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The relation of magma and crustal activity has been studied from spatial distribution of 3He/4He ratios of gas and/or water samples over the Izu Peninsula, where significant crustal deformation associated with seismic swarm activities has been observed since 1970s. The air-corrected values of 3He/4He ratios ranged from 3.5 to 8.2 RA, where RA is the atmospheric 3He/4He ratio = 1.4 × 10? 6, indicating that helium is mostly of magmatic origin. Among the three pressure sources proposed to explain the crustal deformation, two inflation sources beneath the inland of northeast and the mid east coast of the Izu Peninsula locate in the broad distribution of high 3He/4He ratios, which supports relation of magma to the crustal uplift. In contrast, the distribution of 3He/4He ratios around the tensile fault assumed in the area of seismic swarms appears not to indicate existence of significant amount of magma below the tensile fault. Alternatively, the results suggest magma below a point several kilometers south of the tensile fault. The seismic swarms are explained either by fluid pressurization of thermal water heated by this magma or by intrusion of magma to the tensile fault moved obliquely from the deep magma reservoir.  相似文献   

The submarine eruption of a new small knoll, which was named Teishi knoll, off eastern Izu Peninsula behind the Izu-Mariana arc occurred in the evening of 13 July 1989. This is the first historic eruption of the Higashi-Izu monogenetic volcano group. The eruption of 13 July followed an earthquake swarm near Ito city starting on 30 June. There were subsequent volcanic tremors on 11 and 12 July, and the formation of the Teishi knoll on the 100 m deep insular shelf 4 km northeast of Ito city. There were five submarine explosions, which were characterized by intermittent domelike bulges of water and black tephra-jets, which occurred within 10 min on 13 July. Ejecta of the eruption was small in volume and composed of highly crystalline basalt scoria, highly vesiculated pumice, and lithic material. Petrographical features suggest that the pumice was produced by vesiculation of reheated wet felsic tuff of an older formation. The Teishi knoll, before the eruption, was a circular dome, 450 m across and 25 m high, with steep sides and a flat summit. Considerations of submarine topographic change indicate the knoll was raised by sill-like intrusion of 106 m3 of magma beneath a 30 m thick sediment blanket. This shallow intrusion is assumed to have started on 11 July when volcanic tremors were observed for the first time, but there was no indications of violent interaction between wet host sediments and intruding magma. The submarine eruption of 13 July appears to have been Friggered by a major lowering of the magma-column. The basalt scoria, having crystal-contents of more than 60%, is assumed to be derived from the cooled plastic margin of the shallow intrusive body. However, glassy scoria, which would indicate the interaction between hot fluidal magma and external water, was not observed. A scenario for the 1989 submarine eruption is as follows. When rapid subsidence of the hot interior of the intrusive magma occurred, reduced pressure caused the implosion of cooled plastic magma, adjacent pressurized, hot host material, and wet sediment. The mixing of these materials triggered the vigorous vapor explosions.  相似文献   

Evidence for abrupt coastal uplifts has been found in emerged sessile assemblages in a sea cave at the southern end of the Izu Peninsula, central Japan. We identified five sessile assemblage zones: Zones I to V, in ascending order. The uppermost zone (Zone I), located at an elevation of 2.7–3.5 m above the present‐day mean sea level (amsl), is a hard massive shellcrust consisting mainly of the barnacles Chthamalus challenger and the tube worm Pomatoleios kraussii. Zone II, at 2.35–2.7 m amsl, is dominated by well‐preserved individuals of C. challenger. Zone III, at 2.0–2.35 m amsl, is strongly eroded and consists mainly of C. challenger and P. kraussii. Zone IV, at 1.6–2.0 m amsl, is characterized by the co‐occurrence of very fresh shells of C. challenger and P. kraussii. Zone V (the lowest zone), at 1.0–1.60 m amsl, is characterized by the co‐occurrence of very fresh shells of Saccostrea kegaki and P. kraussii, and by the absence of C. challenger. Radiocarbon dating by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) and the presence of modern taxa in the sessile assemblages suggest that three episodes of coastal uplift have occurred in the area, during AD 570–820, AD 1000–1270, and AD 1430–1660, with magnitudes of 0.9–2.0 m, 0.3–0.8 m, and 1.9–2.2 m, respectively.  相似文献   

