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Although biological diversity has emerged in the 1980s as a major scientific and political issue, efforts at scientific assessment have been hampered by the lack of cohesive sets of data. We describe, in concept, a comprehensive national diversity information system, using geographical information system (GIS) techniques to organize existing data and improve spatial aspects of the assessment. One potential GIS analysis, to identify gaps in the network of nature reserves for California, is discussed in greater detail. By employing an information systems approach, available data can be used more effectively and better management strategies can be formulated.  相似文献   

Application of geostatistics in estimating recoverable reserves of beach sand deposit is rare. This paper made an attempt to estimate local recoverable reserves using disjunctive kriging and discrete Gaussian model considering support and information effects for a beach sand deposit located in the eastern part of India. The dependence of different selective mining unit (SMU) sizes and different production sampling strategies on the estimated tonnage, metal quantity, and the ore tonnage versus metal quantity relationships has been examined. The results of the study show that nonlinear geostatistics should be used for more precise assessment of the grade, ore tonnage, and metal quantity and their relationships, which are necessary for recoverable reserve estimation. In selective mining operation, both support and information effects have significant influence on recoverable reserve. Recoverable reserve estimation based on SMU involves estimating grade distributions of mining unit with much bigger support than the available drill core sample data. Information effect comes into picture from the real scenario where the actual grades of the blocks remain unknown even during mining. At the mining stage, discrimination of ore and waste blocks is carried out based on estimated grades of the production samples and it is likely that the blocks might be misclassified as either ore or waste and thus sent to wrong destination. Information effect modeling makes the estimation more reliable by taking care of misclassification.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, soil moisture products derived from microwave remote sensing data have gained increasing attention for the monitoring of agricultural, hydrological and climate processes. ERS-1 and ERS-2 scatterometer-derived time series of data available since 1992 enable the user to analyze the change of soil moisture patterns over time and to monitor events deviating from the normal. In this paper, ERS scatterometer-derived soil moisture products are compared with known occurrences of heavy rain and drought related to the strong El Niño (EN) event of 1997/1998. We investigated globally if the typical EN-related short term climate changes can be depicted in soil moisture data. EN consequences and their manifestation in the data are presented for the Americas, Africa and Asia. Furthermore, the weather situation during the EN event in China is compared to the scatterometer-derived soil moisture data set in more detail. It could be observed that most EN-related climate variations on the different continents are clearly reflected by remote sensing soil moisture data. Heavy rain and drought conditions reported in daily media, science papers, and forecasts by the NOAA Climate Prediction Center can be observed in anomaly data sets showing the deviation of soil moisture from the average. This also applies for the strong EN-related flood, which hit China in 1998 and following La Niña-related droughts. These analyses thus serve to demonstrate that information relevant to climatology is contained in the satellite scatterometer-derived soil moisture product, as well as in anomaly time series, derived from the existing soil moisture time series. Our procedure thus consisted of soil moisture time series calculation, soil moisture anomaly calculation, creation of time series and anomaly maps and the comparison of anomalies with meteorological data on three continents for the time period of outstanding El Nino years. The soil moisture data of TU Wien is available via the internet free of charge.  相似文献   

The geological coal resource of the U.S. is abundant and proved coal reserves are listed as the world’s largest. However, the reserves are unevenly distributed and located in a small number of states, giving them major influence over future production. A long history of coal mining provides detailed time series of production and reserve estimates, which can be used to identify historical trends. In reviewing the historical evolution of coal reserves, one can state that the trend here does not point toward any major increases in available recoverable reserves; rather the opposite is true due to restrictions and increased focus on environmental impacts from coal extraction. Future coal production will not be entirely determined by what is geologically available, but rather by the fraction of that amount that is practically recoverable. Consequently, the historical trend toward reduced recoverable amounts is likely to continue into the future, with even stricter regulations imposed by increased environmental concern. Long-term outlooks can be created in many ways, but ultimately the production must be limited by recoverable volumes since coal is a finite resource. The geologic amounts of coal are of much less importance to future production than the practically recoverable volumes. The geological coal supply might be vast, but the important question is how large the share that can be extracted under present restrictions are and how those restrictions will develop in the future. Production limitations might therefore appear much sooner than previously expected.  相似文献   

