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Hydrological processes within riparian environments worldwide are impacted when introduced species invade. Monitoring and management at substantial expense, are subsequently required to combat deleterious effects on the environment and stream hydrology. Willow species (Salicaceae: Salix spp.) introduced into Australia have spread throughout many riparian systems causing adverse environmental impacts, with high rates of water extraction when located within stream beds (in‐stream willows) thus altering hydrology. Strategies exist to manage willows; however, simpler, more cost‐effective methods are required to map and monitor spatial and temporal distributions. A method is presented to discriminate willow stands from surrounding native riparian vegetation using a single, very high 2 m resolution multispectral WorldView‐2 satellite image. A combination of spectral bands ‘coastal blue’ (400–450 nm), ‘red’ (630–690 nm), ‘red edge’ (705–745 nm) and ‘near infrared2’ (860–1040 nm), minimum noise fraction transformation, median filtering and maximum likelihood supervised classification provided the highest discriminatory power within a 25 km2 study area. Of the spectral bands, coastal blue, red edge and near infrared2 are new bands that are not available in other multispectral sensors. These bands proved critical to the success of discriminating willows from other land cover categories (overall accuracy of 97%). Stream channels were defined by incorporating a LiDAR‐derived digital elevation model to discriminate between willows on stream banks and within stream beds. Canopy area estimates of in‐stream willows, coupled with water savings estimates from willow removal, suggest removal of 10.4 ha of Salix fragilis canopy from within river channels in the study area will potentially return 41 ML year?1 to the environment. The method presented improves our understanding of willow impacts on hydrology and aids decisions regarding willow removal for water resource management. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The extent and variability of water storage and residence times throughout the open water season in beaded arctic streams are poorly understood. Data collected in Imnavait Creek, a beaded stream located north of the Brooks Range in Alaska, were used to better understand the effects of in‐pool and riparian storage on heat and mass movement through beaded streams. Temperature data of high spatial resolution within the pools and surrounding sediments were used with volumetric discharge and electrical conductivity to identify storage areas within the pools, banks, and other marshy areas within the riparian zone, including subsurface flow paths that connect the pools. These subsurface flows were found to alter water conductivity and the character of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in short reaches (10 s of m) while influencing the chemistry of downstream pools. During low flow periods, persistent stratification occurred within the pools due to absorption of solar radiation by DOM coupled with permafrost below and low wind stress at the pool surface. Additionally, one of the shallow pools (<0.5 m depth) remained stratified during higher flow periods and lower radiation inputs due to dense subsurface flows entering the bottom of the pools. This consistent separation of surface and bottom water masses in each pool will increase the travel times through this and similar arctic watersheds, and therefore will affect the evolution of water chemistry and material export. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

J. A. Leach  R. D. Moore 《水文研究》2010,24(17):2369-2381
Stream temperature and riparian microclimate were characterized for a 1·5 km wildfire‐disturbed reach of Fishtrap Creek, located north of Kamloops, British Columbia. A deterministic net radiation model was developed using hemispherical canopy images coupled with on‐site microclimate measurements. Modelled net radiation agreed reasonably with measured net radiation. Air temperature and humidity measured at two locations above the stream, separated by 900 m, were generally similar, whereas wind speed was poorly correlated between the two sites. Modelled net radiation varied considerably along the reach, and measurements at a single location did not provide a reliable estimate of the modelled reach average. During summer, net radiation dominated the surface heat exchanges, particularly because the sensible and latent heat fluxes were normally of opposite sign and thus tended to cancel each other. All surface heat fluxes shifted to negative values in autumn and were of similar magnitude through winter. In March, net radiation became positive, but heat gains were cancelled by sensible and latent heat fluxes, which remained negative. A modelling exercise using three canopy cover scenarios (current, simulated pre‐wildfire and simulated complete vegetation removal) showed that net radiation under the standing dead trees was double that modelled for the pre‐fire canopy cover. However, post‐disturbance standing dead trees reduce daytime net radiation reaching the stream surface by one‐third compared with complete vegetation removal. The results of this study have highlighted the need to account for reach‐scale spatial variability of energy exchange processes, especially net radiation, when modelling stream energy budgets. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We investigated the dynamics of organic matter and type of detritus in a riparian zone of the Atlantic Rain Forest domain, and specifically determined the inputs and stock of detritus contributed by plant species, and their relationship to temperature and precipitation. Our hypotheses tested were: (1) the species composition of riparian vegetation influences the amount and type of detritus delivered to a stream in an Atlantic Rain Forest, and (2) the dynamics of litterfall in the riparian zone is influenced by climate factors. The plant community was formed principally by pioneer and early successional species such as Apuleia leiocarpa, Erytrina velutina, Erytrina verna, Eucalyptus torelliana, Ficus glabra, Ficus insipida, Guarea guidonea, Guarea guidonia, Maprounea guianensis and Psidium guajava. There was a large number of G. guidonea (318 individuals/ha), followed by Cupania oblongifolia (91), Trichilia pallida (52), Piptadenia gonoacantha (26) and E. torelliana (14). G. guidonea contributed >50% of the total litterfall; however, some species which were present in high density in the plant community and did not yield significant biomass, indicating that detritus production was based on the contribution of a few species. We found 697, 856 and 804 g/m2/year from vertical, terrestrial, and lateral inputs, respectively, whereas to the annual benthic standing stock was 3257 g/m2. Detritus was formed by leaves (60%), branches (32%), reproductive parts (3%), and unidentifiable fragments of organic-matter (5%). Inputs and benthic stock were markedly seasonal, with an increase of leaf litter during the dry season. Our results indicate that litterfall dynamics is basically composed of a few species that contribute with higher values of biomass. Moreover, ecological characteristics together with environmental factors can be viewed as the principal factors determining the energy balance of riparian ecosystems. The biological implications of the dynamics of organic matter have high importance for the maintenance and restoration of riparian zones. However, the amount of litterfall required to maintain the balance of the riparian community remains unclear in the tropical zone.  相似文献   