INTAE  LEE & YUJIRO  OGAWA 《Island Arc》1998,7(3):315-329
Sedimentary structures in the middle–late Miocene to early Pliocene Misaki Formation, Miura Group, Miura Peninsula, Central Japan, were studied, and paleocurrent data were interpreted as the result of deep-sea bottom-current flow. These current data were further compared with present-day bottom currents in the northwestern Pacific region. The Misaki Formation is thought to be a forearc deposit within the Izu oceanic arc, and is composed of thick volcaniclastic beds interbedded with siliceous biogenic clayey sediments. Sedimentary structures showing paleocurrent directions are involved in the upper part of the volcaniclastic beds, in the pumiceous beds just above the volcaniclastic beds, and in the pelagic sediments. Based on paleomagnetic data suggesting considerable rotation of the beds, all the current directions were reconstructed to their original orientation. The paleocurrents are summarized into the following three groups. The first group in the volcaniclastic beds indicates southeast-directed paleocurrent directions. The second group in the upper parts of volcaniclastic beds and in some pumiceous beds exhibits a southwest- and northeast-directed paleoflow. The third group usually observed in the pumiceous beds with parallel lamination displays a northwest- or southeast-directed paleocurrent. The origin of each group's paleoflow direction is attributed to turbidity current, internal tidal current, and contour current influences, respectively. Present-day observations of the deep-sea northwest Pacific suggest that most of the bottom-current indicators in the Misaki Formation are related to North Pacific Deep Water, possibly Antarctic Bottom Water as well as a combination of tidal and local effects. It is concluded that the beds of the Misaki Formation were deposited in the proto-Sagami basin ca 9 Ma and were formed under weak bottom currents in a wide and flat basin during colder climatic conditions, whereas the beds dated at ca 6 Ma were deposited under strong bottom-current flow, and were then accreted to the Honshu arc.  相似文献   

2009年8月9日日本伊豆群岛地震矩张量解   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘超  许力生  陈运泰 《地震学报》2009,31(5):586-588
2009年8月9日10点55分56秒协调世界时(UTC),在日本本州以南的伊豆群岛地区发生了Mw7.2地震,震源深度303km.作者利用矩张量快速反演技术,通过反演全球台网的宽频带P波波形得到了这次地震的矩张量解,并判断走向188deg;、倾角90deg;、滑动角79deg;的节面是地震发生的断层面.   相似文献   

The Upper Miocene-Lower Pliocene Shirahama Group of south Izu, Japan, is a sequence of volcanielastic shallow-sea sediments and subaqueous lava flows. It is gently warped with indistinct preferred orientation and is cross-cut by many andesitic intrusive bodies which range in size from less than a meter to several hundred meters. The intrusive bodies exhibit various shapes and weak preferred orientation, and often have hyaloclastic and peperitic textures along their peripheries. Hydrothermally altered and chaotically disturbed zones of host rocks also occur along the contacts. The areas where the intrusive bodies are abundant are almost coincident with the areas where the more inclined beds and synsedimentary faults are developed. The intrusive bodies dragged the surrounding beds with or without synsedimentary faults. Some intrusions occurred along the faults. Conjugate sets of the faults indicate that they were produced under unstable stress conditions. These relationships between the beds and the intrusive bodies are assumed to have originated mostly by interaction between hot magma and poorly consolidated wet sediments at a shallow depth beneath the sea floor. When the intrusions took place, the stress conditions in the beds were irregular and unstable, judging from the shapes and orientation of the intrusive bodies, and also from the deformation characteristics of the enclosing beds. Some of the intrusive bodies are probably feeder dikes which supplied lave to the Shirahama Group.  相似文献   

Ritsuo Nomura 《Island Arc》2021,30(1):e12421
The lower part of the Josoji Formation, Shimane Peninsula, contains clues for figuring out changes in deep-water characteristics during the opening of the Japan Sea. The foraminiferal assemblage includes early to middle Miocene biostratigraphic index taxa such as planktonic foraminiferal Globorotalia zealandica and Globorotaloides suteri. The occurrence of these two species, together with the absence of praeorbulinids, suggests that the lower part of the Josoji Formation is assigned to the top of planktonic foraminiferal Zone N7/M4 (16.39 Ma). The benthic foraminiferal assemblage, which is characterized by Cyclammina cancellata and Martinottiella communis, clearly suggests that the lower Josoji Formation was deposited at bathyal depths, and that it developed in association with the abrupt appearance of deep-sea calcareous forms. Such bathyal taxa are the main constituents of the Spirosigmoilinella compressa–Globobulimina auriculata Zone of the Josoji Formation and also of the Gyrodina–Gyroidinoides Zone at Ocean Drilling Program Site 797 in the Japan Sea. The base of these benthic foraminiferal zones can be correlated with the base of the nannofossil Sphenolithus heteromorphus Base Zone (= CNM6/CN3); thus, its estimated age is 17.65 Ma. This biostratigraphic information suggests that the lower Josoji Formation was deposited from shortly before 17.65–16.39 Ma in upper limit age. Evidence that fresh to brackish and shallow-water basins formed in the rifting interval of 20–18 Ma in the Japan Sea borderland suggests that the abrupt appearance of deep-sea calcareous foraminifera occurred about 1 my earlier in this area than in other sedimentary basins and suggests that a significant paleoceanographic change occurred in the proto-Japan Sea at 17.65 Ma.  相似文献   

