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The MHD-INPE model was applied in the Ji-Parana Basin, a 30 000 km2 catchment located in the southwest of the Amazon Basin which has lost more than 50% of its forest since the 1980s, to simulate land use and land cover change impacts on runoff generation process and how they are related to basin topography. Simulation results agree with observational studies in the sense that fast response processes are significant in sub-basins with steep slopes while in basins with gentle topography, the impacts are most visible in slow-response hydrological processes. On the other hand, the model is not able to capture the dependence of LUCC impacts on spatial scales. These discrepancies are probably associated with limitations in the spatial representation of heterogeneities within the model, which become more relevant at larger scales. We also tested the hypothesis that secondary forest growth should be able to compensate the decrease in evapotranspiration due to forest–cropland or forest–grassland conversion at a regional scale. Results showed that despite the small fraction of secondary forest estimated on the basin, the higher evapotranspiration efficiency of this type of forest counterbalances a large fraction of the LUCC impacts on evapotranspiration. This result suggests that enhanced transpiration due to secondary forest could explain, at least in part, the lack of clear LUCC signals in discharge series at larger scales.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis; ASSOCIATE EDITOR T. Wagener  相似文献   

Concentrations and fluxes of mercury (Hg) species in surface waters of forested watersheds are affected by hydrological events. The mechanisms of Hg transport during these events are poorly understood and yet may influence Hg bioavailability and exposure to aquatic biota. Three storm events with varying magnitude and intensity were investigated (June, September and November 2005) at a forested watershed in the Adirondack region of New York State, USA. Concentrations of Hg species increased during these events, both above and downstream of wetlands in the watershed. While Hg flux was higher from wetland drainage, the Hg flux from the upland site exhibited a greater relative increase to elevated runoff. Hg flux was controlled by discharge; however, Hg species concentrations were not well correlated with discharge, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), or total suspended solids (TSS) through the duration of events. A counter‐clockwise hysteresis response of DOC with increasing runoff contrasted with the clockwise response for total Hg, suggesting different contributions from source areas for these solutes. Correspondence with elevated total K and NO3? (α < 0·05) during the rising limb of the hydrograph suggests rapid delivery of throughfall Hg, potentially enhanced by hillslope hollows, to the stream channel. As the watershed saturated, stream Hg appears to be derived from the soil Hg pool. Results suggest that particulate Hg did not contribute substantially to total Hg flux during events (<25%). These results emphasize the role of watershed attributes and storm characteristics in Hg transport and bioavailability. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Extreme hydrologic responses following wildfires can lead to floods and debris flows with costly economic and societal impacts. Process-based hydrologic and geomorphic models used to predict the downstream impacts of wildfire must account for temporal changes in hydrologic parameters related to the generation and subsequent routing of infiltration-excess overland flow across the landscape. However, we lack quantitative relationships showing how parameters change with time-since-burning, particularly at the watershed scale. To assess variations in best-fit hydrologic parameters with time, we used the KINEROS2 hydrological model to explore temporal changes in hillslope saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksh) and channel hydraulic roughness (nc) following a wildfire in the upper Arroyo Seco watershed (41.5 km2), which burned during the 2009 Station fire in the San Gabriel Mountains, California, USA. This study explored runoff-producing storms between 2008 and 2014 to infer watershed hydraulic properties by calibrating the model to observations at the watershed outlet. Modelling indicates Ksh is lowest in the first year following the fire and then increases at an average rate of approximately 4.2 mm/h/year during the first 5 years of recovery. The estimated values for Ksh in the first year following the fire are similar to those obtained in previous studies on smaller watersheds (<1.5 km2) following the Station fire, suggesting hydrologic changes detected here can be applied to lower-order watersheds. Hydraulic roughness, nc, was lowest in the first year following the fire, but increased by a factor of 2 after 1 year of recovery. Post-fire observations suggest changes in nc are due to changes in grain roughness and vegetation in channels. These results provide quantitative constraints on the magnitude of fire-induced hydrologic changes following severe wildfires in chaparral-dominated ecosystems as well as the timing of hydrologic recovery.  相似文献   

