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Laterite occurs extensively over the crystalline and sedimentary rocks in the midland and lowland areas of south Kerala, India. Two lateritization cycles are identified in this area. Large, good-quality kaolin deposits, composed mostly of kaolinite, are characteristic of the sedimentary sequence in south Kerala. These deposits were formed on deposition of the weathering materials of the khondalites towards the first cycle of lateritization. After deposition and uplift of the sedimentary rocks, another lateritization cycle affected these, as well as the khondalites during pre-Quaternary times with the formation of a planation surface at 25–125 m above sea level having thick laterite profiles. The laterite profiles over the kaolin deposits show higher concentration of Fe-oxides (mostly in the form of hematite) and titania, compared to their concentration in the kaolins. Higher contents of Cr and Ni are also characteristic of the laterite over kaolin deposits. Recrystallization of the kaolinite, appearance of Al, Fe and Si amorphous phases in the kaolin clays and partial removal of Fe and Ti from them are attributed to the second lateritization cycle.  相似文献   

Kaolin deposits of the Swat District in Pakistan are indicated to have derived by hydrothermal alteration of more feldspathic parts of felsic intrusives, which occur enclosed in orthoamphibolites and orthogneisses of the Cretaceous Kohistan Island Arc terrane. These latter “country rocks” formed under epidote–amphibolite conditions that prograde northwards to amphibolite facies, and locally manifest slight metamorphic differentiation. The felsic intrusives exhibit a general decrease in siliceous character from west to east, but are less siliceous than most hosts of world kaolins. They are composed of chemically allied quartz diorite, tonalite, trondhjemite and pegmatoids, which evolved mainly by an orthomagmatic crystal fractionation. These parental rocks are calc-alkaline in nature, and kaolinization has proceeded in Ca-richer environment. This is in variance with the occurrence of most known kaolin deposits over potassic granites or rhyolites. Ca-metasomatism of the “host rocks” is in evidence. Kaolin formation by a supergene process is not displayed.The raw kaolin with contained unaltered plagioclase is characterized by a rather low silica (46.54–50.93%) and potash (<1%), and high alumina (23.54–26.77%), Fe2O3 (1.73–5.45%) and lime (8.13–16.93%) content. Kaolinization proceeded with a decrease in SiO2 and concomitant increase in Al2O3. The same trend is followed with fineness of grain size of washed fractions, in resemblance to other known kaolin deposits of primary as well as secondary origin.  相似文献   

Copper is a moderately incompatible chalcophile element. Its behavior is strongly controlled by sulfides. The speciation of sulfur is controlled by oxygen fugacity. Therefore, porphyry Cu deposits are usually oxidized (with oxygen fugacities > ΔFMQ +2) (Mungall 2002; Sun et al. 2015). The problem is that while most of the magmas at convergent margins are highly oxidized, porphyry Cu deposits are very rare, suggesting that high oxygen fugacity alone is not sufficient. Partial melting of mantle peridotite even at very high oxygen fugacities forms arc magmas with initial Cu contents too low to form porphyry Cu deposits directly (Lee et al. 2012; Wilkinson 2013). Here we show that partial melting of subducted young oceanic slabs at high oxygen fugacity (>ΔFMQ +2) may form magmas with initial Cu contents up to >500 ppm, favorable for porphyry mineralization. Pre-enrichment of Cu through sulfide saturation and accumulation is not necessarily beneficial to porphyry Cu mineralization. In contrast, re-melting of porphyritic hydrothermal sulfide associated with iron oxides may have major contributions to porphyry deposits. Thick overriding continental crust reduces the “leakage” of hydrothermal fluids, thereby promoting porphyry mineralization. Nevertheless, it is also more difficult for ore forming fluids to penetrate the thick continental crust to reach the depths of 2–4 km where porphyry deposits form.  相似文献   

