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Representative paleomagnetic collections of Lower Cambrian rocks from the northern and eastern regions of the Siberian platform are studied. New evidence demonstrating the anomalous character of the paleomagnetic record in these rocks is obtained. These data confidently support the hypothesis (Pavlov et al., 2004) that in the substantial part of the Lower Cambrian section of the Siberian platform there are two stable high-temperature magnetization components having significantly different directions, each of which is eligible for being a primary component that was formed, at the latest, in the Early Cambrian. The analysis of the world’s paleomagnetic data for this interval of the geological history shows that the peculiarities observed in Siberia in the paleomagnetic record for the Precambrian–Phanerozoic boundary are global, inconsistent with the traditional notion of a paleomagnetic record as reflecting the predominant axial dipole component of the geomagnetic field, and necessitates the assumption that the geomagnetic field at the Proterozoic–Phanerozoic boundary (Ediacaran–Lower Cambrian) substantially differed from the field of most of the other geological epochs. In order to explain the observed paleomagnetic record, we propose a hypothesis suggesting that the geomagnetic field at the Precambrian–Cambrian boundary had an anomalous character. This field was characterized by the presence of two alternating quasi-stable generation regimes. According to our hypothesis, the magnetic field at the Precambrian–Cambrian boundary can be described by the alternation of long periods dominated by an axial, mainly monopolar dipole field and relatively short epochs, lasting a few hundred kA, with the prevalence of the near-equatorial or midlatitude dipole. The proposed hypothesis agrees with the data obtained from studies of the transitional fields of Paleozoic reversals (Khramov and Iosifidi, 2012) and with the results of geodynamo numerical simulations (Aubert and Wicht, 2004; Glatzmayer and Olson, 2005; Gissinger et al., 2012).  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - Abstract—The analysis of Nb–Zr–Y systematics and thermal regimes of lithospheric mantle of the Siberian, Kaapvaal, North American, North...  相似文献   

The Canterbury earthquake sequence beginning with the 2010 M W 7.2 Darfield earthquake is one of the most notable and well-recorded crustal earthquake sequences in a low-strain-rate region worldwide and as such provides a unique opportunity to better understand earthquake source physics and ground motion generation in such a tectonic setting. Ground motions during this sequence ranged up to extreme values of 2.2 g, recorded during the February 2011 M W 6.2 event beneath the city of Christchurch. A better understanding of the seismic source signature of this sequence, in particular the stress release and its scaling with earthquake size, is crucial for future ground motion prediction and hazard assessment in Canterbury, but also of high interest for other low-to-moderate seismicity regions where high-quality records of large earthquakes are lacking. Here we present a source parameter study of more than 200 events of the Canterbury sequence, covering the magnitude range M W 3–7.2. Source spectra were derived using a generalized spectral inversion technique and found to be well characterized by the ω ?2 source model. We find that stress drops range between 1 and 20 MPa with a median value of 5 MPa, which is a factor of 5 larger than the median stress drop previously estimated with the same method for crustal earthquakes in much more seismically active Japan. Stress drop scaling with earthquake size is nearly self-similar, and we identify lateral variations throughout Canterbury, in particular high stress drops at the fault edges of the two major events, the M W 7.2 Darfield and M W 6.2 Christchurch earthquakes.  相似文献   

Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic study has been conducted on the Early Triassic red beds of Liujiagou Formation from Jiaocheng, Shanxi Province. Hematite was shown as the main magnetic mineral. After eradicating an initial viscous component at room temperature to -100℃- 200℃, thermal demagnetization shows that most samples contain two remanence components, intermediate-temperature remanence component at 250℃-500℃ and high-temperature component at 500℃-680℃. The intermediate-temperature component has a negative fold test at the 95% confidence level. And the pole position of the intermediate-temperature component in geographic coordinates is correlated with the Middle Jurassic reference pole of the North China Block (NCB) within the 95% confidence, suggesting that it might be a remagnetiza-tion component acquired during the Yanshanian period. The high-temperature component contains both reversal and normal polarities with positive fold test and C-level positive reversal test at the 95% confidence lev  相似文献   

Paleomagnetic results obtained from Upper Cretaceous sandstones in Northeastern Anatolia demonstrate that the entire area from Erzincan to Kars has been remagnetised. The remagnetisation was acquired before the Middle Eocene collision between the Eastern Pontides and the Arabian Platform because Middle Eocene sandstones carry primary natural remanent magnetisations. The post-folding in situ mean direction of the Upper Cretaceous sandstones is compared with mean directions of younger, Middle Eocene to present rock formations. As a result, a two-stage antagonistic rotation mechanism is proposed. First, the collision between the Pontides and the Taurides between Late Cretaceous and Middle Eocene was associated by clockwise rotation of  ~ 26°. In the second stage between Middle Eocene and Middle Miocene and beyond, counterclockwise rotations up to ~ 52° of the Pontide and Anatolide blocks and clockwise rotations of the Van Block were characterised by regional shortening and westward escape.  相似文献   