Contaminated sediments may have wide-ranging impacts on human and ecological health. A series of in situ caged exposure studies using juvenile Chinook salmon was conducted in the Lower Duwamish Waterway (LDW). Chemical analysis of sediment, water, and fish tissue were completed. Additionally, in 2004, DNA adducts in hepatic and gill tissues were measured. Gills contained significantly higher DNA adducts at stations B2 and B4, prompting further analysis of gills in 2006 and 2007. Fluorescent aromatic compounds (FACs) in bile, and CYP1A1 in hepatic tissue were also measured during 2006 and 2007, respectively. FACs in field-caged fish were comparable or significantly higher than wild-caught fish LDW fish and significantly higher than lab fish after only 8-10 days, demonstrating the equivalency of exposure to that of migrating salmon. Furthermore, selected biomarkers appear to be capable of detecting spikes in contamination between sampling years, emphasizing the need for multiple year data collection.  相似文献   

Irradiation of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) of terrestrial origin that is freshly released to surface waters can produce particulate organic carbon (POC). Laboratory experiments with stream water were conducted to determine POC and particulate metals formation during exposure to artificial solar radiation comparable to surface intensity. The results showed that decreases in DOC concentration were accompanied initially by increasing and later by decreasing POC concentrations. Data were fit to first order kinetics models to compare rates of POC formation and loss with DOC and absorbance loss, and to better understand how metals might be involved in photochemical POC formation. This abiotic mechanism may be important for the transfer of allochthonous DOC and metals to sediments in temperate aquatic systems.  相似文献   

