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钼同位素比值的双稀释剂测定方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李津  朱祥坤  唐索寒 《地球学报》2011,32(5):601-609
本文报道了运用多接收器等离子体质谱测定Mo同位素组成的方法,测定过程中使用双稀释剂法校正仪器的质量分馏.Fisher-Mo标准溶液和双稀释剂的100Mo/97Mo使用Fisher-Pd标准溶液中的104pd/102pd标定,其他Mo同位素比值通过100Mo/97Mo标定;本文对运用双稀释剂技术进行Mo同位素测定的长期重...  相似文献   

本研究建立了适用于玄武岩、纯橄岩和页岩样品的阳离子树脂铬元素化学分离方法, 并采用双稀释剂校正化学分离和质谱仪测量过程中的质量分馏。在化学分离过程中铬有3个淋洗峰, 反映了盐酸体系中铬至少具有3种络合物。页岩样品中Al、Ti含量较高, 在淋洗过程中会有过载现象。采用了SRM 979对50Cr-54Cr双稀释剂进行了标定, 双稀释剂的铬同位素组成为50Cr/52Cr=41.66, 54Cr/52Cr=22.28。铬元素标准NIST 3112a相对于SRM 979的δ53Cr= –0.063±0.05‰(2SD, N=22)。玄武岩、纯橄岩等标准物质的结果与已发表数据在误差范围内一致, 精度达到国际同类实验室平均水平。  相似文献   

This study presents a high‐precision Cd isotope measurement method for soil and rock reference materials using MC‐ICP‐MS with double spike correction. The effects of molecular interferences (e.g., 109Ag1H+, 94Zr16O+, 94Mo16O+ and 70Zn40Ar+) and isobaric interferences (e.g., Pd, In and Sn) to Cd isotope measurements were quantitatively evaluated. When the measured solution has Ag/Cd ≤ 5, Zn/Cd ≤ 0.02, Mo/Cd ≤ 0.4, Zr/Cd ≤ 0.001, Pd/Cd ≤ 5 × 10?5 and In/Cd ≤ 10?3, the measured Cd isotope data were not significantly affected. The intermediate measurement precision of pure Cd solutions (BAM I012 Cd, Münster Cd and AAS Cd) was better than ± 0.05‰ (2s) for δ114/110Cd. The δ114/110Cd values of soil reference materials (NIST SRM 2709, 2709a, 2710, 2710a, 2711, 2711a and GSS‐1) relative to NIST SRM 3108 were in the range of ?0.251 to 0.632‰, the δ114/110Cd values of rock reference materials (BCR‐2, BIR‐1, BHVO‐2, W‐2, AGV‐2, GSP‐2 and COQ‐1) varied from ?0.196‰ to 0.098‰, and that of the manganese nodule (NOD‐P‐1) was 0.163 ± 0.040‰ (2s, n = 8). The large variation in Cd isotopes in soils and igneous rocks indicates that they can be more widely used to study magmatic and supergene processes.  相似文献   

Chromium (Cr) isotopes have been widely used in various fields of Earth and planetary sciences. However, high‐precision measurements of Cr stable isotope ratios are still challenged by difficulties in purifying Cr and organic matter interference from resin using double‐spike thermal ionisation mass spectrometry. In this study, an improved and easily operated two‐column chemical separation procedure using AG50W‐X12 (200–400 mesh) resin is introduced. This resin has a higher cross‐linking density than AG50W‐X8, and this higher density generates better separation efficiency and higher saturation. Organic matter from the resin is a common cause of inhibition of the emission of Cr during analysis by TIMS. Here, perchloric and nitric acids were utilised to eliminate organic matter interference. The Cr isotope ratios of samples with lower Cr contents could be measured precisely by TIMS. The long‐term intermediate measurement precision of δ53/52CrNIST SRM 979 for BHVO‐2 is better than ± 0.031‰ (2s) over one year. Replicated digestions and measurements of geological reference materials (OKUM, MUH‐1, JP‐1, BHVO‐1, BHVO‐2, AGV‐2 and GSP‐2) yield δ53/52CrNIST SRM 979 results ranging from ?0.129‰ to ?0.032‰. The Cr isotope ratios of geological reference materials are consistent with the δ53/52CrNIST SRM 979 values reported by previous studies, and the measurement uncertainty (± 0.031‰, 2s) is significantly improved.  相似文献   

