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The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of boundary element details of structural walls on their deformation capacities. Structural walls considered in this study have different sectional shapes and/or transverse reinforcement content at the boundaries of the walls (called boundary element details hereafter). Four full‐scale wall specimens (3000mm (hw)×1500mm (lw)×200mm (T)) were fabricated and tested. Three specimens are rectangular in section and the other specimen has a barbell‐shaped cross‐section (a wall with boundary columns). The rectangular wall specimens are reinforced according to the common practice used for reinforced concrete residence buildings in Korea and Chile. In this study, the primary variable for these rectangular specimens is the content of transverse reinforcement to confine the boundary elements of a wall. The barbell‐shaped specimen was designed in compliance with ACI 318‐95. The response of the barbell‐shaped specimen is compared with those of other rectangular specimens. The effective aspect ratio of the specimens is set to two in this study. Based on the experimental results, it is found that the deformation capacities of walls, which are represented by displacement ductility, drift ratio and energy dissipation capacities, are affected by the boundary element details. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文简要评述了现有钢筋混凝土剪力墙的非线性分析模型,着重介绍了多竖线单元模型,并对其竖向单元的轴向刚度和水平弹簧的剪切刚度分别建议了改进的滞变模型,最后将基于自平衡力的非线性动力反应分析方法应用于求解剪力墙结构的非线性地震反应,并用传统分析方法对其结果进行了检验,表明该分析方法计算简便,而且是有效和可靠的。  相似文献   

In seismic retrofitting of concrete buildings, frame bays are converted into reinforced concrete (RC) walls by infilling the space between the frame members with RC of a thickness of not more than their width. The cyclic behavior of the resulting wall depends on the connection between the RC infill and the surrounding RC members. The paper uses the results from 56 cyclic tests on such composite walls to express their properties in terms of the geometry, the reinforcement and the connection. Properties addressed are: (a) the yield moment at the story base; (b) the secant-to-yield-point stiffness over the shear span of the wall in a story; (c) the deflection at flexural failure in cyclic loading; (d) the cyclic shear resistance, including a sliding shear failure mode. Separate models are given for squat walls failing in shear and for those where the top of the column shears-off. The proposals are modifications of models developed in the past for monolithic RC walls from several hundred cyclic tests; blind application of these latter models as though the walls were monolithic gives, in general, unsafe predictions. By contrast, the diagonal compression strut approach in ASCE41-06 is safe-sided, but gives unacceptably large prediction scatter.  相似文献   

An original reinforced concrete(RC) column and four strengthened specimens, two with RC jackets and two with wing walls, were tested in this study. The original column specimen was designed to comply with older(pre-1999) design standards so that the usual detailing defi ciencies in existing school buildings in Taiwan could be simulated. Two different structural details were chosen to fabricate the full-scale specimens for each retrofi tting technique. The study confi rmed that either RC jacketing or the installation of wing walls with two different structural details can effectively improve the stiffness and strength of an existing column. RC jacketing shows a better improvement in energy dissipation and ductility when compared to the columns with wing walls installed. This is because the two RC jacketed columns experienced a fl exural failure, while a shear failure was found in the two columns with the wing walls installed, and thus led to a drastic decrease of the maximum lateral strengths and ductility. Since many factors may affect the installation of a post-installed anchor, it is better to use standard hooks to replace post-installed anchors in some specifi c points when using RC jacketing or installing wing walls.  相似文献   

RC buildings retrofitted by converting frame bays into RC walls   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Adding concrete walls by infilling certain frame bays with reinforced concrete is popular for seismic retrofitting, but is covered by codes only if the connection of the old concrete to the new ensures monolithic behavior. To avoid penalizing the foundation of the new wall with a very high moment resistance, the new concrete should not be thicker than, or surround, the old frame members. A cost-effective connection of these members to a thin new web is proposed, alongside a design procedure and detailing that conform to current codes. Owing to practical difficulties, footings of added walls are often small and weakly connected to the other footings, hence they uplift and rock during the earthquake. The model for uplift of 3D footings consists of two pairs of nonlinear-elastic springs in a cross layout and approximates also moderate nonlinearities in the soil continuum. It is used in nonlinear, static or dynamic, analyses of three buildings with added walls. The analyses of a clean, regular 4-story building show the benefit from uplift to the added walls and a certain adverse effect on some columns but not on beams, as well as the lack of a clear positive effect of tie-beams. The application to a 7-story and a 2-story real building with extreme, yet typical, irregularities in plan and elevation exemplifies the real-life restrictions in the use of added walls and shows their limits for the improvement of seismic performance; certain deficiencies in flexure or shear remain in both and are corrected at very low cost with local fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) jackets without new analysis of the building, as FRPs do not change the member effective stiffness or moment resistance.  相似文献   

