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Horizontal earth's strains preceding the Kanto, Japan, earthquake of 1, September 1923, are deduced from the analysis of the old triangulation data. The anomalous strains that are several times larger than usual tectonic strain are found in the western part of Tokyo Bay, Sagamihara district, Japan for the observational period 1882/91–1898/1910, while any significant strain is not revealed in the other region of the Kanto district. The Kanto district was surveyed twice during the period 1883/85–1890/92 in the west and during the period 1890/92–1897/99 in the east respectively. The polarity of the detected anomalous strains, the directions and the signs of the principal strains, are quite the same as those of the postseismic crustal strains during the period 1924–74, and are reversed as compared to the coseismic one.The Philippine Sea plate thrusts under the South Kanto district with N25°W direction and pulls down the land during the interseismic period. The aseismic reverse faulting would begin several decades before the 1923 Kanto earthquake along the deep interface between the Asian plate and the convergent Philippine Sea plate. The down-going along the locked part of the interface would be accelerated, thus the compressional stress on the earth's surface might be concentrated over the deep fault plane together with the acceleration of the subsidence at the tip of the peninsula close to the Sagami trough.  相似文献   

Introduction To correctly understand the tectonic deformation of continental lithosphere, its dynamical mechanics and seismic activity, we should firstly acquire the velocity field and strain field of lithospheric tectonic motion with fine resolution and consistent accuracy (Molnar and Lyon-Caen, 1989; Molnar, 1990). And the quality, distribution and density of observed data are the basis for studying crustal tectonic deformation. In the past, crustal deformation is usually determined indi-r…  相似文献   

Crustal structures around the Yamato Basin in the southeastern Sea of Japan, inferred from recent ocean bottom seismography (OBS) and active-source seismological studies, are reviewed to elucidate various stages of crustal modification involved from rifting in the crust of the surrounding continental arc to the production of oceanic crust in the Yamato Basin of the back-arc basin. The northern, central, and southern areas of the Yamato Basin have crustal thicknesses of approximately 12–16 km, and lowermost crusts with P-wave velocities greater than 7.2 km/s. Very few units have P-wave velocities in the range 5.4–6.0 km/s, which corresponds to the continental upper crust. These findings, combined with previous geochemical analysis of basalt samples, are interpreted to indicate that a thick oceanic crust has been formed in these areas of the basin, and that this oceanic crust has been underplated by mantle-derived magma. In the central Yamato Basin, the original continental crust has been fully breached and oceanic crust has been formed. Conversely, the presence of a unit corresponding to the continental upper crust and the absence of a high-velocity part in the lower crust implies that the southwestern edge of the Yamato Basin has a rifted crust without significant intrusion. The Oki Trough has a crust that is 17–19 km thick with a high-velocity lower crust and a unit corresponding to the continental upper crust. The formation of the Oki Trough resulted from rifting with magmatic intrusion and/or underplating. We interpret these variations in the crustal characteristics of the Yamato Basin area as reflecting various instances of crustal modification by thinning and magmatic intrusion due to back-arc extension, resulting in the production of a thick oceanic crust in the basin.  相似文献   

Introduction So small is the hypocenter area of strong earthquake, but its formation is controlled by time-space evolution of present-day crustal movement in wider-range area, and related to motion and deformation of active blocks and their boundary faults. Aseismic negative dislocation model presented by Matsuura, et al (1986) is that, the relative motion between blocks driven by present-day crustal movement may be partly locked at the block …  相似文献   

Through numerical simulation for GPS data, aseism/c negative dislocation model for crustal horizontal movement during 1999-2001 in the northeast margin of Qinghai-Xizang block is presented, combined with the spatial distri-bution of apparent strain field in this area, the characteristics of motion and deformation of active blocks and their boundary faults, together with the place and intensity of strain accumulation are analyzed. It is shown that: a) 9 active blocks appeared totally clockwise motion from eastward by north to eastward by south. Obvious sinistral strike-slip and NE-NEE relative compressive motion between the blocks separated by Qilianshan-Haiyuan fault zone was discovered; b) 20 fault segments (most of them showed compression) locked the relative motion between blocks to varying degrees, among the total, the mid-east segment of Qilianshan fault (containing the place where it meets Riyueshan-Lajishan fault) and the place where it meets Haiyuan fault and Zhuanglanghe fault, more favored accumulation of strain. Moreover, the region where Riyueshan-Lajishan fault meets north boundary of Qaidam block may have strain accumulation to some degree, c) Obtained magnitude of block velocities and locking of their boundaries were less than relevant results for observation in the period of 1993-1999.  相似文献   

Introduction Through studying ″foreshock″ and sequence features of strong earthquakes with focal mechanism of strike-slip or thrust occurred in the shallow subduction zone or in the continental thrust belt respectively, Reasenberg (1999) suggested that precursory representation and the se- quence features are related tightly to the rupture mechanism of the mainshock. This implies that the rupture pattern of the mainshock is probably one of the important factors affecting the features of afte…  相似文献   

The Cretaceous Toki granitic pluton of the Tono district, central Japan was emplaced in the East Asian continental margin at about 70 Ma. The Toki granite has apatite fission‐track (AFT) ages ranging from 52.1 ±2.8 Ma to 37.1 ±3.6 Ma (number of measurements, n = 33); this indicates the three‐dimensional thermal evolution during the pluton's low‐temperature history (temperature in the AFT partial annealing zone: 60–120 °C). The majority of the Toki granite has a spatial distribution of older ages in the shallower parts and younger ages in the deeper parts, representing that the shallower regions arrived (were exhumed) at the AFT closure depth earlier than the deeper regions. Such a cooling pattern was predominantly constrained by the exhumation of the Toki granitic pluton and was related to the regional denudation of the Tono district. The age–elevation relationships (AERs) of the Toki granite indicate a fast exhumation rate of about 0.16 ±0.04 mm/year between 50 Ma and 40 Ma. The AFT inverse calculation using HeFTy program gives time‐temperature paths (tT paths), suggesting that the pluton experienced continuous slow cooling without massive reheating since about 40 Ma until the present day. A combination of the AERs and AFT inverse calculations represents the following exhumation history of the Toki granite: (i) the fast exhumation at a rate of 0.16 ±0.04 mm/year between 50 Ma and 40 Ma; (ii) slow exhumation at less than 0.16 ±0.04 mm/year after 40 Ma; and (iii) exposure at the surface prior to 30–20 Ma. The Tono district, which contains the Toki granite, underwent slow denudation at a rate of less than 0.16 ±0.04 mm/year within the East Asian continental margin before the Japan Sea opening at 25–15 Ma and then within the Southwest Japan Arc after the Japan Sea opening, which is in good agreement with representative denudation rates obtained in low‐relief hill and plain fields.  相似文献   

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