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Polarized absorption spectra of natural piemontite (Ca1.802Mn 2+0.178 Mg0.025) (Mn 3+0.829 Fe 3+0.346 Al1.825) [(Si2.992Al0.008) O12OH], viridine (Al1.945Mn 3+0.033 Fe 3+0.063 Mg0.003) [O|Si0.970 O4], and kanonaite (Al1.291Mn 3+0.682 Fe 3+0.019 ) [O|Si1.006 O4] were measured at 295 and ca. 100 K. For piemontite, lowering the temperature resulted in a sharpening of broad bands in the 10 000–25 000 cm−1 region supporting their assignment to single ion Mn3+ in M3 non-centrosymmetric sites.

Alternatively, in kanonaite, temperature behaviour pointed to a slightly stronger influence of vibronic coupling on strong bands near 16 000 and 22 000 cm−1, which supported an interpretation of Mn3+ in nearly centrosymmetric M1 sites. Measurements at ca. 100 K show pronounced fine structure in the viridine spectra which is attributed to Fe3+. The ɛ values for Mn3+ spin-allowed bands in the three minerals lie in the range 18 to 227 [1·g-atom−1·cm−1].

For the same band and polarisation, ɛ values in Mn3+-bearing andalusite-type minerals viridine and kanonaite are the same, which indicates an absence of strong magnetic coupling effects between Mn3+ ions in the andalusite type structure down to ca. 100 K.

In silicates, the high ɛ values for Mn3+ spin-allowed bands, in comparison to those obtained for Fe2+ spin-allowed bands from sites of “similar distortion”, is attributed to a higher degree of covalency in the Mn3+-O bonds compared to the Fe2+-O bonds, as a result of the higher valence state of manganese.


Surface snow and lake water samples were collected at different locations around Indian station at Antarctica, Maitri, during December 2004–March 2005 and December 2006–March 2007. Samples were analyzed for major chemical ions. It is found that average pH value of snow is 6.1. Average pH value of lake water with low chemical content is 6.2 and of lake water with high chemical content is 6.5. The Na+ and Cl? are the most abundantly occurring ions at Antarctica. Considerable amount of SO 4 2? is also found in the surface snow and the lake water which is attributed to the oxidation of DMS produced by marine phytoplankton. Neutralization of acidic components of snow is mainly done by NH 4 + and Mg2+. The Mg2+, Ca2+ and K+ are nearly equally effective in neutralizing the acidic components in lake water. The NH 4 + and SO 4 2? occur over the Antarctica region mostly in the form of (NH4)2SO4.  相似文献   

The diffusion, substitution mechanism and solubility limits of Zr and Hf in synthetic forsterite (Mg2SiO4) and San Carlos olivine (Mg0.9Fe0.1)2SiO4 have been investigated between 1,200 and 1,500 °C as a function of the chemical potentials of the components in the system MgO(FeO)–SiO2–ZrO2(HfO2). The effect of oxygen fugacity and crystallographic orientation were also investigated. The solubilities of Zr in forsterite are highest and diffusion fastest when the coexisting three-phase source assemblage includes ZrSiO4 (zircon) or HfSiO4 (hafnon), and lower and slower, respectively, when the source assemblage includes MgO (periclase). This indicates that Zr and Hf substitute on the octahedral sites in olivine, charge balanced by magnesium vacancies. Diffusion is anisotropic, with rates along the crystal axes increasing in the order a < b < c. The generalized diffusion relationship as a function of chemical activity (as \(a_{{{\text{SiO}}_{2} }}\)), orientation and temperature is: \(logD_{\text{Zr}} = \frac{1}{4}loga_{{{\text{SiO}}_{2} }} + logD_{0} - \left( {\frac{{368 \pm 17\;{\text{kJ}}\;{\text{mol}}^{ - 1} }}{{2.303\;{\text{RT}}}}} \right)\) where the values of log D 0 are ?3.8(±0.5), ?3.4(±0.5) and ?3.1(±0.5) along the a, b and c axes, respectively. Most experiments were conducted in air (fO2 = 10?0.68 bars), but one at fO2 = 10?11.2 bars at 1,400 °C shows no resolvable effect of oxygen fugacity on Zr diffusion. Hf is slightly more soluble in olivine than Zr, but diffuses slightly slower. Diffusivities of Zr in experiments in San Carlos olivine at 1,400 °C, fO2 = 10?6.6 bars are similar to those in forsterite at the same conditions, showing that the controls on diffusivities are adequately captured by the simple system (nominally iron-free) experiments. Diffusivities are in good agreement with those measured by Spandler and O’Neill (Contrib Miner Petrol 159:791–818, 2010) in San Carlos olivine using silicate melt as the source at 1,300 °C, and fall within the range of most measurements of Fe–Mg inter-diffusion in olivine at this temperature. Forsterite–melt partitioning experiments in the CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–ZrO2/HfO2 show that the interface concentrations from the diffusion experiments represent true equilibrium solubilities. Another test of internal consistency is that the ratios of the interface concentrations between experiments buffered by Mg2SiO4 + Mg2Si2O6 + ZrSiO4 or Mg2SiO4 + ZrSiO4 + ZrO2 (high silica activity) to those buffered by Mg2SiO4 + MgO + ZrO2 (low silica activity) agree well with the ratios calculated from thermodynamic data. This study highlights the importance of buffering chemical potentials in diffusion experiments to provide constraints on the interface diffusant concentrations and hence validate the assumption of interface equilibrium.  相似文献   

