actually attained by fluids leaving off the slab. Variably saline inclusions with minor CO2 and N2 are trapped in rock-forming high pressure minerals; brines with up to 50% by weight dissolved solute are diffusely found in veins. The latter inclusions are residues after fluid–rock interactions and deposition of complex vein mineralogies: this evidence suggests increased mineral solubility into the fluid and formation, at a certain stage, of silicate-rich aqueous solutions whose geochemical behaviour and transport capacity can approach that of a melt phase. This is supported by experimental work showing high solubility of silicate components in fluids at high pressures. However, natural examples of inclusions trapping such a fluid and quantitative analyses of its major and trace element composition are not yet available.

Fluids in high and very high pressure rocks do not move over large scales and the channelways of fluid escape from the slab are not yet identified. This suggests that only part of the slab fluid is lost and returned to the surface via magmatism; the remaining trapped fraction being subducted into deeper levels of the upper mantle, to renew its budget of substances initially stored in the exosphere.  相似文献   

张泽明  丁慧霞  董昕  田作林 《岩石学报》2020,36(9):2589-2615
俯冲带是地幔对流环的下沉翼,是地球内部的重要物理与化学系统。俯冲带具有比周围地幔更低的温度,因此,一般认为俯冲板片并不会发生部分熔融,而是脱水导致上覆地幔楔发生部分熔融。但是,也有研究认为,在水化的洋壳俯冲过程中可以发生部分熔融。特别是在下列情况下,俯冲洋壳的部分熔融是俯冲带岩浆作用的重要方式。年轻的大洋岩石圈发生低角度缓慢俯冲时,洋壳物质可以发生饱和水或脱水熔融,基性岩部分熔融形成埃达克岩。太古代的俯冲带很可能具有与年轻大洋岩石圈俯冲带类似的热结构,俯冲的洋壳板片部分熔融可以形成英云闪长岩-奥长花岗岩-花岗闪长岩。平俯冲大洋高原中的基性岩可以发生部分熔融产生埃达克岩。扩张洋中脊俯冲可以导致板片窗边缘的洋壳部分熔融形成埃达克岩。与俯冲洋壳相比,俯冲的大陆地壳具有很低的水含量,较难发生部分熔融,但在超高压变质陆壳岩石的折返过程中可以经历广泛的脱水熔融。超高压变质岩在地幔深部熔融形成的熔体与地幔相互作用是碰撞造山带富钾岩浆岩的可能成因机制。碰撞造山带的加厚下地壳可经历长期的高温与高压变质和脱水熔融,形成S型花岗岩和埃达克质岩石。  相似文献   