Three main reservoirs were identified that contribute to the shallow subsurface flow regime of a valley drained by a fourth‐order stream in Brittany (western France). (i) An upland flow that supplied a wetland area, mainly during the high‐water period. It has high N‐NO3? and average Cl? concentrations. (ii) A deep confined aquifer characterized by low nitrate and low chloride concentrations that supplied the floodplain via flow upwelling. (iii) An unconfined aquifer under the riparian zone with high Cl? and low N‐NO3? concentrations where biological processes removed groundwater nitrate. This aquifer collected the upland flow and supplied a relict channel that controlled drainage from the whole riparian zone. Patterns of N‐NO3? and Cl? concentrations along riparian transects, together with calculated high nitrate removal, indicate that removal occurred mainly at the hillslope–riparian zone interface (i.e. first few metres of wetland), whereas dilution occurred in lower parts of the transects, especially during low‐water periods and at the beginning of recharge periods. Stream flow was modelled as a mixture of water from the three reservoirs. An estimation of these contributions revealed that the deep aquifer contribution to stream flow averaged 37% throughout the study period, while the contribution of the unconfined reservoir below the riparian zone and hillslope flow was more variable (from ca 6 to 85%) relative to rainfall events and the level of the riparian water table. At the entire riparian zone scale, NO3? removal (probably from denitrification) appeared most effective in winter, despite higher estimated upland NO3? fluxes entering the riparian zone during this period. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In small streams, the majority of carbon turnover is due to microbial activity in biofilms. Flow velocity is a key factor influencing biofilm function, and nascent biofilms with high energy need for growth might be especially sensitive to hydrodynamics. The major part of carbon supply is allochthonous but algae can provide easily available exudates for biofilm bacteria. In this study, epilithic biofilms were grown for 2 weeks in a third order stream in Thuringia, Germany, and then incubated in replicate flow channels in climate-controlled chambers. Glucose and arbinose were added immediately to all channels, and the effects of flow velocity and light availability on rates of sugar removal were examined. Phosphate addition did not influence sugar decrease rates. Flow velocities of either 0.3 m s−1 or 0.7 m s−1 resulted in 1.3 to 3.1 times higher decrease rates under the higher flow velocity. Light exclusion resulted in a 2.2 to 2.6 times faster sugar decrease but only a 0.5 times dissolved organic carbon increase compared to channels with light input, suggesting a strong internal coupling of primary producers and heterotrophs. Our results indicate that carbon uptake from the water column is fostered at higher flow velocities and that primary production is an important internal carbon source in nascent epilithic biofilms.  相似文献   

Fifty streams, located in southern Ontario, Canada, were visited in September 2008 to investigate the effect of varying land use, land cover, and associated resource inputs on water column bacterial abundance (BACT), production (BP), and extracellular enzyme activity and stoichiometry. Principle components analysis was used to summarize landscape data, producing three components (PCs), which explained 79.2% of the variability in the data. The PCs grouped into the following gradients: (PC1) urban land use and continuous annual cropping to wetland-like cover, (PC2) rotational cropping to forest-like cover, and (PC3) increasing rural and agricultural land uses with increasing watershed size. These landscape gradients created imbalanced resource availability. Nutrient resources were more abundant in streams with more intensive anthropogenic land uses, but carbon availability was primarily controlled by the abundance of natural land covers (wetland and wooded areas). BACT, BP, and enzyme activities were positively related primarily to nutrient availability and/or anthropogenic land use (Stepwise R 2 range: 0.33?C0.73). The ratio of ??-glucosidase to alkaline phosphatase activity approached a 1:1 balance with increasing anthropogenic land use, decreased wetland and forest cover, and increased total dissolved nitrogen. The ratio of leucine-aminopeptidase to alkaline phosphatase activity approached 1:1 with both increased dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen. Moreover, enzyme C:N:P ratios moved closer to 1:1:1 with faster water column bacterial turnover times. These results suggest that water column microbial communities are better able to balance resource availability with growth in streams receiving nutrient subsidies from anthropogenic sources and under these conditions when carbon resources increase.  相似文献   

Litter decomposition, a fundamental ecosystem process in woodland streams, is potentially affected by the predicted increase in water temperature. Here, we assessed the effects of experimental and seasonal warming on oak litter decomposition and on the relative contributions of microbes and invertebrates to this process. Experimental warming (~3 °C) stimulated litter decomposition in the coldest, but not in the warmest, months. This may be attributed to (1) higher temperature sensitivity of decomposition at lower ambient temperature due to temperature limitation of enzymatic activity, (2) higher relative temperature increase in winter than in warmer months, (3) existence of a previous warming period in winter, and (4) stronger stimulation of the activity of detritivores by warming in winter due to the prevalence of earlier (smaller) instars than in warmer months. The low response of litter decomposition to warming may have been due to the low nutrient availability in the study stream. The 30-day litter decomposition was stimulated over the seasonal gradient (monthly mean temperature: 6–16 °C), which may be attributed to a stimulation of metabolic activities by warming and to changes in detritivore life history over the seasons. The stimulation of litter decomposition with temperature suggests that the rate of CO2 release from freshwaters will increase under global warming. However, invertebrate-driven litter decomposition was more responsive to warming than microbial-driven litter decomposition, suggesting that a larger fraction of litter carbon may be converted into secondary production and stored in the system for longer periods.  相似文献   

