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GPS静态精密单点定位算法精度分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用精密轨道和钟差,利用Bernese软件解算得到亚洲地区13个IGS跟踪站的站坐标、对流层ZTD和接收机钟差,将解算的结果与CODE发布的结果对比发现:静态PPP算法解算的N方向收敛精度明显优于E方向和U方向,4~6 h后,坐标偏差在1 cm左右;NEU RMS均值分别为0.45、0.29、0.69 cm,ZTD RMS均值为0.85 cm,接收机钟差RMS均值为0.14 ns。试验表明:精密单点定位算法具有较高的精度和可靠性,可为实际工程测量及相关地球物理信号研究提供理论依据。 相似文献
基于GPS单频接收机的精密单点定位研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
介绍了利用单频GPS接收机进行精密单点定位的数学模型及解算方案,并采用选权拟合法得到比较准确的状态参数初值及其方差-协方差,加快了卡尔曼滤波的收敛。算例结果表明,利用精密卫星星历及卫星钟改正数并采用单频观测值,半个小时后的定位精度可达1~2分米的水平。 相似文献
Ambiguity resolved precise point positioning with GPS and BeiDou 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
This paper focuses on the contribution of the global positioning system (GPS) and BeiDou navigation satellite system (BDS) observations to precise point positioning (PPP) ambiguity resolution (AR). A GPS + BDS fractional cycle bias (FCB) estimation method and a PPP AR model were developed using integrated GPS and BDS observations. For FCB estimation, the GPS + BDS combined PPP float solutions of the globally distributed IGS MGEX were first performed. When integrating GPS observations, the BDS ambiguities can be precisely estimated with less than four tracked BDS satellites. The FCBs of both GPS and BDS satellites can then be estimated from these precise ambiguities. For the GPS + BDS combined AR, one GPS and one BDS IGSO or MEO satellite were first chosen as the reference satellite for GPS and BDS, respectively, to form inner-system single-differenced ambiguities. The single-differenced GPS and BDS ambiguities were then fused by partial ambiguity resolution to increase the possibility of fixing a subset of decorrelated ambiguities with high confidence. To verify the correctness of the FCB estimation and the effectiveness of the GPS + BDS PPP AR, data recorded from about 75 IGS MGEX stations during the period of DOY 123-151 (May 3 to May 31) in 2015 were used for validation. Data were processed with three strategies: BDS-only AR, GPS-only AR and GPS + BDS AR. Numerous experimental results show that the time to first fix (TTFF) is longer than 6 h for the BDS AR in general and that the fixing rate is usually less than 35 % for both static and kinematic PPP. An average TTFF of 21.7 min and 33.6 min together with a fixing rate of 98.6 and 97.0 % in static and kinematic PPP, respectively, can be achieved for GPS-only ambiguity fixing. For the combined GPS + BDS AR, the average TTFF can be shortened to 16.9 min and 24.6 min and the fixing rate can be increased to 99.5 and 99.0 % in static and kinematic PPP, respectively. Results also show that GPS + BDS PPP AR outperforms single-system PPP AR in terms of convergence time and position accuracy. 相似文献
At present, reliable ambiguity resolution in real-time GPS precise point positioning (PPP) can only be achieved after an initial observation period of a few tens of minutes. In this study, we propose a method where the incoming triple-frequency GPS signals are exploited to enable rapid convergences to ambiguity-fixed solutions in real-time PPP. Specifically, extra-wide-lane ambiguity resolution can be first achieved almost instantaneously with the Melbourne-Wübbena combination observable on L2 and L5. Then the resultant unambiguous extra-wide-lane carrier-phase is combined with the wide-lane carrier-phase on L1 and L2 to form an ionosphere-free observable with a wavelength of about 3.4 m. Although the noise of this observable is around 100 times the raw carrier-phase noise, its wide-lane ambiguity can still be resolved very efficiently, and the resultant ambiguity-fixed observable can assist much better than pseudorange in speeding up succeeding narrow-lane ambiguity resolution. To validate this method, we use an advanced hardware simulator to generate triple-frequency signals and a high-grade receiver to collect 1-Hz data. When the carrier-phase precisions on L1, L2 and L5 are as poor as 1.5, 6.3 and 1.5 mm, respectively, wide-lane ambiguity resolution can still reach a correctness rate of over 99 % within 20 s. As a result, the correctness rate of narrow-lane ambiguity resolution achieves 99 % within 65 s, in contrast to only 64 % within 150 s in dual-frequency PPP. In addition, we also simulate a multipath-contaminated data set and introduce new ambiguities for all satellites every 120 s. We find that when multipath effects are strong, ambiguity-fixed solutions are achieved at 78 % of all epochs in triple-frequency PPP whilst almost no ambiguities are resolved in dual-frequency PPP. Therefore, we demonstrate that triple-frequency PPP has the potential to achieve ambiguity-fixed solutions within a few minutes, or even shorter if raw carrier-phase precisions are around 1 mm. In either case, we conclude that the efficiency of ambiguity resolution in triple-frequency PPP is much higher than that in dual-frequency PPP. 相似文献
研究单频GPS精密单点定位的算法,包括单频精密单点定位的回归方程及卡尔曼滤波用于单频精密单点定位.探讨卡尔曼滤波的观测方程和状态方程,给出状态转移矩阵及系统噪声矩阵.通过算例验证在1 s采样率的情况下,定位达到了分米级的精度. 相似文献