Evaluation of flow and transport processes in a watershed‐scale requires that the watershed be divided into homogenous spatial units referred to as hydrologically similar units (HSUs). Although a few discretization schemes are already in use, a universally acceptable method of obtaining HSUs is yet to emerge. In this study, we developed a fuzzy inference system (FIS) to classify the saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) and two water‐retention parameters α and n into fuzzy logic‐based soil hydrologic classes (FSHCs). Analysis of these classes showed that soil properties within an FSHC have less variability and those between two FSHCs have large variability. This result suggested that soils belonging to a specific FSHC may be more similar than those across different FSHCs and may be grouped together to represent an HSU. Soils within a specific hydrologic class were aggregated to delineate HSUs within the watershed. For the Dengei Pahad micro‐watershed (DPW), this approach showed five distinct regions representing a discretized zone having similar soil hydraulic properties. Application of this approach on a larger international database of soil hydraulic properties revealed that the developed hydrologic classes are quite comparable across different databases. The delineated HSUs based on these FSHCs were also better than the soil series map of the watershed in maintaining the soil heterogeneity of the watershed. Moreover, this new discretization scheme using the SWAT modelling environment showed better performance than the soil series‐based discretization approach. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Verification of distributed hydrologic models is rare owing to the lack of spatially detailed field measurements and a common mismatch between the scale at which soil hydraulic properties are measured and the scale of a single modelling unit. In this study, two of the most commonly calibrated parameters, i.e. soil depth and the vertical distribution of lateral saturated hydraulic conductivity Ks, were eliminated by a spatially detailed soil characterization and results of a hillslope‐scale field experiment. The soil moisture routing (SMR) model, a geographic information system‐based hydrologic model, was modified to represent the dominant hydrologic processes for the Palouse region of northern Idaho. Modifications included Ks as a double exponential function of depth in a single soil layer, a snow accumulation and melt algorithm, and a simple relationship between storage and perched water depth (PWD) using the drainable porosity. The model was applied to a 2 ha catchment without calibration to measured data. Distributed responses were compared with observed PWD over a 3‐year period on a 10 m × 15 m grid. Integrated responses were compared with observed surface runoff at the catchment outlet. The modified SMR model simulated the PWD fluctuations remarkably well, especially considering the shallow soils in this catchment: a 0·20 m error in PWD is equivalent to only a 1·6% error in predicted soil moisture content. Simulations also captured PWD fluctuations during a year with high spatial variability of snow accumulation and snowmelt rates at upslope, mid‐slope, and toe slope positions with errors as low as 0·09 m, 0·12 m, and 0·12 m respectively. Errors in distributed and integrated model simulations were attributed mostly to misrepresentation of rain events and snowmelt timing problems. In one location in the catchment, simulated PWD was consistently greater than observed PWD, indicating a localized recharge zone, which was not identified by the soil morphological survey. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This research builds on the concept of hydraulic geometry and presents a methodology for estimating bankfull discharge and the hydraulic geometry coefficients and exponents for a station using limited data; only stage‐discharge and Landsat imagery. The approach is implemented using 82 streamflow gauging locations in the Amazon Basin. Using the estimated values for the hydraulic geometry relations, bankfull discharge, discharge data above bankfull and upstream drainage area at each site, relationships for estimating channel and floodplain characteristics as a function of drainage area are developed. Specifically, this research provides relationships for estimating bankfull discharge, bankfull depth, bankfull width, and floodplain width as a function of upstream drainage area in the Amazon Basin intended for providing reasonable cross‐section estimates for large scale hydraulic routing models. The derived relationships are also combined with a high resolution drainage network to develop relationships for estimating cumulative upstream channel lengths and surface areas as a function of the specified minimum channel width ranging from 2 m to 1 km (i.e. threshold drainage areas ranging from 1 to 431,000 km2). At the finest resolution (i.e. all channels greater than 2 m or a threshold area of 1 km2), the Amazon Basin contains approximately 4.4 million kilometers of channels with a combined surface area of 59,700 km2. The intended use of these relationships is for partitioning total floodable area (channels versus lakes and floodplain lakes) obtained from remote sensing for biogeochemical applications (e.g. quantifying CO2 evasion in the Amazon Basin). Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The effects of topsoil addition of rice-husk dust (RHD) and cattle dung (CD), alongside surface mulching with dry grasses/legume, on the infiltration characteristics and intrinsic structural properties of a deep, well-drained soil in southeastern Nigeria are assessed. Treatments are RHD-amended, CD-amended and “unamended”, each plot being either surface-mulched or left bare, with the unamended-bare plots as control. Amendments and mulch were applied at 20 t/ha equivalents. Their effects on the soil’s infiltration characteristics 7 months later were not evident; however, there was a tendency for differences: CD-amended ≥ RHD-amended ≥ unamended and surface-mulched ≥ bare-surface. By contrast, saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks ) differed thus: CD-mulched ≥ unamended-mulched > the rest. Similar values were recorded for Ks (50.89 cm/h) and final infiltration rate (50.74 cm/h) only under CD-amended plots, which also showed the highest values (43.50 cm/h) for transmissivity of the soil. Soil penetrometer resistance was lowest in CD-amended plots (113.44 kPa) and highest in unamended plots (166.78 kPa). Topsoil addition of cattle dung and surface mulching could increase infiltration, though marginally, and permeability of coarse-textured tropical soils beyond the season of their application when their effects on soil structure have almost waned.  相似文献   

