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Geoelectrical and induced polarization data from measurements along three profiles and from one 3D survey are acquired and processed in the central Skellefte District, northern Sweden. The data were collected during two field campaigns in 2009 and 2010 in order to delineate the structures related to volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits and to model lithological contacts down to a maximum depth of 1.5 km. The 2009 data were inverted previously, and their joint interpretation with potential field data indicated several anomalous zones. The 2010 data not only provide additional information from greater depths compared with the 2009 data but also cover a larger surface area. Several high‐chargeability low‐resistivity zones, interpreted as possible massive sulphide mineralization and associated hydrothermal alteration, are revealed. The 3D survey data provide a detailed high‐resolution image of the top ~450 m of the upper crust around the Maurliden East, North, and Central deposits. Several anomalies are interpreted as new potential prospects in the Maurliden area, which are mainly concentrated in the central conductive zone. In addition, the contact relationship between the major geological units, e.g., the contact between the Skellefte Group and the Jörn Intrusive Complex, is better understood with the help of 2010 deep‐resistivity/chargeability data. The bottommost part of the Vargfors basin is imaged using the 2010 geoelectrical and induced polarization data down to ~1‐km depth.  相似文献   

针对地震地磁野外观测的需求,开发研制了一种基于无线网络的野外同步观测系统。该系统主要由接口单元、采集控制(CPU)单元、无线单元、传输网络、计算机控制中心等组成。该系统操作简单,实用性强,具有远程唤醒及休眠、校时等服务功能,也可应用到地磁台阵的数据传输与同步工作中。  相似文献   

郎静 《应用地球物理》2006,3(3):179-186
三维可视化解释技术是一项全新的地震解释技术,与传统的地震资料解释有着本质的不同,它是从三维可视化显示出发,以地质体或三维研究区块为单元,采用点、线、面和体相结合的数据体空间可视化解释。该技术结合相干体技术可进行复杂断层的解释与组合;应用空间域层位自动追踪技术能够准确落实构造形态;采用目标雕刻技术,利用反演数据体可实现立体透视岩性体的空间展布及厚度趋势。将该技术应用在大港油田官西地区复杂断块构造解释和歧南西斜坡隐蔽油气藏储层预测两项实际工作中,取得了良好效果,表明可视化解释技术在石油勘探中具有广阔的应用前景,是提高勘探效率和勘探成功率的有效技术手段。  相似文献   

3D visualization technology is a new seismic interpretation technology that is completely different from traditional seismic data interpretation technologies. This method takes geologic bodies or any 3D region of interest as a unit and integrates the points, lines, and planes of the bodies to make a 3D visual interpretation. This technology can be integrated with the coherence technique to interpret complex faults. Spatial domain automatic horizon tracing can accurately determine structural features. Target sculpting can determine the spatial dimensions and depth extent of perspective 3D lithology bodies using inversion data. I applied this technology to the interpretation of the complex block structures in the Guanxi area of Dagang Oilfield and the prediction of subtle reservoirs in the western slope of the Qinan sag with good results. This study indicated that the visual interpretation technology can be widely and effectively applied in oil field development and to improve the exploration success ratio.  相似文献   

Seismic ray path variations in a 3D global velocity model   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A three-dimensional (3D) ray tracing technique is used to investigate ray path variations of P, PcP, pP and PP phases in a global tomographic model with P wave velocity changing in three dimensions and with lateral depth variations of the Moho, 410 and 660 km discontinuities. The results show that ray paths in the 3D velocity model deviate considerably from those in the average 1D model. For a PcP wave in Western Pacific to East Asia where the high-velocity (1-2%) Pacific slab is subducting beneath the Eurasian continent, the ray path change amounts to 27 km. For a PcP ray in South Pacific where very slow (−2%) velocity anomalies (the Pacific superplume) exist in the whole mantle, the maximum ray path deviation amounts to 77 km. Ray paths of other phases (P, pP, PP) are also displaced by tens of kilometers. Changes in travel time are as large as 3.9 s. These results suggest that although the maximal velocity anomalies of the global tomographic model are only 1-2%, rays passing through regions with strong lateral heterogeneity (in velocity and/or discontinuity topography) can have significant deviations from those in a 1D model because rays have very long trajectories in the global case. If the blocks or grid nodes adopted for inversion are relatively large (3-5°) and only a low-resolution 3D model is estimated, 1D ray tracing may be feasible. But if fine blocks or grid nodes are used to determine a high-resolution model, 3D ray tracing becomes necessary and important for the global tomography.  相似文献   