Regional stratigraphic data of major fossil groups in the critical geologic periods could provide reliable materials not only for the studies of diversity changes in different biogeographic provinces,but also for the comparison of regional patterns in the major biotic events accumulated in a long history of investigation,the paleontologic and stratigraphic data of South China have made indispensable contributions to re-vealing the pattern of end-Permian extinction[1―3],analyzing the differenc…  相似文献   

High 4He/3He ratios of 100 000 to 160 000 found at HIMU ocean islands (“high μ,” where μ is the U/Pb ratio) are usually attributed to the presence of recycled oceanic crust in the HIMU mantle source. However, significantly higher 4He/3He ratios are expected in recycled crust after residence in the mantle for periods greater than 1 Ga. In order to better understand the helium isotopic signatures in HIMU basalts, we have measured helium and neon isotopic compositions in a suite of geochemically well-characterized basalts from the Cook–Austral Islands. We observe 4He/3He ratios ranging from 56 000 to 141 000, suggesting the involvement of mantle reservoirs both more and less radiogenic than the mantle source for mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs). In addition, we find that the neon isotopic compositions of HIMU lavas extend from the MORB range to compositions less nucleogenic than MORBs. The Cook-Austral HIMU He–Ne isotopic compositions, along with Sr, Nd, Pb, and Os isotopic compositions, indicate that in addition to recycled crust, a relatively undegassed mantle end-member (e.g., FOZO) is involved in the genesis of these basalts. The association of relatively undegassed mantle material with recycled crust provides an explanation for the close geographical association between HIMU lavas and EM (enriched mantle)-type lavas from this island chain: EM-type signatures represent a higher mixing proportion of relatively undegassed mantle material. Mixing between recycled material and relatively undegassed mantle material may be a natural result of entrainment processes and convective stirring in deep mantle.  相似文献   

Determining Earth’s structure is a fundamental goal of Earth science, and geophysical methods play a prominent role in investigating Earth’s interior. Geochemical, cosmochemical, and petrological analyses of terrestrial samples and meteoritic material provide equally important insights. Complementary information comes from high-pressure mineral physics and chemistry, i.e., use of sophisticated experimental techniques and numerical methods that are capable of attaining or simulating physical properties at very high pressures and temperatures, thereby allowing recovered samples from Earth’s crust and mantle to be analyzed in the laboratory or simulated computationally at the conditions that prevail in Earth’s mantle and core. This is particularly important given that the vast bulk of Earth’s interior is geochemically unsampled. This paper describes a quantitative approach that combines data and results from mineral physics, petrological analyses of mantle minerals, and geophysical inverse calculations, in order to map geophysical data directly for mantle composition (major element chemistry and water content) and thermal state. We illustrate the methodology by inverting a set of long-period electromagnetic response functions beneath six geomagnetic stations that cover a range of geological settings for major element chemistry, water content, and thermal state of the mantle. The results indicate that interior structure and constitution of the mantle can be well-retrieved given a specific set of measurements describing (1) the conductivity of mantle minerals, (2) the partitioning behavior of water between major upper mantle and transition-zone minerals, and (3) the ability of nominally anhydrous minerals to store water in their crystal structures. Specifically, upper mantle water contents determined here bracket the ranges obtained from analyses of natural samples, whereas transition-zone water concentration is an order-of-magnitude greater than that of the upper mantle and appears to vary laterally underneath the investigated locations.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - Abstract—Paleomagnetic studies of several Late Cretaceous volcanic sections of the Okhotsk–Chukotka volcanic belt have been carried out in the...  相似文献   

