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Semi-analytic solutions are developed for the migration of pollutants from cylindrical and spherical repositories buried deep in a homogeneous and isotropic soil in the presence of a uniform and unidirectional advection. The techniques adopted involves taking the Laplace transform of the governing equations, finding an analytic solution in transform space and then numerically inverting the transform to obtain the concentrations of the contaminants at selected positions and times. Numerical results are presented, and practical implications discussed.  相似文献   

深埋泥岩地层的最小主应力测定方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合理论分析与实际资料统计,根据泥岩地层在水力压裂垂直裂缝剖面中所占的比例大小和瞬时停泵压力的变化趋势,获得了鄂尔多斯盆地西峰地区长8层(2 100 m)和靖边地区盒8地层(3 000 m)的泥岩最小主应力,这可为油气钻采、压裂设计以及测井、地震资料解释提供参考依据。间接证据表明,利用该方法求取的泥岩地层地应力更符合实际情况。  相似文献   

Synthetic hydrocarbon and aqueous inclusions have been created in the laboratory batch reactors in order to mimic inclusion formation or re-equilibration in deeply buried reservoirs. Inclusions were synthesized in quartz and calcite using pure water and Mexican dead oil, or n-tetradecane (C14H30), at a temperature and pressure of 150 °C and 1 kbar. One-phase hydrocarbon inclusions are frequently observed at standard laboratory conditions leading to homogenization temperatures between 0 and 60 °C. UV epifluorescence of Mexican oil inclusions is not uniform; blue and green-yellow colored inclusions coexist; however, no clear evidence of variations in fluid chemistry were observed. Homogenization temperatures were recorded and the maxima of Th plotted on histograms are in good agreement with expected Th in a range of 6 °C. Broad histograms were reconstructed showing non-symmetrical Th distributions over a 20 °C temperature range centered on the expected Th. This histogram broadening is due to the fragility of the fluid inclusions that were created by re-filling of pre-existing microcavities. Such Th histograms are similar to Th histograms recorded on natural samples from deeply buried carbonate reservoirs. Th values lower than those expected were measured for hydrocarbon inclusions in quartz and calcite, and for aqueous inclusions in calcite. However, the results confirm the ability of fluid inclusions containing two immiscible fluids to lead to PT reconstructions, even in overpressured environments.  相似文献   

Ten kilometres from the eastern edge of the Athabasca Sandstone, near McClean Lake, uranium mineralization (locally up to 27% U3O8) lies 150 m beneath the surface at the unconformity between the Athabasca and crystalline basement.A biogeochemical survey of the area sampled AH and BF soil horizons, peat moss, and plant organs from the dominant species, viz. black spruce (Picea mariana), jack pine (Pinus banksiana), labrador tea (Ledum groenlandicum), and leather leaf (Chamaedaphne calyculata). Uranium concentrations in the ash of various media are surprisingly high: spruce twigs up to 154 ppm U; labrador tea and leather leaf stems around 100 ppm U. Conversely, labrador tea roots yield < 5 ppm U and spruce trunk wood usually < 1 ppm U. Soils give values of 1–3 ppm U. Contoured U values reveal that highest concentrations occur in plants growing above, but laterally displaced from the mineralization. Track-Etch data show a similar pattern. Upward migration of ions along steeply inclined fractures is invoked to explain the phenomenon. Other elements are present in varying concentrations, depending upon the plant species and the plant organ. High concentrations of several elements are recorded, most notably Cd and Ag in the conifers.  相似文献   

We compared microstructures of Late Pre-Cambrian to Early Cambrian Ara Salt diapirs from the deep subsurface (3.5–5 km) of the South Oman Salt Basin and from surface-piercing salt domes of the Ghaba Salt Basin. Laterally, these basins are approximately 500 km apart but belong to the same tectono-sedimentary system. The excellent data situation from both wells and outcrops allows a unique quantification of formation and deformation mechanisms, spanning from sedimentation to deep burial, and via re-activated diapir rise to surface piercement. Microstructures of gamma-irradiated and etched thin sections indicate dislocation creep and fluid-assisted grain boundary migration as the main deformation mechanisms operating in the deep subsurface. Microstructures from the surface are characterised by large ‘old’ subgrain-rich crystals. These ‘old’ grains are partly replaced by ‘new’ subgrain-free and subgrain-poor crystals, which show gamma irradiation-decorated growth bands and fibrous microstructures, indicative of pressure solution creep and static recrystallisation, most likely due to surface piercement and exposure. Using subgrain size piezometry, the maximum differential stresses for the subsurface salt is 1.7 MPa and those for the surface-piercing salt is 3.4 MPa, the latter value displaying the high stress conditions in the diapir ‘stem’ as the salt rises on its way to the surface.  相似文献   