This contribution is finalized at the discussion of the magnetic structure of two samples, belonging to phlogopite–annite [sample TK, chemical composition IV(Si2.76Al1.24) VI(Al0.64Mg0.72 $ {\text{Fe}}_{1.45}^{2 + } $ Mn0.03Ti0.15) (K0.96Na0.05) O10.67 (OH)1.31 Cl0.02] and polylithionite–siderophyllite joints [sample PPB, chemical composition IV(Si3.14Al0.86)VI(Al0.75Mg0.01 $ {\text{Fe}}_{1.03}^{2 + } $ $ {\text{Fe}}_{1.03}^{3 + } $ Mn0.01Ti0.01Li1.09) (K0.99Na0.01) O10.00 (OH)0.65F1.35]. Samples differ for Fe ordering in octahedral sites, Fe2+/(Fe2+?+?Fe3+) ratio, octahedral composition, defining a different environment around Fe cations, and layer symmetry. Spin-glass behavior was detected for both samples, as evidenced by the dependency of the temperature giving the peak in the susceptibility curve from the frequency of the applied alternating current magnetic field. The crystal chemical features are associated to the different temperature at which the maximum in magnetic susceptibility is observed: 6?K in TK, where Fe is disordered in all octahedral sites, and 8?K in PPB sample, showing a smaller and more regular coordination polyhedron for Fe, which is ordered in the trans-site and in one of the two cis-sites.  相似文献   

