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This study investigated the spatial scaling properties of Canadian flood flows, namely, annual maximum mean 1‐, 5‐ and 7‐day flows using both the product moments (PMs) and probability weighted moments (PWMs). Both approaches demonstrate that flood flows in climatic regions 1 (Pacific), 2 (South British Columbia mountains), 3 (Yukon and northern British Columbia), 6 (Northeastern forest), 7 (Great Lakes and St. Lawrence rivers), 8 (Atlantic), and 10 (Arctic tundra) exhibit simple scaling with scaling exponent θ/H close to 0·90, while flood flows in regions 4 (Prairie provinces), 5 (Northwestern forest), and 9 (Mackenzie) does not with scaling exponent θ/H close to 0·50. The plots of coefficient of variations of flood flows versus drainage area indicate that Cv remains almost constant in regions 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, and 10, while it decreases as drainage area increases in regions 4, 5, and 9. These results demonstrate that the index flood method is applicable in climatic regions 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, and 10, while it is not in climatic regions 4, 5, and 9. The physical backgroud of the simple scaling of flood flows in most Canadian climatic regions is that snowmelt or rain‐on‐snow runoff is a dominant flood‐generating mechanism across the country. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Relations among hydroclimatic and channel planform changes on Squamish River are presented for the period 1956–2007. Squamish River basin occupies 3600 km2 of mountainous terrain in south‐western British Columbia, about 50 km north of Vancouver. The magnitude, volume and duration of extreme floods (Q ≥ 1500 m3/s) exhibit respective temporal increases of 50, 450 and 300%. The increase in extreme floods is attributed to the intensification of late‐season (August–December) Pacific storms that have produced increases in precipitation amounts, intensity and duration of respectively 340, 200 and 200% over the same period. Changes in floodplain‐surface area calculated from the geographic information system (GIS) differencing of sequential large‐scale aerial photographs indicate that the rate of geomorphic change in Squamish River has accelerated during the 1980s to the mid‐1990s. Among four study reaches of varying planform, erosional, depositional and cumulative changes in floodplain surface‐area have rapidly increased. Channel‐change activity after 1980 has increased by a factor of two to six compared with the period prior to 1980. Erosion is currently outpacing deposition in the majority of study reaches. Although channel geometry generally exhibits no uniform pattern of response to the increase in extreme floods, the meandering reaches have straightened over the duration of the study period. The increase in the magnitude and duration of the annual flood appears to be the principal cause of this recent acceleration of channel change. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Changes in stream chemistry were studied for 4 years following large wildfires that burned in Glacier National Park during the summer of 2003. Burned and unburned drainages were monitored from December 2003 through August 2007 for streamflow, major constituents, nutrients, and suspended sediment following the fires. Stream‐water nitrate concentrations showed the greatest response to fire, increasing up to tenfold above those in the unburned drainage just prior to the first post‐fire snowmelt season. Concentrations in winter base flow remained elevated during the entire study period, whereas concentrations during the growing season returned to background levels after two snowmelt seasons. Annual export of total nitrogen from the burned drainage ranged from 1·53 to 3·23 kg ha?1 yr?1 compared with 1·01 to 1·39 kg ha?1 yr?1 from the unburned drainage and exceeded atmospheric inputs for the first two post‐fire water years. Fire appeared to have minimal long‐term effects on other nutrients, dissolved organic carbon, and major constituents with the exception of sulfate and chloride, which showed increased concentrations for 2 years following the fire. There was little evidence that fire affected suspended‐sediment concentrations in the burned drainage. Sediment yields in subalpine streams may be less affected by fire than in lower elevation streams because of the slow release rate of water during spring snowmelt. Published in 2008 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal patterns of spring break‐up flooding in the Slave River Delta (SRD), Northwest Territories, are characterized during three years (2003–2005) using water isotope tracers and total inorganic suspended sediment (TSS) concentrations measured from lakewater samples collected shortly after the spring melt. Strongly contrasting spring melt periods led to a moderate flood in 2003, no flooding in 2004 and widespread flooding in 2005. Flooded lakes have isotopically‐depleted δ18O (δ2H) signatures, ranging between ? 19·2‰ (?145‰) and ? 17·1‰ (?146‰) and most have high TSS concentrations (>10 mg L?1), while non‐flooded lakes have more isotopically‐enriched δ18O (δ2H) signatures, ranging between ? 18·2‰ (?149‰) and ? 