The geochemistry of Re-Os and the recent use of Re as a non-traditional stable isotope both need accurate and precise quantification of 187Re/185Re ratios. This paper reports rhenium isotopic data obtained from the analysis of a standard solution and geological samples by MC-ICP-MS. We show that measured isotopic ratios are modified by matrix effects that cannot be accounted for by the standard solution bracketing technique. The bias resulting from measurements on a spiked (185Re-enriched) sample is shown to alter the apparent Re concentration by several percent. When spiking samples and calibrators with tungsten, simultaneous measurement of tungsten and rhenium isotopes compensates for the matrix-induced modification of mass bias. Rhenium and tungsten are shown to have different fractionation factors. This may be due to the fact that the two elements fractionate in a different but systematic way, or that the reference isotopic ratios used for elemental Re and W are incoherent with one another. The consistency of fractionation through time can be used to obtain an empirical relationship between W and Re measured ratios from a standard solution to obtain a sample's fractionation-corrected 187Re/185Re spiked ratio on samples containing pg g−1 levels of Re, even if some matrix capable of affecting mass bias remains in the final solution.  相似文献   

Magnesium Isotope Compositions of Natural Reference Materials   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study presents a chemical protocol for the separation of Mg that is particularly adapted to alkali‐rich samples (granite, soil, plants). This protocol was based on a combination of two pre‐existing methods: transition metals were first removed from the sample using an AG‐MP1 anion‐exchange resin, followed by the separation of alkalis (Na, K) and bivalent cations (Ca2+, Mn2+ and Sr2+) using a AG50W‐X12 cation‐exchange resin. This procedure allowed Mg recovery of ~ 10 0 ± 8%. The [Σcations]/[Mg] molar ratios in all of the final Mg fractions were lower than 0.05. The Mg isotope ratios of eleven reference materials were analysed using two different MC‐ICP‐MS instruments (Isoprobe and Nu Plasma). The long‐term reproducibility, assessed by repeated measurements of Mg standard solutions and natural reference materials, was 0.14‰. The basalt (BE‐N), limestone (Cal‐S) and seawater (BCR‐403) reference materials analysed in this study yielded δ26Mg mean values of ?0.28 ± 0.08‰, ?4.37 ± 0.11‰ and ?0.89 ± 0.10‰ respectively, in agreement with published data. The two continental rocks analysed, diorite (DR‐N) and granite (GA), yielded δ26Mg mean values of ?0.50 ± 0.08‰ and ?0.75 ± 0.14‰, respectively. The weathering products, soil (TILL‐1) and river water (NIST SRM 1640), gave δ26Mg values of ?0.40 ± 0.07‰ and ?1.27 ± 0.14‰, respectively. We also present, for the first time, the Mg isotope composition of bulk plant and organic matter. Rye flour (BCR‐381), sea lettuce (Ulva lactuva) (BCR‐279), natural hairgrass (Deschampsia flexuosa) and lichen (BCR‐482) reference materials gave δ26Mg values of ?1.10 ± 0.14‰, ?0.90 ± 0.19‰, ?0.50 ± 0.22‰ and ?1.15 ± 0.27‰ respectively. Plant δ26Mg values fell within the range defined by published data for chlorophylls.  相似文献   

Ti separation was achieved by ion-exchange chromatography using Bio-Rad AG 1-X8 anion-exchange and DGA resins. For high-Fe/Ti and high-Mg/Ti igneous samples, a three-column procedure was required, whereas a two-column procedure was used for low-Fe/Ti and low-Mg/Ti igneous samples. The Ti isotopes were analysed by MC-ICP-MS, and instrumental mass bias was corrected using a 47Ti-49Ti double-spike technique. The 47Ti-49Ti double-spike and SRM 3162a were calibrated using SRM 979-Cr, certificated value 53Cr/52Crtrue = 0.11339. Isobaric interference was evaluated by analysing Alfa-Ti doped with Na, Mg, Ca, and Mo, and results indicate that high concentrations of Na and Mg have no significant effect on Ti isotope analyses; however, Ca and Mo interferences lead to erroneous δ49/47Ti values when Ca/Ti and Mo/Ti ratios exceed 0.01 and 0.1, respectively. Titanium isotopic compositions were determined for 12 igneous reference materials, BCR-2, BHVO-2, GBW07105, AGV-1, AGV-2, W-2, GBW07123, GBW07126, GBW07127, GBW07101, JP-1, and DTS-2b. Samples yield δ49/47Ti (‰) of ?0.035 ± 0.022, ?0.038 ± 0.031, 0.031 ± 0.022, 0.059 ± 0.038, 0.044 ± 0.037, 0.000 ± 0.015, 0.154 ± 0.044, ?0.044 ± 0.018, 0.010 ± 0.022, 0.064 ± 0.043, 0.169 ± 0.034, and ?0.047 ± 0.025 (relative to OL-Ti, ±2SD), respectively; of which isotopic compositions of DTS-2b, JP-1, GBW07101, GBW07105, GBW07123, GBW07126, and GBW07127 are reported for the first time. Standard Alfa-Ti was analysed repeatedly over a ten-month period, indicating a reproducibility of ±0.047 (2SD) for δ49/47Ti, similar to the precisions obtained for geochemical reference materials.  相似文献   