The partitioning of Fe and Mg between garnet and aluminous orthopyroxene has been experimentally investigated in the pressure-temperature range 5–30 kbar and 800–1,200° C in the FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (FMAS) and CaO-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (CFMAS) systems. Within the errors of the experimental data, orthopyroxene can be regarded as macroscopically ideal. The effects of Calcium on Fe-Mg partitioning between garnet and orthopyroxene can be attributed to non-ideal Ca-Mg interactions in the garnet, described by the interaction term:W CaMg ga -W CaFe ga =1,400±500 cal/mol site. Reduction of the experimental data, combined with molar volume data for the end-member phases, permits the calibration of a geothermometer which is applicable to garnet peridotites and granulites: $$T(^\circ C) = \left\{ {\frac{{3,740 + 1,400X_{gr}^{ga} + 22.86P(kb)}}{{R\ln K_D + 1.96}}} \right\} - 273$$ with $$K_D = {{\left\{ {\frac{{Fe}}{{Mg}}} \right\}^{ga} } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\left\{ {\frac{{Fe}}{{Mg}}} \right\}^{ga} } {\left\{ {\frac{{Fe}}{{Mg}}} \right\}}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {\left\{ {\frac{{Fe}}{{Mg}}} \right\}}}$$ and $$X_{gr}^{ga} = (Ca/Ca + Mg + Fe)^{ga} .$$ The accuracy and precision of this geothermometer are limited by largerelative errors in the experimental and natural-rock data and by the modest absolute variation inK D with temperature. Nevertheless, the geothermometer is shown to yield reasonable temperature estimates for a variety of natural samples.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the effect of trace and minor elements (e.g., P, Y, and the REEs) on the high-temperature solubility of Ti in zircon (zrc), we conducted 31 experiments on a series of synthetic and natural granitic compositions [enriched in TiO2 and ZrO2; Al/(Na + K) molar ~1.2] at a pressure of 10 kbar and temperatures of ~1,400 to 1,200 °C. Thirty of the experiments produced zircon-saturated glasses, of which 22 are also saturated in rutile (rt). In seven experiments, quenched glasses coexist with quartz (qtz). SiO2 contents of the quenched liquids range from 68.5 to 82.3 wt% (volatile free), and water concentrations are 0.4–7.0 wt%. TiO2 contents of the rutile-saturated quenched melts are positively correlated with run temperature. Glass ZrO2 concentrations (0.2–1.2 wt%; volatile free) also show a broad positive correlation with run temperature and, at a given T, are strongly correlated with the parameter (Na + K + 2Ca)/(Si·Al) (all in cation fractions). Mole fraction of ZrO2 in rutile $ \left( {\mathop X\nolimits_{{{\text{ZrO}}_{ 2} }}^{\text{rt}} } \right) $ in the quartz-saturated runs coupled with other 10-kbar qtz-saturated experimental data from the literature (total temperature range of ~1,400 to 675 °C) yields the following temperature-dependent expression: $ {\text{ln}}\left( {\mathop X\nolimits_{{{\text{ZrO}}_{ 2} }}^{\text{rt}} } \right) + {\text{ln}}\left( {a_{{{\text{SiO}}_{2} }} } \right) = 2.638(149) - 9969(190)/T({\text{K}}) $ , where silica activity $ a_{{{\text{SiO}}_{2} }} $ in either the coexisting silica polymorph or a silica-undersaturated melt is referenced to α-quartz at the P and T of each experiment and the best-fit coefficients and their uncertainties (values in parentheses) reflect uncertainties in T and $ \mathop X\nolimits_{{{\text{ZrO}}_{2} }}^{\text{rt}} $ . NanoSIMS measurements of Ti in zircon overgrowths in the experiments yield values of ~100 to 800 ppm; Ti concentrations in zircon are positively correlated with temperature. Coupled with values for $ a_{{{\text{SiO}}_{2} }} $ and $ a_{{{\text{TiO}}_{2} }} $ for each experiment, zircon Ti concentrations (ppm) can be related to temperature over the range of ~1,400 to 1,200 °C by the expression: $ \ln \left( {\text{Ti ppm}} \right)^{\text{zrc}} + \ln \left( {a_{{{\text{SiO}}_{2} }} } \right) - \ln \left( {a_{{{\text{TiO}}_{2} }} } \right) = 13.84\left( {71} \right) - 12590\left( {1124} \right)/T\left( {\text{K}} \right) $ . After accounting for differences in $ a_{{{\text{SiO}}_{2} }} $ and $ a_{{{\text{TiO}}_{2} }} $ , Ti contents of zircon from experiments run with bulk compositions based on the natural granite overlap with the concentrations measured on zircon from experiments using the synthetic bulk compositions. Coupled with data from the literature, this suggests that at T ≥ 1,100 °C, natural levels of minor and trace elements in “granitic” melts do not appear to influence the solubility of Ti in zircon. Whether this is true at magmatic temperatures of crustal hydrous silica-rich liquids (e.g., 800–700 °C) remains to be demonstrated. Finally, measured $ D_{\text{Ti}}^{{{\text{zrc}}/{\text{melt}}}} $ values (calculated on a weight basis) from the experiments presented here are 0.007–0.01, relatively independent of temperature, and broadly consistent with values determined from natural zircon and silica-rich glass pairs.  相似文献   

