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1995—2015年中国人口迁移的时空变化特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文利用人口普查数据,估算了1995—2015年中国地(市)间人口O-D迁移流和迁移率,结合GIS空间分析和社会网络分析方法,揭示了20年间中国人口迁移的时空变化特征。研究发现:① 中国人口迁移由相对不活跃、局部地区参与的“低活性时代”,逐步走向相对活跃、绝大多数地区参与的“高活性时代”。② 人口迁移地域类型的时空演化过程呈现出各活跃型地(市)不断扩散,而非活跃型地(市)大幅缩减的特点。③ 人口迁移网络以“胡焕庸线”为界,东、西两侧迁移流“东密西疏”且差异悬殊,这一空间格局具有很强的稳定性和顽健性。④ 在人口省内迁移持续增强,以及跨省迁移中沿海三大城市群吸引力的“此消彼长”和西南地区吸引力不断增强的背景下,东中西部地区的人口迁移流场结构表现为:沿海地区主要城市群内部分化和影响范围减弱,中部地区(除湖北省)未能演化出以省为单元的独立社区,西部地区则是西北相对稳定而西南持续变动。  相似文献   

Many migration studies describe various counties by adopting a priori county typologies, such as the U.S. Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service county typology, which might not be suitable for identifying different age migration patterns of the U.S. counties. This study employs a spatial clustering method that exhaustively compares all U.S. counties on their age migration similarity and spatial proximity to investigate signature age-specific net migration profiles across six decades of U.S. county age-specific net migration data from 1950 to 2010. All of the six-decade data are integrated into a common spatial county boundary on which counties below a population threshold are merged with the nearest county to mitigate the small population problem in net migration rates. As counties are merged by increasing large population thresholds, the Getis-Ord Gi* spatial autocorrelation statistic is applied to examine how the spatial migration patterns are affected. It is found that U.S. county age-specific net migration profiles exhibit four signature patterns. Although these patterns are persistent across the past six decades, their spatial distributions have experienced dramatic variation. The small population problem in net migration rates affects the extent and location of the significant spatial migration patterns.  相似文献   

基于2017年全国流动人口动态监测数据,运用描述统计和社区发现等方法,研究流动人口在初次流动和当前流动的空间格局及其变动特征。结果发现:1)从区域差异看,流动人口初次流动和当前流动的流出地格局保持相对稳定,流入地格局的变化主要体现在:在当前流动阶段,流入中部地区的比例下降而西部地区比例上升;流入特大城市的比例明显下降而I型大城市、中等城市和I型小城市的比例上升;流向直辖市和计划单列市的比例上升而流向副省级和省会城市的比例下降。2)从行政地级市间净迁移格局看,流动人口初次和当前流动的净迁移格局稳定性强,净迁入地区以“块状”分布于东部沿海省份的发达地市和“点状”分布于中西部省会及部分资源型和口岸型地市,净迁出地区连片分布在中西部地区的大多数地市与沿海省份的内陆地市。3)流动人口初次和当前流动以就近迁移与远程迁移交织的流迁模式为主,且由此刻画的行政地级市间迁移网络格局呈现以“胡焕庸线”为界的“东密西疏”现象;但也出现在当前流动阶段迁往京津冀的迁移流规模降低,长三角取代珠三角成为流入地首选区域的特征。4)流动人口生计策略的稳定性与人口迁移流动的空间惯性,是流动人口初次和当前流动空间格局表现出相似性的主要原因,而产业结构转型升级及在不同地市间的梯度转移是促使流动人口在流入地选择上发生变化的重要力量。  相似文献   

Studies of migration patterns in national peripheries of countries do not distinguish between different population groups in these regions. The present study examines spatial patterns of Arab and Jewish populations in Israel's national periphery. The migration trends of Arabs and Jews in the northern national periphery (the Galilee) are compared with those of the southern national periphery (the Negev). The Arab and Jewish populations within these areas show different spatial patterns of migration: in both the northern and the southern peripheries, Jews tend to migrate from the periphery to the core, while Arabs tend to migrate within the periphery. These differences increase the ratio of Arabs to Jews in both regions. The findings suggest that researchers should examine subregions and subgroups when studying migration patterns.  相似文献   