自然保护区是生态旅游最主要的实践场地。在可持续发展的大背景下,全球各地大量的自然保护区开展了生态旅游实践探索,并且取得了丰富的实践经验。生态旅游在自然保护区实践中的主要经验包括:建立生态旅游认证体系,成立促进社区参与的管理机构和构建生态旅游实践标准。本研究中以辽宁省的白石砬子、医巫闾山和海棠山三个国家级自然保护区为例,采用问卷调查、田野调查、访谈等方法对当地居民、游客、景区工作人员、自然保护区工作人员、当地媒体等群体进行调查,获取一手资料。通过综合分析发现,当前生态旅游在自然保护区可持续发展的阻碍因素包括两大方面,第一个方面是普遍性阻碍因素,具体包括:(1)环境教育的缺失;(2)社区参与的不足;(3)游客管理的不规范;(4)自然保护区管理机构与当地政府的矛盾冲突(条块矛盾)。第二个方面的阻碍因素是由于每个自然保护区具体的自然环境、社会文化等不同而引起的千差万别的各个自然保护区生态旅游发展的具体性阻碍因素。针对生态旅游在自然保护区实践面临的阻碍因素,本研究提出了五项措施:(1)正确认识并且尽力满足利益相关者的合理利益诉求;(2)完善自然保护区生态旅游的协调机制体系;(3)增加自然保护区管理机构的社会效益职责;(4)自然保护区生态旅游经营权、监督权分离;(5)加强对自然保护区生态旅游游客的环境教育。  相似文献   

Bagirov  E.  Bagirov  B.  Lerche  I.  Mamedova  S. 《Natural Resources Research》1999,8(4):299-313
Original field data reports from the Azerbaijan sector of the South Caspian Basin have been used to compile statistical histograms of reservoir characteristics for both onshore and offshore oil fields. Two groups of statistics are presented here: the first group discusses reservoir thickness, areas, volumes, and horizon depths for the onshore and offshore fields; the second group discusses permeability, porosity, oil viscosity, oil recovery factor, reserves, and production for the onshore and offshore fields. These statistical distributions have been constructed so that one has available an historical database for use in assessing the range of likely reservoir characteristics in exploration ventures in this basin.  相似文献   


Attempts have been made by different organizations in India to organize data in order to develop a suitable information system. These attempts were oriented towards specific uses, such as natural resources, data management, thematic mapping and the like. In some attempts software has been developed for some specific purpose. It is not an easy task to develop an information system for a country such as India. Its extent in latitude and longitude is well above average. There are federal and state agencies for the collection of data and the preparation of maps. The geographical information concerning India is available from the following sources: the administrative areas of states, union territories, districts, sub-districts and villages; survey sheets; remote sensing images; aerial photographs; and thematic base maps of the National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organisation. There are other map series available which have been used for socio-economic mapping. By the end of 1987 the Indian Remote Sensing Satellite will be launched and then remotely-sensed data will be readily available. Considering the geographical bases available in the country, five levels can be identified for developing an information system for India. Some of the thematic maps at 1:1000 000 scale can be used for initiating such a geographical information system.  相似文献   

