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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the ground motion characteristics of the Chi‐Chi earthquake (21 September 1999) as well as the interpretation of structural damage due to this earthquake. Over 300 strong motion records were collected from the strong motion network of Taiwan for this earthquake. A lot of near‐field ground motion data were collected. They provide valuable information on the study of ground motion characteristics of pulse‐like near‐field ground motions as well as fault displacement. This study includes: attenuation of ground motion both in PGA and spectral amplitude, principal direction, elastic and inelastic response analysis of a SDOF system subjected to near‐field ground motion collected from this event. The distribution of spectral acceleration and spectral velocity along the Chelungpu fault is discussed. Based on the mode decomposition method the intrinsic mode function of ground acceleration of this earthquake is examined. A long‐period wave with large amplitude was observed in most of the near‐source ground acceleration. The seismic demand from the recorded near‐field ground motion is also investigated with an evaluation of seismic design criteria of Taiwan Building Code. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文以沈阳市世纪华丰文化广场工程场地为例,在地震危险性分析的基础上,进行土层地震反应分析,对超高层建筑设计地震动参数的确定进行研究,为抗震设计提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

强震观测建筑结构的地震反应分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选择取得强震观测资料的建筑结构为研究对象,采用有限元法建立结构的动力反应分析模型,利用SAP2000程序分析了结构的地震反应,并同实际记录到的结构地震反应进行了对比分析,讨论了结构模型参数估计和一些不确定因素对模型精度的影响。  相似文献   

本文根据保定市及周围地区的地震地质环境,在地震危险性分析的基础上,采用等效线性一维波动方程进行土层的地震反应分析.给出50年超越概率63%、10%、2%基岩和地面的水平向峰值加速度、反应谱(场址基本烈度Ⅶ度)和地震影响系数最大值.该结果为抗震设计提供了可靠依据,具有应用价值.  相似文献   

田利  李宏男 《地震学刊》2010,(1):17-22,82
依据《电力设施抗震设计规范》(GB50260-96)中的设计反应谱,对随机地震动功率谱参数的取值进行了具体研究。首先,采用时间包络函数考虑地震的非平稳特性,给出了地震动持时的取值;然后,根据加速度峰值等效原则,迭代计算得到地面的加速度功率谱密度曲线;最后,选定Clough-Penzien修正过滤白噪声模型作为拟合函数,通过非线性拟合技术拟合了与《规范》中的地震烈度、场地类别相对应的谱参数。研究结果表明,Clough-Penzien修正过滤白噪声模型能较好地拟合其曲线形状。本文给出了相对于规范中的地面加速度功率谱参数值,可供这种模型作为地震地面运动输入时选用。  相似文献   

刘博研  史保平  张健 《地震学报》2007,29(3):302-313
利用复合震源模型和人工合成地震图的算法, 以1679年三河——平谷Ms8.0地震为例,计算了北京地区的宽频带强地面运动. 其结果可为今后该地区的地震危险性评估和工程抗震提供一定的物理参数. 通过考察该地区的地质与地球物理区域背景, 利用计算机数值模拟的方法, 对北纬39.3deg;~41.1deg;东经115.35deg;~117.55deg;所围限的北京范围进行了设定地震的仿真模拟,并合成了强地面运动. 通过分析影响强地面运动的几个关键因素,给出了北京地区强地面运动峰值加速度和速度分布特征,比较了合成强地面运动记录与通过衰减关系计算所得的结果. 同时,还对复合震源模型的优点和局限性给出了充分的讨论. 利用数值模拟方法所得的较为真实的强地面运动参数,即加速度、速度、位移和时程特征,可为北京地区工程建设的抗震设计、救援设施的选址、以及金融及保险部门的风险性评估提供一定的依据.  相似文献   

地震动强度对场地地震反应的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
通过对场地地震反应的研究发现,地震动强度不同,同样的场地对地震动的影响也不同,得到的反应谱形状也不同。目前我国抗震设计规范中不同烈度下的设计反应谱形状完全一致,没有考虑地震动强弱对相同场地反应谱形状的影响。  相似文献   

