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We present the results from a 28-day IUE time-series campaign monitoring the stellar wind of the O5-type giant HD 93843. The principal aim was to study variability in the wind of a star with a normal projected rotation velocity. Systematic changes are identified, amidst continuous line-profile variability, in the absorption troughs of the Si  iv and N  v resonance lines. The patterns observed have characteristic time-scales of several days and are mimicked by fluctuations (of several 100 km s−1) in the blue wings of the saturated C  iv P Cygni profile.   Fourier analysis provides support for the repeatability of wind structures in HD 93843 on a 7.1-d 'period'. Power at this frequency is evident only at intermediate and high velocities (i.e., above ∼0.3 of the terminal velocity). The long modulation time-scale suggests that changes in the star itself probably provide the physical source for triggering the onset of wind structure. Unfortunately the rotational, photometric, pulsational and magnetic properties of HD 93843 are too poorly constrained or known to permit a more detailed interpretation of the 7.1-d wind modulation in terms of potential inhomogeneities at the stellar surface. Nevertheless, our study demonstrates that the incidence of cyclic, possibly regular, stellar-wind variability is not restricted to rapid rotators. Comparisons with other OB stars which have exhibited repetitive wind changes on 'periods' of several days suggest that the time-dependent UV properties of HD 93843 are more akin to those of the O4-type supergiant ζ Puppis.  相似文献   

We present a new optical spectroscopic study of the O-type binary HD 165052 based on high- and intermediate-resolution CCD observations. We re-investigated the spectral classification of the binary components, obtaining spectral types of O6.5 V and O7.5 V for the primary and secondary, respectively, finding that both stars display weak C  iii λ 5696 emission in their spectra. We also determined a radial-velocity orbit for HD 165052 with a period of  2.95510±0.00001 d  , and semi-amplitudes of 94.8 and  104.7±0.5 km s-1  , resulting in a mass ratio   Q =0.9  . From a comparison with previous radial-velocity determinations, we found evidence of apsidal motion in the system. Several signatures of wind–wind collision, such as phase-locked variability of the X-ray flux and the Struve–Sahade effect, are also considered. It was also found that the reddening in the region should be normal, in contrast with previous determinations.  相似文献   

We report on the presence of substantial, low-velocity stellar wind structure in the extreme O supergiant HD 152408, based on optical spectroscopic time-series observations. Systematic variations in the form of migrating optical depth enhancements occur in the absorption trough of the He I 5876 P Cygni profile. These variations start deep in the stellar wind, slowly accelerate bluewards to 0.5v over 1–2 days, and recur at intervals of about 1 day. Sympathetic variations are apparent in the Balmer emission lines. The observations provide constraints on the stability of the low-velocity stellar wind regime, and indicate the presence of large-amplitude perturbations at great depths in the outflow.  相似文献   

A new high-quality set of orbital parameters for the O-type spectroscopic binary HD 93205 has been obtained combining échelle and coudé CCD observations. The radial velocity orbits derived from the He  ii λ 4686 Å (primary component) and He  i λ 4471 Å (secondary component) absorption lines yield semi-amplitudes of 133±2 and 314±2 km s−1 for each binary component, resulting in minimum masses of 31 and 13 M ( q =0.42) . We also confirm for the binary components the spectral classification of O3 V+ O8 V previously assigned. Assuming for the O8 V component a 'normal' mass of 22–25 M we would derive for the primary O3 V a mass of 'only' 52–60 M and an inclination of about 55° for the orbital plane. We have also determined for the first time a period of apsidal motion for this system, namely 185±16 yr using all available radial velocity data sets of HD 93205 (from 1975 to 1999). Phase-locked variations of the X-ray emission of HD 93205 consisting of a rise of the observed X-ray flux near periastron passage are also discussed.  相似文献   

X-ray line-profile analysis has proved to be the most direct diagnostic of the kinematics and spatial distribution of the very hot plasma around O stars. The Doppler-broadened line profiles provide information about the velocity distribution of the hot plasma, while the wavelength-dependent attenuation across a line profile provides information about the absorption to the hot plasma, thus providing a strong constraint on its physical location. In this paper, we apply several analysis techniques to the emission lines in the Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (HETGS) spectrum of the late-O supergiant ζ Ori (O9.7 Ib), including the fitting of a simple line-profile model. We show that there is distinct evidence for blueshifts and profile asymmetry, as well as broadening in the X-ray emission lines of ζ Ori. These are the observational hallmarks of a wind-shock X-ray source, and the results for ζ Ori are very similar to those for the earlier O star, ζ Pup, which we have previously shown to be well fit by the same wind-shock line-profile model. The more subtle effects on the line-profile morphologies in ζ Ori, as compared to ζ Pup, are consistent with the somewhat lower density wind in this later O supergiant. In both stars, the wind optical depths required to explain the mildly asymmetric X-ray line profiles imply reductions in the effective opacity of nearly an order of magnitude, which may be explained by some combination of mass-loss rate reduction and large-scale clumping, with its associated porosity-based effects on radiation transfer. In the context of the recent reanalysis of the helium-like line intensity ratios in both ζ Ori and ζ Pup, and also in light of recent work questioning the published mass-loss rates in OB stars, these new results indicate that the X-ray emission from ζ Ori can be understood within the framework of the standard wind-shock scenario for hot stars.  相似文献   