The magnitude of the world's mineral consumption has increased sharply, and there is no sign that growth is likely to stop in the near future. Currently, new discoveries and technology add to the reserves of varous mineral commodities at a rate that has exceeded depletion. As a result, life expectancies have remained nearly constant. However, it is questionable whether this condition is sustainable in the future. Therefore, most of our attention to the future has been focused on potentially recoverable resources. The potentially recoverable resources for 35 minerals in the Earth's crust were estimated based on the relationship between crustal abundance and the reserve of currently recoverable gold. The ratio of the reserve plus cumulative consumption to the abundance of gold is appropriate for calculating reserves of other mineral resources because gold has the highest profit margin for exploration of reserves. From an economic perspective, the price of gold is 350 times the mean value of 33 other resources for calculating production versus price. New mining technologies and new processing methods have been developed during the last 20 years as a response to high prices. As a result, five times the reserves available in 1970 have now been discovered, and two times the reserves available in 1970 were consumed during the past two decades. It is questionable whether other mineral commodities can reach the ratio of reserve plus cumulative consumption to abundance that gold does. Using this concept, the limit of the Earth's resources under present technology was calculated for 35 mineral resources, based on the ratio of the reserve plus cumulative consumption to abundance for gold. Even though recoverable tonnage of lead, silver, tin, boron, copper, and mercury from ore deposits in the Earth's crust is relatively low, the abundance of these metals is apparently sufficient for future supplies. However, considering the special situation of gold created by its very high price compared to world production, there is anxiety concerning steep increases in the price or depletion of these metals, which have a shorter lifetime from a geochemical point of view.  相似文献   

中国粮食安全脆弱区的识别及空间分异特征   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
殷培红  方修琦 《地理学报》2008,63(10):1064-1072
从粮食获取能力和粮食安全保障阈值的角度, 综合考虑粮食供需平衡、粮食安全储备、 经济补偿能力等因素, 构造综合评价指标-粮食安全保障的财政压力水平, 以粮食安全保障 费用不超过地方财政收入水平的25%作为可接受水平, 共识别出6 个不同类型的粮食安全区。 在没有重大灾害事件发生和现有粮食播种面积不变的前提下, 全国有14.5%的县(市) (1 级和3 级粮食安全区) 能够通过粮食生产或者经济补偿能力保障小康水平的粮食安全。全国29.4% 的县(市) 属于2 级粮食安全区, 其中57%的地区是中国的主要余粮区, 约占全国主要余粮区 中的72%, 因财政收入低、人口密度大, 不能负担庞大的小康水平粮食安全储备费用。中国 粮食安全最脆弱的地区(6 级区) 占全国县(市) 总数的30%, 不具备温饱水平粮食生产能力和 经济补偿能力, 主要包括两类地区: ① 夏季季风区边缘地带的农牧交错带及秦岭地区, 以及 南方贫困的丘陵地区属于“资源型粮食短缺地区”; ② 广西、广东南部以及东部沿海地区等 富裕地区属于“结构性粮食短缺地区”, 过低的粮食自给率已影响到粮食安全应急保障能力。  相似文献   

Classifications of urban settlements have traditionally used total employment data in place of basic (export-oriented) employment data. While urban analysis agree upon the superiority of basic employment data for these classifications, usually only total employment data are available. This paper uses the Arizona Community Data Set, a unique survey-generated body of information that describes the major economic characteristics of numerous Southwestern communities and includes both basic and total employment data, to explore the extent to which misclassification results when using total employment data.  相似文献   

Sequence slotting is an objective numerical method which allows stratigraphic records to be compared and matched. Quantitative core correlation can be easily performed using sequence slotting on many types of paleolimnological and geological data. Dynamic programming algorithms have greatly enhanced the speed with which sequence slotting can be carried out.We have further modified the sequence slotting method to limit or even to prevent the formation of long blocks in the slotted sequences. Such blocking or clumping has previously restricted the application of sequence slotting in many practical situations. We have applied the modified dynamic sequence slotting technique, based on common path length summation of Euclidean distances, to magnetic susceptibility data, to isotopic measurements and to palaeomagnetic directions on the sphere.This is the tenth of a series of papers to be published by this journal that was presented in the paleolimnology sessions organized by R.B. Davis for the XIIth Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), which took place in Ottawa, Canada in August 1987. Dr Davis is serving as guest editor of this series.  相似文献   