藏东地区是西南三江复合造山带有色金属、贵金属成矿带的重要组成部分,也是三江带中北段新生代强烈陆内变形区,具有金和金银金属矿产成矿的优越条件。已发现的众多岩金矿(化)点反映出藏东有多种岩金矿床成因类型,其中以斑岩型和破碎带充填交代型两种类型最为重要。前者以新生代浸源偏碱性斑岩为成矿母岩,矿(化)体赋存于斑岩、隐爆角砾岩内部、接触带及外接触蚀变带中,主矿化元素为金、银、铅、锌,少数还有铜、钨;后者的矿(化)体一般赋存于多期活动的区域性大断裂侧次级断裂、派生断裂、层间破碎带及节理、劈理发育带内,主矿化元素亦为金及银、铅、锌、铜,个别有锑、汞等。成矿时代以新生代及白垩纪-新生代为主。文中还对藏东构造单元和新生代偏碱性岩带进行划分,对两种金矿床类型的一般矿化特征、矿源层、蚀变和化探异常与矿化关系、找矿标志及找矿方向作了简要论述。  相似文献   

Tidal bundle sequences are the characteristic large-scale cross-bedded sets with mud drapes deposited by strongly asymmetrical bidirectional tidal currents. By means of time series analysis of the bundle thickness of such sequences, the palaeohydrodynamic processes can be reconstructed. This technique involves: (1) Fourier analysis to test the periodicity of the bundle-thickness sequence and to estimate the periods and the phases of the most important periodic components; (2) filtering analysis to resolve the bundle-thickness sequence into different components (i.e. diurnal components, random variations, neap/spring components and longer period variations) and also to estimate the relative importance (amplitude) of each component. From these analyses, useful information can be derived as to the palaeotidal regime (whether semidiurnal or mixed) and also about the possible influence of non-tidal processes, such as storms (their strength, duration, frequency and direction). Results from a subrecent and an ancient example show that tidal currents and storm-induced currents are the most important hydrodynamic processes in the transport and deposition of sediment in these shallow marine environments.  相似文献   

A comprehensive model for the activity of the elementary accretion segment at fast‐spreading ridges relies on integration of structural data from the Oman ophiolite and geophysical results from the East Pacific Rise (EPR) around 9°N, which are of comparable size and spreading rates. The axial melt lens at shallow crustal level provides a link between Deval segmentation at the seafloor and a lower melt sill at Moho level, imaged at the EPR as a crustal melt zone (CMZ) and mapped in Oman as the Moho transition zone (MTZ). Both are attached to a mantle upwelling at the EPR, and to a frozen diapir in Oman. The physical link between diapiric mantle uprising at the Moho and Devals segmentation at the seafloor is the melt being injected from the mantle into the lower MTZ, ponding there, and then being released by powerful injections into the upper melt lens. The magma chamber covers the diapir at a distance of 5 km from the ridge axis.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the formation conditions of the Ary-Bulak ongonite massif (eastern Transbaikalia). Studies of melt and fluid inclusions have shown that, along with crystalline phases and a silicate melt, ongonitic magma contained aqueous–saline fluids of different types, fluoride melts compositionally similar to fluorite, sellaite, cryolite, chiolite, and more complex aluminum fluorides as well as silicate melts with abnormal Cs and As contents. An ongonite melt crystallized with the participation of P–Q fluids as vapor solutions, presumably NaF-containing and slightly admixed with chlorides. We studied the properties and composition of brine inclusions from Ca- and F-rich rocks on the margin of the massif. Depending on the thermophysical properties of the host rocks and ongonite melt, the duration of its crystallization has been estimated for a magma chamber of the size and shape of the Ary-Bulak massif. Magma chamber cooling has been modeled, and the density, viscosity, and Rayleigh number of the ongonite melt have been estimated from the composition of silicate glasses in melt inclusions. These data strongly suggest intense convection in the residual magma chamber lasting for centuries. We have calculated possible fluid overpressure during the crystallization and degassing of the ongonite melt in a closed magma chamber.Calcium- and fluorine-rich aphyric and porphyritic rocks on the southwestern margin of the massif might have formed by the following mechanism. Local decompression in the magma chamber quenched an oxygen-containing calcium fluoride melt accumulated at the crystallization front, and then these rocks altered during the interaction with fluids. When penetrating the marginal zone, a P–Q magmatic fluid which coexisted with the melt in the residual chamber cooled and changed its composition and properties. This caused the fluid to boil and segregate into immiscible phases: a vapor solution and a brine extremely rich in Cl, F, K, Cs, Mn, Fe, and Al. The fluoride and silicate liquids were immiscible; the silicate melts had abnormal Cs and As contents; changes in the composition and properties of the magmatic fluids caused them to boil and produce brines. All this is evidence for complex fluid–magma interaction and heterogeneous ongonitic magma during the crystallization of the Ary-Bulak rocks. These processes were favored by the low viscosity and high mobility of the F- and water-rich ongonite melt, intense melt convection in the residual chamber, and rising fluid pressure during its degassing.  相似文献   