This study presents accurate and precise iron isotopic data for 16 co-magmatic rocks and 6 pyroxene–magnetite pairs from the classic, tholeiitic Red Hill sill in southern Tasmania. The intrusion exhibits a vertical continuum of compositions created by in situ fractional crystallisation of a single injection of magma in a closed igneous system and, as such, constitutes a natural laboratory amenable to determining the causes of Fe isotope fractionation in magmatic rocks. Early fractionation of pyroxenes and plagioclase, under conditions closed to oxygen exchange, gives rise to an iron enrichment trend and an increase in $ f_{{{\text{O}}_{2} }} $ of the melt relative to the Fayalite–Magnetite–Quartz (FMQ) buffer. Enrichment in Fe3+/ΣFemelt is mirrored by δ57Fe, where VIFe2+-bearing pyroxenes partition 57Fe-depleted iron, defining an equilibrium pyroxene-melt fractionation factor of $ \Updelta^{57} {\text{Fe}}_{{{\text{px}} - {\text{melt}}}} \le - 0.25\,\permille \times 10^{6} /T^{2} $ . Upon magnetite saturation, the $ f_{{{\text{O}}_{2} }} $ and δ57Fe of the melt fall, commensurate with the sequestration of the oxidised, 57Fe-enriched iron into magnetite, quantified as $ \Updelta^{57} {\text{Fe}}_{{{\text{mtn}} - {\text{melt}}}} = + 0.20\,\permille \times 10^{6} /T^{2} $ . Pyroxene–magnetite pairs reveal an equilibrium fractionation factor of $ \Updelta^{57} {\text{Fe}}_{{{\text{mtn}} - {\text{px}}}} \approx + 0.30\,\permille $ at 900–1,000?°C. Iron isotopes in differentiated magmas suggest that they may act as an indicator of their oxidation state and tectonic setting.  相似文献   

This paper presents the point-defect thermodynamics for fayalite and olivine solid solutions (Fe x Mg1?x )2SiO4. By means of thermogravimetry, the metal-to-oxygen ratio of these silicates has been determined as a function of oxygen potential, compositionx and temperature. Experiments were performed in the range of 1,000° C≦T≦1,280° C and 0.2≦x≦1.0. It is found that V Me , Fe Me · and the associate {Fe′ Si Fe Me · } are the majority defects. With this knowledge it is possible to calculate the nonstoichiometry at given temperature as a function of \(p_{O_2 } \) and \(a_{SiO_2 } \) . The cation vacancy concentration shows a \(p_{O_2 }^{1/5} \) -dependence (forx≧0.2) and increases at givenT and \(p_{O_2 } \) almost exponentially with compositionx. In the composition range studied here, the silicates show an oxygen excess, and FeO is more soluble in the olivine than SiO2.  相似文献   

Phenocryst assemblages of lavas from the long-lived Aucanquilcha Volcanic Cluster (AVC) have been probed to assess pressure and temperature conditions of pre-eruptive arc magmas. Andesite to dacite lavas of the AVC erupted throughout an 11-million-year, arc magmatic cycle in the central Andes in northern Chile. Phases targeted for thermobarometry include amphibole, plagioclase, pyroxenes, and Fe–Ti oxides. Overall, crystallization is documented over 1–7.5 kbar (~25 km) of pressure and ~680–1,110 °C of temperature. Pressure estimates range from ~1 to 5 kbar for amphiboles and from ~3 to 7.5 kbar for pyroxenes. Pyroxene temperatures are tightly clustered from ~1,000–1,100 °C, Fe–Ti oxide temperatures range from ~750–1,000 °C, and amphibole temperatures range from ~780–1,050 °C. Although slightly higher, these temperatures correspond well with previously published zircon temperatures ranging from ~670–900 °C. Two different Fe–Ti oxide thermometers (Andersen and Lindsley 1985; Ghiorso and Evans 2008) are compared and agree well. We also compare amphibole and amphibole–plagioclase thermobarometers (Ridolfi et al. 2010; Holland and Blundy 1994; Anderson and Smith 1995), the solutions from which do not agree well. In samples where we employ multiple thermometers, pyroxene temperature estimates are always highest, zircon temperature estimates are lowest, and Fe–Ti oxide and amphibole temperature estimates fall in between. Maximum Fe–Ti oxide and zircon temperatures are observed during the middle stage of AVC activity (~5–3 Ma), a time associated with increased eruption rates. Amphibole temperatures during this time are relatively restricted (~850–1,000 °C). The crystal record presented here offers a time-transgressive view of an evolving, multi-tiered subvolcanic reservoir. Some crystals in AVC lavas are likely to be true phenocrysts, but the diversity of crystallization temperatures and pressures recorded by phases in individual AVC lavas suggests erupting magma extensively reams and accumulates crystals from disparate levels of the middle to upper crust.  相似文献   