10·6‰ (?118‰) and low TSS concentrations (<10 mg L?1). These results, in conjunction with the isotopic signatures of Slave River water and snowmelt, are used to estimate the proportion of river‐ or snowmelt‐induced dilution in delta lakes during the spring of each study year. Calculations indicate river flooding caused dilution of ~70–100% in delta lakes, while snowmelt dilution in the absence of river flooding ranged from ~0–56%. A positive relationship exists between the spatial extent of spring flooding in the SRD and level and discharge on the Slave River and upstream tributaries, suggesting that upstream flow generation plays a key role in determining the magnitude of spring flooding in the SRD. Parallel variations in the 46‐year instrumental Slave River discharge record and flood stratigraphy in the active delta indicate that there is potential for extending the flood history of the SRD, a development that will contribute to a more robust understanding of the drivers of historic, contemporary and future flood frequency in the delta. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Resistance to flow at low to moderate stream discharge was examined in five small (12–77 km2 drainage area) tributaries of Chilliwack River, British Columbia, more than half of which exhibit planar bed morphology. The resulting data set is composed of eight to 12 individual estimates of the total resistance to flow at 61 cross sections located in 13 separate reaches of five tributaries to the main river. This new data set includes 625 individual estimates of resistance to flow at low to moderate river stage. Resistance to flow in these conditions is high, highly variable and strongly dependent on stage. The Darcy–Weisbach resistance factor (ff) varies over six orders of magnitude (0·29–12 700) and Manning's n varies over three orders of magnitude (0·047–7·95). Despite this extreme range, both power equations at the individual cross sections and Keulegan equations for reach‐averaged values describe the hydraulic relations well. Roughness is divided into grain and form (considered as all non‐grain sources) components. Form roughness is the dominant component, accounting for about 90% of the total roughness of the system (i.e., form roughness is on average 8.6 times as great as grain roughness). Of the various quantitative and qualitative form‐roughness indicators observed, only the sorting coefficient (σ = D84/D50) correlates well with form roughness. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrologic modelling has been applied to assess the impacts of projected climate change within three study areas in the Peace, Campbell and Columbia River watersheds of British Columbia, Canada. These study areas include interior nival (two sites) and coastal hybrid nival–pluvial (one site) hydro‐climatic regimes. Projections were based on a suite of eight global climate models driven by three emission scenarios to project potential climate responses for the 2050s period (2041–2070). Climate projections were statistically downscaled and used to drive a macro‐scale hydrology model at high spatial resolution. This methodology covers a large range of potential future climates for British Columbia and explicitly addresses both emissions and global climate model uncertainty in the final hydrologic projections. Snow water equivalent is projected to decline throughout the Peace and Campbell and at low elevations within the Columbia. At high elevations within the Columbia, snow water equivalent is projected to increase with increased winter precipitation. Streamflow projections indicate timing shifts in all three watersheds, predominantly because of changes in the dynamics of snow accumulation and melt. The coastal hybrid site shows the largest sensitivity, shifting to more rainfall‐dominated system by mid‐century. The two interior sites are projected to retain the characteristics of a nival regime by mid‐century, although streamflow‐timing shifts result from increased mid‐winter rainfall and snowmelt, and earlier freshet onset. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The potential for forest harvest to increase snowmelt rates in maritime snow climates is well recognized. However, questions still exist about the magnitude of peak flow increases in basins larger than 10 km2 and the geomorphic and biological consequences of these changes. In this study, we used observations from two nearly adjacent small basins (13 and 30 km2) in the Coeur d'Alene River basin, one with recent, relatively extensive, timber harvest, and the other with little disturbance in the last 50 years to explore changes in peak flows due to timber harvest and their potential effects on fish. Peak discharge was computed for a specific rain‐on‐snow event using a series of physical models that linked predicted values of snowmelt input to a runoff‐routing model. Predictions indicate that timber harvest caused a 25% increase in the peak flow of the modelled event and increased the frequency of events of this magnitude from a 9‐year recurrence interval to a 3·6‐year event. These changes in hydrologic regime, with larger discharges at shorter recurrence intervals, are predicted to increase the depth and frequency of streambed scour, causing up to 15% added mortality of bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) embryos. Mortality from increased scour, although not catastrophic, may have contributed to the extirpation of this species from the Coeur d'Alene basin, given the widespread timber harvest that occurred in this region. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