We report here a newly developed method for measurement of Li isotopes by use of multi-collector ICP-MS (Neptune) allowing rapid and high precision determination of Li isotope ratios at low levels of lithium (15–20 ng). The lithium reference sample solution IRMM-016 was analysed over a period of ten months with an external reproducibility of 0.24% (2s, n = 52). Chemical separation of Li from matrix was performed on the seawater sample IRMM BCR-403, for which a mean δ7Li value of + 31.0 ± 0.1 % (2s/√n, n = 31) was obtained. This mean value is in good agreement with those previously published for other seawater samples. BCR-403 seawater being readily available, we propose that this seawater sample be used as a reference sample for Li isotope measurements.  相似文献   

Thallium stable isotope ratio and mass fraction measurements were performed on sixteen geological reference materials spanning three orders of magnitude in thallium mass fraction, including both whole rock and partially separated mineral powders. For stable isotope ratio measurements, a minimum of three independent digestions of each reference material was obtained. High‐precision trace element measurements (including Tl) were also performed for the majority of these RMs. The range of Tl mass fractions represented is 10 ng g?1 to 16 μg g?1, and Tl stable isotope ratios (reported for historical reasons as ε205Tl relative to NIST SRM 997) span the range ?4 to +2. With the exception – attributed to between‐bottle heterogeneity – of G‐2, the majority of data are in good agreement with published or certified values, where available. The precision of mean of independent measurement results between independent dissolutions suggests that, for the majority of materials analysed, a minimum digested mass of 100 mg is recommended to mitigate the impact of small‐scale powder heterogeneity. Of the sixteen materials analysed, we therefore recommend for use as Tl reference materials the USGS materials BCR‐2, COQ‐1, GSP‐2 and STM‐1; CRPG materials AL‐I, AN‐G, FK‐N, ISH‐G, MDO‐G, Mica‐Fe, Mica‐Mg and UB‐N; NIST SRM 607 and OREAS14P.  相似文献   

刘婉  李丹丹  刘盛遨 《岩矿测试》2021,40(4):561-569
近年来,铜同位素在表生环境和生物地球化学中的应用越来越广泛,尤其是土壤的铜同位素组成可以示踪环境污染物来源及生物地球化学过程。目前,对土壤铜同位素进行研究时,主要以硅酸岩标准物质为标样来衡量土壤样品铜同位素测定的准确性和精确性。但土壤与硅酸岩中铜、基质离子及有机质的含量等存在很大差异(如:硅酸岩中的铜含量>80μg/g,一些土壤中的铜含量很低, < 20μg/g),将硅酸岩标准物质作为标样来监测土壤样品的数据质量缺乏代表性。为了弥补这一缺陷,本文精确测定4个国家土壤标准物质(GBW07443、GBW07425、GBW07427、GBW07389)的铜同位素组成,并将其作为检验土壤样品铜同位素测定过程中的标准。实验中采用高温高压反应釜消解样品,利用AG MP-1M树脂进行纯化,全流程空白 < 2ng,回收率≥ 98%,通过多接收器电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(MC-ICP-MS)采用标样-样品-标样间插法进行仪器分馏校正,δ65Cu的长期测试外精度优于0.05‰(n=306,2SD)。GBW07443、GBW07425、GBW07427和GBW07389的铜同位素组成分别为-0.04‰±0.04‰(n=9,2SD)、-0.07‰±0.05‰(n=12,2SD)、-0.06‰±0.04‰(n=12,2SD)、-0.02‰±0.06‰(n=12,2SD)。这些土壤标准物质的铜同位素组成均位于0附近,大致为自然界土壤铜同位素比值变化范围(-0.5‰~+0.5‰)的中间值,且样品容易获得,其化学和铜同位素组成均一,适合作为监控土壤铜同位素化学及质谱分析数据可靠性的标准物质。  相似文献   