卫星遥感是耕地资源调查的一种重要技术手段,利用遥感时间序列数据进行耕地提取具有很强的实践意义。光学遥感成像过程易受光照和大气条件影响,在云雨多发地区所能获取的可用数据十分有限;合成孔径雷达(SAR)能够全天时、全天气进行对地观测,但受斑点噪声影响,少见利用其构建时间序列进行信息提取的研究。本文研究了SAR影像时间序列在耕地提取中的适用性,利用江苏省徐州市2009年12月-2010年12月共11景ENVISAT ASAR 影像构建时间序列,目视选取30个5像元×5像元大小的耕地样区,分别统计样区内(相邻位置)与样区间(不同位置)耕地时域后向散射特征的一致性(变异系数);然后利用欧氏距离法、相关系数法以及动态时间弯曲法(DTW)进行研究区的耕地提取。结果显示:相邻位置耕地像元后向散射特性较为一致,平均变异系数为9.96%;不同位置耕地像元后向散射特性一致性也较好,平均变异系数为15.27%。在所选的3种方法中,相关系数法耕地提取精度最高,正确率与完整率分别为86.25%与80.70%;欧氏距离法精度次之,正确率与完整率分别为76.40%与71.93%;DTW效果较差,正确率和完整率分别为62.15%和77.78%。SAR影像时间序列作为一种新的数据组织形式,可用于耕地的有效提取。  相似文献   

The storage of inorganic carbon in estuarine wetlands is of great significance for mitigating global warming. The Dagu River estuary and Yanghe River estuary of Jiaozhou Bay were selected as sampling areas, and data analysis was carried out by Duncan method to explore the distribution characteristics and influencing factors of soil inorganic carbon (SIC) reserves. The results showed that increasing distance from the estuary led to higher reserves in the mudflat along the coastal zone. The scouring action of seawater bodies was the main factor driving this distribution. In the vertical section, the SIC reserves in 40-60 cm depth were relatively high, accounting for 34.11% of the 0-60 cm soil depth, and resulting from the transport of water and salt in seawater. In the river flat along the vertical coastal zone, the SIC reserves first decreased and then increased with increasing distance from the sea, and the SIC reserves in 0-20 cm depth were relatively high in the vertical section, accounting for 38.18% of the 0-60 cm soil depth. These reserves were affected by synergetic factors such as oceanic factors and anthropogenic activities. The invasion of Spartina alterniflora decreased the SIC reserves of wetlands, mainly due to its root transformation and the differences of growth characteristics and years being the main reasons for the observed decreases. Aquaculture activities changed the physical and chemical properties of the soil in aquaculture ponds, and consequently changed the distribution of SIC reserves.  相似文献   

The study of flood hazard has been a key theme within the spatial analysis of natural hazards. A number of authors have expanded on this tradition by adopting a society‐oriented approach to risk perception. Thus a new framework has become available for exploring social response to risk and describing the relationship between human communities and hazards in terms of contemporary interpretative categories such as social representation and “stigmatization,” the latter defined as the process by which media and social actors mark places affected by disastrous events as dangerous and unsafe sites. This literature has made a vital contribution to the geographical reading of flood hazard, showing how flood risk generates both space‐ and place‐making processes. In this paper I discuss the relationship between these two processes, suggesting that the political response to flood hazard may be viewed as a hetero‐directed strategy that influences place‐making at a local level. I illustrate this perspective using a field research conducted in 2006–2007 on the Po River Basin in Piemonte, an Italian region with high flood risk that has been affected by a series of events in recent decades.  相似文献   

海冰通过其对地面反照率的作用以及对大气和海洋之间热交换的局地障碍和对世界海洋环流的作用在全球热平衡和气候变化中起着重要的作用。南极海冰又因其极为显著的时空变化引起越来越多的关注。海冰的观测是海冰研究的重要内容 ,本文综述了南极海冰观测的发展过程 ,着重介绍了卫星在探测南极海冰方面的重要进展 .  相似文献   

