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基于地理学视角的国际空间规划嬗变与启示   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
杨庆媛  罗奎  劳昕 《地理学报》2020,75(6):1223-1236
空间规划是优化国土空间开发格局的政策工具,空间规划改革是建立现代空间治理体系的重要举措,是当前政界与学界共同关注的热点议题。本文采用文献计量与典型案例分析方法,基于地理学视角对国外空间规划研究与实践进行深入剖析,目的在于总结其演化规律,明确其对中国空间规划改革的启示。研究发现:① 地理学作为一门专注于“空间”的科学,其理论与方法在空间规划改革中不可或缺。传统的地理学理论在空间规划中仍起着中流砥柱的作用,而关系地理学等后结构主义地理学理论在空间规划中的应用也日渐广泛,同时地理学还为空间规划提供了方法与技术支撑。基于孤立视角与线性增长的传统空间规划往往难以满足当前经济社会发展需求,而基于关系网络与多种发展轨迹综合叠加的关系地理学理论可为空间规划的科学化、合理化提供支撑。② 提升中国地理学研究水平是推动空间规划健康发展的基石。德国的地理学研究成果推动了其成为空间发展最为均衡的国家之一,日本的地理学研究成果则支撑了其以三大城市群为主导国土开发格局的形成,地理学者在推动既有理论本地化的过程中,更应从人地关系地域系统角度出发,为解决中国空前激烈的人地冲突提供科学指引。③ 构建层次分明、功能互补的空间规划体系是推动空间规划目标性与操作性相统一的保障。地理学作为一门经世致用的科学,应积极面对空间规划改革这一国家重大需求,结合区域特质创新理论、方法与技术途径,为空间规划改革提供科学、合理的决策支持,以此为国家人地关系协调可持续发展做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   


Planning with things other-than-human and exploring the more-than-human dimensions of cities has failed to ignite within the discipline of planning. Humans and the human perspective remain privileged throughout both planning theory and practice. However, slowly over the course of the past two decades there has been a trickle of Actor Network Theory-based planning studies allowing the discipline to dip its toes into the more-than-human realm. This paper uses empirical evidence to demonstrate the role and influence of particular nonhumans as active mediators in the politics of planning processes and the production of more-than-human urban spaces. In doing so, the paper raises ethical questions around the existing anthropocentric approach to the assessment and deliberation of planned development where living nonhumans are affected. Utilising the case study of the proposed Mangles Bay Marina, in the southern suburbs of Perth, Western Australia, the paper will illustrate the influence of three types of nonhuman actors: living nonhuman species; discursive text and talk; and technical artefacts.  相似文献   

从日本、美国、英国3个国家案例分析中总结出规划管理和部门协调的经验并探讨对中国"多规融合"实践的启示。日本的国土规划体系包含多类规划,但规划间关系明确,各部门交叉进行规划制定,并在规划实施中紧密配合。美国一般对规划不进行集中统一管理,各个城市和区域的规划实践比较多元,相关法律对于部门协调有明确的规定。同时,综合规划与城市投资计划、环境影响评估相协调,部分州通过城市增长管理来控制城市蔓延。英国的空间规划体系比较单一,从中央到地方呈现二级或三级体系,由地方政府制定地方发展框架总领空间规划。结合国外经验的启示,从制度改革、法律保障、规划内容与实施三方面为国内"多规融合"实践提出建议。  相似文献   

刘卫东  陆大道 《地理学报》2005,60(6):894-902
区域规划是大国进行空间管治不可或缺的层次和手段。随着跨区域性问题越来越突出和进一步市场化后国家宏观调控手段的变化,以新的视野和新的方法开展区域规划在我国已经十分迫切。本文分析了新时期进行区域空间规划需要考虑的因素,包括落实科学发展观、经济全球化和经济体制转型 (市场化) 等;通过阐述"点-轴系统"理论、全球化下的"城市区域"理论以及"人地关系地域系统"理论,分析了区域空间规划的理论基础;最后根据西部开发重点区域规划前期研究的工作经验,讨论了进行区域空间结构规划的一些具体方法。作者提出,需要把握现阶段我国社会经济发展的核心特征、并考虑有效可行的管治手段,以全球化视野和市场化思维考虑区域发展和规划问题。  相似文献   