Laser ablation multi-collector mass spectrometry (LA-MC-ICP-MS) has emerged as the technique of choice for in situ measurements of Sr isotopes in geological minerals. However, the method poses analytical challenges and there is no widely adopted standardised approach to collecting these data or correcting the numerous potential isobaric inferences. Here, we outline practical analytical procedures and data reduction strategies to help establish a consistent framework for collecting and correcting Sr isotope measurements in geological materials by LA-MC-ICP-MS. We characterise a new set of plagioclase reference materials, which are available for distribution to the community, and present a new data reduction scheme for the Iolite software package to correct isobaric interferences for different materials and analytical conditions. Our tests show that a combination of Kr-baseline subtraction, Rb-peak-stripping using βRb derived from a bracketing glass reference material, and a CaCa or CaAr correction for plagioclase and CaCa or CaAr + REE2+ correction for rock glasses, yields the most accurate and precise 87Sr/86Sr measurements for these materials. Using the analytical and correction procedures outlined herein, spot analyses using a beam diameter of 100 μm or rastering with a 50–65 μm diameter beam can readily achieve < 100 ppm 2SE repeatability ("internal") precision for 87Sr/86Sr measurements for materials with < 1000 μg g-1 Sr.  相似文献   

A double‐spike method in combination with MC‐ICP‐MS was applied to obtain molybdenum (Mo) mass fractions and stable isotope compositions in a suite of sedimentary silicate (marine, lake, stream, estuarine, organic‐rich sediment, shales, slate, chert) and carbonate reference materials (coral, dolomite, limestones, carbonatites), and a manganese nodule reference material, poorly characterised for stable Mo isotope compositions. The Mo contents vary between 0.076 and 364 μg g?1, with low‐Mo mass fractions (< 0.29 μg g?1) found almost exclusively in carbonates. Intermediate Mo contents (0.73–2.70 μg g?1) are reported for silicate sediments, with the exception of chert JCh‐1 (0.24 μg g?1), organic‐rich shale SGR‐1b (36.6 μg g?1) and manganese nodule NOD‐A‐1 (364 μg g?1). The Mo isotope compositions (reported as δ98Mo relative to NIST SRM 3134) range from ?1.77 to 1.03‰, with the intermediate precision varying between ± 0.01 and ± 0.12‰ (2s) for most materials. Low‐temperature carbonates show δ98Mo values ranging from 0.21 to 1.03‰ whereas δ98Mo values of ?1.77 and ?0.17‰ were obtained for carbonatites CMP‐1 and COQ‐1, respectively. Silicate materials have δ98Mo values varying from ?1.56 to 0.73‰. The range of δ98Mo values in reference materials may thus reflect the increasingly important relevance of Mo isotope investigations in the fields of palaeoceanography, weathering, sedimentation and provenance, as well as the magmatic realm.  相似文献   

In this study we determined rubidium isotope ratios in twenty-one commonly used international geological reference materials, including igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, as well as an IAPSO seawater reference material. All δ87Rb results were obtained relative to the NIST SRM 984 reference material. For most reference materials, Rb was purified using a single column loaded with Sr-spec resin. For reference materials containing low Rb but high mass fractions of matrix elements (such as basic rock and seawater), Rb was purified using two-column chromatography, with the first column packed with AGMP-50 resin and the second column packed with Sr-spec resin. Two methods for instrumental mass bias correction, sample-standard bracketing (SSB) mode, and the combined sample-standard bracketing and Zr internal normalisation (C-SSBIN) method, were compared for Rb isotopic measurements by multi-collector inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS). The long-term reproducibility of Rb isotopic measurements using both methods was similar, better than 0.06‰ (2s, standard deviation) for NIST SRM 984. Significant Rb isotopic fractionation was observed among the reference materials, with an overall variation in δ87Rb values of approximately 0.5‰. The δ87Rb values of igneous rocks ranged from -0.28‰ to +0.06‰, showing a trend from heavier isotopic compositions in mafic rocks to lighter δ87Rb values in the more evolved felsic rocks. The sedimentary and metamorphic rocks had Rb isotope ratios similar to those of igneous rocks. The δ87Rb values of the reference materials related to low-temperature geological processes showed a wider range than those of high-temperature processes. Notably, the IAPSO seawater reference material had a δ87Rb value of +0.14‰, which deviated from that of igneous rocks, and represents the heaviest reservoir of Rb isotopes found thus far on Earth. The comprehensive dataset presented here has the potential to serve for quality assurance purposes, and provide a framework for interlaboratory comparisons of Rb isotope ratios.  相似文献   