The Begnas Lake in the Pokhara Valley is one of the threatened habitats in Nepal. The major ion chemistry explains the status of most of the inorganic nutrients and their possible sources. However, the earlier studies mostly cover limnological investigations, and phytoplankton and zooplankton diversity. Thus, the present study has been conducted to investigate the geochemical processes and to examine the seasonal variation of chemical composition within Begnas Lake. The results showed that SO 4 2- , PO 4 3- , and NO 3 - increased compared with the previous values. The domination of Ca2+, Mg2+, and HCO 3 - explains the influence of carbonate weathering on the major ion concentration. In general, pH and dissolved oxygen decreased with the depth of water-column, while electric conductivity, total dissolved solids, HCO 3 - , Cl-, H4SiO4, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Mn2+, and Fe increased. Among the cations, the predominance of Ca2+ and Mg2+ as characterized by high (>0.6) (Ca2+ + Mg2+)/(Tz+) and (>0.8) (Ca2+ + Mg2+)/(Na+ + K+) equivalent ratios, also suggests prevalence of carbonate weathering. The low value of (Na+ + K+)/Tz+ ratio shows deficiency of Na+ and K+, suggesting low contribution of cations via aluminosilicate weathering. The C-ratio suggests a proton source derived both from oxidation of sulfide and dissolution and dissociation of atmospheric CO2 during different seasons. Though the major hydro-chemical parameters are within permissible limit, the increase in trophic state of the lake suggests that inherent biogeochemical processes make the limiting nutrients available, rendering eutrophic effect. Therefore, further comprehensive studies incorporating sediment–water interaction ought to be carried out to explain the ongoing phenomena and curb the eutrophication process in the lake.  相似文献   