In this study, a composite source model has been used to calculate the realistic strong ground motions in Beijing area, caused by 1679 MS8.0 earthquake in Sanhe-Pinggu. The results could provide us the useful physical parame-ters for the future seismic hazard analysis in this area. Considering the regional geological/geophysical background, we simulated the scenario earthquake with an associated ground motions in the area ranging from 39.3°N to 41.1°N in latitude and from 115.35°E to 117.55°E in longitude. Some of the key factors which could influence the characteristics of strong ground motion have been discussed, and the resultant peak ground acceleration (PGA) distribution and the peak ground velocity (PGV) distribution around Beijing area also have been made as well. A comparison of the simulated result with the results derived from the attenuation relation has been made, and a suf-ficient discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of composite source model also has been given in this study. The numerical results, such as the PGA, PGV, peak ground displacement (PGD), and the three-component time-histories developed for Beijing area, have a potential application in earthquake engineering field and building code design, especially for the evaluation of critical constructions, government decision making and the seismic hazard assessment by financial/insurance companies.  相似文献   

田利  高国栋  盖霞 《地震工程学报》2018,40(6):1206-1210
根据新《电力设施抗震设计规范》(GB50260-2013)对随机地震动功率谱参数的取值进行分析。介绍新《电力设施抗震设计规范》中设计反应谱,推导设计谱到功率谱的转换过程。选取常用的Clough-Penzien修正过滤白噪声模型作为拟合函数,通过功率谱参数拟合,得到不同场地类别、不同抗震设防烈度下的地震动模型参数。该研究成果可为电力工程抗震设计分析提供参考。  相似文献   

黄土高填方场地地震动参数特性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
来春景  朱彦鹏  王春青  马天忠 《地震工程学报》2018,40(6):1168-1173,1223
削山造地后形成的黄土高填方场地对地震动参数特性影响较大。以实际工程项目为研究对象,构造不同填土高度的计算剖面,采用一维等效线性化方法计算土层地震动参数,分析基岩地震动输入参数和填土高度对场地地表放大效应的影响。研究表明:场地地震放大系数随填土层的高度增加呈递减趋势。在多遇地震动和基本地震动作用下,场地地震放大系数递减速度比罕遇地震动和极罕遇地震动作用下要大。当填土高度达到一定程度后放大效应趋于平稳;填土高度的变化,会改变地表加速度反应谱的形状。填土高度越大,地表反应谱长周期的频谱成分越显著,反应谱曲线向后移,反应谱峰值点均明显向长周期移动,并出现多个峰值点,反应谱特征周期值变大;下伏基岩的刚度越大,地表峰值加速度的放大效应越大。地表加速度反应谱特征值相比变小。当填土高度增大到一定程度时,下伏基岩的种类对地表地震动特性影响则不明显。该研究成果对高填方场地的地震安全评价和结构抗震设计提供参考。  相似文献   

The Park and Ang damage model was used as the "Structural Damage Control Model" to study the seismic design parameters. This damage control model included the displacement ductility and hysteretic energy in the analysis of elastic-perfect-plastic single-degree-of-freedom system. Based on this damage control model, the reduction factor and yield base shear coefficient are discussed. Seismic data collected from Taipei basin were used to examine the code-provided yield base shear coefficient which reflects the influence of using a damage control model in the seismic design parameter. Effects of seismic source as well as Taipei basin topography are also considered in examining the variation of yield base shear coefficient.  相似文献   

The conditional spectrum (CS, with mean and variability) is a target response spectrum that links nonlinear dynamic analysis back to probabilistic seismic hazard analysis for ground motion selection. The CS is computed on the basis of a specified conditioning period, whereas structures under consideration may be sensitive to response spectral amplitudes at multiple periods of excitation. Questions remain regarding the appropriate choice of conditioning period when utilizing the CS as the target spectrum. This paper focuses on risk‐based assessments, which estimate the annual rate of exceeding a specified structural response amplitude. Seismic hazard analysis, ground motion selection, and nonlinear dynamic analysis are performed, using the conditional spectra with varying conditioning periods, to assess the performance of a 20‐story reinforced concrete frame structure. It is shown here that risk‐based assessments are relatively insensitive to the choice of conditioning period when the ground motions are carefully selected to ensure hazard consistency. This observed insensitivity to the conditioning period comes from the fact that, when CS‐based ground motion selection is used, the distributions of response spectra of the selected ground motions are consistent with the site ground motion hazard curves at all relevant periods; this consistency with the site hazard curves is independent of the conditioning period. The importance of an exact CS (which incorporates multiple causal earthquakes and ground motion prediction models) to achieve the appropriate spectral variability at periods away from the conditioning period is also highlighted. The findings of this paper are expected theoretically but have not been empirically demonstrated previously. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