Through the Deep Sea Drilling Project samples of interstitial solutions of deeply buried marine sediments throughout the World Ocean have been obtained and analyzed. The studies have shown that in all but the most slowly deposited sediments pore fluids exhibit changes in composition upon burial. These changes can be grouped into a few consistent patterns that facilitate identification of the diagenetic reactions occurring in the sediments.Pelagic clays and slowly deposited (<1 cm/103yr) biogenic sediments are the only types that exhibit little evidence of reaction in the pore waters.In most biogenic sediments sea water undergoes considerable alteration. In sediments deposited at rates up to a few cm/103 yr the changes chiefly involve gains of Ca2+ and Sr2+ and losses of Mg2+ which balance the Ca2+ enrichment. The Ca-Mg substitution may often reach 30 mM/kg while Sr2+ may be enriched 15-fold over sea water. These changes reflect recrystallization of biogenic calcite and the substitution of Mg2+ for Ca2+ during this reaction. The Ca-Mg-carbonate formed is most likely a dolomitic phase. A related but more complex pattern is found in carbonate sediments deposited at somewhat greater rates. Ca2+ and Sr2+ enrichment is again characteristic, but Mg2+ losses exceed Ca2+ gains with the excess being balanced by SO4post staggered2? losses. The data indicate that the reactions are similar to those noted above, except that the Ca2+ released is not kept in solution but is precipitated by the HCO3post staggered? produced in SO4post staggered2? reduction. In both these types of pore waters Na+ is usually conservative, but K+ depletions are frequent.In several partly consolidated sediment sections approaching igneous basement contact, very marked interstitial calcium enrichment has been found (to 5.5 g/kg). These phenomena are marked by pronounced depletion in Na+, Si and CO2, and slight enhancement in Cl?. The changes are attributed to exchange of Na+ for Ca2+ in silicate minerals forming from submarine weathering of igneous rocks such as basalts. Water is also consumed in these reactions, accounting for minor increases in total interstitial salinity.Terrigenous, organic-rich sediments deposited rapidly along continental margins also exhibit significant evidences of alteration. Microbial reactions involving organic matter lead to complete removal of SO4post staggered2?, strong HCO3post staggered? enrichment, formation of NH4post staggered+, and methane synthesis from H2 and CO2 once SO4post staggered2? is eliminated. K+ and often Na+ (slightly) are depleted in the interstitial waters. Ca2+ depletion may occur owing to precipitation of CaCO3. In most cases interstitial Cl? remains relatively constant, but increases are noted over evaporitic strata, and decreases in interstitial Cl? are observed in some sediments adjacent to continents.  相似文献   

为验证沉埋桩加固滑坡体的作用机制,在进行了系列室内大型模拟试验的基础上,对模型试验进行了数值分析。分析中采用有限元方法,计算了桩身所受推力分布型式、推力大小和桩顶土推力分布形式、大小;计算了桩长变化时滑坡体加固后的稳定安全系数,由此确定满足设计要求的最小沉埋桩桩长。研究表明,有限元数值分析方法计算所得到的结果与模型试验的结果比较接近,并证明了用有限元数值分析方法对沉埋桩进行设计的可行性。  相似文献   

深埋隧道软硬交替复合顶板岩体变形破坏分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了解隧道开挖后顶板岩层活动范围及其对隧道支护体的影响,对埋深为700 m的隧道多层状顶板岩体,采用两种方式对其顶板围岩破坏形式进行了数值模拟研究和理论分析。一种方式是将顶板112 m至地表的588 m范围内的岩层视为均布荷载,模拟计算隧道顶板112 m范围内岩层的应力、位移及塑性区范围;另一种对隧道至地表岩层进行全断面模拟。模拟计算分析表明,对于隧道顶板112 m范围内相应位置的压应力 、竖向位移 及剪应力 ,两种方式计算结果基本相同,说明在距隧道中心一定高度处的岩层出现离层现象;复合顶板中的两层及两层以上的硬岩层与其间的软岩层构成了若干个组合板结构,隧道支护体所受的载荷主要来源于第一个组合板以下的岩体,并将第一个组合板以下的高度定义为支护体关键荷载圈。由数值模拟分析和理论计算所得到的隧道支护体关键荷载圈高度均在75 m左右,相对误差不超过5 %。  相似文献   