High‐resolution, spatially extensive climate grids can be useful in regional hydrologic applications. However, in regions where precipitation is dominated by snow, snowmelt models are often used to account for timing and magnitude of water delivery. We developed an empirical, nonlinear model to estimate 30‐year means of monthly snowpack and snowmelt throughout Oregon. Precipitation and temperature for the period 1971–2000, derived from 400‐m resolution PRISM data, and potential evapotranspiration (estimated from temperature and day length) drive the model. The model was calibrated using mean monthly data from 45 SNOTEL sites and accurately estimated snowpack at 25 validation sites: R2 = 0·76, Nash‐Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) = 0·80. Calibrating it with data from all 70 SNOTEL sites gave somewhat better results (R2 = 0·84, NSE = 0·85). We separately applied the model to SNOTEL stations located < 200 and ≥ 200 km from the Oregon coast, since they have different climatic conditions. The model performed equally well for both areas. We used the model to modify moisture surplus (precipitation minus potential evapotranspiration) to account for snowpack accumulation and snowmelt. The resulting values accurately reflect the shape and magnitude of runoff at a snow‐dominated basin, with low winter values and a June peak. Our findings suggest that the model is robust with respect to different climatic conditions, and that it can be used to estimate potential runoff in snow‐dominated basins. The model may allow high‐resolution, regional hydrologic comparisons to be made across basins that are differentially affected by snowpack, and may prove useful for investigating regional hydrologic response to climate change. Published in 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The reconstruction of past flash floods in ungauged basins leads to a high level of uncertainty, which increases if other processes are involved such as the transport of large wood material. An important flash flood occurred in 1997 in Venero Claro (Central Spain), causing significant economic losses. The wood material clogged bridge sections, raising the water level upstream. The aim of this study was to reconstruct this event, analysing the influence of woody debris transport on the flood hazard pattern. Because the reach in question was affected by backwater effects due to bridge clogging, using only high water mark or palaeostage indicators may overestimate discharges, and so other methods are required to estimate peak flows. Therefore, the peak discharge was estimated (123 ± 18 m3 s–1) using indirect methods, but one‐dimensional hydraulic simulation was also used to validate these indirect estimates through an iterative process (127 ± 33 m3 s–1) and reconstruct the bridge obstruction to obtain the blockage ratio during the 1997 event (~48%) and the bridge clogging curves. Rainfall–Runoff modelling with stochastic simulation of different rainfall field configurations also helped to confirm that a peak discharge greater than 150 m3 s–1 is very unlikely to occur and that the estimated discharge range is consistent with the estimated rainfall amount (233 ± 27 mm). It was observed that the backwater effect due to the obstruction (water level ~7 m) made the 1997 flood (~35‐year return period) equivalent to the 50‐year flood. This allowed the equivalent return period to be defined as the recurrence interval of an event of specified magnitude, which, where large woody debris is present, is equivalent in water depth and extent of flooded area to a more extreme event of greater magnitude. These results highlight the need to include obstruction phenomena in flood hazard analysis. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Trends in the timing and magnitude of floods in Canada   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study investigates trends in the timing and magnitude of seasonal maximum flood events across Canada. A new methodology for analyzing trends in the timing of flood events is developed that takes into account the directional character and multi-modality of flood occurrences. The methodology transforms the directional series of flood occurrences into new series by defining a new location of the origin. A test of flood seasonality (multi-modality) is then applied to identify dominant flood seasons. Floods from the dominant seasons are analyzed separately by a seasonal trend analysis. The Mann–Kendall test in conjunction with the method of pre-whitening is used in the trend analysis. Over 160 streamflow records from one common observation period are analyzed in watersheds with relatively pristine and stable land-use conditions. The results show weak signals of climate variability and/or change present in the timing of floods in Canada during the last three decades. Most of the significant trends in the timing of spring snowmelt floods are negative trends (earlier flood occurrence) found in the southern part of Canada. There are no significant trends identified in the timing of fall rainfall floods. However, the significance of the fall, rainfall-dominated flood season has been increasing in several analyzed watersheds. This may indicate increasing intensity of rainfall events during the recent years. Trends in the magnitude of floods are more pronounced than the trends in the timing of floods. Almost one fifth of all the analyzed stations show significant trends in the magnitude of snowmelt floods. Most of the significant trends are negative trends, suggesting decreasing magnitudes of snowmelt floods in Canada over the last three decades. Significant negative trends are found particularly in southern Ontario, northern Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. There are no significant trends in the magnitude of rainfall floods found in the analyzed streamflow records. The results support the outcomes of previous streamflow trend studies conducted in Canada.  相似文献   