区域发展规划指标体系建立方法探讨   总被引:108,自引:7,他引:101  
方创琳  毛汉英 《地理学报》1999,54(5):410-419
本文设计出市场经济条件下区域发展规划指标体系的基本框架与内容,探讨了熵技术支持下规划指标体系权系数赋值的层次分析法和专家群民主决策上的定性指标定量转化的赋权方法,以中国西部地区为例建立了规划指标体系支持下区域发展水平的多层次目标模糊综合测度模型,并对区域总体水平进行分析讨论。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT From study of Palaeozoic formations in the Appalachian foreland basin, a predictive stratigraphic model is proposed based on facies tract development during convergent-margin structural evolution. Five major facies tracts are recognized: shallow-water carbonates that formed during interorogenic quiescence and initial foreland subsidence; deep-water siliciclastics that accumulated in the proximal foreland basin during early collision; syn-collisional shallow-water siliciclastics; syn-collisional, channellized fluvial sandstones that aggraded in the proximal foreland; and progradational shoreline sandstones that were deposited in response to filling of the proximal foreland. Two other facies tracts that occur are organic-rich siliciclastics ('black shales'), which accumulated in oxygen-deficient areas of low clastic-sediment influx, and incised valley-fill deposits, which formed where subsidence rate was low.
Because the origin of each facies tract is dependent upon a unique combination of rate of accommodation change and rate of sediment supply, facies tract distribution is predictable from spatial and temporal patterns of subsidence and uplift associated with plate convergence. Alternating phases of thrust loading and quiescence caused fluctuations between underfilled and overfilled conditions during Palaeozoic evolution of the Appalachian basin. Along-strike variations in stratigraphic thickness, facies tract distribution, and development of unconformities in the Appalachian basin reflect the influence of structural irregularities along the collisional margin. In distal parts of the Appalachian foreland and in areas of structural recesses, eustatic influence on stratigraphic patterns is expressed more clearly than in areas of higher subsidence rate.  相似文献   

北上广深城市人口预测及其资源配置   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
王勇  解延京  刘荣  张昊 《地理学报》2021,76(2):352-366
人口数量持续增长是困扰超大型城市发展的重要因素,适度人口为研究人口增长下的城市资源合理分配提供了较好的思路.本文以适度人口为切人点,利用可能—满意度模型测算北京、上海、广州和深圳4座超大型城市2035年适度人口规模,同时利用灰色BP神经网络模型预测各市2035年常住人口规模,并基于适度人口规模测算和常住人口规模预测结果...  相似文献   

城市管治、区划调整与空间整合——以常州市区为例   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
甄峰  简博秀  沈青  郑俊 《地理研究》2007,26(1):157-167
以常州市区为例,重点从产业空间管治的角度,分析了在行政区划调整下城市管治重构与空间整合。通过分析现状开发区在主导产业选择、产业空间布局与区位选址方面的问题,论文认为,当前制度框架、经济政策与要素集聚、社会文化及空间规划等方面是造成目前中心城区之间管治冲突的主要原因;行政区划调整虽然有利于城市规模的做大和某种程度上规避强大的县级市与中心城市之间的日益突出的矛盾,但当前的发展并没有有效地削减这两大空间单元之间的本质冲突。进而,论文又从制度重构、政策导向与空间整合三方面重点分析了要构建有效的市区管治模式、实现空间协调发展与整合。  相似文献   

Susquehanna River terraces are used to establish time lines along a 150 km reach of the river, from the Lower Piedmont to the edge of the Appalachian Plateau. This is achieved by generating soil chronosequences at two locations — Marietta, PA, in the Lower Piedmont, and Muncy, PA, near the glacial border on the boundary between the Valley and Ridge province and the Appalachian Plateau. These sites preserve the most complete record of fluvial incision on the Susquehanna River with flights of seven Quaternary terraces ranging in elevation from 3 m to 51 m above the modern river.Soil characteristics used to develop the soil chronosequences include complexity of horizonization, thickness of B horizon, clay content of B horizon, soil color, CBD extractable Fe, Al, and Mn, total extractable Fe, and clay mineralogy. Terrace age constraints are based on soil development, correlation to regional glacial stratigraphy, correlation to dated fluvial and glaciofluvial deposits, and by paleomagnetic analysis of sediments. Terrace ages at the Muncy site range from modern (< 150 ybp) to Middle Middle through Early Middle Pleistocene (∼ 300 ka to ∼ 770 ka). Marietta has terrace ages ranging from modern (< 150 ybp) to Early Pleistocene through Late Pliocene (∼ 770 ka to ∼ 2400 ka).  相似文献   