Attributed to escape of water from unconsolidated deposits, teepee and dish-and-pillar structures are common features in the Late Proterozoic Torridonian red bed succession of NW Scotland. Study of the first annual flood on a modern depositional analogue, in Wadi Baysh, Saudi Arabia, revealed that a layer of mud, initially deposited across the alluvium, restricted the escape of air being displaced through the normally unconfined aquifer by waters entering the aquifer from the river channels. As air bubbled through high level pool-floor muds, it generated dish-and-pillar structures. The formation of teepee structures by similarly combined air and water escapes nearer to the channel later in the annual cycle of flooding is foreseen. It is suggested that the two sediment structures are generated in response to different parts of the aquifer recharge spectrum. The role of air displacement by influent waters is important in the initial phases of structure formation, and combined air and water escape creates greater disturbance to the sediments. The sedimentary structures formed are not, therefore, solely due to water escape, as has been previously suggested. Ephemeral seasonal flooding appears to have characterized the deposition of at least the Stoer Group and Diabaig Formation sediments in the Torridonian.  相似文献   

K-Ar ages (A. Abdel-Monem, P. D. Watkins, and P. W. Gast, 1971, American Journal of Science271, 490–521; this paper) and revised paleontological determinations (J. Meco, 1977, “Los Strombus neogenos y cuatenarios del Atlantico euroafricano”, Las Palmas, Ediciones del Excmo. Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria) show that “Quaternary” (R. Crofts, 1967, Quaternaria 9, 247–260; G. Lecointre, K. J. Tinkler, and G. Richards, 1967, Academy of Natural Science of Philadelphia Proceedings119, 325–344) littoral deposits on Lanzarote and Fuerteventura are early Pliocene and late Pleistocene. Early and middle Pleistocene strand lines are not represented. Early Pliocene littoral and marine deposits contain a characteristic fossil assemblage: Strombus coronatus, Nerità emiliana, Gryphaea virleti, Patella cf. intermedia, and Rothpletzia rudista. Differences in elevation record differential post-Pliocene uplift of the coastal platforms on which they lie. Late Pleistocene beach deposits at low elevations belong to two groups, an older with Strombus bubonius and a younger without. Differences in elevation of early Pliocene littoral deposits are reflected by differences in elevation of late Pleistocene beach deposits nearby.  相似文献   

Evidence on the Paleozoic granitoids of the eastern part of the Central Asian Fold Belt (CAFB) was analyzed. A tectonic chart of orogenic belts was compiled. Sketch maps were constructed for the geodynamic settings of the formation of Paleozoic granitoids and the extensiveness of their occurrence. Two types of deep controlling structures were distinguished: zones of lithospheric faults and plumes, including the newly recognized Jiamusi-Bureya plume. It was sown that the distribution of large and superlarge Paleozoic ore deposits is related to these structures, primarily to plumes. Sites promising for large and superlarge deposits related to the Paleozoic granitoid magmatism were determined in the Russian Far East.  相似文献   

In the eastern Mediterranean the collision of the Erastosthenes and the Anaximander Seamounts with the Cyprus arc results in a unique tectonic setting due to the small size of the eastern Mediterranean basin. As a result of the collision, some of the motion between the African plate and the Eurasian plate is taking place by thrust faulting along the north African passive margin. It seems that the stress at the plate boundary along the Cyprus arc may be transmitted southward to cause the reactivation of a pre-existing fault zone along the passive margin of eastern north Africa.
Zusammenfassung Im östlichen Mittelmeerbecken hat die Kollision des Erastosthenes und des Anaximander Seamounts mit dem Cypern-Bogen eine spezielle tektonische Situation geschaffen, die durch den engen Raum dieses Beckens bestimmt wird. Als Ergebnis dieser Kollision erscheinen Überschiebungen der Afrikanischen Platte auf Eurasische Platte entlang des passiven nordafrikanischen Randes. Es erscheint möglich, daß das Streßfeld an der Plattengrenze entlang des Zypernbogens südwärts wirkt und dadurch die alte Störungszone entlang des passiven Kontinentrandes von Nordafrika reaktiert wird.