Groundwater responses in temperate mountainous terrain are assessed using groundwater, hydrometric and climatic data from southern British Columbia, Canada. Well and stream hydrographs are analysed using a series of diagnostic tools including time series plots, hysteresis plots, and cross‐correlation plots. Characterizing the seasonal timing of the response requires consideration of the hydroclimatology of the region: rainfall‐dominated (pluvial), snowmelt‐dominated (nival) or hybrid (mixture of rain and snow). The magnitude and timing of the recharge and discharge response of the groundwater system was shown to depend on the storage and permeability characteristics of the aquifer and whether the system is stream‐driven or recharge‐driven. These two dominant stream‐aquifer system types were defined based on classifying different aquifer types found in the southwest portion of the province. The classification scheme and diagnostic tools have the potential to provide a framework for evaluating the responses of wells in other mountainous regions. Using this framework, the potential consequences of future climate change may then be better understood based on the interactions between the hydrogeological and hydroclimatic settings of these aquifers. Copyright © 2010 Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada. Published by John Wiley & Sons. Ltd  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of drawdown on the timing and magnitude of suspended solids and associated phosphorus export from a 12 ha reservoir located in an urbanized watershed in southern Ontario, Canada. Water level in Columbia Lake was lowered by 1·15 m over a 2‐week period in November 2001. The total phosphorus (TP) concentrations ranged from 63 to 486 µg L?1 in Columbia Lake and 71 to 373 µg L?1 at its outflow. All samples exceeded the Provincial Water Quality Objective of 30 µg TP L?1. Outflow concentrations of suspended solids and TP increased significantly with decreasing lake level and were attributed to the resuspension of cohesive bottom sediments that occurred at a critical threshold lake level (0·65 m below summer level). Suspended solids at the outflow consisted of flocculated cohesive materials with a median diameter (D50) of c. 5 µm. Particulate organic carbon accounted for 8·5% of the suspended solids export by mass. A total mass of 18·5 t of suspended solids and 62·6 kg TP was exported from Columbia Lake, which represents a significant pulse of sediment‐associated P to downstream environments each autumn during drawdown. The downstream impacts of this release can be minimized if the water level in Columbia Lake is lowered no more than 0·5 m below summer levels. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In a small experimental catchment of the Dolomites (Rio Cordon, 5 km2) field observations have been carried out on the movement of various sized bed material particles. Displacement length of 860 marked pebbles, cobbles and boulders (0·032 < D < 0·512 m) has been measured along the river bed during individual snowmelt and flood events in the periods 1993–1994 and 1996–1998. Floods were grouped into two categories. The first includes ‘ordinary’ events, which are characterized by peak discharges with a return period of 1–5 years and by an hourly bedload rate not exceeding 20 m3 h?1. The second refers to ‘exceptional’ events with a return period of 50–60 years. A flood of this latter type occurred on 14 September 1994, with a peak discharge of 10·4 m3 s?1 and average hourly bedload rate of 324 m3 h?1. The variation according to grain size of total displacement length Li depends on the degree of mobilization of the individual fractions of the bed surface: Li is independent of Di for smaller, fully mobile grain sizes and decreases rapidly with Di for larger fractions in a state of partial transport. Sustained selective transport without a supply of sediment from upstream leads to the development of a stable coarse armoured surface through progressive winnowing of finer material from the bed surface. With supply unlimited conditions for transport, both the occurrence of extreme events and the duration of a sequences of ‘ordinary’ floods play an important role in the degree of mobilization of the individual fractions of the bed. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A spatially distributed, physically based, hydrologic modeling system (MIKE SHE) was applied to quantify intra‐ and inter‐annual discharge from the snow and glacierized Zackenberg River drainage basin (512 km2; 20% glacier cover) in northeast Greenland. Evolution of snow accumulation, distribution by wind‐blown snow, blowing‐snow sublimation, and snow and ice surface melt were simulated by a spatially distributed, physically based, snow‐evolution modelling system (SnowModel) and used as input to MIKE SHE. Discharge simulations were performed for three periods 1997–2001 (calibration period), 2001–2005 (validation period), and 2071–2100 (scenario period). The combination of SnowModel and MIKE SHE shows promising results; the timing and magnitude of simulated discharge were