The loess-paleosol sequence on the Chinese Loess Plateau provides a unique archive that records climate change in East Asia in the Quaternary, yet absolute dating of the loess deposits is challenging due to the lack of directly datable materials. Fossil land snail shells, which are made from aragonite, are widely preserved in the loess deposits and have long been used to reconstruct past environmental changes. U-series dating of fossil land snail shells has the potential to provide a route for absolute dating of the loess deposits but remains largely unexplored. In this study, we present the first systematic investigation on the U-series isotope geochemistry as well as the early diagenetic imprints of fossil land snail shells (Cathaica sp.) from the Mangshan loess-paleosol sequence in Henan province, central China. Several geochemical techniques, including Raman microscopy, SEM, LA-ICPMS, LA-MC-ICPMS, solution-MC-ICPMS, and AMS 14C dating, were employed to investigate the mineralogy, chemical and isotopic compositions of both modern and fossil snail shells to micrometer level. Our results show that the fossil Cathaica sp. shells are overall characterized by a higher degree of porosity and elevated contents of organic matter compared to live-collected shells of the same species. The layers with higher porosity and organic matter content in the fossil Cathaica sp. shell are also found to be enriched in Na, Mg, Mn, Ba, and U, indicating diffusion and adsorption of these elements by specific surface binding sites of either aragonitic lattice or organic compounds of the fossil shell. Combining in-situ measurements using LA-MC-ICPMS with solution U-series determination, we further demonstrate that fossil Cathaica sp. shell is relatively homogeneous regrading both [234U/238U] and [230Th/238U] values although the distribution of U in the fossil shell is sample-specific. The comparison of different dating results suggests that the calculated apparent closed system U–Th ages are all systematically younger (∼6000 to 13,000 years) than the corresponding shell 14C ages and quartz SAR (single-aliquot regenerative-dose) ages from the Mangshan section. We suggest that the underestimation of U–Th ages of fossil Cathaica sp. shells is very likely caused by diagenetic uptake of U that started immediately after the burial of the shell and effectively ceased when the fossil shell was isolated from the pore waters due to persistent deposition of eolian dust at the Mangshan section. Our work on both modern and fossil Cathaica sp. shells thus provides detailed morphological and geochemical characterization for the diagenetic alteration of fossil snail shells and suggests that U-series dating of fossil land snail shells may provide age constraints for dust deposits in the semi-arid region although the timing of early diagenetic U-uptake by the fossil shells need to be better quantified for reliable age determination.  相似文献   

A new species of the terrestrial protorosaur Macrocnemus is briefly described and named Macrocne-mus fuyuanensis sp. nov. The specimen was found from the marine Triassic of Yunnan Province, southwestern China. It differs from the type species M. bassanii in having the following characters: (1) 17 or 18 dorsal vertebrae; (2) relatively long humerus; and (3) femur longer than tibia. M. fuyuanensis is the only record of the genus outside Monte San Giorgio area and the first definite terrestrial reptile found from the marine Triassic of China. The age of the fossil-bearing Zhuganpo Member of the Falang Formation is believed to be the Ladinian based on associated vertebrate fauna. The existence of Mac-rocnemus in the limestone suggests the presence of a terrestrial ecosystem which probably originated from the Anisian and well developed in the Ladinian in this region. The island system along the north-coast of Tethyan during the Triassic was probably an important route for the exchanges of reptiles, especially the terrestrial reptiles between the west and east.  相似文献   

The annual number of magnetic storms N recorded at St. Petersburg observatories (Pavlovsk/Slutsk and Voyeykovo) in 1878–1954 is studied. The analysis shows that N has increased since ~1900 for different storm types (storms with sudden commencement Ssc and storms with gradual Sg commencement; moderate, strong and very strong); however, the number of Ssc storms increased more rapidly than the number of Sg storms. The percentage of Ssc storms doubled for the first half of the 20th century, while the number of Sg storms decreased by 1.5 times. The Ssc storms are driven by coronal mass ejections from closed magnetic structures on the Sun, and Sg storms are driven by corotating fluxes from open magnetic structures and coronal holes. These results are apparently evidence of an increase in the activity of both types of solar magnetic structures in the first half of the 20th century and a more rapid increase in the activity of fields with closed lines of forces. A semiannual variation with maxima in the periods of vernal and autumnal equinoxes is clearly pronounced for Sg and moderate storms. The tendency to have two equinoctial maxima is pronounced in the total number of storms N for both even and odd cycles; however, maxima that differ from the arithmetic mean by more than a standard deviation are observed only in September in even cycles and in March in odd cycles.  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - In this work we continue studying possible reasons for a roughly 60-year periodicity in the evolution of correlation links between pressure in the lower atmosphere and...  相似文献   

Seismological Observations in Kamchatka were significantly improved due to the installation of new telemetered seismic stations near active volcanoes and the implementation of modern digital technologies for data transmission, acquisition, and processing in 1996–1998. This qualitative leap forward made it possible, not only to create an effective system for monitoring Kamchatka volcanoes and for timely and reliable assessment of the state of these volcanoes, but also to draw conclusions about volcanic hazard. The experience that was gained allowed us to make successful short-term forecasts for eight moderate explosive eruptions on Bezymyannyi Volcano of the ten that have occurred in 2004–2010, successful intermediate-term forecasts of evolving activity on Klyuchevskoi Volcano in three cases, as well as providing a successful forecast of an explosive eruption on Kizimen Volcano.  相似文献   

