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廖莉萍 《贵州地质》2013,(4):321-324
简要叙述了老一辈地质学家、贵州省地矿局原副总工程师廖士范先生在我国,特别是在贵州地质事业发展中的主要贡献.缅怀了他坚持真理、敢讲真话的人格风貌,以及执着地质、勤于著述的学者风范,表达了贵州地质后学对他的敬佩、景仰和怀念之情.  相似文献   

一年前的12月19日,我们敬爱的导师徐克勤先生永远地离开了我们。但是,徐先生为我国地质科学、地矿事业及地质教育所做出的重要贡献,已经永久地载入了史册。作为我国著名的矿床学家,徐克勤先生在矿床学的许多领域,在成矿理论和找矿实践两个方面都作出了许多卓越的贡献;这篇短文所记述的,仅仅是笔者所知的一些方面,谨以此表达对徐先生的崇敬与怀念之情。  相似文献   

随着新世纪的到来,我国正由"地学大国"向"地学强国"迈进.海外华人地球科学家也对此十分关注,组织了PACES (Professionals for the Advancement of Chinese Earth Scie nces), 以各种实际行动支持祖国地学事业的发展,并愿为之作出积极贡献.作为PACES支持祖国地学事业发展的行动之一,由南京大学和PACES组织发起,于今年6月在南京大学举行" 地球结构、演化和动力学"系列学术讲座.  相似文献   

《中共中央关于教育体制改革的决定》指出,“今后事情成败的一个重要关键在于人才,而解决人才问题,就必须使教育事业在经济发展的基础上有一个大的发展.”三十多年来,地质院校为地质行业培养了大批人才,为我国地质事业的发展,为社会主义建设做出了贡献.随着地质事业的不断发展、地质工作服务领域的不断扩大,地质行业在改革、开放、搞活的  相似文献   

正李廷栋院士是我国著名的区域地质学家和地质编图专家,他长期从事区域地质调查研究和地质编图工作,是我国这一领域的奠基人之一,极大地推动了我国地质编图和地质制图的学科发展,并把我国地质制图提高到了国际先进水平.在李廷栋院士从事地质事业70年暨90华诞之际,我们出版本专辑,向先生致以崇高的敬意!以此表达他的同行、同事和学生们对他的敬仰和感激之情,祝先生身体康健、万事顺遂!  相似文献   

正著名地球物理学家黄大年同志于2017年1月8日不幸因病去世,年仅58岁。2017年5月25日,习近平总书记作出重要指示,向黄大年同志学习,学习他心有大我、至诚报国的爱国情怀,学习他教书育人、敢为人先的敬业精神,学习他谈泊名利、甘于奉献的高尚情操,要把爱国之情、报国之志融入祖国改革发展的伟大事业之中、融入人民创造历史的伟大奋斗之中,从自己做起,从本职岗位做起,为实现"两个一百年"奋斗目标、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦贡献智慧和力量。为了纪念黄大年教授,并传承黄大年教授未竟的事业,吉林大学  相似文献   

今年4月24日,是许德佑、陈康、马以思先生贵州遇难42周年。我们今天悼念先生,缅怀先烈,是为了更好的继承和发扬先生之志,更好的完成先生未尽之事业。 42年前,先生们在食无荤腥,行无车马,土匪如毛的环境下,抱着科学救国的理想,置生死于度外,为祖国寻找矿产资源,踏遍了千山万水,多次来到贵州,对贵州的三叠纪地层研究,打下了坚实的基础,作出了杰出的贡献,为我们今天的研究工作,开劈了捷径。  相似文献   

今年是贵州省籍著名地质学家乐森、丁道衡、罗绳武三位教授100年诞辰。为了缅怀他们对我国地质和地质教育事业的丰功伟绩,对家乡贵州的巨大贡献;弘扬他们的科学精神;学习他们的高贵品质,鼓励后学,7月26日下午,由贵州省地质学会、贵州省地矿厅、贵阳市政协文史和学习...  相似文献   