广西"十五"数字测震台网信道建设与系统集成   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
通过实施广西"十五"数字测震台网建设项目,在保证地震速报能力的前提下,根据广西区域数字测震台的布局,合理选择台站不同数据传输模式和台网集成方案,以取得系统的优良性价比.  相似文献   

介绍嵌入式系统的概念、MiniSEED数据格式和NetSeis/IP协议,具体地阐述在嵌入式系统下,MiniSEED数据封装及地震数据流上载传输的实现.  相似文献   

地空电磁法已经成为深部资源勘探的重要地球物理方法,但对频率域地空系统的三维多源电磁响应特征研究较少.本文设计了多种激励源组合方式,采用非结构化有限元数值模拟方法,对三维地电模型的空中垂直磁场的响应特征进行了研究.首先推导了基于电场的双旋度公式及其变分形式,加入罚项以减少伪解的影响.接着把有限元稀疏矩阵方程转换为频率的函...  相似文献   

A set of geophysical data collected in an area in Iran are analyzed to check the validity of a geological map that was prepared in connection to a mineral prospecting project and also to image the spatial electrical resistivity distribution. The data set includes helicopter electromagnetic (HEM), airborne magnetic and ground electrical resistivity measurement. Occam approach was used to invert the HEM data to model the resistivity using a layered earth model with fixed thicknesses. The algorithm is based on a nonlinear inverse problem in a least-squares sense.The algorithm was tested on a part of an HEM dataset acquired with a DIGHEM helicopter EM system at Kalat-e-Reshm, Semnan in Iran. The area contains a resistive porphyry andesite that is covered by Eocene sedimentary units. The results are shown as resistivity sections and maps confirming the existence of an arc like resistive structure in the survey area. The resistive andesite seems to be thicker than it is indicated in the geological maps. The results are compared with the reduced to the pole (RTP) airborne magnetic anomaly field data as well as with two ground resistivity profiles. We found reasonable correlations between the HEM 1D resistivity models and 2D models from electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) inversions. A 3D visualization of the 1D models along all flight lines provided a useful tool for the study of spatial variations of the resistivity structure in the investigation area.  相似文献   

为了保证红山地震台数字化观测系统的正常运行和向国家台网中心的实时波形传输,数字信号分配器在数字化地震观测系统中的应用实现了数采输出的信号分道,分别输出到卫星、台站的实时监控前台机和备份前台机及数采监控仪。避免了实时监控机因硬件和软件故障所造成的台站资料断记和卫星传输中断,在全国数字化台站中具有普遍的应用价值。  相似文献   


Droughts have long impacted humans with adverse consequences, hindering the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. To reduce vulnerability, multiple ways of adaptation have been developed, most of which, historically, focused on “hard-path” implementation of infrastructure. However, since water consumption plays a major role in the supply–demand balance, “soft-path” solutions focusing on the control of water use have recently intensified. Furthermore, due to the dynamic interaction between humans and water, changes might occur over time, requiring adaptation measures to be continually reshaped. We assess the dynamic nature of human adaptation to droughts in the semi-arid Extended Jaguaribe Basin, Brazil. We explore the shift from hard, supply-oriented measures to soft governance, and its causes: natural and socio-economic processes not anticipated in the original water resources policy. The observed phenomenon and discussion of its causes help to build knowledge on human–water interactions that are applicable more generally.  相似文献   