Rivers are dynamic components of the terrestrial carbon cycle and provide important functions in ecosystem processes. Although rivers act as conveyers of carbon to the oceans, rivers also retain carbon within riparian ecosystems along floodplains, with potential for long‐term (> 102 years) storage. Research in ecosystem processing emphasizes the importance of organic carbon (OC) in river systems, and estimates of OC fluxes in terrestrial freshwater systems indicate that a significant portion of terrestrial carbon is stored within river networks. Studies have examined soil OC on floodplains, but research that examines the potential mechanistic controls on OC storage in riparian ecosystems and floodplains is more limited. We emphasize three primary OC reservoirs within fluvial systems: (1) standing riparian biomass; (2) dead biomass as large wood (LW) in the stream and on the floodplain; (3) OC on and beneath the floodplain surface, including litter, humus, and soil organic carbon (SOC). This review focuses on studies that have framed research questions and results in the context of OC retention, accumulation and storage within the three primary pools along riparian ecosystems. In this paper, we (i) discuss the various reservoirs for OC storage in riparian ecosystems, (ii) discuss physical conditions that facilitate carbon retention and storage in riparian ecosystems, (iii) provide a synthesis of published OC storage in riparian ecosystems, (iv) present a conceptual model of the conditions that favor OC storage in riparian ecosystems, (v) briefly discuss human impacts on OC storage in riparian ecosystems, and (vi) highlight current knowledge gaps. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examines runoff generated under simulated rainfall on Summerford bajada in the Jornada Basin, New Mexico, USA. Forty‐five simulation experiments were conducted on 1 m2 and 2 m2 runoff plots on grassland, degraded grassland, shrub and intershrub environments located in grassland and shrubland communities. Average hydrographs generated for each environment show that runoff originates earlier on the vegetated plots than on the unvegetated plots. This early generation of runoff is attributed to soil infiltration rates being overwhelmed by the rapid concentration of water at the base of plants by stemflow. Hydrographs from the degraded grassland and intershrub plots rise continuously throughout the 30 min simulation events indicating that these plots do not achieve equilibrium runoff. This continuously rising form is attributed to the progressive development of raindrop‐induced surface seals. Most grassland and shrub plots level out after the initial early rise indicating equilibrium runoff is achieved. Some shrub plots, however, display a decline in discharge after the early rise. The delayed infiltration of water into macropores beneath shrubs with vegetation in their understories is proposed to explain this declining form. Water yields predicted at the community level indicate that the shrubland sheds 150 per cent more water for a given storm event than the grassland. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ground water discharge is often a significant factor in the quality of fish spawning and rearing habitat and for highly biologically productive streams. In the present study, water temperatures (stream and hyporheic) and seepage fluxes were used to characterize shallow ground water discharge and recharge within thestreambed of Catamaran Brook, a small Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) stream in central New Brunswick, Canada. Three study sites were instrumented using a total of 10 temperature sensors and 18 seepage meters. Highly variable mean seepage fluxes, ranging from 1.7 x 10(-4) to 2.5 cm3 m(-2) sec(-1), and mean hyporheic water temperatures, ranging from 10.5 degrees to 18.0 degrees C, at depths of 20 to 30 cm in the streambed were dependent on streambed location (left versus right stream bank and site location) and time during the summer sampling season. Temperature data were usefulfor determining if an area of the streambed was under discharge (positive flux), recharge (negative flux), or parallel flow (no flux) conditions and seepage meters were used to directly measure the quantity of water flux. Hyporheic water temperature measurements and specific conductance measurements of the seepage meter sample water, mean values ranging from 68.8 to 157.9 microS/cm, provided additional data for determining flux sources. Three stream banks were consistently under discharge conditions, while the other three stream banks showed reversal from discharge to recharge conditions over the sampling season. Results indicate that the majority of the water collected in the seepage meters was composed of surface water. The data obtained suggests that even though a positive seepage flux is often interpreted as ground water discharge, this discharging water may be of stream water origin that has recently entered the hyporheic zone.The measurement of seepage flux in conjunction with hyporheic water temperature or other indicators of water origin should be considered when attempting to quantify the magnitude of exchange and the source of hyporheic water.  相似文献   