In the work reported here the comprehensive physics‐based Integrated Hydrology Model (InHM) was employed to conduct both three‐ and two‐dimensional (3D and 2D) hydrologic‐response simulations for the small upland catchment known as C3 (located within the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest in Oregon). Results from the 3D simulations for the steep unchannelled C3 (i) identify subsurface stormflow as the dominant hydrologic‐response mechanism and (ii) show the effect of the down‐gradient forest road on both the surface and subsurface flow systems. Comparison of the 3D results with the 2D results clearly illustrates the importance of convergent subsurface flow (e.g. greater pore‐water pressures in the hollow of the catchment for the 3D scenario). A simple infinite‐slope model, driven by subsurface pore‐water pressures generated from the 3D and 2D hydrologic‐response simulations, was employed to estimate slope stability along the long‐profile of the C3 hollow axis. As expected, the likelihood of slope failure is underestimated for the lower pore pressures from the 2D hydrologic‐response simulation compared, in a relative sense, to the higher pore pressures from the 3D hydrologic response simulation. The effort reported herein provides a firm quantitative foundation for generalizing the effects that forest roads can have on near‐surface hydrologic response and slope stability at the catchment scale. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of afforestation on water resources are still controversial. The aim of this paper is to (i) analyse the hydrological response of an afforested area in the Central Pyrenees and (ii) compare the hydrological response of an afforested area with the response observed in a natural undisturbed forest. The Araguás catchment was cultivated until the 1950s, and then afforested with pines in an effort to control the active degradation processes. The hydrological response was variable and complex, because the discharge was generated by a combination of distinct runoff processes. The hydrological response showed that (i) afforestation produced moderate peak discharges, stormflows and recession limbs, and long rising limbs; (ii) no one single variable was able to explain the hydrological response: rainfall volume and intensity did not explain the hydrological response and antecedent rainfall and initial discharge (indicating antecedent moisture conditions) did play an important role; (iii) seasonal differences were observed suggesting different runoff generating processes; and (iv) the effect of forest cover on peak discharges became less important as the size of the hydrological event increased. The stormflow coefficient showed a clear seasonal pattern with an alternation between a wet period, when the catchment was hydrologically responsive, and a dry summer period when the catchment rarely responded to any event, and two transitional periods (wetting and drying). Compared with a natural forest, the afforested area recorded greater flows and peak discharges, faster response times and shorter recession limbs. Afforestation reduces the water yield and the number of floods compared with non‐vegetated areas and abandoned lands. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Temporal stability of soil water content (TS SWC) is an often‐observed phenomenon, which characterization finds multiple applications. Climate and variability in soil properties are usually mentioned as factors of TS SWC, but their effects are far from clear. The objective of this work was to use SWC modeling to evaluate the effects of climate and soil hydraulic properties on the TS of soil water at different measurement schedules. We selected four representative climates found in USA and simulated the multiyear SWC dynamics for sandy loam, loam, and silty clay loam soils, all having the lognormal spatial distribution of the saturated hydraulic conductivity. The CLIMGEN and the HYDRUS6 codes were used to generate weather patterns and to simulate SWC, respectively. Four different methods were applied to select the representative location (RL). The low probability of having the same variability of mean relative differences of soil water under different climates was found in most of the cases. The probability that the variance of mean relative differences depended on sampling frequency was generally higher than 91% for the three soils. The interannual difference in mean relative differences variation from short and intensive summer campaigns was highly probable for all climates and soils. The RLs changed as climate and measurement scheduling changed, and they were less pronounced for coarse‐textured soils. The RL selection methods based solely on bias provided more consistency as compared with other methods. The TS appears to be the result of the interplay between climate, soil properties, and survey protocols. One implication of this factor interaction effect on TS SWC is that a simulation study can be useful to decide on the feasibility of including a search for TS‐based RLs for a specific site. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effect of forests on annual water yield is an unresolved central issue in forest hydrology despite years of study. There has been a particular shortage of research in the mountains of arid inland river basins. In the present study, we examined the effects of forests on hydrology using data on precipitation, evaporation, canopy interception, transpiration, and runoff from 1994 to 2008 for the Pailugou catchment of northwestern China's Qilian Mountains. We modelled the water balance to assess the contribution of different vegetation types to annual water yield. In our study area, Picea crassifolia forest covered 38·5% of the catchment area, but contributed little to annual water yield. For an annual average precipitation of 407·1 mm (from 2003 to 2008) at an elevation of 2700 m, the runoff depth from the forest was 11·6 mm, accounting for only 3·5% of total annual water yield of the catchment. For an annual average precipitation of 374·1 mm (from 1994 to 2002), the runoff depth from the forest was ? 14·3 mm (i.e. 5·9% of total annual water yield of the catchment was consumed to sustain tree growth). This has significant implications, because forests are increasingly being planted in the Qilian Mountains, and this may decrease the downstream water supply. Thus, the relationship between the forest and water yield must be better understood to permit the establishment of an appropriate regional level of forest cover. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Quantitative evaluation of the effect of climate variability and human activities on runoff is of great importance for water resources planning and management in terms of maintaining the ecosystem integrity and sustaining the society development. In this paper, hydro‐climatic data from four catchments (i.e. Luanhe River catchment, Chaohe River catchment, Hutuo River catchment and Zhanghe River catchment) in the Haihe River basin from 1957 to 2000 were used to quantitatively attribute the hydrological response (i.e. runoff) to climate change and human activities separately. To separate the attributes, the temporal trends of annual precipitation, potential evapotranspiration (PET) and runoff during 1957–2000 were first explored by the Mann–Kendall test. Despite that only Hutuo River catchment was dominated by a significant negative trend in annual precipitation, all four catchments presented significant negative trend in annual runoff varying from ?0.859 (Chaohe River) to ?1.996 mm a?1 (Zhanghe River). Change points in 1977 and 1979 are detected by precipitation–runoff double cumulative curves method and Pettitt's test for Zhanghe River and the other three rivers, respectively, and are adopted to divide data set into two study periods as the pre‐change period and post‐change period. Three methods including hydrological model method, hydrological sensitivity analysis method and climate elasticity method were calibrated with the hydro‐climatic data during the pre‐change period. Then, hydrological runoff response to climate variability and human activities was quantitatively evaluated with the help of the three methods and based on the assumption that climate and human activities are the only drivers for streamflow and are independent of each other. Similar estimates of anthropogenic and climatic effects on runoff for catchments considered can be obtained from the three methods. We found that human activities were the main driving factors for the decline in annual runoff in Luanhe River catchment, Chaohe River catchment and Zhanghe River catchment, accounting for over 50% of runoff reduction. However, climate variability should be responsible for the decrease in annual runoff in the Hutuo River catchment. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