古恒宇  沈体雁 《地理研究》2021,40(6):1823-1839
自户籍制度放宽以来,中国经历了大规模的人口迁移。其中,异质性劳动力(高技能劳动力、普通劳动力)在迁移过程中表征出不同的空间格局和网络组织特征,对地区经济发展产生各异的影响。本研究基于人口普查和抽样调查微观抽样数据,使用复杂网络理论对1995—2015年中国异质性劳动力迁移的时空格局和网络演化展开分析,并分析了格局背后的可能成因。研究发现:① 省际高技能和普通劳动力迁移均呈现出持续高度不平衡的空间集聚特征,承载大量人口的迁移流主要由中国中西部地区指向东部沿海地区,但这种空间不平衡特征呈现出一定的减弱趋势。高技能劳动力的平均迁移距离比普通劳动力更长;② 两类劳动力迁移网络中均呈现明显的“小世界”特性,但普通劳动力迁移网络的迁移强度和关联程度均高于高技能劳动力迁移网络;③ 两类劳动力迁移网络均呈现出以北京、上海、广东为主要核心节点的网络结构。高技能劳动力网络结构呈现相对稳定的特征,而普通劳动力网络结构则呈现出变化的趋势;④ 地区经济差异、路径依赖效应、异质性劳动力在就业市场上的差异性以及劳动力市场对异质性劳动力需求的差异是导致两类劳动力迁移格局差异性的重要成因。  相似文献   

中国省际人口迁移的多边效应机制分析   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:6  
区际人口迁移不仅与迁出地和目的地的要素特征以及距离有关,而且还受到周边迁移流的影响.基于网络自相关理论,利用"六普"省际人口迁移数据和相关统计资料,在重力模型的基础上考虑迁移流之间可能存在的几种空间依赖形式,构建中国省际迁移流的空间OD模型,初步揭示区域经济社会等因素及其空间溢出效应对省际人口迁移的影响,并就区域要素变化对整个省际人口迁移系统产生的"连锁反应"进行了模拟.结果表明:① 中国省际迁移流之间存在显著的网络自相关效应.目的地和迁出地的自相关效应皆为正,导致迁入和迁出流的空间效仿行为;迁出地和目的地周边则出现负的自相关效应,导致迁移流的空间竞争行为;② 区域经济社会等因素通过网络空间关系对周边地区产生的多边溢出效应导致迁移流在空间上集聚.其中,距离衰减效应位居各要素之首,其溢出效应进一步加剧距离的摩擦作用;对目的地而言,区域工资水平和迁移存量超过GDP的影响并产生正的溢出效应,促进周边地区吸引更多的外来人口;对迁出地而言,人口规模和迁移存量产生正的溢出效应,推动周边地区人口外迁;③ 区域要素变化潜在地对整个省际人口迁移系统产生一系列"连锁反应",震荡中心及其周边区域的迁移流波动较大.江苏省GDP增长5%的模拟结果表明,江苏迁往全国其他省份的人口数量都有不同程度地减少,而其他省份入迁人口均有所增加.相对而言,江苏周边省份的迁入或迁出流受到的波动较大,偏远省份波及较小,这是传统的重力模型所无法解释的.  相似文献   

中国五大城市群人口流入的空间模式及变动趋势   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
曹广忠  陈思创  刘涛 《地理学报》2021,76(6):1334-1349
城市群在中国城镇化格局中占有重要地位,也是快速城市化时期的主要人口流入地。本文关注京津冀、长三角、珠三角、长江中游和成渝五大城市群,利用人口普查和流动人口动态监测调查数据,从流入人口分布格局、流动范围和来源地等多维度剖析城市群人口流入的空间模式,并从居留和落户意愿空间差异的视角探讨空间模式的发展趋势及其对流入地和流出地的影响。研究发现,各城市群流入人口向中心城市持续集中,等级和空间分布格局总体稳定;流动范围有所扩大,省内流动增速普遍高于省际;沿海城市群人口吸引范围大但仍服从距离衰减律,不同来源地流入人口的城市群偏好存在差异。在流入地,沿海城市群中心城市面临流动人口管理服务的持续挑战,内陆城市群中心城市和一般城市吸引力并存;在流出地,平等开放的高质量公共服务供给是吸引人口回流的重要途径,少数地区的人口流失可能成为较长期的现象。  相似文献   

