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We investigated the diversity of patterns of habitat use by juveniles of coral reef fishes according to seasons and at two spatial scales (10–100 m and 1–10 km). We conducted underwater visual censuses in New Caledonia's Lagoon between 1986 and 2001. Co-inertia analyses highlighted the importance of mid-shelf habitats at large spatial scale (1–10 km) and of sandy and vegetated habitats at small spatial scale (10–100 m) for most juveniles. Among all juvenile species, 53% used different habitats across seasons (e.g. Lutjanus fulviflamma and Siganus argenteus) and 39% used different habitats as they grow (e.g. Lethrinus atkinsoni and Scarus ghobban). During their ontogeny, at large and small scales, respectively, 21% and 33% of the species studied showed an increase in the number of habitats used (e.g. L. fulviflamma, L. atkinsoni), 10% and 3% showed a decrease in the number of habitats used (e.g. Amphiprion melanopus, Siganus fuscescens), 23% and 3% showed a drastic change of habitat used (e.g. S. ghobban, Scarus sp.) whereas 46% and 61% showed no change of habitat used (e.g. Lethrinus genivittatus, Ctenochaetus striatus). Changes in habitat use at both small and large spatial scales occurred during the ontogeny of several species (e.g. S. ghobban, Scarus sp.). Results pointed out the different spatial and temporal scales of juvenile habitat use to account for in conservation decisions regarding both assemblage and species-specific levels.  相似文献   

珊瑚礁环境质量变化的价值评估——以涠洲岛为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘亮  吴姗姗 《海洋通报》2015,34(2):215-221
以涠洲岛为例,使用非市场价值评估手段对涠洲岛珊瑚礁环境质量进行了非使用价值评估,分析了珊瑚礁环境质量变化所产生的价值损益。2012年在涠洲岛通过模拟3种珊瑚礁环境质量变化,对上岛游客进行调访,游客从影响珊瑚礁环境质量的珊瑚礁覆盖度、珊瑚礁种类以及海水能见度3方面进行考虑,选择最终旅游目的地,共调查300位游客,收集有效数据900份。应用随机效应理论和混合对数模型进行分析和评估,结果显示,当涠洲岛珊瑚礁环境质量提升时,将会人均获益399元/年;当涠洲岛珊瑚礁环境质量略有下降时,将会损失人均561元/年;而当珊瑚礁环境质量下降较大时,人均损失将达到918元/年。同时,本研究的成果可以推广到其它海岛以及陆地进行环境质量变化评估,并且可以评估未来气候变化条件下对珊瑚礁生态系统的价值损失。  相似文献   

本研究基于系统复杂性原理, 提出了南海典型珊瑚礁生态系统健康评价方法——组织力及系统功能评价法。该方法的评价框架包括珊瑚礁生态系统结构及功能、珊瑚礁生态系统与其他海洋生态系统间关系、与人类社会生态系统间关系、珊瑚礁生态系统发展制约因素等四大模块; 评价指标体系分为目标层、准则层、因素层、要素层等6个层级共计67个指标。同时, 本研究系统地提出了珊瑚礁生态系统健康评价的流程, 提高了珊瑚礁健康评价工作的规范性和时效性。应用组织力及系统功能评价法对2011—2018年西沙群岛珊瑚礁生态系统进行了健康评价, 结果显示自2011年起健康指数年均下降2.3%~2.4%, 除2012年、2015年健康指数稍有回升外, 其余年份均呈下降走势, 整体评价为亚健康状态。根据七连屿周边岛屿的实地考察和居民生活问卷调查结果, 2006—2008年的渔业发展、2012年的海星泛滥和2014—2015年的岛礁建设均对珊瑚礁生态系统造成了较大影响, 使10年内渔业产量下降了50%~80%。这与应用组织力及系统功能评价法的评价结果相吻合, 侧面验证了该评价方法的科学性和可行性。  相似文献   