张泽明  丁慧霞  董昕  田作林  杜瑾雪 《岩石学报》2021,37(11):3377-3398
形成在汇聚板块边缘的俯冲带由俯冲岩石圈板块和上部岩石圈板块组成,具有不对称的热结构。俯冲岩石圈板块具有冷的地温梯度,而上部岩石圈板块具有热的地温梯度。俯冲板块的变质作用发生在5~15℃/km地温梯度下,可进一步划分为冷俯冲板块型(5~10℃/km)和热俯冲板块型(10~15℃/km),即西阿尔卑斯型和古巴型。俯冲带上板块的变质作用发生15~50℃/km地温梯度下,可进一步划为冷地壳型(15~25℃/km)和热地壳型(25~50℃/km),统称为科迪勒拉型。冷俯冲板块的变质作用是以大洋和大陆地壳岩石深俯冲到地幔,发生低温/高压及超高压变质作用为特征。所形成的低温/高压和超高压变质岩具有顺时针型P-T轨迹,其折返过程是以近等温或升温降压和部分熔融为特征。热俯冲板块型变质作用发生在年轻板块的正常俯冲和古老板块的平缓俯冲过程中。从大洋岩石圈初始俯冲到成熟俯冲,俯冲板块的地温梯度由热到冷,从热俯冲型转变成冷俯冲型。热俯冲板块的变质岩可具有顺时针型,也可具有逆时针型P-T轨迹,可以发生高温和高压下的部分熔融,形成埃达克质岩浆岩。俯冲带上板块的冷地壳型变质作用发生在构造挤压导致的加厚地壳环境,加厚的下地壳发生高温、高压麻粒岩相和榴辉岩相变质作用,可具有顺时针和逆时针型P-T轨迹。加厚新生下地壳的部分熔融形成埃达克质岩浆和高密度的基性残留体(弧榴辉岩)。热地壳型变质作用发生在构造伸展导致的减薄地壳环境。由于强烈的幔源岩浆增生和软流圈上涌,下地壳发生高温或超高温麻粒岩相变质作用和部分熔融,所形成的变质岩可具有顺时针型或逆时针型P-T轨迹。在岩浆弧加厚地壳的伸展过程中,早先形成的高温和高压变质岩可以叠加超高温变质作用。俯冲带上板块的岩浆弧可能是超高温变质岩形成的最主要构造环境。上板块下地壳的部分熔融可以形成大体积的花岗岩,由此导致新生地壳组成和成分的分异,是大陆地壳生长和成熟的重要机制。大陆碰撞造山带的加厚下地壳具有冷的地温梯度,可以发生高压麻粒岩和榴辉岩相变质作用。这些高级变质岩具有顺时针型P-T轨迹,在其折返过程中叠加中压、高温,甚至超高温变质作用。碰撞造山带下地壳的长期部分熔融可以形成不同成分的壳源花岗岩。  相似文献   

Seismic coupling and uncoupling at subduction zones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seismic coupling has been used as a qualitative measure of the “interaction” between the two plates at subduction zones. Kanamori (1971) introduced seismic coupling after noting that the characteristic size of earthquakes varies systematically for the northern Pacific subduction zones. A quantitative global comparison of many subduction zones reveals a strong correlation of earthquake size with two other variables: age of the subducting lithosphere and convergence rate. The largest earthquakes occur in zones with young lithosphere and fast convergence rates, while zones with old lithosphere and slow rates are relatively aseismic for large earthquakes. Results from a study of the rupture process of three great earthquakes indicate that maximum earthquake size is directly related to the asperity distribution on the fault plane (asperities are strong regions that resist the motion between the two plates). The zones with the largest earthquakes have very large asperities, while the zones with smaller earthquakes have small scattered asperities. This observation can be translated into a simple model of seismic coupling, where the horizontal compressive stress between the two plates is proportional to the ratio of the summed asperity area to the total area of the contact surface. While the variation in asperity size is used to establish a connection between earthquake size and tectonic stress, it also implies that plate age and rate affect the asperity distribution. Plate age and rate can control asperity distribution directly by use of the horizontal compressive stress associated with the “preferred trajectory” (i.e. the vertical and horizontal velocities of subducting slabs are determined by the plate age and convergence velocity). Indirect influences are many, including oceanic plate topography and the amount of subducted sediments.All subduction zones are apparently uncoupled below a depth of about 40 km, and we propose that the basalt to eclogite phase change in the down-going oceanic crust may be largely responsible. This phase change should start at a depth of 30–35 km, and could at least partially uncouple the plates by superplastic deformation throughout the oceanic crust during the phase change.  相似文献   