A general model for the structural state of iron in a variety of silicate and aluminosilicate glass compositions in the systems Na2O-Al2O3-SiO2-Fe-O, CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-Fe-O, and MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-Fe-O is proposed. Quenched melts with variable Al/Si and NBO/T (average number of nonbridging oxygens per tetrahedrally coordinated cation), synthesized over a range of temperatures and values of oxygen fugacity, are analyzed with57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. For oxidized glasses with Fe3+/∑Fe>0.50, the isomer shift for Fe3+ is in the range ~0.22–0.33 mm/s and ~0.36 mm/s at 298 K and 77 K, respectively. These values are indicative of tetrahedrally coordinated Fe3?. This assignment is in agreement with the interpretation of Raman, luminescence, and X-ray,K-edge absorption spectra. The values of the quadrupole splitting are ~0.90 mm/s (298 K and 77 K) in the Na-aluminosilicate glasses and compare with the values of 1.3 mm/s and 1.5 mm/s for the analogous Ca- and Mg-aluminosilicate compositions. The variations in quadrupole splittings for Fe3+ are due to differences in the degree of distortion of the tetrahedrally coordinated site in each of the systems. The values of the isomer shifts for Fe2+ ions in glasses irrespective of Fe3+/∑Fe are in the range 0.90–1.06 mm/s at 298 K and 1.0–1.15 mm/s at 77 K. The corresponding range of values of the quadrupole splitting is 1.75–2.10 mm/s at 298 K and 2.00–2.35 mm/s at 77 K. The temperature dependence of the hyperfine parameters for Fe2+ is indicative of noninteracting ions, but the values of the isomer shift are intermediate between those values normally attributable to tetrahedrally and octahedrally coordinated Fe2+. The assignment of the isomer-shift values of Fe2+ to octahedral coordination is in agreement with the results of other spectral studies. For reduced glasses (Fe3+/∑Fe≈<0.50), the value of the isomer shift for Fe3+ at both 298 K and 77 K increases and is linearly correlated with decreasing Fe3+/∑Fe in the range of \(f_{O_2 } \) between 10?3 and 10?6 atm when a single quadrupole-split doublet is assumed to represent the absorption due to ferric iron. The increase in value of the isomer shift with decreasing \(f_{O_2 } \) is consistent with an increase in the proportion of Fe3+ ions that are octahedrally coordinated. The concentration of octahedral Fe3+ is dependent on the \(T - f_{O_2 } \) conditions, and in the range of log \(f_{O_2 } \) between 10?2.0 and 10?5 a significant proportion of the iron may occur as iron-rich structural units with stoichiometry similar to that of inverse spinels such as Fe3O4, in addition to isolated Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of four birefringent andradite samples (two from Arizona, one from Madagascar, and one from Iran) was refined with the Rietveld method, space group $Ia\overline{3} d$ , and monochromatic synchrotron high-resolution powder X-ray diffraction (HRPXRD) data. Each sample contains an assemblage of three different cubic phases. From the electron-microprobe (EMPA) results, fine-scale intergrowths in the Arizona-2 and Madagascar samples appear homogeneous with nearly identical compositions of {Ca2.99Mg0.01}Σ3[ ${\text{Fe}}_{1.99}^{3 + }$ ${\text{Mn}}_{0.01}^{3 + }$ ]Σ2(Si2.95Al0.03 ${\text{Fe}}_{0.02}^{3 + }$ )Σ3O12, Adr98 (Arizona-2), and Adr97 (Madagascar). Both samples are near-end-member andradite, ideally {Ca3}[ ${\text{Fe}}_{2}^{3 + }$ ](Si3)O12, so cation ordering in the X, Y, or Z sites is not possible. Because of the large-scale intergrowths, the Arizona-1 and Iran samples contain three different compositions. Arizona-1 has compositions Adr97 (phase-1), Adr93Grs4 (phase-2), and Adr87Grs11 (phase-3). Iran sample has compositions Adr86Uv12 (phase-1), Adr69Uv30 (phase-2), and Adr76Uv22 (phase-3). The crystal structure of the three phases within each sample was modeled quite well as indicated by the Rietveld refinement statistics of reduced χ2 and overall R (F 2) values of, respectively, 1.980 and 0.0291 (Arizona-1); 1.091 and 0.0305 (Arizona-2); 1.362 and 0.0231 (Madagascar); and 1.681 and 0.0304 (Iran). The dominant phase for each sample has the following unit-cell parameters (Å) and weight fractions (%): a = 12.06314(1), 51.93(9) (Arizona-1); 12.04889(1), 52.47(1) (Arizona-2); 12.06276(1), 52.21(8) (Madagascar); and 12.05962(2), 63.3(1) (Iran). For these dominant phases, the distances and site occupancy factors (sofs) in terms of neutral atoms at the Ca(X), Fe(Y), and Si(Z) sites are as follows: <Ca–O> = 2.4348, Fe–O = 2.0121(6), Si–O = 1.6508(6) Å; Ca(sof) = 0.955(2), Fe(sof) = 0.930(2), and Si(sof) = 0.917(2) (Arizona-1); <Ca–O> = 2.4288, Fe–O = 2.0148(7), Si–O = 1.6476(7) Å; Ca(sof) = 0.953(2), Fe(sof) = 0.891(2), and Si(sof) = 0.927(2) (Arizona-2); <Ca–O> = 2.4319, Fe–O = 2.0220(6), Si–O = 1.6460(6) Å; Ca(sof) = 0.955(2), Fe(sof) = 0.941(2), and Si(sof) = 0.939(2) (Madagascar); and <Ca–O> = 2.4344, Fe–O = 2.0156(8), Si–O = 1.6468(8) Å; Ca(sof) = 0.928(2), Fe(sof) = 0.908(2), and Si(sof) = 0.932(3) (Iran). The sofs based on the EMPA results are similar to those obtained from the Rietveld refinement. Each phase in the HRPXRD results can be correlated with a specific chemical composition. For example, the Iran sample composition Adr63Uv30 corresponds to phase-3 that has the smallest unit-cell parameter; Adr76Uv22 corresponds to phase-1 that has the intermediate cell value; and Adr86Uv13 corresponds to phase-2 that has the largest unit-cell parameter. The bond distances compare well with those obtained from radii sum. The three different cubic phases in each sample cause strain that arises from the mismatch of the cubic unit-cell parameters and give rise to birefringence.  相似文献   