中国省际人口迁移格局演变及其对城镇化发展的影响   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
杨传开  宁越敏 《地理研究》2015,34(8):1492-1506
基于2000年和2010年人口普查数据,利用多种指标和方法研究了中国省际人口迁移的格局演变及其对城镇化的影响。研究发现:省际迁入和迁出人口在空间分布上均呈分散化态势,迁入迁出重心均向北向东偏移,迁入地由广东省“一枝独秀”向多极化演变,安徽、四川、河南、湖南成为新的四大迁出地。利用净迁移流构建的省际人口迁移网络,表现出紧凑化和均衡化趋势;迁移流仍然是从中西部地区指向东部地区,但新增加迁移流集中指向长三角、京津以及福建。综合考虑省际人口迁移强度和方向,可将全国31个地区划分为净流入型活跃区、平衡型活跃区、净流出型活跃区以及非活跃区四种类型。省际迁移改变了迁入地和迁出地的城乡人口结构,通过不同模式促进了城镇化率的提高和省际差异的缩小,对2000-2010年全国城镇化率增加的贡献占到了18.13%。  相似文献   

Internal migration within the United States continues to transform both the magnitude and composition of population at all geographic scales. During 1994 ‐ 1995, the majority of counties gained both people and income, largely as a consequence of net outmigration by higher income migrants from the nation's most populous cities. Regionally, net gainers of both people and income included counties in the West and South as well as other areas renowned for environmental amenities. Spatially, net migration flowed down the urban hierarchy from large central cities to adjacent suburbs which, in turn, exported migrants to exurban areas. Large cities tended to exchange migrants with nearby counties as well as other large cities. Migration patterns such as these are contributing to spatial deconcentration and economic disparity.  相似文献   

刘嘉杰  刘涛  曹广忠 《地理学报》2022,77(10):2426-2438
现阶段中国的人口迁移分为户籍迁移和非户籍迁移两类,对二者的比较和整合分析有助于深化对国内人口迁移的理论认识,也便于与国际同类研究相衔接。本文估算了2011—2017年中国地级及以上城市的户籍与非户籍净迁移人口数量,分析和比较了二者的基本空间格局特征及影响因素。结果表明:户籍和非户籍迁移具有总体相似的空间正相关和内陆分异的局部聚类特征,东部沿海三大城市群间具有明显的差异性,两类迁移人口在城市间的分布特征不同且非户籍迁移数量的极差比户籍迁移更大,两类迁移的新增数量均与已有流动人口存量正相关;新增户籍迁移受经济机会差异影响明显,一些经济水平较高的大城市凭借人才政策吸引人口户籍迁入,非户籍迁移主要响应教育、医疗等公共服务差异;户籍迁移的市场化特征随落户限制的放松而不断强化,但存在城市和人口的双向选择性,非户籍迁移出现从经济性迁移转向舒适性迁移的趋势。最后从理论和政策角度探讨了中国人口迁移转型与户籍制度改革方向。  相似文献   

中国近期农村人口迁移态势研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
王国霞  鲁奇 《地理科学》2007,27(5):630-635
采用第四次、第五次人口普查所获得的人口迁移数据,分析了中国农村人口迁移在全国总迁移人口中的地位变化的省际总体特征和个体特征,探讨了各省级单元农村人口迁移在总人口迁移中的地位在20世纪80年代和90年代随时间变化的原因。进一步重点研究了中国农村人口迁移的时空分布格局,分别从省际、省内两个空间尺度,分迁入、迁出两个角度对中国农村人口迁移的规模和流向态势进行了深入分析。  相似文献   

The age patterns of U.S. internal migration, while examined extensively at the national level, have not been fully explored at the regional scale. This study examines, using 1985 - 1990 census data, the state-level variations in two aspects of lifecycle mobility: the mobility level, or the average number of moves made over the lifecycle, and the mobility timing, or the age at which half the lifetime moves are completed. It further delineates typologies of states based upon their age structure of mobility. The study found that regional patterns in the mobility level showed some evidence of the Snowbelt-Sunbelt patterns that characterized economic restructuring in the 1980s. Geographic patterns of mobility timing were less clear; however states in the West and the South showed somewhat more young distributions than the other regions. Further, there was a statistically significant relationship between mobility levels and timing: states with higher mobility levels also exhibited older mobility profiles, as a consequence of disproportionately high elderly mobility rates. The study highlights the regional differences in mobility behavior, and the interplay between the “how much” and the “when” of mobility.  相似文献   