We analyse spatial and spectral characteristics of various refined gravity data used for modelling and gravimetric interpretation of the crust–mantle interface and the mantle-lithosphere structure. Depending on the purpose of the study, refined gravity data have either a strong or weak correlation with the Moho depths (Moho geometry). The compilation of the refined gravity data is purely based on available information on the crustal density structure obtained from seismic surveys without adopting any isostatic hypothesis. We demonstrate that the crust-stripped relative-to-mantle gravity data have a weak correlation with the CRUST2.0 Moho depths of about 0.02. Since gravitational signals due to the crustal density structure and the Moho geometry are subtracted from gravity field, these refined gravity data comprise mainly the information on the mantle lithosphere and sub-lithospheric mantle. On the other hand, the consolidated crust-stripped gravity data, obtained from the gravity field after applying the crust density contrast stripping corrections, comprise mainly the gravitational signal of the Moho geometry, although they also contain the gravitational signal due to anomalous mass density structures within the mantle. In the absence of global models of the mantle structure, the best possible option of computing refined gravity data, suitable for the recovery/refinement of the Moho interface, is to subtract the complete crust-corrected gravity data from the consolidated crust-stripped gravity data. These refined gravity data, that is, the homogenous crust gravity data, have a strong absolute correlation of about 0.99 with the CRUST2.0 Moho depths due to removing a gravitational signal of inhomogeneous density structures within the crust and mantle. Results of the spectral signal decomposition and the subsequent correlation analysis reveal that the correlation of the homogenous crust gravity data with the Moho depths is larger than 0.9 over the investigated harmonic spectrum up to harmonic degree 90. The crust-stripped relative-to-mantle gravity data correlate substantially with the Moho depths above harmonic degree 50 where the correlation exceeds 0.5.  相似文献   


This study deals with the Rimbaud catchment, a sub-catchment within the Réal Collobrier hydrological observatory in southeastern France, managed by Irstea since 1966. This observatory suffered a wildfire in 1990. Because of the dense network of streamgauges and raingauges available, this site provides a unique opportunity to test and compare two types of analysis, one based on paired catchments and the other a rainfall–runoff model, used to assess the hydrological impact of forest fire. In the present case, more than 20 years of pre-fire and post-fire data are available. We compare the ability of the two approaches to detect gradual changes at a daily time step. This case study illustrates how natural climatic variability (here a long drought which preceded the wildfire) can make the identification of hydrological changes extremely difficult.  相似文献   

Along the Central Andes a pattern of vertical axis rotations has been paleomagnetically identified. Such rotations are counterclockwise north of Arica Deflection (∼19° S) and clockwise to the south. Different hypothesis and models have been proposed to explain the Central Andean Rotation Pattern (CARP). However, the origin of the CARP is a subject of ongoing debate. Recently, different authors have proposed the possible existence of a close correlation between the time–space distribution of deformation and the amount of registered vertical axis rotations in the Southern Central Andes. In order to further investigate such relationship, new paleomagnetic studies were carried out in Upper Oligocene–Lower Miocene rocks of the Northern Argentine Puna and the Southern Bolivian Altiplano. Our results indicate that while one of the sampled localities did not undergo significant vertical axis rotations, the other two recorded clockwise vertical axis rotations larger than 30°. These results suggest the occurrence of small-block rotations in the Southern Bolivian Altiplano–Northern Argentine Puna prior to 15 Ma, which would correspond to the local accommodation of the regional deformation field.  相似文献   

PASSEQ 2006–2008 (Passive Seismic Experiment in TESZ; Wilde-Piórko et al. 2008) was the biggest passive seismic experiment carried out so far in the area of Central Europe (Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic and Lithuania). 196 seismic stations (including 49 broadband seismometers) worked simultaneously for over two years. During the experiment, multiple types of data recorders and seismometers were used, making the analysis more complex and time consuming. The dataset was unified and repaired to start the detection of local seismic events. Two different approaches for detection were applied for stations located in Poland. The first one used standard STA/LTA triggers (Carl Johnson’s STA/LTA algorithm) and grid search to classify and locate the events. The result was manually verified. The second approach used Real Time Recurrent Network (RTRN) detection (Wiszniowski et al. 2014). Both methods gave similar results, showing four previously unknown seismic events located in the Gulf of Gdańsk area, situated in the southern Baltic Sea. In this paper we discuss both detection methods with their pros and cons (accuracy, efficiency, manual work required, scalability). We also show details of all detected and previously unknown events in the discussed area.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONStudyingthe relation between the accumulation of crustal strain and the release rate of seismicmoment is animportant subject of earth science research.It is also one of the important methods ofestimatingthe future seismic risk(Ward,1994;1998a;…  相似文献   

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