Two Miocene basaltic andesite pillowed sills in the Shimane Peninsula, SW Japan, were intruded into wet marine sediments, plastically deforming them. The pillows are elongated, constricted, interconnected and relatively closely packed. Individual pillows have a poorly to moderately vesiculated, somewhat crystalline rind thinner than a few centimeters and a moderately to well vesiculated, more crystalline core; contraction cracks and spreading cracks are poorly developed. The pillows in the sills morphologically resemble pillow lava flows, and during sill intrusion, the magma bifurcated into pillow lobes in a manner similar to pillow lavas. Formation of pillows in sill probably occurs when the magma is intruded into wet sediments and protrudes fingers by the instability of the magma-sediment interface with little turbulence of magma flow.  相似文献   

Abstract The Shimanto accretionary complex on the Muroto Peninsula of Shikoku comprises two major units of Tertiary strata: the Murotohanto Sub-belt (Eocene-Oligocene) and the Nabae Sub-belt (Oligocene-Miocene). Both sub-belts have been affected by thermal overprints following the peak of accretion-related deformation. Palaeotemperatures for the entire Tertiary section range from ~ 140 to 315°C, based upon mean vitrinite reflectance values of 0.9–5.0%Rm. Values of illite crystallinity index are consistent with conditions of advanced diagenesis and anchimetamorphism. Illite/mica b0 lattice dimensions indicate that burial pressures were probably no greater than 2.5kbar. In general, levels of thermal maturity are higher for the Murotohanto Sub-belt than for the Nabae Sub-belt. The Eocene-Oligocene strata also display a spatial decrease in thermal maturity from south to north and this pattern probably was caused by regional-scale differential uplift following peak heating. Conversely, the palaeothermal structure within the Nabae Sub-belt is fairly uniform, except for the local effects of mafic intrusions at the tip of Cape Muroto. There is a paleotemperature difference of ~ 90°C across the boundary between the Murotohanto and Nabae Sub-belts (Shiina-Narashi fault), and this contrast is consistent with approximately 1200 m of post-metamorphic vertical offset. Subduction prior to Middle Miocene probably involved the Kula or fused Kula-Pacific plate and the background geothermal gradient during the Eocene-Oligocene phase of accretion was ~ 30–35°C/km. Rapid heating of the Shimanto Belt evidently occurred immediately after a Middle Miocene reorganization of the subduction boundary. Hot oceanic lithosphere from the Shikoku Basin first entered the subduction zone at ~ 15 Ma; this event also coincided with the opening of the Sea of Japan and the rapid clockwise rotation of southwest Japan. The background geothermal gradient at that time was ~ 70°C/km. Whether or not all portions of the inherited (Eocene-Oligocene) palaeothermal structure were overprinted during the Middle Miocene remains controversial.  相似文献   