Using a groundwater flow model and long historical meteorological time series data, the evolution of the groundwater flow regime in a multi-layered groundwater flow basin in northern Belgium during the last one and a half centuries (since 1833) is reconstructed. Model output parameters such as piezometric levels, depth to water table, seepage fluxes in the valleys and calculated baseflow to the river system are presented and inter-annual and decadal variations are evaluated against seasonal fluctuations. The main time-varying boundary condition in the model is the aquifer recharge which was estimated using the method of Thornthwaite and Mather based on precipitation and temperature data. The model does not take into account changes in boundary conditions due to changes in land use (deforestation, drainage of cultivated land) or groundwater exploitation. Variations in model output parameters are therefore only due to climatological forcing. Only the natural non-exploited state of the aquifer is considered. Although few historical piezometric measurements are available to verify model output, the results give an indication of the natural hydrodynamic variations on a time scale of decades.

Citation Van Camp, M., Coetsiers, M., Martens, K. & Walraevens, K. (2010) Effects of multi-annual climate variability on the hydrodynamic evolution (1833 to present) in a shallow aquifer system in northern Belgium. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(5), 763–779.  相似文献   

用差分的方法给出了三维非均匀不稳定渗流方程的离散方程组,将配斯曼(Peaceman)方程拓展成能够被用于同时求解垂直井与水平井联合开采问题的形式,利用迭代解法求解差分方程和配斯曼方程所组成的方程组,并以实际层状不均匀介质为例计算了其压强的空间分布。  相似文献   

本文分析了海陆两栖地带地震勘探中同时使 用的速度检波器和加速度检波器存在的差异及其对 地震信号的影响;在此基础上,设计研制出了陆用 压电检波器,并对其性能特点进行了分析;通过试 验资料分析,消除了海陆两种不同机理的检波器资 料的相位差的问题,陆用压电检波器和水中压电检 波器记录信号的频带和能量达到一致,提高了地震 资料的分辨率;实现了海陆地区可以同时采用相同 机理的检波器进行地震信号的接收,解决了滩海地 区速度检波器和加速度检波器长期混用的问题。  相似文献   

三维起伏地表条件下的地震波走时计算技术是研究三维起伏地表地区很多地震数据处理技术的基础性工具.为了获得适应于任意三维起伏地表且计算精度高的走时算法,提出三维不等距迎风差分法.该方法采用不等距网格剖分三维起伏地表模型,通过在迎风差分格式中引入不等距差分格式、Huygens原理及Fermat原理来建立地表附近的局部走时计算公式,并通过在窄带技术中设定新的网格节点类型来获得三维起伏地表条件下算法的整体实现步骤.精度及算例分析表明:三维不等距迎风差分法具有很高的计算精度且能够适应于任意三维起伏地表模型.  相似文献   

A negotiation support system (NSS) was developed to solve groundwater conflicts that arose during land-use management. It was set up in cooperation with the stakeholders involved to provide information on the impact of land use, e.g., agriculture, nature (forested areas), recreation, and urban areas, on the quality of both infiltrating and abstracted groundwater. This NSS combined simulation programs that calculate (1) the concentrations of nitrate in shallow groundwater for each land-use area and (2) the transport of nitrate in the groundwater-saturated zone. The user interface of the NSS enabled scenario analyses. The NSS was validated at a drinking-water abstraction near Holten (the Netherlands) using a spatial planning process aimed at sustainable land-use and groundwater-resource management. Two land-use scenarios were considered: a base scenario reflecting the autonomous development and an adapted land-use scenario. The calculated results for shallow groundwater provided an explicit spatial overview of the impact of historical land use and N application on the quality of abstracted groundwater as well as insight into the impact of changes in land use and N application. Visualization of the conflicting interests of agriculture and the drinking-water abstraction helped all stakeholders accept the necessary changes in land use identified by the adapted land-use scenario of the NSS. These changes were included in the preferred land-use management option in the regional planning process, which has since been formalized. The NSS provided system insight, scoping analyses, and education, in addition to generating quantitative information on the impact of land-use functions on groundwater quality.  相似文献   