generally in accordance with observations (R2 = 0·58); however, discrepancies between simulated and observed discharge hydrographs do occur (maximum daily difference up to 44·6 m3 s?1 and up to 9% difference between observed and simulated cumulative discharge). The model does not perform well when a sudden outburst of glacial dammed water occurs, like the 2005 extreme flood event. The modelling study showed that soil processes related to yearly change in active layer depth and glacial processes (such as changes in yearly glacier area, seasonal changes in the internal glacier drainage system, and the sudden release of glacial bulk water storage) need to be determined, for example, from field studies and incorporated in the models before basin runoff can be quantified more precisely. The SnowModel and MIKE SHE model only include first‐order effects of climate change. For the period 2071–2100, future IPCC A2 and B2 climate scenarios based on the HIRHAM regional climate model and HadCM3 atmosphere–ocean general circulation model simulations indicated a mean annual Zackenberg runoff about 1·5 orders of magnitude greater (around 650 mmWE year?1) than from today 1997–2005 (around 430 mmWE year?1), mainly based on changes in negative glacier net mass balance. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Increases in the frequency and magnitude of extreme water levels and storm surges are correlated with known indices of climatic variability (CV), including the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), along some areas of the British Columbia coast. Since a shift to a positive PDO regime in 1977, the effects of ENSO events have been more frequent, persistent, and intense. Teleconnected impacts include more frequent storms, higher surges, and enhanced coastal erosion. The response of oceanographic forcing mechanisms (i.e. tide, surge, wave height, wave period) to CV events and their role in coastal erosion remain unclear, particularly in western Canada. As a first step in exploring the interactions between ocean–atmosphere forcing and beach–dune responses, this paper assembles the historic erosive total water level (TWL) regime and explores relations with observed high magnitude storms that have occurred in the Tofino‐Ucluelet region (Wickaninnish Bay) on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Extreme events where TWL exceeded an erosional threshold (i.e. elevation of the beach–foredune junction) of 5·5 m aCD are examined to identify dominant forcing mechanisms and to classify a regime that describes erosive events driven principally by wave conditions (61·5%), followed by surge (21·8%), and tidal (16·7%) effects. Furthermore, teleconnections between regional CV phenomena, extreme storm events and, by association, coastal erosion, are explored. Despite regional sea level rise (eustatic and steric), rapid crustal uplift rates have resulted in a falling relative sea level and, in some sedimentary systems, shoreline progradation at rates approaching +1·5 m a–1 over recent decades. Foredune erosion occurs locally with a recurrence interval of approximately 1·53 years followed by rapid rebuilding due to high onshore sand supply and often in the presence of large woody debris and rapidly colonizing vegetation in the backshore. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lengthy records of river discharge are necessary to comprehensively assess the long‐term connection between synoptic climate forcings and nival‐regime systems in British Columbia. A regional multispecies network of tree‐ring width and ring density chronologies was built for west central British Columbia with the intention of dendrohydrologically extending short runoff records in this area. Extended records of July–August mean discharge anomalies for the Skeena and Atnarko Rivers were reconstructed back to ad 1660. Low flow events represented during the late 1600s, early 1700s and late 1800s lie beyond those experienced during the recent instrumental period for these basins. The documentation of extreme events of this magnitude necessitates consideration when planning for future water resources in this region. Supplementary dendroclimatic reconstructions of the winter Pacific North American (PNA) pressure anomaly pattern and records of mean summer temperature and end‐of‐winter snow water equivalent were also constructed. These ancillary climate records provide insight into the long‐term climate drivers of annual discharge dynamics within these nival basins. Correlation and wavelet analyses confirm the persistent relationship of synoptic climate regimes described by the Southern Oscillation Index, NINO 3.4, Pacific Decadal Oscillation and PNA indices on runoff in west central British Columbia. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The formation of baseflow and stormflow was examined in the 1.18 km2 part of the headwater catchment Uhlí?ská, Jizera Mountains, Czech Republic, over the period 2007–2011, by means of run‐off data and environmental tracers 18O and SiO2. The baseflow, computed using the digital filter approach BFLOW, contributes 67% to total streamflow and has a mean residence time of 12.3 months. It is formed by groundwater discharge from the valley deluviofluvial granitic sediments, in combination with soil water in weathered layers on hillslopes during rainfall and snowmelt periods. The prevailing source of the groundwater is the infiltration of snowmelt water. Analysis of 20 run‐off events and their hysteretic patterns demonstrated that the stormflow water has a residence time of about 4 months and is generated by preferential flow on hillslopes combined by soil matrix drainage. Because of slower flow in the soil matrix, the enrichment of pore water in SiO2 is more pronounced. The stormflow and snowmelt water flowing via preferential pathways of upslope minerals soils pushes the pre‐event groundwater through the pathways in wetlands to the stream, and the wetland can be therefore considered as groundwater supplied. This mechanism has been found to be typical for the groundwater‐supplied headwater catchments of the Jizera Mountains and can be also assumed in other mountainous headwaters of the granitic massif in Central Europe. The main methodological contribution of this study are the residence time calculations stratified by baseflow and event flow, identifying run‐off components of different travel times to streams and linking them with geochemical run‐off sources. This achievement was possible because of a comprehensive dataset on hydrology, stable isotopes and silica hydrochemistry in all relevant run‐off generation components. This concept indicates that a possible long‐term change in snowmelt may affect the run‐off regime of headwater catchments to climate or land‐use changes. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A process‐based, spatially distributed hydrological model was developed to quantitatively simulate the energy and mass transfer processes and their interactions within arctic regions (arctic hydrological and thermal model, ARHYTHM). The model first determines the flow direction in each element, the channel drainage network and the drainage area based upon the digital elevation data. Then it simulates various physical processes: including snow ablation, subsurface flow, overland flow and channel flow routing, soil thawing and evapotranspiration. The kinematic wave method is used for conducting overland flow and channel flow routing. The subsurface flow is simulated using the Darcian approach. The energy balance scheme was the primary approach used in energy‐related process simulations (snowmelt and evapotranspiration), although there are options to model snowmelt by the degree‐day method and evapotranspiration by the Priestley–Taylor equation. This hydrological model simulates the dynamic interactions of each of these processes and can predict spatially distributed snowmelt, soil moisture and evapotranspiration over a watershed at each time step as well as discharge in any specified channel(s). The model was applied to Imnavait watershed (about 2·2 km2) and the Upper Kuparuk River basin (about 146 km2) in northern Alaska. Simulated results of spatially distributed soil moisture content, discharge at gauging stations, snowpack ablations curves and other results yield reasonable agreement, both spatially and temporally, with available data sets such as SAR imagery‐generated soil moisture data and field measurements of snowpack ablation, and discharge data at selected points. The initial timing of simulated discharge does not compare well with the measured data during snowmelt periods mainly because the effect of snow damming on runoff was not considered in the model. Results from the application of this model demonstrate that spatially distributed models have the potential for improving our understanding of hydrology for certain settings. Finally, a critical component that led to the performance of this modelling is the coupling of the mass and energy processes. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The onset of snowmelt in the upper Yukon River basin, Canada, can be derived from brightness temperatures (Tb) obtained by the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS (AMSR‐E) on NASA's Aqua satellite. This sensor, with a resolution of 14 × 8 km2 for the 36·5 GHz frequency, and two to four observations per day, improves upon the twice‐daily coverage and 37 × 28 km2 spatial resolution of the Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I). The onset of melt within a snowpack causes an increase in the average daily 36·5 GHz vertically polarized Tb as well as a shift to high diurnal amplitude variations (DAV) as the snow melts during the day and re‐freezes at night. The higher temporal and spatial resolution makes AMSR‐E more sensitive to sub‐daily Tb oscillations, resulting in DAV that often show a greater daily range compared to SSM/I. Therefore, thresholds of Tb > 246 K and DAV > ± 10 K developed for use with SSM/I have been adjusted for detecting the onset of snowmelt with AMSR‐E using ground‐based surface temperature and snowpack wetness relationships. Using newly developed thresholds of Tb > 252 K and DAV > ± 18 K, AMSR‐E derived snowmelt onset correlates well with SSM/I observations in the small subarctic Wheaton River basin through the 2004 and 2005 winter/spring transition. In addition, the onset of snowmelt derived from AMSR‐E data gridded at a higher resolution than the SSM/I data indicates that finer‐scale differences in elevation and land cover affect the onset of snowmelt and are detectable with the AMSR‐E sensor. On the basis of these observations, the enhanced resolution of AMSR‐E is more effective than SSM/I at delineating spatial and temporal snowmelt dynamics in the heterogeneous terrain of the upper Yukon River basin. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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