中国主要含砷矿产资源的区域分布与砷污染问题   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
本文分析了我国主要含砷矿资源的区域分布及其开采所带来的环境污染问题。截至2003年底,我国累计探明砷矿资源储量为397.7万t,保有储量279.6万t,其中87.1%的保有储量以共生、伴生砷矿形式存在。砷矿资源分布相对集中于广西、云南、湖南,三省的保有储量占全国保有储量的58.0%;其中广西南丹县和云南个旧市的保有储量最大,分别占全国总保有储量的17.0%和10.2%。我国已经有大量的砷随矿产资源的开采而带至环境中。截至2003年底,全国砷采出量至少高达139.2万t,其中广西、云南、湖南采出量最大,分别达73.3、34.2和15.3万t。在矿产采冶过程中,采出的砷有70%弃留于尾矿中。矿业活动释放的砷已通过土壤及食物链途径威胁到人体健康,尤其是在矿冶活动密集的西南地区问题更加突出。  相似文献   

The concept of the labour reserve is fundamental to the analysis of the historical development and contemporary form of the migrant labour system in southern Africa. Lesotho has for long been thoroughly integrated into this system as an internal supplier of labour and a labour reserve. Decomposition of the labour reserves of southern Africa, particularly since the 1930s, has led to increasing state involvement in programmes of rural rehabilitation. By their very nature such programmes have often proved to be focal points for rural resistance among local peasantries. Post-colonial rural policy in Lesotho and the rural response can be similarly interpreted. The case of rural forestry represents one contemporary rural rehabilitation strategy for the Basotho labour reserve. Peasant apathy and hostility towards the programme and to the structures of domination which precipitated it have been characteristic.  相似文献   

Improved estimates of UK flood risk during a period of increased climatic variability place challenges on existing methods that rely on short instrumental records. This paper examines the value of using historical data (both documentary and epigraphic) to augment existing gauged records for the River Tay at Perth as part of a multi-method approach to assessing flood risk. Single station and pooled methods are compared with flood risk estimates based on an augmented historical series (1815–2000) using the Generalized Logistic and Generalized Pareto distributions. The value of using an even longer, but less reliable, extended historical series (1210–2000) is also examined. It is recommended that modelling flood risk for return periods >100 years should incorporate historical data, where available, and that a multi-method approach using a high threshold Generalized Pareto distribution can also add confidence in flood risk estimates for return periods <100 years based on standard methods.  相似文献   

青藏高原青海湖流域环境与经济协调性评价(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Qinghai Lake Watershed (QLW) is a hot place of a series of ecological restoration and environmental remediation programs nowadays.However,little information is available on change of ecosystem service and economic practice in this area.As ecosystem service and natural capital are closely related with social and economic development,an index of concordance between environment and economy (ICEE) has been proposed to compare the annual variation rate of ecosystem service value (RESV) with that of gross domestic product (RGDP).Using this Index,we have assessed concordance between environment and economy (CEE) for the QLW in the period 1977-2004.The result showed that from 1977 to 2004,the ecosystem service value in the QLW descended from 128.81×10 8 yuan to 127.32×10 8 yuan;In contrast,the GDP increased from 0.931×10 8 yuan to 8.856×10 8 yuan.The values of the I CEE were -1.14,-0.22,and -0.14 in the stages of 1977-1987,1987-2000 and 2000-2004,respectively.The result indicated that during the first stage 1977-1987,the relationship between environment and economy in the QLW was not concordant but at a high conflict;from 1987 to 2004,there was a low conflict between environment and economy,and the CEE appeared to increase slowly.Analysis of the assessment results showed that the national policies and industrial adjustment practice play an important role in the CEE changes.  相似文献   

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