WONN  SOH  KAZUO  NAKAYAMA & TAKU  KIMURA 《Island Arc》1998,7(3):330-341
The Pleistocene Ashigara Basin and adjacent Tanzawa Mountains, Izu collision zone, central Japan, are examined to better understand the development of an arc–arc orogeny, where the Izu–Bonin – Mariana (IBM) arc collides with the Honshu Arc. Three tectonic phases were identified based on the geohistory of the Ashigara Basin and the denudation history of the Tanzawa Mountains. In phase I, the IBM arc collided with the Honshu Arc along the Kannawa Fault. The Ashigara Basin formed as a trench basin, filled mainly by thin-bedded turbidites derived from the Tanzawa Mountains together with pyroclastics. The Ashigara Basin subsided at a rate of 1.7 mm/year, and the denudation rate of the Tanzawa Mountains was 1.1 mm/year. The onset of Ashigara Basin Formation is likely to be older than 2.2 Ma, interpreted as the onset of collision along the Kannawa Fault. Significant tectonic disruption due to the arc–arc collision took place in phase II, ranging from 1.1 to 0.7 Ma in age. The Ashigara Basin subsided abruptly (4.6 mm/year) and the accumulation rate increased to approximately 10 times that of phase I. Simultaneously, the Tanzawa Mountains were abruptly uplifted. A tremendous volume of coarse-grained detritus was provided from the Tanzawa Mountains and deposited in the Ashigara Basin as a slope-type fan delta. In phase III, 0.7–0.5 Ma, the entire Ashigara Basin was uplifted at a rate of 3.6 mm/year. This uplift was most likely caused by isostatic rebound resulting from stacking of IBM arc crust along the Kannawa Fault which is not active as the decollement fault by this time. The evolution of the Ashigara Basin and adjacent Tanzawa Mountains shows a series of the development of the arc–arc collision; from the subduction of the IBM arc beneath the Honshu Arc to the accretion of IBM arc crust onto Honshu. Arc–arc collision is not the collision between the hard crusts (massif) like a continent–continent collision, but crustal stacking of the subducting IBM arc beneath the Honshu Arc intercalated with very thick trench fill deposits.  相似文献   

Strong ground motions recorded in central Tokyo during the 1944 Tonankai Mw8.1 earthquake occurring in the Nankai Trough demonstrate significant developments of very large (>10 cm) and prolonged (>10 min) shaking of long-period (T > 10–12 s) ground motions in the basin of Tokyo located over 400 km from the epicenter. In order to understand the process by which such long-period ground motions developed in central Tokyo and to mitigate possible future disasters arising from large earthquakes in the Nankai Trough, we analyzed waveform data from a dense nation wide strong-motion network (K-NET and KiK-net) deployed across Japan for the recent SE Off-Kii Peninsula (Mw 7.4) earthquake of 5 September 2004 that occurred in the Nankai Trough. The observational data and a corresponding computer simulation for the earthquake clearly demonstrate that such long-period ground motion is primarily developed as the wave propagating along the Nankai Trough due to the amplification and directional guidance of long-period surface waves within a thick sedimentary layer overlaid upon the shallowly descending Philippine Sea Plate below the Japanese Island. Then the significant resonance of the seismic waves within the thick cover of sedimentary rocks of the Kanto Basin developed large and prolonged long-period motions in the center of Tokyo. The simulation results and observed seismograms are in good agreement in terms of the main features of the long-period ground motions. Accordingly, we consider that the simulation model is capable of predicting the long-period ground motions that are expected to occur during future Nankai Trough M 8 earthquakes.  相似文献   

The Torinosu Limestone represents carbonate platform deposits in a foreland basin, the sedimentary setting of which is highly different from those of well‐known Late Jurassic reefs in the western Tethys that developed on shelf areas of continental margins and intra‐Tethyan platforms. Sedimentological and paleontological analyses were conducted on a 55.5 m‐thick Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous (Tithonian–Berriasian) carbonate sequence (Torinosu Limestone) at the Eastern Hitotsubuchi Quarry, Kochi Prefecture, Southwest Japan. The carbonate sequence is composed of two sections that are separated by a subaerial exposure surface. Two and three depositional units have been defined in the lower and upper sections, respectively, based on changes in lithology and the biotic composition of the carbonates; they are numbered from 1 to 5, in ascending order. Calcified demosponges (stromatoporoids and a chaetetid Chaetetopsis crinita) are abundant in three units (2, 3, and 5), in which microencrusters (mostly Lithocodium aggregatum and Bacinella irregularis) and microbialites are also common to abundant. Although most of them are para‐allochthonous, in‐situ branching stromatoporoids are found on and above the subaerial exposure surface (unit 3). Corals are less common, poorly diverse, and primarily represented by the family Microsolenidae. Siliciclastic grains occur in all units, but they are particularly common in units 1 and 4. The co‐occurrence of the LithocodiumBacinella association, which is typical of oligotrophic or moderately mesotrophic shallow‐water environments, with microsolenids, which are indicative of high nutrient levels and/or low‐light intensity due to high turbidity, suggests repeated changes in nutrient levels associated with terrigenous input. Based on lithology, biotic composition, and succession, we infer that sea‐level changes and related terrigenous input controlled the sedimentary environment of the studied carbonate sequence.  相似文献   