The CRPG (Nancy, France) has prepared secondary reference materials for Li isotope measurements by mixing 7Li or 6Li spikes and either L-SVEC or IRMM-016 certified reference materials to produce solutions having a known Li concentration and isotopic composition. The Li7-N and Li6-N solution samples (1.5 mol l−1 HNO3) have nominal δ7Li isotopic compositions of 30.1‰ and -9.7‰ respectively relative to L-SVEC and concentrations of 100 mg l−1. Repeated measurement of these samples using the QUAD-ICP-MS at the CRPG yielded δ7Li of 30.4 ± 1.1‰ (n = 13) and -8.9 ± 0.9‰ (n = 9) at the 2s level of confidence. An additional LiCl-N solution was measured and yielded a delta value of 9.5 ± 0.6‰ (n = 3). Identical results were obtained at the BRGM (Orléans, France) from determinations performed with a Neptune MC-ICP-MS (30.2 ± 0.3‰, n = 89 for the Li7-N, -8.0 ± 0.3‰, n = 38 for the Li6-N and 10.1 ± 0.2‰, n = 46 for LiCl-N at the 2s level of confidence). The deviation of measured composition relative to the nominal value for the Li6-N solution might be explained by either contamination during preparation or an error during sample weighing. These secondary reference materials, previously passed through ion exchange resin or directly analysed, may be used for checking the accuracy of Li isotopic measurements over a range of almost 40‰ and will be available to the scientific community upon request to J. Carignan or N. Vigier, CRPG.  相似文献   

This work presents new 87Sr/86Sr and δ88/86SrSRM987 isotopic values of thirteen mineral, vegetal and animal reference materials. Except for UB‐N, all our results are consistent with previously published data. Our results highlight intermediate precisions among the best presently published and a non‐significant systematic shift with the calculated δ88/86SrSRM987 mean values for the three most analysed reference materials in the literature (i.e., IAPSO, BCR‐2 and JCp‐1). By comparison with the literature and between two distinct digestions, a significant bias of δ88/86SrSRM987 values was highlighted for two reference materials (UB‐N and GS‐N). It has also been shown that digestion protocols (nitric and multi‐acid) have a moderate impact on the δ88/86SrSRM987 isotopic values for the Jls‐1 reference materials suggesting that a nitric acid digestion of carbonate can be used without significant bias from partial digestion of non‐carbonate impurities. Different δ88/86SrSRM987 values were measured after two independent Sr/matrix separations, according to the same protocol, for a fat‐rich organic reference material (BCR‐380R) and have been related to a potential post‐digestion heterogeneity. Finally, the δ88/86SrSRM987 value differences measured between animal‐vegetal and between coral‐seawater reference materials agree with the previously published results, highlighting an Sr isotopic fractionation along the trophic chain and during carbonate precipitation.  相似文献   

The present study evaluates several critical issues related to precision and accuracy of Cu and Zn isotopic measurements with application to estuarine particulate materials. Calibration of reference materials (such as the IRMM 3702 Zn) against the JMC Zn and NIST Cu reference materials were performed in wet and/or dry plasma modes (Aridus I and DSN‐100) on a Nu Plasma MC‐ICP‐MS. Different mass bias correction methods were compared. More than 100 analyses of certified reference materials suggested that the sample‐calibrator bracketing correction and the empirical external normalisation methods provide the most reliable corrections, with long term external precisions of 0.06 and 0.07‰ (2SD), respectively. Investigation of the effect of variable analyte to spike concentration ratios on Zn and Cu isotopic determinations indicated that the accuracy of Cu measurements in dry plasma is very sensitive to the relative Cu and Zn concentrations, with deviations of δ65Cu from ?0.4‰ (Cu/Zn = 4) to +0.4‰ (Cu/Zn = 0.2). A quantitative assessment (with instrumental mass bias corrections) of spectral and non‐spectral interferences (Ti, Cr, Co, Fe, Ca, Mg, Na) was performed. Titanium and Cr were the most severe interfering constituents, contributing to inaccuracies of ?5.1‰ and +0.60‰ on δ68/64Zn, respectively (for 500 μg l?1 Cu and Zn standard solutions spiked with 1000 μg l?1 of Ti or Cr). Preliminary isotopic results were obtained on contrasting sediment matrices from the Scheldt estuary. Significant isotopic fractionation of zinc (from 0.21‰ to 1.13‰ for δ66Zn) and copper (from ?0.38‰ to 0.23‰ for δ65Cu), suggest a control by physical mixing of continental and marine water masses, characterized by distinct Cu and Zn isotopic signatures. These results provide a stepping‐stone to further evaluate the use of Cu and Zn isotopes as biogeochemical tracers in estuarine environments.  相似文献   