Theoretical and practical considerations are combined to place limits on the iron content of an FePt alloy that is in equilibrium with silicate melt, olivine and a gas phase of known \(f_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} }\) . Equilibrium constants are calculated for the reactions: (1) $$2{\text{Fe}}^{\text{o}} + {\text{SiO}}_{\text{2}} + {\text{O}}_{\text{2}} \rightleftharpoons {\text{Fe}}_{\text{2}} {\text{SiO}}_{\text{4}}$$ (2) $${\text{Fe}}^{\text{o}} + \frac{1}{2}{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} \rightleftharpoons {\text{FeO}}$$ . These equilibria may be used to choose an appropriate iron activity for the FePt alloy of an experiment. The temperature dependence of the equilibrium constants is calculated from experimental data. The Gibbs free energy of reaction (1) obtained using thermochemical data is in close agreement with ΔGrxn calculated from the experimental data. Reaction (1) has the advantage that it is independent of the Fe2+/Fe3+ ratio of the melt, but is limited to applications where olivine is a crystallizing phase and requires a formulation for \(a_{{\text{SiO}}_{\text{2}} }^{{\text{liq}}}\) . Reaction (2) uses an empirical approximation for the FeO/Fe2O3 ratio of the liquid, and is independent of olivine saturation. However, it requires a formulation for a FeO liq . Either equilibrium constant may be used to calculate the appropriate FePt alloy in equilibrium with a silicate melt. If experiments are conducted at an \(f_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} }\) parallel that of a buffer assemblage, a small range of FePt alloys may be used over a large temperature interval. For example, an alloy containing from 6 % to 9 % Fe by weight is in equilibrium with olivine-saturated tholeiites and komatiites at the quartzfayalite-magnetite buffer over the temperature interval 1,400° C to 1,100° C. Lunar basalt liquids in equilibrium with olivine at 1/2 log unit below the iron-wüstite buffer require an FePt alloy that contains 30–50 wt. % iron over a similar temperature interval.  相似文献   

The Si, Al LII, III and OKα emission and quantum yield spectra were obtained for 24 silicates. It was found that in minerals of a homogeneous anion composition the Si LII, III line has double-humped structure, and when in addition to SiO 4 4? ions of other composition (BeO 4 6? , AlO 4 5? etc.) are present it has triple-humped structure. The process of crystal-glass transition was studied by X-ray spectroscopy. The result is that in spite of the original form of the Si LII, III line of the mineral this line changes its structure in glass and exhibits a typical double-humped structure. The CNDO/2 approach was used to calculate the electronic structure of basic structural groups of silicates from SiO 4 4? to Si5O 16 12? by replacing one or two of the Si atoms by Be, B, Al and P. A qualitative interpretation of the X-ray spectra is presented.  相似文献   

The complexation between gold and silica was experimentally, confirmed and calibrated at 200 °C: $$\begin{gathered} Au^ + + H_3 SiO_4^ - \rightleftharpoons AuH_3 SiO_4^0 \hfill \\ \log K_{(200^\circ C)} = 19.26 \pm 0.4 \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ Thermodynamic calculations show that AuH3SiO 4 0 would be far more abundant than AuCl 2 ? under physicochemical conditions of geological interest, suggesting that silica is much more important than chloride as ligands for gold transport. In systems containing both sulfur and silica, AuH3SiO 4 0 would be increasingly more important than Au (HS) 2 ? as the proportion of SiO2 in the system increases. The dissolution of gold in aqueous SiO2 solutions can be described by the reaction: $$\begin{gathered} Au + 1/4O_2 + H_4 SiO_4^0 \rightleftharpoons AuH_3 SiO_4^0 + 1/2H_2 O \hfill \\ log K_{(200^\circ C)} = 6.23 \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ which indicates that SiO2 precipitation is an effective mechanism governing gold deposition, and thus explains the close association of silicification and gold mineralization.  相似文献   

An experimental study of the particulars of the solubility and crystallization of brushite Ca(HPO4) · 2H2O from aqueous solution in conditions of a variable pH (6.0–3.0) and the contents of impurity ions (K+, Na+, NH 4 + , Mg2+, SO 4 2? , CO 3 2? ) has been conducted. It is established that brushite solubility markedly rises with a decrease in pH from 6 to 3 and slightly rises with an increase in Mg2+ and SO 4 2? concentrations. The enrichment in K+, Na+, and NH 4 + does not affect brushite solubility. The changeable chemistry of the medium results in variation of the synthetic crystal habit, from rhombic tabular to thickened prismatic crystals.  相似文献   