王华宁  肖果  蒋明镜 《冰川冻土》2016,38(4):867-874
离散单元法适合室内试验和局部小尺度问题的模拟,但在分析隧道开挖等大尺度问题时计算复杂且耗时.为拓展离散元在大尺度问题分析中的适用性,尝试将离散元与理论解分区耦合.针对深埋圆形隧道围岩开挖过程,采用离散元模拟内部近孔口处围岩,外部采用理论解,耦合边界上使用迭代算法,控制收敛以保证力与位移连续条件,在弹性阶段范围内对两区域进行耦合以分析解法的适用性和误差.针对隧洞有、无内压两类算例,采用该分区耦合方法经15步左右迭代收敛,所得边界位移与理论解分别相差1.86%、3.2%;所得离散元结果与理论解对比良好:位移误差随角度有关、最大处在13.5%以内,应力误差除在少量部位为15%左右外,其余各处在8.6%以内.据此表明,该方法具有相当的精度及可行性.  相似文献   

李丹  夏彬伟  陈浩  白世伟 《岩土力学》2008,29(7):1832-1836
采用新研制的环氧-硅胶系的相似模型材料,在解决一系列制作、安装、测试技术问题基础上,通过在大型真三轴模型试验机上形成相同的边界条件,从而对毛洞和锚杆加固模型、不同锚杆加固深度模型进行对比,得出锚杆加固后对围岩影响的规律,即锚杆加固区的应力较毛洞相应区内的应力均有所提高,而在锚杆加固区外围岩应力渐趋于此处毛洞的应力值;锚杆加固区中的最大应力一般也成了整个隧道围岩应力的最大值或接近最大值;锚杆的锚固作用还使毛洞中出现的拉应力状态转化为加固区内岩体的压应力状态。随着支护深度的加大,洞壁处的径向及切向压应力也在不断提高,从而利于增大岩体稳定性;同时,锚杆支护模型在不同加载级下应力分布趋势相同,也说明一定埋深范围内、不同埋深的软岩洞室中锚杆支护对围岩的影响是相同的;通过支护前后模型的应变差对比看出,在拱顶和拱腰分别形成了曲线和近似直线的径向应变差分布,对比结果为研究锚杆机制中的锚杆剪应力分布提供了试验基础。  相似文献   

为了研究深埋巷道围岩温度场的分布规律,基于传热学和渗流理论建立了深埋巷道围岩的热扩散数学模型,结合边界条件采用MATLAB对其进行了数值求解,获得了在风流和渗流耦合作用下围岩的温度场和温度矢量分布。研究结果表明,渗流改变了围岩初始温度场和温度矢量的对称分布的状态,围岩内部的温度场可划分为向内扩散区和向外扩散区。在围岩与风流的热交换作用下,巷道的壁面温度将接近风流温度,温度矢量零点的范围呈现出逐步增大的趋势。当热交换达到平衡状态时,向内扩散区的温度场呈现为环状对称分布状态;而向外扩散区等温线的形状没有明显的改变,但等温线的分布逐渐稀疏。  相似文献   

深埋巷道围岩稳定性分析与控制技术研究   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
针对岩石具有应变软化和剪胀的特点,推导了巷道围岩松动圈理论计算公式,理论分析了巷道埋深、围岩强度、应变软化程度以及支护阻力对围岩稳定性的影响,提出了锚喷、锚注和锚索“三锚”支护的新概念,并成功地应用于工程实践,取得了良好的技术和经济效益。  相似文献   

黄建乐 《地质与勘探》2021,57(5):1099-1106
为了探查新疆昭苏盆地砂岩型铀矿的异常信息,选择可控源音频大地电磁测量、高精度磁测和土壤氡气测量三种物探方法,并简要介绍各方法的工作原理。通过分析昭苏盆地的地质特征、物性特征和本区的找矿难点,对昭苏盆地综合物探数据所蕴含的信息进行地质-物探综合解译。实践证明:可控源音频大地电磁测量对低阻和高阻体均有良好的电性响应,可以划分地层、推断断裂构造;高精度磁测可以推断氧化还原界面,辅助解释断裂构造;土壤氡气测量可辅助解释断裂构造,对地下铀矿体有指示作用,三种方法的技术特性相互补充,提高了物探解释的准确性。突破了伊犁盆地以往600 m的找矿深度,并以电性稳定的中阻厚层、磁测异常、氡异常偏高晕和峰-谷状曲线作为预测标志,解决了深埋藏条件下赋矿地质体的圈定难点,在昭苏盆地砂岩型铀矿中、深部找矿工作中取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