刘国纬 《水科学进展》2011,22(2):294-294
王锦生先生离开我们已经5年了.我虽与王总共事的时间不多,但他对水文测验事业的执着、工作之勤奋与严谨,以及对中国水文测验科学技术发展的贡献,一直在我记忆中留有深刻的印象.王锦生先生是山东诸城人,1928年出生于辽宁省锦州.  相似文献   

改革十年来,冶金地质战线广大职工,认真贯彻执行党的十一届三中全会以来的路线、方针、政策和国家法令,深入学习社会主义初级阶段理论;坚持改革创新,坚持地质先行,为冶金工业生产建设做出了积极贡献. 特别是近四年来,广大干部、职工,发扬艰苦奋斗、勤俭办地质事业的精神,在地质找矿、多种经营和社会主义精神文明建设中做出了显著的成绩,涌现出了一批锐意改革、开拓进取的先进代表.  相似文献   

陶潜毅  孙中义 《安徽地质》2006,16(4):315-318
要振兴地质工作,为安徽经济发展提供有力的资源保障,关键靠地质人才。本文从分析安徽地质人才队伍现状和地勘单位人才需求出发,认为必须大力发展地质教育,以解决当前地质人才青黄不接的困难,并为此提出了相应的对策和措施。  相似文献   

This paper scrutinizes how the Meänkieli-speaking minority in The Torne Valley, northern Sweden, use humor in the process of narrativizing their shifting spatial identities, as well as in maintaining and contesting prevailing power relations. A great deal of the research focusing on the social and political nature of humor, and its geographical dimensions, has concerned the humor directed at ethnic and national minorities, with minority groups typically being approached as targets of laughter. However, less interest has been paid to how minorities use and experience humor in their everyday lives and environments. Humor is approached here as an integral part of how people make sense of culture and society in a creative manner and cope with and challenge subordinating power-relations and social inequality. In terms of methodology, laughing together operates as a (research) approach through which spatial identities of linguistic minorities can be renegotiated. The study is based on group discussions held with local culture workers and activists between September 2015 and February 2016 in Swedish Torne Valley. The paper produces new theoretical and empirical knowledge concerning how humor is used in a creative manner to make sense of, produce and contest socio-spatial relations.  相似文献   

昌邑市立足卤水资源优势,全面规划、综合开发不断加大监管力度,坚持“全面规划、综合开发、分层实施、重点突破”的原则,全方位引进人才,加强科技横向联合,创造尊重知识、尊重人才,取得经济效益、社会效益、生态效益同步发展,维护了北部沿海经济可持续发展。针对现阶段卤水资源总体规划利用中科技力量投入不足、缺乏新技术、新工艺及高新技术产品和综合利用方面存在的问题,研究分析其成因并提出相应的建议和对策。  相似文献   

This paper draws upon research, conducted for the London West Learning and Skills Council, on the training experiences of women with dependent children. One of the striking revelations of the research, we suggest, is the way in which training spaces are used and perceived by women, which are often at odds with government intentions. To help make sense of women’s use of, and motivation for, training we utilise the concept of ‘liminality’ and the private/public imbrication to explain the ways in which women use, or are discouraged from using, training spaces. Further, how the varied and multiple uses women in our research have put training to in their own lives has encouraged us to rethink the relationship between the private and the public more generally. In the light of this, we suggest that training and the places in which training take place, have been neglected processes and spaces within feminist geography and might usefully be explored further to add to an extensive literature on women’s caring and domestic roles and their role in the paid workplace.  相似文献   

基于社会核算体系的平川乡经济影响乘子分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐中民  陈东景 《冰川冻土》2002,24(4):368-373
在简要阐述乘子概念的基础上,基于社会账户体系,详细地推导了社会账户体系的产出乘子,将其分为组内影响、额外影响和组间的相互影响三部分.以甘肃省临泽县平川乡为例,详细阐述了社会账户体系的建立过程,并基于所建立的2000年简化的投入产出表和社会账户体系,对其社会账户的产出乘子进行了计算和分析,并根据分析结果对平川乡经济的发展提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