We have developed models for the thermody-namic properties of nephelines, kalsilites, and leucites in the simple system NaAlSiO4?KAlSiO4?Ca0.5AlSiO4?SiO2?H2O that are consistent with all known constraints on subsolidus equilibria and thermodynamic properties, and have integrated them into the existing MELTS software package. The model for nepheline is formulated for the simplifying assumptions that (1) a molecular mixing-type approximation describes changes in the configurational entropy associated with the coupled exchange substitutions □Si?NaAl and □Ca? Na2 and that (2) Na+ and K+ display long–range non-convergent ordering between a large cation and the three small cation sites in the Na4Al4Si4O16 formula unit. Notable features of the model include the prediction that the mineral tetrakalsilite (“panunzite”, sensu stricto) results from anti-ordering of Na and K between the large cation and the three small cation sites in the nepheline structure at high temperatures, an average dT/dP slope of about 55°/kbar for the reaction over the temperature and pressure ranges 800–1050 °C and 500–5000 bars, roughly symmetric (i.e. quadratic) solution behavior of the K–Na substitution along joins between fully ordered components in nepheline, and large positive Gibbs energies for the nepheline reciprocal reactions and and for the leucite reciprocal reaction   相似文献   

Magnesium silicate perovskite is the predominant phase in the Earth’s lower mantle, and it is well known that incorporation of iron has a strong effect on its crystal structure and physical properties. To constrain the crystal chemistry of (Mg, Fe)SiO3 perovskite more accurately, we synthesized single crystals of Mg0.946(17)Fe0.056(12)Si0.997(16)O3 perovskite at 26 GPa and 2,073 K using a multianvil press and investigated its crystal structure, oxidation state and iron-site occupancy using single-crystal X-ray diffraction and energy-domain Synchrotron Mössbauer Source spectroscopy. Single-crystal refinements indicate that all iron (Fe2+ and Fe3+) substitutes on the A-site only, where \( {\text{Fe}}^{ 3+ } /\Upsigma {\text{Fe}}\sim 20\,\% \) based on Mössbauer spectroscopy. Charge balance likely occurs through a small number of cation vacancies on either the A- or the B-site. The octahedral tilt angle (Φ) calculated for our sample from the refined atomic coordinates is 20.3°, which is 2° higher than the value calculated from the unit-cell parameters (a = 4.7877 Å, b = 4.9480 Å, c = 6.915 Å) which assumes undistorted octahedra. A compilation of all available single-crystal data (atomic coordinates) for (Mg, Fe)(Si, Al)O3 perovskite from the literature shows a smooth increase of Φ with composition that is independent of the nature of cation substitution (e.g., \( {\text{Mg}}^{ 2+ } - {\text{Fe}}^{ 2+ } \) or \( {\text{Mg}}^{ 2+ } {\text{Si}}^{ 4+ } - {\text{Fe}}^{ 3+ } {\text{Al}}^{ 3+ } \) substitution mechanism), contrary to previous observations based on unit-cell parameter calculations.  相似文献   

A floodplain aquifer within an agricultural watershed near Madison, Wisconsin (USA), was studied to determine whether denitrification was occurring below the surface organic layer. Groundwater levels and concentrations of O2, Cl?, NO 3 ? , SO 4 2? , dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and major cations were monitored over a 1-year period along a 230-m transect between an agricultural field and a stream discharge point. Seventeen groundwater samples were analyzed for δ15NNO3 and δ18ONO3 composition. Samples in which NO 3 ? was too low for stable isotope analysis were analyzed for excess dissolved N2. Groundwater NO 3 ? concentrations declined between the agricultural field and the discharge point. Chloride and δ15NNO318ONO3 data indicated that the drop in NO 3 ? was caused primarily by dilution of shallow NO 3 ? -rich water with deeper, NO 3 ? -depleted groundwater. Two localized zones of denitrification were identified in the upland-wetland transition by their δ15NNO3 and δ18ONO3 signatures, and two in the stream hyporheic zone by the presence of excess dissolved N2. The combined stratigraphic, hydrologic, and geochemical data in these locations correspond to groundwater mixing zones where NO 3 ? is delivered to subsurface layers that support denitrification fueled by dissolved (e.g. DOC or dissolved Fe(II)) and/or solid-phase (e.g. particulate organic carbon, solid-associated Fe(II), or pyrite) electron donors.  相似文献   

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