Cambrian dolostone reservoirs in the Tarim Basin, China, have significant potential for future discoveries of petroleum, although exploration and production planning is hampered by limited understanding of the occurrence and distribution of dolomite in such ancient rocks buried to nearly 8 km. The study herein accessed new drill core samples which provide an opportunity to understand the dolomitization process in deep basins and its impact on Cambrian carbonate reservoirs. This study documents the origin of the dolostone reservoirs using a combination of petrology, fluid‐inclusion microthermometry, and stable and radiogenic‐isotopes of outcrop and core samples. An initial microbial dolomitization event occurred in restricted lagoon environments and is characterized by depleted δ13C values. Dolomicrite from lagoonal and sabkha facies, some fabric‐retentive dolomite and fabric‐obliterative dolomite in the peloidal shoal and reef facies show the highest δ18O values. These dolomites represent relatively early reflux dolomitization. The local occurrence of K‐feldspar in dolomicrite indicates that some radiogenic strontium was contributed via terrigenous input. Most fabric‐retentive dolomite may have precipitated from seawater at slightly elevated temperatures, suggested by petrological and isotopic data. Most fabric‐obliterative dolomite, and medium to coarse dolomite cement, formed between 90°C and 130°C from marine evaporitic brine. Saddle dolomite formed by hydrothermal dolomitization at temperatures up to 170°C, and involved the mixing of connate brines with Sr‐ enriched hydrothermal fluids. Intercrystalline, moldic, and breccia porosities are due to the early stages of dolomitization. Macroscopic, intergranular, vuggy, fracture and dissolution porosity are due to burial‐related dissolution and regional hydrothermal events. This work has shown that old (for example, Cambrian or even Precambrian) sucrosic dolomite with associated anhydrite, buried to as much as 8000 m, can still have a high potential for hosting substantial hydrocarbon resources and should be globally targeted for future exploration.  相似文献   

准噶尔永进地区深部储层的保存与发育机理   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
随着油气勘探向深部发展,在深部寻找优质储层是一个亟待深入研究的问题。永进地区位于准噶尔腹部中石化中部3区块,勘探目的层埋藏深,大于5000m,储层多为低孔-特低孔低渗-特低渗储层,因此,在该地区深部寻找相对优质储层具有重要的理论意义和勘探意义。该地区发育区域性不整合,即J/K不整合。在不整合形成期间,大气淡水具有高的流速和相对开放的流体环境,可以溶蚀易溶矿物并将溶蚀产物带离出溶蚀区;颗粒包壳可以抑制石英加大和碳酸盐矿物沉淀,保存原生孔隙和形成的次生孔隙;永进地区油气充注早,早期的油气充注改善了流体成岩环境,抑制胶结作用,同时,其携带的有机酸溶蚀易溶矿物,产生次生孔隙,油气早期充注从两个方面改善储层。  相似文献   

塔北隆起深层碎屑岩优质储层形成主控因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几年,在塔里木盆地塔北隆起深层碎屑岩储层中发现了一定规模的油气资源,研究深层优质储层形成主控因素及分布,一直是本区深层油气勘探的关键问题。本文应用岩芯观察、粒度分析、普通薄片、铸体薄片、阴极发光薄片等技术方法,通过对塔北隆起英买力地区深层白垩系巴西改组优质储层特征的研究,结果表明巴西改组具有沉积水动力强、杂基含量少、砂岩压实不充分、胶结物主要为方解石胶结物及溶蚀作用发育等特点。在沉积条件和成岩条件对深层储层物性发育控制作用分析的基础上,认为形成现今深层优质储层的原因主要有三个方面:①好的原始沉积条件为深层优质储层发育提供基础;②压实作用不充分保存了较高的粒间体积百分比(IGV),为深层高孔隙储层发育提供条件,而压实不充分的原因是早期发育的胶结物抵御了一部分上覆垂向有效应力和深埋时间短;③大量方解石胶结物的溶蚀对深层优质储层形成具有重要作用。  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地南缘深层下组合(下白垩统吐谷鲁群泥岩之下的储盖组合)勘探潜力大,但勘探程度较低。独山子背斜位于四棵树凹陷的东部,在该背斜浅层的新近系沙湾组砂岩发现了准南最早的油田,而对其深层油气成藏的潜力尚有待研究。深探井独山1井钻探至上侏罗统齐古组(J3q)储层,在6410~6418m上侏罗统齐古组岩心发现大量沥青沿着断裂面及其周围裂缝定向分布。通过有机地球化学分析,发现独山1井J3q储层沥青抽提物的Pr/Ph值主要分布在0.12~3.48之间,δ13C值多数集中分布在-29.9‰~-25.3‰之间;部分沥青抽提物的γ-蜡烷谱峰明显且存在异构体;规则甾烷C29明显占优势且重排甾烷丰富;烃类是侏罗系和下白垩统烃源岩产生原油的混合产物。通过储层沥青产状、Rb、拉曼光谱及烃类包裹体GOI指数、储层定量颗粒荧光等实验分析,发现独山1井深层下组合存在两期油气运移,但未形成规模油气聚集。四棵树凹陷侏罗系和下白垩统烃源岩在新近纪开始大量生烃,且构造圈闭发育,有利于晚新生代油气成藏,但独山1井位于...  相似文献   