Isopach and sedimentary facies maps of Upper Devonian (upper Frasnian and lower Famennian) strata deposited in a part of the central Appalachian foreland basin (eastern United States) during the Acadian orogeny show a significant change in depositional style over time. Maps of two successive upper Frasnian intervals show steady thickening to the east towards the hinterland. Coarser‐grained sediment was deposited in distinct tongues in front of the Augusta lobe, a previously recognized locus of sediment input in the central Appalachian basin. Maps of two subsequent lower Famennian stratigraphic intervals show distinct depocentres in the study area. Famennian strata thin eastward (by about 50%) over a distance of about 90 km from these depocentres to the limit of mapping at the Allegheny structural front. This is towards the Acadian sediment source and in contrast to general Upper Devonian thickening in that direction. The axes of these lower Famennian depocentres are stacked on top of each other. Also, coarser‐grained lower Famennian sediment is concentrated in strike trends just east of the axes of the depocentres, and no coarser tongues exist in front of the Augusta lobe, in contrast to the underlying (upper Frasnian) strata. The duration of each of the four study intervals is estimated to be between 0.5 and 3.0 Myr. The early Famennian depocentres may be in a back‐bulge basin, with a forebulge uplifted to the east of the study area. Earlier deposition may have occurred in a basin with a subtle, subdued, and longer wavelength forebulge (perhaps located west of the study area). Previously published regional isopachs of Upper Devonian strata suggest that the main axis of subsidence of the Acadian foreland basin (foredeep depozone) at this time was over 350 km east of the study area. Examination of published quantitative flexural models of other foreland basins with flexural rigidities close to published rigidities calculated for the Appalachian basin suggests that the proposed back‐bulge basin is in the correct location, relative to the suggested position of the foredeep at that time. Several previously recognized structural features of the northern Appalachian basin support the interpretations presented herein. Much of the Acadian foreland basin may be eroded in the central Appalachian basin. The present study demonstrates the difficulties in recognizing foreland basin depozones in partially preserved orogens.  相似文献   

县域空间是中国城乡交融最明显的空间规划基本单元,空间发展与约束导致的用途冲突或重叠现象非常突出。论文以典型山区县湖南省茶陵县为研究对象,建立多规协同的国土空间系统弹性评价体系,运用土地利用区间优化及适宜性评价方法确定各类用地的弹性区间,预测不同土地利用类型的空间转移特征,并提出相应的弹性空间差异化管控建议。结果表明:茶陵县域国土空间系统相关社会与经济指标的弹性贡献度较小,弹性综合评价值在整体上低于湖南省平均水平。不同用地类型的弹性规划区间有明显差异,按不同用地类型弹性区间分析,园地、林地、水域、耕地、其他农用地对茶陵县发展弹性承纳贡献值依次降低,分别占总面积的3.47%、2.97%、1.02%、0.90%、0.06%。不同用地弹性空间转移具有显著的带状分布特征,呈现生态用地与农用地、建设用地与农用地、建设用地与生态用地空间等3种类型交叠,生态用地与农用地空间交叠区最大,占总面积的6.41%;其次是建设用地与农用地交叠区,占比0.97%。对不同用地类型的弹性交叠区域尤其农用地转为建设用地应加强差异化管控。弹性空间测度研究为山区县域国土空间规划用途管制提供了差异化的空间管理技术方法和实证。  相似文献   