Qi  Wei  Yi  Jiawei 《地理学报(英文版)》2021,31(2):215-230
As one of the most ecologically sensitive issues in the world,migration now plays an important role in population growth on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.To promote sustainable development in the world's third pole,it is necessary to investigate population migration on the Plateau.Using 2010 census data,a spatial database of county-level migrants on the Plateau was constructed,and migrants were divided into short-distance and long-distance migrants according to the hukou-registered origins.Measuring migration intensity allowed the spatial pattern of population migration on the Plateau to be ascertained.The driving factors were identified using spatial regression models,and the main conclusions are as follows:(1)In 2010,there were 1.23 million inter-county migrants on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,and the overall migration intensity reached 10.50%.There existed significant spatial differences in population migration intensity on the Plateau at that time,and the provincial or prefectural capitals were attractive destinations for migrants.Northwestern Qinghai,which boasted min-ing industries,constituted a significant spatial cluster with a relatively high migration intensity.However,most areas on the Plateau attracted relatively few migrants,especially in western and northern parts of Tibet,which were sparsely populated and uninhabitable.(2)There were 0.95 million short-distance migrants and 0.28 million long-distance migrants.The short-dis-tance migration intensity was 8.14%,while the long-distance migration intensity was only 2.36%.Short-distance migration was the main form of population migration,with a pattern similar to the layout of overall population migration intensity.Only a few county-level units strongly attracted long-distance migrants,which were mostly distributed in northwestern Qinghai.(3)Economic factors were considered fundamental drivers for migrants to live on the Plateau.Destinations with high levels of economic development and more opportunities in non-agricultural jobs proved more attractive for migrants.For short-distance migrants,ur-banization level also proved a considerable driving factor for in-migration.However,long-distance migrants were mainly affected by the job chances of the secondary industry on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

The age patterns of U.S. internal migration, while examined extensively at the national level, have not been fully explored at the regional scale. This study examines, using 1985 ‐ 1990 census data, the state‐level variations in two aspects of lifecycle mobility: the mobility level, or the average number of moves made over the lifecycle, and the mobility timing, or the age at which half the lifetime moves are completed. It further delineates typologies of states based upon their age structure of mobility. The study found that regional patterns in the mobility level showed some evidence of the Snowbelt‐Sunbelt patterns that characterized economic restructuring in the 1980s. Geographic patterns of mobility timing were less clear; however states in the West and the South showed somewhat more young distributions than the other regions. Further, there was a statistically significant relationship between mobility levels and timing: states with higher mobility levels also exhibited older mobility profiles, as a consequence of disproportionately high elderly mobility rates. The study highlights the regional differences in mobility behavior, and the interplay between the “how much” and the “when” of mobility.  相似文献   

文旅融合背景下,分析文化旅游地社会-生态系统恢复力年际变化及影响因素,能够为文化旅游地可持续发展提供较好的理论和实践指导。以敦煌市为典型案例地,从社会、经济、文化和生态环境4个方面构建文化旅游地社会-生态系统恢复力评价指标体系,运用灰色关联TOPSIS、耦合协调度模型、BP神经网络等方法,探究了2007—2018年案例区社会-生态系统恢复力时序变化及影响因素。结果表明:(1) 2007—2018年敦煌市社会-生态系统恢复力处于较良好的状态且可划分为波动-缓慢增长-快速上升阶段。(2) 文化和生态环境子系统在决定敦煌市社会-生态系统恢复力程度方面起到主导作用。(3) 社会-生态系统及各子系统间的耦合度和协调度均呈上升趋势,子系统间对系统总体的协调度普遍起正向推动作用且作用强度随时间推移不断增大。(4) 各因子的贡献率大小为敦煌百度指数>敦煌研究院研究生数量>各类文物保护单位>旅游业碳总排放量>文化产业经营单位。  相似文献   