The evolved star HD 179821 continues to be the subject of much debate as to whether it is a nearby     post-asymptotic giant branch (post-AGB) star or a distant     high initial mass     post-red supergiant. We have mapped the OH maser emission around HD 179821 in the 1612- and 1667-MHz lines with the MERLIN interferometer array at a resolution of 0.4 arcsec and 0.35 km s−1. The OH emission lies in a thick shell with inner and outer radii of 1.3 and         and expansion velocity of 30 km s−1. Although we find some evidence for acceleration and for deviations from spherical symmetry, the bulk of the maser emission is consistent with a constant-velocity spherical shell. The extent of the shell agrees with H2O and OH dissociation models and supports a distance estimate of 6 kpc. However, the shell is incomplete and appears to have been disrupted by more recent collimated outflow activity within the last 1500 yr. We suggest that this activity is also responsible for the active envelope chemistry (in particular the presence of HCO+) and for the apparent offset of the star from the centre of the shell. The luminous yellow hypergiant star IRC +10420 also shows signs of recent outflows, and HD 179821 may be at a similar, perhaps slightly earlier, phase of evolution. We suggest that the SiO thermal emission arises from the same detached envelope as the OH maser emission as in IRC +10420. If so then this would strengthen the connection between these two stars and probably rule out a post-AGB status for HD 179821.  相似文献   

High-resolution spectral data of the Fe  II 5318 Å line in the γ Doradus star HD 164615 are presented. These show systematic changes in the spectral lineshapes with the photometric period of 0.8133 d which are modelled using either non-radial pulsations or cool star-spots. The non-radial modes that can fit the lineshape changes have m degree of 2–4. However, only the m = 2 mode seems to be consistent with the amplitude of the radial velocity variations measured for this star. The star-spot model, although it can qualitatively fit the lineshape changes, is excluded as a possible hypothesis on the basis of (1) poorer fits to the observed spectral line profiles, (2) an inability to account for the large changes in the spectral linewidth as a function of phase, (3) a predicted radial velocity curve that looks qualitatively different from the observed one, and (4) a predicted photometric curve that is a factor of 5 larger than the observed light curve (and with the wrong qualitative shape). Finally, a 'Doppler image' (assuming cool spots) derived from a sequence of synthetic line profiles having non-radial pulsations results in an image that is almost identical to the Doppler image derived for HD 164615. These results provide strong evidence that non-radial pulsations are indeed the explanation for the variability of HD 164615 as well as the other γ Dor variables.  相似文献   

The star HD 6628, heretofore classified as a G5 subgiant, is shown to be a chromospherically active single-lined spectroscopic binary with a period of 27.332±0.008 d. From high-resolution spectra, the system is found to consist of a late F-type dwarf and an active G8–K1 bright subgiant, the latter having a rotation period of not more than 14.8±3.8 d derived from the width of metal lines. Further stellar and orbital parameters are derived and presented.  相似文献   

The orbital elements of HD 54901, HD 120544 and HD 123280, three nearby F‐type spectroscopic binaries, are presented. They are based on observations made between 1982 and 2004 with the CORAVEL instrument of Observatoire de Haute‐Provence. Physical parameters are derived for the two components of HD 54901 (SB2) and for the primaries of HD 120544 and HD 123280. The rotation‐revolution synchronism of the detected components is investigated. Pseudosynchronism is very likely achieved by the F7 V secondary component of HD 54901, whereas the F2/3 IV primary has not yet reached this stage. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) absolute and differential abundances are presented for a peculiar metal-rich B-type star, HD 135485. These suggest that HD 135485 has a general enrichment of ∼0.5 dex in all the metals observed (C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar, Sc, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe and Sr), except for nickel. The helium enhancement and hence hydrogen deficiency can account for ≤ 0.2 dex of this enhancement of metals, with the additional enhancement probably being representative of the progenitor gas. However, some of the metals appear to have greater enhancements, which may have occurred during the star's evolution. The significantly larger nitrogen abundance coupled with a modest helium enhancement observed in HD 135485 indicates that carbon–nitrogen (CN) processed material has possibly contaminated the stellar surface. Neon and carbon enhancements may indicate that helium core flashes have also occurred in HD 135485. Some of the iron-group elements (viz. Mn and Ni) appear to have similar abundance patterns to that of silicon Ap stars, but it is uncertain how these abundance patterns formed if they were not present in the progenitor gas. From a kinematical investigation it is unclear whether this star formed in a metal-rich region as implied by its chemical composition. From its position in the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram, HD 135485 would appear to be an evolved star lying close to or on the horizontal branch.  相似文献   

Our recent search for the presence of a magnetic field in the bright early A‐type supergiant HD 92207 using FORS 2 in spectropolarimetric mode revealed the presence of a longitudinal magnetic field of the order of a few hundred Gauss. However, the definite confirmation of the magnetic nature of this object remained pending due to the detection of shortterm spectral variability probably affecting the position of line profiles in left‐ and right‐hand polarized spectra. We present new magnetic field measurements of HD 92207 obtained on three different epochs in 2013 and 2014 using FORS 2 in spectropolarimetric mode. A 3σ detection of the mean longitudinal magnetic field using the entire spectrum, 〈Bzall = 104 ± 34 G, was achieved in observations obtained in 2014 January. At this epoch, the position of the spectral lines appeared stable. Our analysis of spectral line shapes recorded in opposite circularly polarized light, i.e. in light with opposite sense of rotation, reveals that line profiles in the light polarized in a certain direction appear slightly split. The mechanism causing such a behaviour in the circularly polarized light is currently unknown. Trying to settle the issue of short‐term variability, we searched for changes in the spectral line profiles on a time scale of 8–10 min using HARPS polarimetric spectra and on a time scale of 3–4 min using time series obtained with the CORALIE spectrograph. No significant variability was detected on these time scales during the epochs studied. (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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