We have developed a new chemical procedure for the quantitative separation of molybdenum (Mo) and rhenium (Re) from a wide variety of geological samples. A single pass anion exchange separation provided complete recovery of pure Mo and Re in a form that was ideal for subsequent isotope and abundance determination by multi-collector inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (MC-ICP-MS). An enriched 100Mo-97Mo solution, mixed with the sample before digestion, enabled natural mass-dependant isotopic fractionation of Mo to be determined with an external reproducibility of < 0.12‰ (δ98Mo/95Mo, 2 s ). Determination of the concentration of Mo and Re in the same sample was achieved by isotope dilution, with instrumental mass-fractionation of Re being corrected by the simultaneous measurement of the 191Ir/193Ir ratio. We have applied the new procedure to a variety of samples, including seawater, basalt and organic-rich mudrock. The procedure is ideally suited to palaeoredox studies requiring the precise determination of the Mo isotope composition and the Re/Mo ratio from the same sample.  相似文献   

The Li isotope ratios of four international rock reference materials, USGS BHVO-2, GSJ JB-2, JG-2, JA-1 and modern seawater (Mediterranean, Pacific and North Atlantic) were determined using multi-collector inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS). These reference materials of natural samples were chosen to span a considerable range in Li isotope ratios and cover several different matrices in order to provide a useful benchmark for future studies. Our new analytical technique achieves significantly higher precision and reproducibility (< ± O.3%o 2s) than previous methods, with the additional advantage of requiring very low sample masses of ca . 2 ng of Li.  相似文献   

Iron, Cu and Zn stable isotope systems are applied in constraining a variety of geochemical and environmental processes. Secondary reference materials have been developed by the Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (CAGS), in collaboration with other participating laboratories, comprising three solutions (CAGS‐Fe, CAGS‐Cu and CAGS‐Zn) and one basalt (CAGS‐Basalt). These materials exhibit sufficient homogeneity and stability for application in Fe, Cu and Zn isotopic ratio determinations. Reference values were determined by inter‐laboratory analytical comparisons involving up to eight participating laboratories employing MC‐ICP‐MS techniques, based on the unweighted means of submitted results. Isotopic compositions are reported in per mil notation, based on reference materials IRMM‐014 for Fe, NIST SRM 976 for Cu and IRMM‐3702 for Zn. Respective reference values of CAGS‐Fe, CAGS‐Cu and CAGS‐Zn solutions are as follows: δ56Fe = 0.83 ± 0.07 and δ57Fe = 1.20 ± 0.13, δ65Cu = 0.57 ± 0.06, and δ66Zn = ?0.79 ± 0.12 and δ68Zn = ?1.65 ± 0.24, respectively. Those of CAGS‐Basalt are δ56Fe = 0.15 ± 0.07, δ57Fe = 0.22 ± 0.10, δ65Cu = 0.12 ± 0.08, δ66Zn = 0.17 ± 0.13, and δ68Zn = 0.34 ± 0.26 (2s).  相似文献   

钨矿石和钼矿石具有丰富的共生或伴生元素,检测共生或伴生元素的含量有利于矿产资源的综合利用.在国家标准方法中钨矿石和钼矿石的共生或伴生元素含量是按元素分别检测,效率很低.本文在敞开体系中用盐酸+硝酸+氢氟酸+高氯酸消解样品,以7%盐酸溶解盐类,电感耦合等离子体发射光谱同时测定钨矿石和钼矿石中铋、钴、铜、锂、镍、磷、铅、锶、钒、锌等10种微量元素.选定了各元素的分析谱线和光谱级次,采用离峰背景校正法消除背景干扰,干扰元素校正系数法消除元素间的谱线重叠干扰.方法检出限为1.43 ~ 18.8 μg/g,加标回收率为90% ~ 110%.经钨矿石和钼矿石标准物质分析验证,测定结果与标准值基本吻合,方法精密度(RSD,n=10)小于8%.该方法克服了碱熔引入大量碱金属元素以及可能引入杂质的缺陷,又不用处理钨酸和钼酸沉淀,能快速测定钨矿石和钼矿石中微量共生或伴生元素.  相似文献   

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