This paper presents a formulation for estimation of the frequency and damping of a soil‐structure interaction system based on the classical modal analysis and solving the system eigenvalue problem. Without loss of generality, the structure is represented by a single degree of freedom oscillator, while the soil effects are included through impedance functions for in‐plane motion of a 2D rigid foundation. For the results presented in this paper, the impedance functions were computed by the indirect boundary element method for a rectangular foundation embedded in a soil layer over elastic bedrock. The study shows that the classical modal‐analysis approach works well, with the exception of squat, stiff structures, even though the impedance functions are frequency‐dependent and the soil‐structure interaction system does not possess normal modes. The study also shows that system frequency and damping are independent of the wave passage effects, contrary to findings of some previous studies, and that the site conditions, represented by the soil‐layer thickness and stiffness contrast between bedrock and soil layer, have significant influences on both system frequency and system damping. Finally, the paper examines the accuracy of some of the simple methods for estimation of these two system parameters and comments on some conflicting conclusions of previous studies about the effects of foundation embedment.  相似文献   

Topographic indices may be used to attempt to approximate the likely distribution of variable source areas within a catchment. One such index has been applied widely using the distribution function catchment model, TOPMODEL, of Beven and Kirkby (1979). Validation of the spatial predictions of TOPMODEL may be affected by the algorithm used to calculate the model's topographic index. A number of digital terrain analysis (DTA) methods are therefore described for use in calculating the TOPMODEL topographic index, In(a/tanβ) (a = upslope contributing area per unit contour; tanβ = local slope angle). The spatial pattern and statistical distribution of the index is shown to be substantially different for different calculation procedures and differing pixel resolutions. It is shown that an interaction between hillslope contributing area accumulation and the analytical definition of the channel network has a major influence on calculated In(a/tanβ) index patterns. A number of DTA tests were performed to explore this interaction. The tests suggested that an ‘optimum’ channel initiation threshold (CIT) may be identified for positioning river headwaters in a raster digital terrain model (DTM). This threshold was found to be dependent on DTM grid resolution. Grid resolution is also suggested to have implications for the validation of spatial model predictions, implying that ‘optimum’ TOPMODEL parameter sets may be unique to the grid scale used in their derivation. Combining existing DTA procedures with an identified CIT, a procedure is described to vary the directional diffusion of contributing area accumulation with distance from the channel network.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to provide comparative quantitative examinations on the capabilities of two‐dimensional horizontal and pseudo‐three‐dimensional (3D) modelling approaches for simulating spatial and temporal variability of the flow and salinity in Lake Urmia, Iran. The water quality in the lake has been an environmentally important subject partly because this shallow hypersaline aquatic ecosystem is considered to be one of the largest natural habitats of a unique multicellular organism, Artemia urmiana. This brine shrimp is the major food source for many of the protected and rare shorebirds that visit the lake. A. urmiana can grow and survive in certain ranges of salinity, and their disappearance could lead to an alteration of existing equilibria. The lake has also experienced considerable man‐made changes during the past three decades. A newly built crossing embankment almost divided the lake into two northern and southern halves. A relatively small opening of 1.25 km in the new embankment provides water connections between the two halves. As a result, the flow and salinity regimes have been significantly changed. This might have had adverse serious impacts on the lake ecosystem. In the current study, the two‐dimensional horizontal hydrodynamic model has been found to provide reasonable predictions for the flow regime in the lake, whereas its salinity predictions have not been consistent with the field observations. The pseudo‐3D model has produced results fairly close to the salinity measurements and its temporal and spatial variations. The pseudo‐3D model has been used for evaluating the embankment effects on the lake hydrodynamics and on the salinity conditions. The effectiveness of introducing a different number or length of openings in the embankment for restoring the pre‐embankment conditions has also been examined. These remedy options have been found not to offer substantial improvements to the lake's existing ecosystem. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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