A combination of GPS and GLONASS observations can offer improved reliability, availability and accuracy for precise point positioning (PPP). We present and analyze a combined GPS/GLONASS PPP model, including both functional and stochastic components. Numerical comparison and analysis are conducted with respect to PPP based on only GPS or GLONASS observations to demonstrate the benefits of the combined GPS/GLONASS PPP. The observation residuals are analyzed for more appropriate stochastic modeling for observations from different navigation systems. An analysis is also made using different precise orbit and clock products. The performance of the combined GPS/GLONASS PPP is assessed using both static and kinematic data. The results indicate that the convergence time can be significantly reduced with the addition of GLONASS data. The positioning accuracy, however, is not significantly improved by adding GLONASS data if there is a sufficient number of GPS satellites with good geometry. 相似文献
Generating GPS satellite fractional cycle bias for ambiguity-fixed precise point positioning 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
With the development of precise point positioning (PPP), the School of Geodesy and Geomatics (SGG) at Wuhan University is now routinely producing GPS satellite fractional cycle bias (FCB) products with open access for worldwide PPP users to conduct ambiguity-fixed PPP solution. We provide a brief theoretical background of PPP and present the strategies and models to compute the FCB products. The practical realization of the two-step (wide-lane and narrow-lane) FCB estimation scheme is described in detail. With GPS measurements taken in various situations, i.e., static, dynamic, and on low earth orbit (LEO) satellites, the quality of FCB estimation and the effectiveness of PPP ambiguity resolution (AR) are evaluated. The comparison with CNES FCBs indicated that our FCBs had a good consistency with the CNES ones. For wide-lane FCB, almost all the differences of the two products were within ±0.05 cycles. For narrow-lane FCB, 87.8 % of the differences were located between ±0.05 cycles, and 97.4 % of them were located between ±0.075 cycles. The experimental results showed that, compared with conventional ambiguity-float PPP, the averaged position RMS of static PPP can be improved from (3.6, 1.4, 3.6) to (2.0, 1.0, 2.7) centimeters for ambiguity-fixed PPP. The average accuracy improvement in the east, north, and up components reached 44.4, 28.6, and 25.0 %, respectively. A kinematic, ambiguity-fixed PPP test with observation of 80 min achieved a position accuracy of better than 5 cm at the one-sigma level in all three coordinate components. Compared with the results of ambiguity-float, kinematic PPP, the positioning biases of ambiguity-fixed PPP were improved by about 78.2, 20.8, and 65.1 % in east, north, and up. The RMS of LEO PPP test was improved by about 23.0, 37.0, and 43.0 % for GRACE-A and GRACE-B in radial, tangential, and normal directions when AR was applied to the same data set. These results demonstrated that the SGG FCB products can be produced with high quality for users anywhere around the world to carry out ambiguity-fixed PPP solutions. 相似文献
本文通过对韶关市基础控制网改造中的GPS框架网的数据分别采用GAMIT解算基线的相对定位方法以及采用静态精密单点定位技术两种不同的方法分别进行了解算,解算结果表明,两种方法获得的结果是一致的. 相似文献
Real-time precise point positioning regional augmentation for large GPS reference networks 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
An increasing number of GNSS reference stations are installed around the world to provide real-time precise positioning services. In most of the current services, a full network solution is required for the precise determination of biases. Such a network solution is time consuming and difficult to achieve for very large regions such as Europe or China. Therefore, we developed a multi-layer processing scheme for precise point positioning (PPP) regional augmentation to avoid processing large networks. Furthermore, we use L1 and L2 raw observations and estimate atmospheric delays, which were properly constrained to the atmospheric corrections derived from the reference stations. Therefore, inaccurate representation of atmospheric delays due to temporal and/or spatial atmospheric fluctuations in the processing can be compensated. The proposed scheme of PPP regional augmentation was implemented into the operational real-time PPP service system at GFZ for validation. The real-time orbit and clock corrections, the uncalibrated phase delays, and regional augmentation corrections are generated by this system. The augmentation corrections from the regional network are investigated and the positioning performance in terms of positioning accuracy and time for fixed solution is demonstrated in real-time. Our results indicate that a reliable fixing is possible after 5 s on average. The positioning accuracy is about 12, 10, and 25 mm in east, north, and vertical direction, respectively. 相似文献
针对现有基于网络和数据流量的实时精密单点定位应用中改正信息传播覆盖范围有限及信号延迟等问题,该文提出了一种新的基于GPS增强信号的实时精密单点定位算法。利用增强频段播发精密轨道、钟差产品有效地解决了传统改正信息传递过程中覆盖范围小与信号延迟的问题,极大地提高了实时改正产品的覆盖范围与时效性。基于亚太地区多个测站准实测数据的实验结果表明:基于LEX增强信息的实时动态和静态精密单点定位解算可分别实现分米级和厘米级的定位精度,显示了利用LEX增强信号进行实时高精度定位的可行性。 相似文献
GPS Solutions - The EUREF Permanent Network (EPN) is a network of continuously operating GNSS stations installed throughout the European continent. The EPN Central Bureau (CB) performs the... 相似文献