Résumé En Méditerrannée orientale, la collision des guyots Eratosthène et Anaximandre avec l'arc de Chypre a engendré une situation tectonique particulière, due à la faible dimension du bassin est-méditerrannéen. Cette collision a eu pour conséquence la production de charriages de la plaque africaine sur la plaque eurasiatique le long de la marge passive nord-africaine. Il semble que les contraintes règnant au bord de la plaque le long de l'arc de Chypre se soient transmises vers le Sud pour y provoquer la réactivation d'une zône failleuse préexistante le long de la marge passive du NE de l'Afrique.

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图拉尔根、香山和天宇、白石泉岩浆铜镍硫化物矿床分别位于新疆东天山的觉罗塔格构造带和中天山地块,角闪石在这些矿床中均以贯通矿物产出。本研究通过这些矿床角闪石的主量和微量元素含量,讨论两个构造单元成矿岩浆的性质和演化过程。四个矿床的角闪石种属主要为韭闪石、镁绿钙闪石、浅闪石、钛闪石、钙镁闪石和镁闪石,结晶温度区间为940~1080℃,压力区间为250~450MPa,相当于11~15km的深度。图拉尔根和香山矿床的角闪石结晶温度和压力均相对较低(平均分别为1027℃、318MPa和1013℃、313MPa),可能与其所处的觉罗塔格构造带断裂发育,成矿母岩浆易于侵位到较浅处结晶有关。四个矿床角闪石结晶时岩浆的含水量均较高(4%左右),可能是俯冲交代作用导致的地幔源区本身水含量较高以及角闪石结晶较晚共同作用的结果。相较于觉罗塔格构造带的图拉尔根和香山矿床(0 ΔNNO 1. 7),角闪石氧逸度计指示中天山地块天宇和白石泉矿床的氧逸度变化范围大且偏低(分别是-0. 6 ΔNNO 1. 7和-0. 4 ΔNNO 1. 8)。中天山铜镍矿床的氧逸度特征及相对觉罗塔格构造带较低的微量元素Ce/Pb比值指示其岩浆侵位过程中受到的古老地块的混染作用较强。以上研究表明角闪石虽是玄武质岩浆中较晚结晶的矿物,但能为示踪铜镍矿床岩浆演化提供重要线索。  相似文献   

《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1999,63(23-24):3939-3957
A simple geochemical balance of lateritization processes governing the development of several tens of meters of weathering profiles overlain by ferricretes is estimated on the basis of detailed mineralogical and geochemical data. The lateritic weathering mantle of the “Haut–Mbomou” area in Central Africa is composed of different weathering layers described from the base to the top of vertical profiles as a saprolite, a mottled clay layer, a soft nodular layer, a soft ferricrete, and a ferricrete in which kaolinite, gibbsite, goethite, and hematite occur in various quantities. Incongruent dissolution of kaolinite leads to the formation of gibbsite in the upper saprolite, whereas the hematite does not clearly replace the kaolinite according to an epigene process in the upper ferruginous layers of the profiles. Instead, that kaolinite is also transformed into gibbsite according to an incongruent dissolution under hydrated and reducing conditions induced by a relatively humid climatic pattern. The respective relations of the silica, iron, and aluminum balances and the Al substitution rate of the hematite on the one hand, and of RHG [RHG = 100 (hematite/hematite + goethite)] and the kaolinite on the other hand, to the consumption or the release of protons H+ permit differentiation of aggrading ferruginization and degradation processes operating in the different lateritic weathering profiles. The Al substitution rate of the Fe–oxyhydroxides varies according to the nature of lateritization processes, e.g., saprolitic weathering and aggrading ferruginization vs. degradation. The observations and results indicate that the ferruginization process of the weathering materials of parent rocks is not a simple ongoing process as often thought. This suggests that the actual lateritic weathering mantle of the Haut–Mbomou area may result from different stages of weathering and erosion during climatic changes.  相似文献   

麻粒岩的形成及其对大陆地壳演化的贡献   总被引:17,自引:17,他引:17  
麻粒岩是地球中最重要的岩石类型之一,它的形成主要受地热条件的控制。麻粒岩的形成可以与大陆碰撞、大陆拉张以及大陆弧模式相联系。麻粒岩在某种程度上,还是下地壳的同义词。通过麻粒岩地体地及火山岩中麻粒岩捕虏体的研究,使人们对地球深部的物质组成和结构有了直接的了解。麻粒岩在陆壳的形成和演化中具有举足轻重的地位。陆核说、陆壳垂直增生或横向增生说,都以麻粒岩作为重要的岩石学依据。  相似文献   