填充墙对框架结构抗震性能的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
框架填充墙结构在汶川地震中产生了严重的震害,我国现行抗震设计对填充墙的考虑难以保证结构在地震下的抗震性能,研究一套简单有效考虑填充墙在地震中不利影响的设计方法是亟需解决的问题。本文按规范设计框架结构算例分别进行弹性、静力弹塑性和非线性动力分析,考察填充墙在弹性和非线性阶段对框架结构的刚度、内力和变形的影响,特别是在强震中的不利影响;从中寻找弹性设计与非线性反应之间的关系而提出弹性设计中考虑填充墙不利影响的方法。结果表明,均匀满布填充墙对框架结构抗震总体上是有利的;填充墙平、立面不均匀布置对框架结构抗震不利;填充墙约束效应易产生附加剪力和短柱破坏。最后根据分析结果提出设计、管理中考虑填充墙影响的方法和措施。  相似文献   

An original reinforced concrete(RC) column and four strengthened specimens, two with RC jackets and two with wing walls, were tested in this study. The original column specimen was designed to comply with older(pre-1999) design standards so that the usual detailing defi ciencies in existing school buildings in Taiwan could be simulated. Two different structural details were chosen to fabricate the full-scale specimens for each retrofi tting technique. The study confi rmed that either RC jacketing or the installation of wing walls with two different structural details can effectively improve the stiffness and strength of an existing column. RC jacketing shows a better improvement in energy dissipation and ductility when compared to the columns with wing walls installed. This is because the two RC jacketed columns experienced a fl exural failure, while a shear failure was found in the two columns with the wing walls installed, and thus led to a drastic decrease of the maximum lateral strengths and ductility. Since many factors may affect the installation of a post-installed anchor, it is better to use standard hooks to replace post-installed anchors in some specifi c points when using RC jacketing or installing wing walls.  相似文献   

带钢筋及钢骨暗支撑剪力墙抗震性能试验研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
选取剪力墙结构体系中较为薄弱的抗震构件“一”形剪力墙,进行了3个1/3缩尺的带钢筋、钢骨暗支撑剪力墙以及普通RC剪力墙构件的低周反复荷载试验,比较分析了它们的承载力、刚度、延性、滞回特性、耗能能力及破坏机制,并提出抗震设计建议。  相似文献   

钢筋混凝土框架柱的变形能力及基于性能的抗震设计方法   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
框架柱的变形能力主要取决于轴压比和约束箍筋用量,本文建立了柱塑性铰区配箍特征值λcv,轴压比n及塑性铰极限转动量θplc^u之间的函数关系,即λcv-n-θplc^u关系式,并与柱试验数据进行了对比,计算公式与试验结果在平均意义上吻合很好。文中推导了柱截面λcv-n-μcφ关系式,建立了配箍特征值λcv、轴压比n、柱曲率延性μcφ之间的关系。在本文公式的基础上,讨论了按现行抗震设计规范最小配箍要求的RC框架柱所达到的最大变形能力,同时指出规范的构造要求并不总满足特定的变形要求。文中提出了框架柱的性能设计方程,给出了框架柱在指定性能目标DI下基于性能的抗震设计方法的基本过程。  相似文献   

钢筋混凝土框架梁的变形能力及基于性能的抗震设计方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文以Priestley改进的Mander约束混凝土模型为基础推导了RC梁截面λbv-ξn-μbψ关系的一般计算公式和简化计算公式λbv-ξ-μbψ,建立了配箍特征值λbv、相对受压区高度ξn及曲率延性μbψ三者之间的量化关系式,用于梁截面在目标曲率延性下的变形能力设计,给出了梁截面在目标曲率延性下的设计流程图.对所设计的梁截面进行变形能力验算,均可达到设定的目标曲率延性.在简化的λbv-ξ-μbψ公式基础上建立了框架梁的性能设计方程,即λbv-ξ-θplb关系式,给出了RC框架梁基于性能的抗震设计方法的一般步骤.设计者可灵活地根据性能要求设定可接受的破损指标DI进行梁的性能设计.  相似文献   

影响钢筋混凝土剪力墙变形能力的主要因素包括高宽比r、轴压比n、边缘约束构件约束程度等.本文首先建立了钢筋混凝土剪力墙端部约束构件的配箍特征值λvw、轴压比n、高宽比r与剪力墙极限位移Δuw之间的关系,即λvw-n-r-Δuw关系,然后通过7个研究机构所进行的钢筋混凝土剪力墙试验对该关系进行了验证.在此关系的基础上,本文提出了钢筋混凝土剪力墙基于性能的抗震设计方法.根据本文方法,设计者可以在已知层间位移角需求θ及确定损伤指标Dw的情况下对剪力墙端部约束构件进行配箍.本文最后通过一算例详细介绍了该方法的设计过程.  相似文献   