A model of a heterogeneous neighborhood   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tel Aviv is a highly ethnic city in which ethnicity is deeply embedded in people’s perceptions of their social milieus. Shapira, as one of the most heterogeneous neighborhoods in Tel Aviv, supplies a unique demonstration of the inadequacy of the Chicago model, which assumes the emergence of homogeneous neighborhoods. The study shows that ethnicity is exercised as a major force in determining social life in Shapira. Interactive segregation indices reveal that residents of Shapira tend to prefer intra-ethnic social networks although two-thirds of them maintain inter-ethnic networks as well. Despite this, residential and activity spaces are highly heterogeneous. Residential spaces are heterogeneous on all scales from residents’ immediate surroundings to the block and the neighborhood as a whole. In most buildings one may find neighbors from two or three different ethnic groups with only non-Jewish residents excluded from publicly owned buildings. Most residents perform large part of their everyday life outside the neighborhoods in ethnically heterogeneous surroundings, but nonetheless in choosing their more meaningful partners for social networks they choose them from their ethnic groups. The fact that residents tend to perform a large part of their activities out of their neighborhood, and to live in heterogeneous surroundings in social categories that are perceived by them salient to their daily life, does not undermine the relevance of the neighborhood as a socially constituted entity in the urban field. People organize and act in order to improve life conditions in the neighborhood, they feel sense of attachment to the neighborhood and they develop some local social networks in the neighborhood.  相似文献   

在社会经济体制转型的过程中,矿类专业毕业生出现了人才的“断层”现象。通过对矿类专业人才“断层”现象形成的原因进行分析,认为缓解目前矿类专业人才短缺现象,要以矿山为主体采取内培外引、努力服务、“订单式”培养方式,长期克服类似的人才“断层”现象要以高校为主体,主动调整专业结构和招生规模,培养复合型人才校企合作,多形式、多渠道培养企业所需人才。  相似文献   

湿地是人类赖以生存的宝贵资源,具有重要的生态和社会价值。但在城市化进程中,由于不合理的开发建设行为,导致大量湿地被破坏,功能退化。因此,必须落实科学发展观,采取切实措施,有效保护和利用城市湿地。要强化全社会的环保意识,增强保护湿地的责任感和使命感,科学地搞好城市土地利用规划及城市湿地景观设计,切实加强对城市湿地的监测评估及湿地保护的法制建设,推动经济社会全面协调可持续发展。  相似文献   

Ke Cui  Timothy Sim 《Natural Hazards》2017,85(3):1577-1590
Older people are arguably one of the most vulnerable groups during a disaster. Existing studies either in China or in other countries predominantly focus on the more Western, pathology-based mental health approach in addressing the impact of disasters on older victims and their needs. However, the concept of ‘psychosocial’ recognises that problems caused by emergencies can simultaneously be of a social nature and a psychological one. This concept emerged from a growing critique on individual oriented mental health approach in disaster contexts. The present study was conducted to explore older people’s needs from a psychosocial perspective. The research site was a Chinese rural community located in the epicentre of ‘5.12’ Wenchuan earthquake (Ms = 8.0) occurred in 2008. The authors conducted content analyses on the qualitative in-depth interviews with 10 (5 males and 5 females) out of 30 older persons from this community. The findings revealed three major psychosocial problems: (1) constant fear of recurring debris flows; (2) sense of helplessness; and (3) disruption to previous social network. Indubitably, the participants reported family members and neighbours as their major sources of social support in emergency situations. This exploratory study argues that older people being exposed to disasters will not only develop psychological problems but also suffer disruption to their social support network and puts forward that empowering family and strengthening community cohesion are important initiatives for helping professionals to promote older people’s psychosocial well-being and enhance their resilience to natural disasters.  相似文献   

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