While the importance of top‐down control by grazers in maintaining tropical reef community structure is well known, the effect of ‘fishing down the food web’, which simultaneously changes the abundance and size of herbivorous fishes, has received less attention. As many fishing practices target the biggest fish and regulations often set minimum size limits, understanding size‐dependency of this controlling force is important. We evaluated the hypothesis that reduction in the abundance and size of fish, regardless of species identity, reduces the role of herbivory in controlling algal abundance on reefs and assessed variation in efficacy of this top‐down control on different types of common macroalgae. We quantified herbivory rates within cages of differing opening sizes on assemblages of four common algal species (Padina boryana, Dictyota bartayresiana, Halimeda opuntia and Galaxaura fasciculata) on two fringing reefs in Moorea, French Polynesia. Small acanthurids (<15 cm length) were the dominant herbivorous fish while other herbivorous fish were rare. For the two most palatable algae, the majority of herbivory occurred in open plots, with herbivory reduced by >50% in the largest opening cages (6 × 6 cm) where the maximum size fish entering was 12 cm in length (mean = 7.6, SE = 0.4). Fish entering medium (4.5 × 4.5 cm openings, maximum fish length = 8 cm, mean = 6.3, SE = 0.4) and small (3 × 3 cm openings, no fish observed entering) cages had herbivory rates approximately equal to the control treatment (1 × 1 cm openings). Consumption varied among algal species, with minimal consumption of physically and chemically defended algae and no pattern across treatments. Our results demonstrate a need for management plans to not only maintain the overall abundance of herbivorous fish but to protect the largest sizes for effective top‐down control of algal communities.  相似文献   

Food differentiation among coexistent species in the field is important strategy for copepods to acquire materials and maintain population stabilization.In situ diet analysis of co-occurring six copepod species in coral waters of the Sanya Bay was conducted using a PCR protocol based on 18 S ribosomal gene.Various prey organisms were uncovered,including dinoflagellate,diatom,green algae and plant,protozoa and metazoan.All these spatially coexisting six species showed different dietary diversity,with the food niche breadth(B)ranging from 1.00(Temora turbinate in morning)to 10.68(Calanopia elliptica in night).While food overlap between all these copepods were low,with the average value of the diet niche overlap index being approximately 0.09.Even temporally co-existing species sampled from the same time point fed on different groups of prey items with the food overlap index of 0.04 to 0.07 in midday and night but 0 in morning.As the most important dominant copepod in the Sanya Bay,Subeucalanus subcrassus seems to be capable to regulate its feeding,by exhibiting a rhythm of herbivorous feeding in midday and carnivorous feeding in morning and night,to better coordinate with other competitors for utilization of food resources.For most copepods,none of the prey items belonged to the dominant phytoplankton in the ambient water,indicating that copepod can better their survival by widening the choice of potential food resources in food limited environment.The dietary separation observed here might be important strategy for copepod to maintain population stabilization and thriving in the Sanya coastal waters.  相似文献   

广西涠洲岛地处世界珊瑚礁分布的北缘,其造礁石珊瑚具有较高的生态价值和科学研究价值,然而近30年来涠洲岛的造礁石珊瑚资源呈逐年下降趋势,正面临生物多样性衰退和生态服务功能下降的威胁。本研究针对涠洲岛珊瑚礁生态衰退区域,参照珊瑚礁生态恢复潜力评估决策流程进行恢复可行性评估和恢复策略探讨。结果显示,该区域有造礁石珊瑚5科10属21种;表征海水水质质量的6项指标均在I类水质标准范围,且常年处于贫营养化;大型海藻覆盖率不足1.00%,90.00%以上的珊瑚礁鱼类为杂食性,且该鱼类种群结构有利于调控大型海藻的暴发性生长,与大型藻类和浮游动植物的多样性相适应,适宜珊瑚生长。但该区域造礁石珊瑚平均覆盖率仅有5.60%,底质类型57.27%为礁石,34.30%的底质为非稳定的碎石和砂,珊瑚幼体补充量平均为3.17 ind/m2,珊瑚幼体更新缓慢。以上结果表明,涠洲岛珊瑚礁具有一定的自然恢复潜力,但珊瑚覆盖率低、幼体补充量少以及部分底质结构不稳定是限制涠洲岛珊瑚礁自然恢复的主要因素,需要加强人工干预。在减少人类活动干扰的前提下,适时进行园艺式培育珊瑚苗种、批量珊瑚原位种植和构建人工珊...  相似文献   

西沙赵述岛海域珊瑚礁生态修复效果的初步评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
珊瑚恢复是一个协助退化、受损的珊瑚礁生态系统恢复的过程.近10 a来,西沙珊瑚礁生态系统不断退化,至2009年珊瑚覆盖率已下降至不足10%.针对西沙群岛珊瑚礁生态系统的退化状况,2011年12月于西沙赵述岛海域投放人工礁基并开展珊瑚移植实验,比较了人工修复区和自然恢复区1a后的修复效果.结果显示,投放礁基且进行珊瑚移植的区域,移植珊瑚的存活率不到10%;投放礁基但未进行珊瑚移植的区域,珊瑚补充量高达6~7 ind/m2;自然恢复区其珊瑚覆盖率提高了19.4%.依据珊瑚礁生态修复效果评估方法,人工修复且进行移植珊瑚的区域的生物修复权重值为27.5,人工修复但未移植珊瑚区及自然恢复区的生物修复权重值为39.3,珊瑚修复生物指标为亚健康.我们的结果表明,在健康、有良好珊瑚幼虫补充的珊瑚礁生态系统中,珊瑚礁群落可以自行恢复,其恢复只是一个时间的问题;而在缺少珊瑚幼虫附着基底的区域,通过人为增加一些附着基底,可加速其恢复进程.  相似文献   