砖砌体墙片抗震修复与加固伪静力试验   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对在各种压应力下的240标准砖墙片、试验之前及试验开裂以后用GFRP粘贴墙面和增加钢筋网砂浆面层方法加固的墙片,采用伪静力装置水平加载方法,检验加固的效果。试验证明了对于砂浆强度很低的砌体,GFRP加固能有效增强砌体抗震整体性,具有等效于提高砂浆强度的效果,要提高抗裂和极限承载力则GFRP的厚度应满足其抗拉能力大于砌体的抗剪能力。对于到达过极限承载力破坏后的墙片,GFRP加固能使得墙片基本恢复到原有的最大承载力。而钢筋网砂浆面层加固能有效提高砌体的抗震能力。  相似文献   

RC structural slender walls under large seismic excitation are expected to reach base moment capacity mainly affected by the first vibration mode. However, the base shear could be affected by higher modes once yielding in flexure has occurred, which might result in base shear underestimation in linear design. In this work, an experimental program is carried out on five RC rectangular walls 1:10 scaled. All five specimens considered irregularities at base, common in construction and one specimen did not consider shear reinforcement or boundary detailing. Tests are carried on a unidirectional shaking table and excitation is based on two Chile earthquake records with different intensities. Damage is concentrated at the wall base for all specimens; primary due to flexure with some participation of shear. For one of the records an average amplification of 1.3 is obtained, and a decrease in height of the resultant equivalent lateral force closes to 0.4 hw. By increasing the intensity of the input record, amplification grows to an average of 1.7, while it decreases drastically when subjected to input records with low frequency content. No significant difference is observed in shear amplification in specimens with a base central opening, nor with setback, even though the cracking and failure mode was different for such specimens. Ductility demand shows no correlation when two different earthquakes are considered, whereas the frequency content and Arias intensity (Ia) of the input record directly affected the shear amplification.  相似文献   

在现有抗震设计方法研究的基础上,提出了直接基于损伤性能的设计方法。首先,建立等效位移延性系数与结构损伤指标的关系,得到了反映不同设防水准损伤目标的结构等效位移延性系数;其次,运用R-μ关系模型,根据等效位移延性系数确定地震折减系数,从而计算出结构弹塑性地震作用;然后,建立结构的需求曲线与推覆曲线,对结构在强震作用下的性能进行评价;最后,通过算例说明了该方法的设计步骤及其可行性。  相似文献   

基于倒塌率的结构倒塌易损性分析是目前评价结构抗倒塌能力最合理的方法.但是,目前基于增量动力分析(IDA)的倒塌率分析方法,工作量和实施难度大,很难直接用于工程设计,因此有必要研究便于工程应用的新方法.本文基于18个典型多层RC框架结构的IDA倒塌率分析和静力推覆分析,发现RC框架在大震下的倒塌率及抗倒塌安全储备(CMR)与静力推覆得到的结构位移安全储备之间存在较好的相关关系.依据此关系,建议了保证大震倒塌率的推覆位移安全储备,并通过9个RC框架结构算例进行了验证.本文方法简单易行,可供规则多层RC框架结构抗倒塌设计参考.  相似文献   

利用神经网络方法研究了低周反复荷载作用下钢筋混凝土异型节点抗裂承载力与各主要影响因素之间复杂的非线性关系,建立了承载力的BP神经网络预测模型,预测结果与试验结果吻合较好。分析结果表明神经网络计算是钢筋混凝土构件力学性能研究中的一种很有潜力的新方法。  相似文献   

Deformation quantities such as strain, curvature and displacement are of paramount importance in seismic design within a performance-based procedure that aims to control the structural response at predefined levels of inelastic action. Given the importance of curvature expressions independent of strength for the design process, and for the particular case of T-shaped walls, the curvature trends at yield, serviceability and ultimate limit state are determined in graphical and analytical form. The comprehensive set of equations proposed in this work are strength independent and allow the reliable computation of limit-state curvatures, essential in a displacement-based design approach, and thus the realistic estimation of appropriate ductility factors in the design of T-shaped walls. Furthermore, results regarding the section properties of T-shaped walls, such as the elastic stiffness and the moment capacity for opposite directions of loading, offer additional information on T-shaped walls.  相似文献   

高层建筑抗震墙非线性分析的扩展铁木辛哥分层梁单元   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
在已证明三坚直线单元(Three-vertical-line element)和多竖直线单元(Multipli-vertical-line element)本质上为铁木辛哥分层梁单元(这里称之为扩展铁木辛哥分层梁单元)的基础上,本文进一步讨论这一单元模型。首先推导了单元刚度矩阵和内力表达式;然后讨论单元分别模拟轴向-弯曲和剪切滞变特性的理论根据;其次,根据试验结果,改进了Kabeyasawa提出的层位-压滞变模型;最后给出计算实例。  相似文献   

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