1985-2015年中国省际人口迁移网络特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱孟珏  李芳 《地理科学进展》2017,36(11):1368-1379
随着中国城市经济的发展以及城镇化的快速推进,人口迁移的空间格局发生了重大变化。本文基于1985-2015年全国省际人口迁移矩阵数据,运用社会网络分析方法,探讨中国省际人口迁移网络的整体特征以及每个节点在网络中的地位作用。研究结论为:①省际人口迁移网络密度经历了1985-2000年的缓慢下降、2000-2015年持续上升的过程,与西北、西南和中部主要人口迁出地向东部经济发达地区的集中性迁移成为发展主流密切相关。②人口迁移网络的内向中心势明显大于外向中心势,说明人口迁入地相对集中,人口迁出地相对分散。③省际人口迁移网络可分为东北—华北人口联动区、中原—长三角人口联动区、中南—华南人口联动区、西南人口联动区、西北人口联动区5个子群。其中,中原—长三角人口联动区是群内和群间联系最紧密的区域;中南—华南人口联动区是全国人口累计迁移量最高的区域;东北—华北人口联动区内部联系较强,对外仅与西北人口联动区联系较强。④基于中心性分析以及核心—边缘结构划分,各省(市、区)对于人口迁移网络的贡献意义不同,广东、北京具有全局控制意义,江苏、陕西、四川、浙江基本处于核心节点序列,上海、天津、内蒙古、福建核心作用逐渐增强,河南、湖北、河北、新疆核心作用出现下降,全国人口迁移路径总体向北偏移。  相似文献   

李亭亭  朱宇  林李月  柯文前  肖宝玉 《地理学报》2021,76(12):2978-2992
基于2018年中国流动人口动态监测数据,根据流动人口愿意在流入地居留时间的长短将居留意愿划分为短期居留意愿、长期居留意愿、永久居留意愿3种类型,运用空间分析技术和分层模型对中国地级及以上城市流动人口不同类型居留意愿的空间分异及影响因素进行对比分析。研究发现:具有短期和长期居留意愿的流动人口比例合计超过60%,表明两栖和多栖生计仍是流动人口的主导生计策略;短期和永久居留意愿在空间上存在明显的“一高一低”分布差异,短期居留意愿在东部地区最高,东北地区最低,永久居留意愿则呈完全相反的分布格局;中西部地区流动人口长期居留意愿最高。模型结果显示,流入地特征和流动人口个体特征共同影响着不同类型的居留意愿:在东部和中部、经济发达以及职工平均工资高的地区,流动人口短期和长期居留意愿较高,永久居留意愿较低;男性、农业户口、受教育程度和家庭月均收入低、在外流动时间短、跨省流动的流动人口倾向于短期和长期居留;而女性、非农业户口、受教育程度和家庭月均收入高、在省内流动、在外流动时间长的流动人口更愿意在流入地永久定居。  相似文献   

Migration Drift     
For perhaps the first time since the founding of the United States the net direction of interstate migration was to the east rather than the west for the period 1992–1993 through 1994–1995. This and other findings, such as a general slowdown in the southward tendency of U.S. population movement over the period 1980–1981 to 1994–1995, are highlighted using the concept of migration drift. I propose the migration drift measure to summarize the net directionality and distance moved by migrants in any country's population system. Like the concept of a center of population or a population centroid, migration drift is an intuitive one. Unlike the population centroid, however, migration drift summarizes the pure effects of population movement without confounding those influences with spatial variations in birth, death, and net foreign immigration rates.  相似文献   

艾大宾  李宏芸  谢贤健 《地理研究》2010,29(8):1427-1438
婚姻迁移是农村人口迁移的重要方面,在不同的经济社会背景下,农村居民的婚姻迁移表现出不同的空间特征,并随着经济社会的变迁不断发生演变。本文以四川盆地为例,采用经验主义的研究方法,立足于大量的实地调研资料,分析了我国农村居民婚姻迁移空间演变的主要特征,表现出通婚的地域范围在各个时期发生着不同形式的变化,总体上呈随时代发展逐渐扩大的态势,地理环境、文化程度和从业状况与婚迁距离有密切关系,经济因素在婚迁地域选择中的作用日益突出。同时,探讨了农村居民婚姻迁移空间演变的内在机制,认为其是随着经济社会的发展,在农村生产经营方式变革、国家社会政策、经济利益诉求、空间距离阻力、婚介手段变化等多种因素共同作用下所产生的。  相似文献   

土壤重金属空间分异及迁移研究进展与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
回顾了土壤重金属污染的空间分异及迁移的相关研究,提出了基于GIS空间分布特性的土壤重金属污染途径分类方法,并系统总结了土壤重金属污染的空间分异及迁移规律。探讨了土壤重金属污染空间分布与迁移研究的发展趋势与关键问题,为进一步有效开展相关研究奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

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