The concept of‘Beautiful China'is a new goal of ecological construction in the new era of socialism and aims to meet the needs of people as they strive for a better life.National land spatial planning is one major component of the Chinese state's overall planning for various spatial types.The concept of‘Beautiful China'is thus a leading goal of Chinese development in the second centenary.The background of this concept aims for‘ecological beauty'as well as the combined beauty of‘economy-politics-culture-society-ecology.'The construction of‘Beautiful China'therefore necessitates a differentiated evaluation index system that is built on the basis of local conditions.This concept is intimately related to land spatial planning and the idea of Beautiful China guides an important direction for this planning which itself provides an important mechanism and spatial guarantee for construction.The establishment of land spatial planning nevertheless needs to strengthen further discussion of the regional system of human-land relationship,point axis system,main functional division,sustainable development,resources and environmental carrying capacity as well as new urbanization,and the rural multi-system.The aim of this paper is to summarize current thinking in land spatial planning,scientifically analyze the natural geographical conditions,the socioeconomic development,the interrelationship of the land space,plan the goal,vision and path of land space,encourage the public to participate in and carry out dynamic evaluation,build an intelligent system platform for land and spatial planning to realize the goal of‘Beautiful China'from a geographical perspective.And they can also present key ideas relating to the compilation and implementation of land spatial planning.  相似文献   

美丽中国与国土空间规划关系的地理学思考   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
美丽中国是社会主义新时代生态文明建设的新目标愿景,满足人民群众对美好生活向往的现实需求。国土空间规划是国家统筹涉及空间各类规划的重大部署。美丽中国是国家第二个一百年发展新的引领目标,其内涵不仅是“生态美丽”,也是“经济—政治—文化—社会—生态”综合的大美丽,美丽中国建设要因地制宜构建差异化的评估指标体系。美丽中国和国土空间规划有着密切联系,美丽中国为国土空间规划指引了重要方向,国土空间规划则为美丽中国建设提供了重要途径和空间保障。国土空间规划编制需要加强人地关系地域系统、点—轴系统、主体功能区划、可持续发展与资源环境承载力、新型城镇化、乡村地域多体系统等深入探讨。本文提出了地理学视角下国土空间规划编制的思路框架,科学分析国土空间的自然地理条件、经济社会发展基础、国土空间相互联系,结合美丽中国目标,谋划国土空间的目标、愿景与路径,鼓励公众参与与开展动态评估,构建智能系统平台等,为国土空间规划编制实施提供思路借鉴。  相似文献   


This study uses a cognitive mapping survey to examine the effect of Appalachian stereotypes on West Virginia high school students' residential preferences. The research addresses the popularly held hypothesis that West Virginia is suffering out-migration of its young people in part because of negative regional imagery. Survey results provide some support for this position. Appalachian stereotypes are a leading explanation given by survey respondents for their residential disinclinations toward their home state. This research indicates the influence of regional stereotypes on residential intentions and the usefulness of cognitive mapping in exploring geographic stereotyping.  相似文献   

乡村振兴规划的性质及其体系构建探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实施乡村振兴战略是解决中国新时代社会主要矛盾的必然要求,关系着国家现代化的成败。落实乡村振兴战略需要建立科学合理的乡村振兴规划体系,统筹协调和优化配置城乡要素资源。论文基于地理学综合视角,深入分析乡村概念内涵与乡村发展的基本特征,总结乡村振兴规划的基本性质与存在的主要问题,初步构建了乡村振兴规划体系框架。结果表明:① 乡村包含社会文化、政治经济和地理空间多重属性,具有生产、生活、生态、文化等多功能,乡村振兴发展是乡村资源开发利用、经济社会发展和自然人文耦合的综合过程;② 乡村系统具有要素分散性和发展自组织性、空间异质性和类型多样性、对区域和城市依赖性与产业发展受自然因素强限制的基本特征;③ 乡村振兴规划是对乡村空间要素资源配置的统筹协调过程,其本质是以促进公平为导向的规划,应更加强调规划参与过程及其统筹协调能力;④ 当前中国乡村规划尚未形成完整体系,缺少法律基础,规划技术理论发展较滞后,规划边界模糊、规划深度不够,规划实施保障机制不健全;⑤ 基于上述理论和问题分析,构建了包含主体规划系统、制度保障系统、技术支持系统、多规协调系统和参与反馈系统的“五位一体”乡村振兴规划体系。该体系可以高效配置乡村要素资源,促进城乡融合发展,有利于形成规划合力,增强乡村振兴规划的权威性、可行性和实用性。  相似文献   