W.G. Ernst 《Tectonophysics》1973,17(3):255-272
Blueschist-type metamorphism involves the progressive development of some of the following minerals: at low grades, zeolites, pumpellyite, lawsonite + quartz, aragonite, jadeitic pyroxene + quartz; then at higher grades, zoisite-epidote, kyanite, omphacite, garnet and blue-green hornblende. Comparisons of natural assemblages with experimentally determined phase equilibria and oxygen isotopic analyses yield apparent physical conditions in the range 150–500° C at fluid (≈ lithostatic) pressures on the order of 3–8 + kbar. The unusually low metamorphic geothermal gradient indicated is on the order of 10–15°C/km.Blueschist belts seem to be confined to oceanic trench-type environments where they are hypothesized to represent subducted material which has buoyantly returned to the surface since recrystallization. Calculated downward deflections of the isotherms in the subducted lithospheric slabs yield similar or even lower geothermal gradients than deduced from the mineral parageneses. The disposition of relatively high-pressure isogradic surfaces in the upper portions of a model subduction zone demonstrates that the observed sequence of metamorphic facies reflects the direction of lithospheric plate descent.The approximate magnitude of inferred underflow can be gauged by the presence or absence of a contemporaneous high-temperature volcanic + plutonic + metamorphic complex in the non-subducted lithospheric plate. Greater amounts of underflow evidently are required to build up larger, relatively high-temperature, low-pressure terranes.Blueschist belts tend to be associated in time and space, indicating that since Late Paleozoic time, many convergent plate junctions have remained in approximately the same positions relative to the stable lithospheric slabs. The fact that, where preserved, older blueschistic belts, hence plate sutures, are located farther inland suggests that in some cases the subduction zones have stepped seaward with time, allowing, for the episodic return towards the surface of old trench melanges, hence growth of the non-subducted plates.  相似文献   

俯冲带是全球最大的物质循环系统,控制着硫(S)在地球内部圈层及表层的循环,影响着大气圈、水圈、生物圈、岩石圈的稳定性以及地球的宜居性。厘清S在俯冲带中的地球化学行为和循环特征对理解地球各储库的氧化还原状态、岩浆作用与演化、成矿物质聚集、以及地球大气成分等具有重要意义。本文首先总结了进入俯冲带之前的大洋岩石圈的S结构模型,对S在大洋板片中的分布状态和地球化学特征进行了系统归纳。随后,系统阐述了俯冲带高压-超高压变质岩记录的板片变质及脱水过程中硫的地球化学行为。岩石学研究表明俯冲板片中的S多以硫化物相存在,硫酸盐矿物在弧前深度就已被释放或分解。相较于熔体,俯冲带流体中S的溶解度更高,是运移硫的更有效方式。DEW模型计算结果显示,流体中S含量总体较低,但在俯冲板片~90km处其含量有一个峰值(浓度0.5%~1.0%)。岩相学证据、地球化学测试结果、磷灰石S近边吸收结构(S-XANES)特征以及模拟结果都显示俯冲深部流体中S多以HS^(-)及H_(2)S形式存在,不含大量的SO_(4)^(2-)及硫酸盐;中f_(S_(2))流体有利于S迁移出俯冲板片,从而促进俯冲带大规模S循环,而高f_(S_(2))流体在流-岩交换过程沿流体通道发生S的锁固作用而不利于俯冲带S循环。质量平衡计算显示全球俯冲带S输入通量为4.65×10^(13)g/yr,弧下深度板片S输出通量为2.91×10^(12)g/yr,板片-岛弧S循环效率仅6.3%。俯冲板片在弧下深度可能存在一个短暂高效的S释放窗口,释放流体的δ^(34)S值为-2.1±3.0‰。基于高压-超高压变质岩中硫化物的研究,初步厘清了俯冲板片中S的地球化学行为,首次从板片角度全面、定量地限定了俯冲带的脱硫通量、效率、种型和同位素特征,提出俯冲带循环的S不是岛弧岩浆的氧化剂,与岛弧环境的正δ^(34)S值也无直接因果联系,对解析俯冲带S循环和理解地球长期的S循环具有重要意义。最后,本文还展望了俯冲带S循环的未来发展方向,应在俯冲带流体氧化还原性质(硫酸盐的命运)、俯冲沉积物对S循环的制约、俯冲带环境下多硫同位素的分馏效应、S循环与其它挥发分(如C等)循环之间的耦合关系、地球历史上深部S循环等方向做出探索,更深入地理解俯冲带及全球S循环过程。  相似文献   