This paper assesses strategic water availability and use under different development pathways on a basin scale using remote sensing (RS), geographical information systems (GIS) and a spatial water budget model (SWBM). The SWBM was applied to the Upper Ing Basin in northern Thailand to investigate the spatial and temporal variations in the location of streams and water yields from different parts of the basin. The base simulation was carried out for the years 1998–2007 using a DEM and actual land-use data at 100-m resolution. The simulated stream network was compared with topographic maps under different flow conditions, which were successfully represented. The 10-year average simulated river flow rate was 1300 L/s, but it more than doubled during periods of heavy rainfall and decreased below 600 L/s in dry seasons. The total length of the streams (based on flow threshold of 25 L/s) on a typical day in the dry season differed by a factor of approx. 1.5. Agricultural water needs and possible extraction were assessed and presented by dividing the basin into 10 different zones based on the stream network. The results show that there is the potential for harvesting significant quantities of water at different spatial gradients with no initial water supply for irrigation. Monthly water yields for each zone were computed; the results varied from less than 50% to over 137% of the per hectare water yield for the entire basin. This variation was due to differences in topography and land cover. The impact of land use and climate change on streamwater availability was also studied. The basin shows very different hydrological responses. The changes in average river flow relative to the base simulation were +27.6%,??32.1%, +94% and +52.9% under deforestation, changing land use from paddy field to orchard, bare soil and increased rainfall scenarios, respectively.