在"多规合一"发展的背景下,以武汉为例,聚焦城市规划与土地利用规划融合("规土融合")在地方层面的实施路径与发展目标。系统梳理了其在体系结构、技术语言、信息平台等方面的技术革新策略,同时概括出管理模式创新中协调成本内部化、转变政府角色、倡导交往理性、加快接轨市场等有益尝试。此外,强调武汉实践中"两规"与"规-土"的内涵差异,丰富对规划融合发展目标的认识,以期为相关地方实践带来有益启示,也为宏观规划体系改革提供自下而上的思考视角。  相似文献   

An inferred burial and exhumation history of Pennsylvanian strata in the central Appalachian foreland basin is constrained by integrating palaeothermometers, geochronometers and estimated palaeogeothermal gradients. Vitrinite reflectance data and fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures indicate that burial of Lower and Upper Pennsylvanian strata of the Appalachian Plateau in West Virginia exceeded ~4.4 km during the late Permian and occurred at a rate of ~100 m Myr?1. Exhumation rates of ~10 m Myr?1 from the late Permian to the early Cretaceous are constrained using maximum burial conditions and published apatite fission track (AFT) ages. AFT and radiogenic helium ages indicate exhumation rates of ~30–50 m Myr?1 from the early to late Cretaceous. Radiogenic helium dates and present day sampling depths indicate that exhumation rates from the late Cretaceous to present were ~25 m Myr?1. Exhumation rates for Upper and Lower Pennsylvanian strata within the Appalachian Plateau are remarkably similar. Early slow exhumation was possibly driven primarily by isostatic rebound associated with Triassic rifting. The later, more rapid exhumation can be attributed to thermal expansion followed by lithospheric flexure related to sediment loading along the passive margin.  相似文献   

曾建明 《热带地理》2018,38(4):516-524
通过实地调查上海、广州、武汉、乌鲁木齐4座城市的15座体育场馆,并在结合相关专家访谈的基础上,分析了大型体育场馆区域的产生、空间特征和功能布局,重点探讨了存在的主要问题,包括:场馆区域布局设计与区域条件不相适应,建筑设施之间的空间联系不足,区域整体空间局促,建筑设施的功能布局失调,交通流线布局设计有待改进,与外部空间环境缺乏紧密的联系。借鉴国外场馆区域布局设计经验,提出从多样性和整体性方面,合理规划场馆区域的功能布局;从开放和融合的视角,协调中心与周边区域的发展关系;以人性化和层次化手段,优化区域内的交通流线。  相似文献   

德国大学的景观生态教学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
德国是景观生态学研究的发源地,在地理学跨学科发展背景条件下,景观生态的教学发展将如何变化?本文以德国开设景观生态教学的主要大学为例,介绍了德国景观生态教学课程体系、教学大纲、课程设置特点、发展趋势以及就业前景.  相似文献   

林雄斌  杨家文 《地理研究》2016,35(9):1727-1739
交通运输投资是区域规划和政策制定的重要内容,但交通运输投资对促进经济增长的时空效应仍存在较大争议。在总结交通成本、交通投资与经济增长关系的基础上,建立1997-2013年省级尺度的交通运输投资、劳动力和经济总量的面板模型,综合评估交通投资对经济增长的多尺度时空间效应。研究发现:① 全国层面上看,交通投资对经济增长具有显著的引导效应,其弹性系数为11.4%,但在不同地区这一弹性系数存在显著差异。总体上,在城市化水平和社会基础较好的东部和东北地区,交通运输投资对社会经济增长的作用更加明显。② 在时间尺度上,随着中国城市化水平的不断扩大,交通投资对经济增长的作用也逐渐增强。③ 在考虑交通投资和经济总量时间滞后性之后,在全国层面上,当期交通投资和前期交通运输投资对经济的增长作用程度大致相同,但相对中西部地区而言,东部地区当期交通投资对经济增长作用更加显著。考虑到交通运输投资的这种时空差异,应根据不同地区不同发展阶段的特点,采取谨慎地投资策略以强化对经济增长的引导作用。  相似文献   

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