Understanding large wood (LW; ≥1 m long and ≥10 cm in diameter) dynamics in rivers is critical for many disciplines including those assessing flood hazard and risk. However, our understanding of wood entrainment and deposition is still limited, mainly because of the lack of long‐term monitoring of wood‐related processes. The dataset presented here was obtained from more than 8 years of monitoring of 1,264 tagged wood pieces placed in 4 low‐order streams of the Chilean mountain ranges and was used to further our understanding of key factors controlling LW dynamics. We show that LW displacement lengths were longer during periods when peak‐flow water depths (Hmax) exceeded the bankfull stage (HBk) than in periods with Hmax ≤ HBk and that these differences were significantly higher for smaller wood pieces. LW length and length relative to channel dimensions were the main factors governing LW entrainment; LW displacement lengths were inversely related to the ratio of piece length to H15% (i.e., the level above which the flow remains for 15% of the time) and to the ratio of H15% to bankfull width. Unrooted logs and LW pieces located at the bankfull stage travelled significantly longer distances than logs with attached rootwads and those located in other positions within the bankfull channel. A few large logjams were broken during the period of observation, and in all occasions, LW from these broken logjams did not travel over longer distances than other pieces of LW moved in the same periods and in the same stream segments. Most importantly, our work reveals that LW dynamics tend to be concentrated within a few reaches in each stream and that reaches exhibiting high wood dynamics (extensive entrainment, deposition, or repositioning of LW) are significantly wider and less steep than less dynamic reaches.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to clarify the effect of ulvoid (Ulva spp.) accumulation on the structure and function of an eelgrass bed by the coast of Iwakuni, Seto Inland Sea, Japan. We monitored eelgrass shoot density and volume of ulvoid accumulation in the study site and evaluated effects of the accumulated ulvoid canopy on the percent survival, seedling density, growth rates, photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) and carbon contents of eelgrass. Eelgrass shoot density decreased by the accumulation of ulvoid. Also, seedling density decreased by the increase in the ulvoid volumes. Shoot density, seedling density and leaf elongation were negatively correlated with ulvoid volume. Carbon contents in eelgrass decreased by the accumulation of ulvoid (canopy height: 25cm). These results suggest that accumulation of ulvoid bloom has significant negative impacts on the structure and function of eelgrass bed, i.e. decreases in vegetative shoot density, seedling density, shoot height and growth rate.  相似文献   

The importance of riparian tree cover in reducing energy inputs to streams is increasingly recognized in schemes to mitigate climate change effects and protect freshwater ecosystems. Assessing different riparian management strategies requires catchment‐scale understanding of how different planting scenarios would affect the stream energy balance, coupled with a quantitative assessment of spatial patterns of streamflow generation. Here, we use the physically based MIKE SHE model to integrate simulations of catchment‐scale run‐off generation and in‐stream hydraulics with a heat transfer model. This was calibrated to model the spatio‐temporal distribution of hourly stream water temperature during warm low flow periods in a Scottish salmon stream. The model was explored as a “proof of concept” for a tool to investigate the effects of riparian management on high stream water temperatures that could affect juvenile Atlantic salmon. Uncertainty was incorporated into the assessment using the generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation approach. Results showed that by decreasing both the warming (daylight hours) and the cooling (night‐time hours) rates, forest cover leads to a reduction of the temperature range (with a delay of the time to peak by up to 2 hr) and can therefore be effectively used to moderate projected climate change effects. The modelling presented here facilitated the quantification of potential mitigating effects of alternative riparian management strategies and provided a valuable tool that has potential to be utilized as an evidence base for catchment management guidance.  相似文献   

To efficiently manage northern pike (Esox lucius), information is needed on its habitat use and preference. However, knowledge gaps still exist, especially on pike habitat use and preference in rivers characterised by artificial environments. We investigated the use of the main river, tributaries and side arms at the macro-scale, and the use and preference of riparian habitats by adult pike at the meso-scale in an anthropogenically impacted river basin. Adult pike were followed in winter and spring by radio telemetry. At the macro-scale pike intensively used the main river in winter and spring, but also frequented specific side arms in winter and specific tributaries in spring, which may indicate the importance of these habitats to adult pike. At the meso-scale, reedy semi-natural banks were used the most, irrespective of any assumption on habitat availability or use. The findings underline the value of protecting the least impacted, (semi)natural habitats for adult pike in an anthropogenically impacted river system. The large behavioural differences in habitat use between individuals at both habitat scales further underline the importance of habitat heterogeneity. The results also provide insight into the impact of riparian habitat restoration on adult pike and may be used to more efficiently manage pike rivers, e.g. by enhancing the lateral connectivity with river side arms or by reconstructing natural riparian habitats.  相似文献   