Certain biodiversity patterns on coral reefs are generally consistent but we still lack fundamental insight into how assemblages vary across spatially heterogeneous reef systems. We compared fish, coral, and sponge assemblages across a symmetrical physiographical gradient (windward forereef, lagoon patch reef, leeward forereef) of the Glover's Reef atoll, Belize. Species richness of fishes and corals was highest in the deep habitat (15 m) on the windward forereef. Sponges were diverse and abundant on both deep windward and leeward forereefs but not on the exposed shallow (5 m) windward forereef. Fish and benthic assemblages were relatively distinct in each reef zone, with the lagoon patch reef communities consisting of a combination of leeward and windward species. Nevertheless, there were no clear patterns in community similarity matrices of fish and benthic assemblages, suggesting that overall coral and sponge assemblages had weak or no direct association with patterns in fish assemblages. A closer examination of fish trophic groups indicated that planktivores and predators were predictably associated with depth, whereas herbivores were associated with shallow protected reefs. None was specifically associated with spatial location along the atoll gradient. These patterns of diversity distribution are important for identifying spatial conservation priorities. A Marine Protected Area (MPA) at Glover's Reef encompasses substantial windward forereef and patch reef habitats. A much lesser extent of protection is afforded the leeward forereef that supports faunal assemblages that are unique and productive, if not as diverse as the windward forereef. Isolated coral atolls can serve as ideal systems to study spatial heterogeneity and biodiversity patterns, but more experimental studies are needed to reveal the mechanistic processes underlying these patterns.  相似文献   

As coral reef ecosystems decline in health worldwide, reef‐associated fishes are being impacted by changes to their coral reef habitats. While previous studies have shown coral reef structure to affect the demography of reef fishes, changes in reef conditions may also impact the behavior of reef fishes as they cope with altered habitats. In this study, we examined spatial patterns of intraspecific behavioral variation in the bicolor damselfish (Stegastes partitus) across the fringing reefs of Curaçao (Caribbean Sea), and explored how this behavioral variation associated with physical and social conditions on the reef. Principal components analysis (PCA) condensed physical parameters of the reef into principal component 1 (PC1), comprising depth, coral cover (%), rugosity, and average hole size (cm2), and principal component 2 (PC2), which represented the number of holes. PC1, but not PC2, increased spatially across the reef as the habitat transitioned from coral rubble in the shallows to live coral on the reef slope. This transition in reef structure was paralleled by changes in social conditions including decreases in bicolor damselfish density in habitats with higher PC1 values. The behavior of bicolor damselfish also varied spatially with greater aggression and more frequent shelter use in habitats with lower PC1 values. Path analysis revealed robust associations between this behavioral variation and physical habitat conditions of the reef, indicating that physical – rather than social – habitat variation is the primary determinant of these spatial patterns of intraspecific behavioral variation. Taken as a whole, this coupling between physical reef structure and behavior suggests that reef fish may show altered behaviors on coral reefs degraded by anthropogenic impacts.  相似文献   

Qilianyu Islands coral reefs (QICR), located in the northeastern part of the South China Sea, has been affected by human activities and natural disturbance. To characterize the trophic structure, ecosystem properties and keystone species of this region, a food-web model for the QICR is developed using methods involving a mass-balance approach with Ecopath with Ecosim software. Trophic levels range from 1.00 for detritus and primary producers to 3.80 for chondrichthyes. The mean trophic transfer efficiency for the entire ecosystem is 13.15%, with 55% of total energy flow originating from primary producers. A mixed trophic impact analysis indicates that coral strongly impacts most components of this ecosystem. A comparison of our QICR model with that for other coral reef ecosystems suggests that the QICR ecosystem is immature and/or is degraded.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether there has been a decline in fish stocks of a coral reef in Thailand, and if so, whether that decline is due to small-scale fishing. The research methods used included fish sampling by UVC, interviews and questionnaires with key informants and artisanal fishers. The results confirmed that there has been a decline in piscivores and carnivores (though not herbivores), and the main perceived threat came not from artisanal but from commercial fishing. Recommendations are to replace the largely unrestricted fishery with a more regulated regime backed by effective enforcement.  相似文献   