Citation Bahadur KC, K. (2011) Assessing strategic water availability using remote sensing, GIS and a spatial water budget model: case study of the Upper Ing Basin, Thailand. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(6), 994–1014.  相似文献   

Rainfall experiments have been conducted in the laboratory in order to assess the hydrological response of top soils very susceptible to surface sealing and containing rock fragments in different positions with respect to the soil surface. For a given cover level, rock fragment position in the top soil has an ambivalent effect on water intake and runoff generation. Compared to a bare soil surface rock fragments increase water intake rates as well as time of runoff concentration and decrease runoff volume if they rest on the soil surface. For the same cover level, rock fragments reduce infiltration rate and enhance runoff generation if they are well embedded in the top layer. The effects of rock fragment position on infiltration rate and runoff generation are proportional to cover percentage. Micromorphological analysis and measurements of the saturated hydraulic conductivity of bare top soils and of the top layer underneath rock fragments resting on the soil surface reveal significant differences supporting the mechanism proposed by Poesen (1986): i.e. runoff generated as rock flow or as Horton overland flow can (partly) infiltrate into the unsealed soil surface under the rock fragments, provided that they are not completely embedded in the top layer. Hence, rock fragment position, beside other rock fragment properties, should be taken into account when assessing the hydrological response of soils susceptible to surface sealing and containing rock fragments in their surface layers. A simple model, based on the proportions of bare soil surface, soil surface occupied by embedded rock fragments, and soil surface covered with rock fragments resting on the soil surface, describes the runoff coefficient data relatively well.  相似文献   