Greenstone, blueschist and eclogite metabasaltic blocks from the Franciscan complex of California preserve extensive petrographic and chemical evidence for interaction with hydrous fluids at high-P, low-T metamorphic conditions. The Nd and Sr isotope variations within and among the blocks constrain the origin of the basaltic protoliths, the nature of the fluid metasomatism that occurred within the upper levels (15–45 km) of the paleosubduction zonc, and the character and provenance of the rock that generated the hydrous fluids within the paleosubduction zone. Samples with little or no petrographic evidence of retrograde alteration and unaltered garnet separates have Nd. With increasing degrees of retrograde alteration, Nd isotope compositions are consistently lower, ranging down to Nd(160)=5. Actinolitic alteration rinds which are present on some blocks have the least radiogenic compositions with Nd=1.6 to 6.1. While Nd isotope compositions of unaltered blockes are in the range expected for basalt derived from normal depleted mantle, the Sr isotope compositions are more radiogenic ranging from Sr(160)=–5 to +11. Compositions of unaltered eclogite and blue-schist blocks are consistent with a protolith origin in normal oceanic crust derived from depleted mantle. The Sr isotopy systematics indicate that the protoliths were modified by seawater alteration in an ocean-floor hydrothermal system. Isotopic compositions of samples from parts of blocks that have a retrograde metamorphic overprint show a strong correlation between less radiogenic Nd compositions and the extent of retrograde metamorphism. Maximum Nd isotope ratios of the metasomatizing fluid are provided by analyses of actinolitic rinds, and range from Nd(160)=1.6 to 6.1. A possible source for fluids of this composition is subducted sediment that was derived from a continental craton. Because rind formation occurred while the basaltic blocks were within an ultramafic matrix, the fluids must have migrated from sediments in the accretionary wedge into an overlying wedge of mantle material imbricated with blocks of oceanic crust. This suggests possibly km-scale movement of fluids that carry an amount of the rare-earth elements sufficient to significantly modify the trace-element budget of subducted basalt.  相似文献   

陈仁旭  郑永飞  龚冰 《岩石学报》2011,27(2):451-468
对超高压变质岩中含水矿物和名义上无水矿物的地球化学研究,极大地深化了我们对大陆碰撞带地壳俯冲和折返过程中流体体制的认识。就流体体制和化学地球动力学来说,有关研究在大别-苏鲁造山带进行的最为详细,因此已经成为研究大陆俯冲带变质的典型地区。本文以大别-苏鲁造山带为对象,从矿物水含量的角度,结合稳定同位素论述了大陆俯冲带流体活动。超高压变质岩中名义上无水矿物含有大量的水,以结构羟基和分子水形式存在。名义上无水矿物中结构羟基和分子水出溶与含水矿物分解共同构成了折返过程中退变质流体的主要来源。名义上无水矿物所释放的水以富集轻的氢氧同位素为特征,而含水矿物分解则提供了富集D的流体来源。折返过程中,名义上无水矿物降压脱水存在亏损D的分子水的优先丢失和不同形式水之间的相互转化。不同岩性的水含量差异导致了它们在折返过程中不同的流体活动行为。大陆板块俯冲和折返过程中,在不同矿物、不同岩性以及板片不同部位之间存在水的再分配;板片的一部分作为富水流体的源,而另一部分可能作为汇。  相似文献   

俯冲带Li同位素地球化学: 回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
板块俯冲伴随着多种复杂的地质过程,例如流体释放、流体岩石相互作用、可能的部分熔融、元素迁移及同位素分馏等。在俯冲带壳/幔循环过程中,Li同位素(6Li和7Li)高达16%的相对质量差异使其成为研究俯冲带各种地质过程的良好示踪剂。总结了近年来有关俯冲带Li同位素的研究进展,并按照相对时间序列系统地介绍了Li同位素在俯冲各个阶段的地球化学行为,包括俯冲初始物质的Li同位素组成特征,俯冲过程中Li随流体释放及与上覆地幔楔相互作用中Li同位素的行为,富Li流体与残余板片Li的去向,最终俯冲相关产物的Li同位素组成特征以及对全球Li循环的地学意义的综合介绍。随着Li同位素测试精度的提高和各种地球化学储库Li同位素数据库的不断完善,Li同位素体系可以为俯冲过程研究提供更多信息,成为一种可靠的示踪剂。  相似文献   

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