暖水珊瑚礁生态系统是热带海域最具生物多样性和代表性的生态系统之一。本研究分析了全球变化背景下暖水珊瑚礁生态系统的变化和风险,开展了受损暖水珊瑚礁生态系统退化和消失的致灾因子归因分析,综述了暖水珊瑚礁生态系统的适应性与修复技术研究。分析表明:①过去几十年来,暖水珊瑚礁生态系统快速退化,包括大面积白化和死亡、多样性明显减少和生态功能显著衰退,主要归因于海洋升温与人类活动等致灾因子的影响;②在温室气体高排放浓度情景下(RCP 8.5),相比工业革命前,到本世纪中叶,南海升温将可能远超过2℃,这表明南海暖水珊瑚礁生态系统正在逼近其气候临界点,即全球升温高于2℃时,90%~99%以上的暖水珊瑚将消失;③1980年代以来,海洋升温、海洋热浪和强热带气旋等海洋气候变化致灾因子对南海暖水珊瑚的危害性(影响的强度、范围和时间)明显增加,对暖水珊瑚礁生态系统产生了严重的影响;与此同时,近岸海域的过度或破坏性捕捞、采挖和潜水等人类活动,对暖水珊瑚造成了严重损害,增加了暖水珊瑚的气候脆弱性,而这种人类活动既是局部的,也是全球性的现象,使得暖水珊瑚更难以适应全球变暖的影响。分析还表明,为了增强暖水珊瑚适应气候与环境变化的恢复力(韧性),人们开展了诸多受损珊瑚礁生态系统的适应性与修复研究,但主要是采用无性繁殖或结合人工基质的修复方式,而应用有性繁殖技术恢复受损珊瑚礁的方式仍较少;最近,暖水珊瑚耐热的基因适应性研究取得了重要进展,为暖水珊瑚适应全球变暖提供了一种新的途径。本研究最后探讨了中国受损珊瑚礁生态系统的修复问题与对策。  相似文献   

Understanding the connectivity of fish among different typical habitats is important for conducting ecosystembased management, particularly when designing marine protected areas(MPA) or setting MPA networks. To clarify of connectivity among mangrove, seagrass beds, and coral reef habitats in Wenchang, Hainan Province,China, the fish community structure was studied in wet and dry seasons of 2018. Gill nets were placed across the three habitat types, and the number of species, individuals, and body size of individual fish were recorded. In total, 3 815 individuals belonging to 154 species of 57 families were collected. The highest number of individuals and species was documented in mangroves(117 species, 2 623 individuals), followed by coral reefs(61 species,438 individuals) and seagrass beds(46 species, 754 individuals). The similarity tests revealed highly significant differences among the three habitats. Approximately 23.4% species used two habitats and 11.0% species used three habitats. A significant difference(p0.05) in habitat use among eight species(Mugil cephalus, Gerres oblongus, Siganus fuscescens, Terapon jarbua, Sillago maculata, Upeneus tragula, Lutjanus russellii, and Monacanthus chinensis) was detected, with a clear ontogenetic shift in habitat use from mangrove or seagrass beds to coral reefs. The similarity indices suggested that fish assemblages can be divided into three large groups namely coral, seagrass, and mangrove habitat types. This study demonstrated that connectivity exists between mangrove–seagrass–coral reef continuum in Wenchang area; therefore, we recommend that fish connectivity should be considered when designing MPAs or MPA network where possible.  相似文献   

Coral reef fish are an important source of food security and income for human coastal populations. They also underpin ecosystem processes vital for the future ability of coral reefs to generate ecological goods and services. Identifying socio-economic drivers behind the exploitation of fish that uphold these key ecosystem processes and the scales at which they operate is therefore critical for successful management. This study addresses this issue by examining the reef-associated fish value chain in Zanzibar, and how it links to functional groups of fish and maturity stage of fish within these groups. Semi-structured interviews with 188 respondents (fishers, traders and hotel staff) involved in the fisheries and trade with reef-associated fish in Zanzibar and participatory observations were used. The trade with reef fish in Zanzibar is a complex structure involving many different agents and this study shows that these different agents exhibit differential “preferences” regarding fish functional groups and/or maturity stages within these groups. Consequently, both high and low trophic species, as well as small and large fishes are fished and sold, which leaves no refuge for the fish assemblage to escape fishing. When other market agents than fishers have so much influence and there are few alternative income generating activities, it is not possible to put all burden on fishers. Management measures that extend down the value chain to include all market agents as well as their links to ecosystem processes are thus likely to be needed to reach the target of sustainable fisheries.  相似文献   