Flow diversions are widespread and numerous throughout the semi‐arid mountains of the western United States. Diversions vary greatly in their structure and ability to divert water, but can alter the magnitude and duration of base and peak flows, depending upon their size and management. Channel geometry and riparian plant communities have adapted to unique hydrologic and geomorphic conditions existing in the areas subject to fluvial processes. We use geomorphic and vegetation data from low‐gradient (≤3%) streams in the Rocky Mountains of north‐central Colorado to assess potential effects of diversion. Data were collected at 37 reaches, including 16 paired upstream and downstream reaches and five unpaired reaches. Channel geometry data were derived from surveys of bankfull channel dimensions and substrate. Vegetation was sampled using a line‐point intercept method along transects oriented perpendicular to the channel, with a total of 100 sampling points per reach. Elevation above and distance from the channel were measured at each vegetation sampling point to analyze differences in lateral and vertical zonation of plant communities between upstream and downstream reaches. Geomorphic data were analyzed using mixed effects models. Bankfull width, depth, and cross‐sectional area decreased downstream from diversions. Vegetation data were analyzed using biological diversity metrics, richness, evenness and diversity, as well as multivariate community analysis. Evenness increased downstream from diversions, through reduced frequency of wetland indicator species and increased frequency of upland indicator species. Probability of occurrence for upland species downstream of a diversion increases at a greater rate beginning around 0·5 m above active channel. The results suggest that channel morphology and riparian plant communities along low‐gradient reaches in montane environments in the Colorado Rocky Mountains are impacted by diversion‐induced flow alteration, with the net effect of simplifying and narrowing the channel and homogenizing and terrestrializing riparian plant communities. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Biologically mediated redox processes in the riparian zone, like denitrification, can have substantially beneficial impacts on stream water quality. The extent of these effects, however, depends greatly on the hydrological boundary conditions. The impact of hydrological processes on a wetland's nitrogen sink capacity was investigated in a forested riparian fen which is drained by a first‐order perennial stream. Here, we analysed the frequency distributions and time‐series of pH and nitrogen, silica, organic carbon and oxygen concentrations in throughfall, soil solution, groundwater and stream water, and the groundwater levels and stream discharges from a 3‐year period. During baseflow conditions, the stream was fed by discharging shallow, anoxic groundwater and by deep, oxic groundwater. Whereas the latter delivered considerable amounts of nitrogen (~0·37 mg l?1) to the stream, the former was almost entirely depleted of nitrogen. During stormflow, near‐surface runoff in the upper 30 cm soil layer bypassed the denitrifying zone and added significant amounts to the nitrogen load of the stream. Nitrate‐nitrogen was close to 100% of deep groundwater and stream‐water nitrogen concentration. Stream‐water baseflow concentrations of nitrate, dissolved carbon and silica were about 1·6 mg l?1, 4 mg l?1 and 7·5 mg l?1 respectively, and >3 mg l?1, >10 mg l?1 and <4 mg l?1 respectively during discharge peaks. In addition to that macroscale bypassing effect, there was evidence for a corresponding microscale effect: Shallow groundwater sampled by soil suction cups indicated complete denitrification and lacked any seasonal signal of solute concentration, which was in contrast to piezometer samples from the same depth. Moreover, mean solute concentration in the piezometer samples resembled more that of suction‐cup samples from shallower depth than that of the same depth. We conclude that the soil solution cups sampled to a large extent the immobile soil‐water fraction. In contrast, the mobile fraction that was sampled by the piezometers exhibited substantially shorter residence time, thus being less exposed to denitrification, but predominating discharge of that layer to the stream. Consequently, assessing the nitrogen budget based on suction‐cup data tended to overestimate the nitrogen consumption in the riparian wetland. These effects are likely to become more important with the increased frequency and intensity of rainstorms that are expected due to climate change. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Biomarkers, which can detect changes at the biochemical level, have been used for many years as early warning tools in environmental monitoring. In order to distinguish between natural variability and the potential effects of anthropogenic pollution, it is essential to identify background levels and establish the potential influence of abiotic (season, temperature and salinity) and biotic (gametogenesis) factors. In this study, we examined various biomarkers of stress (glutathione S-transferase (GST)), reproduction (vitellin-like proteins) and damage (lipid peroxidation (LPO) and DNA damage (DNA)) in marine mussels (Mytilus spp.) from a known pristine hybrid zone. Levels of all biomarker expression varied between seasons and appeared to be linked to the reproductive cycle. Oxidative stress in winter, with low GST expression and a higher expression of LPO and DNA damage displayed could be explained by low food availability. These data provide vital baseline information for future ecotoxicological and environmental monitoring studies.  相似文献   

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