The role of lithology in influencing basin form and function is explored empirically by investigating correlations between a range of catchment variables, where the spatial unit of analysis is not surface catchments but lithologically coherent groundwater units. Using the Thames basin, UK, as a case study, nine groundwater units have been identified. Values for 11 hydrological and geomorphological variables, including rainfall, drainage density, Baseflow Index, aquifer porosity, storage coefficient and log‐hydraulic conductivity, aquifer and drainage elevation, river incision, and hypsometric integral have been estimated for each of the groundwater units in the basin, and Pearson correlation coefficients calculated for all pairs of variables. Seven of the correlation coefficients are found to be significant at a confidence level of > 99%. Negative correlations between drainage density and log aquifer hydraulic conductivity, and between drainage density and river incision, and positive correlations between log‐hydraulic conductivity and river incision, log‐hydraulic conductivity and Baseflow Index, and between Baseflow Index and river incision are inferred to have consistent causal explanations. For example, incision of rivers into aquifers leads to relative increases in hydraulic gradients in the vicinity of rivers which, in turn, promotes the development of secondary porosity increasing both aquifer hydraulic conductivity and, hence, Baseflow Index. The implication of this interpretation is that the geomorphological evolution of basins is intimately linked to the evolution of hydraulic conductivity of the underlying aquifers. This is consistent with, and supports the notion of a coupled complexly evolving surface water‐groundwater system. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) and enhancing “removals of greenhouse gas emissions by forests” in developing countries through positive incentives is regarded as an essential component of the post-2012 climate regime for stabilizing greenhouse gas emissions and an important way of engaging developing countries in global mitigation efforts. We aimed to evaluate the potential effectiveness of REDD+ by integrating it into a land use option framework. One of our goals was to develop scenarios for evaluating the impacts of land use changes on carbon and environmental processes. In addition, we aimed to quantify the potential economic benefits to society of compensated reductions and to identify hotspots for applying REDD+. Three land use change scenarios were examined: (I) business as usual (BAU), (II) economic development, and (III) REDD+. A case study in Indonesia was examined using these land use scenarios and policy interventions, evaluating their effects on carbon emissions, socioeconomics, and environmental features of a spatial system using land use models. Significant emissions and water erosion reductions were predicted to be achieved under the REDD+ scenario, due to reduced deforestation of <6% over the next decade; >0.14 Mt CO2e reduction was predicted relative to the BAU scenario. Furthermore, the spatial land use model indicated that REDD+ payments of forest carbon credits in the compliance market would play a key role in compensating rural communities and plantation companies for their opportunity cost in ending deforestation. This study provides an example of integrating land use modeling with a scenario analysis framework to evaluate plausible future forecasts and to evaluate the potential impacts of REDD+.  相似文献   


The Biobío River basin is of high strategic importance for Chilean development, at both the regional and the national levels. For this reason, advances in the general understanding of, and in the capacity to describe and predict, in a spatially explicit way, the impact of climate and anthropogenic forcing on the hydrology of the Biobío basin are urgently needed. The work presented here attempts to set the basis for future modelling applications within the Biobío basin by analysing the applicability of a readily available modelling tool, the SWAT model, to one of its sub-basins. Modelling results show that the model performs well in most parts of the study basin. The SWAT model application for the Vergara basin confirms that SWAT is a useful tool and can already be used to make a preliminary assessments of the potential impacts of land-use and climate changes on basin hydrology.  相似文献   

陈雯 《湖泊科学》2012,24(1):1-8
流域空间开发和土地利用在推动经济社会发展的同时,对流域生态系统的健康和安全造成了剧烈影响,迫切需要在流域综合管理中充实完善土地利用分区与管制等研究内容,因而成为推动湖泊-流域相互作用研究的重要科学问题之一.本文在回顾相关土地利用分区与管制研究基础上,从流域自然地理单元特殊性和管理目标复杂性出发,探讨了流域水陆系统相互作用机制,分析了流域土地利用分区与空间管制的研究重点与基本思路,提出了流域土地利用分区的技术路线及关键方法,并以太湖流域为例进行了初步的实践探索,提出严格保护区、适度发展区、开发利用区和保留发展区四种类型区及其空间管制要求,符合流域资源环境与经济社会发展实际,为流域可持续开发和保护提供指导.最后,讨论了未来流域土地利用分区空间管制需要进一步研究的重点方向与关键问题.  相似文献   

Sedimentological analysis of particle size data from a hillslope profile in mid-Wales allows the identification of two distinct upper slope units. These are described and analyzed in greater detail for clay and organic matter distribution. The original slope subdivision is substantiated by the results and the major differences in soils between the upper units are attributed to drainage contrasts.  相似文献   

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