The distribution, abundance and composition of marine fish assemblages are influenced by changes in behaviour and movement associated with the diel cycle. The majority of studies exploring day–night differences have demonstrated that there is a greater abundance and diversity of fishes during diurnal compared with nocturnal hours, and that fish assemblage composition varies with time of day or night. We investigated fine‐scale (hourly) diel cycles in the composition and relative abundance of temperate reef fishes using unbaited remote underwater video systems. We observed short crepuscular changeover periods with the hours around dawn and dusk sharing many species, some of which are nocturnal and others diurnal. Diurnal surveys recorded a greater number of individuals (16,990) and species (70) than nocturnal surveys (1053 individuals and 19 species). There was a clear difference between the diurnal assemblage, which was characterized by benthic invertivores, and the nocturnal assemblage composition, which contained zooplanktivores and generalist feeders. Within the diurnal period the hourly temporal variation was relatively homogenous, indicating that standardization of diurnal sampling to a particular time of day may not be necessary.  相似文献   

运用压力-状态-响应(pressure-state-response,PSR)模型,采用生态系统健康理论评价珊瑚礁生态状况.借鉴国内外现有生态系统评价方法,结合珊瑚礁生态系统的特点,建立适合我国国情的珊瑚礁生态系统评价方法和模式,并对我国典型海域珊瑚礁生态健康状况进行评价,以期为我国典型珊瑚礁生态系统健康状况提供基础资料.评价结果显示东山、涠洲岛、海南东部珊瑚礁生态健康状况为健康,徐闻和西沙海域珊瑚礁生态健康状况为亚健康,评价结果与我国相关生态监控区调查结果基本一致.  相似文献   

The species of Ophiuroidea that commonly occur on coral reefs can be found on different substrates and associated with other organisms including algae, sponges, and corals. This study evaluated the temporal variability of the ophiuroid fauna associated with the alga Amphiroa fragilissima on the Ponta Verde coral reef on the coast of Maceió in Alagoas, Northeastern Brazil. Replicate samples of algal substrate were collected at low tide during in the dry and rainy seasons, over a 10‐year period, from 1998–2007. Eight species of Ophiuroidea were identified, with a total of 8736 individuals associated with A. fragilissima. The most dominant and frequent species of Ophiuroidea were Amphipholis squamata and Ophiactis savignyi; all other species were rare. Cluster analysis and nMDS detected four groups, with two groups each occurring only in summer or winter periods, as well as other groups occurring in both periods.  相似文献   

A numerical model was used to analyze the motion response and mooring tension of a submerged fish reef system. The system included a net attached to a rigid structure suspended up from the bottom with a single, high tension mooring by fixed flotation. The analysis was performed by using a Morison equation type finite element model configured with truss elements. Input forcing parameters into the model consisted of both regular and irregular waves, with and without a steady current. Heave, surge and pitch dynamic calculations of the reef structure were made. Tension response results of the attached mooring line were also computed. Results were analyzed in both the time and frequency domain in which appropriate, linear transfer functions were calculated. The influence of the current was more evident in the tension and heave motion response data. This is most likely the result of the large buoyancy characteristics of the reef structure and the length of the mooring cable. Maximum mooring component tension was found to be 13.9 kN and occurred when the reef was subjected to irregular waves with a co-linear current of 1.0 m/s velocity. The results also showed that the system had little damping (in heave) with damped natural periods of 2.8 s. This combination of system characteristics promotes a possible resonating situation in typical open sea conditions with similar wave periods.  相似文献   

本文利用南海西沙群岛潟湖区29 d的全水深浮标观测资料研究了潟湖区内正压潮和内潮的基本特征,采用深度平均方法分析海流的适用性,并讨论潟湖区内潮的主要来源。深度平均流的动能谱显示全日潮流占主导,其动能占整体海流动能的41%。对比分析深度平均流和Tpxo7.2模式预测的全日、半日潮流的调和常数,两者均表明全日正压潮流受地形调制,主轴方向为西北−东南向,而半日正压潮流主轴方向为东−西向。两种方法得到的全日正压潮流大−小潮存在半个相位(6~7 d)的差异,进一步分析发现全日正压潮和全日内潮潮龄不同,存在部分相互抵消,且全日内潮大潮发生时间在深度上存在差异,推测由于缺少海表和海底的测量数据,导致深度平均方法得到的全日正压潮仍然包含全日内潮信号。调和分析结果表明,全日内潮的动能中相干部分占比高达91%,说明潟湖区的全日内潮是正压潮与局地岛礁地形相互作用产生,而从远场传播而来的可能性很小。  相似文献   

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