This work reports, for the first time, the mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the Cretaceous sedimentary kaolin deposits in the Red Sea area, Egypt and sheds the light on their source. Mineralogical and geochemical analyses of both bulk deposits and the sand and clay fractions of these deposits indicated that they are composed of kaolinite (average of 75 wt.%) and quartz (average of 22 wt.%). Traces of anatase (average of 1 wt.%) were identified in all kaolin samples, while traces of halite (average of 2 wt.%) and hematite (average of 1 wt.%) were reported in the majority of the analyzed samples. The clay fractions show relatively high contents of TiO2 (average of 2.1%), Ni (average of 103 ppm), Nb (average of 98 ppm), Y (average of 67 ppm), and Zr (average of 630 ppm). Sum of the rare earth elements (ΣREE) in the clay fractions varies between 193 and 352 ppm. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns show enrichment of the light REE relative to the heavy REE ((La/Yb)N = 9) and negative Eu anomaly (Eu*/Eu = 0.67).  相似文献   

The Pirabas Formation of Early Miocene age represents the final stage of the central western Atlantic carbonate platform in northeastern South America, predating the emplacement of the Amazon delta system. The otolith-based fossil fish fauna is represented by 38 species typical of a shallow marine environment. A total of 18 species are described new to science from the families Congridae, Batrachoididae, Bythitidae, Sciaenidae and Paralichthyidae. The fish fauna was associated with high benthic and planktic primary productivity including seagrass meadows, calcareous algae and suspension-feeders. The break of todays shallow marine bioprovince at the Amazonas delta mouth is not evident from the fish fauna of the Pirabas Fm., which shows good correlation with the Gatunian/proto-Caribbean bioprovince known from an only slightly younger time window in Trinidad and Venezuela. Differences observed to those Early Miocene faunal associations are interpreted to be mainly due to stratigraphic and geographic and not environmental differences. We postulate that the emergence of the Amazonas river mouth close to its present day location has terminated the carbonate cycle of the Pirabas Fm. and pushed back northwards a certain proportion of the fish fauna here described.  相似文献   

A biostratigraphical and palaeoecological survey employing calcareous nannofossils and planktonic and benthonic foraminifera has been carried out in four sections of hemipelagic marls and chalks of the Late Maastrichtian Abathomphalus mayaroensis Zone of eastern Sinai, in order to evaluate the mechanisms controlling the composition of the well preserved microfauna and nannoflora.The Abathomphalus mayaroensis Zone in eastern Sinai can be easily identified by the wide occurrence of the index fossil A. mayaroensis and can be further subdivided by the first occurrences of Plummerita reicheli (ex. P. hantkeninoides) and Micula prinsii. Microfossil abundances and lithologies are characterised by pronounced repetitive distribution patterns. These include low and high frequency fluctuations of the planktonic/benthonic (P/B) foraminiferal ratio, repetitive changes in the abundance of calcareous nannofossils and benthonic foraminifera, as well as the development of chalk-marl couplets and thinning upward chalk packets. both microfossil distribution patterns and the occurrence of rhythmites are attributed to changes in primary palaeoproductivity. Semiquantitative investigations of calcareous nannofossils and a few selected benthonic foraminifera yield evidence of the presence of high (HP) and low (LP) productivity assemblages.The interpreted HP assemblage is dominated by Glaukolithus diplogrammus, Manvitella pemmatoidea, Microrhabdulus decoratus and Micula murus and the benthonic foraminifera Neoflabellina jarvisi; the LP assemblage is characterised by Lithraphidites quadratus and Bolivinoides draco. However, further quantitative studies are necessary to reconstruct the exact composition of these assemblages and to explain deviatory developments. The chalk-marl couplets, thinning-upward chalk packets and the high frequency P/B patterns are interpreted to reflect productivity changes related to orbital forcing. These hemipelagites were deposited during the latest phase of the southern Tethyan upwelling system, which was active from the Santonian to the Late Maastrichtian with a peak in the Campanian. Termination of upwelling just before the K/T boundary also provides a good explanation for the change towards a palaeobathymetric control on foraminiferal distribution, as observed for the Palaeocene of central east Sinai.  相似文献   

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