Unconformity-type U deposits are being found to depths of more than 400 m where graphitic rocks underlie the Proterozoic sandstone unconformity. Exploration to date involves drilling weak electromagnetic conductors that reflect the graphitic basement. The deposits are believed to have formed through circulation of heated formation waters which discharged essentially vertically above the deposits. Geochemically detectable zones of alteration are reported for cross-sections through the Deilmann, Midwest, and McClean deposits. Information on the areal dimensions of near-surface haloes was required to justify the drilling of grids of shallow holes along conductors or favourable structures as a cost-effective exploration alternative to deep holes, and to define grid spacings.Orientation surveys were undertaken by sampling the uppermost 10 m of sandstone in a selection of holes from the Cigar Lake, Dawn Lake, and Wolf Lake areas where the deposits are, respectively, 400–430 m, 100–160 m, and 180–210 m below surface. The first two deposits have published reserves of 385 and 30–40 million pounds U3O8, respectively, while Wolf Lake is much smaller.Well-developed anomalies lie vertically above the richest portion of the Cigar Lake deposit in an area 150 × 600 m and a weak anomaly in many elements continues over the 1800-m length that was sampled. Total and leachable U are 13 to 8 times background with maximum values of 53 and 26 ppm, respectively. Anomalies of 14 to 8 times background are also present for V, Na2O and Zn, and 5 to 3 times background for Sr, Y, Pb, Th, As, and P.Of the four Dawn Lake mineralized zones, only the 11B Zone was studied, with partial coverage of the 11A Zone. Anomalies 50–100 m by 250–600 m in size are often displaced up to 100 m northeast of the 11B Zone. B, MgO, Pb and both total and leachable U anomalies are 16 to 8 times background with Y, V and As 7 to 5 times background.By contrast, at the Wolf Lake deposit, only irregular variations occur for most of these elements. The unusual patterns may reflect post-alteration tectonism of the sandstone overlying the deposit as regional thrust faulting occurs nearby.Detection of near-surface lithogeochemical haloes using grids of shallow holes would facilitate discovery of deep deposits and reduce expensive, deep drilling.  相似文献   

大断面深埋高水压地铁盾构隧道周边土压力作用模式评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李雪  周顺华  宫全美  陈长江 《岩土力学》2015,36(5):1415-1420
以南京某大直径地铁盾构隧道为背景,对盾构管片衬砌所受荷载及结构内力进行现场测试,分析了深埋高水压粉细砂地层中盾构隧道管片土压力大小及分布特征。采用3种不同竖向荷载组合(即有效上覆土压力+水压力,太沙基松动土压力+水压力,只有水压力)计算管片内力并与实测内力进行比较,评价了作用在盾构隧道管片上的土压力模式。结果表明:(1)作用在盾构隧道衬砌上的水压力大小基本等于静止水压力;(2)盾构隧道隧顶实测土压力约为太沙基松动土压力的80%,实测隧顶土压力更接近于太沙基松动土压力,隧道上方存在土拱;(3)现场实测管片弯矩较3种荷载作用下计算弯矩小,而实测管片轴力约为理论计算轴力的2倍。此外,分析了水平地基抗力系数对隧道管片内力的影响。研究成果可为大直径深埋盾构隧道设计提供参考。  相似文献   

The accumulation of high H2S concentrations in oil and gas fields is usually associated with deeply buried high-temperature carbonate reservoirs and is attributed to the abiological oxidation of hydrocarbons by sulfate – thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR). This review aims at providing an overview of the literature and assessing existing uncertainties in the current understanding of TSR processes and their geological significance. Reaction pathways, various reaction products, the autocatalytic nature of TSR, and reaction kinetics are discussed. Furthermore, various criteria for recognizing TSR effects, such as petrographic/diagenetic alterations and stable isotope geochemistry of the inorganic as well as the organic reactants, are summarized and evaluated. There is overwhelming geological evidence of TSR taking place at a minimum temperature of 110–140?°C, but the temperature discrepancy between experimental data and nature still exists. However, the exact nature and mechanisms of catalysts which influence TSR are not known. Local H2S variations may reflect steady-state conditions dominated by H2S buildups and flux out of the system. The latter is controlled by lithological and geological factors.  相似文献   

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