Ayako  Ozawa  Takahiro  Tagami  Masafumi  Sudo 《Island Arc》2004,13(3):466-472
Abstract   A recent K–Ar study elucidated that eruptive style in the eastern Izu peninsula changed from polygenetic to monogenetic volcano at 0.3–0.2 Ma. To narrow down the time of change, we determined 10 K–Ar ages on Togasayama Andesite of Amagi volcano, the youngest polygenetic volcano in the area, and Togasayama Monogenetic Volcano, one of the oldest monogenetic volcanoes in the area, which overlies a part of the Togasayama Andesite. Dating results showed that the Togasayama Andesite effused at least from 0.34 to 0.20 Ma, whereas the Togasayama Monogenetic Volcano erupted at 0.26–0.29 Ma, suggesting that the northern part of the Togasayama Andesite effused after the eruption of the Togasayama Monogenetic Volcano. Considering previous data, it is therefore inferred that change of eruptive style in the eastern Izu area occurred during the period 0.29–0.20 Ma, with considerable overlap of both polygenetic and monogenetic volcanism.  相似文献   

Blubber and liver samples were obtained for analysis of wide ranges of contaminants from killer whales (Orcinus orca) which were locked away in drifting sea ice on the coast of Rausu, the Shiretoko Peninsula in Eastern Hokkaido, Japan in February 2005. Among the organohalogen compounds analyzed, DDTs were the predominant contaminants with concentrations ranging from 28 to 220 microg/g on a lipid-weight basis followed by PCBs and other organochlorine pesticides. PBDEs levels were two or three orders of magnitude lower than those of PCBs and DDTs. 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin toxic equivalents (TEQs) derived by WHO mammal-TEF in killer whales were in the range of 110-440 pgTEQ/g. Mono-ortho coplanar PCBs contributed to 75-98% of total TEQs, indicating coplanar PCBs are significant contaminants for risk assessment in this species. The fact that hepatic residue levels of butyltins (from 13 to 770 ng/g wet weight) were much higher than those of phenyltins may be reflecting extensive use of tributyltin as antifouling paint.  相似文献   

Hiroto  Ichishima 《Island Arc》1994,3(4):473-485
Abstract Kentriodon hobetsu , a new species, is described from a partial skull from the Middle Miocene Takinoue Formation, in Hokkaido, Japan. The holotype skull includes the base of the rostrum and a fairly well preserved braincase. The new species is distinguished clearly from previously described species of Kentriodon Kellogg, 1927, by the shape of the anterior margin of the pterygoid sinus fossa, the large premaxilla, rounded facial margin, and lesser development of rugosities and processes. This new record of Kentriodon , the first named kentriodontid dolphin from the western North Pacific, extends the geographic range of the genus significantly.  相似文献   

The Tosu pyroclastic flow deposit, a low-aspect-ratio ignimbrite (LARI), has widely distributed breccia facies around Aso caldera, Japan. The proximal facies, 9–34 km away from the source, consists of 3 different lithofacies, from bottom to top: a lithic-enriched and fines-depleted (FD) facies, a lithic-enriched (LI) facies with an ash matrix, and a fines- and pumice-enriched (NI) facies. Modes of emplacement of FD, LI, and NI are interpreted as ground layer, 2b-lithic-concentration zone, and normal ignimbrite, respectively. These stratigraphic components in the Tosu originated from the flow head (FD) and the flow body (LI and NI), and were generated by a single column collapse event. Remarkably thick FD and LI, in contrast to thin NI, suggest that due to high mobility most ash and punice fragments in the Tosu were carried and deposited as NI in the distal area. Heavier components were selectively deposited as FD and LI in the proximal area. The rate of falloff of lithic-clast size in the Tosu shows an inflection at 20 km from the source. In a survey of well-documented pyroclastic flows, the inflection distance of a LARI is generally greater than that of a high-aspect-ratio ignimbrite, so that the eruption of the former is probably more intense than the latter.  相似文献   

Rates of waterfall recession, and major factors that influence the rate, were studied using waterfalls in Boso Peninsula, Japan. The mean rate of waterfall recession was estimated by determining the age and original location. The principal factor in determining the rate of waterfall recession is the ratio of the erosive force of stream to the bedrock resistance. This is expressed in terms of measurable variables, which include the discharge (drainage area and precipitation), the width and height of the waterfall, and the unconfined compressive strength of the bedrock. An empirical equation connecting the force/resistance ratios and the rates of waterfall recession is derived. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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