随机地震动场多点激励下大跨度桥梁地震反应分析方法   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
地震输入问题一直是工程结构抗震研究关注的焦点.对大跨度桥梁结构,考虑随机地震动场的多点激励而进行地震反应分析较为合理.本文结合大跨度桥梁抗震设计,系统地介绍了随机地震动场的模型以及随机地震动场多点激励下大跨度桥梁地震反应分析的方法.  相似文献   

本文介绍了国际原子能机构(IAEA)的TECDOC—1347推荐使用的适用于不同地震烈度、不同场地类型的设计地震反应谱。通过与RG 1.60及《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB 50011—2010)中的设计反应谱进行对比分析,总结了TECDOC—1347推荐的研究堆设计反应谱的特点。  相似文献   

介绍了一项随机模拟实验,该实验通过模拟一个具体场址模型的地震动响应了解模型参数不确定性对模拟结果的影响。首先给定一个典型的第四纪沉积层场址模型的参数(包括地层厚度、介质密度、横波速度和品质因子等)的统计特征,并据此在计算机上按截尾的正态分布随机抽样形成了16384个随机模型,然后分别在各个模型上进行SH波地震动响应模拟,最后对所有的模拟结果进行统计分析,了解模型参数的不确定程度与模拟结果变化范围之间的关系。实验结果表明,模型参数不确定性对模拟结果的影响程度是随频率增大的。随机模型地震动响应的第一个放大峰发生在353±031Hz的频率上,其幅值为438±076;第二放大峰发生在885±108Hz的频率上,幅值为422±090。两放大峰值的均方差与均值之比分别为18%和25%。与模型参数20%的相对变化程度大致相当。但更高频率上振幅响应的均方差与均值之比则高达30%~40%。  相似文献   

梁小华  蒋溥 《地震地质》2004,26(4):772-783
文中结合舟山市桃夭门大桥抗震设计在长周期频段的需要,研究分析了桃夭门大桥场地基本地震地质环境特点和长周期地面运动谱的研究现状,从强震记录长周期分量信息特点出发,以强震记录为基础,选用了11个有代表性的M≥65的强震,共72条强震地面运动记录,参照核法规HAF0101(1)特定场地谱的确定方法,通过统计分析建立了以均值反应谱为基础的长周期反应谱  相似文献   

抗震设计谱的发展及相关问题综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
抗震设计谱是地震荷载的表征和工程抗震设计的基础.首先对国内外抗震设计反应谱的发展、演变进行了阐述,指出现今反应谱理论以及在此基础上建立的抗震设计谱所取得的进展;总结了被广泛使用的各种抗震设计谱所存在的问题,指出了解决问题的可能途径,简要介绍了双规准反应谱的概念和统一设计谱的思想;探讨了抗震设计谱的发展趋势以及所涉及的新课题.  相似文献   

The paper is an attempt to collate field evidence and results from dynamic analysis on possible structural effects of strong vertical ground motion. Observational evidence from three earthquakes are presented and assessed with regard to failure modes of buildings and bridges attributable to high vertical earthquake forces. Analytical results from previous studies for the same structural types are reviewed. These collectively confirm that structural failure may ensue due to direct tension or compression as well as due to the effect of vertical motion on shear and flexural response.  相似文献   


Earthquake investigations have shown that near-fault pulse-like(NF-P)ground motions have unique characteristics compared to near-fault non-pulse-like(NF-NP)and far-field(FF)ground motions.It is necessary to study the seismic response of pile-supported wharf(PSW)structures under NF-P ground motions.In this study,a three-dimensional finite element numerical model is created to simulate a PSW.By imparting three types of ground motion,the engineering demand parameters(EDPs)of PSW under NF-P ground motions were analyzed and compared,in which EDPs are the maximum displacement and bending moment of the piles.Twenty intensity measures(IMs)were selected to characterize the properties of ground motions.The correlation between IMs and EDPs was explored.The results show that the piles present larger displacement and bending moment under NF-P ground motions compared to NF-NP and FF ground motions.None of the IMs have a high correlation with EDPs under NF-P ground motions,and these IMs are more applicable to FF ground motions.The correlation coefficients between EDPs and IMs under three types of ground motion were obtained,which will provide a valuable reference for the seismic design of PSWs.  相似文献   

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